Can an ordinary person become a psychic? Learning clairvoyance

People who sometimes notice their ability to foresee the future and feel the thoughts of others often wonder: is it possible to become a psychic? to an ordinary person? According to eminent clairvoyants, everyone can develop the ability to see the supernatural. This requires constant training and a desire for results. This article will talk about how to become a psychic in real life, what practices are best to apply, what is the methodology for performing such exercises.

What to do to acquire the abilities of a seer? You can download a video on the Internet on how to become a psychic, or you can perform several simple practices.

The main condition for their effectiveness is that you need to develop your foresight skills every day, without exceptions or excuses.

  1. Accumulation of prana (energy).
  2. Contact with a person's thoughts.
  3. Development of the medium's vision.
  4. Development of extrasensory hearing.
  5. Exercises to develop attention.

Recharging with energy

In Indian philosophy you can find such a concept as prana - supernatural energy that nourishes the whole the world around us. In other words, prana is the biofield of the earth. By concentrating a sufficient amount of prana in yourself, you can quickly master the science of how to become a psychic at home. You will learn to see the thoughts of other people, cure illnesses, predict the future with the help of your powers and world energy.

How to accumulate prana?

To do this, you need to perform these simple practices.

  • Sit comfortably in a chair or lie down on a sofa, with your palms folded in the solar plexus area.
  • Relax all muscles as much as possible.
  • Listen to your heart rate.
  • Now get started breathing exercises: inhale for 4 beats in a row - hold your breath for 2 beats - long exhale for 4 beats.
  • As you inhale, feel how the energy of the world is absorbed by the pores of your skin, and when you exhale, feel how it enters the area below the chest (solar plexus) and remains there.
  • Most often, prana is represented in the form of a ray of light, a stream of air, or otherwise, of great importance it doesn't have. By devoting 5 minutes daily to the accumulation of prana, you can soon feel its dynamics.

Learning to read thoughts

This is one of the main reasons why people want to develop psychic abilities. In order to learn to “see” the thoughts of others, you should perform this practice:

  • Imagine one of your loved ones, friends or acquaintances with whom you have good relationship. Focus on what you can do to make him happy. Go through your thoughts one by one until you feel one of the impulses:

– feeling of “goosebumps” on the skin.

- a feeling of languor in the chest area.

– strong resonance throughout the body.

If you feel any of this, it means that contact has been made. Now imagine this person again, and begin to mentally ask questions of interest. Concentrate on the sensations. By devoting 20 to 30 minutes to the exercise every day, you can quite significantly develop your telepathic abilities and become a psychic in real life.

Developing psychic vision

This practice will help you begin to see what is hidden from the ordinary eye. To carry it out, you need to create an atmosphere of complete darkness, fixing your gaze on any piece of furniture. It's best if you remember him appearance only partially.

Then try to mentally recreate a complete picture of the appearance of the object: its shape, temperature, texture, taste. These should not be memories, but precisely reading the energy of a thing.

After a certain time, you will acquire the ability to see unfamiliar objects, for example, in the dark of a cinema hall or other similar environment.

Acquiring extrasensory hearing skills

To comprehend this practice, you need to accustom yourself to maximum concentration on the sounds of the outside world. For example, when going to bed, you should not create an atmosphere of familiar silence, but rather, in a calm environment, absorb maximum quantity sounds.

Each sound is a carrier of information. A person’s voice carries his energy, the roar of a car’s engine carries the energy of the mechanism, its driver and passengers, the noise of foliage carries the biofield of the forest, etc.

Important! There is no need to comprehend what you hear; on the contrary, you should try to capture the energy on a sensory level.

Exercises to develop attention

Be interested in the inner world of every person with whom life brings you together, try to tune in to their wavelength, guess habits and preferences based on external behavior. By practicing this constantly, you will soon be convinced that your guesses are 80–90% correct. Practices for concentrating attention are also useful, for example, you can try to recreate from memory external features an object seen in an unfamiliar place, etc. By performing this exercise often, you will see how much more sensitive your attention has become, how many little things and details there are that are invisible to most people around you.

In conclusion

This is what primary practices look like on how to become a psychic at home. To develop your paranormal abilities even deeper, there is no shame in enrolling in special courses or being trained by a famous medium.

Important! Before choosing one guru, take the time to inquire about his reputation and read customer reviews. Remember: there are especially many scammers in this area who want to profit from a breach of trust.

Good help in development psychic abilities Dietary restrictions are considered. Try to eat less meat, don’t drink wine, give up tobacco. It is better if the basis of the diet is cereals, bread, and dairy products. Having stopped concentrating on earthly things, the question of how to become a psychic at home is quite simple to solve.

How to become a psychic at home? Many people want to connect their lives with magic and mysticism. But before you start developing your abilities, weigh the pros and cons.

