Mammals: order Insectivores - Insectivora. Order Insectivorous mammals

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Order Insectivorous mammals
The presentation was prepared by Semenova A., a 7th grade student at the branch of MBOU TSOSH No. 1 in the village. Poletaevo

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Insectivores are among the more archaic placentals that already existed in the Eocene. They have well-developed jaws and muscles for chewing. The main food of insectivores, according to the name, consists of insects, centipedes and worms. The most common representatives of insectivores are the hedgehog family and others.

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The sizes of hedgehogs vary from small to the largest in the order. Body length from 10 to 44 cm (hymnura); tail length is from 1 to 21 cm. The weight of the gymnura can reach 1.5 kg. The muzzle is elongated and pointed. The eyes and ears are relatively well developed. Limbs are plantigrade, 5-toed; The exception is the four-toed African hedgehog, which has 4 toes on its hind limbs.
Hedgehogs are inhabitants of forests, steppes, deserts and cultivated landscapes. They settle under the roots of trees, in dense bushes, under stones, and dig holes. They are predominantly omnivorous, but prefer animal food: invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles (hedgehogs are famous for their endurance to snake venom), carrion. They are predominantly terrestrial animals, but many species are good climbers and swimmers. There are 1-2 breeding seasons during the year; Outside of them, hedgehogs lead a solitary lifestyle. Pregnancy lasts from 34 to 58 days; cubs in a litter range from 1 to 7.
An ordinary hedgehog.

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Common mole
Moles are small and medium-sized insectivores: body length from 5 to 21 cm; weight from 9 to 170 g. They (except for shrew moles living on the surface) are adapted to an underground, burrowing lifestyle. Their body is elongated, round, covered with thick, smooth, velvety fur. The mole coat has unique property- its pile grows straight, and is not oriented in a certain direction. This allows the mole to easily move underground in any direction - the pile lies freely both forward and backward. The color of the mole is monochromatic, black, black-brown or dark gray. The sense of smell and touch are well developed.

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Shrew shrew
These are small animals that look like mice, but with an elongated muzzle in the form of a proboscis. Shrews include the smallest mammals: the tiny shrew and the little shrew - their body length is 3-4 cm, they weigh about 2 g. The largest shrew, the giant shrew, weighs only 200 g with a body length of 18 cm. The head of shrews is quite large, with an elongated facial section. The nose is extended into a movable proboscis. The eyes are very small. The limbs are short, 5-fingered. The fur is short, thick, velvety. The tail is from very short to very long, longer than the body.

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This is one of the largest insectivores in Northern Eurasia: body length 18-22 cm, tail - 17-21 cm, weight 380-520 g. The body is dense. The neck is almost invisible from the outside. The head is conical, with a long movable proboscis nose. The eyes are vestigial, the size of a pinhead, and have well-developed eyelids. There is no external ear; the auditory openings (slits about 1 cm long) close when diving. The nasal openings are also closed using a special valve in the nasal cavity. Vibrissae very long; Sensitive hairs grow on the body. The limbs are rather short, 5-toed, the hind feet are larger and wider than the front ones. The fingers to the claws are united by a swimming membrane. The claws are well developed, long, slightly curved. Along the edges of all paws there is a border of hard bristly hair, which increases the swimming surface of the paws.

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Haitian snaptooth
These are relatively large animals for insectivores: body length 28-32 cm, tail 17.5-25.5 cm, weight up to 1 kg. Outwardly, they resemble rats or large shrews with high legs. The physique is dense. The body is covered with reddish-brown or black fur. The tail is almost naked, scaly. The muzzle is narrow, elongated into a proboscis, hairless at the end; the nostrils open on the sides of the snout. The eyes are small. The ears are partially hairless. There are 5 fingers on all limbs; they are equipped with claws that are longer and stronger on the front paws.

Fauna of the Nuratau ridge, South-Eastern Kyzylkum and the Aydar-Arnasay lake system


A small animal 12-20 cm long and weighing on average about 300 g. The back is densely covered with spines, which serve as protection from predators. The needles are variegated: light at the base and end, dark in the middle. The ears are long (longer than half the head, the ear bent forward goes behind the eye). The belly is covered with short, soft light hair; the hair on the head has a reddish tint.

