Orthoepic norms of language. Peculiarities of pronunciation of vowels and consonants, foreign words

Vowels1. C The strong position for vowels is the stressed position. In an unstressed position, vowels undergo a change (qualitative or quantitative), i.e.are reduced. Attention should be paid to difficult cases of reduction. After the hissing [and] And [ w] and sound [ ts] unstressed vowel [A] pronounced like short [A]: jargon, kings. But before soft consonants like the sound [ s uh]: regret, thirty. In rare cases [s uh] is also pronounced before hard consonants:rye, jasmine.

a, e, i pronounce the sound [ and uh|:watch. That's what it's called" hiccupsEkanyee ande and]nets, t[ e and]new. Pronunciation h[ And]sy outdated, h[ A]sy dialectal.

3. Consonants [ c], [f], [w] s]: revolutionary[ s]i, f[ s]zn, w[ s]ry.

O O], i.e. without reduction: for the sake of [ O]. Too distinct [ OOsonata, short story

5. Letter e O], designated by the letter euh], white e syy, man e lies pronounced as *whitish, *maneuvers. Sometimes, on the contrary, the drum [ uh] is mistakenly replaced with [ O] e: grenad e r, af e ra pronounced as * grenadier, *scam


1. The strong position for vowels is the stressed position. In an unstressed position, vowels undergo a change (qualitative or quantitative), i.e. are reduced. Attention should be paid to difficult cases of reduction. After the hissing [ and] And [ w] and sound [ ts] unstressed vowel [ A] pronounced like short [ A]: jargon, kings. But before soft consonants like the sound [ s uh]: regret, thirty. In rare cases [ s uh] is also pronounced before hard consonants: rye, jasmine.

2. After soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable in place of letters a, e, i pronounce the sound [ and uh|:watch. That's what it's called" hiccups". It occurs in neutral and conversational styles. "Ekanye" (pronunciation in a given phonetic position of the sound [ e and] characterizes stage speech: in [ e and]nets, t[ e and]new. Pronunciation h[ And]sy outdated, h[ A]sy dialectal.

3. Consonants [ c], [f], [w] hard sounds, after them the letters are in place and pronounced [ s]: revolutionary[ s]i, f[ s]zn, w[ s]ry.

4. In a few words of foreign language origin, not completely assimilated by the Russian language, in place of the letter O , in contrast to the Russian orthoepic norm, in an unstressed position the weakened [ O], i.e. without reduction: for the sake of [ O]. Too distinct [ O] is perceived as mannered, on the other hand, a distinct pronunciation [ O] in “Russified” book words ( sonata, short story) is also not desirable, as it gives the pronunciation a colloquial connotation.

5. Letter e proposed to use the Russian historian N.M. Karamzin, simplifying the complex design of a letter that previously existed in the alphabet. However, we can now find the letter ё only in primers and textbooks for foreigners studying the Russian language. The absence of this letter in books and periodicals leads to incorrect pronunciation of words. You should pay attention to words in which the vowel [ O], designated by the letter e, sometimes mistakenly replaced with percussion [ uh], white e syy, man e lies pronounced as *whitish, *maneuvers. Sometimes, on the contrary, the drum [ uh] is mistakenly replaced with [ O] e: grenad e r, af e ra pronounced as * grenadier, *scam. This pronunciation is not normative.

Tatiana Vakhlova
Pronunciation of vowels and consonants in singing

In the Russian language, it is customary to distinguish between two types of pronunciation: singing diction and stage speech.

Stage speech is brighter, more expressive, more emotionally charged, subject to the rules of pronunciation, and uses logical stress. Changing speech tempo and dynamics.

Singing diction is close to stage pronunciation. But every sound has a certain height, the words are strictly rhythmically organized, the breathing is longer and follows the requirements of the music.

Pronunciation both in stage speech and in singing is not only their external form, but also important expressive means, on the one hand, acting along with intonation, gesture, costume, makeup, on the other, artistic embodiment, through agogy, timbre, etc. “What is well said is half sung,” said F.I. Chaliapin. And the point here is not only that the word in most cases acts as a component equal to music. Good pronunciation contributes to education the most important qualities singing voice.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds in singing.