In the article:

You can become a psychic if you have people in your family with supernatural abilities.

If among your relatives there are people who have magical abilities, it will be much easier than for those who have to learn the art of witchcraft on their own. But, regardless of whether the gift was inherited or not, you still need to train for a long time.

A psychic who has no practice cannot improve his art and become more experienced. In order to become a psychic at home, you need to constantly perform a certain course of exercises. To begin with, you can start with simple basic exercises, after which you can begin to complicate these exercises.

If you decide to become a psychic, be prepared for all the difficulties that you will experience along the way. If you are ready to help people and use your gift for good, then you can start training.

First of all, pay attention to the development of intuition.

You need to learn to anticipate the events that happen in your life and the lives of people who seek help.

Psychics need to learn to use additional attributes. These could be:

  • ritual knives;
  • mirrors;
  • and many other artifacts.

It is important for you to learn to recognize the flows of positive and negative energy. Without these basic knowledge You cannot become a real psychic.

At first, you definitely need to keep your personal diary. You need to write down in it the practices that you have mastered and the exercises that you want to try. This is very important, because with this you will be able to record your progress.

You must clearly understand that being a psychic is not the same as or. You will not be able to curse people or run negative programs.

Yes, you will be closely connected with subtle world and you will be able to manage your own energy flows and distinguish the energy of other people. But this does not mean that you will completely change everything the way you want, since in order to save people from the negative program, treat, cleanse karma and biofield, you will need to go through long haul.

Is it possible to transform in 10 minutes?

If you want to become a psychic in 10 minutes, then you need to immediately warn that this is impossible. Become a psychic for this short time unrealistic.

Since obtaining magical and any other knowledge is a long and painstaking path, you need to work hard; no one has been able to quickly obtain such knowledge. None higher powers They won’t be able to make you a psychic in such a short time. If you are not ready to go the long way, it is better not to take on this venture.

How to become a psychic - test to determine abilities

If you did not have people in your family endowed with supernatural powers and you doubt that you can become a psychic, you should take this test, as a result of which you will understand whether you can develop your gift or not.

Test consists of 10 questions. You can get from 0 to 2 points for them. Add up all the points and get the exact result.

  • Do you often feel drawn to certain objects for no apparent reason?
  • All you have to do is think about someone and that person immediately calls, writes to you or appears on your doorstep?

Often happens (1).

I think about one person, but a completely different one makes itself known (0).

  • Do you often have prophetic dreams?

Yes, of course (1).

  • You have certain “places of power” where you feel very good, but at certain points you feel very bad.

No, I don’t feel the energy of places (0).

  • Has anyone in your family had anything to do with magic?
  • If you find yourself in the company of telepaths, will you be able to feel comfortable with them?
  • Do you often pay attention to strange things that lie in unfamiliar rooms, and do you think that they have negative energy?
  • When you fall asleep, do you often feel vibrations throughout your body?

This has never happened before (0).

It often happens (2).

Rarely happens (1).

  • How often do you realize that the situation you are in has already happened (a feeling of déjà vu)?

Happens very often (2).

Happens very rarely (1).

Never happens (0).

  • Can you feel the presence of a person, even if he is far from you at that moment?

Only if this person is very close to me (1).

I can feel any person nearby that I think about (2).


If you dialed less than 5 points, then you have little inclinations.

If you have 6-10 points, then you have the makings, but they are very average. If you want to develop, you must train. Your path will be thorny, but if you work hard, you can achieve success.

11 points or more- You are a real psychic, and you have a great future. All you have to do is practice regularly and you will be able to achieve perfection.

Exercise for developing the vision of a medium

First of all every aspiring psychic needs. It will allow you to see what is hidden from other eyes. If you develop it, you will be able to see exactly any information that is hidden from you.

In order to do this exercise, you need to wait until nightfall and go into a house with curtains on the windows. Absolute darkness is the key to a correctly completed task. You should look in any direction and at any object that stands there. It will be very good if you only vaguely see his features.

You should imagine what color this object is, what shape it has, how it feels, hard or soft, perhaps what it tastes like. You need not to remember, but to read the information of the energy flow that is around this object.

After you learn to sense objects that are in a room that is familiar to you, you can begin to identify objects that are in an unfamiliar area. Of course, it is not advisable to walk alone on the streets. But you can do this exercise in any dark room. This could be a movie theater during a show, your friends' apartment, and so on.

How to develop extrasensory hearing?

Next for the psychic You definitely need to develop your hearing. To do this, you need to be able to tune in to all the sounds that surround you. For example, before going to bed, you do not need to abstract yourself from all the sounds that you may hear. On the contrary, tune in to their frequency.

Control the sounds you hear. For you, sound should be valuable information. For example, if you heard the voice of a stranger on the street, then try to tune in to the energy that he emits.

