The soft sign and the hard sign are a letter. Rules for using hard and soft signs

Filming, entrance, hugs, announcement, detour, immense, disheveled, furious, move in, drive up, shrink, unite, ate.


Write down suggestions. Underline words with a hard separator (ъ).

1. The leaves on the trees shrank due to frost. 2. Rosehip bushes seem to be on fire. 3. In the summer, I traveled all over Crimea with my parents. 4. We hugged each other tightly. 5. Quiet! Filming is underway. 6. Children from all over Ukraine came to the competition.


Listen to the words. Write down words with a soft sign (ь) in one

a column with a solid sign (ъ) - in another.

Sparrows, feathers, detour, drinks, ate, wolf, stakes, drive up, edible, announcement, health, leaves, shooting, friends, angry, edible, bunches, joy, blizzard.


Separate highlighted words for hyphenation.

At night there was a fire in a neighboring house. A fiery blizzard broke out. Furious flames came out of the windows. We moved in together several fire engines. The first one was at the entrance. The second drove around the house. The third entered the yard. Fountains of water flow. Smoke hurts your eyes. The fire gives up. The screams of firefighters can be heard. They saved people's lives and homes. You can't play with fire!


It's good to wander through the autumn forest!

There the fly agaric cap is turning red. This inedible mushroom. And here are my favorite boletus. There's a boletus showing off. And here are the red foxes. All these mushrooms are edible. Both people and animals love them. Have you ever seen eaten mushroom stems? This squirrel is cooking edible for the winter. She will feel comfortable in a warm hollow during a cold snowstorm.


It’s still warm, but a thin cobweb is already hovering in the air. Bird voices can still be heard. Les thought. This is how a person thinks before departure V long journey. Leaves coming soon will shrink, will fall. The blizzard will sweep away the paths. It will be like this all winter. And then the spring wind will announce that it is warming up.

44 words. (According to E. Gladchenko)


DICTIONARY AND CREATIVE DICTANTS 1. Translate Ukrainian words into Russian. 2.Put emphasis on words. Kropiva, otaman, conversation, shine...

The letter Ъ, ъ (referred to as a hard sign) is the 28th letter of the Russian alphabet (it was the 27th letter before the reform of 1917-1918 and bore the name “er”) and the 27th letter of the Bulgarian alphabet (called er golyam, i.e. “big er”); is absent in other Cyrillic Slavic alphabets: if necessary, its functions are performed by an apostrophe (Russian congress - Bel. z'ezd - Ukrainian z'izd).

In the Church and Old Church Slavonic alphabets it is called “er” and “ѥръ” respectively; its meaning (as well as the meaning of the names of a number of other Cyrillic letters) is not clear. Usually in the Cyrillic alphabet it is 29th in order and has the form ; The 30th in the Glagolitic alphabet looks like . Has no numerical value.

The origin of the letter in the Glagolitic alphabet is usually interpreted as a modified letter O (); Cyrillic is also associated with O, to which something is drawn on top (such forms are found in the most ancient inscriptions in Cyrillic).

Church and Old Church Slavonic language

Approximately until the very middle of the 12th century. the letter Ъ denoted a reduced (super-short) vowel sound of medium rise. After the fall of the reduced ones occurred, it ceased to designate any sound in all except Bulgarian, Slavic languages, (in Bulgaria, in specific positions, a similar sound ɤ is still preserved, along with its designation using the letter Ъ: Bulgarian modern alphabet).

But the use of this unpronounceable letter in writing turned out to be useful: it contributed to the correct division of words into syllables, and lines into words (until they switched to using spaces): to God's chosen king.

In later Church Slavonic writing it is used according to tradition:

Most often after consonants at the ends of words (i.e. a word can only end with a vowel, b, b or j);

As a sign of separation between a consonant and a vowel, located at the boundary of a prefix and a root;

In some words: monkey, after, as well as in all kinds of forms of phrases for each other, each other...

In a number of cases (mainly at the ends of prefixes and prepositions) er is replaced by a superscript called “erok”.

