Black currants, ground with sugar for the winter. How to prepare blackcurrants for the winter - successful recipes

In almost every garden of our summer residents there are bushes of black and red currants, healthy berries and rich in vitamins.

So our grandmothers grew these irreplaceable and healthy currant bushes, the berries of which we ate as children almost every day in the summer. Delight your household and guests with this aromatic and vitamin-rich dessert all year round, treat them with amazing currants prepared by yourself, grated with sugar. This delicacy will appeal to both adults and especially children. I remember from my childhood - a large (and bigger, remember the scene from the movie “Girls”!) sandwich with the most aromatic currants, grated with sugar and a mug of tea from a samovar will not tear children’s ears off! There was only a crackling noise behind the ears - they devoured this vitamin-rich delicacy with such appetite!

Currants grated with sugar for the winter 7 recipes

There are no particular difficulties when cooking berries and syrup, so even novice housewives can prepare currants for the winter.
So, the simplest and most vitamin-rich winter supply is undoubtedly currants grated with sugar. This method of harvesting currants optimally preserves its taste and properties. Fragrant delicious dessert in cold weather it will not only remind you of the summer sun, but will also be useful for colds.

The benefits and harms of currants

Currant is a fragrant, tasty and healthy berry.
Vitamins, useful microelements And nutrients- all this underlies the fruits of the plant. Vitamin C is of particular importance, it ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the normal functioning of many organs and systems of the body. It allows you to strengthen your immune system and increase your defenses.
The second most important vitamin is a component of group A. This is beta-carotene, which has oncoprotective properties. Chemical composition blackcurrant is represented by B vitamins. Thanks to them, synthetic processes occur in the body, the production of hormones is stimulated and protein absorption improves. An additional component found in blackcurrant is vitamin K.

In total useful material contained in berries (phytoncides, acids, pectin, tannins, essential oils) help fight viruses. They nourish the body and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

The composition of microelements in currant berries (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium) affects metabolic processes, maintains acid-base balance and normalizes work of cardio-vascular system. Due to its rich composition, black currant is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Berries are widely used in the treatment of: anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lesions of the cardiovascular, genitourinary and respiratory system. Additionally, the fruits are used to combat influenza, acute respiratory and viral diseases.

Tea and decoctions based on the plant help cope with colds.
Currant tea acts as a powerful diuretic.
The tincture helps normalize mental processes.

A few fruits per day are enough, the main thing is not to go beyond the norm of a third of a glass. This will keep the body in good shape, improve memory and increase intellectual abilities.

Contraindications for eating currants

The plant has many positive properties, however, there are also contraindications. It is not recommended to consume the fruits if you have thrombophlebitis. The presence of vitamin K in them can provoke an increase in blood clotting. It is recommended to avoid berries if you have problems with stomach acidity. This can lead to gastritis. Use with caution during pregnancy.

Currants grated with sugar for the winter recipe

To prepare this vitamin bomb, you only need currants and sugar. Our motto: no cooking - all vitamins!

For currants with sugar for the winter, the proportions are as follows:

Black currant – 1 kg
Sugar – 1 kg


Grind the currants in a meat grinder.

Add sugar.

Mix currants and sugar thoroughly.

We pack the currants with sugar into jars and close the lids.
You need to store currants and sugar in the refrigerator. Currants, ground with sugar, can be stored all winter! Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant grated with sugar for the winter, five-minute recipe

We stock up on vitamins for the winter. This jam is not boiled, it turns out candied, aromatic and healthy. From such a preparation you can cook compotes, bake pies, and simply drink it with tea. An indispensable remedy for colds and flu.
Currants – 1 kg
Sugar - 2 kg

Here are our products for preparing currants for the winter.

Wash the currants well and dry.

Pass the currants through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

Add sugar.

Mix the berries with sugar well.

Wash jars and nylon lids well with soda. Sterilize jars in any way. Place jam into jars.

Sprinkle jam on top granulated sugar 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons. Close with a nylon lid. You can store currant preparations for the winter at room temperature.

Preparing currants for the winter may have a film or mold on them, then you need to remove them before use. upper layer Sahara. Enjoy your tea!

Blackcurrant jam with sugar without cooking in the microwave

250 g black currants
250 g sugar

Sort the berries, rinse and dry.
Place in a large microwave-safe container and cover with a lid.
Heat the berries at full power for 5 minutes.
Pour sugar over the berries, use a masher and mix. Return to microwave for 5 minutes, then remove and stir. Repeat 4 times.

Serve immediately. Bon appetit!

Grated currants with sugar for the winter, step-by-step recipe

This unusual jam includes orange in its ingredients list and is a recipe for jam that doesn't require cooking!
1 kg currants
1.5 kg sugar
1 orange

Sterilize jars and lids for currant jam. Wash the orange and pour boiling water over it to remove the wax.

Then grind it together with the peel using a blender.

Repeat the same steps with currants.

Then combine fruit and berry puree, add sugar and mix. Leave the mixture at room temperature for a couple of hours. Stir the mixture several times during this time and wait until the sugar completely turns into syrup.

