Timati's mother spoke about the family drama. Instagram of Simona Yunusova Childhood and youth of Simona Yunusova

Until recently, they talked about Simone Yunusova, discussing her personal life and creative activity rapper The mother of a Russian performer and businessman became known to the public after she opened an account in "Instagram". She dedicated a page to photos and publications about her beloved granddaughter Alice.

Timati's mother diligently describes the girl's life and gives useful tips, calling herself nothing more than “just a grandma.” More than 2.5 million people have subscribed to the woman’s page, which puts her on the list of the country’s most read bloggers.

Childhood and youth

Simona Yunusova was born on November 6, 1959. Her zodiac sign is Scorpio. A native Muscovite and Jewish by nationality, the girl grew up in the family of the composer and conductor Yakov Chervomorsky. Together with his wife, he cherished hope for a son, but God rewarded the family with a daughter and disappointed Simone’s mother. Perhaps for this reason, the girl’s relationship with her mother turned out to be difficult. For a long time they just couldn't find it common language. At the same time, the father supported his daughter in any endeavor.

Yakov Chervomorsky experienced particular delight when a three-year-old girl showed interest in music. Together with Simone, they read poetry and composed original melodies. Soon the girl learned to play the guitar and demonstrated the makings of a creative person. She did not have time to reveal herself as a talented performer. The girl entered the Moscow Humanitarian University and quickly got married.


Simona of Chervomorskaya's husband was a Tatar. A wealthy young man, being a businessman, allowed his wife not to work and devote herself to the family. That's why main profession and motherhood became work for Simona Yunusova. She looked after and supported two sons, Timur and. The first became a rap artist, and the second took up DJing. Both young men have their own labels, which they promote in Russia and abroad. And this is the merit of the mother.

Showing a penchant for music, Timur and Artem unwittingly continued the work for which their grandfather and mother had a passion. Seeing what activities attracted her sons, Simone contributed to their development. At the age of 4, Timur went to music school and began to master the violin. When the boy was 13 years old, the Yunusovs moved to Los Angeles for a year, and here the teenager became inspired by hip-hop.

Simone supported Timur from the moment he got carried away club culture and organizing parties, and also at the time when the rapper created the first group VIP77. In 1998 it began music career Timur Yunusov. His voice can be heard on backing vocals in the tracks, and the guy himself starred in the artist’s videos.

When in 2004 her son became a participant in “Star Factory-4,” the mother tirelessly watched the broadcasts and cheered for her son and his friends. Simone was nearby during the creation of the Banda group, the opening of the first Timati entertainment complex, receiving awards and filming films.

Today loving mother appears on social events with his sons, participates in shows dedicated to them, and helps raise his daughter Timati and.

Personal life

Simona Yunusova's future husband was her classmate. It was not easy to gain the favor of a beauty from an intelligent family. The representative of the school elite was fond of art, dancing and music. Ildar Yunusov looked like a “nerd” with typical horn-rimmed glasses. He didn’t become a “nerd,” but he was proud of the gold medal for graduating from school. The young people got married in the 80s. Already in 1983 Timur was born, and 4 years later Artem.

Simone saw the future in children, so she invested everything she had in them: love, time and money. She painstakingly studied the issue of upbringing and the right approaches to hardening, read the works of pediatricians and psychologists in order to understand how to find an approach to her sons.

Simone gave birth to her first child at the age of 23. She liked spending time with her children, but the girl did not have enough warmth and support from her businessman husband. Ildar Yunusov was immersed in building a business. Simone at this time strengthened the health of her sons, took her to gymnastics, and taught them to skate. Creative development the woman paid a lot of attention, so Timur and Artem learned to play the musical instruments, singing and dancing.

The Yunusovs are considered rich family, but the children were brought up without any sense of superiority. The mother instilled the idea that they should achieve everything themselves. Thanks to the efforts of Simona Yakovlevna, the eldest son became the creator of the Black Star label, a youth idol and producer of Russian performers. Artem is a less recognizable person, but his career has been successful. The man works as a DJ and promotes his own label, focusing on the West.

In 1996, Simona and Ildar Yunusov went through a divorce. They remained friends and support warm relations for the sake of the children. But the father remains in the shadows, and the public does not notice his appearances in life ex-wife and children. Ildar Yunusov lives abroad, and he has had a different family for a long time.

