How to learn magic. Spells and words of white magic: real rituals for beginners

There is no consensus on what shape pies should be. They can be different in shape, small or large. Who likes what! If you like oval-shaped products, stop mastering it. And if it’s triangular, try folding the dough into envelopes. In fact, all the options are quite simple if you know a few subtleties of working with the dough. You can also make pies from ready-made dough, but many housewives prefer to knead it themselves.

3 secrets of proper pie dough

Secret 1 - good mood

Despite the abundance of recipes for pie dough, every housewife always has a couple of favorites in the process of culinary experiments. This is due to the fact that the dough, strange as it may sound, senses your hands and your mood. Therefore, if you are not in the mood today, the dough is unlikely to turn out. And even the most good recipe a quick pie dough won't work.

Therefore, before you figure out how to make pies correctly, charge yourself with positivity, turn on the music, or really want to cook something amazingly tasty. And only then start kneading.

Secret 2 - moderately steep batch

There should be enough flour in the mixture so that after kneading it does not stick to your hands. Professional chefs even joke that if you get your hands dirty while working with dough, it means you did something wrong. To figure out how much flour is appropriate, take all that is indicated in the recipe, fold it into a mound in the middle of the cutting board and make a depression in it. Pour all the liquid ingredients of the mixture into this hole, and then begin to slowly mix the flour into the liquid. When the mass stops being sticky, kneading must be stopped.

Secret 3 - use vegetable oil

This is the easiest way to prevent the mass from sticking to your hands and allow you to mold something decent out of it. Lubricate vegetable oil hands and get to work.

Popular dough recipes step by step

Since one of the secrets to making beautiful pies is preparing the right dough, let’s look at this in more detail. There are 2 technologies for preparing the mass: yeast and without yeast.

Quick yeast dough for pies

You will need:

  • milk - a glass;
  • flour - 500 g;
  • pressed yeast - 30 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - teaspoon;
  • salt - half a teaspoon.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Heat the milk and dissolve the sugar in it.
  2. Add the shake and stir well.
  3. Sift the flour onto a board or into a bowl, make a mound, then form a well in the center.
  4. Pour in the milk and yeast and leave to ferment for 20 minutes. During this time, the mass will rise like a cap and become covered with bubbles.
  5. Then add butter, egg beaten with salt. Start kneading the flour from the center to the edges. It is convenient to do this with a wooden spatula.
  6. When you get a soft mass, knead it with your hands, beat it on the table, shape it into a ball and start making pies.

Pie dough without yeast

You will need:

  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • salt and sugar - a teaspoon;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • butter - 30 g.


  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave to soften.
  2. Mix sour cream, soda, sugar and salt.
  3. Pour flour into a bowl, add sour cream, stir.
  4. Add butter, gradually mixing it into the dough. If you feel a greasy feeling, add more flour. Knead well and you can use.

Techniques for sculpting pies. How to form and pinch triangles

How to roll out the dough and how to close it so it doesn't open? Here are the most popular ways to beautifully sculpt, cook and wrap pies (as in the photo). In each case, you first need to make a rope of dough with a diameter of about 5 cm, and then divide it into equal parts with a knife or finger. Types of formation:

After giving the pies the desired shape don't rush to bake them. Turn on the oven to preheat while you apply cling film vegetable oil and cover your preparations on a baking sheet with it. Wait 15 minutes and you will see how the size of the pies has become 2 times larger! Now brush their tops with milk or egg and bake. When you take your creation out of the oven, the surface of each pie will have a golden brown, shiny crust.

Of course, there is no consensus, they say, you can only make pies this way and not any other way. You can wrap the pie so that it is oval, triangular, or square. You can roll the pie into a snail shape, into a tube, make a pigtail, etc.

Making pies is not based on how masterfully you handle changing the configuration of the dough. Initially, it will be correct not to train with wrapping/folding, but with proper kneading of the dough. Exactly what will then allow you to make perfect pies.