Don't try to logically recreate in your mind what this person might look like. Try to feel it. The image should not be invented, but recreated from the information that came to you.

Smell exercises - as a way to obtain information

It is very important for a psychic to develop a sense of smell.. Psychics claim that the aura of each person and his energy has its own individual smell, just like the body of any individual. If you can sense a person by smell and determine energy flows, this will help you find answers to various questions.

With the help of extrasensory smell you can even determine what kind of relationship between two certain people, and how they change depending on the situation. Try to sniff your acquaintances, but remember that you need to smell not the body, but the energy flow that they are studying.

This may be very difficult at first. But you need to learn to tune in to the energy that people emit and perceive it as a powerful information resource.

Extrasensory touch

After this you should begin immediately to develop extrasensory touch. This is one of the easiest ways to develop psychic abilities. To do this, you should turn off your other senses. That is, you should blindfold yourself, close your ears and touch the object that will be offered.

There is a stereotype that one can only acquire unique psychic abilities at birth. This is a kind of sign of the chosen one, and no exercise will give a guaranteed result in such a matter. However, some people who have naturally good intuition manage to develop abilities that other people can only dream of. So, how to become a psychic at home?

Necessary tools and books

To begin with, a person needs to acquire everything he needs to achieve psychic mastery. Typically, future telepaths acquire the following things:

All these things should be purchased in specialized stores, and it is better to start with literature. There are many authors who write on the topic of extrasensory perception, but you need to pay attention to those publications that are dedicated specifically to understanding your abilities, and not scientific research gift.

From such specialized literature you can learn how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards, and how to establish contact with deceased people. So, to establish contact, a person’s thing is needed, his name, in some cases his surname. Communicating with spirits is extremely difficult, so if a person has not taken on such supernatural matters before, it is better to start with something else.

For example, you can tell your fortune using Tarot cards, trying to read the past and future. You can tell fortunes to relatives and friends without taking money for it. Now a person is honing his skills, learning to comprehend the boundaries of his unusual talent.

Psychologists advise setting up a place to work: it should be a small room where pleasant music plays and there are no distracting noises or smells. In such a place it will be much easier to tune in by correctly reading all the signs and cards.

In the future, having mastered specialized literature, a person himself will choose the direction of his activity. Some people can tell fortunes using bones, cards, or coffee grounds. Some people are not interested in all this, but only communication with spirits attracts them. What should be studied is white magic, since working with black spells and conspiracies is dangerous and leaves a certain mark on a person’s heart.

Ways to develop your abilities

How you can become a psychic at home, developing your gift every day, is a real dilemma for many potential magicians. Often people from birth feel a connection with the other world, but do not know how to establish it. In such cases, various exercises that develop the so-called third eye come to their aid. Which of them are considered the most effective?

Psychologists advise devoting at least half an hour daily to meditation and communication with your inner self. This will help you tune in to a certain mood and find new facets of your talent.

Moreover, you don’t need to wait for instant results, because it is impossible to develop psychic abilities in half an hour. It often takes a person his entire life to fully comprehend this art. However, the exercises listed above help sharpen extrasensory vision and understand your inner world and own capabilities. You should devote all your free time to such training.

It is also recommended to tune in before a session with a client. Specifically, you need to meditate for at least 10 minutes to free your mind. Those who want to become a flawless psychic soon should practice yoga as it sharpens the senses and relaxes the body.

How to determine the presence or absence of psychic abilities

Although it is possible to develop such skills, not everyone should resort to such exercises. Some people are too rational by nature, so knowledge of other facets of the world is simply inaccessible to them. How can you determine the presence or absence of such talents in yourself?

  • A person prone to extrasensory perception has impeccable intuition; he often knows what will happen to him or other people in the coming days/weeks.
  • Such a person is often visited, the feeling of deja vu does not leave him.
  • A person easily guesses the thoughts of others, and without any problems determines which of his new acquaintances is negatively disposed towards him.
  • Sometimes it seems to a potential psychic that the spirits or souls of dead people are trying to contact him.
  • He unmistakably senses the aura of the room, and sometimes he can tell what happened in a particular place.

No one is born with a clear understanding of their abilities, and this awareness comes gradually. At first, a person seems to be going crazy, but gradually these skills can be curbed, strengthened or weakened in specific situations.

It often happens that a psychic is afraid of his skills, so he suppresses his own instincts. As a result, abilities weaken over time, and sometimes disappear altogether.

Sometimes the visions turn out to be extremely unpleasant, and often so symbolic that it is impossible to decipher them without specialized literature It just doesn't work. That is why a person should always keep dream books and special magic encyclopedias at hand.

