It became clear that there were difficulties every year. Public Speaking and Business Communication - About

17. Correct the expressions: more beautiful; more lighter; more better.

Task III. Edit phrases; explain the error in the construction of the sentence.

1. The meeting was held with great interest.

2. I noticed a characteristic error.

3. I would like you to pay attention to our organization as soon as possible.

4. He tried to warn the director about the wrong step.

5. A representative from the plant was also present at the meeting.

6. Having processed this data, the full picture of the state of affairs became clear.

7. My opinion of him as a person is not bad.

9. The issue of resources was on the agenda.

10. While going up the stairs, a strange announcement caught my eye.

11. I'm tired of wasting my nerves on this question.

12. I understood what hint they gave me.

13. We have the cheapest prices for goods.

14. I don't want to escalate the situation.

15. Many have succumbed to the trick of apartments, jobs, and dachas.

16. The information provided in the latest statistical report suggests that the problem has not yet been solved.

17. Nikolai was waiting for me in the corridor.

18. I have repeatedly noted that it is necessary to follow the instructions.

19. All this affects work.

20. Let me raise this toast to our successes.

Task IV. Work on accuracy and expressiveness of speech.

1. Come up with phrases with the words: patience, patience, tolerance, tolerance.

2. Find synonyms for the word said.

3. Find synonyms for the word walked.

4. Come up with phrases with the words: eat, eat, eat, eat.

5. Explain the meaning of popular expressions: apple of discord, Sisyphean labor, Gordian knot, Augean stables.

6. Explain the meaning of phraseological units: play the first violin, stew in your own juice, remove the shavings, through a tree stump, speak with your teeth, lead by the nose, put it on the map.

7. Correct sentences and explain mistakes: Everyone demanded to lift the curtain.

He won’t open the bike anyway, he picks up half a word on the fly.

Practical exercises

Practical exercises

He promised to remove seven skins from him. All this went into our sweat and blood. It's still in the clouds. The other end of the stick is...

8. Edit:

I remember what pigsties we built!

He had an alternative: stay in the village or return to the city.

I can't eat this porridge in full.

And in the evening, when the whole sky is dotted with stars, we will again trample to the sea.

9. Continue the phrases: It has become clear that there will be difficulties every day... We hope that by the end of the year the level of production will begin... My concern., every day. The area of ​​saline soils... every year (increase, increase, rise, intensify).

10. Find clericalisms in an excerpt from a parody of a literary article: “... no less important is the old woman’s reaction to the old man’s message to her about his non-use of the fish, the old woman’s use of a number of vulgarisms directed at the old man and forcing him to a repeated meeting with the fish, dedicated to the issue of the old trough” (from the book by K. Chukovsky “Alive, like life”).

11. Express the thought without bureaucratic language: “Every effort should be made to eliminate the negative consequences of this phenomenon.”

12. “Translate” the scientific phrase: “To create a positive mood, we can recommend such a well-known remedy as a smile.”

13. Mark clericalisms, express thoughts in a conversational style:

There is still a big question regarding the application of this method. Acid rain is extremely damaging to green spaces. To speed up your decision making, I suggest taking a break. Urgent measures need to be taken to ensure energy savings.

14. Is it appropriate to use phraseological units in this sentence: “What we have planned, I am sure, will make a splash on our competitors?” How best to express this idea?

15. What did the speaker want to say: “Disabled people and pensioners exist in our country in a rigid form?”

16. How best to express this thought: “You can start creating a child only in a good mood, realizing the full responsibility for this matter” (from a book about self-education)?

Task I

Use the "Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language."

Task II

2. (I, you, he) understood (she) understood

(it) understood

3. (I, you, he) began (she) began (it) began

4. (I, you, he) accepted (she) accepted (it) accepted

5. (I) want (you) want

(he, she, it) wants

(we, you, they) understood

(we, you, they) started

(we, you, they) accepted

(we) want (you) want (they) want

6. So much, put on glasses, ridicule.

Practical exercises

Practical exercises

7. These expressions contain unnecessary words: crime means a crime, vacancy means a free place, price list means a collection of prices, souvenir means something that is given as a keepsake, prospects means something that is in the future, etc.

8. Every minute; they only retreat back; in December; can only be viewed for the first time; bequeath; in summer; in the end; delusion.

9. Love for the homeland, head of the club, thank you.

10. Laugh at him, come to the point, better than anyone.

11. Talking about life is Gavarits pra zhytstsyo, walking on the roads is hadzh pa darogov, Tolya and I are Tolyam.

12. Gold medal, big dog, delicious apple.

13. Elections elections elections elections elections about elections





within our means

14. One hundred and twenty-seven people one hundred and twenty-seven people one hundred and twenty-seven people one hundred and twenty-seven people one hundred and twenty-seven people about one hundred and twenty-seven people

Eighth of March eighth of March eighth of March eighth of March eighth of March o eighth of March

15. How many rubles how many rubles how many rubles how many rubles how many rubles about how many rubles

How many children how many children how many children how many children how many children about how many children

16. Use the “Dictionary of Foreign Words”

17. More beautiful, lighter, better.

Task III

1. The meeting aroused great interest.

2. I noticed a characteristic error.

3. I would like you to quickly pay attention to our organization.

4. He tried to warn the director from taking a wrong step.

5. A representative of the plant was also present at the meeting.

6. Having processed this data, we found out the complete picture of the state of affairs.

7. My opinion of him as a person is not bad.

9. The issue of resources was included on the agenda.

10. When I was going up the stairs, a strange announcement caught my eye.

11. I'm tired of wasting my health on this question.

12. I understood what hint they gave me.

13. We have the lowest cost of goods.

14. I don't want to escalate the atmosphere. Or: I don’t want to make things worse.

Practical exercises

Practical exercises

15. For many, apartments, prestigious jobs, and dachas have become a lure.

16. The information provided in the latest statistical report suggests that the problem has not yet been resolved.

17. Nikolai was waiting for me in the corridor.

18. I have repeatedly noted that it is necessary to follow the instructions.

19. All this affects work.

20. Let me raise a glass to our successes. Allow me to make a toast in honor of our successes.

Task IV

1-6. Use the “Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language”, “Training dictionary of the most commonly used phraseological units of the modern Russian language” by A.F. Kalashnikova.

