Teaching reading using the N. Zaitsev method. Basic principles of the technique

Traveling through the jungle of parenting sites on the Internet, it’s impossible. They are most often encountered and then paid close attention by parents with one child.

The relatively large amount of time they can devote to the most important member of the family and the uncontrollable desire to see that it is your baby who is the best among his peers encourages them to master numerous proprietary early development methods that allow them to achieve unprecedented results.

Among them, the Zaitsev Cube set looks very attractive. This is, in fact, a bunch of jangling cubes of different colors, glued together from cardboard or plastic, filled with small things - metal and wood, which is why their sound is different. There are differences in weight and size. On each side of the cube there are letters, some in pairs (warehouses), some alone, and on some even semicolons.

The cubes are accompanied by special rather voluminous tables with the same warehouse letters. In addition, complete with blocks and tables, parents receive a detailed textbook and an audio recording with chants. Honestly speaking, at first glance it’s a bit difficult, especially if you imagine that all this is for a one and a half year old baby. Maybe try? Not everyone plays with children's toys, but there is something attractive in this technique.

Let's start with the fact that the baby may not necessarily be one and a half years old, but three, six months, two years old, etc. Up to the age of eight, when most children already know how to read and “ordinary” Zaitsev Cubes are of no use to them. However, other cubes of the same Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev may be useful, but for mastering a foreign language (these manuals have already been developed for English and Ukrainian languages).

In general, it is never too early or too late to start. Strictly speaking, even if the future heir is still snoring peacefully in his mother’s tummy, the mother can get acquainted with both the cubes and the features of the method, because the most important thing in this, as in any other method, is to thoroughly understand the principle of its operation. Then the heir who is born will have nothing left but as soon as possible learn to read and, what, in my opinion, is even more important, correct pronunciation.

What special thing needs to be done with these cubes for them to “work”? Be prepared for the fact that simply buying them and giving them to your child for use will not be enough. He, of course, will play with them - use them like ordinary cubes, build towers and fences, strum them with pleasure, examine them, perhaps even put them in a place specially designated for them - ideally, these are wooden shelves under tables hanging on the wall, going in complete with cubes. But, most likely, without proper parental attention and the right direction of play and work, they will be scattered on the floor, chairs and tables, where the training will end.

There’s nothing you can do, but if you decide to study Zaitsev’s Cubes, you will have to do it together with your child, although you can start by simply providing your child with the entire set of cubes. At the same time, make sure that the baby, as they say, does not spoil the new tutorial- you can play, but you can’t break it. The reason is obvious - besides the fact that you are unlikely to want to spend money on a new set, your child needs to understand that these particular cubes are not simple, they will help them learn to read, just like adults can. But in principle, you can easily protect the cubes from dirt, dust and water if you cover them with ordinary tape. In this case, the service life this manual will grow up, and other children will be able to play with them with pleasure.

Ideally, a child’s attitude towards Zaitsev’s Cubes is respectful, joyful and slightly reverent. At first, your role will be to stop the process of playing with cubes in time before the destruction stage. After some time, it’s time to gradually begin learning (until the baby’s age plays a big role) - when the child plays, just looks at or picks up a certain cube, pronounce the word or letter that is shown on the side facing the baby. This is, in general, the most important thing.

If you take it seriously and try, in a month you will automatically begin to sing tunes without much difficulty, although relatives who come to visit you and are not familiar with Zaitsev’s technique will obviously be slightly surprised at such an unusual manner.

Further - more, you need to put words together from cubes, starting with the simplest ones: mom, dad, etc., but not just folded and showed, but folded, showed and named and sang when the child understands what he means we're talking about. Let's say dad comes home from work, undresses in the hallway - a joyful child is jumping around. A wise mother takes cubes with “pa” folds and shows them to the child, singing: “Pa-pa!” There is nowhere to go - the baby will associate dad with cubes that depict certain letters in a certain order and a word that mom hums when presenting these cubes to him.

Regular and systematic repetition of such exercises (not only with dad, of course) will lead to the connection in the child’s mind of an object, a word, certain letters and pronounceable warehouses. Tables with the same warehouses and letters as the cubes will also help with this. The variety of named objects will lead to the fact that 246 warehouses of the Russian language will quickly “settle down” in the baby’s head, and, seeing a familiar combination of letters on a cube (signboard, book), the baby will name them without any problems, that is, read them.

Having realized that he has learned to read, the child will most likely run further by leaps and bounds and begin to put words together from cubes himself, greatly delighting his parents. For quite a long time after this, Zaitsev’s Cubes will remain your child’s favorite pastime, and learning to read from them will be yours. next child he will take the most Active participation, relegating the parents to the background. Soon he will enjoy reading children's fairy tales, books about nature and animals

The method of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev allows you to teach reading and writing at a very early age thanks to the effect on the child’s memory through several channels of information - tactile (cubes are different in size and weight), visual (the five colors used do not cause confusion and are well remembered), auditory ( Different fillings of the cubes provide different sounds).

A well-chosen option for teaching reading by sequences, starting with memorizing not letters, which is familiar to us and seems simpler, but sequences, which, although they are much larger in number, are easier to remember, determines the basis of the method.

However, without careful loving parents who spare no time for their child, spending every free minute communicating with him, the use of neither this nor any other, even a very successful author’s technique, will not give any results.

If the baby always feels close to his loving mother and father, who want to help him, and not make a miracle child to everyone’s surprise, then learning anything will be easy and interesting, and it’s up to you, parents, to decide in which direction to move!

You can buy other Zaitsev’s manuals in the children’s online store Scientist Cat www.site

“Don’t study, but play!” This is how we can briefly characterize Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev’s method of teaching reading. Perhaps this is the most popular technique today. With her help the champions early development They teach their kids to read, write, count and even learn foreign languages. And children are not against such training. After all, all that is required of them is to play with bright cubes and sing songs.

How Zaitsev's cubes appeared

Nikolai Zaitsev was born and raised in a family of rural teachers and had no doubt about his choice of specialty: after school he entered the philological faculty of the Pedagogical University. Herzen. In his fifth year he was sent as a translator to Indonesia. There Nikolai Alexandrovich began teaching Russian as a foreign language. This event became the starting point in the creation of his unique system of teaching reading and writing. One of the most difficult languages ​​in the world - Russian - had to be taught in the shortest possible time. The students were adults, people who were no longer accustomed to studying—officers. Such a task seemed impossible, but Zaitsev did it brilliantly. He invented new methods on the fly, came up with original tables, tried to penetrate into the essence of the language in order - as Zaitsev himself put it - “to learn to convey it to others.”

Success inspired the young teacher to develop his own teaching system. A system that takes into account psychological characteristics perception of the Russian language, free from unnecessary conventions and cumbersome rules, visual. Zaitsev began testing his method of teaching Russian in secondary schools. The test result was depressing: Nikolai Alexandrovich was faced with the fact that the students did not understand their native language at all and preferred to memorize the rules rather than delve into them. The children, of course, were not to blame. After all, they are used to learning this way.

Then Zaitsev turned to preschoolers, including the youngest - children from one and a half years old. The methods were adapted for children - learning was reduced to games. And here the teacher expected success. His invention, the cubes, was called the “ringing miracle.” Children who had difficulty mastering literacy began to read within just a few lessons. The method has proven itself so well that a number of schools have decided to completely switch to training according to Zaitsev.

We don't need the alphabet

After observing the children and how they mastered literacy, Nikolai Zaitsev came to the following conclusions.

