How to say correctly the phone is ringing. “Zvonit” is correct”: experts named outdated rules of the Russian language

The verb “rings” with the emphasis on the first syllable has become the standard of illiteracy. Although there are plenty of examples of similar words in Russian that we pronounce incorrectly. But why is everyone up in arms about “ringing”. Let's find out whether such an emphasis was the only and truly true one, and what other examples exist.

Call/call refers to verbs that end in -it/-it. They, in turn, are divided into a group of verbs with movable stress and with fixed stress.

We speak correctly

IN modern world correctly pronounce the verb “call” with the emphasis on the last syllable. It belongs to the group with a fixed accent: calls - call, call, call, call, etc. As we can see in the example, regardless of changes in the word, the stress remains constant.

Words with movable stress include the verb “loves”. Let's change its form: love, love, loves, love, love, etc. Here the emphasis moves.

As we said earlier, in the article - how to dress or wear it correctly, language is a living, developing system. It is not at all stable (development - development - peak of evolution), as many believe, but dynamic. Over time, many words have changed their emphasis. Of course, this is not a minute-to-minute process, it is long haul transition from one state to another. That is, verbs make a transition from a group with a fixed stress to a group with a movable stress. This process takes hundreds of years. The verb “calls” also belongs to such words.

Group of verbs with movable stress

As we found out earlier, it belongs to the group of verbs ending in -it/-it. In the Russian language, since the end of the 18th century, with similar verbs there has been a tendency to shift the emphasis from the ending to the root, and vice versa. Some of them have completely gone through the transition process and do not raise any doubts about the pronunciation. For example, previously the verbs darIt, varIt, cenIt sounded with the emphasis on the last syllable, now the correct pronunciation is daRit, varIt, cenIt with the emphasis on the first.

But with mirror examples the situation is more complicated, that is, with the stress shifting from the root to the ending. We still have doubts how to say it's ringing or ringing, drills or drills, encloses or encloses, fastens or fastens, turns on or turns on. When using these words in speech, we make the same mistake as in the case of calling.

Let's summarize. The correct pronunciation in modern literary speech is calling. To remember better at the moment, below on the page there is a simple reminder that will help you navigate.

Remember the correct pronunciation

And also thanks modern technologies and a wide selection of different applications, you can check the correct accent setting at any time. Or just find out more information about the diversity of the Russian language, enrich your vocabulary, pass testing for knowledge of the correct accent, etc. Some of these applications are posted on our page.

Put emphasis on the word

What rules do you need to know in order to choose the correct option for placing stress in words? IN Unified State Exam assignments on compliance spelling standards The most common forms are nouns, adjectives, verbs and participles. Movable stress makes it difficult correct positioning accents.
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Stresses are the largest spelling dictionary.

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The Russian language is beautiful. True connoisseurs are unable to hear when words are distorted, the emphasis is placed on the wrong syllable, or they are written illiterately. But the language is so rich that many simply do not know how to speak correctly if the people around them have made mistakes since childhood.

A huge number of disturbances are caused by the incorrect pronunciation of one verb. Who knows how to correctly say the word "calling"? Are both accent options allowed? Most people, of course, have always maintained that the correct pronunciation is "ringing." But in lately There are also those who boldly declare the admission of both variants of stress in this verb, referring to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 2009.

The truth about how to speak correctly

Is it ringing or ringing? In fact, this order announces a list of reference books and dictionaries in which you can find out the norms of the modern Russian literary language. The “Dictionary of Stresses of the Russian Language” by I.L. Reznichenko serves as a source for the correct placement of stresses. "AST-PRESS". Changes in accordance with the modern Russian language in the dictionary have been accepted. But the word “calls” should be normatively pronounced ONLY with the emphasis on the second syllable, that is, rings! Previously, all verbs were pronounced with the stress on the last syllable, but now verbs such as “teaches” or “smokes” are pronounced with the stress on the first syllable. But the verb “calls” does not apply to them!

Literacy becomes hostage to patterns

On Russian Language Day, which is celebrated on June 6, experts in once again raised the problem of popular literacy - in particular, the literacy of media representatives. They believe that their native speech is spoiled by the dogmatism of dictionary compilers, and the Unified State Exam format in the Russian language forces children to memorize endangered, outdated word forms. The future belongs to the word “calling” - with an emphasis on “O”!

New times - new words. And a new sound for old words, which is much more important - primarily for journalists. All over the world they are trying to keep their finger on the pulse - for example, the Associated Press news agency recently announced that the term “Internet” has become commonplace and will be written with a small letter. And in Russia, the last spelling dictionary of the Russian language for radio and television workers was released in 1985, edited by the famous Rosenthal... Russian specialists decided to fill the gap and published a new specialized “Dictionary of Russian Language Difficulties for Media Workers.”