  • Spreading.
  • Inhabits dry steppes, semi-deserts and deserts of Eurasia and North Africa(southern and southeastern regions of Russia, Central and Asia Minor, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Northern China, Mongolia, part of India, Egypt).


It lives in sandy and clayey deserts, in the foothills, and is often found on developed lands and on the outskirts of villages. Active at dusk and at night, during the day it hides in abandoned rodent burrows or its own burrows up to 1-1.5 m long. Eats insects, worms, frogs, snakes (including poisonous ones), lizards, small rodents, eggs and chicks nesting on the ground small birds, fallen fruits

Very mobile, when meeting large prey (rat, snake), it shows speed and agility. In case of danger, it curls up into a spiky ball. Bears offspring once a year, in the spring. After 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, the female gives birth in the burrow to 2-8 naked and blind cubs, which after a few hours are covered with soft needles, and at 1-1.5 months of age they become independent. Spends the winter in hibernation and awakens in the spring in March-April. The main enemies of the hedgehog in nature are the fox and the eagle owl.



In the region of the Nuratau ridge and South-Eastern Kyzylkum it is common, but there is no specific data on the number.

Long-spined hedgehog – Hemiechinus hypomelas (Brandt, 1836)


  • Similar to long-eared hedgehog, but has larger dimensions (body length up to 27 cm, weight up to 1 kg). The fur is long and soft. The ear is longer than half the length of the head. A patch of bare skin (“bald spot”) is visible on the crown of the head; the spines on the head are separated by a wide “parting” (by these signs it can be distinguished from an eared hedgehog). It has two forms of color - dark and light. Dark-shaped hedgehogs have gray or dark brown, almost black, fur and dark spines. The light form has almost white fur and ears, the needles are very light, without dark transverse stripes..


  • . Plains and foothills of Central and Asia Minor, Kazakhstan, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.


  • Inhabits sandy, clayey and rocky deserts, foothills and the lower mountain belt (up to 1400 m above sea level). Leads night look life, during the day it hides in rodent burrows, in crevices under stones, in its own burrows and other shelters. Runs faster than other types of hedgehogs.


  • When defending against an enemy or attacking prey, it can jump and deliver a lightning-fast bite. In winter it hibernates and awakens in March-April. Like the long-eared hedgehog, it reproduces once a year, in the spring. There are usually 3-4 cubs in a litter. It feeds on insects, worms, rodents, frogs, reptiles, and plant foods.

  • Number.
  • In the region of the Nuratau ridge and South-Eastern Kyzylkum it is rare, but there is no specific data on abundance.

Family Shrews - Soricidae

Little shrew – Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas, 1811)

The most small mammal in the region of the Nuratau ridge and South-Eastern Kyzylkum. Little animal ( smaller than a mouse) With long nose and a tail that looks like a vole. Body length is 5-7 cm, tail is about half the body length (2-4 cm). The color is gray, fawn or brownish above, light below. The tail is covered with short fur, from which individual elongated hairs protrude. Teeth white.


South Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Southern Urals, Far East. In Uzbekistan, it is found in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya, in the basins of the Syrdarya, Surkhandarya, Zeravshan, Chirchik rivers, and in the Fergana Valley.



Inhabitant of rarefied deciduous forests, forest-steppes, steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. Often settles in fields, gardens and orchards. Leads a terrestrial, partially underground lifestyle. It makes nests in grass, soil depressions, under stones, and in burrows of small rodents. Shrews do not dig holes themselves, but use the passages of rodents, or trample tunnels in the grass and fallen leaves, and in winter - under the snow. It feeds on insects and their larvae, earthworms, which it hunts in the forest floor, in the soil and on its surface. Sometimes it eats plant seeds and mushrooms. IN hibernation don't fall in.