Kommersant in Russian

In 1917-1918, even before the reform of Russian spelling, the letter Ъ was used in accordance with the same Church Slavonic rules, but there were no exception words. The dividing Ъ (unlike modern spelling) was placed not only before iotated vowels, but also in a number of other cases, such as rasikatsya, sjekonomichet, dvuharshiny, etc. (including it made it possible to distinguish the words podarochny and gift in writing).

But the dividing Kommersant was very rare (however, as now), and the very useless Kommersant at the ends of words accounted for almost 4% of the total volume of the text and, as L.V. Uspensky calculated, before the reform of spelling, up to 8.5 were required annually for it million additional pages.

The redundancy of the terminal b has been known for a long time; it may not have been used in cursive writing, during the transmission of telegraph messages, and even in a number of books (printing without Kommersant spread in the 1870s, but was soon banned).

During the reform, b, which plays the role of a dividing sign, was preserved; but in order to cope with publishers of magazines and newspapers who did not want to comply with the decisions new government, the decree of the Supreme Council of National Economy of November 4, 1918 ordered the removal of matrices and letters of the letter B from printing desks, which was done.

The result was the spread of the surrogate designation apostrophe (ad’jutant, rise) in the form of a dividing sign; such writing began to be perceived as an element of reform, while in reality, from the positions set out in the decree, it was erroneous. There was a time (late 1920s - early 1930s) when it moved into book publishing, and, for example, in typewriting it has practically survived to this day (in order to save the number of keys, inexpensive typewriters were made without b).

In August 1928, the People's Commissariat for Education recognized the use of an apostrophe in Russian grammar instead of a hard sign in the middle of a word as incorrect.

Ъ in modern Russian spelling is used only as a sign of separation between a consonant and a vowel. It is most often used at the junctions of prefixes and roots (entrance, advert, trans-Yamal, pan-European), including historical prefixes “fused” in modern Russian with the root in a number of borrowings (adjutant, courier, injection); or in the case of 2 combined non-contracted (full!) stems before iotized e, yu, ё, I in such difficult words, as (“three-tiered”) and means “separate” (iotated) their sound without softening the previous consonant.

Before other vowels, Ъ can only appear in transcriptions of foreign names and names: Junichiro, Chang'an, etc.
The use of Ъ before consonants has also been noted (in the names of Khoisan languages: Kgan-Kune, Khong, etc.), although the correctness of such spellings in Russian orthography is questionable.
It cannot be used in complex words such as party cell, ministry of justice, foreign language.

Spelling variations

In the design of the letter Ъ, diversity is observed mainly in its size while maintaining its shape: it is in the line completely in the charter, in the half-chart it is both in the line and protrudes with its upper part upward, while covering the previous letter with it, but in width it takes up space less. This “high” form existed until the mid-century. XVIII century main and appeared in the first versions of the civil font.

The tall lowercase letter ъ in a number of variants of the civil font lost its hook, i.e. its form was identified with the Latin lowercase b (at the same time, the lowercase ь had a modern appearance).

In a number of semi-statutory manuscripts and early printed books (for example, in the “Ostrozh Bible” by I. Fedorov) one also comes across the letter Ъ with a serif going down to the bottom on the left (i.e., in the form of connected rъ), although more often the sign similar shape denoted by the letter yat.


After a consonant before a vowel, the letters e, e, yu, i (i) help to denote the sound [th"] by b and b. In this case the signs are called dividing marks.

In the lesson you will learn how to choose the right one from two separating characters.

Lesson topic: “The rule for using the separating signs b and b.”

Observing the structure of words with b and b signs

Let's observe the structure of words with the b sign. To find the root, let's select words with the same root.

Fun, have fun, have fun(root -vesel-),

bearish, bear cub, she-bear(root -bear-, -bear-),

sparrows, little sparrow, passerine(root -sparrow-).

Let's observe the structure of words with the Ъ sign.

I'm going, I'm going, I'm going(root -ed-, prefix s-),

entrance, driving(root -ezd-, prefix under-),

announcement, announcement, announce(root -yavl-, prefix ob-).

We formulate the rule for using the separating signs b and b

The separative b is written at the root of the word after the consonants before the letters e, e, yu, i, i.

The separating b is written between the prefix and the root after prefixes ending in a consonant, before the letters e, e, yu, ya.