7. Everyone demanded to lift the veil. He won't reinvent the wheel anyway. He grasps everything at a glance.

He promised to skin him (or remove the shavings). All this went into blood and flesh. For now, this is all unclear and uncertain; There is an expression “having your head in the clouds” (dreaming). But it's a double-edged sword...

8. I remember what pigsties we built!

He faced a choice: stay in the village or return to the city.

I can't eat all this porridge.

And in the evening, when the whole sky is dotted with stars, we will again reach out to the sea.

9. It became clear that difficulties would increase every year.

We hope that by the end of the year production levels will begin to increase.

My anxiety is getting worse every day. The area of ​​saline soils increases every year.

11. We will try our best to correct the situation.

12. To improve your mood, smile.

13. We need to think about whether this method is worth using.

Acid rain destroys plants. So that we can make a decision quickly, I suggest taking a break.

Let's think about how we can save energy.

14. Oh, how worried our competitors will be when they find out what we are up to!

15. It’s not easy for people with disabilities and pensioners to live here.

16. You need to conceive a child in a good mood, understanding the responsibility of this step.

To Chapter 5 “Preparing for a speech-monologue”

Task I. Study using specific examples of the communication system: Topic - Audience - Purpose - Main idea - Advertising name.

1. Determine the purpose and main idea of ​​the conversation on the following topics:

“Organization of working time is a necessary means of increasing labor productivity”:

a) in a student group;

b) with businessmen.

“The educational institution I graduated from”:

a) a story in a youth company;

b) conversation with the director of the company where you want to work.

2. Justify the choice of topic, purpose and main idea of ​​your future performance in the group.

3. Discussion of the final plan for the presentation in accordance with the logic of the topic and the interestingness of the presentation.

Task II. Comment on the use of numbers in newspaper publications suggested by the teacher.

Task Sh. The teacher asks students to write down several sayings of great people. Gives homework assignments for working with them: free retelling, value judgments, creative development of thoughts. Then the completion of the tasks is discussed.

To Chapter 6 “Secrets of Successful Performance”

Task I. Training the ability to greet the audience.

The purpose of the task is to learn how to make an initial pause and greet the audience so that the intonation expresses the joy of the meeting.

Students take turns going out to the audience and greeting those gathered with a gesture.

The teacher makes sure that the speaker’s gait is confident and his head is raised. You need to stop in a place where all those gathered are clearly visible, and the speaker is clearly visible to everyone. You should start greeting only after the initial pause, “gathering” everyone with your gaze. The gesture should be broad, helping to consistently cover all those gathered with your gaze.

During the second exit after the initial pause, you need to say: “Glad to see you.” You can help yourself with a gesture.

The teacher makes sure that there is eye contact with everyone, and the intonation of the greeting corresponds to the meaning of the words.

Students are invited to take turns to come out to the audience for the third time and greet everyone with the word “Hello!” with different intonation expressing:

a) indifference;

b) edification, severity;

c) the joy of meeting.

The task is considered completed if the speaker walked out with a confident gait, the initial pause was maintained, the greeting sounded joyful from meeting the audience, and the speaker’s gaze embraced all the listeners.

Practical exercises

Practical exercises

Task II. Training the ability to start a performance.

After the greeting, you need to say one or two phrases. This could be a compliment to those gathered, a question to the audience, an appeal to those feelings that are currently bothering people.

Task III. Whose entry option is better?

The task is given to the whole group. It is necessary to offer introduction options (beginning and introduction to the topic), which a famous businessman could use if he were asked to conduct conversations on the topics:

1. How to organize your day.

2. How to succeed in business. It is proposed to “perform” in front of

a) tired students at the end of classes;

b) employees of a company whose business success leaves much to be desired.

The purpose of the task is to try to establish emotional contact with this category of listeners, skillfully leading to the topic of the speech.

Entry options are discussed, the best are noted.

Task IV. Training the ability to start and finish a performance.

Students are given cards with the names of the topics. They need to provide an introduction and conclusion to these topics (improvisation). Examples of topics:

1. Create yourself.

2. Friendship helps you live.

3. Take care of love.

4. How to live without getting old.

5. Reserves of the human psyche.

6. How to learn to control yourself.

7. The cosmic future of humanity.

8. Only mountains can be better than mountains.

9. The sea is a world of beauty and wonders.

10. Music in our lives.

11. Beauty will save the world.

Task V. Training the ability to answer questions.

Three students take turns being asked to answer questions about their topic. It is necessary to rephrase the question each time, maintaining its meaning, and give a short answer.

The “jury”, selected in advance, evaluates the ability of future speakers to answer questions using a 10-point system, taking into account:

1) how accurately the meaning of the question was understood;

2) brevity and accuracy of answers;

3) impression of the manner of responding (speed of reaction, self-control, friendly tone).

Task VI. Performance training.

Students are asked to prepare a mini-speech (3 minutes) for each lesson. The topics of speeches, for example, are: “This is interesting to know”, “How I like to relax”, “My attitude to entrepreneurship; classical music; mountaineering, etc.” (any topics whose title contains the word “I” or “my, mine”).

Practical exercises

To Chapter 7 “Culture of Controversy”

Task I. The teacher, together with the students, chooses a topic of debate (thesis), for example: “In our country there should be government censorship of the media” (or “one state language”, “paid healthcare”, “free paid higher education”, etc.). The opposite statement (must not...) is an antithesis. Supporters of each statement form teams and prepare for debate, using reference and other literature. It is necessary to clarify all the terms included in the thesis, analyze the problem according to the plan proposed in Chapter 5 (pp. 72-73), collect all the arguments and prepare a persuasive speech. You should consider a way to refute your opponents and criticize their arguments.