Kneading rules:

  • The main thing is to make moderately stiff dough. It needs to not stick to your hands, nothing more. There is a joke among confectioners: if you get your hands dirty while kneading the dough, you did something wrong. First, you pour out the required amount of flour in a heap, make a hole inside and pour the individual ingredients into it. And then knead.
  • To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, grease your hands with vegetable oil.
  • Even the strictest instructions often warn - do not cook the dough in bad mood. Oddly enough, even cooking pros talk about the importance of this point. So, cook with pleasure and enjoyment.

Each housewife adapts, as they say, how to wrap pies to suit herself. You can consider modeling pies using a specific recipe as an example.


  • Yeast – 30 g;
  • Flour – ½ kg;
  • Rast. oil – 3-4 tbsp;
  • Milk – 250 ml;
  • Chicken egg - 1 PC.;
  • Sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Salt – a pinch.

Modeling pies step by step

So, you start making pies from yeast dough. They also make pies from puff pastry, but still the yeast pie is the most beautiful and delicious.

Cooking steps:

  1. Heat the milk a little, pour sugar into it. Add yeast there, stir well.
  2. Sift the flour onto a board or into a bowl. Make a mound of flour with a depression in the center.
  3. Pour milk with dissolved yeast into it and leave to ferment for 20 minutes. During this time the mass will rise and become covered with bubbles.
  4. After this, add oil, beat the egg with salt. Start kneading the flour from the center to the edges. This can be done with a wooden spatula.
  5. You will get a soft mass that needs to be kneaded well with your hands, then beaten on the table, formed into a ball, and then make pies.

Typically, pies are made with fillings - meat, cheese, sweet, vegetable, etc. You can also make triangular pies - you first make a round cake, put the filling in it, and from three sides of the circle you need to twist the dough towards the center.

How to beautifully wrap buns with sugar

Making buns also requires some skill. Before frying or baking, you can make a sausage out of the dough, with small cuts on it. Roll the sausage into a ring, you get such a beautiful wheel.

You can also make dough using the brushwood principle. Cut the dough into rectangles, make a cut in the middle, and insert one of the edges of the rectangle through the tip.

Inspiration can come right during the cooking process. You can use the dough to form birds, leaves, roses, accordions, etc. Experiment, and buns and pies from unusual looking will be even tastier.

Modeling pies step by step with photos

Pie recipes: dough and filling with mozzarella, ricotta, spinach

Apple recipes: pie, French recipe for I'll save Apple

Yeast dough for pie and muffins - step by step: recipes for Apple Savor
...Place the prepared filling on the dough (mix sugar, lingonberries and apple jam), spread evenly over the surface of the dough. Upper part Roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm and make cuts with a knife in a checkerboard pattern. Cover the top of the pie with the resulting mesh. Press the edges of the mesh and the bottom part against each other and trim so that the thickness of the edge of the dough is equal to the thickness of the dough itself. Let the pie rise in a warm place.

Place the pie in an oven preheated to 200º and bake at 180-200º for 30-35 minutes.

Apple muffins with chocolate chips For 1 kg of muffins: Premium wheat flour - 1.5 cups + 1 tbsp. topped spoon Granulated sugar - 1 heaped glass + 1 tbsp. spoon... Please teach me :-)) Recipes with photos:

thin pancakes

with milk, oatmeal cookies and yeast pies

How to make an open pie: recipe for dough and filling from Chadeika Recipes for apple pies No one can refuse delicious and tender pies with apples as a dessert. If you think that preparing pies is long and expensive, then you are very mistaken. A collection of tips selected for you

best recipes pies with apples that you will definitely like. The difficulty with using apples as a filling for pies is that the addition of sugar causes the fruit to release juice. As a result, the dough turns out wet due to the filling and stretches like rubber. Yes and... mold to remove the cake.