All vowel sounds are drawn out, and the consonants are like breaks, they are pronounced, so the vowels are sung as much as possible.

All vowels are rounded in the manner of the letter "O".

There are 10 vowels in total, 5 of them are basic “A”, “O”, “U”, “I”, “E”

Yotated - when “Y” is added before the main one.

The sound “Y” is independent.

When singing, iotated vowels are pronounced very quickly and softly, and the main sound is drawn out.

Sung vowels always sound clear and pure.

Stressed vowels always sound clear and pure.

Unstressed vowels sound differently: the longer the unstressed vowel, the clearer it is, the shorter it is, the more reduced it is.

Unstressed "O", in most cases pronounced as "A"

The unstressed “I” at the end of a word should always sound clear (fields, sparkling).

The unstressed “A” and “E” are little reduced, sound less bright, and become dynamically weaker.

Unstressed “E” - at short durations it sounds with an admixture of “I”, “E”.

Two vowel sounds within a word or at the junctions of words are pronounced together, and at the junction of words that have independent stresses, two identical sounds at the same pitch are sung separately.

Pronunciation of consonants.

Voiced consonants at the end of a word are pronounced as corresponding or voiceless (our paravos, flies ahead).

Dental “Z”, “D”, “S”, “T” - softened before soft consonants, for example: (executions, song, guest).

“N” or “NN” - pronounced softly before soft consonants, hard “N” before “L”.

Reflexive particles ending softer than “СЯ” and “Сь” are pronounced hard like “SA” and “S”.

In a number of words, the readings are “CHN” and “CHT” and are pronounced as “SHN” and “SHT” (boring, sad, into).

The combination of “СЧ” and “ЗЧ” is like a long “Ш” (happiness).

All consonants are pronounced briefly, clearly, but carefully without disturbing the melodic line.

Consonants in the middle of a word are carried to the next word or syllable, but not to the end of the sentence.

The nature of singing diction for depends on the content and character of the work, on its imagery. When performing fast, light-sounding works, the strength of the sound should be lightened, the words should be pronounced easily, closely and very actively with minimal movement of the articulatory apparatus. In dramatic works and solemn hymns, the words are pronounced significantly (large diction). In calm, chanting compositions there is soft diction.

Choir singers must constantly learn the correct competent speech. If they have the right and good pronunciation, then the choir reaches high level singing culture. This means that he can in the best possible way build and correlate poetic and musical phrases in accordance with the idea and figurative sphere of the choral work, selecting the most appropriate words and musical performing means in each case.

Publications on the topic:

Frontal lesson in preparation for learning to read and write “Differentiation of hard and soft consonants” Goal: To consolidate the skill of distinguishing between hard and soft consonant sounds. Repeat the basic ways of depicting the softness of consonants in writing.

Game educational situation “GEESE-SWANS” (Reinforcement of vowel sounds, determination of sound position) GCD in middle group compensating direction.

The interactive manual is made by hand from plastic, magnetic sheet, homemade letters of the Russian alphabet in two versions (soft version.

Summary of individual correctional work with preschoolers with developmental disabilities “Reinforcing the pronunciation of vowel sounds” Priority tasks educational field: Develop visual perception, the ability to keep a visual stimulus in the field of vision while performing.

“Journey to the land of vowel sounds and letters” Purpose: to systematize children’s knowledge about vowel sounds using the example of sounds [a], [u], [i], [o].

Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Journey to the land of vowels and consonants” Lexical topic: “Autumn.” Objectives of the lesson: 1. Development of skills in syllabic and phonemic analysis, phonemic representations. 2. Expansion and clarification of the dictionary.

Pronunciation of consonants.