The “jury” is invited to the lesson. The teams' performances are assessed on:

oratory skills of the leader of each team; the logic and persuasiveness of each argument; quality of refutation; questions from both teams; cohesion of each team; the tone of the debate;

the use of tactics and techniques for conducting polemics;

the use of tricks and their neutralization.

Before giving the floor to team members, the teacher talks about the purpose of the lesson, introduces the members of the “jury”, and announces the order of the discussion. He intervenes in the course of the controversy only if it is necessary to stop prohibited methods. After the debate is over and the jury's verdict is reached, the participants discuss what the activity taught them.

Task II. Discussion on the topic “Where to start your business.” Analysis of the controversy that has arisen, assessment of the behavior of its participants.

Listeners are asked to determine the sequence of actions necessary to start releasing a new product (the group decides what kind of product it is):

2) find raw materials;

3) develop technology for manufacturing goods;

4) purchase equipment;

5) find a place to work;

6) conclude an agreement for the supply of raw materials;

7) study the population’s need for this product;

8) obtain a license for this activity;

9) form a work collective;

10) enter into a rental agreement for the premises.

Then the listeners form teams and jointly determine the sequence of their actions.

After this, representatives of different teams defend their correctness on each point.

The “jury” evaluates the persuasiveness of the argumentation and the culture of polemics of each participant in the game. In conclusion, it sums up the overall outcome of the “battles” on all issues.

According to this principle, a discussion can be organized on any topic that is close to the interests of the listeners and their range of knowledge.

Task III. Business game “Performance”

This game sums up the learning of public speaking skills.

The purpose of the game is to use the example of three performances to give an idea of ​​the complexity of public speaking and the need for careful preparation for a performance.

Main objectives of the game:

1. Develop public speaking skills.

2. Learn to parry remarks, answer questions, and debate.

3. Develop the ability to analyze the speaker’s speech and critically evaluate your speech.

In 4 class hours you can conduct 3 cycles of a business game.

Game roles:

1. Speaker.

2. "Opponent".

3. "Unintelligible listener."

4. “A curious listener.”

5. 11 “reviewers”

Speakers are appointed in advance. They present messages that they began to prepare after studying the topic “Preparation for a speech-monologue.” 15 minutes are allotted for the presentation.

The task of the “Opponent” is to critically evaluate the performance. Remarks during the presentation and polemical statements are allowed, but in the correct form. After the speech, you should ask a question or speak out about any position of the speech from a critical position, try to challenge the speaker to an argument or engage in controversy.

The “Uncomprehensible Listener” task is to ask the speaker a question that requires clarification of a term or some provision of the speech.

The “Curious Listener” task is to ask the speaker an additional question on the topic.

Tasks for “Reviewers” ​​- analyze the speech:

1. Was the title of the talk apt? Justify your opinion.

What is the main idea of ​​the speech? What goal, in your opinion, did the Speaker set for himself and did he manage to achieve it?

2. Type of introduction. Is it successful? What type of conclusion?

3. Was the presentation intelligible? Did the Speaker explain the meaning of the terms? How did he do it?

4. Was the presentation consistent? What's his plan? Is the composition of the performance interesting?

5. What presentation techniques did the Speaker use?

6. Did the Speaker justify his thoughts? How? How convincing?

7. Was the speaker able to establish contact with the audience? If yes, what contributed to this? If not, why not?

Note the demeanor (postures, gestures), intonation, emotionality of the Speaker, eye contact with the audience.

8. What can you say about his speech culture?

9. Did the Speaker answer the questions well?

10. Did you successfully debate with your opponent?

11. General impression of the performance. Wishes to the Speaker for improving his skills.

Listeners who have not received special assignments are encouraged to react to the presentation naturally, asking questions if desired.

101 Practical exercises

To Chapter 8 “Perception and Understanding of a Communication Partner”

Task I. Listeners take turns talking about a dialogue with an unfamiliar passenger (see task for independent work after studying Chapter 8). The teacher and other students evaluate the completeness and sharpness of observations, the validity of assumptions, and the causes of stereotyping errors.

Task II. The listeners, divided into pairs, silently look at each other for 6 seconds. Then the teacher invites a couple to the table. Without looking at your partner, you need to describe his facial features, name the color of his eyes, hair, face shape, etc. Then you need to name the main feature of your partner’s appearance.

Completing this task is possible only in an atmosphere of goodwill, respect for each other, and with the desire to find something beautiful and remarkable in the partner’s appearance. Creating such an atmosphere depends on the teacher.

Task III. To study the characteristics of perception, the teacher suggests the following:

1. Shows listeners a portrait of a person he knows for 5-7 seconds and asks them to describe his appearance, give a psychological portrait, and guess his profession.

It is interesting and useful to compare different impressions. Students come to the conclusion about the individuality of perception, the difference between information and interpretation, and the influence of stereotypes.

Progress of one game cycle:

1. The teacher distributes tasks to all participants in the game.

2. Speech by the Speaker.

The teacher monitors the correct behavior of the Opponent.

3. Polemic with the Opponent.

4. Answers to questions from listeners.

5. Speeches by Reviewers with analysis of the message.

6. Listeners from the seat complete the answers.

7. The teacher clarifies and summarizes what was said. For the second and third cycles, games are assigned

other participants.

After completing the business game, the teacher sums up the results.

Practical exercises

2. The teacher reads the biography of a person and asks students to retell it, highlighting the most important things. It turns out that this is the “chief

“noe” does not coincide with many listeners, reflecting what is important and significant for everyone.