  1. To learn to read, you don't need to know the names of letters.
    A common phenomenon: a mother bought an alphabet book, the child learned the letters, but cannot read. His words don't stick.
    “The ABC is harmful,” says Nikolai Alexandrovich. In the alphabet, there is a picture for each letter: A - stork, B - hippopotamus, etc. The kid will remember both the letter and the picture, but how can you then explain to him that the zebra - stork - lizard - heron flashing in his mind should form the word “hare”. And even if the child did not learn the letters according to the alphabet, which makes it difficult to memorize the names of the letters, it is still difficult for him to immediately understand that B and A turn into the syllable BA. That is why teachers are forced to use various tricks to show how two letters merge into a syllable.
  2. It's difficult to read the syllables.
    In Russian, a syllable can contain from 1 to 10 letters. If you see a surname like Pfeldt or Mkrtchyan in the text, you won’t be able to read it right away, but it’s only one syllable. Of course they are Difficult words The baby does not need to read, but even a simple, one-syllable word “splash” will cause certain difficulties for a child reading syllables.
  3. A person first learns to write and then read.
    It is easier for a child to approach reading through writing. Just like an adult when learning a new language. Provided, of course, that by writing we do not mean “scribbling a pen in a notebook,” but by transforming sounds into signs, and by reading, accordingly, by turning signs into sounds. Therefore, if you have ever tried to teach a child to recognize the most native words and wrote on the asphalt or on paper “mom”, “dad”, “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “Sasha”, and then asked: “Where is dad? Where's grandma? And where your name?”, then the child did not read, but rather wrote. He turned your sounds into signs you wrote.

An alternative to syllables is warehouses

The basic unit of language for Zaitsev is not a sound, a letter or a syllable, but a warehouse.

A warehouse is a pair of a consonant and a vowel, or a consonant and a hard or soft sign, or even one letter. For example, SO-BA-KA, PA-RO-VO-3, A-I-S-T, etc. The warehouse principle of reading is the basis of Zaitsev’s method of teaching children to read.

Why a warehouse?

“Everything we pronounce is a combination of a vowel-consonant pair,” explains Nikolai Alexandrovich. - A consonant must be followed by a vowel sound. It may not be indicated in the letter, but it is there.” Our ancestors felt this and put “yat” in at the end of nouns ending in a consonant. Say, for example, the word: “o-a-zis”, holding your hand on your throat, and you will feel the force of the ligaments before the “o” and before the “a”, or, in Zaitsev’s terminology, “the muscular force of the speech apparatus.” This very effort is the warehouse.

Warehouses on cubes

The baby sees warehouses not in a book, not on cards, but on cubes. This is a fundamental point of Zaitsev’s system.

Why cubes?

Reading requires the work of analytical thinking (letters are abstract icons; the brain converts them into sounds from which it synthesizes words), which begins to form only at school. That is why we and our parents began to learn to read at this age.

The child’s lack of analytical thinking is compensated by a heightened perception of signals provided by his senses. Therefore, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev relied on vision, hearing and tactile sensations. He wrote warehouses on the faces of the cubes. He made the cubes different in color, size and the sound they make, so each time they are accessed, different channels of perception are activated. This helps children feel, not understand, the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft.

Using these cubes, the child makes words and begins to read them. Zaitsev's idea is simple: what is good to show, there is no need to talk about it for a long time (it is better to see it once). Children must first be shown the subject of study in an interesting way, let them play with it, and then give a definition. This is how the holy law of learning is observed: from the concrete-figurative through the visual-effective to the verbal-logical.

Zaitsev's cubes. What types of cubes are there?

The “Zaitsev's Cubes” set contains 52 cubes (seven of them are repeated to build the words PA-PA, MA-MA, DYA-DYA and the like, which are closest to the child, especially at first. The cubes are divided into large and small, single and double, gold, iron-gold, wooden-gold. There is one white cube with punctuation marks. The cubes also vary in color.

The big ones are cubes with hard folds. Small - cubes with soft folds. However, Nikolai Aleksandrovich strongly disagrees with the definition of “soft-hard”: what is hard and soft here? But there are big and small! Compare how your mouth opens when you say BA or BYA.

Large and small cubes come in different colors and with different fillings.

Doubles are cubes glued together, with consonants that do not combine—“be friends”—with all vowels. For example, ZH(ZH)-ZHA-ZHO(ZHE)-ZHU-ZHI-ZHE. Options such as “zhy”, “shy”, “chya”, “schya” are simply excluded.

Iron - cubes with ringing warehouses. Wooden cubes - with muted warehouses. Golden ones are cubes with vowels. Iron-wood - used for warehouses with solid signs. Wooden and gold - for warehouses with soft signs. The white cube is used to indicate punctuation marks.

Letters are written on cubes different colors: vowels - blue; consonants - blue; hard and soft signs - green.

Many teachers and parents are confused by this coloring, because the school standard is completely different: consonants are blue or green, vowels are red. This means that the baby will have to be retrained. However, the author of the method claims that avoiding red-blue-green combinations allows one to avoid the color “torn” of words, and therefore children immediately begin to read fluently, without hesitation.

We prepare for classes step by step. Glue the cubes

Zaitsev's cubes come in three types: standard unassembled, assembled and plastic. The cubes from the standard (unassembled) set include blank cubes that you need to glue together yourself. You can do this exciting activity in the dead of night while your beloved child is sleeping. But imagine what the first action will be taken Small child, received a cube with some kind of rattles or noisemakers inside? Right! He'll tear it apart. And if you glue the cubes together, such a temptation will not arise, because it is already clear what is inside.

Think about strengthening your cubes in advance. To do this, you can insert another cube, almost the same size, cut out of thick cardboard, inside the cube.

You can glue the cubes with Moment glue. If you don’t have it, you can use PVA glue. While the glue is drying, tighten the cube with rubber bands so that it does not move apart.

Be sure to protect the cubes - cover them with tape on all sides. Before gluing, you can laminate the development or wrap it with thermal film, and after assembly, also tape the corners of the edges with tape.

After gluing with tape or thermal film, the cubes can glare in bright light, then you must make sure each time that the child can see clearly, looking at the cube from his point of view - literally sitting in its place.

Hanging tables

It is advisable to first cut the tables included in the set of Zaitsev’s cubes along the line shown at the edges. Then, aligning the edges of the table parts, glue them together with glue or tape. If you hang the parts of the table without gluing them together, then during the lesson they may begin to “move apart”.

It is also advisable to wrap the tables with thermal film. Thanks to this, they will not tear or get dirty during use.

In Zaitsev’s book and in the methodological manual attached to the set of cubes, it is written that it is advisable to hang the tables high, with the lower edge at the level of an adult’s head or higher. However, these recommendations are based on the fact that Zaitsev’s cubes are mainly used in a group (the author of the technique himself only worked with groups of children). If you hang the charts low, children will block each other's writing. But if you are doing Zaitsev's cubes at home, then you have one listener - your child. In addition, classes in groups begin at 3-4 years old, and at home a mother can study with a two-year-old or even one-year-old baby. Such a baby simply will not be able to see anything on a high-hanging table. Therefore, hang the tables at home so that the baby can reach the top edge of the table with his raised hand. When he grows up, lift the table - the child should reach for it, and not bend over.

And one more important note. The table is too big for a very small child. To see several warehouses drawn at different ends of the table, he needs to either move far away (then he will not be able to show them), or run back and forth along the table. It is best, if you have such an opportunity, to hang the table in the corner of the room, bending it in half. Then the baby will be able, standing in one place, to easily reach any edge of the table with his hand.

It is advisable to place the tables in the place where the baby visits most often, that is, in his room. But if there is absolutely no space there, then you can place them in another room, in the hallway or even in the kitchen.