Simona Yunusova now

Simona Yunusova’s entire biography is related to raising children. She puts everything positive into her sons and granddaughter to make them worthy people. The peace-loving woman has not become a participant in scandals and does not make it public family life. Simona Yakovlevna supports good relationship with his sons’ girls and even with the model, Timati’s passion. In no interview does Simone give negative comments and defends her family and their loved ones.

Simona Yunusova spends free time to raise his little granddaughter Alice. She dotes on the girl who was destined to become the “golden child” from birth. The grandmother introduces her granddaughter to the world of art, goes to the theater, and encourages dancing and gymnastics. To strengthen her granddaughter’s health, Simone visits health centers and a bathhouse. She often travels with Alice, posting photos from trips to "Instagram".

Simona Yakovlevna Yunusova looks great. The beauty in her youth and now gives a head start to her peers, without resorting to plastic surgery. Timati’s mother keeps her height and weight a secret, but subscribers vying with each other to admire Simone’s attractive figure and attractive appearance. She often appears in public in fashionable clothes and allows herself elegant dresses that highlight her appearance. Yunusova cooks and shares recipes for her favorite dishes with her fans.

The woman who raised Timati himself, and now is raising his daughter Alisa, shared methods and tips on how to raise a happy child.

The mother of the famous rapper Timati is now no less famous than her son. Some time ago, Simona Yunusova began blogging on her Instagram on the topic of raising children. The famous grandmother of Alisa Timurovna talks about both her own experience and various techniques which she uses in raising her granddaughter.

Subscribers are simply delighted with the advice of the woman who raised Timati himself, and is now raising his daughter. Almost the whole country loves to watch how Alice grows and develops. At two and a half years old, the girl is very developed: she can swim, knows letters, numbers, geometric shapes, names of fruits, vegetables and much more.

The editors of Woman’s Day have collected for you best recommendations on raising children from Simone, so that your baby grows up as smart and active as Timati’s daughter.

The child does not need to be accustomed to the road and beautiful life

It is very important to explain to the child that much depends on his efforts. You should not equate your parents’ well-being with your own. It is necessary to get used to the fact that life can be different and you need to be prepared for this. It is necessary to cultivate a respectful attitude towards people, regardless of their financial situation.

Children copy us, so it is advisable to carefully think through any actions and words, just like we are, so are they. It is necessary to explain that behind any success there is hard work, and the most important thing, in my opinion, is to teach a person not to suffer from the fact that a neighbor has something that you don’t have.

The main task of an adult is to instill in a child the skill of living in harmony with himself and being able to enjoy everything that surrounds him. In other words, in my opinion, it’s not worth teaching to be happy, but teaching people to live a beautiful life; they get used to good things very quickly even without training.

Develop in children creativity

Children need to be taught what is useful in everyday life, then there won’t be many problems in adult life... Now I have a girl, and therefore I think a lot about this topic. I don’t want to write platitudes about how a girl should be neat and a good housewife, this is already clear... But how can you make routine work enjoyable?

An example from life: when I was a child, they polished the floors to make them shine. It’s a terribly tedious and boring thing, but my dad suggested doing it with music, and the work turned into a most exciting activity! Helping prepare dinner while everyone is running down the street is also not the sweetest thing, but when they showed me how the dough “breathes” in your hands (for those who don’t know when yeast dough you start kneading, it bubbles, and it seems as if there is a living organism in your hands) - it’s a fabulous feeling!

By the way, since then, I really love cooking... Now I can say with confidence that children need to develop creativity, and then any work becomes interesting and not a burden.

Respect your child's choices and opinions

My dad was a musician, a true communist and an incorrigible romantic who sincerely believed in the idea and that each person has his own good deeds can change the world... He was an atheist, as befits people who have chosen to believe in an ideal society... My mother was a restorer.

Grabar's workshop is still located on the territory of the temple in Kadashi. Mom survived 1938, arrest, execution of her father, rehabilitation and much more... She was a believer and, to put it mildly, did not really share the romantic aspirations of her husband, but the main thing in our family was respect for the opinions of both.

Neither of my parents ever indulged in sarcasm about the other's ideals! This is probably why they managed to live such a long life together in love... I really want the little great-granddaughter of my parents to know the history of her country. I would like to have time to tell Alice about our family, so that she herself can build cause-and-effect relationships, that is, simply learn to think, and so that along her path she will definitely meet people who will respect her choice.