3. The teacher asks students to describe how they would like to be perceived. Then the listeners take out sheets of paper on which they described the impression that, in their opinion, they make (task for independent work after studying Chapter 8). By comparing these descriptions, it is possible to draw conclusions that are useful for everyone.

Task IV. This task allows you to test your ability to put yourself in your partner’s shoes and understand his feelings.

The teacher describes, for example, the following situation. “Suppose you asked a friend to collect some information for you. A friend comes up to you in a good mood and says that he will now tell you in detail about everything he has learned. But you no longer need this information and you have absolutely no time now. How will your explanation with your friend go?” Listeners break into pairs and act out this situation. Impressions are discussed in the group. The teacher asks questions to determine everyone’s ability to decenter.

tion on behalf of this character. In the first part of the ad, given from a third person, you need to introduce him: describe his appearance, the most characteristic features, interests and hobbies, the second part of the ad is an “order” for a future life partner: his appearance, character traits.

“Marriage announcements” are played in turns. It is necessary to listen carefully so as not to miss “your match.” In the end, everyone finds each other and becomes close. How pairs are formed is also informative for the teacher.

The progress of the game is discussed and commented on.

Examples of “married couples”:

tie - shirt

pencil - paper

candlestick - candle

record player

steering wheel - car

sofa - pillow

table - tablecloth

bank - river

handle - rod

pool - water.

Task V. “Marriage announcements.”

During the game, the ability to decenter, objectively perceive a partner, and the ability to analyze is revealed. The game develops imagination and speech. The teacher-psychologist will be able to see the psychological problems of some participants in the game.

Practical exercises

Task I. Test of observation.

A few people go out the door, the rest are observers. The teacher takes a certain position while sitting on a chair. A listener enters the audience, who after a few seconds takes the teacher’s place and assumes the same position. Then the next listener comes in, and everything repeats again. When the last member of the group sits on a chair, the teacher sits on a chair nearby and takes the starting position. Everyone has the opportunity to compare poses and identify the most observant ones.

Task II. Checking Bennett's rule.

a) In the center of the audience, a listener freezes in a certain position. The rest answer the following questions in turn:

1) What do you think this pose expresses?

2) What emotions does it evoke in you?

Differences in the interpretation of posture among different listeners

and in the emotions it evokes, it confirms Bennett's rule.

b) The teacher invites students to determine the social status, internal state, attitude to the topic of conversation and to each other of the participants in the conversation shown in Figure b (p. 159). The opinions of the listeners are compared and discussed in the group2.

Task III. Listeners are divided into pairs and sit facing each other. They take turns taking poses that correspond to their state and mood. The partner must guess them. To make this easier, it is recommended that your partner take the same position. It is interesting to compare the partner’s interpretation of the pose before and after this.

The result of the exercise is discussed in the group. It turns out that most listeners were able to guess their partner's mood by his posture. This was facilitated by imitation of the pose. Exceptions confirm Bennett's rule.

Task IV. An exercise illustrating the importance of imitation of posture and “mirroring” for creating a favorable atmosphere of communication.

Listeners are divided into pairs. The first numbers begin to tell the second ones about how they spent yesterday. The listeners’ task is to take a pose that imitates the narrator’s pose during the first three minutes and “mirror” his gestures. Then take an arbitrary pose (with the exception of the pose of attention) and stop “mirroring” your partner. As a rule, soon after this the desire to tell disappears, and the partner falls silent. Listeners change roles and the exercise is repeated. The result - impressions, sensations - is discussed in the group.

Task V. Training the ability to “mirror”.

Listeners are divided into pairs and arranged randomly. In each pair, a leader and a follower are determined. The teacher begins to slowly, with pauses, read some text that can easily be accompanied by expressive gestures, for example, Krylov’s fable “The Crow and the Fox.” The leader of the pair accompanies the words of the fable with gestures. The follower repeats his movements. The teacher reads the text again. Roles in pairs change.

The task can be repeated with a different text.

Practical exercises

Task VI. Training the ability to influence a partner’s condition. The beginning of the exercise repeats exercise V. But the “follower” receives the task: at some point to seize the initiative. While the teacher is reading the fable, the first leader can again force him to imitate himself.

The result of the exercise is discussed: was it easy to take the initiative? Why is this training needed?

Oratory art And businesscommunication/ O. A. Baeva...

The only way to motivate people to be energetic is to communicate with them.

Lee Iacocca

They condemn what they do not understand.


A typical mistake in assessing the communication process is formulated as follows: “I said what I wanted to say, he understood what I said.” It's an illusion. In fact, the partner understands everything, firstly, differently, and secondly, in his own way.

In business communication between partners, very specific barriers may arise. The reasons for their appearance are different. In order to prevent things from becoming stressful, you need to learn to prevent the emergence of barriers in communication, and if they do arise, to successfully overcome them.

Let's consider the main barriers that arise on the path to fruitful communication.

Barriers to interaction.Motivational barrier arises if partners have different motives for entering into contact, for example: one is interested in developing a common business, while the other is only interested in immediate profit. In this case, it is better to find out each other’s intentions from the very beginning and agree on the motives for cooperation. If this fails, the collaboration is doomed to failure.

Barrier of incompetence. The partner's incompetence causes a feeling of frustration and a feeling of wasted time. If the partner does not understand the problem at all, it is better to politely “curtail” the conversation; if he has partial knowledge of the issue, and there is no one else to turn to, you need to bring him up to date, without emphasizing your great knowledge.

Ethical barrier occurs when interaction with a partner is hampered by his moral position, which is incompatible with yours. Everyone decides for themselves whether to compromise, but trying to re-educate or shame a partner is not recommended.