Wall tables are just as important as cubes, don't neglect them. The author of the method, Nikolai Zaitsev, is very proud of the fact that when working on tables, vision does not deteriorate, but sometimes even improves, because the eyeball is always in motion, looking for warehouses.

Learning songs

It is necessary to learn them, because you and your child will not pronounce the warehouses drawn on the cubes, but sing them. According to Nikolai Alexandrovich, learning to read with singing is much more effective, interesting and fun than without it. And some children at a tender age cannot be taught to read any other way.

Bringing the cubes to life

Let's play with cubes

Now the child comes into play. All cubes with storage areas are made available to the child immediately and forever. Don't be afraid that your baby will get confused. Precise systematization allows you to quickly grasp the patterns of language, without clogging the child’s head with all kinds of “scientific” ideas. To begin with, let him choose the cube that he likes more than others. Take it and, turning the side you call towards the child, sing all the folds. Now let the baby choose a large wooden cube. Then small. Gold. Iron. When all types of sizes and sounds have been mastered, you can sing the column of warehouses according to the table to your child and ask him to find a cube with the same chant. This way he will at the same time master both warehouses and their classification.

You stand at the table, take the pointer in your hands and start chanting. Please note that you need to articulate the sounds well, to show the child that the sounds are different: large and small, ringing and rustling.

For clarity, you can move: stand on tiptoes or squat, spread your arms, etc.

It is very important to breathe life into the cubes. Come up with names for the cubes: here’s the big daddy cube B-BA-BO-BU-BE-BE, and here’s the little baby cube B-BYA-BE-BY-BI-BE. Double cubes are grandparents.

Let's start writing

Don't be afraid if your child is not yet able to hold a pen. You don't need to write with pen on paper. The baby will move a pointer or finger along the table, singing: “Ba-bo-bu-be-be, Ma-sha, mo-lo-ko.” He needs to understand how words are composed, take them apart and put them back together again. And, of course, you need to write using cubes, making words from them.

Start writing with what is most dear to the child - the name. By the way, you can write KO-LYA, but it’s better - NI-KO-LA-Y A-LE-K-SE-E-VI-CH (the child will be glad to feel big). Then make up the names of toys, the names of loved ones. Having collected the word MOTHER at one end of the room, GRANDMOTHER LISA on the table, and UNCLE PETER at the window, start an active word game: “Hurry up and run to GRANDMOTHER! Look who came to us - UNCLE PETY! Meet him! And now MOTHER is calling you with her!” In this way, reading on the move can be taught without sacrificing vision and posture to literacy. Please note that we do not teach a child to read or write using blocks, we just play.

There's not enough cube! What to do?

Indeed, there are not enough cubes in the set to write certain words. For example, you want to write the word BANANA, but we have only one cube with warehouses NA and N (cube NU-NO-NA-NE-NY-N) and it is impossible to rotate it with two faces at the same time. Often there are not enough cubes with words in S, M, P, and cubes with vowels. What to do? If you bought cubes, don’t rush to glue them together right away. First, photocopy the scans of the most commonly used cubes on a color copier. Cut out the base for them from cardboard. If you don’t want to make anything extra, then write those words that you cannot write in cubes on a sheet of paper with felt-tip pens, highlighting the warehouses different colors, or write on the table with a pointer.


I agree, this is the most wonderful teaching method from the age of 3, as N. Zaitsev himself points out, for those children who were not taught to read - before they can walk :)
However, for twenty years now, the globalists who have settled in the RAO and the Ministry of Education are still resisting this technique, although it has been introduced in almost all countries. Now Russian children who are starting to be taught in schools are almost 4 years behind their competitors in learning to read. :(
But this is not a method of early development - it would be more accurate to say - a method of MIDDLE development! and this topic, in an amicable way, should be posted in another conference.
We need to gradually figure it out and not throw everything into the heap: early development is what happens before the age of 3. :) Zaitsev himself always emphasizes that this is a technique - from the age of 3.
Otherwise we will set our parents back twenty years in this teleconference :)
There are attempts to apply this technique from the age of 2 - Lena Danilova promotes this practice. But this is a private initiative that was not crowned with success and requires a significant investment of time and effort. ON THE. Zaitsev, G. Doman and E. Danilova and other “rabbitists” deny the beginning of learning with letters.
But since 1988, results have been obtained using the “Read before walking” method according to the P.V. Tyulenev - who returned to letters, because for a one-year-old child they are simpler than syllables or folds.
But if we post this discussion in Early Development, then, it seems to me, parents need to be immediately warned about this so as not to introduce unnecessary expenses.
So those who have children older than 3 years old are welcome to Zaitsev, and those who have children younger should start trying the book “Read before you walk,” which is available here on the 7yaru website. :)
I think this too gaming technique, since you can’t force a one-year-old to sit at a desk :)
My main suggestion is: where should those who care for children under 3 years of age concentrate? That is, where, after all, will we have early development, and where will we have middle early development, and where will we have late early development? :)
On the one hand, from a commercial point of view, everything seems to be good: “the more methods, the better”! But, on the other hand, the inclusion of Zaitsev’s technique in early development throws us back 20 years. :)
Why? Because the one “who was late”, as a rule, does not allow those who started on time to discuss this issue, that is, according to the concepts of the first ones who were late “too early”... Such is the psychology :(.
Then where do supporters of true early development gather, that is, those who begin teaching from conception or from birth to 3 years of age? :) After all, opponents of “training from conception,” globalists like Tsargradskaya, also hide that priests demand that training begin from the moment of conception! In addition, I read somewhere that development up to 1 year is the development of genius; development up to 2 years is the development of talent, etc.
I remembered: I found it on the link “Laws of the MIRR system”.
Let's remember the sensational slogan of the Japanese: “after 3 years, it’s too late!” - I think he said so famous president SONY company Masaru Ibuka. That's how it is.
So where is it, early development? :)

Comment on the article "Nikolai Zaitsev's method of teaching reading. Part I"

Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, learning to read, groups Section: Zaitsev's cubes. Anyone can answer in conferences and start new topics...


we have known letters since we were 3 years old, the cubes were unnecessary.. I once caught him in the mood when he wanted to read a simple word and every time I catch it, now I use it and simply show and pronounce the syllables as they should be read and combined.... the result is that he can still read the words.. I read the texts myself.. I’m not going to rush him to school for another 3 years :)
Mine speaks clearly, but after going to a speech therapist we found out that two of our letters are placed incorrectly... so until ideal speech is established, I won’t practice reading with him.

Zaitsev's cubes. Where to begin. actually subject. We purchased a set of ethics cubes with posters and a cassette, but it’s not clear which side to gnaw on the granite of science... and in the book it is written so that without...


My daughters are 2 and 8. It’s still a bit early, of course. But we started slowly. The table is hanging, the cubes are ready.
First we started singing warehouses according to the table. We gathered a group of friends - a bunny, a bear, etc. And in turn, UOAEE and VU VO VA VE YOU. Remembered something...
Then they began to write different ones on the table simple words MOTHER, MASHA, PAPA, VIKA, etc.
Then they began to sing at random: MU mu MO mo, etc.
At the same time, we write words in cubes.

I try to do all this as much as I have enough interest. A little bit every day.

That's all for now. We have time, we are still small...
We'll see later :)

From the literature, I used Zaitsev’s textbook from the set. I had to re-read it twice, then something became clearer. And Danilova’s book “Zaitsev’s cubes in the family.” Danilova has a lot of useful recommendations.

It’s even better to play with blocks with several children, then there are more game options. It's more interesting for children.


Thanks everyone for the advice - I'll definitely take it into account!