Take a dish that is the right size and invert the pie onto a plate. Serve with vanilla ice cream, fresh cream or whipped cream. Tunisian orange-almond cake Serves 6: 200 g caster sugar 100 g ground almonds 50 g Japanese Panko breadcrumbs (you can use... Boil over low heat until thick. Cool. Slice the tomatoes slightly crosswise to make it easy to remove the skin. Pour boiling water over for 3 minutes. Remove the skin and cut the tomatoes crosswise into thick slices. Roll out the dough into a layer measuring 20x30 cm. Place on a baking sheet. Fold the edges up to form a border and prick the dough with a fork. Spread the spiced tomato passata onto the dough.

Place tomato slices on top of the sauce and top with halved or quartered cherry tomatoes. Salt

sea ​​salt . You can sprinkle with thyme. Bake at 200°C for 35-40 minutes. Grease the finished pie olive oil and serve. It is delicious both hot and cold... Croissants, cooking recipes. Croissants - real symbol

French cuisine

in general and French breakfast in particular. To make croissants with your own hands, you need to stock up on homemade or store-bought

puff pastry , as well as any filling you wish. Popular recipes with photos - [link-1] croissants at home brings to your attention a collection of tips. Today, there are many versions of the appearance of croissants, according to which the birthplace of these bakery products Austria is considered. But still more often... Yeast dough and filling according to GOST - just like in childhood A pie with cabbage. Blog of user Vladimir Vladimir on recipe for cabbage pie // recipes with photos Ingredients

yeast dough

- 1 kg, cabbage - 500-700g, boiled eggs - 3 pcs (optional), salt, pepper, vegetable oil * for Lenten dish: Do not add eggs to the filling. Preparation Prepare the yeast dough using a straight method.

Ready dough

Roll out into two layers (part of the dough can be left for decorating the pie). Prepare the cabbage filling: peel the cabbage from spoiled leaves, remove the stalk. Finely chop the cabbage and fry...
Recipe for quick dough and filling. Master class on assembling a pie


The tender, soft, open-faced strawberry pie brought back memories of summer: it was the last serving of strawberries from last summer's harvest. For this pie you will need rich yeast dough and frozen strawberries. Dough: 1) Flour 500 g 2) Live yeast 25 g 3) Egg 1 pcs 4) Granulated sugar 3 tbsp. l. 5) Salt 1/4 tsp. 6) Milk 250 ml 7) Margarine 125 gr. Filling: 1) Frozen strawberries about 1 kg. Strawberries need to be thawed by placing them in a colander to drain the juice. (I use it for making strawberry...

Next, run a damp brush or cloth over the entire surface of the dough. Place another rectangle of dough on top, which should have exactly the same dimensions. Previously this upper layer The dough is adjusted to the bottom layer using a knife along all edges of the dough. This will allow it to behave correctly during baking. Using test tweezers or your index and thumb

Ready dough

Pinch the edge of the baked dough by holding the tool or your fingers at an angle. Brush the surface of the dough with beaten egg. Decorate the top of the baked dough with slits. And finally, using the point of a knife, make two holes with a diameter of 1 cm in the middle line of the already decorated dough and insert a tube of oiled paper into each of them so that a piece comes out of the dough...

We tried this recipe! The first time, of course, it didn’t turn out so well, but the second time my mother helped and everything turned out delicious! Oh, for some reason the whole roll came apart for the first time! But it still didn’t affect the taste in any way! Beautiful photo! Super recipe

, it seems to me! I think it’s possible to cook it, and you should try it!

Grandma's dumplings, unusual ravioli and Italian pie. Grease the bottom with oil and place another sheet on it. This way, 6 sheets of dough will be used. Sprinkle the dough with almonds, spread the filling, smooth it out, pressing lightly with a spoon. Cover the filling with the overhanging edges of the dough and brush the dough with oil.
...Roll out the dough onto it into a rectangle measuring approximately 20x35 cm. Distribute the filling across 2/3 of the dough in width. Cover the filling with a loose third of the dough and fold again. Turn the roll seam side down and knead to a thickness of 7 cm. Grease the surface of the roll with milk and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place the paper with the roll onto a baking sheet.

Bake the roll for about 1 hour until nicely golden brown. Cool the roll on a wire rack. Cut the cooled roll into slices 2 cm wide. Serve with sauce.