Each person has their own communication style. It depends on temperament, character, worldview and is formed under the influence of upbringing, environment, and profession. Therefore, in business communication there can often be communication style barrier. The content of the communication style is

· the predominant motive of communication (interaction, self-affirmation, emotional support of the interlocutor, etc.);

· attitude towards other people (gentleness, goodwill, tolerance, cruelty, rationalism, egocentrism, prejudice, etc.);

· attitude towards oneself (narcissism, recognition of one’s shortcomings, defending the “honor of the uniform”, imposing one’s opinion, etc.);

· the nature of the influence on people (pressure, coercion, manipulation, cooperation, personal example, non-interference, etc.).

How can you ensure that your partner’s communication style does not become an obstacle to communicating with him? It is necessary to realize that a person’s behavior style is a manifestation of his deep essential characteristics, and. if it does not interfere with the matter, it should be accepted, whatever our attitude may be.

Barriers to perception and understanding.Aesthetic barrier occurs when the partner is untidy, sloppily dressed or the situation in his office or the appearance of his desk are not conducive to conversation. It is difficult to overcome the internal obstacle to conversation, and nevertheless, if this contact is very necessary, we cannot show that something offends us.

Comfortable communication can be hampered by different social status of partners, especially if one of them is used to being in awe of their superiors. The following pre-conversation attitude helps to get rid of this attitude: “The boss is a person just like me. He has all human weaknesses. I have no reason to worry. I will speak calmly and simply, hoping for understanding. I respect myself and my business, and he will feel it.”

Barrier of negative emotions occurs when communicating with an upset person. If a partner who is usually polite to you greets you unkindly, talks without raising his eyes, etc., do not rush to take it personally: maybe he is not able to cope with a bad mood due to the course of his own affairs, family troubles etc. It is necessary, when arriving at a meeting in advance, to try to find out what the situation is at the company and what mood the business partner is in. Sometimes it is better to reschedule the conversation for another time. If this is not possible, then at the beginning of the conversation you need to help your partner improve his emotional state.

State of health of a person, physical or spiritual, also affects how a person communicates. It is not difficult for observant people to guess from external signs what is happening to a person, to choose the appropriate tone, words, or to shorten the time of communication so as not to tire the interlocutor who is unwell.

Psychological protection, built by a business partner is a serious communication barrier. Having realized that the barrier in communicating with an inconvenient employee or partner is caused by his desire to defend himself, try to change your attitude towards him, and the difficulties in communicating with such a person will gradually disappear.

Installation barrier. Your business partner may have a negative attitude towards you or the company you represent. If you encounter an installation barrier, it is better not to try to convince your partner. Calmly regard hostility as a manifestation of ignorance, weakness, lack of culture, simple lack of awareness. Then the unfair attitude will not affect you, and soon it will disappear altogether, since your deeds and actions will force your partner to change his mind.

Double barrier lies in the fact that we involuntarily judge each person by ourselves, we expect from a business partner the same act that we would do in his place. But he's different. His position in this situation is determined by his moral standards and attitudes. To prevent the double barrier from arising, it is necessary to develop the ability to decenter.

Communication barriers.Semantic barrier occurs when business partners use the same signs (including words) to designate completely different things. The reasons for this barrier are varied. To overcome the semantic barrier, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the partner and use vocabulary that is understandable to him; words that have different meanings, it is necessary to explain in what sense you used this or that word.

Inability to express one's thoughts (logical barrier) really interferes with communication. Helvetius said: “It takes much more intelligence to convey your ideas than to have them... This is proven by the fact that there are many people who are considered smart, but write very bad essays.” You need to be patient and use all your listening skills and ask questions to get the necessary information from your partner.

Poor speaking technique (phonetic barrier) greatly interferes with effective communication. But if you are interested in contact with this particular partner, you will have to adapt to his manner of speaking and not show that you are dissatisfied with something.

Inability to listen manifests itself in the fact that the partner interrupts, starts talking about his own things, or goes into his own thoughts and does not react to your words at all (for more details, see Listening in business communication). You can compensate for your partner’s inability to listen only with your art of speaking.

Modality barrier occurs when a person does not think about the priority channel for perceiving information (for more details, see Verbal means of communication). Knowing that each person has a certain priority channel of perception makes us more tolerant, and the ability to determine it allows us to find an adequate language of communication with a specific interlocutor, making contact with him not only conflict-free, but also effective. In order to avoid a barrier of modalities in communication, it is necessary to transmit information in the modality in which it is easiest for the partner to perceive it, in the form in which it is understandable to him.

Character barrier also creates difficulties in communication. Each person has his own character, but well-mannered people know how to behave in such a way that their character does not become a source of conflict. Not everyone, however, wants and knows how to understand themselves and control themselves. People with pronounced temperamental characteristics can be awkward interlocutors .

Impoliteness - This is the barrier that prevents you from correctly perceiving your partner, understanding what he says, and interacting with him. Unfortunately, manifestations of bad manners are not uncommon even in business communications. Impolite treatment can be stopped by calm, without irritation, your own politeness. There are situations when you are forced to listen to fair or unfair expressions of indignation. Remember that your goal is cooperation, not conflict. When a person is rude, there is a desire to immediately put him in his place. But this can lead to altercations. It is better to answer in a cool and calm tone. For many this has a sobering effect. There are other ways to calm an indignant interlocutor:

· "alien role" technique: if the interlocutor is indignant or shouts, try to get into his position, look at the situation through his eyes; once you say to a person “I understand you” - and the opportunity arises to conduct a constructive conversation;

· compassionate attitude towards your partner: remember that admitting that your interlocutor is right and sympathizing with him usually extinguishes the fire of indignation;

· tense situations can be defused and as a joke, but it will give the desired effect only when you are sure that your partner has a sense of humor;

· removal technique: you can unobtrusively examine the screamer, focusing on some little detail in his suit or hairstyle; you can think about his age, marital status, favorite pastime; It is also useful to analyze speech: features of word pronunciation, richness of vocabulary, intonation, successful speech patterns, errors in the pronunciation of words and the construction of phrases.