My advice: don’t bother with the cubes - just print out the syllables (table) and hang it near the bed. For a couple of days, read the entire table out loud and the child will read simple words with open syllables, and then the primer, etc.
Really easy, at any age.

27.11.2003 21:44:19, Nikita's mom

Moreover, Zaitsev’s cube technique does not give reading skills closed syllables(starting with a vowel). Zaitsev's cubes are not only for the little ones.


We studied according to Zaitsev from the age of three at the “School of Early Development”. At the age of 4, my son could read syllables, and at 5, he was already reading fairy tales quite clearly. He studied willingly and with pleasure.
But my personal opinion is that everything depends on the teacher, and not on the methodology.
If the teacher is good, he will teach any child, even the most difficult, using any method :)

It didn't work out for us at all. Moreover, Zaitsev’s cube technique does not provide the skill of reading closed syllables (starting with a vowel). For example, my boy, “fed” with Zaitsev’s cubes, will read the word “aroma” as “ra-mo-ta”, because all the words there begin with a consonant (ba-bo-bu-by-be, etc.) and my son, encountering a syllable beginning with a vowel, for some reason merged it with the nearest consonant from right to left.

By the way, because of this, now in 1st grade we still practically don’t read on our own. It's terribly slow and we don't always understand what we read.

"N.A. Zhukova's Primer" suited us much better. Just a blast.

Is Zaitsev’s method holistic?.. Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, classes with children.


The integrity of the methodology implies:

1) her self-sufficiency
2) its basicity

Zaitsev’s method cannot be called either self-sufficient or basic. The ability to read and count is only the minimum that a child, especially a child 3-4-5 years old, needs in order to develop normally. Fundamental disciplines are also not of decisive importance at this age.

Parents who focus only on reading and counting, no matter what method: whether according to Zaitsev, or according to Doman, simply do not understand quite important things. The main thing: the child should not be the object of learning, he should be its subject. Conditions must be created so that the child begins to act on his own, on his own initiative. You should not overdo it with “ready-made knowledge”. It is necessary to teach a child to learn from the very beginning, to orient him towards self-development, not giving him knowledge on a silver platter, but giving him mainly tools and ways of creating subjectively new knowledge. First of all, you should develop not intellectuality (this will come under certain conditions), but creativity.

You can not teach reading at all and, especially, counting, but at the same time lay such a foundation that this will not be a problem at all, it will happen as if by itself, without visible effort. And you can waste a lot of time cramming warehouses. How many hours on average does it take to teach a 5-6 year old child to read using Zaitsev’s cubes? What about a 3 year old child? Instead of purposefully developing thinking, speech, logic, memory, emotionality, skills of analysis and synthesis at this age, studying music, drawing, modeling and other subjects of the aesthetic cycle, etc. and so on. Instead of creating a base. A developed, prepared child will either learn to read on his own or will spend much less time learning.

In addition, the training itself according to Zaitsev is built according to the most traditional system, when the teacher broadcasts and the child listens. When the child is not the subject of learning, but its object. It speaks beautifully, but nothing more.

The genius of Zaitsev’s methodology is in the harmonious warehouse system, but not in the teaching methods themselves. And the fact that there are a lot of teachers who are able to develop and improve any technique, including Zaitsevskaya, to a decent level, well, thank God. I doubt that successful pedagogies are limited only to Zaitsev, exclusively to Zaitsev. You can ask, for example, Nadezhda Grigorievna. She is a professional practitioner of Zaitsev. What percentage of directly Zaitsevsky things are in her classes? I am sure that Zaitsev’s classes are only part of an integral system.

And I saw live lessons. Much more alive. Zaitsev himself recorded them on videotape. It would be better not to write it down. It’s hard to think of a worse implementation of a decent technique :(

DAN, what do you mean when you talk about the integrity or non-integrity of Zaitsev’s technique? About the methodology of teaching reading and writing? What is the connection with the so-called basic sciences? I really love Zaitsev’s cubes, their very idea seems to me, as a philologist, very sound, but it is not without sin (more details in my article “About one mistake in N.A. Zaitsev’s warehouse system” in the “Publications” section. Early learning and development"). I can imagine how cubes are introduced into grammar (I myself studied them with foreigners). But how can one get into chemistry, geography, etc., based on reading and mathematics manuals? Does Nikolai Alexandrovich have developments on fundamental sciences? I just don’t know anything about it. What do you consider the integrity of the author’s methodology?

09.09.2018 20:48:25, [email protected]

Good day! I really want to download the manual and Zaitsev's Cubes. Thank you in advance!

09.09.2018 20:37:51, [email protected]

Instructions for "Zaitsev's cubes".. Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, classes with children.

How Zaitsev's cubes appeared

Nikolai Zaitsev was born and raised in a family of rural teachers and had no doubt about his choice of specialty: after school he entered the philological faculty of the Pedagogical University. Herzen. In his fifth year he was sent as a translator to Indonesia. There Nikolai Alexandrovich began teaching Russian as a foreign language. This event became the starting point in the creation of his unique system of teaching reading and writing. One of the most difficult languages ​​in the world - Russian - had to be taught in the shortest possible time. The students were adults, people who were no longer accustomed to studying - officers. Such a task seemed impossible, but Zaitsev did it brilliantly. He invented new methods on the fly, came up with original tables, tried to penetrate into the essence of the language in order to - as Zaitsev himself put it - “learn to convey it to others.”

Success inspired the young teacher to develop his own teaching system. A system that takes into account the psychological characteristics of the perception of the Russian language, is free of unnecessary conventions and cumbersome rules, and is visual. Zaitsev began testing his method of teaching Russian in secondary schools. The test result was depressing: Nikolai Alexandrovich was faced with the fact that the students did not understand their native language at all and preferred to memorize the rules rather than delve into them. The children, of course, were not to blame. After all, they are used to learning this way.

Then Zaitsev turned to preschoolers, including the youngest - children from one and a half years old. The methods were adapted for children - learning was reduced to games. And here the teacher expected success. His invention - cubes - was called the "ringing miracle." Children who had difficulty mastering literacy began to read within just a few lessons. The method has proven itself so well that a number of schools have decided to completely switch to training according to Zaitsev.

We don't need the alphabet

After observing the children and how they mastered literacy, Nikolai Zaitsev came to the following conclusions.

A common phenomenon: a mother bought an alphabet book, the child learned the letters, but cannot read. His words don't stick.

“The ABC is harmful,” says Nikolai Alexandrovich. In the alphabet there is a picture for each letter: A - stork, B - hippopotamus, etc.

The kid will remember both the letter and the picture, but how can you then explain to him that the zebra - stork - lizard - heron, flashing in his mind, should form the word "hare". And even if the child did not learn the letters according to the alphabet, which makes it difficult to memorize the names of the letters, it is still difficult for him to immediately understand that B and A turn into the syllable BA. That is why teachers are forced to use various tricks to show how two letters merge into a syllable.

3. In Russian, a syllable can contain from 1 to 10 letters. If you see a surname like Pfeldt or Mkrtchyan in the text, you won’t be able to read it right away, but it’s only one syllable. Of course, a child does not need to read such complex words, but even a simple one-syllable word “splash” will cause certain difficulties for a child who reads the syllables.

A person first learns to write and then read.

It is easier for a child to approach reading through writing. Just like an adult when learning a new language. Provided, of course, that by writing we do not mean “scribbling a pen in a notebook,” but by transforming sounds into signs, and by reading, accordingly, by turning signs into sounds.

Therefore, if you have ever tried to teach a child to recognize the most native words and wrote on the asphalt or on paper “mom”, “dad”, “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “Sasha”, and then asked: “Where is dad? grandma? Where is your name?”, then the child did not read, but wrote. He turned your sounds into signs you wrote.