Ready dough

Finely chopped for making sauce

green onions

mix with sour cream, season with salt and pepper. From the book "52 Pies"... I’m trying to master yeast baking, and I’ve encountered a problem: if I make a pie with some kind of juicy filling or filling, it either doesn’t bake at the bottom or gets soggy. how to deal with this? More specifically, I’m interested in: a pie with cherries (still frozen) or with apples (diced), open-faced meat pie filled with sour cream, cheese and egg. If you pour meat right away, as in the recipe, then the bottom remains “plasticine”. I tried baking it first without sour cream, and then pouring it in. Then it's baked, but...

When I make strudel, I put the apples on breadcrumbs (3 tbsp) just so that the moisture from the apples is absorbed

You're baking with the wrong thing, IMHO :-) Well, they don't bake cherry ice cream with yeast dough. and the filling with filling is some kind of crazy invention..

Keep your hands dry when you knead the dough.
Before putting the cake in the oven, let it rise for 15-20 minutes.

It is best to add unmelted butter to dough (yeast and unleavened butter), since melted butter worsens the structure of the dough. Pies made with milk are more tasty and aromatic, the crust after baking is shiny with a beautiful color. It is better to add too little baking soda and vanillin to the dough than to add too much. The yeast for the dough should be fresh, with a pleasant alcoholic smell. Test the yeast in advance. To do this, prepare a small portion of the dough and sprinkle with a layer of flour. If no cracks appear after 30 minutes, then the quality of the yeast is poor. If there was too much sugar in the dough, the pies would...

...The yeast for the dough should be fresh, with a pleasant alcoholic smell. Test the yeast in advance. To do this, prepare a small portion of the dough and sprinkle with a layer of flour. If no cracks appear after 30 minutes, then the quality of the yeast is poor.

Ready dough

If there is excess sugar in the dough, the pies quickly “brown” and even burn. The fermentation of yeast dough slows down, and the pies turn out less fluffy.

Fats, softened to the consistency of sour cream, are added at the end of kneading the dough or when kneading it, this improves the fermentation of the dough.
the dough is too thick for pies and after the last kneading (it is possible that during the last kneading, the dough was intensively kneaded and the gluten was activated), you did not let the dough rest, but immediately began making pies. After dividing the dough into portions, you need to let these balls rest for about 10 minutes, then start shaping. and give it some time for proofing, then everything should be OK! :)

Tell me, teach me :) Every time I get something out of the dough that is shaped like hell. The taste is wonderful, but the shape is disgusting if I want to wrap something in it: (The pies either crawl, or leak out of them, or they are just some crazy shape. But I want nice, even puffs, corners or rectangles.

Ready dough

O lover of geometry;))) Actually, even store-bought dough can be different... I once baked it, the shape is wonderful, nothing swelled, but alas, I didn’t like the taste. And I buy another one, which is not so pleasant in shape, but taste:P m-yum
They also glue the edges of the pies together with egg white and just coat them.
And if you grease the top of the product with egg, then do not coat the edges, otherwise the dough may not rise...
Here's an idea for modeling puff pastry. The filling can be any non-flowing one (I like: banana circle in sugar, marmalade or dates with nuts) (photo clickable)

Never pinch the edges of puff pastry/pies. Just brush the edge of the dough with water, cover with a layer of dough and press tightly. You can then cut it exactly along the edge sharp knife. then everything will separate perfectly and nothing will leak out.

It’s easier to give such “empty” pies unusual shape. Just carefully pinch the edges of the baked goods so that burnt sugar does not spoil the pleasure.

By the way, Just like a pie, try it!

Ready dough

Potato pies with lamb and pine nuts Beer dough pies filled with buckwheat and brisket Yeast dough pies with cabbage Pies with cherries Olga Zakharova Article provided by the magazine...
I don’t make anything with them other than charlotte and yeast pies; I want something very tasty, proven for a springform pan. And preferably without the frills of baking, my oven heats up very quickly and if it’s big, it may not bake.
Apple Pie
0.5 l kefir, 250 g mayonnaise, 1 egg, salt, sugar, 0.5 tsp soda, 1 cup flour.
4 apples, 300g cottage cheese (dry!).
pour the remaining dough and bake at 150 degrees for 40 minutes.