These techniques allow you to endure adverse effects without stress. Having discharged himself and not turned you on, your partner usually feels awkward and even feels guilty. In this state, he is ready to continue contact. And now it all depends on your desire to communicate with this person.

To avoid a barrier of impoliteness in communicating with you, be attentive to your partner from the very first minute of the conversation.

How to overcome communication barriers? First of all, develop self-esteem and self-confidence. It also helps to be able to see behind every inappropriate action of a person a manifestation of his psychological characteristics, and perhaps problems.

Our typical mistakes:

· incorrect expectations for a partner(wrong expectations arise as a result of the following mistake: if we don’t know a person enough, only some of his positive or negative traits, then we often complete his image as positive or negative, and then connect our expectations with the image we created) ;

· it seems to us that our partner should guess how we feel(it’s better to immediately clearly formulate your expectations, explain the reasons, etc.) ;

· we don’t catch the subtext of the conversation(often we do not assume that the partner may also not directly express his desires and true mood) ;

· if a person’s behavior is unpleasant to us, it seems to us that he treats us badly or even does it to spite us(the reason may be completely different; people are usually upset and irritated by unfair accusations of bad attitude, it turns out that we ourselves provoke the conflict) ;

· we try to meet the expectations of the interlocutor(in communication with a good person, this leads to an unnatural relationship, which is often revealed at the most inopportune moment; if we follow the manipulator’s lead, the consequences are even worse.) .

Life confronts us with different people. And he very rarely gives gifts to those with whom barriers do not arise in communication. Therefore, you should be lenient towards manifestations of lack of communication and be able to make communication conflict-free. To overcome barriers in communication, you need to make a “diagnosis” for yourself or your partner and structure your behavior in such a way as to reduce or eliminate the barrier.

Questions for self-control

1. What are communication barriers?

2. Name the main characteristics of a logical barrier and ways to overcome them.

3. Name the main characteristics of the barrier of perception and understanding and ways to overcome it.

4. Name the main characteristics of the semantic barrier and ways to overcome it.

5. Name the main characteristics of the phonetic barrier and ways to overcome it.

6. Name the main characteristics of the interaction barrier and ways to overcome it.

Task 1

Determine whether you have the skills of a pleasant person to talk to:

· Do you know how to say hello so that they smile back at you?

· Do you know how to interrupt a protracted conversation in such a way that the interlocutor does not get offended by you?

· Do you know how to defuse a situation with a joke and cool simmering passions?

· Do you know how to refuse a person who has approached you with a tactless or untimely request in such a way as not to break off the relationship with him?

· If someone is rude to you, can you not respond with rudeness? Are you able to calmly respond to a rude person or otherwise confront him?

· Do you know how to say goodbye in such a way that you want to see you again?

Task 2

Tell us about your experience of overcoming communication barriers. Discuss problematic situations.

Task 3

Euphemisms are soft equivalents of rather harsh words or expressions that are preferably veiled, for example, instead of “he died” - “he passed away”, “poor” - “needy”, “old man” - “an elderly person”, etc. p. Come up with at least 10 words that are unpleasant for your partner and choose euphemisms for them.

Task 4

Name polite forms of making a request ( please be so kind etc.), then polite forms of refusal ( Unfortunately, I can’t help you; it's not in my power etc.)

Remember the preference in certain situations for requests in the subjunctive mood ( I'd like to), answer according to the formula yes, but....

Find formulas for request and refusal that are appropriate in communication with a colleague, with a superior person, with a client of the company.

Task 5

Break into pairs. One partner must come up with a tactless request, the other must refuse this request, but in such a way as not to be considered a bore and not to interrupt the relationship with the person.

Task 6

Working on correct speech.

1. Comment on errors in expressions: criminal crime, vacancy, price list, souvenir, future prospects, bold risk, first premiere, my autobiography, first baptism of fire, timekeeping.

2. Eliminate verbosity in expressions: every minute of time, step back, in the month of December, meet for the first time, bequeath an inheritance, in the summer period of time, an erroneous delusion.

3. Explain the meanings of paronymous words and come up with phrases with the words: compare and contrast; put on and dress; effective and efficient; economical and economical; ignorant and ignorant; bath and tub; single and ordinary; test and try; present and provide; shareholder and shareholder; layout and scheduling; subscriber and subscription; manage and manage; addressee and addressee; truce and parliamentarian.

4. Explain the meaning of the words: import, priority, harmonize, confidential, extension, legitimacy, adequate, consensus, mentality, reputation, dividend, plebiscite.

Task 7

Work through possible spelling errors in words:

1) catalog, quarter, more beautiful, aristocracy;

2) partnership liability, long ago, partner;

3) inquire, expert, phenomenon, convening a session;

4) strengthening, provision, owners, Ukrainian;

5) wholesale prices, gross income, prospects;

6) unrestrained, start, rattle, gas pipeline, oil pipeline;

7) owners, briefly, litigation, closely;

8) rings, bent, intention, intercessor;

9) petition, inquire, pantry;

10) language sausage, language error, thieves, in the back, you are right;

11) simultaneous, deepen, vulgarize, normalize;

12) scissors, read, light, some;

13) intend, take into account;

14) form, chaos, arrived, long-standing;

15) expired, being, debate, fairway;

16) test, pace, dispensary, demagoguery;

17) trend, claim, contender, neckline;

18) competent (or [pent]), ascertain (or [stant]), escort (or escort), legal adviser (or legal consultant), unprecedented (or [tsen]).

Task 8

1. Conjugate verbs understand, begin, accept in the past tense, and the verb want- in the present tense.

2. How to do it correctly: so much or so much, wear glasses or dress, ridicule or laugh?

3. Correct the expressions: talking about life, walking along the roads, Tolya and I.

4. Decline nouns: elections, means.

6. Correct expressions: more beautiful, lighter, better, cheaper.

Task 9

Edit the phrases, explain the error in the construction of the sentence.

