Poor ecology does not contribute to health. Hidden threat: the disease of bad ecology! Causes of poor ecology

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It is common to complain that all illnesses are caused by nerves. This is not entirely true. Recently, scientists have proven that every fourth disease in the world is caused by problems with the environmental situation. Residents of megacities suffer especially. For example, in Moscow, about 75% of the population lives in unfavorable environmental conditions.

Why is dirty air dangerous?

An international study covering 12 countries that examined the impact of the environment on human health was recently completed. It turned out that climate pollution cause of death of 19 thousand inhabitants Europe annually. But in Russia everything is even worse: more than half of the residents of our cities are in areas exposed to harmful environmental factors. In Moscow there are 75% of them. This is especially dangerous for people with:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • allergic reactions.

For example, due to unfavorable environmental conditions the incidence of asthma among Moscow children has increased by 30% in recent years.

According to the World Health Organization, among all environmental factors, the main health risk is associated with air pollution. " This is especially dangerous for children, because their immunity decreases and chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi develop early. Pathologies caused by genetics are also “triggered”, says the professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases of the 1st Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov Igor Volkov. - If the O2 content in the air is reduced, the brain begins to experience oxygen starvation. If this happens regularly, it can cause mental development delays in children and memory impairment in adults. The most dangerous thing is the “volley"emissions from industrial enterprises, increased concentrations of automobile exhaust during peak hours, especially in combination with adverse weather conditions."

Save yourself as best you can

According to the capital's doctors, the least unfavorable ecology is for people 20-39 years old. Most of all - for children aged 3 to 6 years and elderly over 60 years old. If you live in an environmentally disadvantaged area, your risk of asthma is up to a third higher. Besides, the risk of developing or worsening the course of allergic reactions and cancer increases.

It has also been proven that people living in contaminated areas suffer from viral diseases more often and more severely. Well, smog (many remember the terrible summer of 2010) affects the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and leads to an increase in the frequency and severity of bronchopulmonary diseases. Therefore, doctors recommend taking care of the prevention of acute respiratory infections in the summer by taking antiviral medications, eating enough vitamin C (lemon, pepper, herbs, etc.) and honey.

What to do to avoid harmful environmental influences:

  • A wet curtain will help reduce the impact of polluted air in the apartment
  • try not to walk along the roads: stay at least 5 meters away from them
  • If you have asthma, carry anti-inflammatories and bronchodilators with you
  • indoor flowers will help to maintain clean air at home; indoor flowers will be very useful
  • use air conditioners with good filters and air purifiers
  • constantly ventilate the apartment (the level of pollution inside residential premises is 1.5-4 times higher than on the dirtiest street in Moscow)
  • use water filters

Well, in the best case scenario, live outside the Moscow Ring Road!

What are diseases caused by environmental pollution?

Chemicals, fumes, allergens and other harmful substances are always present in the environment and can sometimes cause illness. Perhaps you've already experienced unreasonable weekend headaches, or experienced nausea and rashes after moving into a new home. These symptoms can be caused by toxins found in the home, workplace, and public places. For example:

    Headaches may occur due to the effects of carbon monoxide, which comes from a faulty stove. When using the fireplace, a backdraft of gas may be created, which can also cause headaches. Troubleshooting will save you a lot of headaches.

    Building materials (insulation, particle board, carpet adhesive) can release formaldehyde, which can cause nausea and rashes. Also, the paper used to cover the surface of dry plaster creates favorable conditions for the development of mold, contact with which can cause respiratory problems, allergy symptoms, and provoke asthma attacks.

Both you and your doctor may not be aware of the causes of your illness or may confuse them with other problems. Environmental exposure can cause many medical problems. An objective assessment of the environment in which you work, live and spend your leisure time can help identify the causes of many diseases.


Short or long-term exposure to harmful chemicals, allergens, airborne emissions and other toxins can cause illness. It is known that the chemicals found in cigarettes can cause cancer. Asbestos, an insulating material used in older buildings, can cause swelling of the chest and abdominal tissue, lung cancer and other diseases. Using a wood stove or gas stove with poor ventilation can cause respiratory problems. Drinking water from a rural well, which is contaminated with pesticides and waste from a nearby factory, can cause cancer and neurological diseases. Inhaling mold spores found in building materials can cause respiratory problems or worsen asthma. Exposure to certain chemicals in the workplace can cause sterility, especially in men.