Will you teach me how to make Kurnik? This is chicken pot pie.

Ready dough

Thank you very much everyone for the answers.

The recipe is not mine. But delicious.
Was given at this conference, when they were still exchanging recipes and not discussing mayonnaise)))
If it’s still relevant, I’ll give you a recipe for chicken, which my mother-in-law often makes.
This is a basic recipe, the mother-in-law usually makes 1.5 - 2 doses of dough, filling and sauce for 10 - 12 people. It’s a lot of fuss, but it’s worth it - extraordinary yummy!!!-)
Dough: 350 g flour, 90 g butter, 15 g sugar, 1 egg, 75 g milk or cream, 30 g sour cream, 4 g salt, 3 g soda.
Melt the butter, add sour cream, cream, eggs, salt, sugar, mix everything and add flour mixed with soda. Knead the dough.
Filling: 1 chicken, 300 champignons (ideally porcini mushrooms), 5 hard-boiled eggs, 1 cup rice, 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped parsley.
Boil the chicken, skin it, chop the meat into small pieces, season with sauce.
Boil the rice, season with oil and cool, then add 1 chopped egg and herbs.
Fry mushrooms in oil and season with sauce.
Sauce: 2 tbsp plums. butter, 1 tbsp flour, 2 cups strong chicken broth, 1/2 cup cream, 2 yolks, 200
g champignons.
For greasing: 2 yolks.
1 tbsp plums. Grind the butter with flour, dilute with broth and add cream. Boil all this until creamy (preferably steamed), remove from heat and, stirring constantly, season with yolks, mashed with 1 tablespoon of butter. This will be the sauce with which we season the fillings.
We separate 1/4 of the dough - this is for the “dome”. Roll out the rest to a thickness of 1 - 1.5 cm and place in a greased form or frying pan so that the edges of the dough hang slightly.
Next, lay out the fillings in layers:
rice, eggs cut into circles, chicken, mushrooms, rice again, etc., giving the whole thing a dome shape - each subsequent layer is slightly smaller in diameter than the previous one. Roll out the remaining dough into a round cake - a dome, make cuts along the edges so that it lies evenly, and cover the pie. You need to make a hole in the center for steam to escape. Grease the surface with yolk and bake at 220, eyeballing for about 30 - 40 minutes. Serve with sauce.

The other day I made yeast pies in the oven. The dough turned out fabulous! :) But the filling (there was sweet cottage cheese) came out almost everywhere... there were also five pies with cabbage (everything is fine there). What needs to be done to ensure that the filling remains in its place and does not flow out? Maybe I shouldn't roll out the dough too thin? Or something else? Thanks for answers... :)

Once at a banquet my husband ate tiny bite-sized pies with cabbage... and a year has passed and he remembers everything and wants to bake it with his daughter....... Of course, I feel awkward and terribly... Well, I don’t know either There is no recipe for how to bake these crumbs. Maybe someone has taken on this. My gratitude will be limitless... I love my husband to bits, I would do anything for him. but I don’t know everything how..... I love pies too. but I don't bake......

Ready dough

The recipes have probably already been sketched out for you. And I’ll tell you how to make them exactly small. I usually make it with meat, because... it's easier with him. Scroll the boiled meat through a meat grinder, add fried onion and boiled rice. Then put it in the refrigerator to make the minced meat firmer. Then, when the dough is ready for baking, take out the minced meat and make small oval pieces out of it. Usually I take it in my hand and squeeze it well so that the minced meat sticks together in my palm. Then take a small piece of dough (you don’t need to roll it out), and press the minced meat into the dough. It sticks to it from all sides, all that remains is to pinch it and give it the desired shape, usually also oval. All!

for a buffet table in the office, probably puff pastry. Where can I order??? save me, I really need it)

Ready dough

Probably off topic, but when I have a bunch of guests, I make these myself :) I prepare the filling - cabbage and eggs boiled with green onions, I buy more Zvezdochka yeast dough, roll it out and cut it into rectangles approximately 6*10 cm. I smear the baking sheet with sunflower oil, quickly mold it with my daughter in the form of sealed tubes with a tuck and bake the baking sheets one by one (the pies should be placed with the tuck down). It turns out a lot and delicious :)
You can buy wells at Perekrestok and fill them with something.