How to use the rule

1. Say the word, listen to see if it contains the sound [th"] after the consonant sound before the vowel.

2. Identify the root in the word.

3. Look where you need to write the separator - at the root or between the prefix and the root. If at the root, write b, if between the prefix and the root, write b.

Applying new knowledge

Using the rule, determine what needs to be written in place of the gaps - separating b or b.

Street_i, nightingale_i, pre_anniversary, raz_ezd, sedobny, brother_ya.

Beehives - root -ul-, write b;

nightingales - nightingale, root -nightingale-, write b;

pre-anniversary - anniversary, root -anniversary-, prefix pre-, ends in a consonant, write b;

travel - ride, root -ezd-, prefix raz-, ends in a consonant, write b;

edible - food, root -ed-, prefix s-, ends in a consonant, write b;

brothers - brother, root -take-, write b.

Apply your new knowledge, spell words with the root -EX- correctly, and don’t fall into traps.

from?went, on?went, in?went, reached, drove up, from?went, drove

moved out, drove off, drove in, arrived, drove up, drove off, drove in

In words went, arrived, stopped by prefixes po-, do-, end in a vowel sound, therefore There is no need to write the Kommersant sign.

In words moved out, drove in, drove up, drove off prefixes s-, v-, sub-, ot- end in a consonant, therefore you need to write b.

Write the words in letters.

[s y"e l] - ate. After the consonant [s] before the vowel [e], the letter E is denoted by b. C- prefix, root -e-. [vy"un] - loach. After the consonant [v] before the vowel [y], the letter Yu helps to denote the sound [th"] by b. Root -loach-. [p"er"y"a] - feathers. After the consonant [p"] before the vowel [a], b helps to designate the sound [th"] of the letter I. The root is -per-. Listen to yourself and write the words with sounds.

wings - [wing "y"a], 6 b., 6 star. I'll eat - [sy"edu], 5 points, 5 stars. You noticed that the number of sounds and letters in the words is the same.

b, b do not indicate sounds, but the letters e, e, yu, i denote two sounds[y"e], [y"o], [y"u], [y"a].

We look for words with b and b signs in poetic lines

Find words with b and b in the lines of poetry.

Suddenly it became twice as bright,

The yard is like in sun rays -

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain.

E. Trutneva

Who will have the opportunity

Travel to hot regions

Ride a camel!

Really great, friends!

S. Baruzdin

It's raining, it's raining,

He beats the drums. A. Barto

The evil blizzard flew away.

The rooks brought warmth.

They ran after each other

Restless streams.

A. Usanova

I see wonderful freedom,

I see fields and fields.

This is Russian expanse,

This is Russian land.(Song)

Gray hare under a pine tree

He announced that he was a tailor...

The hare cuts, the hare sews,

And the bear is waiting in the den.

S. Mikhalkov

Dress(root -pay-),

leaves(root -leaf-),

go(root -ezd-, prefix s-, ends in a consonant),

Friends(root -friend-),

blizzard(root -blizzard-),

streams(root -stream-),

freedom- space, free life (root -will-),

expanse- dol, valley (root -dol-),

announced(root -yav-, prefix ob-, ends in a consonant).

Please note: in words sews, pours, beats and in related words sew, spill, beat at the root it is written b (roots: -sh-, -l-, -b-).

We look for words in the text with separating signs b and b

Find words in the text with separating signs b and b.

A small bird flutters above the river in the frosty haze. She quickly dives into the water. In a moment - rise. This is Dipper, a guest from northern forests. The bird's feathers are greased. This is how you can explain why the dipper is not afraid of water.(see Fig. 1)

Curls- vit, viu, root -v-, write b,

rise- you can see in books two options for highlighting the root: the root -em-, the prefix under-, the root -lift-, we write ъ,

guest- living room, stay, root -guest-, write b,

explain- clear, clear, explain, root -yas-, prefix ob-, ends in a consonant, write ъ.

Explain which letters are missing

The birthplace of the Russian samovar is the city of Tula. In Rus', samovars of different shapes and sizes have long been made. There were even samovars with removable handles. The Russian family loves to sit by the samovar. The proverb says: “Whoever drinks tea will live a hundred years.”

Volume- previously the prefix ob- was distinguished, now the root -volume- is distinguished;

removable- shooting, previously the prefix s- was highlighted, now the root -sem is highlighted;

family- family, root -seven-;

drinks- drink, root -drink-.