One of the key ideas of the dictionary is that language is flexible and prone to evolution. But people who, by the will of their profession, work with language do not always have the necessary flexibility. The main language problem of journalism is not stupid school mistakes - as a rule, even the greenest juniors do not make them. Main problem- this is “excessive literacy”, forcing the use of outdated accents and inflections of words that are not used by the majority of citizens. When a journalist speaks or writes academically correctly, but not in the same way as the majority of his audience, it undermines the journalist's credibility and focuses on uncharacteristic-sounding form rather than substance, worsening the perception of information. This is what the author of the “Dictionary of Difficulties of the Russian Language for Media Workers”, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, Mikhail Studiner, thinks:

Variation is one of the most important properties of our language. But in the media sphere, since Soviet times, it was customary to always choose one variant of pronunciation or spelling, so as not to provoke inconsistency on the air. And at one time, even at Rosenthal’s anniversary, employees of the Central Editorial Office of the radio sang humorous couplets, where, in particular, the nuances of pronunciation were played out: “... The correspondent said “KarAkas”, and the announcer said “Karakas...” That’s why I give it in the dictionary all forms of words that are correct to use. By the way, using old encyclopedias is not always right choice for a journalist... Here, let's say, proper names, which in dictionaries are given with an emphasis that does not correspond to the Russian tradition. In encyclopedias - WASHINGTON, MARLON BrANDO, JOHAN GUTENBERG. The colloquial versions sound different - Washington, Marlon Brando, Gutenberg. And it is these “wrong” options that need to be used. It often happens that both the norm and the recommendation have already changed, but in the old dictionary there is still the same version, which sounds wild to the ear... Here is a typical example - that’s all normal people, both literate and not so literate, talk about negative temperature- “minus”. But not a single dictionary out of the many here even allows for variation - correctly “minus”, period! Or the word “exhaust” - in dictionaries it sounds like “exhaust”, but no one says that! In such a situation, a journalist should speak not “like a dictionary,” but in the way that most of his audience expects from him! The words “minus”, “exhaust”, “dancer”, etc. will be perceived as mistakes, undermining the journalist’s credibility. And dogmatism is often ingrained in us from school - in textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam, I saw, say, the word “exhaust” with an emphasis on “E”...

Literacy is often held hostage to patterns - as, for example, happens with the famous verb “to call,” says professor at the Institute of Russian Language. Vinogradov RAS Dmitry Savinov:

The odious word “rings”, which has become some kind of standard of literacy... It is believed that literate people put the emphasis on “I” - rings, and the rest - on “O” - rings. But, interestingly, in the old days, most verbs sounded with an emphasis on the ending - today we say “varit”, but before we said “varit”. Most words have changed their emphasis over time (for example, now we don’t say “loads” - but say “loads”), but “calls” has retained its emphasis. Yes, it is still believed that “ringing” is definitely correct, but too many people put the emphasis on “O”. Whether Russian language specialists want it or not, the future is clearly in the “ringing” option! Language is a living process; it is impossible to stop its evolution. But at the same time, in spelling tasks in the Russian language from the Unified State Exam, these are the words that predominate - children, in fact, are forced to memorize artificially imposed outdated forms...

Ever since school, they have been trying to convey to us how to correctly say “ringing” or “ringing”. We remember the rules and we use them for a while, and then we forget about them, saying how it will turn out. You can remember the correct pronunciation of some of the most popular words of our time as an adult only on your own initiative.

The verb “to call” refers to verbs ending in -it. Leaning on to modern language norms , in all personal forms in the present tense, the stress in the verb “to call” falls on the suffix “and”, or, if one does not exist, on the ending. For correct speech, this verb should be used only this way.

IN past form The emphasis in the word “call” also falls on the suffix “and”. The accent does not change its place in imperative mood and in its special verbal forms - participles and gerunds.

Why do they say “ringing”

The Russian language is a mobile system in which language norms change along with its speakers. Over the course of 2 centuries, there has been a tendency for verbs in -it to transition from a fixed verb to a movable one. For example, in the first half of the 19th century, the verbs “appreciates” and “loves” were spoken somewhat differently than in our time: “appreciates” and “loves.” In the modern world, such substitutions seem strange.

In the Russian language there are more than a hundred verbs starting with -it, in which the emphasis falls on “o”, for example: “Molit”, “Lovit”, “Nosit”, etc. Such examples unknowingly incite carriers language to the incorrect pronunciation of the verb “to call”.