One more distinguishing feature potential psychic - his phenomenal skills in fortune telling. Such a person can take up cards for the first time and immediately predict a stranger’s past and future. Magicians are good at reading fate by hand, and sometimes, looking into the eyes of their interlocutor, they learn all his motives. The psychic also turns out to be an excellent psychologist, since he sees through those around him, along with their vices, desires and dreams. Many experienced mediums admitted that they felt their gift with early childhood, but were not fully aware of it. Often abilities are completely revealed only at the end of life in moments of a terrible spiritual crisis or serious danger.

Of course, you won’t be able to become a perfect psychic right away. However, with the help of special exercises and endless self-confidence, a person can achieve decent results. The most important thing here is not to give up and learn to listen to your inner voice.

Alisa, Moscow

If you notice psychic abilities in yourself and want to develop them, we will tell you how to become a psychic by mastering simple practices and regularly developing your talents. Even if you don’t have an innate gift, then with the help of systematic training, gaining knowledge and mastering practices, you can achieve success in this exciting and useful activity.


How to become a psychic in real life

Anyone can imagine themselves as an experienced magician, but putting their abilities into practice is much more difficult. These recommendations and useful tips will help you develop your abilities and learn to use them for the benefit of yourself and others.

1. Develop your intuition every day. To do this, whenever possible, try to predict events. For example, when waiting for transport at a stop, make a prediction about which route will arrive now, or who will be the first man, woman, or child to get off.

Watch yours carefully internal sensations, listen to them and analyze what is causing the unexpected feeling of anxiety, bad mood, and so on. The other world constantly sends us clues, we just need to learn how to interpret them correctly.

2. Regularly restore and accumulate energy. After all, the use of psychic abilities requires a lot of dedication: it depletes your energy reserves and thins your aura. It's best to do this in the morning. Devote 15 minutes to breathing practices, during which you conduct meditation, attracting strength, luck, calmness, and creative energy.

The more often you use your abilities, the more strength you will need. Gradually, you will feel that you are already spending more time replenishing your energy reserves.

3. Put your skills into practice. At first it will just be attempts to do something and show your talent. Gradually they will develop into serious actions and will be able to help not only you, but also those around you.

4. Practice only in good mood and for good. As mentioned earlier, using abilities is expensive internal energy. If you yourself are in this time bad mood, you are sick or tired, then you are depleting your body.

5. Develop in all directions, if you have not yet understood what exactly your gift is, and how to become a psychic in real life, equally develop your sense of smell, touch, vision and hearing.

In practice, it turns out that one of these areas works better than the others, and your abilities will be based on it in the future.

When thinking about how to become a psychic, explore all of your options in real life. Perhaps the most in a simple way will learn from another person who has achieved success in this area. The most important question you must answer yourself is whether you really want to help people and be useful. After all, if you act not for the good, you will definitely receive the opposite message, which will affect your health.

People with good sensitivity (psychics) claim that anyone can develop such abilities. But this requires a lot of effort and regular training. The list of exercises below will help you master the basic skills.

To learn how to read information from an object, you need to focus your attention on it. To do this, perform the exercise that professional psychics recommend to all beginners - developing concentration. Draw a black dot on an A4 sheet of paper. It should be comfortable for your perception. Hang the sheet on the wall at eye level (not lower or higher). Sit comfortably and concentrate on the point. Remember that it is necessary to concentrate not your vision, but your attention. Imagine that there is a ray of attention between your eyebrows - look at the point through it. This way, you can change your consciousness a little and the world around you will become defocus. Learn to keep your attention on only one object, without being distracted by others and without holding onto the world. It should dissolve and disappear - only a point will remain. The next exercise involves touching a point with your attention. Try to feel the point and touch it with your attention. After completing this exercise, when in contact with other objects, you will be able to easily determine how deeply you need to concentrate to obtain the necessary information.

After mastering the previous practices, begin to visualize the white point. Just sit and pay attention to the space between you. Don't think about the point, try to switch off internal dialogue. Again, use the ray of attention coming from the area between your eyebrows. At its end, imagine a white dot. It should not appear visually, but inside the head. When you focus your attention on space, energy will begin to accumulate, which will subsequently glow. At first you may see a dot of a different color, but the goal of the practice is white. With every new acquaintance, try to read information from the person and feel his inner world, hobbies and aspirations. Later, compare how right you were. Also do exercises to develop attention. Try to see the outlines of different objects in the dark. If you use this practice often, you will begin to notice many small parts, which were previously overlooked. Develop your hearing, smell and touch. Determine where all the sounds that surround you come from. If you hear someone talking, imagine their appearance. On other days, sniff the odors outside and identify the sources. To develop your sense of touch, put earplugs in your ears and close your eyes. Touch different objects with your fingers and remember how you feel. Basic skills are not that difficult to master, but sooner or later you will have to move on. Sign up for good courses that are available in everyone large region. There are many online courses for developing sensitivity. The main thing is to be able to distinguish scammers from good specialists. Read reviews on websites various companies and contact the people who left them. Very famous and reliable projects are:
  • Arcanum