There are no easy children

Are there easy children? I haven't met! There are different temperaments on which a child’s behavior depends. Temperament cannot be educated, much less changed. I have never met people with only one type of trait. Most often we see mixed variants, but we can always notice a dominant predominance.

I would treat introverted children with great attention, since external complaisance and calmness have nothing to do with their inner world. Both silent people and talkers personally cause me the same anxiety, since they are two sides of the same coin. I am now relying on personal experience.

I spent my children's childhood sitting on the edge of a constantly erupting volcano! It was very difficult emotionally, but nevertheless close and understandable. Temperament, like hair and eye color, is given to us from birth; we simply inherit its features from our parents. Alice will definitely not be a comfortable child! Well, baby, welcome to our cholera-sanguine family with elements of melancholy!

“Princesses” grow up to be young ladies who are not adapted to life

At all times, there have been canons of beauty that women aspired to. That's definitely not what I'm talking about! For me, charisma and style are always much more attractive than the standard! Alice is dressed the way all members of our family, without exception, like!

The same goes for haircuts. In conclusion, I don't like it when girls are told that they are princesses. In my opinion, “princesses” grow up into exalted young ladies who are not adapted to life, for whom a broken nail or a popped pimple is a reason for hysterics. It’s better to be a sorceress who will make other people happy with her abilities.

The school issue must be approached responsibly

After reading it, the teacher said that it was copied or written by someone adult. The children laughed after the teacher, I got a “two”. I remembered this forever, and I closed myself off for a very long time. In the eighth grade, I changed schools, where I met completely different teachers who supported me and helped me believe in myself.

Probably none of them are alive anymore, but I always think about these people with great gratitude and warmth! The issue of school must be approached very responsibly. Search for yourself, meet teachers, talk with parents of children who are already studying, and keep your finger on the pulse all the time, since children do not always share what is happening in their lives. I am in favor of looking not for the school, but for the personality of the teacher!

Learning to swim in the ocean

How is swimming in a pool different from swimming in the ocean? It seems like nothing for a floating child, but no! I think that a child is frightened by volume when there are no visible boundaries.

I had to spend a lot of effort for Alice to start trusting me. Glasses and fish helped, which are very interesting to watch, and also amazing warm water, which is much more comfortable than in an outdoor pool.

It is important to teach a child to lose with dignity

By watching or participating in a game, you can learn a lot about internal problems child. Alice has pronounced leadership qualities. I see that she will have a hard time taking losses.

The attitude towards victories and failures in the future will determine success and what conclusions a person will draw from this. The child must be psychologically prepared for both victories and defeats. It seems to me that teaching a person to lose with dignity is a very important skill! In fact, the time to think appeared only now, and then...

Back then, I instinctively believed in my children for no reason. With all my youthful ambition and perfectionism, it is surprising that my sons turned into people who know how to take a punch! Children imitate our actions and reactions more than our words. Therefore, you need to start with yourself!

You need to talk to your child in human language

My sons started talking quite early, but Alice exceeded all expectations, maybe because she's a girl? It is almost impossible to predict in advance how your child’s speech will develop. This process is very individual, like everything related to development. From 1 to 3 years, active speech develops.

During this period, the understanding of what adults say is much greater than the ability to pronounce it... From two months onwards, Alice and I were “yelling” in every possible way, and I’m sure that this is very important point unity when a child begins to speak the same language with an adult. To be honest, this is unforgettable for me. Next, you need to constantly talk to the baby, even if relatives and friends are at your temple. The child distinguishes intonations and very soon begins to understand the meaning.

You need to speak slowly, clearly, so that the baby can see your articulation, this makes it easier to understand. We often asked Alice to repeat words, even if the answer was something inarticulate, and we always praised her. I have already mentioned more than once that I am categorically against such words: bo-bo, pee-pee, yum-yum, and so on. This slows down the development of speech; you need to speak to a person in human language!

Now Alice’s stream of consciousness is ahead of her speech capabilities, so we stop her and ask her to repeat it again more slowly, thus giving her time to think about the phrase. I really love retelling. In my opinion, this develops the ability to speak. IN lately we have reached the stage of clarifying the grammatical structure (stress, gender, endings, etc.). And here you shouldn’t be touched by the wrong cute words... I think that the task of an adult is to correct mistakes in a timely and tactful manner... And I never cease to be amazed at what happens to a person just 2 years from birth! We also started talking in our sleep, and this is also progress!

