No maintenance required. The most unpretentious indoor plants with photos

Today, not many men can boast of regular facial skin care. So, a few “maneuvers” with shaving products (“before-after-with”) - and that’s it. And only a small number of representatives of the stronger sex (we do not take into account metrosexuals) pay attention appearance of your face. However, this small percentage is still significantly higher than what it was 5-10 years ago. And here it is important for men to realize that their skin, like women’s, has its own characteristics and problems, and therefore requires no less responsible care.

Men are increasingly turning to cosmetologists

Among men, careful self-care is becoming increasingly popular. They are no longer afraid of the word cosmetologist. They visit hairdressers more often.

Over the past five years, the number of male clients in beauty salons has increased. If earlier they were rather an exception, now the trend is different. Among the most popular procedures are facial cleansing, sessions aimed at treating acne, anti-aging programs, etc.

They cost the same as for women. In addition, men are more responsible for such sessions - they are obligatory and punctual. More often, men are bothered by problems such as acne and bruises under the eyes. Sometimes they also ask to have them professionally “toned up” before such important events as, for example, weddings.

Some expensive brands even have a special decorative cosmetics for men. True, it is not easy to find. And men are more interested in renewing and cleansing procedures.

The most common type of male skin is oily (due to male hormones) and is prone to acne. Therefore, most creams for men are aimed or should be aimed (if you choose from the women's line) at reducing fat secretion.

If the skin is sensitive and dry, then select the appropriate cream. Men with dry and sensitive skin should use night creams - they reduce skin flaking and eliminate redness. Night creams, unlike day creams, which are aimed at moisturizing, contain more nutrients. From 4 to 5 am, active skin work occurs - renewal, regeneration, removal of toxins, etc. And in winter it is better to switch places between day and night.

Men's skin ages slower than women's

— Men’s skin has many differences from women’s. Firstly, men's epidermal layer is twice as thick as women's. Therefore, their skin is much rougher, but also more elastic and firmer than that of women,” dermatologist-cosmetologist Nina Bruklich tells Men’s Club. “Besides, she ages later than women.”

Secondly, if in women the most common skin type is normal or dry, then in men it is predominantly oily and is regularly exposed to not very favorable factors - shaving (cracks, cuts, scratches form).

Consequently, men's cosmetics should be aimed at reducing greasiness, sweating, and relieving irritation. And because of the roughness of men’s skin, the concentration of active substances in cosmetics for the stronger half of humanity should be much greater than in the women’s line.

Mandatory stage of care - cleansing

Now there are quite a few different formulas and skin care products not only for women, but also for men. Cleansers are gels, foams and special creams with a foamy structure. Men's skin cleansers are more effective than women's, cleanse deeper and should contain more special substances that reduce or relieve inflammation and prevent acne (zinc, sulfur, salicylic acid, etc.).

“Men rarely use tonics,” says Nina. - It's more likely aid to return the face to its normal appearance after a night out, due to fatigue, and the like. Thanks to the components of such products, you can really achieve a fresh effect - eliminate redness, minimize flaking, reduce or get rid of bags under the eyes.

Vitamins A, E and group B - for healthy skin

The doctor does not advise men to neglect scrubs. Many men, says Nina, neglect them completely unfairly:

– Since the surface of the face is a zone of hair growth, using scrubs with various fillers, for example, powders of metals, fruit seeds, vegetables, you can achieve an abrasive effect - exfoliation of the stratum corneum, due to which ingrown hairs do not occur, and already ingrown ones are “pulled out” surface.

If you have to shave every day, you can use a scrub before this procedure. Optimal frequency its use - 2-3 times a week - if the skin is oily, and 1 time - if it is dry.

In winter, day and night creams are swapped

The next stage of skin care is creams. For the face, for the area around the eyes, day and night.
Men's creams are distinguished by the absence of aromatic additives, as well as a higher concentration of active substances, in particular those that prevent rashes and allergic reactions after shaving, explains Nina Bruklich. – They are chosen according to skin type.

“The lines of men's creams are presented mainly in elite brands, so they are not cheap,” says the cosmetologist. – But you can choose the right cream among the “female” ones, aimed at specific solution one or another skin problem. The main thing is to re-read the composition and make sure that the cream contains the necessary components.

Some creams can be replaced with lotions from shaving series containing the necessary ingredients. To avoid irritation and reduce skin flaking, you can use special serums under the cream. They are not divided into women's and men's; you need to choose the one with the desired composition.

Before use, any creams and other products should be tested by applying a small amount of the substance to the forearm. If severe redness occurs, use of the product is contraindicated. If the reaction is not very clear, the “experiment” can be continued on a small area of ​​the face. Do not test new drugs or cosmetics on yourself on the eve of important events.

Oil reduces shaving irritation

– There are many shaving products from different companies. And since 50% of men are susceptible allergic reactions after such a procedure, they simply urgently need such funds,” explains Nina Bruklich. – As a rule, foams and gels are used. And recently it became widely available new way– shaving oil. It can be used under gel or foam, or instead of them. Those who use it are satisfied - inflammatory processes are reduced, it is easier to shave, there is no uncomfortable sensation of the razor rubbing against the skin.

To prolong the effect after shaving, you can use special lotions. It’s not difficult to choose one – this is indicated on the packaging. But, of course, not a single lotion will prevent your beard from growing for a week. They are more aimed at preventing hairs from growing into the skin, in order to relieve inflammation, because they contain anti-inflammatory components.

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For one year of caring for a disabled person, the carer is entitled to an accrual 1.8 points and inclusion of this period in the insurance period. All periods of caring for a disabled person are included in the insurance period without limitation.