An alternative to syllables - warehouses

The basic unit of language for Zaitsev is not a sound, a letter or a syllable, but a warehouse.

A warehouse is a pair of a consonant and a vowel, or a consonant and a hard or soft sign, or even one letter. For example, SO-BA-KA, PA-RO-VO-3, A-I-S-T, etc. The warehouse principle of reading is the basis of the Zaitsev method of teaching children to read.

Why a warehouse?

The baby sees warehouses not in a book, not on cards, but on cubes. This is a fundamental point of Zaitsev’s system.

Why cubes?

Reading requires the work of analytical thinking (letters are abstract icons; the brain converts them into sounds from which it synthesizes words), which begins to form only at school. That is why we and our parents began to learn to read at this age.

The child’s lack of analytical thinking is compensated by a heightened perception of signals provided by his senses. Therefore, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev relied on vision, hearing and tactile sensations. He wrote warehouses on the faces of the cubes. He made the cubes different in color, size and the sound they make, so each time they are accessed, different channels of perception are activated.

This helps children feel, not understand, the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft.

Using these cubes, the child makes words and begins to read them. Zaitsev's idea is simple: what is good to show, there is no need to talk about it for a long time (it is better to see it once). Children must first be shown the subject of study in an interesting way, let them play with it, and then give a definition. This is how the holy law of learning is observed: from the concrete-figurative through the visual-effective to the verbal-logical.

Zaitsev's cubes. What types of cubes are there?
The author of the popular technique is the talented and experienced teacher Nikolai Zaitsev. He is the author of excellent and effective methods aimed at teaching reading (Zaitsev's cubes). Also among his developments, the leading place is occupied by methods for teaching children grammar, mathematics, and English.

The main teachers of children are teachers and parents. The technique provides classes for children from birth to seven years.
Book "Writing. Reading. Counting";

Book "Read and Sing".

The main ideas of Nikolai Zaitsev: Absolutely new method Teaching children to read, which Zaitsev suggests, boils down to the fact that it begins not with learning letters, but with special warehouses. Zaitsev's warehouse is "a conscious muscular effort of the speech apparatus." This is the merging of vowels and consonants together. The author claims that babies begin to speak in warehouses from the very early age
, pronouncing the long-awaited “ma-ma”, “ba-ba”, “pa-pa”. Therefore, this teaching technique is natural and natural. The basis of Zaitsev’s technique is collaboration

an adult and a child using special cubes and tables on which syllables are depicted.

If Nikolai Zaitsev’s technique is ideal for you, then you need to fully agree with its basic principles:

1. Training according to Zaitsev is a game. The most important condition for classes is a relaxed and natural environment. During classes using this method, children can sit on the floor, jump, walk around the room, even be noisy, and exercise on sports equipment. Such kids will never for a long time They do not sit in one place (at a desk), they are very mobile and active. Classes are dynamic: kids very quickly change the type of activity, studying tables is replaced by cubes, then children draw on the board, stomp, clap, etc. But at the same time, such a game does not serve as a recreation for children. According to Zaitsev, the basis of every educational and educational game is search and choice. Studying using his manuals and materials, children are in a state of search, they learn to read, dividing words into words, remember the accents of words, do sound analysis, try to make sentences, learn to count and write. All this happens only during the game;

2. All training materials must be compactly located or hung on the wall. Each Zaitsev manual contains posters with materials that must be hung on the walls in the room or classroom. It is important that it is necessary to hang all the tables that are included in the kit at once, and not one by one;

3. Kids must interact with all the tools and materials that will be used for training. It is important that they must be used from the very first lesson;

4. During the learning process, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics kids. It is important to use the desire of children to imitate adults in everything. Therefore, adults should take an active part in games with children. Consider the children's interests as well. If they want to sing, let them sing, but at the same time, together with the adults, let them analyze the words of the song.

Results of using Zaitsev’s technique:

Currently, Zaitsev’s technique is used by many people not only at home, but also in educational institutions.
The lesson in which the technique is used is held in game form. It is quite short and lasts only 20-25 minutes. Children can constantly change their position. At the same time, their posture and vision do not deteriorate, since quite often they switch their gaze and study large tables.
Even if you spend little time on classes, you will very quickly see the results of your work.
Zaitsev's manuals are perfect for kids with different temperaments and personalities. In kindergartens that practice according to Zaitsev, groups are formed so that they include both strong and weaker children, who soon do not lag behind the rest of the children.
In the process of playing with Zaitsev's cubes, kids very quickly learn to read, memorize letters, learn to feel the difference in the sound of consonants, vowels, hard and soft, hissing and whistling sounds. Kids learn to form simple words and write them. In addition, they show these words on the table and “sing” them.
Zaitsev is the author of unique methods that involve the use of cubes that make it easy to teach children writing, counting, and English.
Zaitsev's great achievement is the development of systematic approaches to the study of mathematics. His method is based on the use of a system of tables, which immerses the child in the world of numbers and figuratively demonstrates the composition of numbers and what properties they have. Kids learn to understand what actions can be done with numbers. Thanks to this, children quickly master counting up to 100, and in the future they can easily carry out various operations with numbers. The technique allows you to clearly explain to kids what a fraction and a degree are.

When to start classes?:

In fact, classes on Zaitsev’s cubes can be started at any age. But the most effective moment is when children begin to actively master spoken language. Classes according to Zaitsev give an incredible breakthrough in the development of the speech apparatus, and also allow you to quickly master reading skills (almost simultaneously with the acquisition of oral speech). The basic rules of the games are that all words can be seen and heard. Kids remember two images of a word at once.
4 years is the time when a child can already read fully. Be sure to instill a love of books! During this period, training according to Zaitsev’s method proceeds at the fastest pace.
Zaitsev claims that reading lessons from the age of three are most effective. But many mothers begin training from birth. At the same time, it is important to offer children cubes as toys to study the sizes of objects and colors.

Exercises for newborns:

From birth, parents must work on creating a speech base. To do this you need to use facial expressions and emotions. But the most important thing is to constantly communicate with your baby!
Newborn babies love to touch cubes, hold them in their hands, and build with them. Gradually, the little ones' attention switches to what is depicted on the cubes.
From about the second month, babies begin to actively walk. It is necessary to support him in this by pronouncing sounds with him: “ue-ue-ue”, “wa-wa-wa” even when the child is silent.
Around three months, baby babble appears, so adults must repeat the syllable chains: ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, pa-pa-pa, yes-da-da, ga-ga-ga, bo-bo-bo.
Parents should realize that children will not be able to say their first word until they learn to speak and pronounce sounds. This period stretches from 10 months to 1.5 years. When using Zaitsev's technique, you will provide great assistance to your child in the development of speech and mental abilities.
Don’t forget that at least six months will pass from the moment your baby reads his first word to the start of free reading.

Exercises for children over one year of age:

Classes with Zaitsev cubes

Presented in multi-colored cubes and tables (done on A1 sheets). Each cube is filled with ringing, rattling materials so that both dull and voiced warehouses can be depicted using characteristic sounds.
Voiced sounds depicted on metal cubes and filled with metal objects. Wooden cubes, indicating dull sounds and warehouses, are filled with pieces or remnants of wooden objects (sticks, twigs).
Large cubes are intended for hard sounds and warehouses, and small ones - for soft goods.
There are 61 cubes in the set, 16 of which are duplicates. They indicate the same sounds or warehouses. This allows you to compose words from the same warehouses, for example, dyad-dya, pa-pa.
As the game progresses, adults must first pronounce and sing the warehouses themselves, shown on the cubes and tables. Then the child must do it. First you need to learn two warehouses. When the baby has completely mastered singing with blocks, then it is necessary to move on to learning to write. To do this, you need to put together simple words from cubes, and the child repeats them using the table with his finger.