1. The meeting was held with great interest.

2. I noticed a characteristic mistake.

3. I would like you to give your attention to our organization as soon as possible.

4. He tried to warn the director about the wrong step.

5. A representative from the plant was also present at the meeting.

6. Having processed this data, a complete picture of the state of affairs emerged.

7. My opinion of him as a person is not bad.

9. The issue of resources was on the agenda.

10. While going up the stairs, a strange announcement caught my eye.

11. I'm tired of wasting my nerves on this question.

12. I understood what hint they gave me.

13. We have the cheapest prices for goods.

14. I don't want to escalate the situation.

15. Nikolai was waiting for me in the corridor.

16. I have repeatedly noted that it is necessary to follow the instructions.

17. All this affects work.

18. Let me raise this toast to our successes.

Task 10

Explain the meaning of popular expressions and phraseological units: apple of discord, Sisyphean labor, Gordian knot, Augean stables, play the first violin, stew in your own juice, remove the shavings, through a tree stump, speak with your teeth, lead by the nose, put it on the map.

Task 11. “Marriage announcements”

Each participant receives a card with the name of an object that has characteristic properties: to complete its existence, it needs another object that complements it. Each participant in the game pronounces the text of the “marriage announcement” on behalf of his subject. In the first part of the ad, you need to introduce your subject: describe its appearance, its most characteristic features, interests and hobbies; the second part of the ad is an “order” for a future life partner: his appearance, character traits, interests.

The ad is drawn up correctly if it was possible to find those main features of the object and its “halves”, the combination of which forms a strong union that will fill the “life” of both with meaning. You need to listen carefully so as not to miss your match.



The only way to tune people in
energetic activity is to communicate with them.

Lee Iacocca

Barriers to interaction: motivational barrier, ethical barrier, communication style barrier.

Barriers to perception and understanding: aesthetic barrier, different social status, barrier of negative emotions, health status, psychological defense, attitude barrier, double barrier.

Communication barriers: incompetence, inability to express one's thoughts, poor speaking technique, inability to listen, modality barrier, character barrier.

How to overcome communication barriers? Our typical mistakes: incorrect expectations regarding a partner; it seems to us that our partner should guess what we feel; we don’t catch the subtext of the conversation; if a person’s behavior is unpleasant to us, it seems to us that he treats us badly or even does it to spite us; We try to meet the expectations of our interlocutor. To overcome barriers in communication, you need to make a “diagnosis” for yourself or your partner and structure your behavior in such a way as to reduce or eliminate the barrier.

Questions for self-control

1. How are the characteristics of perception related to the emergence of barriers to perception?

2.What are communication barriers?

3.Name the main characteristics of a logical barrier and ways to overcome them.

4.Name the main characteristics of the barrier of perception and understanding and ways to overcome it.

5.Name the main characteristics of the semantic barrier and ways to overcome it.

6.Name the main characteristics of the phonetic barrier and ways to overcome it.

7.Name the main characteristics of the interaction barrier and ways to overcome it.

Task 1

Determine whether you have the skills of a pleasant person to talk to:

Do you know how to say hello so that they smile back at you?

Do you know how to interrupt a protracted conversation in such a way that the interlocutor does not get offended by you?

Do you know how to defuse a situation with a joke and cool simmering passions?

Do you know how to refuse a person who has approached you with a tactless or untimely request in such a way as not to interrupt your relationship with him?

If someone is rude to you, can you not respond with rudeness? Are you able to calmly respond to a rude person or otherwise confront him?

Do you know how to say goodbye in such a way that you want to see you again?

Task 2

Tell us about your experience of overcoming communication barriers. Discuss problematic situations.

Task 3

Euphemisms are soft equivalents of rather harsh words or expressions that are preferably veiled, for example, instead of “he died” - “he passed away”, “poor” - “needy”, “old man” - “an elderly person”, etc. p. Come up with at least 10 words that are unpleasant for your partner and choose euphemisms for them.

Task 4

Name polite forms of making a request ( please be so kind etc.), then polite forms of refusal ( Unfortunately, I can’t help you; it's beyond my power etc.)

Remember the preference in certain situations for requests in the subjunctive mood ( I'd like to), answer according to the formula yes, but....

Find formulas for request and refusal that are appropriate in communication with a colleague, with a superior person, with a client of the company.

Task 5

Break into pairs. One partner must come up with a tactless request, the other must refuse this request, but in such a way as not to be considered a bore and not to interrupt the relationship with the person.

Task 6

Working on correct speech.

1.Comment on errors in expressions: criminal crime, vacancy, price list, souvenir, future prospects, bold risk, first premiere, my autobiography, first baptism of fire, timekeeping.

2. Eliminate verbosity in expressions: every minute of time, step back, in the month of December, meet for the first time, bequeath an inheritance, in the summer period of time, an erroneous delusion.

3.Explain the meanings of paronymous words and come up with phrases with the words: compare and contrast; put on and dress; effective and efficient; economical and economical; ignorant and ignorant; bath and tub; single and ordinary; test and try; present and provide; shareholder and shareholder; layout and scheduling; subscriber and subscription; manage and manage; addressee and addressee; truce and parliamentarian.

4.Explain the meaning of the words: import, priority, harmonize, confidential, extension, legitimacy, adequate, consensus, mentality, reputation, dividend, plebiscite.

Task 7

Work through possible spelling errors in words:

1) catalog, quarter, more beautiful, aristocracy;

2) partnership liability, long ago, partner;

3) inquire, expert, phenomenon, convening a session;

4) strengthening, provision, owners, Ukrainian;

5) wholesale prices, gross income, prospects;

6) unrestrained, start, rattle, gas pipeline, oil pipeline;

7) owners, briefly, litigation, closely;

8) rings, bent, intention, intercessor;

9) petition, inquire, pantry;

10) language sausage, language error, thieves, in the back, you are right;

11) simultaneous, deepen, vulgarize, normalize;

12) scissors, read, light, some;

13) intend, take into account;

14) form, chaos, arrived, long-standing;

15) expired, being, debate, fairway;

16) test, pace, dispensary, demagoguery;

17) trend, claim, contender, neckline;

18) competent (or [pent]), ascertain (or [stant]), escort (or escort), legal adviser (or legal consultant), unprecedented (or [tsen]).