But, as a rule, people do not know that such contact affects health. The types and quantities of chemicals to which the body is exposed are also unknown, especially if symptoms of the disease take years to appear. For example, cancer often has a latent form that can last for decades before symptoms appear.


Symptoms depend on the causes of the disease. The main symptoms are headache, cough, fatigue and nausea. In some cases, signs of the disease do not appear for many years until the disease progresses. On the other hand, contact can cause a severe allergic reaction, just as contact with household mites, cockroaches, pollen and pets causes an asthma attack. Or symptoms may appear gradually and become more severe some time after exposure.

For some people, being indoors with poor air quality can cause headaches, coughing, drowsiness, fatigue and nausea. These symptoms can be explained by poor ventilation and exposure to cleaning product fumes and cigarette smoke. New homes or carpeting can release formaldehyde, which is known to cause symptoms such as nausea, respiratory problems, dry or inflamed skin, and eye irritation. There may be bacteria, mold or viruses in the home that settle on heating and ventilation systems, carpets, roofing and insulation materials, which can cause fever, chills, pain, cough and other respiratory illnesses. Symptoms of diseases caused by environmental pollution are very difficult to identify and can be confused with other diseases. If you think toxins may be causing your health problems, discuss the issue with your doctor.

A doctor will not be able to determine that the disease is caused by toxins until symptoms appear in a specific place at a specific time. A detective can help, but a doctor is needed to make a diagnosis. For example, if you monitor your symptoms, you may notice that you feel sluggish and inactive during the work week rather than on weekends or holidays. Your illness may be due to poor indoor air quality, often called “sick house syndrome.” Symptoms may disappear as soon as you leave the environment that is causing the weakness, such as a newly renovated room or office. But until you discuss all the symptoms with your doctor, he will not be able to find out the cause.

The presence of salt stains (white, powdery or crystalline substances that appear on the surface of concrete, plastic or masonry) on the walls of your home or work place indicates the accumulation of mold or moisture, which can cause mildew. Another effective way to detect mold is through air sampling, which can be done by professionals.

Very often, figuring out the mysterious causes of a disease is not so easy. Serious illnesses can be caused by events that happened decades ago. Perhaps you have lived close to a hazardous waste site in the past, or perhaps your job involved renovating old homes and you inhaled asbestos fibers. Before visiting a doctor, remember your past, types of work, places of residence and activities.


A doctor can determine diseases caused by environmental pollution only after studying the patient’s history, which includes a whole series of questions about place of residence, work, habits, activities, lifestyle, family and other areas. Answering these questions will help you identify chemicals or other harmful substances that have ever affected your body and decide whether you need specific tests.

The main method of treating diseases caused by environmental pollution is to avoid or limit contact with the substance that causes the disease. For example, the best way to improve air quality is to eliminate the cause of air pollution. You can adjust the gas stove and reduce gas emissions or replace it with an electric one. You can also increase the amount of fresh air indoors by changing your air conditioner filters and adjusting your kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans. Gas boilers should be placed away from residential areas or even in the garage.

One of the first steps to purify the air in the house is a smoking ban; if there are smokers in the house or living in it, they should smoke outside.

The next steps in treatment depend on the symptoms, causes and organ affected.

When treating diseases caused by mold spores, limit contact with this fungus. Keeping the room dry will prevent mold from growing. Air humidity should be below 50%. It is very important to limit exposure to mold in the home, work and school, although this is not easy to achieve. Fungus in the room must be removed by specialists, and you or your children should not be in the room until this procedure is completed.

In October 2015, the newspaper "Istok", published by the Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the All-Russian Organization "Russian Geographical Society", published an article

"Invisible ecology leads to oncology."

"To reduce disease riskoncology, specifica person needs, first of all, to get rid of the causes that give rise to it, or rather, from located along next door sources of harm.However, eliminategeopathogenic zones or get rid of electromagnetic radiationimpossible. These are physical radiations, they act always and independently of will and consciousness person, therefore Neither prayers nor mantras can eliminate them. As a chemist, I can say that this is eliminated similar. That's why every adultI just have to protect myself and their loved ones from harmful exposure to ILI and EMR, i.e. take care of the environment safety both at home and at work."