An important role is given to literary pronunciation and stress, which are studied in a special section of the science of language - orthoepy. Orthoepy is a set of pronunciation norms of a language that ensures the preservation of the uniformity of the sound design of words. Orthoepic norms include norms for the pronunciation of sounds and stress norms. Pronunciation of consonants:

1) At the end of words and in their middle, before voiceless consonants, voiced consonants are deafened;

2) In place of voiceless consonants before voiced ones (except for “v”), the corresponding voiced ones are pronounced;

3) In some cases, consonants preceding soft consonants are pronounced softly;

4) Double pronunciation is observed in combinations with labial consonants;

5) Double consonant letters usually correspond to a sound when the stress falls on the preceding syllable. If the stress falls on the subsequent syllable, then double consonants are pronounced without length.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds.

An important role is played by literary pronunciation and stress, which are studied in a special section of the science of language - orthoepy. Orthoepy is a set of pronunciation norms of a language that ensures the preservation of the uniformity of the sound design of words. Orthoepic norms include norms for the pronunciation of sounds and stress norms. Pronunciation of vowel sounds:

The strong position for vowel phonemes is the position under stress. In unstressed syllables, vowels undergo changes as a result of weakening articulation. Qualitative reduction is a change in the timbre of the sound of a vowel; quantitative reduction is a decrease in its length and strength. The vowels located in the first pre-stressed syllable change slightly, the vowels of the remaining unstressed syllables are reduced to a greater extent.

11. Pronunciation of borrowed words.

Some of the borrowed vocabulary in the Russian language has some orthoepic features that are fixed in the literary norm.

1. In some words of foreign language origin, unstressed O pronounced sound [o]: hell A jio, bo A, bum O nd, bont O n, how A o, r A dio, tr And O. In addition, stylistic fluctuations in high-style text are possible; preserving the unstressed [o] in words of foreign origin is one of the means of attracting attention to them, a means of highlighting them. Pronunciation of the words nocturne, sonnet, poetic, poet, poetry, dossier, veto, credo, foyer, etc. with unstressed [o] is optional. Foreign-language names Maurice Thorez, Chopin, Voltaire, Rodin, Daudet, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Zola, Honore de Balzac, Sacramento and others also retain the unstressed [o] as a variant of literary pronunciation.

In some borrowed words in literary pronunciation, after vowels and at the beginning of the word, the unstressed [e] sounds quite clearly: duelist, muezzin, poetic, aegis, evolution, exaltation, exotic, equivalent, eclecticism, economy, screen, expansion, expert, experiment, exhibit, ecstasy, excess, element, elite, embargo, emigrant, emission, emir, energy, enthusiasm, encyclopedia, epigraph, episode, epilogue, era, effect, effective, etc.

2. In oral public speech, certain difficulties are caused by pronouncing a hard or soft consonant before a letter in borrowed words e, for example, in the words tempo, pool, museum, etc. In most of these cases, a soft consonant is pronounced: academy, pool, beret, beige, brunette, promissory note, monogram, debut, motto, recitation, declaration, dispatch, incident, compliment, competent, correct, museum, patent, pate, Odessa, tenor, term, plywood, overcoat; the word tempo is pronounced firmly T.

In other words, before e a solid consonant is pronounced: adept, auto-da-fé, business, western, prodigy, riding breeches, dumbbell, grotesque, neckline, delta, dandy, derby, de facto, de jure, dispensary, identical, boarding school, international, intern, karate, square, cafe, muffler, codeine, codex, computer, motorcade, cottage, bracket, open-hearth, billionaire, model, modern, Morse, hotel, parterre, pathetic, polonaise, purse, poetess, resume, rating, reputation, superman and others. Some of these words have been known to us for at least one hundred and fifty years, but do not show a tendency to soften the consonant.

In borrowed words starting with a prefix de-, before vowels dis-, as well as in the first part of compound words starting with neo-, with a general tendency towards softening, fluctuations in the pronunciation of soft and hard are observed d To n, for example: devaluation, deideologization, demilitarization, depoliticization, destabilization, deformation, disinformation, deodorant, disorganization, neoglobalism, neocolonialism, neorealism, neofascism.