Teach without hesitation to broadcast your emotions

I don’t know who Alice will become, but my task is to teach her to broadcast her emotions without hesitation. This is a very important skill that eliminates many psychological and, as a result, physical illnesses.

What is needed for this? Nothing special! Just stand next to me and show by example that nothing is impossible or scary! It's always more interesting to take part yourself than to watch what others do!

Children under three years of age should not be punished

To raise a child happy, he needs to be educated, and this is impossible without setting certain boundaries. “Good” and “bad” depend on our personal experience. The baby simply does not have this experience. Watch your children and you will see: what is interesting is good for them! Put your finger in a socket, touch an iron, get into a puddle, etc.

What might an adult's reaction be? My children loved drawing on the wallpaper. We lived with my grandmother, and in my absence they were constantly punished for this. Didn't offer alternative option, but they just scolded me. The consequence of this punishment was a complete and irrevocable refusal to draw. What if one of them could become an artist?

In families where punishment is frequent, anxious children may grow up, subject to force and unable to make decisions. Or children who subsequently do not hear anyone and do not obey the rules, this is how children’s protest is expressed! I am not a supporter of allowing everything, I suggest thinking about what we can offer in return, how to distract the child without suppressing individuality.

Of course, some behavior needs to be clearly and decisively prohibited (for example, aggression). Very useful with early age discuss actions. It is important for a child to understand why they are angry and why they are unhappy with him. My opinion is that it is not worth punishing children under 3 years of age at all; we must look for another way. In conclusion, I want to say: for myself, I have found this way: when a child feels that his parents are proud of him, this can become a much more motivating factor than all the punishments. Checked!

Adults should not interfere in children's quarrels

One day, Alice, dad and uncle and I went to a children's club. Parents watch, drink tea, and children play at this time. At two years old, a child is just beginning to learn to interact in a group, and this difficult path is not without conflicts.

Alice was playing, at which time an older girl came up and tried to take the toy away. It didn’t work out, and then, naturally, the girl hit Alice. A heart-rending roar was heard...

Children have a normal, healthy, primitive communal manner of communication. The one who is stronger wins. Youngest child for now he is a passive participant in the quarrel, and the elder provokes it. This process cannot be interfered with, this is how the “I” is formed.

In a good way, adults should observe, but not interfere (within reasonable limits). By the way, after talking with her mother, the girl apologized to Alice.

To successfully potty train, your child must be ready.

Of course, the topic is not the most aesthetic, but there are a lot of questions, so I’ll tell you what I know. I was young, but I prepared very responsibly for the birth of children. I read, went to all sorts of courses, talked to parents with many children who were interesting and authoritative for me. She started “planting” it right in the maternity hospital, after each feeding she held it over the basin. Very soon it began to seem that it was already working out, but in fact I was just instinctively catching the process!

Having gained experience, I can say that any fanaticism disables the ability to soberly assess the situation! In order to successfully potty train, your child must be ready. How to understand this? The baby can remain dry for more than two hours, bowel movements occur at approximately the same time, and wakes up dry after nap. All this suggests that nervous system I’m already ready to control the process, that is, the child can tolerate it.

We bought Alice a very ordinary potty; in my opinion, it should not be a toy. It is best to train in the warm season. We just stopped wearing diapers during the day. You can also fill the rubber toy with water and hold it over the pot to show what the bear is doing.

Every time Alice succeeded, we praised her, but if it happened by chance, we definitely didn’t scold her! By the way, fear of the potty often develops in those children who are shouted at because unsuccessful attempts. Also, turn on your instinct, and you will feel when it’s time to plant, even if the baby is playing and doesn’t ask.

If your child doesn’t succeed, don’t give up and don’t lose patience. All children are very individual and develop at their own pace.

It is worth cultivating accuracy by setting a personal example.

Until the age of six, children absorb good and bad equally. When my sons were little, they, like most children, did not like to put their toys away and put things in order. I methodically and systematically forced them to do this.

We cleaned and hung together, often I got nervous, it was easier to do it myself. After putting the children to bed, I began to scold myself for giving up again, for not having enough patience, and the next day everything was repeated all over again.

Many years have passed, when I come to visit my sons, I cannot contain my widest smile! Even I don’t have such an order! Adults are an example, and what children see is recorded in the subcortex... A child does not have an innate gene for sloppiness. Draw your own conclusion and don’t despair. Maybe happiness will come to you in 30 years!

