How animals prepare for winter: experiments, stories, poems, speech logic problems, pictures for children. How animals in the forest prepare for winter Animals in the forest prepare for winter

I'm not a fan of cold weather and snowdrifts. Looking at the bare trees outside the window, you want to wrap yourself in warm blanket and watch your favorite movie over a mug of hot tea. New Year- this is the only thing that makes me happy winter time. My cat is also trying to find warm place in the apartment. He definitely wouldn't have survived the winter in wildlife. There is no one to take care of the animals there. No one will feed them in the morning; they can only rely on themselves. But nature has provided them with everything they need to successfully survive the winter and welcome spring.

Who is the first to start preparing for winter?

Winter- this is the most difficult period for animals. With the onset of cold weather, the amount of food decreases significantly, so you need prepare for winter in advance. Some people start stocking up with the onset of autumn, while others are already summer time thinking about preparing food for the winter. The very first start stocking up on food rodents:

  • chipmunks;
  • mice;
  • babaki (marmots).

Even in the warm summer, they collect seeds and nuts everywhere. They attribute all finds to their burrows, where they store all their winter supplies. Having taken care of winter in the summer, rodents do not even leave their holes in cold weather. Practically they sleep all winter, wake up only to refresh themselves.

Which animal is not afraid of cold weather?

Not all animals are thoroughly prepared for winter period. For example, foxes, hares and wolves They change almost nothing in their lifestyle with the onset of frost. Some changes only occur with coat in these representatives of the animal world.

Hares change their gray coat to white. This allows them to remain less noticeable in snowy forest. Wolves and foxes do not change color, but their coats become thicker with the onset of winter. That is why frosts are not scary for them. Foxes, when strong snowstorms rage, look for holes to wait out this time.

How do hedgehogs spend the winter?

Hedgehogs prepare very carefully for winter. For wintering they are looking suitable hole. Usually their burrows are located at a depth of about a meter. Hedgehogs sleep in winter, like, for example, bears. Before the onset of winter, the hedgehog must eat well in order to accumulate enough fatA. If he doesn’t do this, then he may not live to see spring.

At the beginning of winter, hedgehogs do not sleep very soundly, and if they are disturbed, they wake up very quickly. The lower the air temperature, the better the hedgehog's sleep. At this time everything processes in his body slow down. A hedgehog can sleep for up to 240 days. He will wake up in the spring, when fat reserves run out and food sources reappear. Probably, our country hedgehog has already begun preparing for winter. :)

How pets prepare for winter, you will learn from this article.

How do pets prepare for winter?

With the onset of autumn, domestic animals still continue to graze on pastures. But with the onset of cold weather and rains, people move them to special premises, where they are given additional feeding - haylage, silage, straw.

Pets require special care. They are very afraid of drafts, so any cracks in pigsties and barns are carefully closed. The inside of the premises must be whitewashed with lime. This kills pathogenic bacteria.

As for the animals that live in the house, it depends on their type:

  1. Cats and dogs They gain significant weight in the winter. They should be fed in the same way as before.
  2. Rodents They begin to diligently insulate the nests, dragging in everything they find. You can tear paper (not glossy) into small pieces and place it in a cage, or add more sawdust. If you have several caged animals at home, throw them a cheap roll toilet paper. They will turn it into a wonderful winter house in a matter of minutes. In addition, hamsters guinea pigs, chinchillas are stocking up on food for the winter. Every day, check your rodent's food supplies and get rid of them. After all, spoiled food leads to poisoning. Sprouted oats can replenish vitamin deficiencies in rodents
  3. Aquarium fish. In winter, it is especially important for them to increase daylight hours. Preferably for 3-4 hours. Avoid sudden temperature changes. If the water temperature in the aquarium begins to drop, it can be increased using special heaters. Do not forget to clean the aquarium and remove the fry on time.
  4. Feathered. During the winter, birds feel a lack of vitamins and begin to molt. It is necessary to increase their daylight hours using a lamp.

We hope that from this article you learned how pets prepare for winter.

For the lesson you will need:

  • animals - figurines, or soft toys, or their images;
  • game "find the shadow" - print;
  • vata - "snow";
  • riddles (you can print them below);
  • story “How animals prepare for winter” (you can print it below).

We place toys of forest animals (which we have at home) on the carpet. You can use soft toys, you can use rubber or plastic animal figures, you can also use pictures.