Task 8

1. Conjugate the verbs understand, begin, accept in the past tense, and the verb want- in the present tense.

2.How to do it correctly: so much or so much, wear glasses or dress, ridicule or laugh?

3. Correct the expressions: talking about life, walking along the roads, Tolya and I.

4. Decline the nouns: elections, means.

6. Correct expressions: more beautiful, lighter, better, cheaper.

Task 9

Edit the phrases, explain the error in the construction of the sentence.

1.The meeting was held with great interest.

2.I noticed a characteristic error.

3. I would like you to give your attention to our organization as soon as possible.

4.He tried to warn the director from making a wrong move.

5. A representative from the plant was also present at the meeting.

6. Having processed this data, a complete picture of the state of affairs became clear.

7.My opinion of him as a person is not bad.

9.The issue of resources was on the agenda.

10. While going up the stairs, a strange announcement caught my eye.

11.I'm tired of wasting my nerves on this question.

12.I understood what hint they gave me.

13.We have the cheapest prices for goods.

14.I don’t want to escalate the situation.

15. Nikolai was waiting for me in the corridor.

16.I have repeatedly noted that it is necessary to follow the instructions.

17.All this affects work.

18. Let me raise this toast to our successes.

Task 10

Explain the meaning of popular expressions and phraseological units: apple of discord, Sisyphean labor, Gordian knot, Augean stables, play the first violin, stew in your own juice, remove the shavings, through a tree stump, speak with your teeth, lead by the nose, put it on the map.

Task 11. “Marriage announcements”

Each participant receives a card with the name of an object that has characteristic properties: to complete its existence, it needs another object that complements it. Each participant in the game pronounces the text of the “marriage announcement” on behalf of his subject. In the first part of the ad, you need to introduce your subject: describe its appearance, its most characteristic features, interests and hobbies; the second part of the ad is an “order” for a future life partner: his appearance, character traits, interests.

The ad is drawn up correctly if it was possible to find those main features of the object and its “halves”, the combination of which forms a strong union that will fill the “life” of both with meaning. You need to listen carefully so as not to miss your match.


The first item on the agenda was the activities of the Council in the past 2018. Sergei Petrovich Gensirovsky, who headed the organization throughout this period, spoke about it.

The work of the Council, as usual, was built according to the plan drawn up at the beginning of the year and took place in close cooperation with the leadership of the district administration, social protection institutions, heads of rural settlements and villages. Veterans participated in various events, and also actively showed themselves in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation and the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The celebration of the month of elderly people was held at the proper level.

S.P. Gensirovsky noted that in general, the Veterans Council sets itself one of its main tasks to organize cultural leisure for the older generation. This includes the work of hobby groups and clubs, sports, pilgrimage trips, etc. An important point is the military-patriotic education of youth, which is aimed at instilling in the younger generation the principles of citizenship and patriotism, forming the foundations of moral values.

He spoke at the plenum with information on the socio-economic development of the Sharangsky district over the past year

O.L. Zykov. Thus, based on the results of the first 9 months, the municipality took 20th place in the ranking of the Ministry of Economy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (22 in 2017). A number of projects were successfully implemented in the district in 2018. These include the construction of a cultural center in the village of Chernomuzh, a paramedic and obstetric station in the village. Shchenniki, 2 two-apartment residential buildings for orphans in the village of Bolshoy Reychvazh. Under the Local Initiatives Support Program (LPIP), 8 facilities were built and improved. Using funds allocated under the state program “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment”, the first stage of work to improve the territory of Zarechny Park in the village was completed. Sharanga, as well as repair of courtyard areas along Lenin Street near houses No. 10, No. 15, No. 17.

As an important point, Oleg Leonidovich noted the fact that over the past year it was possible to prepare design and estimate documentation for the construction (in the near future) of a new kindergarten for 160 places in the trans-river part of the village. In the list of what is planned for 2019, he named the further implementation of the “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”, PPMI and others programs. In the area, the process of landscaping will continue, houses, roads, streets will be repaired... In the village, one of the tasks is to complete the connection of the yard sewerage networks to the central one.

The topic of the speech by the chief client service specialist (as a department) in the Sharangsky district of the UPFR, Alevtina Petrovna Zakharova, was additional payments and the pension reform of 2019. She paid special attention to those points on which citizens had the greatest number of questions. In particular, by the percentage of the next indexation of insurance pensions carried out from January 1 of this year, as well as by the value of the pension point, a new payment relating to those who worked in the agricultural sector. Explanations were also given about how the law on raising the retirement age would be implemented.

Olga Dmitrievna Chaprasova, Head of the Department for Reception and Control of the Implementation of Social Guarantees of the State Public Institution NO “Administration of Social Protection of the Population of the Sharangsky District”, spoke about what types of additional services are provided by the Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens and in what order they are provided. In addition, she shared information about how the new service for the management of municipal solid waste will be taken into account when providing social support measures to certain categories of citizens.

After considering the main issues on the agenda, the heads of some primary organizations and members of the Presidium of the Council spoke at the plenum. They talked about how pensioners live and what problems concern them. The wishes of the younger generation were also expressed here, conveyed through veterans to government officials.

The results of the meeting were summed up by N.P. Filimonov. He thanked the district public organizations of veterans and disabled people for their good work in 2018.

One of the important moments of the plenum was the re-election of the chairman of the regional Council of Veterans. Tamara Pavlovna Shutova was unanimously elected to this position. She expressed her gratitude for the trust placed in her and promised to justify it with her future fruitful activities.