Game "Locomotive"

The kid needs to build a train. Place on the table a golden cube with the letter A depicted on it. Say that in a steam locomotive all cars must contain the letter A and, using the example of one cube, demonstrate how to find it. The child should try to pick up the rest of the train cars on his own. Intervene only when you notice that the baby does not understand the principle of finding cubes with a given letter.
Explain to your child that the letter A can appear on different cubes. As a result, the child works with the cubes, visually highlighting the letter A. When the train is built, it is necessary to read all the warehouses containing the letter A. To do this, the adult needs to show the first large golden cube with his finger and name it. The child must say what he heard after you. Do the same with the other “cars”. It is important that you move your finger first, and only then pronounce the warehouse.
In subsequent lessons, build locomotives with different vowels. In the future, the child will choose which letters he will look for.


Let your child put together a word of his choice from the cubes. Let him take a few cubes and place them nearby. At the same time, show your child that it is important to place the cubes only from left to right and side by side. Read the resulting word. The kids are very amused by the resulting gobbledygook. They get excited, demanding continuation. This game develops independence in children and teaches them to consciously form existing words from cubes.

"Let's sing songs..."

An adult explains to the child that the cubes are magical and musical. Everyone has their own song. “Sing” the words written on several cubes, then invite your child to choose any one he would like to listen to.
In the process of “singing” the cubes, the adult’s face should be located at the child’s eye level. Hold the cube in two hands to the right of your face. The child should see the movements of your mouth and the side of the cube whose shape is being “sung” at the same time. This is a great exercise for children who do not speak clearly.
The “singing” of the cube should be slow, slightly exaggerated. Kids, having heard how you do this, will definitely try to repeat it over time.

"Singing Towers" ("Talking Towers")

Let the kid build a tower from the cubes. tell him that the tower's cubes are not simple. They can sing in their own way (sing any cube).
In addition, say that the cubes can talk (voice any warehouse). It is important to characterize the cubes that you “sing” or “pronounce” (for example: “This big iron one”).

We sing songs according to the table

The table developed by Zaitsev must be located directly in front of the child. The adult stands to her right. Explain to your child as follows: “This is a sign. There are songs in it, just like in yours.” magic cubes. Let me sing to you, and you follow my pointer and try to sing along." You need to move the pointer very slowly across the table.
When singing, sounds must be pronounced very clearly. During classes, be sure to monitor your child’s reaction.
Vary your game. For example, when singing a large cube, you need to raise your arms up, and when singing a small cube, you need to squat.
Draw your child's attention to the fact that different cubes have different intonations. For example, large ones need to be “sung” in a low voice, and small ones in a higher voice.
Sing the whole tablet every lesson. If the child is very tired and does not concentrate, then break the table into parts. It is important that the child does not lose interest.

We write words according to the table

Place the sign in front of the baby. Place your baby on a chair and hold the pointer together. Choose the word you will "write". Then clearly pronounce the first syllable of the word and point the child’s hand along with the pointer to the column where the desired syllable is contained. Each warehouse is first voiced and only then shown. After the first attempt to “write” the word, repeat it all over again, but at an accelerated pace.
Zaitsev recommends first “writing” the child’s first name, then his last name, the name of his favorite toy, etc.

The role of riddles in the process of learning to read:

Kids love to solve riddles and make them up. This interest can be used when teaching reading. First, lay out the answers from the cubes, then you can write them down on the board and invite the kids to compose them themselves from the cubes. It is very important that your child remembers as many riddles as possible and asks them to his parents himself. Such exercises will perfectly develop speech, and also have a positive effect on the development of figurative, abstract and artistic thinking, and knowledge of literature.

Pictures for teaching reading, drawing, writing...:

Zaitsev is the developer of a manual that allows you to teach children to read whole words and without hesitation and will significantly strengthen their motor skills by tracing objects, drawing in cells, and teach them to distinguish fonts.
Zaitsev's cards have a variety of images on both sides. The front part depicts silhouettes of various animals, and their names are written in block letters. On back side These names are presented using capital and lowercase block letters, as well as capital letters. Words are necessarily divided into warehouses. The warehouse on which the emphasis falls stands out more clearly.
First the child looks big pictures, and the adult should focus on what is written. It is important to pronounce the syllable under stress more drawn out.
If the baby has become familiar with 6-7 cards, having studied them from both sides, then at 2-3 years old he will already be able to calmly look for the hidden word based on the inscriptions. Also, over time, children begin to understand that there is written on both sides. identical words, just in different ways.
On sheets where the alphabet is depicted, you can practice tracing the letters with a pencil.

Learning mathematics according to Zaitsev...:

- "Thousand +";
- "Million +";
- "Ornament".

A system of tables that immerses children in the world of numbers allows children to very easily master counting and mathematical operations, study the composition and properties of numbers. Zaitsev explains in a very easy and relaxed manner how fractions and powers of numbers appear. The method involves classes with children 3-4 years old, as well as primary school students.
Zaitsev developed a special time tape. It consists of 24 segments. Kids very quickly learn to tell time using it and navigate in terms of hours and minutes.
First, small pieces of minutes are glued onto a manufactured or purchased tape, folding them into hours.
Zaitsev also presents a number tape to the attention of adults and children. On it, numbers are placed in windows. It is indicated both by a number and by the corresponding number of circles and squares. One version of the ribbon displays tens and looks like a pyramid of 10 circles. Another option is a shelf of 10 squares arranged on two floors.
With the help of number tapes, children aged 3-4 years after three lessons can already count to 100 and back, as well as find any number on them.
The main beauty of the method is that the child not only sees the number itself, but also retains in memory the number of objects marked around it (squares and circles), learns the composition of the number (units and tens) and distinguishes between even (black) numbers and odd (orange) numbers. .
Visually, kids learn to determine which number is larger and which is smaller and by how much. In addition, children begin to master simple mathematical operations by adding one at a time within 100.
In the future, kids already learn to add and subtract in their heads, go beyond 100 and learn the multiplication table, for which they use cards and math cubes


To play you need a box containing big number shapes for making patterns and studying shapes. To study shapes, you need to find all the rhombuses or triangles, etc. Also, using such materials, children quickly learn to understand what more and less mean.
In addition, the game perfectly develops memory. To do this, you need to line up a series of figures and give the baby time to look at them. Then cover the chain with a sheet of paper and invite the child to name all the figures that he saw and lay out exactly the same one.
You can make patterns and pictures from the figures.

Learning English...:

Zaitsev developed special educational cubes for studying in English. But they are grammatical, not verbal. Designed for older children.

For whom is Zaitsev’s technique suitable?:

This technique is ideal for those parents who want to teach their child to preschool age read, write, count, draw. At the same time, they want to do this without coercion and in a playful way. Such parents are ready to spend time and money to purchase the benefits provided by the methodology.

Positive aspects of Zaitsev’s technique:

The manuals are prepared in a very simple and accessible form. Any parent can easily practice them with their children;
- During classes, children are active and do not sit in one place;
- Thanks to play activities in active conditions, the mental work of children is significantly enhanced. They quickly master reading, writing, counting skills, speech therapy deficiencies are corrected, and their lexicon and logic develops;
- Learning to read according to Zaitsev allows you to get a very quick result: children 2-3 years old learn to read in 6-9 months, 3-4 years old - in 16 lessons, 4-5 years old - in 5-10 lessons, 5-6 years old - in 4-6 lessons;
- Children who are characterized by poor perseverance and inattention achieve very high achievements in learning;
- Medicine has a positive effect on the health of children. They do not have overloads, their vision and posture do not deteriorate;
- Zaitsev’s methods have proven themselves in the process of teaching children with developmental disabilities;
- The classes are interesting and exciting. The children's interest does not fade.