We observe nature (through the window):
It’s autumn outside - it’s cloudy and windy outside, the sky is overcast with gray clouds, the last leaves have fallen from the trees, we remember that there are almost no insects outside - they’re all hiding from the cold. Winter will come soon, the first snow will fall and it will become even colder outside and there will be less food for animals. We invite the child to go into the forest and find out how animals prepare for winter.
We arrive at a “clearing” where forest animals are located - a hedgehog, a fox, a hare, a bear, a wolf, etc.

We invite the child to solve riddles and find out what wild animals live in the forest. The child shows the answer - an animal toy.

She is more cunning than all the animals,
She is wearing a red fur coat.
A fluffy tail is her beauty.
This forest animal is….

He sleeps in a den in winter,
Little by little he snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What's his name? -...

White in winter, gray in summer.
He doesn’t offend anyone, but he’s afraid of everyone.

Who is in the pines and spruces
He jumps deftly, bends branches,
He sees where the cones have ripened,
And carries it into his hollow?

Gray, scary and toothy
Caused a commotion.
All the animals ran away.
Scared the animals...

So he built a dam,
We need twigs and mud -
Builds everything without an axe,
There will be a house at….

On an autumn day, on a beautiful day
Looks like a spiky ball
Walked along a forest path,
I found a mushroom in a clearing.
And the mushrooms - I'll tell you -
I like it very much....

Small stature, long tail,
Gray coat, sharp teeth.

This beast with two fangs
With very powerful legs
And with a cake on the nose.
He digs earth in the forest.

From the box we scatter “snow” - cotton wool, reciting the poem “First Snow” by I. Bursov or any other:

Look at this, guys.
Everything was covered with cotton wool!
And in response there was laughter:
- It was the first snow.
Only Lyuba disagrees:
- This is not a snowball at all -
Santa Claus brushed his teeth
And he scattered the powder.

The first snow has fallen! Winter will come soon. Animals, are you ready for winter? Who prepared how?
We read a fairy tale from the "Forest Book":

We conduct a conversation based on a fairy tale. I use animal toys:
- How does a squirrel or hare prepare for winter?
- How will a hedgehog or a bear escape the cold?
- What will a fox and a wolf do in winter?

Then we do finger exercises:

Thumb-boy, where have you been?
I wandered through the forest for a long time.
I met a bear, a wolf,
a bunny, a hedgehog with needles,
met a squirrel, a fox,
met a moose and a titmouse,
He gave gifts to everyone,
everyone thanked me.
(we bend our fingers when listing)

We play with toys or their images in the game “What has changed?”:
We arrange the toys in a row, ask the child to close his eyes and remove one toy. The child opens his eyes, we say that one animal ran away, we ask him to remember who.
We play 4-5 times.

Dana liked it so much that he decided to play again, only this time his mother had to guess who was hiding):

Then you can play the game "Find the Shadow":

I thought this would be the end of my activity, but Dana wanted something else, so we decided to make a hole for the hedgehog. But if your child gets tired, it's better to make a mink next time.
For this we will need: cardboard (we use it from jars of baby puree), scissors, glue or tape, and of course the hedgehog itself.

We glue the cardboard in the form of a tunnel, it would be nice to make a back wall, but I did it on a quick fix, so we have a mink with 2 exits.
We cover the cardboard with plasticine and smear it (and this is a great workout for our fingers).

Having covered the cardboard with plasticine, we stick leaves, twigs, acorn caps, rowan berries (unfortunately, all that we have left of the natural material are a few leaves, of course we wanted to make it even more beautiful, but there was nothing else to decorate with, because there was already dirt on the street and the first snow fell, so something like that).
That's it! The hedgehog's hole is ready and he can sleep peacefully all winter.

And then Danya decided that it was snowing).

- All the animals are ready for winter: some have changed their coats from summer to winter, some have stocked up, and some will sleep. And the hedgehog even has a mink ready.
We say goodbye to the animals and “leave”.

Hello, our dear moms and dads! We continue the autumn theme and today we will tell children about the life of animals in the fall.

In autumn, animals prepare for the harshest time of the year - winter. The life of furry, feathered and other inhabitants of forests, fields, city parks, and squares depends on how this preparation goes.

Insects are among the first to react to weather changes.