If a citizen simultaneously cared for several disabled people during the same period, then the care period will be calculated once and the number of points when calculating the pension amount does not change.

Citizen A cared for disabled person B in the period from 12/01/2016 to 05/13/2017, and at the same time for disabled person B in the period from 01/12/2017 to 09/18/2017.

In this case, the period of care from 12/01/2016 to 09/18/2017 will be taken into account in the insurance period as one period, regardless of how many citizens were cared for. Periods of care are included in the individual personal account and will be taken into account when assigning a labor pension.

We will talk about indoor plants that do not require light.

Most indoor plants came into our homes from regions with tropical or subtropical climate. For normal development they need intense lighting. But along with them there are also.

One of the most popular plants in our country are ferns. In nature, they grow in the shade of large trees, so they do not need bright light at all. sunlight. The most common among amateur flower growers are plants from the fern family such as Nephrolepis, Adiantum venus hair, and Polypodium.

Nephrolepis- the most unpretentious of all ferns to care for. It can also be grown indoors where there is no heating. In general, all ferns require partial shade and cool air.

It is best to plant them in soil consisting of humus, sand and leaf soil. Watering should be regular, and in the heat, spraying is a must.

The plant is also suitable for placement in partial shade. Sansevieria(another name is Indian sword or Pike tail). It does not require special care, but develops well in both cool and hot conditions, dry or humid air. The flower will not disappear even if the soil dries out regularly.

Sansevieria has a weak root system and thick, fleshy leaves. Excessive watering and stagnant moisture can harm the plant. Before planting, the soil must be loosened well and humus and sand added to the leaf soil.

For information, Sansevieria is a Sagittarius plant.

Almost everything indoor plants not requiring light do not require special care.

Cyrthomium crescent- a plant that is perfect for beginning flower growers, since it is almost impossible to spoil it.

It can easily withstand cold weather and can even be kept on the balcony. winter period, the main thing is that the temperature is not lower than 0°C.

This fern tolerates dry air and even drafts, so it is worth purchasing.

Cyrtomium needs to be watered moderately. If you periodically forget about watering, it will only benefit the plant. It is worth noting that in spring and summer period at least once a month the flower needs rain watering.

This means that the plant needs to be irrigated with water. To do this, place the pot in the bathroom and water it from the shower for a short time.

Aspidistra or Friendly Family - a shade-tolerant plant that came to us from the forests East Asia. In England, Aspidistra was called the “cast iron plant” because of its unpretentiousness.

In forest areas, it grows in heavily shaded areas, so it is necessary to choose a place indoors where there is practically no sunlight.

This flower does not need special care - Aspidistra is not demanding of either special watering or a specific soil composition.

The Friendly Family flower has dark green leaves that grow well even in dry and dusty air.

The flowers of the plant look like fish scales and are dark brown in color. They grow close to the ground, so they may not be immediately noticeable.

What is valued about this plant is its luxurious leaves, and not its flowers, since the leaves make Aspidistra look very beautiful.

As an addition to this wonderful plant, it must be said that this is one of the few plants that can be placed in. Follow the link and read the article on this topic if interested.

Indoor plants that do not require bright sunlight can perfectly decorate the walls of your home.

These include the ordinary ivy. It is important to know that the ivy variety, which has variegated leaves, still requires more intense light than its “relatives”. And yet, if there is a shortage of it, the plant will not disappear, the leaves of the flower will simply acquire a darker shade of green.

If you are interested, I can offer an article about ivy, like , where you can learn about the influence of this plant on human energy. Follow the link.

To plant ivy you will need fertile soil. After this, the plant needs abundant watering. In the heat of summer, as well as when the heating is on, the leaves of the plant need to be sprayed regularly.

More details about how you can find out on my page. Follow the link, it will be interesting!

Another unpretentious plant - Chlorophytum. It prefers diffused bright light, but can withstand a little shadow, and at the same time fades in color. But chlorophytum can handle irregular watering.

For planting you will need loose and fertile soil. If watering the plant occurs from time to time, you need to ensure that it is plentiful. During the heating season, Chlorophytum needs periodic spraying.

For lovers of flowering indoor plants that do not require special lighting, a flower with the name Clivia. She will decorate the room luxuriously beautiful leaves dark green and no less beautiful bright flowers.

The flowers of the plant are collected in lush umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The number of flowers in one inflorescence can reach 20 pieces. Clivia needs fertile soil, and in the summer season - abundant watering.

Astrologically and in its own way it influences the energy of people.

Also popular shade-loving plants are all flowers of the family arrowroot.

They easily tolerate darkening; they even prefer shade.

Due to the intense light, the surface of their leaves is destroyed, leaving burns.

Arrowroot, for example, can fully grow under artificial light. The leaves of this plant are round in shape, in some cases with pointed ends.

Caring for Maranta is completely simple. First you need to determine the location of the flower, temperature conditions which does not exceed 16°C. The plant needs to be watered about 2 times a week - it all depends on the room conditions.

If the leaves begin to droop and wither, it means that the soil is drying out and the plant needs to be watered. In addition, it is important to wipe the arrowroot leaves with a damp cloth before watering, as they easily attract indoor dust.

About the energy impact in the article on this topic. Maranta is also perfect, see this link for details.

Representatives of the Aroid family (Dieffenbachia, syngonium, philodendron, anthurium, alocasia, aglaonema, spathiphyllum monstera, scindapsus, alocasia, etc.) also tolerate low lighting. In summer they are provided with diffused lighting, but in winter you can put the plant in a dark place in the apartment.

For indoor plants that do not require bright light - lighting, also include Bromeliads, Ficus, most types of palms, Cyperus, Cissus, Dracaena.