Full text of the article

"Invisible ecology" leads to oncology

“Invisible ecology” leads to oncology

According to the latest information from the chief pediatric oncologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation A. Polyakov (RIANovosti dated January 28, 2015), “the number of children with cancer has increased by 20% over the past 30 years. A similar trend is observed among the adult population.” He attributed this statistical fact to "the influence ECOLOGY, including during the perinatal period." It should be noted that such an increase in oncological diseases occurs during a period of fantastic development of medicine and huge financial investments in the field of healthcare. What's the matter? Let's try to figure out what kind of ecology is so harmful to our health.

By “harmful” ecology, for some reason we only mean pollution of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil on which food is grown with harmful chemicals. But we really cope well with these environmental problems ourselves: we create comfortable conditions with the help of air purifiers and humidifiers, purchase powerful filters for effective water purification, and harvest environmentally friendly crops from our garden plots. This is why people think that problems with “harmful” ecology are being successfully resolved. What does the influence of ecology have to do with the growth of oncology?

Since we were not taught the basics of ECOLOGY either at school or at the institute, I would like to remind you that in the existing Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” (Article 16) “types of negative impact on the environment include: environmental pollution by noise, heat, electromagnetic, ionizing and other types of physical influences».

According to the World Health Organization, “humanity today is dying from four chronic diseases.” Scientists have found that the main cause of chronic diseases is not in the physical body of a person, with which doctors work professionally, but beyond it - in the environment, or more precisely in invisible environmental factors. They invisibly influence the invisible part of our body - the biofield, taking ENERGY from it. This is invisible only to the human eye; modern devices (for example, GDV-compact) can see everything clearly. A person, unfortunately, only feels the consequences of the long-term effects of the invisible ecology, and only when it is already too late - oncology. For example, after research at the Omsk Oncology Center, scientists found that all subjects - 54 people diagnosed with oncology - slept for more than four years in geopathogenic zones. Scientists warn health care workers that “all the doctor’s efforts may be useless if the patient every time returns to his sleeping or working place, which is located in a geopathogenic zone.”

Today, the topic of the harmful effects of geopathogenic zones on human health has been well studied, many scientific studies have been conducted, doctoral dissertations have been written, for example, E.B. Khlebtsova, “Ecological aspects of the impact of geopathogenic zones on the functional systems of the body,” Astrakhan, 2007.

GPZ is a planetary environmental factor that has always existed, so why has humanity begun to suffer greatly from them in recent decades? The answer is clear - against the background of ILI, a new invisible environmental factor has appeared, which greatly increases the harmful effects of ILI on humans.

This is electromagnetic radiation (EMR). We know that electromagnetic smog of a man-made nature has surrounded our entire planet, from which all people on the planet suffer equally. Think about it: c Today, thanks to electromagnetic radiation, anyone anywhere in the world can call or receive information from anywhere in the world. A person pays for this by losing his energy, and therefore his health. Chronic fatigue syndrome has swept the entire civilized world. Constant loss of energy, and as a result, chronic fatigue leads to serious chronic diseases that are difficult to treat.

EMR from nearby electrical appliances, the number of which has increased greatly in recent decades and will continue to grow, causes even greater harm to health. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, classifies electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies (generators of such fields - radios, televisions, cell phones, microwave ovens, Wi-Fi -routes) to class 2B carcinogens. Scientists warn that “babies and fetuses receive more microwave radiation because their bodies are smaller, their skulls are thinner, and their brain tissue is better able to transmit it.” Hence the serious oncological diseases in children.

To reduce the risk of cancer, a specific person must first get rid of the causes that give rise to it, or rather, from nearby sources of harm. However, it is impossible to eliminate geopathogenic zones or get rid of EMR. These are physical radiations, they act always and independently of the will and consciousness of a person, therefore neither prayers nor mantras can eliminate them. As a chemist, I can say that like is eliminated by like. Therefore, every adult is simply obliged to protect himself and his loved ones from the harmful effects of ILI and EMR, i.e. take care of environmental safety both at home and at work. You can find out more complete information on this topic at the lectures of the public organization “Ecology of Life” (Sovetskaya St., 3, office 307), which are held on the first Thursday of every month at 12 and 17 o’clock (registration by phone: 89041488566).

Increasing environmental literacy of the population is the main task of the public organization “Ecologies of Life” http://www.site/. Ignorance of the laws of nature does not relieve adults of responsibility for the health of their family. Anyone who does not want to recognize invisible harmful environmental factors, let him remember - “Truth does not suffer at all from the fact that someone does not recognize it” F. Schiller).