We observe the words that answer the question whose?

Listen to the dialogue.

If only you had some fox teeth, hare!

If only you had wolf legs, gray one!

If only you had lynx claws, scythe!

- Uh, what do I need fangs and claws?

My soul is still a hare.

In words that answer the question whose?: fox, wolf, lynx, hare, deer, squirrel, birdthe root is written b.

Listening to proverbs

Listen to the proverbs, find words with b and b signs.

The streams will merge - there will be a river. People will unite - their strength cannot be defeated.

Happiness is not a fish; you can’t catch it with a fishing rod.

Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.

Streams- stream, in the root - stream- after the consonant before the letter and it is written ь.

Will merge- pour, pour, at the root -l- after a consonant before a letter yu written ь.

Unite- union, single, root -uni-, after a prefix ending in a consonant, before a root starting with a letter e, written ъ.

Happiness- happy, at the root -happiness- after the consonant before the letter e written ь.

Flattery- at the root - flattery - after a consonant before a letter yu written ь.

Honor- at the root -honor- after a consonant before a letter yu written ь.

We memorize foreign words.

Remember foreign words with b:

object, subject, adjutant, injection(medicine injection, injection)

Remember words with b:

bouillon- meat decoction

battalion- unit in the army

pavilion- a small building in the garden, in the park

postman- mail delivery person to addresses

champignon- edible mushroom


The separative b is written at the root of the word after the consonants before the letters e, e, yu, i, and.

The separating Ъ is written between the prefix and the root after prefixes ending in a consonant, before letters e, e, yu, i.


  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in Russian. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


  1. Write the words in two columns: in the left - with a soft separator, in the right - with a hard separator.
    Sh.yut, n.yut, l.yut, b.yut, sat down, healthy, announcement, rise, out.yan, hug, sparrow, depart, happy. e, inclement, cheerful, present, unify, clarify.
  2. Insert b or b. In words with a hard separator, highlight the prefixes.

    The titmouse Zinka liked it in the forest in winter. So many trees! She was jumping on the branches. A bale with a sharp nose into a crack in the bark. He pulls out a bug and eats it.

    Zinka looks: wood mouse jumped out from under the snow. She’s shaking, she’s all nervous. She explained to Zinka her fear. The mouse fell into the bear's den.

    (According to V. Bianchi)

  3. Read the entries. Which one is not a mystery? Why? Guess the riddles. Solve spelling problems.

    1. They beat him, but he doesn’t get angry,

    He sings and has fun

    Because without bit.i

    There is no life for the ball. (To Berestov)

    2. She herself, like a rocker,

    It hung in the air.

    The wings chirp,

    The mosquito wants to eat.

    3. It gets dusty underfoot, meanders and gets stuck.

    It lies and runs and circles. What's the name?

  1. Internet portal ().
  2. Internet portal ().
  3. Internet portal ().
  4. Internet portal ().

Good afternoon. Please tell me why it is written in the word "adjutant" solid sign ?

In this word part hell by origin it is a prefix (German Adjutant from Latin ad-jūtans, ad-jūtantis “helping”). After historically distinguished consonant prefixes before letters e, e, yu, i a dividing solid sign is written. For the same reason ъ written in words subject, object, injection, trans-European.

Question No. 297125

Hello! Is there a need for a hard sign in the word “supercell” in the title of the article “Cell and supercell of the reciprocal lattice of crystals”?

Answer help desk Russian language

The word is not recorded in the spelling dictionary, but according to the rule, a hard sign is necessary. Wed: superyacht.

Question No. 295029

Hello! IN modern dictionaries in words such as shooting (shoot/k/a) and announcement (announcement/eni/e), the hard sign is included in the root of the word. How then to explain the rule to students? primary school about writing a hard sign before roots starting with vowels e, e, yu, i? Best regards, Yulia.

Russian help desk response

Question No. 294147

I'm interested in the prefix "between" with the adjective "anniversary". With the words “interdisciplinary”, “interatomic”, etc. - everything is clear. But the combination of “ju” in the word “interanniversary”, as well as the hard sign after the “zh”, confuses me.