Just a few years ago Simona Yunusova was just a mother to everyone famous singer Timati. But everything changed after the woman registered on Instagram, where she posts photos of her granddaughter Alice. Simone doesn't just post photos, she also shares some sage super-granny advice. Now she already has almost 3 million subscribers.

Timati's mom: The life journey of Simona Yunusova, mother of a famous rapper

Simone was born on November 6, 1959 in the capital of Russia. Yakov Chervomorsky - Simone's dad had Jewish roots, worked as a conductor and composer. During pregnancy, Simone's mother thought that she would have a son and wanted to name her Semyon. But a girl was born and the mother was so upset that she cried all night. The girl was given a rare name Simone.

Timati’s mother recalls that she did not have a good relationship with her mother, but her father always supported her, especially when at the age of 3 the girl showed her abilities in music. Simone listened to her father's poems and melodies. And soon she began to slowly play the guitar.

Simona Yunusova graduated from school and entered Moscow State University. She married Ildar Yunusov. After the wedding, she gave all of herself to her family. She gave birth to children and began to harden them according to Nikitin’s system. I studied publications of famous pediatricians. And when the children grew up and she became a grandmother, she realized her experience on social networks.

Simone became a successful blogger. She always communicates with her subscribers on an equal footing, which is why she is very popular among young mothers.

Timati's mom: personal relationships of Simona Yunusova

Simone became a mother at 23 years old. The first son was named Timur. And later Artem was born. The boys' father, Ildar, was always busy with work, so the mother took care of the children. Simone paid all attention to the health of the boys, tempering them from the cradle.

When the boys grew up, she took them to gymnastics and figure skating. Simone developed Timur and Artem creatively; they learned to sing and dance. The boys went to piano and violin lessons.

From childhood, the Yunusovs taught their children that they should achieve everything themselves. All this was not in vain. Timur became the most famous rap artist, and Artem became a DJ.

Timati's mom: famous blogger Simona Yunusova today

Now Simone is actively raising her granddaughter Alice. He takes her to gymnastics and dancing. Simone shows her granddaughter the world of art and animals, and travels with Alice. All the granddaughter’s adventures are captured on Simona Yunusova’s Instagram page.

Here's what Instagram users wrote under the video shared by Simone:

“They live as a big Swedish family.”

“Everyone seems to live together. The same piano with the same sofa"

Simone immediately deleted many offensive comments regarding Anastasia Reshetova. IN next post on Instagram, the woman said that she does not understand why people react positively to nude photos and staged shots from the lives of stars. But truly smart posts go unnoticed or receive a large charge of negativity. To appease Internet users, the woman spoke out for the first time about her son’s girlfriend.


“Why do people care so much about who sleeps with whom, who got their breasts or nose done? This is the same strangers! It is important what heart beats behind this chest, and what the new nose prefers to inhale... Both Alena and Nastya, girls worthy of respect. They are completely different, but it’s definitely not for you and me to decide their fate...”– Simone concluded.

In addition, the woman finally revealed that Alisa does not live with her, but with her mother, Alena Shishkova. But dad - Timati - is also always next to his daughter. All of them big family tries to be civilized and do everything for the interests of the child.


Finally, the rapper’s mother reminded that her Instagram is not Alena’s or Timati’s blog. It's hers personal page, and from now on she will remove all negativity. Simone’s post was also “liked” by Reshetova herself, making it clear that she agreed with the words of her beloved’s mother.

Human relations - what is it? I'm not talking about a man and a woman, I'm talking about work, about friendship, about the ability to build interpersonal connections. It so happened that I communicate a lot with young people and observe large number disappointments from lack of experience. Friendship to break, when you thoughtlessly rush into relationships, daily calls and conversations about nothing, in my opinion, all this should remain in childhood... With age, life and rules change, and most importantly the main thing is attitude to them. If you have grown physically, but emotionally continue to get stuck in a fictitious image, then you will inevitably be disappointed by empty expectations... Friendship is people, not hidden grievances, a willingness to discuss problems looking into the eyes. This is trust, not someone's gossip and speculation. A friend is someone who will listen, help, give advice if necessary, but will not live for you. Friend, not a babysitter! This is a person who just walks next to you, but you shouldn’t identify him with yourself. He has a soul and his own problems. Friendship should not become an addiction... I know how to be friends, but my space has clearly defined boundaries. I always want to hug these disillusioned young people, but I understand that they must go through their own path of learning... I have no need for constant communication. I can see flattery a mile away and am very skeptical of it. I learned a long time ago to filter people on my path, which is probably why there are fewer and fewer disappointments and expectations. I have a constant interlocutor from whom you don’t expect surprises or betrayal - I myself... and this is not loneliness, but a form of growing up...