They reproduce throughout the warm period. There are several litters per year, with 3-7 (up to 10) cubs in each. The offspring are born in spherical nests made of grass, which females make in rodent burrows or under stones. When the grown cubs leave the nest, they for a long time follow their mother. In this case, the animals form a chain in which each cub firmly holds with its teeth the base of the tail of the one in front, and the front cub holds on to the base of the mother’s tail. This interesting feature The life of shrews is well shown in the BBC film “The Life of Mammals”.

Shrews have a very intense metabolism, so they have to eat a lot. They eat more in a day than they weigh themselves, and without food they die in a few hours.

In the region of the Nuratau ridge and South-Eastern Kyzylkum it is common, but there is no specific data on the number.


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Insectivores are among the more archaic placentals that already existed in the Eocene. They have well-developed jaws and muscles for chewing. The main food of insectivores, according to the name, consists of insects, centipedes and worms. The most common representatives of insectivores are the hedgehog family and others.

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The sizes of hedgehogs vary from small to the largest in the order. Body length from 10 to 44 cm (hymnura); tail length is from 1 to 21 cm. The weight of the gymnura can reach 1.5 kg. The muzzle is elongated and pointed. The eyes and ears are relatively well developed. Limbs are plantigrade, 5-toed; The exception is the four-toed African hedgehog, which has 4 toes on its hind limbs. Hedgehogs are inhabitants of forests, steppes, deserts and cultivated landscapes. They settle under the roots of trees, in dense bushes, under stones, and dig holes. They are predominantly omnivorous, but prefer animal food: invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles (hedgehogs are famous for their resistance to snake venom), carrion. They are predominantly terrestrial animals, but many species are good climbers and swimmers. There are 1-2 breeding seasons during the year; Outside of them, hedgehogs lead a solitary lifestyle. Pregnancy lasts from 34 to 58 days; cubs in a litter range from 1 to 7. Common hedgehog.

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Mole common Moles small and medium-sized insectivores: body length from 5 to 21 cm; weight from 9 to 170 g. They (except for shrew moles living on the surface) are adapted to an underground, burrowing lifestyle. Their body is elongated, round, covered with thick, smooth, velvety fur. The mole coat has a unique property - its pile grows straight, and is not oriented in a certain direction. This allows the mole to easily move underground in any direction - the pile lies freely both forward and backward. The color of the mole is monochromatic, black, black-brown or dark gray. The sense of smell and touch are well developed.

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Shrew shrew These are small animals that look like mice, but with an elongated muzzle in the form of a proboscis. Shrews include the smallest mammals: the tiny shrew and the little shrew - their body length is 3-4 cm, they weigh about 2 g. The largest shrew, the giant shrew, weighs only 200 g with a body length of 18 cm. The head of shrews is quite large, with an elongated facial section. The nose is extended into a movable proboscis. The eyes are very small. The limbs are short, 5-fingered. The fur is short, thick, velvety. The tail is from very short to very long, longer than the body.

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Muskrat This is one of the largest insectivores in Northern Eurasia: body length 18-22 cm, tail - 17-21 cm, weight 380-520 g. The body is dense. The neck is almost invisible from the outside. The head is conical, with a long movable proboscis nose. The eyes are vestigial, the size of a pinhead, and have well-developed eyelids. There is no external ear; the auditory openings (slits about 1 cm long) close when diving. The nasal openings are also closed using a special valve in the nasal cavity. Vibrissae very long; Sensitive hairs grow on the body. The limbs are rather short, 5-toed, the hind feet are larger and wider than the front ones. The fingers to the claws are united by a swimming membrane. The claws are well developed, long, slightly curved. Along the edges of all paws there is a border of hard bristly hair, which increases the swimming surface of the paws.

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Haitian slittooth These are relatively large animals for insectivores: body length 28-32 cm, tail 17.5-25.5 cm, weight up to 1 kg. Outwardly, they resemble rats or large shrews with high legs. The physique is dense. The body is covered with reddish-brown or black fur. The tail is almost naked, scaly. The muzzle is narrow, elongated into a proboscis, hairless at the end; the nostrils open on the sides of the snout. The eyes are small. The ears are partially hairless. There are 5 fingers on all limbs; they are equipped with claws that are longer and stronger on the front paws.