Firmly pronouncing consonants before e recommended in foreign languages proper names: Bella, Bizet, Voltaire: Descartes, Daudet, Jaurès, Carmen, Mary, Pasteur, Rodin, Flaubert, Chopin, Apollinaire, Fernandel [d uh]. e nesis [gene], relay [rele], genetics [gene], cafeteria [fete], pince-nez [pe;ne], renome [re;me], secretary [se;re;te], ethnogenesis [gene], etc.

In relatively few words of foreign origin, fluctuations in the pronunciation of the consonant before e, for example: with the standard pronunciation of a hard consonant before e in the words businessman [ne;me], annexation [ne] pronunciation with a soft consonant is acceptable; in the words dean, claim, soft pronunciation is the norm, but hard [de] and [te] are also allowed; In the word session, the hard and soft pronunciation options are equal. It is non-normative to soften the consonants before e in the professional speech of representatives of the technical intelligentsia in the words laser, computer, as well as in the colloquial pronunciation of the words business, sandwich, intensive, interval.

Stylistic fluctuations in the pronunciation of hard and soft consonants before e are also observed in some foreign-language proper names: Bertha, “Decameron,” Reagan. Major, Kramer, Gregory Peck, et al.

3. Hard [sh] is pronounced in the words parachute, brochure. The word jury is pronounced with a soft hissing [zh’]. The names Julien and Jules are also pronounced.

There are only six vowel sounds in the Russian language: [A, O, U, Y, I, E].
It must be remembered that vowels are pronounced clearly and purely only under stress; in all other cases they change (reduction occurs). They become shorter and less articulated, so it is very difficult to distinguish them. This process is absolutely natural for residents middle zone Russia is not wrong. A person who clearly pronounces all vowels, regardless of their position in the word, will look illiterate.

Note. In Russia, printing the letter E is mandatory only in textbooks in Russian language and books for children, in others printed publications and documents, E may be printed instead. In order not to make mistakes in the pronunciation of words, see the dictionary attached to this section.

At the beginning of the word, after soft sign and after vowels these letters represent two sounds [YE, YO, YU, YA], respectively.

We writeWe pronounce
Yu distributor, lawyer[YU] [distrib’yutar, jurist]
I'm certified, language[YA] [at’estatsyya, yazykavoy]
E is one, invention[YE] [yedin, isabr’et’enie]
Yo loan[YO] [loan]

Note. In some words, the pronunciation of E may have a double norm: this letter can be pronounced as ['E, YE], or maybe as [E]. More often this concerns foreign words: pro[e]kt, d[e]mping, design[’e]r and design[e]r, etc. If in doubt, it is better to check the dictionary.

2. Before the vowel sound [I], all consonants, except Ш, Ц, Ж, are pronounced softly.

3. After the consonants Zh, Ts, Sh, the letters E, E, Yu, I stand for [E, O, U, Y], respectively.

Note. There are words in which the letters Y, I soften the consonants Zh, Ts, Sh. This is due to the history of words, as a rule, these are foreign proper names [Zh'u]venal, [Zh'u]l, [Ts'u]rikh , [Ts'ya]vlovsky, [Sh'a]uliai, as well as the jury, brochure, parachute. The pronunciation and spelling of such words must be memorized.

4. The combination of vowels in the flow of speech OA, OO, AO, AA are pronounced as long [A] = [AA]

Orthoepic norms- These are pronunciation norms of oral speech. They are studied by a special section of linguistics - orthoepy. Maintaining consistency in pronunciation is important. Spelling errors make it difficult to perceive the content of speech, and pronunciation that corresponds to spelling standards facilitates and accelerates the process of communication.
Features of the pronunciation of vowel sounds in the Russian language.

The main feature of Russian literary pronunciation in the area of ​​vowels is their different sound in stressed and unstressed syllables with the same spelling. IN unstressed syllables vowels are reduced.

Reduction(lat. reduce abbreviate) is a linguistic term denoting a change that is perceptible to the human ear. sound characteristics speech elements, caused by their unstressed position in relation to other stressed elements.