People who say “rings” refer in their incorrect knowledge to “zvON” and “sober”, which in their semantics correlate with the “sounding” verb, but have nothing to do with it.

Is it permissible to say “ringing”

Most people still pronounce this verb in the correct form - after the stressed vowel, however, many confidently pronounce this word with stress on the first syllable. To some extent, this is due to the fact that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation adopted a law in 2009 that allows using both options. Although the expression “rings” is more colloquial.

Emphasis in the words “call” and “call back”

To find out how to correctly put emphasis in the word “call”, you should turn to a dictionary for help. In accordance with the rules of literary language, in the words “call”, “call”, “call” it falls on the last syllable.

Forms such as “call” and “call” come from the word “call”, where the emphasis is on the ending. This word is the test word for “call”. It follows that in all derivative forms of this word the emphasis is maintained in the same place. For example: call - call, call, etc. By the way, in the word “call back” the stress also falls on the last syllable, but in the word “call back” everything is somewhat different - the stress falls on the third syllable, on the letter “a”.

How to remember where the emphasis is?

To quickly and easily remember the correct placement of stress, it is recommended to memorize the following small poetic figures of speech:

  • I hate this silence. Well when you call AND what?
  • You will get revenge on him if you don’t call him AND sew.
  • Why are you silent? I asked: “Call AND"Where?"

Usage examples

  • I'm tired of waiting all the time for you Call or you will show up.
  • Please write down his number mobile phone, and if difficulties arise, Call.
  • You become absent-minded - you will forget about important matters, then you will be late or forget on time chime AND t.
  • "You ringing AND sew to me?" - Anya asked, saying goodbye to her friend.

How to remember where the emphasis is placed

Only persistent study and the desire to speak competently can teach a person correct speech. To learn correct pronunciation, it is recommended to correct yourself for at least a few days and try and get used to it b to the correct pronunciation of the word, which will soon lead to mastery useful habit And beautiful speech.

If you have the slightest doubt about the pronunciation of a word, you should contact reference materials to check the literacy of your speech. You should not blindly follow other people’s advice and corrections; first you need to check the information with the reference book.

It should also be noted that for most verbs with semantics of sound, the stress is placed on the outer syllable, for example: “rings”, “screams”, “silent”, “whistles”, “rattles”, “hisses”, etc. The verb “calls” is excellent fits into this series, which allows you to associatively remember the correct pronunciation of words.

In order to learn to speak correctly , should not be avoided difficult word, replacing it with synonyms in conversation. It is necessary to understand the literacy of your pronunciation and work in this direction, improving your knowledge.


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Very often people in everyday speech get confused which is correct: rings or rings. Of course, such a question will only make a philologist smile, but the average person in a dispute is able to present arguments that this word has a so-called double or floating stress. They say it all depends on the context in which the word is spoken. In some cases it will be correct to say "calling", and in others – "It's ringing."

Double accent

Indeed, in Russian there are words with double stress:

  1. depending on the meaning: compass - compass, Atlas - atlas, castle - castle and others;
  2. double emphasis, true in any case: cottage cheese - cottage cheese, sekla - beets, devitsa - maiden and others.

It can also be noted that in Russian the emphasis is always placed on the letter "e". If this letter is present in a word, but the emphasis is placed on another, this indicates the foreign origin of the word. For example: Hyundai. There are, however, professional jargons that are accepted within a particular profession, however, they still violate the pronunciation norms accepted in the Russian literary language. Examples include: quarter - quarter, agreement - agreement, excited - excited. Jargon cannot serve as an excuse for illiteracy.

Call me, call...

And yet - Ringing or Ringing?

Russian orthoepy (the science of pronunciation) gives an absolutely unambiguous answer to this matter: in any case, it will be correct to put the emphasis on the second syllable. That is, you should always use the form “calls”. And this does not depend either on the context in which the word is spoken or on anything else.

Periodically, attempts are made to simplify the rules of grammar and pronunciation. For example, this happened with the double gender of the word “coffee”. However, a literate person still uses this word exclusively in the masculine gender.

Why is this so?

Word " call"refers to the so-called –it verbs with fixed stress. That is, in any word form the stress will be placed on the last syllable. There are also words in -it with movable stress, in which, depending on the word form, the stress can change place. There are about a hundred such verbs in the Russian language, some of them previously also had a constant accent. Subsequently, its permissible shift occurred. However, for now, according to the rules of pronunciation of the Russian literary language, the only correct option is the form “ It's calling».