20.06.2019 07:57:09

Hurray!!! We are packing our bags and very soon flying to the “Generation Next” festival, which is held by the famous producer Evgeny Orlov, and part-time ideological inspirer"Respublikakids". The funny thing is that this man brought my son to the “Star Factory” many years ago, and we began to be friends after Alice appeared! The ways of the Lord are mysterious! 🤷‍♀️ Next, we smoothly move to the ballet camp, which will be held in the same place))) Group classes, individual excursions, performances, all this has nothing to do with relaxation, the intensity even exceeds our Moscow schedule 🙈 Alice's dad honestly tried to cancel all my plans and offered to fly away to go surfing instead... To my surprise, Alice said that she couldn’t miss classes!!! I understand that it won’t always be like this, but for now, this is our small VICTORY!!!👊😜💃🏿

19.06.2019 07:39:45

Throughout my life, there were many moments along my path when I did not know what to do due to age, experience, and also a catastrophic lack of information. It is now possible to find an answer to any question, but only from a scientific point of view. But what to do with the heart? I lacked knowledge; many topics were simply not discussed with teenagers. I wandered in the dark and hurt my body and soul. Even now, among you, and among my acquaintances of the same age, there are people who sincerely do not understand why I do “spiritual striptease.” I answered this question for myself, but before I write further, I want to hear how acceptable my frankness is to you... I have no goal of drawing attention to myself and sharing my “rich inner world.” Social networks are not just statuses, photos and posts about nothing. Behind them are the people who write them, and this increases my personal responsibility to the reader. I tell my story for those who may be on the verge of making decisions, see themselves in my stories and it makes them think. I am not God or a Prophet, but if I could read my story in my youth, I would have avoided a lot of pain... To requests to write more often and more, I will answer this way: I am not a professional and I have no experience in protecting my heart. Memories and frankness are given by strong emotional involvement. It’s very easy to “spit into eternity” with a negative comment, but not everyone can think and stop their punishing hand... I ordinary person and I get hurt and scared, so I ask you to be generous in your judgments and assessments. Thanks to those who are sincerely with Simona, and not with Timati’s mother, or Alice’s grandmother...🙏💜

18.06.2019 08:07:01

Financially, our family lived very difficultly; cultural figures were paid little. I remember how on weekends Mom baked pies with cabbage and elm. You probably don’t know what it is, so I’ll tell you. There was no fish on sale except “ice” and “navaga”, but they sold dried chord - the dorsal string from the spine of sturgeon. The vein was boiled, cut into pieces and added to the filling of pies and kulebyak. Then it seemed incredibly tasty and satisfying! By default, my mother did not allow me to bring friends home. Now I think because there was nothing to treat and all the food was paid for. Mom came home from work tired and did not hide her irritation; I didn’t want my friends to see her like that. I rushed out of the house, and no one stopped me. The only condition was to arrive no later than 21:00 and always return. It’s interesting that it’s ingrained in me so deeply that to this day, I don’t like spending the night away from home))). But at Berta Lvovna’s I was always welcome. We were fed to our heart's content with all sorts of delicacies, allowed to use the excellent home library and got tickets to Lenkom and Taganka, which were then unattainable! After the play “Til Eulenspiegel” my hero brought a puppy to show, whom we named Til)). I felt the support of his family and gradually realized that even my name has diminutive form... Our trio happily went to visit my kindergarten fiance and now our mutual friend. His father was famous journalist newspaper "Pravda", who visited all the "hot spots". With bated breath we listened to his stories, there I tried the real thing for the first time loose leaf tea, brought from China and learned to eat with chopsticks))). We talked a lot, and I sang to the guitar and thought that B. Okudzhava composed his prayer especially for me: “Lord, my God, my green-eyed one, while the earth is still spinning, And this is strange to her, While there is still enough time and fire, Give everyone a little... And don’t forget about me...” I felt his burning gaze on me green eyes, my head was spinning, and my voice was breaking. Unfortunately, this only happens at 15...)))✍️