There are two types of reduction – quantitative (when the length and strength of the sound decreases) and qualitative (when the sound itself changes in the unstressed position). Vowels in the 1st pre-stressed syllable undergo less reduction, and more in all other syllables. The vowels [a], [o], [e] are subject to both quantitative and qualitative reduction in unstressed syllables; The vowels [i], [s], [u] do not change their quality in unstressed syllables, but partially lose their duration.

1. Vowels in the 1st pre-stressed syllable:

a) after hard consonants in place of o and a, a weakened sound [a] is pronounced: in [a] yes, n[a] ga, M[a]skva, s[a]dy, z[a]bor; after the hard hissing zh and sh, in place of a and o, a weakened sound [a] is also pronounced: zh[a]ra, zh[a]ngler, sh[a]gi, sh[a]fer.

b) after the hard hissing w, sh and c, in place of e, a reduced sound like [s] with an overtone [e] is pronounced, conventionally designated [ые]: zh[ye]na, sh[ye]ptat, ts[ye]luy;

c) after soft consonants in place of the letters i and e, as well as after soft hissing ch and shch in place a, a weakened sound [i] with an overtone [e] is pronounced, conventionally designated [ie]: m[ie]snoy, R[ie ]zan, m[ie]sti, h[ie]sy, sh[ie]dit, and also in forms plural words area: area[ie]day, area[ie]dyam, etc.;

2. Vowels in other unstressed syllables:

a) at the absolute beginning of a word, in place of the letters a and o, a weakened sound [a] is always pronounced: [a] watermelon: [a] knó, [a] car, [a] deflection;

b) after hard consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the 1st pre-stressed syllable, in place of a and o a reduced sound is pronounced, average in sound between [a] and [ы], short in duration, designated conventionally [ъ]: g[ъ] lova, k[b]randash, apple[b]k[b];

c) after soft consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the 1st pre-stressed syllable, in place of a/ya and e, a reduced one is pronounced, average in sound between [i] and [e], short in duration, designated conventionally [b]: [p' b]tachok, [l'j]sorub, you[n'j]su, h[b]lovek.

3. The vowel and at the beginning of the root after a prefix or preposition ending in hard consonants is pronounced as [s]:

with whom are you returning from the institute - and [y]institute, with Igor - [with] grief; maintaining [and] in this position and softening the consonant before it is a regional feature of pronunciation and does not correspond to the norm.

4. Stressed vowel sounds in place of e and e. Difficulties arise in the pronunciation of a number of words due to the inability to distinguish between the letters e and e in printed text, because to denote them, only the letter e is used. Therefore, it is recommended to remember two rows of words:

a) with the letter e, in the place of which it sounds [e]: scam, spineless, bluff, existence, ice, firebrand, grenadier, stout, life, alien, religious procession(but godfather), guardianship, sedentary (settled life), successor, legal successor, surveillance, modern, yoke, barley, etc.;

b) with the letter е, in its place it sounds [o]: hopeless, veder, engraver, bile (permissible bile), bilious (permissible bile), mockery, traveling salesman, priest (but priest), maneuvers, mercenary, convicted, brought in , translated, brought, sturgeon, fable, laid down, brought, brought, obscene, scrupulous, belt, smart, tesha, fur (coarse-haired), etc.

In some pairs of words different meaning accompanied by different sounds of the stressed vowel [o] or [e]: expired (term) - expired (blood), catechumen (shouting like a catechumen) - catechumen (decree), perfect (singing) - perfect (opening).

In some cases, entire syllables, words, and sentences may be subject to reduction. For example, Russian “hello” > fast [pret], now > [right now], person > [cheek], girl > [deushka].

One of the most noticeable words subject to significant changes in fluent pronunciation is the greeting “hello” ([ˈzdra.stvuj.tʲɪ]), which is universally shortened to “hello” [ˈzdra.sʲtʲɪ] or even “draste” [ˈdra.sʲtʲɪ] . Some common examples:

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