I can’t recommend a specific place, but I think it’s better to call any restaurant with RUSSIAN cuisine, because... This is where small pies are practiced. True, from yeast dough, not puff pastry.

One-bite puff pastry will not work because... The dough rises a lot on its own and you get a lot of it. By the way, small puff pastry pies with meat are made in the main restaurant of the Cosmos Hotel.

I'm a complete nerd when it comes to baking. The pinnacle of my baking skills was charlotte with apples and cherries, which I baked a couple of times in the first year of my second marriage. Despite the fact that for some reason it turned out well, I did not become addicted to this good tradition (baking). And then suddenly it dawned on me - I need to have a conscience! :) And I decided to learn how to bake pies first. In the oven. With filling. Made from meat, cabbage and eggs, as well as sweet ones (cherries and all that). Because the...

Ready dough

Nastya! Hello! How are you?:)))))) They remembered you recently. Come and visit us - we will treat you to homemade baked goods, I often bake something now. How is Vanyukha?

I gave it several times easy recipe pies with cabbage. In half warm water and sunflower refined oil + flour as much as it will take. The dough should not be too hard.
Filling: blanched cabbage (I immediately cut it into small squares), drained, simmered with margarine or drained butter + cut boiled eggs. Salt + I add a little sugar. All. Make pies. The dough is oily, so when making pies it does not require additional flour, and when baking on a baking sheet, additional grease is not required. Bake until golden brown. You can brush the top with egg or butter or not. Place and cover with a towel so that the pies steam a little and become soft. I even lubricate them with sweet water.

Below I complained that I wanted sweets during Lent and didn’t know what to treat myself with. Here are some more recipes I found: Lenten cookies 6 cups flour, 2 cups starch, 1 - 1 1/2 cups vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon soda, salt and citric acid, 1 1/2 cups water, 2 cups sugar. Grind flour with starch and vegetable oil until a sticky mass forms. Extinguish the soda citric acid or vinegar, add a little salt and add to the dough, stir, add water, sugar. The dough shouldn't...

What kind of dough could it be made from and how should the scales be formed?

Please tell me a recipe for DELICIOUS Lenten pastries (the Christmas fast has begun and we need to create something for tea for those who are fasting). Like oatmeal cookies, cupcakes... Thank you!

Ready dough

If I don’t forget, I’ll bring you the recipe for Lenten yeast dough tomorrow.

Pies with cabbage. I already gave you the recipe.
Take half and half water with sunflower oil, preferably refined. I usually take half a glass. Makes 8-9 pies. Add flour to make a relatively stiff dough.

Filling: cut the cabbage into cubes, blanch for 2-3 minutes in boiling water. Recline. Then simmer in sunflower oil until soft (on non-Lent days I like to add butter for the spirit). I don't fry cabbage. Add salt, and 1-2 tsp. sugar - this is for those who like cabbage pies a little sweet. Again, on non-fasting days I add 2-3 boiled eggs. During Lenten periods, you can do without them.
As an option, you can add green onions, herbs, and mushrooms to the cabbage.

To make pies - the dough is buttery, does not stick to the table during making, and does not require the addition of flour.
Place on a baking sheet. I don't even oil it.
Bake for 30 minutes until golden brown.

The pies turn out hard, so after cooking I put them on a board and cover them with paper and a towel. Under them they steam and become softer. The dough is crumbly and flakes a little.