Russian help desk response

By general rule after the consonant prefix before e, e, yu, i a dividing solid sign is written. Right: interanniversary, interlingual.

Question No. 294101

Hello! Please explain why ь and ъ are called dividing marks?

Russian help desk response

These letters are so called because they perform a dividing function in the Russian language. For the hard sign this function is the only one (after the abolition of this letter at the end of words in 1917–18), for the soft sign it is one of three. What is this separating function? A hard sign indicates that after a consonant, an iotized vowel letter does not denote the softness of the consonant, but two sounds: i - [ya], e - [ye], e - [yo], yu - [yu]: hug, congress, filming. The soft sign performs a similar dividing function in front of i, yu, e, yo, and inside the word not after the prefix (blizzard, nightingale) and in some foreign words before o: (broth, companion). So, the separating sign is a signal to read the next letter as “th + vowel”.

Except separation function, soft sign performs one more important work: it serves to indicate the independent softness of a paired consonant at the end of a word and in the middle of a word before a consonant: horse, bathhouse Finally, after a consonant that is unpaired in hardness/softness, a soft sign is written according to tradition in certain grammatical forms, without carrying any phonetic load (cf.: key - night).

Let us add that linguists have noted more than once: the presence of two dividing marks in Russian writing is based only on tradition (see, for example: Eskova N.A. About dividing marks // On modern Russian orthography / Editor-in-chief V. V. Vinogradov. M.: Nauka, 1964), such redundancy cannot be explained based on the system of the modern Russian language. More than once a proposal has been put forward to get rid of the two dividing marks and leave either only ъ(i.e. write congress And blizzard), or only b(i.e. write congress And blizzard). The second sentence was heard much more often. What prevents us from accepting it is precisely the fact that the letter b used in completely different functions. It indicates the softness of the consonant, and when used as a dividing sign, we have the inevitable graphic illusion that the dividing b softens at the same time. In cases such as supernatural, rise, trans-European this graphic association with the designation of softness would be particularly objectionable. Therefore, for now, two dividing marks remain in Russian writing.

Question No. 292713

Hello! Please explain why a soft sign is written in the words “computer” and “distributor”, and a hard sign in the word “conjunctiva”?

Russian help desk response

The hard sign is written after the prefix (con-) before the iotized vowel.

Question No. 291728

Hello, in class it was explained that blizzard is written through a soft sign, and vyetsya and vetsya - through a hard sign (the dividing hard sign between the prefix and the ending, and the root is hidden). Is this true?

Russian help desk response

Question No. 284599

Is the soft sign included in the root of the word?

Russian help desk response

Usually, during morphemic analysis, b is included in that part of the word (root or suffix) that contains the sound that requires the letter b to indicate softness. For example: chair/chick/, in/stand/those, sir/. The soft and hard sign in the dividing function are also not separated from the preceding consonant: travel / ride /, so / l / yut.

Question No. 284145

Good evening! I ask you to help explain to the schoolchild why in the words VOLUME and IMMENSE, a dividing hard sign is written at the root of the word. Based on the rule given in the textbook, a hard separating sign is written only after consonant prefixes, before the letters E, E, Yu, I; in other cases, a soft separating sign is written before the same letters and before I. But in the above words OB is part of the root, if you check the morphological and spelling dictionary of A.N. Tikhonov, and the school dictionary of M.T. Baranov gives the same information. Best regards, Elicaveta

Russian help desk response

Dividing ъ is written in these words because historically the combination ob(b) was a prefix. Wed: encircle, encircle, encircle. However, semantic connections with cognate words (for example, accept, embrace, inalienable) were lost, and the fusion of the prefix with the root occurred. The process of rethinking the structure of the word occurs slowly. There are still people who feel structural connections between words volume, immense and their distant relatives. Someone can even identify the prefix in these words ob(b). Writing words with ъ took hold in the era when the prefix about(b)- was still well understood by native speakers.

Question No. 283888

Good afternoon Tell me, is this really so? Question No. 262986 How do you spell the word “super yachts” (hyphenated / with a solid sign / continuous)? Answer from the Russian language help desk Correct: superyachts. In addition, I would like to receive an answer to my previous question. Do you answer questions?