Difficulties when using the technique:

Speech therapists have a negative attitude towards the technique. They believe that children trained in it “swallow” the endings of words and find it difficult to analyze the composition of a word;
When the phonetic composition of words is taught in the first grade, teachers often reteach such children. The designation of sounds according to Zaitsev’s method differs from school ones and children often get confused because of this;
Classes using the Zaitsev method are not a cheap pleasure.

Costs for classes...:

Before you start using the technique, you need to purchase special literature, recordings with “singing” of warehouses, manuals. You can either buy manuals or make your own. There are ready-made cube patterns available on the Internet. The tables can be printed and pasted in parts onto whatman paper. Colored fragments must be decorated.
You can also buy or make a time tape, which consists of 24 segments. Separately cut 60 “minutes” for it.
The set "240 pictures for teaching writing, reading, drawing" includes 120 cards made of cardboard bigger size(133*133) and 120 - smaller (50*50), two A3 sheets for mastering calligraphic writing skills. You can buy them or make them yourself.

Good luck in applying the technique!

All parents want their children to be the smartest, most developed. How much pride they feel when a 3-4 year old child, walking down the street, perfectly reads the names of stores, advertisements... And, starting to teach the child to read, they are faced with a huge selection of various methods. Zaitsev's cubes – effective technique teaching children to read from a very early age. This is one of those techniques that is of great interest to many parents.

Who is Nikolay Zaitsev

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev's parents worked in a rural school. After finishing school, Nikolai worked at a factory for 2 years, after which he followed in the footsteps of his parents. In 1958 he entered the Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology. In his fifth year, he is sent to practice in Indonesia, where he works as a translator.

It was this period of time, when he had to teach adults a Russian language that was not their native language, that gave rise to the development of his famous method of teaching reading and writing. Implementing new techniques, creating interesting tables on the go, he tried to “convey the essence of the language to others.”

Having developed his own teaching method, the young teacher decided to test it in the middle classes of a comprehensive school. However, a huge failure awaited him here. The students only knew how to memorize the rules without trying to understand them. Accustomed to such training, they could not readjust.

Then Nikolai Alexandrovich decided to try his method on children. The methodology was revised, he conducted all classes in a playful way. And here huge success awaited him. Toddlers as young as one and a half years old and preschoolers who had problems learning to read and write only needed a few lessons to start reading. Some schools began to fully implement his teaching system, using the “ringing miracle” (as the cubes were called) in their work.

Observing the kids, the teacher came to the following conclusions:

  • In order to learn to read, little ones don’t need to know what the letters are called. Most often in alphabet books, letters are associated with pictures. The child remembers the image of the letter and the image that he associates with it. Then it is very difficult to explain to him that CAT (letter K), SCISSORS (letter H), TOY (letter I), MUSHROOM (letter G) and STORK (letter A) add up to one word BOOK.
  • Reading syllables is very difficult for a child. Even if a child learns the names of letters without pictures, it will be difficult for him to understand how the syllable MA is formed from the letters M and A. In order for children to understand the principle of merging syllables, teachers have to use various tricks in their work. But in the Russian language there are words of one syllable, in which there are many consecutive consonants (for example, VSPLESK). Reading such words will be very difficult for a child who reads syllables.
  • It is easier for a person to first learn to write than to read. By writing he understood the transformation of sounds into signs, and by reading - the transformation of signs into sounds. It will be much easier for your baby to learn to read through writing.

In the next video you can find out interesting information about Nikolai Zaitsev and his legendary cubes.

General principles of Zaitsev’s technique

Zaitsev’s unique proprietary method has been around for over 20 years. However, the famous teacher does not stop constantly improving it. Now many different techniques and games have already been created to complement the basics. Using the technique, you can successfully teach even very young children to read and write. At the same time, for preschoolers 6 years old, just a few lessons will be enough, and you will be able to see that he can already begin to read.

This teaching method is suitable not only for children who like quiet games with blocks, but also for active, restless children. The use of this technique is suitable for working with hearing impaired people who have very poor eyesight and deviations in mental development children. When working with them you can get very good results. You can see a good effect when working with children with autism.

In his methodology, Zaitsev emphasized that the child’s cognitive processes must go through all types of perception: auditory, visual, motor memory, touch and thinking. When working with children, a teacher must be able to organize a fun, playful learning environment and act as a mentor in the learning process.

Using dice games:

  • the baby's vocabulary will expand;
  • competent writing skills will be developed;
  • the child’s speech will become more intelligible;
  • you can fix a number speech therapy problems;
  • develop the child’s logic and thinking;
  • teach the baby to work independently.

Games with Zaitsev's cubes help to master not only reading, but also develop speech, logic, writing, and instill a love of books


The standard set includes:

  • 61 pcs. assembled cardboard cube
  • 6 pcs. cardboard tables with syllables, letters and others graphic signs
  • 4 things. cardboard tables B3 format
  • listening disk with songs for cubes and tables
  • Toolkit, which you can use as a lesson note.

What is a warehouse

In his technique, Nikolai Zaitsev offers an alternative to syllables - he uses warehouses. For him, this is the basic unit of language. The warehouse can be one letter, a combination of a vowel and a consonant, a consonant and a hard sign, a consonant and a hard sign. This principle of reading - warehouse - is the basis of Zaitsev’s methodology. This technique is very similar to Fedot Kuzmichev’s primer, 19th century, and L. Tolstoy’s alphabet. These books also used the principle of warehouse training.

The warehouse can be determined by placing your hand below the chin and saying the word. That muscle effort that you feel with your hand will be the warehouse.

According to his method, warehouses are located on cubes and in tables. He used vision, hearing and tactile sensations to help him learn, because... analytical thinking, the formation of which is required when reading, develops only by the age of 7. By placing the warehouses on cubes, Zaitsev made them different in color, sound, and size. With this, when the child picks up the blocks, different channels of perception are activated.

Description of the technique

Classes should be held only in a playful way. Children should not sit in one place, they need to move, jump, dance and sing. All movements in the lesson take place in a game with cubes.

Cubes may vary in size. On cubes big size Warehouses with a solid sound are depicted. On small cubes - with a soft sound. They can be single or double. On the double cubes there are consonants that do not combine with all vowels (zha-zhu-zhi).

The sonority of the warehouse is indicated by metal, the dullness by wood.

Gold - vowels. Solid sign depicted on iron-wooden cubes, soft - on wooden-gold ones. On the cube white punctuation marks are located. The color selection for letters is different from school. Here the color blue is used to indicate vowels, consonants are indicated in blue, and hard and soft signs– green. This the difference from school blue, red and green colors, according to Zaitsev, helps children begin to read fluently.

The filling of the cubes is also different.

Cubes 52 pcs. in the set, besides them there are 7 more repeat ones. In total, the cubes depict 200 warehouses.

Sets can be different:

  • a layout may be offered for gluing the cubes yourself;
  • may already be assembled;
  • with a plastic base.

Gluing the cubes together yourself will take a lot of time. They need to be further strengthened from the inside. This can be done using a cardboard cube of the same size. After gluing, it is better to cover it with rubber bands, this is necessary so that your cube does not fall apart while it dries. For better protection, cover each cube with film or laminate the unfolded cube.

If you choose this version of the cubes, it is better to make a copy of each scan. This way, during the game you will definitely have enough warehouses to write words. Tables should be hung quite high.