ATTENTION! This dough is best suited for cabbage! I tried to make it with other fillings - it turned out nonsense. And with cabbage it’s very tasty and satisfying.

but no matter what, THAT recipe has already been tried and eaten - only crumbs remain :-)

Thank you so much for the recipes! Otherwise it’s all charlotte and charlotte.... I’m already fed up. What did you bake from this and can you recommend making first?

...— There were such beautiful and delicious roses here. Now I'll find them... somewhere here they were... Grandfather's book, called "Calendar of Slavic life and meals", author Lydia Petrovna Lyakhovskaya. The author of this book knows everything about pies and dough. Let's see what kind of recipe Diana is looking for. Found it. The poppy seed pie is called "Rosen". It looks very impressive and consists of poppy “roses” arranged in a “bouquet” shape.
We will need: 600-700 g of yeast dough; for filling: 1/2 cup poppy seeds, 1/2 cup sugar, vegetable or melted butter. Every mother probably... The children really like it, and we decide that we will definitely make the same pie “for all the holidays.”

I find myself thinking that today Diana did almost everything herself. How quickly it grows... (a must-have pie in every self-respecting German pastry shop. I took the dough and crust recipe from some Russian culinary site, the cream is in German) For the dough: · 1 cube of yeast (42 g) · 75 g of sugar · 250 ml warm milk · 500 g flour · 50 g softened...
Sama tol"ko nedavno nachala uchit"sya pech i ponyala, chto legche vsego osvoit" sharlotku:)
4 jajca (eggs),
1 glass flour,
1 st. sahara,
1 chajnaja-stolovaja lozhka sody (pogashenoj),
2-4 jabloka.
Peremeshat" vse dlya testa, narezannye jabloki ulozhit" na dno formy, a potom zalit" poluchivshimsya testom. (formu predvaritel"no smazat" maslom). Vypekat" pri 200 degrees okolo 20 minut.
A teper" samoe interesnoe! Dlya osoboj vkusnosti mezhdu jablokami horosho by polozhit" kusochki slivochnogo masla, a v testo dobavit" koricu, vanil", izum, orehi (ne vse srazu tol"ko:)).

Escho zdorovo poluchaetsya esli pod jabloki polozhit" sloj sliv. Who knows how to do tasty pie

Ready dough

with fish? My husband and I once ate at his grandmother’s. Grandma is far away, and we don’t really communicate. And the pie is oh-so delicious. Maybe someone knows something about this fish-cake theme.
You can try the usual rich yeast dough, and put a layer of peeled capelin into the filling (without guts and seeds - it’s very tedious to clean, for example, I force my husband) and on top a layer of onion cut into half rings. Capelin is small, so there is no need to cut it. Place whole carcasses. Well, and on top, like I said. Cover all this with a second layer of dough. And into the oven.

The secret of this pie is that you need fatty fish. If capelin is not very noble for you and you have money, then you can replace it with halibut. You won't be able to pull it off by the ears at all. The onion is soaked in the juice and fat of both the dough and the fish, and the layers of dough that come into contact with the filling become soft and juicy. Bon appetit.
Any fish goes into a fish pie, but it is advisable that it be fattier. And fewer bones. I made it with carp and chum salmon fillet.
The dough is regular yeast dough. Directly on the baking sheet, lay out a layer of dough commensurate with the fish, taking into account the fact that it will then have to be folded in half, like an envelope. Place raw fish on the dough, salt it, pepper it, add special spices. fish seasoning, with the smell of lemon, or sprinkle lemon on the fish. Post it onion rings, finely broken- definitely, you can add some peppercorns. Yes! If the fish is lean, you can spread pieces of butter over it. All! We fold a layer of dough, cover our little dove with dough on top, pinch the edges, brush with egg, pierce it in several places with a fork - and into the oven at 180 degrees. I won’t tell you the time, you have to look, check as usual - with a match. Yummy! You just need to eat it hot so that your fingers burn!!! With fish soup - awesome!