Russian help desk response

Yes, that's right: superyachts. After prefixes ending in a consonant (including prefixes of foreign origin), before letters I, yu, yo, e a dividing solid sign is written.

We answer questions.

Question No. 283154
Hello! Please tell me how to correctly write the word “box” with the prefix “super”? Together or with a hyphen?

Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Words with a prefix super- written together, before I hard sign required: superbox.

Question No. 280747
Please explain why the correct option is “final E” and not “final E”? After all, we are talking about a letter...

Russian help desk response

The names of letters in Russian are neuter nouns (except for names hard sign, soft sign). That's why: final e, capital E.

Question No. 270128
Please tell me, is it necessary to put a firm sign in the word “super*yachts” and why?

Russian help desk response

Right: superyachts. The letter Ъ is written after the prefix super... before the letters E, E, Yu, Ya.

Question No. 266939

Hello! Please answer how to write the name correctly Nobel laureate this year Shinya Yamanaka? Is Xingya really a hard sign? I thought that in Russian the hard sign is written only after prefixes. Or am I wrong?

Russian help desk response

Letter ъ written when transmitting foreign proper names and words derived from them (after letters conveying paired hard consonants), for example: Kizilyurt(city in Dagestan), Toryal(village in the Republic of Mari El), Guo Hengyu(Chinese personal name), Hengyang(city in China), Tazabagyab culture(archaeological), Jyväsjärvi(lake in Finland), Manyoshu(anthology of ancient Japanese poetry). In this case, the separating ъ also possible before the letter And, eg: Junichiro(Japanese name).

Question No. 265066
Why is the word "flaw" written with a hard sign?

Russian help desk response

The spelling rule applies: the separating solid sign is written after the prefixes before E, Yu, Ya.

On October 10, 1918, a large-scale reform of Russian spelling came into force: letters were removed from the alphabet, including the unpronounceable “ѣ”, which was once considered a sign of literacy. Almost a century later, the presence of “yat” in the company logo has become a mystical sign of authority for many. Life about why outdated rules Russian language turned out to be so attractive for the marketing machine.

98 years ago, Russian spelling underwent significant changes: the letters “fita” (Ѳ), “and decimal” (I) and the now fashionable “yat” (ѣ) were deleted from the alphabet. Also, the proletarian reform changed the rules for using the hard sign or, as it was called under the emperor, “er”: the unpronounceable letter no longer needed to be placed at the end of words ending in a consonant: there was no point. However, as history has shown, entrepreneurs were and still are not in agreement with innovations.

According to SPARK-Interfax, more than 50 Russian companies used the word “yat” in their name and 219 other organizations - a solid sign. In the overwhelming majority of cases, “ъ” and “ѣ” are used in trade (both retail and wholesale), and a little less often in the names of construction and law firms. As experts note, brands in the old style are an attempt to artificially instill history and traditions in a company.

The beer restaurant "Durdin", the restaurant "Cafe Pushkin", the bakery "Daily Bread", vodka "Ѣ", the newspaper "Kommersant", the mixed martial arts club "R.O.D.Ъ", St. - St. Petersburg restaurant "Restaurant". And dozens of such examples can be given.

The BQB company, which was developing the Yat vodka brand (the company logo looks like the now unused letter “ѣ”), notes on its official website that Nicholas I refused during his reign (the first half of the 19th century. - Note Life) to abolish the unpronounceable letter, arguing that it is - "a sign of distinction between literate gentlemen and illiterate ones." Therefore, as the agency states, the advertised alcohol is “a product for literate gentlemen who understand real Russian vodka.”

And the head of the mixed martial arts club "R.O.D.B." Ivan Ivanov said that with a strong sign in the name of the organization he wanted to emphasize that everyone who comes to study will go to the end and achieve their goals.

When we came up with the name, we decided to rely on the most important root in the Russian language - “rod”. It is with him that the most precious thing a person has is connected: parents, homeland, for example. This is something you can fight for, something to become better for. We also wanted to show the firmness of our intentions and those who would come to us, so we also added “ъ”, says Ivanov.

Professor of the Russian Language Department of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University Elena Galinskaya, in turn, said that the letter “ѣ” was abolished because over time it became clear that it duplicates “e” in its sound.