Most of them are looking for cozy shelters in which they can sleep all winter. They find these shelters under fallen leaves, under bark that has fallen away from a tree trunk, in the cracks of houses.

But butterflies turn into pupae and thus wait out the cold winter.

Lizards, snakes, frogs, and toads are also in a hurry to leave for the winter. Brown grass and green frogs in the fall, stay close to bodies of water, at the bottom of which they spend the winter. Toads seek shelter on land: under the roots of trees, in the burrows of small rodents.

In the fall, lizards climb deeper into their burrows, under moss, into fallen leaves, under tree roots, into rotten stumps.

When the cold comes and the insects disappear, migratory birds- swallows, swifts, flycatchers - begin to prepare for travel to warm countries.

Forest animals also begin to prepare for winter. Some of them begin to eat a lot so that fat will form under their skin, which will warm the animal well in the winter cold. For example, bears and badgers. Many forest inhabitants make provisions for the winter (squirrels, mice, moles) and prepare winter housing.

In the fall, many animals begin to shed - they grow a warm undercoat, and their fur changes color.

The entire fur coat of the white hare becomes white, and only the tips of the ears are black, while the fur coat of the brown hare becomes lighter only on the sides.

By winter, the squirrel turns gray, exchanging its bright fiery red coat for a more inconspicuous one in winter.

When snow appears and the weather gets colder, some animals hibernate. Such animals include hedgehogs and bears, which cannot feed themselves in the winter.

That's all for today. Soon a presentation on the topic “Animal Life in Autumn” will appear at Yasny Solnyshok.

Also, you can get my free book.

Elena Medvedeva.

With the onset of cold weather animals, birds and insects are preparing to face winter. And everyone in their own way - nature taught them this. Hares, squirrels, roe deer molt and put on warmer fur coats, gophers, jerboas, marmots climb into deep holes and fall asleep. Frogs, toads, newts, lizards, and snakes plunge into winter sleep. The shellfish are freezing.

Do you know where crayfish spend the winter? In deep niches or dug holes. However, they are not in a hurry to winter.

Insects complete their development cycle, hide in shelters, become numb, and thus survive the winter. Ladybugs- destroyers of harmful aphids - crawl into cracks, crevices, under the bark of trees, into moss, under fallen leaves. They often fly into houses, cellars, sheds, and attics. Many insects climb into hollow plant stems and spend the winter there. Some insect pests hide under fallen leaves on the edges of forests.

IN middle lane At the end of September, the country's forest protectors, the ants, stopped working. It is very important to protect anthills so that beneficial insects do not die.

For the winter many animals and birds prepare stern. Hamsters carry grains of wheat, oats, lentils, sunflowers, and flax into their pantries. They don’t refuse potatoes either. For old animals, supplies are located in three pantries, for careless young ones - in one. The hamster needs supplies not so much in the winter (he rarely wakes up), but in the spring, after waking up from hibernation. Sometimes he gets into houses.

Badgers and chipmunks store food for winter. Squirrels sometimes raid other people's property. Thus, nimble squirrels can even drag nuts from the attic of a residential building into their hollow.

In the taiga, a lot of pine nuts are prepared by the nutshell. Jays stock up on acorns and do not disdain small potatoes.

Ferrets, ermine, weasels, minks, martens, weasels, wolverines, foxes, and arctic foxes set up small meat storage “refrigerators.” Of course, such a warehouse is a very insignificant help: the animals have to hunt all winter.

Unlike the friendly spring arrival of birds hurrying to nesting sites, the autumn departure lasts much longer. Our lands are the first to leave insectivorous birds: swifts, orioles, nightingales, then granivores, waterfowl. Only those who can get enough food even in winter remain in their native places.

A beautiful bobtail kingfisher, an emerald bird, takes its time in warm regions. He sits on the shore and waits. But then it fell into the water like a stone and immediately took off with prey in its beak - a small fish or some insect. Such fishermen can be observed near rivers even after the first frost. Kingfishers fish before late autumn, sometimes before snow appears. Cold water They are not afraid - if only there was food!

Autumn is a time of worries, anxieties, joys and sorrows for hunting lovers. It is only important that every hunter is an athlete, a prudent owner: he does not shoot at the wrong time and at protected areas, thought about tomorrow native nature, did not allow the predatory extermination of birds and animals by poachers.

From the magazine “Peasant Woman”, 1968