This helps prevent scoliosis and visual impairment. If you are working only with your child, then it is better to determine the height by the baby’s raised hand. It should touch the top edge of the table. It will be convenient to hang tables in the corners of the room, so it will be more convenient for the baby to look for the necessary warehouses. Tables can also be wrapped in film to increase their service life. Using tables is just as important as playing with dice. According to Nikolai Alexandrovich’s method, all the warehouses on the cubes must be sung.

Provide your child with all the blocks to play with at once. This textbook should never be taken away from him. They must always be in his field of vision. Let the baby get to know them and look at them carefully.

Ask him to choose the one cube that interests him the most. Warehouses written on its edges must be shown by singing. Ask to find a large cube, then a small one, iron, wood, gold. The child must understand that all cubes are different in size and sound.

After he has mastered this information, introduce him to syllable tables. Sing one of the columns of the table and ask your child to bring a cube with the same folds. Sing artistically, showing your child what the voices can be: voiced or dull, small or large. You can even use appropriate movements. There is no need to ask your child to sing the words back to you. When he is ready for this, he will begin to sing with you and on his own.

Teach your child to write using blocks or a pointer. By singing the words and showing them on the table, the baby will begin to understand how words are composed. You can teach your child to write and play outdoor games at the same time. Ask him to write the names of loved ones at different ends of the room. Now let the child run to visit loved ones.

Once again, please note that all classes should be held only in a playful way. The child should not sit in one place; give him complete freedom of movement. Each child is individual. He doesn't owe anything in class. Let the baby develop to the best of his ability, don’t rush things. Don't make the game a forced activity. Of course, it’s better to study every day, at least a little, but if your child is not in the mood to study today, then it’s better to postpone it than to force him. You can play both in the morning and in the evening. Focus on your baby's mood.

Choose games that your child will enjoy most. If you are restless, it is better to use outdoor games in class. If your baby prefers calm games, If you spend a long time putting together puzzles, then use games that do not involve activity during class.

If the baby loves to build, then invite him to build named locomotives, towers with warehouses, roads, houses from cubes.

For the main points regarding teaching children, see the following video.

At what age can you start learning and what games to play?

You can introduce your baby to blocks almost from birth. Keep in mind that at this age the child is not yet capable of studying. Until six months, the child’s development is very fast pace. There is no need to overload it further now. The cubes can be used as a rattle, only occasionally showing him a warehouse or a word. Do not try to see any results during this period, do not expect them from the child. Now, with their help, you will only prepare the child for the learning that awaits him ahead.

After 6 months, the child is no longer interested in playing with blocks like a rattle. Now you can start singing the warehouses. Until the child reaches one year of age, continue to show cubes, warehouses, and simple words. Let the baby crawl among them. You can try asking him to give you a cube with a certain warehouse. Leave folds on the objects whose names you have made up and throughout the day, show and sing them to your baby.

The older the child gets, the more difficult the games are offered to him. A one-year-old baby, along with the games that came before, can already increase the level of difficulty by offering new ones. Take things gradually. You can use N. Zaitsev’s manual “Writing. Reading. Account” to which the mass is offered entertaining games, but you can come up with your own.

Use your child’s imagination, ask him what games he wants to play. Play Zoo.

Let the child place various animals around the zoo, making up their names from the warehouses. In the “Shop” he can arrange the goods on the shelves. When going on a “Journey,” you definitely need to pack your suitcase. Let him play the role of a cook, putting in a saucepan the names of ingredients needed to prepare soup or his favorite dish. Invite your child to play the game “Who can name the most?”

Name words that begin with a given word. You can make this game themed.

Place cubes in front of him, from the warehouses on them it should be possible to form his name. Let the child try to do it on his own. Next time, complicate the task; he must find suitable warehouses himself. Let him put words together from cubes, and then look for these warehouses in the table, pointing with a pointer to the required warehouse.

The child will play with great pleasure the games that you come up with together, because they are much more entertaining for him than those proposed by the author. These games will be exactly the ones he likes, designed with his interests in mind.

Like every modern method, learning to read using Zaitsev’s cubes has both its advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look.


  • Children learn to read very quickly. It takes very little time for a child to start doing this. Moreover, the older he is, the faster the learning process proceeds. According to the author himself, even children who have just turned 4 years old can start reading on their own after just 4 lessons. Of course, this does not apply to all children. On average, children 3-4 years old need six months to study, an older preschooler needs 10-12 lessons, a child 6-7 years old will need a week.
  • The Zaitsev teaching method is not tied to any specific age. You can start practicing when your child is 6 months old, or you can use it for first graders.
  • The sounds produced by the cubes, different in timbre, pitch and volume, will contribute to the development of hearing, memory, will perfectly develop a sense of rhythm.
  • As a result of playing with cubes, it actively develops fine motor skills child's hands, which is very important for the development of intelligence.
  • Learning takes place at a pace that the child's abilities allow. Everything is very individual. No one rushes or pushes the guys, no one tells them that they owe something.
  • Mastering the technique will not be difficult. It can be successfully used at home.
  • Children immediately learn to write correctly. There are no warehouses on the cubes that are impossible in the Russian language (such as CHYA, ZHY).
  • The Zaitsev teaching method promotes the prevention, preservation and promotion of health. While playing, the child trains the eye muscles. This helps preserve vision. Its preservation is facilitated by the placement of large text on the tables in different places, and the bright color of the cubes, which does not irritate the eyes.

Play aids, located taking into account the requirements of the methodology at the proper height and in different places, serve excellent prevention poor posture, physical inactivity, and overload of didactics during classes.

In general, this game method of teaching reading successfully helps in the development of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality.

  • The method is built on the principles of cooperation pedagogy, which allows you to avoid conflicts between children, parents and teachers.
  • Children play by themselves. This perfectly develops independence and self-organization. Even short sessions are enough for successful learning. Playing with them constantly and keeping them inconspicuous according to the “by the way” principle will give excellent learning results.
  • The technique is very simple, systematized, and visual.
  • The child does not have to learn how to combine letters into syllables, he teaches ready-made warehouses, which contributes to the ability to read fluently and without hesitation.


Despite the huge number of advantages when choosing this method of learning, you may encounter a number of problems.

  • Teachers, defectologists and speech therapists say that when learning words without understanding how to combine letters, children often begin to miss the endings of words.
  • Problems may arise when dividing words into syllables and parsing words by composition. The color of the sounds is different from the school one
  • (blue, blue, green instead of blue, green, red) create problems for the student in phonemic analysis of words. Re-teaching children is more difficult than teaching from scratch. High cost of benefits.
  • A lot of hassle when gluing cubes together yourself. Certain difficulties are created when choosing the spelling of the letters E and E.
  • The cubes have warehouses such as BE, VE. In Russian they can be found very rarely. We will have to constantly stop the child’s desire to write the letter E in words where after a hard consonant we hear E, but we need to write E (for example, the word TENNIS). The use of the technique will be more effective in children who are more developed right hemisphere brain
  • They have more developed imaginative thinking. Children may have difficulty isolating separate sound from the word
  • what will affect the writing. This method practical training

does not develop children's creative abilities.

Comparison with Chaplygin cubes

Evgeny Chaplygin created his technique based on Zaitsev’s technique. However, his way of teaching is unique and patented. The set of Chaplygin cubes contains: 10 single cubes with letters and 10 double cubes forming blocks, instructions for use. The cubes in the blocks rotate around their axis, forming warehouses.

  • Let's look at the main differences between the methods.
  • Chaplygin cubes are easier to use.
  • In Chaplygin’s method there is no memorization of warehouses, like Zaitsev’s. He uses letters and syllables. It is easier for children to understand how to form words.