However, if you are forewarned, you are forearmed!

The health of your family directly depends on the environmental safety of your home, dear adults!

Knowing about this, remaining silent and doing nothing is a crime!

V.I. Sorkina - head of the Irkutsk regional public environmental organization "Ecology of Life", Candidate of Chemical Sciences, tel.8-9041488566

More than half of Samara residents rated the environmental situation in the city as unfavorable. Doctors and environmentalists agree that the state of the environment in the region is deteriorating every day and directly affects the health of residents. Exhaust gases from thousands of cars, tons of industrial dust and high levels of carbon dioxide are what an ordinary city dweller inhales.

Poor ecology and human health have been a hot topic for the last hundred years, from the moment human activity began to actively influence nature. According to WHO, environmental factors form up to 25% of human pathologies. The environmental situation directly affects life expectancy and human health. According to experts, human functional reserves are tested every day for endurance.

In Russia in general and in Samara in particular, the most common “environmental” ailment has become asthma caused by high levels of chemicals in the air, as well as immune depression caused by poisoning with heavy metals and dioxides, and chronic fatigue syndrome. As noted pulmonologist Alexey Zaturin, polluted air mostly affects the respiratory tract, causing bronchitis, emphysema, asthma: “Irritants include sulfur oxide, nitrogenous vapors, hydrogen chloride, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrogen sulfide, phosphorus and its compounds. Dust containing silicon oxides causes a severe pulmonary disease - silicosis (a lung disease caused by prolonged inhalation of dust. - Note ed. ). Research conducted recently in the UK has shown a very strong connection between air pollution and mortality from bronchitis. Signs and consequences of air pollutants on the human body manifest themselves mostly in a deterioration in general health: headaches, nausea, a feeling of weakness, decreased or lost ability to work.”

Samara sociologists conducted research, as a result of which they found out the attitude of the region's residents to environmental problems in the region. 51% of respondents assessed the environmental situation as unfavorable. Only a quarter of Samara residents (24%) believe that the environment is to some extent favorable.

However, according to the results of laboratory studies conducted by the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Samara Region, in 2013, exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations was recorded in 0.46% of air samples, which is lower than the figures for 2012 in the Samara Region (0.69%), and in Russia as a whole – 1.33%. The bulk of unsatisfactory samples were found in large cities in the region. Among the pollutants whose concentration was exceeded are hydroxybenzene, hydrofluoride, aliphatic saturated hydrocarbons, and suspended substances.

As scientists have established, about 10% of harmful substances enter the air atmosphere due to natural phenomena. 90% of air pollutants are industrial products. Their main sources are emissions and smoke from fuel combustion at power plants, exhaust gases from cars, numerous open storage areas for solid waste (MSW), as well as so-called mixed sources. Harmful substances that enter the atmosphere are carried over long distances, after which they fall to the ground in the form of solid particles and chemical compounds that are dissolved in precipitation.

The fragile bodies of young children are especially susceptible to the effects of an unfavorable environment. As noted pediatric pulmonologist Anastasia Zakharyeva, according to research, small particles of dirt from street exhaust and burning heating oil can cause wheezing and coughing and even asthma in children under two years of age. “The genetic factor also plays a significant role in the development of bronchial asthma. The risk increases in children who are often ill or who are bottle-fed. Allergic diseases, including asthma, are more common in children living in overly sterile conditions – hyperhygiene leads to allergies,” says the doctor.

Environmental diseases are turning into human diseases, confirmed neurologist Vladimir Gutorov: “Ecology has become a worldwide problem, a headache for all of humanity. It's no secret that asthma and many diseases of the cardiovascular and immune systems have their origins in environmental pollution. How to protect yourself from bad ecology? My advice is to leave the city more often for clean air, at least for a few hours on weekends, and spend your vacation in nature.”

According to WHO, every 10 years the number of patients with bronchial asthma in the world increases by one and a half times. Over the past 50–60 years, humanity has radically changed its way of life - people live surrounded by synthetic materials, buy products with dyes and preservatives, and breathe air polluted by exhaust fumes. Nature has programmed the human body for completely different living conditions, and the price for such a reboot is a powerful surge in allergic diseases and bronchial asthma.