17.06.2019 08:58:08

Don't you think that animals are very similar to their owners?) I am indifferent to cats, but dogs have lived in my house all my life. I recently analyzed it and realized that the dogs changed along with my character.🙈 At first there was a very beautiful but stupid “girl”, she was replaced by a very smart but evil one. It ended with the good-natured Chuck, very loyal, with fantastic patience, but if it seems to him that someone is making an attempt on family members, then they can take it seriously!🐶😼😉

16.06.2019 07:48:49

Dear subscribers! To avoid questions and various kinds statements, I want to say that this page is about My life and Alice’s life. Perhaps one day another page will appear, but... it will be a completely different story))) Thank you for your understanding 🙏

15.06.2019 10:18:55

I love parents with many children. Usually this is already calm people with a good sense of humor and a philosophical outlook on life. With each subsequent child comes experience and understanding of how important it is to pay attention to all children and each individual. It’s not just sitting next to you and “sticking” into your phone, making excuses that it’s work, but communication eye to eye... Remember, I once recommended that you pay attention to the guys who later became my friends @school_trips. They spend most interesting excursions for children starting from the Fire Station and ending with the Bolshoi Theater. But that's not all. A large family decided to organize summer camp with an exciting program for children with parents to teach adults how to communicate well with their kids. These will be joint searches for treasures, adventures and learning teamwork in the form of games among other children and parents. I hope that after the ballet camp Alisa and I will also visit our friends, and for more complete information, take a look at the camp website and spare no time for quality communication with your kids. @school_trips 🙌❤️

14.06.2019 07:47:35

The hippie movement originated in America in the 60s, and the reason was the Vietnam War. Not wanting a massacre, people united and went on strike in the name of peace. The main principle of the hippies was pacifism: non-violence, renunciation of war, inner freedom and creativity. “Flower Children” is another name for the movement. Adherents of this style wore bright clothes made of natural fabrics, wove flowers and feathers into their hair, and proclaimed the main slogan - “Make love, not war.” This trend came to me in the seventies with the film “Generals of the Sand Quarries.” I liked the romance of this movement, and especially the bright, unusual clothes for our latitude. I remember my first flared jeans, white gauze and cork platform sandals. Oh, and I was good!!!))) Many years passed and I wanted to see all this on Alice so much that a collaboration with DNK “Hippie DNK by Simona” was born. On June 26, as part of the fashion show "Cirque du Soleil" - Sochi, Rosa Khutor ("Rosa Hall", small hall) @festnext our collection will be presented. ------------------- And after the show, everything will be available for purchase at @dnk.russia Let's get hippy this summer? 😜💚💜

12.06.2019 08:33:57

We came and left school together. In front of everyone, he carried my briefcase and this, translated from school, meant - Mine! Don't come near!!! Now I can’t imagine what we talked about for hours?! I walked without touching the ground, and the shine of my eyes could illuminate a small planet. The most surprising thing for me as an adult is that my parents didn’t notice anything! In one case it was possible not to see, if not to look at all... But the teachers showed enviable vigilance. We were caught in the act when the whole trio went to the cinema. This act served as a reason for calling my parents to the Teachers' Council... I was at a loss as to why they were calling me?! It seems that there were no tests and the number of failures in mathematics did not exceed the usual... I don’t remember why Mom went to school, as far as I remember, it was her first and last visit V educational institution. But I remembered the Teachers' Council for the rest of my life... In order for the picture to be complete, I will allow myself digression. In Dahl's dictionary there is an ancient Russian term - “Pig”, which denoted an attacking formation of an army in the form of a wedge, intended to dismember the enemy. If the line was weak, then the “pig” broke through it, trampling no less than killing it with weapons... So, the teachers sat in a wedge, led by the director, under portraits of members of the Politburo, and in the middle, on blood red A fourteen-year-old girl stood on the carpet and did not understand the essence of what was happening... I remember how the spoken words flew out and hit sticky dirt on my cheeks. - “With three boys, one to the cinema!” She will grow up to be a PROSTITUTE!!! She is corrupting the pride of our school! He is the son of an honored teacher! He urgently needs to be saved!!!” I don’t remember how we went outside, I only remember my mother’s prickly eyes... She turned and... spat in my face with the words, “This is what your life is worth!”... Poor Mom, how ashamed she was, but I will understand this much later, and then, trampled by the “Pig” and a loved one, I went on to live...✍️