At one time the sounds were different, but over time both letters sounded like “e”. The only difference was in the writing. Children in gymnasiums had to memorize a list of words (in rhymes) in which the letter “yat” was used. Therefore, we can say that only very literate people could use “ѣ”, says Galinskaya. - The hard sign in the 11th century was considered a vowel letter (that is, in the word “bread” after the sound “p” there was something similar to a short “s.” - Note Life), then it became clear that we needed to get rid of redundancy in spelling.

According to the professor, entrepreneurs who use “yat” or a hard sign at the end in company names are dudes.

It's also good if used correctly. For example, the bakery near “Park Kultury” used to (now removed) called itself “HL "Daily fuck" (bakery chain Le Pain Quotidien. - Note Life), but this is incorrect. If you use “yat”, then you must fully follow the old spelling rules. According to them, it was necessary to write “Daily Bread” correctly.

Le Pain Quotidien bakery could not be reached for immediate comment.

As a market source explained, the outdated letter in the name is used to attract the attention of an adult audience (over 40 years old).

These people often perceive “yat” or even a hard sign at the end of a word as a symbol, so to speak, of “soft dissidence.” IN Soviet era“yat” was often used by those who did not want to put up with the power of the proletarians. After all, with the old spelling rules gone an entire era, says the interlocutor. - We also tried to bring ourselves closer to the entrepreneurs of the 19th century: Grigory Eliseev, Savva Morozov. What if our brand is just as old? We appealed to consumers' supermemory. Still, they knew how to use “yat” correctly in Tsarist Russia not all, this is really a letter for intelligent people.

Life, in turn, asked readers about what associations the letter “yat” and the hard sign after a consonant evoke. It turned out that some Russians immediately imagine texts in Church Slavonic, while others react completely negatively to “ѣ”, calling such naming bad taste.

It is worth noting that the fashion for the old spelling has reached social networks. For example, on VKontakte there are groups “Pre-revolutionary Adviser” (more than 50 thousand people subscribed to it) and “Ub hedgehog in your native language. My home and my fortress" (more than 3 thousand subscribers). And a number of members of the first public (it is open to everyone) not only read the posts of admins, written in the old style, but in the same manner they comment on the posts: "Really, gentlemen, this young lady is a wonderful siren. Other gentlemen would lay down half the world at her feet."This is both laughter and sin." And judging by the high calm (without any sarcasm) Russians try to communicate on the public page, some find such groups funny (here " new language", and therefore one can recall the “drowning effect”), while others, perhaps, really feel like part of a special intelligent stratum.

Member of the Guild of Marketers Nicholas Corot emphasized that the letter itself cannot bring anything to the business; it must be an organic addition to the brand legend.

A deliberate manifestation of the archaic (that is, antiquity. - Note Life) in the form of letters lost from the alphabet is not associated with monarchical tendencies in business or some kind of nostalgia. This is a visual sign of the connection between times. A pseudo-legend is being created that says that the brand survived the Soviet era, that it follows traditions,” explains Koro. - Also, the use of “yat” or a solid sign can be a full-fledged address to the imperial trend. And he is.

At the same time, the marketer noted that there is nothing special in the choice of “ъ” and “ѣ”. Sooner or later, the disappearing letters will be used by entrepreneurs.

A good example is the letter "e". It is no longer printed anywhere with dots. Outwardly today it is exactly the same as “e”, and therefore it will probably disappear soon. That’s why today there are brands that deliberately display “e” with dots. After all, on the one hand, this letter has a certain slang component (rapper), on the other - lexical, including obscene, connotations.

The head of the PR agency Nota Bene, Natalya Bulanova, emphasized that “out of the blue” no one introduces “yat” or a hard sign at the end into the name of their company.

The brand must match. This is a direct reference to old Russian traditions. And it doesn’t matter how old the company is (even three years, for example). She wants to show the consumer that she can be trusted,” says Bulanova. - And the Russian buyer is not tired of this. This is not to say that this phenomenon occurs all the time. This “trick” with the birth of a legend works because few people will bother and search on the Internet to find out how old the company is and whether it has a history. Purely visually, this makes you believe in quality when it comes to small purchases (sausage, for example). If a person buys a car or an apartment, then, of course, he will not believe in any fairy tales.