After the sugar has dissolved, put the jam in jars and roll up.
Store the jam in the refrigerator. Even after a year it will retain its taste and beneficial properties.

Bon appetit!

How to make “live” blackcurrant jam without cooking

This is no less interesting recipe blackcurrant jam for the winter. The title of the recipe indicates that the jam is prepared without cooking. This is only partly true: the jam will need to be put on fire, but it cannot be brought to a boil.
1 kg black currants
1 kg sugar

Sort and wash the berries.

Crush the berries with a wooden pestle in an enamel bowl or pass through a meat grinder.

Add sugar. If you use a meat grinder, you need to add sugar gradually, twisting it with the berries. The resulting puree must be heated over low heat with constant stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. The temperature should not exceed 80 degrees.

Place the hot jam into sterile jars and seal.
Healthy jam for tea is ready! Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant jam for the winter without cooking, video recipe

Very tasty in tea and on bread!

Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant grated with sugar for the winter, recipe with photo

Another recipe for preparing blackcurrants for the winter. This method of harvesting blackcurrants allows you to retain more of the vitamin C it contains. In order not to destroy vitamin C during cooking, black currants do not need to be ground in a meat grinder, otherwise the amount of vitamin C may decrease significantly during oxidation. It is best to grind currants in a glass container using a wooden masher or wooden spoon. To prevent black currants, ground with sugar, from fermenting, sugar must be used in the following proportion - twice as much as berries.
Black currant – 1 kg
Sugar – 2 kg

Sort the berries, rinse, remove all excess and dry well.

Pour into a glass container a small amount of black currants, a little sugar. And grind with a wooden spoon or masher, adding berries and sugar each time.

When the berries are completely ground, add the remaining sugar and mix everything well.

Wash and sterilize jars for blackcurrants, grated with sugar. Place currants in prepared jars, cover with a small layer of sugar on top and close with nylon lids. Grind black currants with sugar are stored in the pantry or refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

I hope the recipes for preparing currants grated with sugar from the article will help you in preparing this wonderful dessert for tea. And this delicacy will decorate your table. All year round, and especially winter evenings Over a cup of tea, the taste of currants grated with sugar will lift your spirits. I wish you a pleasant tea party!

Yes, I recommend that all those with a sweet tooth take note of my colleague Timur’s recipe for aromatic classic charlotte with apples, cooked in the oven for tea. Bon appetit!

If you liked the article and found it useful, share it on social networks. Buttons social networks are at the top and bottom of the article. Thank you, come back to my blog often for new recipes.

Black currant is a berry loved by many, which, in addition to its bright taste, also has an exceptional beneficial properties. For example, it is used to saturate the body with vitamin C. After all, a small handful of berries is enough to get daily norm, since the content of this vitamin in it is very high.

In addition, it is used to prevent various viral and other diseases. It is also interesting that not only berries are used, but also leaves. They also have healing properties.

As soon as it is not eaten - fresh, frozen, in jam or in the form of compote. Also, grated black currant with sugar for the winter. After all, it is in winter that all of it is so necessary useful qualities. And this recipe is worth dwelling on in more detail. These currants are very easy to prepare, and the result will always be excellent.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • Black currant – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.

How to prepare grated black currants with sugar (jam for the winter without cooking)

First you need to prepare the currants themselves. Wash the berries in water at room temperature several times.

Afterwards, the water is drained and the currants are sorted. We remove debris, tails, leaves and other debris.

When the currants are prepared, you need to grind them to get a homogeneous mass. The easiest way to do this is with an immersion blender.

Some people grind currants in a meat grinder, but you can do it this way.

Please note that the dishes, blender and meat grinder must be very clean, because our jam is alive. Despite the fact that we use a large amount of sugar, the jam can turn sour if it is not kept clean.

Now you can sprinkle the grated berries with sugar. Almost all of the sugar spills out.

Then prepare the jars; they need to be sterilized. You can do this in advance or when the currants are already ready. Place grated currants and sugar into prepared jars.

And sprinkle the remaining sugar on top of the currants.

It is better to store live currant jam without cooking it in the refrigerator. If you want, you can roll it up.

Can be eaten as a dessert or for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It can be served in special vases; it will be very tasty with tea and cookies. Many people like to eat this jam with fresh white bread; a simple sandwich can turn into a wonderful dessert.

On a note

As you can see, everything is really simple. And preparing such currants will not take much effort or large quantity time. And the benefits will be enormous. It is believed that in this form the berry will retain all its vitamins and nutrients. Whereas after cooking they are partially lost.

  • The absence of cooking during the preparation process requires strict adherence to the recipe, as well as storage conditions. For example, if you do not put the specified amount of sugar, but put less, then the currants will quickly spoil. You can’t overdo it here either - the dessert will simply become sugary.
  • Some housewives can diversify the recipe by adding, for example, other berries. Raspberries, cherries, etc. There is also an opinion that before placing in jars, currants should be left for 1 day. This is done so that the sugar dissolves better. In this case, the mass must be mixed and strict care must be taken to ensure that fermentation does not begin.
  • And, in addition, it is important to very carefully ensure that only whole and fresh berries are included in the preparation. Even one sour berry can ruin everything.