06/01/2000 17:08:13, Lena

Many people love hot pies, but not every housewife can make them beautiful. But there is nothing complicated about this. The main thing is to remember 3 rules: always sift the flour (then the baked goods will be airy), make only stiff dough (it should not stick to your hands) and do not cook in a bad mood.

Oddly enough, pies made in a moment of depression or boredom usually either don’t bake or become quite tough and hard to bite. So you need to have fun cooking!

What other rules should you follow?

There are very few of them. So, for example, if you are making pies from yeast dough, after modeling they need to be allowed to “rise” a little. Then brush with beaten yolk. This will help them acquire a beautiful ruddy appearance after frying.

You can prepare baked goods with any fillings. But if you have chosen jam, marmalade, marmalade or other liquid product as it, it is better to make it immediately before baking. Otherwise, everything will spread and become inedible. If the juice leaks out during frying, you need to clean the pan and add some more vegetable oil.

What does your nose shape say about your personality?

Habits that will make you happy

It is worth considering the method of sculpting beautiful pies using the example of some recipe. We suggest you make baked goods with fresh or frozen cherries.

You will need:

  • granulated sugar cane or regular - 110 grams (for filling);
  • not too fatty kefir - 520 ml;
  • frozen or fresh cherries - 820 g;
  • baking soda - 2 heaped teaspoons;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons;
  • finely ground table salt - 1 pinch;
  • chicken raw eggs selected - two pieces;
  • wheat flour - 720 g.

Cooking method:

Sift the wheat flour into a bowl, pour in the kefir that is not very fatty and not cold, add baking soda, as well as granulated sugar, add salt, beat in the raw chicken eggs. Knead the elastic dough, transfer it to a board, which must first be sprinkled with wheat flour. Knead the mass with your hands again. Moreover, in such a way that it becomes soft enough.

Using a very sharp knife, divide the prepared dough into three equal parts and roll each piece into a rope. After this, cut them into portions. Next, you should pit the cherries. Using your fingers, flatten each piece of dough to form a flat cake, then place one spoonful of cane flour in the center granulated sugar and cherries, then connect the edges as securely as possible - so that you get a pie.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, place the pies in small portions, cut side up, and fry them on all sides until a pleasant golden hue. Then transfer to a plate, the bottom of which was covered with several layers paper towels. Cooked with kefir, fried pies Serve hot with tea with cherry filling.

Possible forms of sculpting pies

All pies can be divided into round, triangular, oval and square according to their shape. Let's look at how to make each of them beautifully.

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Round pies

To create, you will need dough and some solid filling (apples or other fruits). Berries can also be used, but you should try not to let too much juice leak out of them. To model, you need to knead the dough well, cut it into ropes and then into medium-sized pieces. Roll out the cakes to a thickness of no more than 5 mm. Place the filling in the middle, pinch the edges towards the middle (as if you were making whites).

All that remains is to transfer the baked goods onto a baking sheet and bake. Delicious, rosy pastries on the table - why not a reason for celebration?

Oval pies

These pies can be made with any filling, including liquid and very sweet ones. To model, you need to divide the dough into ropes and then into pieces about 4 cm thick.

Roll out the cake into an oval shape. Place the filling on one edge. Cover the first side of the flatbread with the second side and pinch it (like pasties). Place in a frying pan, seam side down, and fry.

Triangular pies

These pies are usually made with meat, liver, potatoes or fish. To sculpt them, you need to roll out a piece of dough into a rectangle no more than 0.5 cm thick.

Place the filling in the middle. Then fold the edges of the baked goods diagonally and secure well. The seam can be made in the form of a pigtail, for beauty.

Square pies

Any filling can be used for them. For modeling, roll out the yeast or puff pastry into a thin layer and cut into medium-sized rectangles. Place the chosen filling on each similar flatbread.

Seal it in the form of a postal envelope, blinding 2 edges twice at an angle of 45 degrees diagonally. Do the same with the other two remaining edges.

Now you know how to make beautiful pies in the form of squares, ovals or triangles. If you liked the article, be sure to share it on social media. networks. And in the “Comments” you can tell how you do it. After all, you probably have your own special way?