Representatives of this detachment -
small animals (length 3.5-40
cm), widespread throughout
continents except Australia and South
America. It's comparative
primitive group.

Mammals. Monotremes: 1 - platypus; 2
- echidna. Insectivores: 3 - shrew; 4 -
muskrat; 5 - hedgehog; 6 - tenrec; 7 - jumper.

Body structure
These are small (from 3 to 40 cm) animals with
elongated head. The body is covered with thick
with wool or bristles, in hedgehogs - with needles.
The dental system is weak
differentiated, incisors, canines and
molars are practically not
differ from each other. Brain
poorly developed, brain without convolutions. Vision

insectivores are eaten
not only insects, but
and others


Lead above ground, underground or
semi-aquatic, mostly
nocturnal lifestyle.

Major representatives
squads eat:
small animals


Some insectivores
breed three times a year,
bringing 25 in a litter


It is just as common
on the Eurasian continent. Meet
these animals are almost everywhere except
Australia, South America And
These are small creatures covered
thin fur, active at any time
Times of Day.
They feed, of course, on insects and
other small animals that
found in the ground, which is clear from them
titles. Sometimes they also eat seeds.
The shrew family includes
shrews and shrews. They bring
enormous benefit, like hedgehogs, destroying
many harmful insects.

Tenrec family.

. These creatures are very similar
on hedgehogs, even before them
counted as one
Tenrecs live on
Madagascar and Comoros
islands. It's very ancient
family of insectivores,
whose representatives
known since the Cretaceous
They are just like hedgehogs
usually have spines
dark color. Some
the species have yellow on them
spots. Interesting
feature of the mentioned
animals is extremely
low metabolism and
absolutely low
body temperature that
usually not typical

The animal is a Russian muskrat

On wetlands
areas of Central
Russia lives
rare, small
semi-aquatic animal -
Russian muskrat.
It is 20 cm in size,
same length
tail Muskrat
has a thick
soft brownish brown
silver fur.
The muskrat has become very
rare due to
environmental disturbances
habitat. Feeds
shellfish, worms,
Included in Red


These are insectivores
animals that differ
quite large
sizes. Their zone
habitats - Cuba and Haiti.
They look like big ones
shrews or rats,
but have longer
legs and, unlike
rats, longer
face like
proboscis Interesting
is that the gaptooth
belongs to
mammals, poison
secreted by the gland
the duct of which


Mole is also a prime example
insectivorous animals. Inherent
many characteristic features given
class, but there are also distinctive
Mole skin,
represented as a short dark
The front paws of these animals
are quite specific to
insectivorous species - they
enlarged, located on them
long claws because
they are designed for convenient
digging the ground.
Moles live in the ground, where
make their own holes with
numerous nests and
tunnels. They are comfortable here
find food in the form of rain
worms, various larvae
insects, etc. Underdeveloped
eyes - since he lives under
land, they are practically not for him


This family includes
14 types. hedgehog is an example
whose skin
spines, not wool.
There are
South African,
eared, Indian,
Chinese, dark needle,
Ethiopian, Amur,
collar and others.
Individuals that live in
hot area,
differ greatly
ear size. In such
recent conditions
perform a function
temperature controllers
Hedgehogs are usually more active
at night.
Their diet consists of
various insects,
the worms they
found in the ground.


This presentation devoted to the study of the order of insectivores. The presentation presents the characteristics of insectivores, their distinctive features, as well as habitats.

The presentation provides a description of the order of insectivores, stating that they are relatively small in size, have an elongated muzzle (often with a proboscis), a well-developed sense of smell, short legs, and small undifferentiated teeth. These animals feed on insects, as is evident from the name of the order. Some representatives of this order are listed in the Red Book.

The presentation examines in more detail the following representatives of the order of insectivores: long-eared hedgehog, common hedgehog, Russian muskrat, shrew, Japanese mole. The description of each animal is accompanied by illustrations; it is possible to view video files if you have an electronic version of the Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. The following talks about the importance of insectivores in nature and for humans.




  • Date of material creation: January 23, 2013
  • Slides: 9 slides
  • Presentation file creation date: January 23, 2013
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