In short, by following simple rules and knowing some subtleties, you can easily prepare a very tasty and extremely healthy dessert that will appeal to everyone, young and old.

Blackcurrant attracts with its aroma, appearance and beneficial properties. Therefore, during the harvest season, such berries are prepared for future use. Pureed currants with sugar for the winter without cooking are very tasty. A recipe with a photo will help you do everything right. To replenish your body with vitamin C, eat a few spoons of raw blackcurrant jam, you will definitely strengthen your immune system and improve your well-being.

Required Products:

  • 500 grams of black currants,
  • 750 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook pureed currants with sugar

We sort through the currants: if there are a lot of berries, then it is better to do this in several stages so as not to miss anything. So, we wash the berries under running water. cold water, we immediately see that small debris is washed away, then we sort through the currants by hand, removing leaves that could have fallen during the harvesting process, as well as twigs from the bushes. Place the berries through a colander to drain. Now the berries are ready to make jam.

Sprinkle the berries with granulated sugar: after a few hours, or better yet, leave the currants overnight, the sugar will melt, sink to the bottom, and the blackcurrants will release juice. The main thing is that the sugar melts at room temperature, since then in the refrigerator it will simply crystallize and turn into a solid mass that will crunch on your teeth.

Place the currants in a blender bowl and blend into a puree. The blender will grind the currants just right in a matter of seconds. If you don’t have such a device, take a regular meat grinder, it will also do an excellent job with this task. I have a blender at home, but at the dacha I only have a meat grinder, so when I prepare blackcurrant jam at my dacha, I twist the currants through a regular meat grinder, the same effect is obtained as after using a blender.

Place the finished jam (you can taste it to make sure that the sugar has melted and is not crunchy) into clean jars (they need to be sterilized in advance so that the jam can be stored for a long time and does not sour), fill the container completely to the neck.

We screw the lids on and put them in a cool place: at home I put raw jam in the refrigerator, and at the dacha I put it in the cellar, where it’s dark and cool.

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Thanks to the modern variety of recipes and techniques for preparing preserves, variations of each of the usual preparations can be counted in dozens. Currant jam is no exception. In modern recipes, the cloying sweetness and viscous consistency have faded into the background, they have been replaced by a pronounced taste and the benefits that come from finished product. One of the current recipes is for the winter with sugar, which is prepared without cooking. Great way save all the vitamins and save yourself from unnecessary hassle.

Red currants with sugar without cooking

In this case, you don’t need to memorize a specific recipe; pay attention to the proportions: one part berries to one part sugar for moderate sweetness or more to taste.

After sorting through the berries, clearing them of any remaining stalks and rinsing them well, begin chopping them. You can puree currants without any problems in a meat grinder, and if you need to get rid of the smallest remnants of skin and seeds, simply rub the puree through a sieve.

Add sugar to the finished berry puree and stir. Cover the jam and let it sit until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, stirring occasionally.

Of course, there is no need to sterilize the jam; we do it absolutely raw product, but containers and lids should definitely be sterilized. Having prepared sterile containers, fill them with jam, roll them up and store the currants and sugar in the cold without cooking.

Recipe for grated currants with sugar without cooking


  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • currants – 1 kg.


If you intend to leave the currants stored at room temperature for the whole winter, or even a whole year, then you will need significantly large quantity sugar, about 2 kg to 1 kg of berries. Due to the high concentration of sugar, such a product will last on the shelf even without sterilization, although it will be necessary to take time to infuse the product before canning.

Cover the currants with granulated sugar in an enamel or glass bowl. Grind the berries with a wooden pestle until you break the integrity of each berry. Cover the container with future jam with gauze and leave everything for at least two days at room temperature. This time is necessary not only to completely dissolve sugar crystals, but also to ensure that the product does not ferment during storage.

When there is no sugar left, raw blackcurrant jam is poured into sterilized jars, a couple of centimeters of granulated sugar are poured on top and everything is covered with scalded lids.

Such a product will not only be an excellent winter treat, but will also help fight the first signs of a cold, and will also replenish the need for vitamin C.


  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • currants – 1 kg.


Technically, this recipe cannot be called completely raw, but here we will not cook the berries themselves, but only currant syrup. In this case, less sugar can be added, and the product will easily survive the whole winter and retain most of its vitamin benefits.

Fill the berries in an enamel bowl with granulated sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Cover the container with the future jam with a gauze lid and leave in the cold for half a day. After time has passed, drain the separated syrup, place it over the fire and simmer for about 5 minutes after boiling. Arrange the berries over and pour hot syrup over them. Immediately cover the jam with scalded lids. It is not recommended to seal jars with standard metal lids, since vitamin C is destroyed upon contact with metal. It is for this reason that it is also prohibited to use metal utensils while preparing ingredients.