Profession political scientist. Briefly about the main thing

Suitable educational specialties:"Political Science", "International Relations", "Advertising and Public Relations"
Key items: History, Social studies, Russian language, Foreign language

Tuition cost (average in Russia): 500,000 rubles

Job description:

*Tuition fees are indicated for 4 years of full-time undergraduate studies.

This is a specialist who studies politics as a special area of ​​people’s lives associated with power relations, and analyzes the events of political life.

Political science (Greek πολιτικ?ς, πολ?της - citizen; from Greek π?λις - city; from Greek λ?γος - doctrine, word) - one of the sciences of politics, area scientific knowledge, studying politics, power in society and political relations. Politics in in a general sense- this is a special sphere of human life associated with power relations, with the state-political organization of society, political institutions, principles, norms, the action of which is designed to ensure the functioning of society, the relationship between people, society and the state. The basis of the policy is reflected in the constitution ( legal act highest legal force state, establishing the foundations of the political, economic and legal systems of a given state).

Profession political scientist has ancient history. The definition of politics first took shape in Ancient Greece around the 5th century BC. e. Thinkers of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome interpreted the state as highest embodiment mind. Philosophers concerned with the problem “ better life”, tried to resolve it by creating a model of a state that personifies reason. The first thinkers in this area were the outstanding minds of Ancient Greece - Plato and Aristotle. All famous philosophers of antiquity and many theologians of the past can be considered political scientists. A clear definition, object and tasks of this science were formed only in 1948 and recognized by almost all states of the world.

In Russia, the tradition of teaching political science has existed since 1755. Then, at the suggestion of M.V. Lomonosov (1711 - 1765), the Department of Politics was established within the structure of Moscow University. From 1804 to 1835, the Faculty of Moral and Political Sciences existed within Moscow University, graduating specialists in the field of politics and political economy.

Nowadays, a political scientist is, first of all, a researcher. The subjects he examines affect one sphere of social life (politics), but at the same time they are diverse: political system, power relations, political system, political culture, political behavior. The political scientist makes all his conclusions based on political and legal ideas of past years, modern times, domestic experience and experience foreign countries. In order to draw any conclusions, he also turns to special methods of political science. At the same time, the world of politics is quite changeable and some scientific instruments cannot always give a 100% correct forecast of a particular situation. Therefore, a true professional political scientist keeps up with current politics, often basing his assessments of events on the principles of logic and on his erudition. For his conclusions, he also turns to statistical issues and the results of various sociological surveys.

The main function of a political scientist is social. It increases the political literacy of the ruling elite and “ ordinary people" Thanks to the comments of political scientists, citizens have a clearer idea of ​​the essence of the processes taking place in the country and gain an understanding of political values ​​and norms. In some cases, this helps alleviate social tensions.

The understanding of the profession of a political scientist exists in three aspects: a political scientist - a public expert, a political scientist-scientist and a political scientist - a specialist in the practice of political life of society.

In the first case, a political scientist is a recognized public expert in the political, social, political-economic sphere of society, as well as in other spheres of society (military, defense and security, political and legal, etc.), which are actively influenced by power, and which are the area of ​​political struggle, the retention and use of political power.

A political scientist is a scientist, a certified specialist in the field of political science, a scientific expert in the field of politics, capable of interpreting the political life of society.

In the third case, a political scientist is not one, but several quite different professions: political analyst, consultant, political science teacher, political journalist. Close but independent professions are political strategist and image maker. These specialists are involved in organizing elections and creating the image of politicians and political parties.


  • political consultant;
  • political expert;
  • political commentator;
  • political theorist;
  • political philosopher;
  • political strategist;
  • image maker;
  • speechwriter.

Main activities

  • studying political phenomena in their sequential temporal development, identifying connections between the past, present and future;
  • study of the dependence of politics, political processes on society, economic relations, social structure society, ideology and culture;
  • determining the significance of political phenomena for society and the individual, assessing them from the point of view of the common good, justice, and respect for human dignity;
  • studying the relationship between political phenomena in experience and the level economic development, political system, between the degree of urbanization of the population and its political activity, between the number of parties and electoral system etc.;
  • research and analysis of verbal, practical, conscious and subconscious behavior of individuals and groups;
  • study and analysis of the activities of institutions through which political activity(states, parties, government programs, etc.);
  • research and identification of subjective mechanisms of political behavior, individual qualities, character traits, as well as typical mechanisms of psychological motivation:
  • analysis of political phenomena in order to identify them common features and specifics, finding the most effective forms political organization or optimal ways problem solving;
  • forecasts about the political future of the state, party, politics.

Required professional skills and abilities

  • deep theoretical knowledge of the subject of political science and political relations;
  • constant monitoring of events in domestic and world political life;
  • knowledge of one or more foreign languages;
  • erudition, broad outlook (good knowledge in various fields of science, for example, history, sociology, psychology, jurisprudence).

Personal qualities

  • the presence of well-developed verbal abilities (the ability to express themselves correctly and clearly);
  • oratory skills (competent expression of thoughts);
  • developed communication skills(ability to make contact, establish relationships, development of verbal and nonverbal communication, professional competence, etc.);
  • analytical mind, desire to build hypotheses and make predictions;
  • mobility;
  • objectivity;
  • developed logical thinking;
  • determination;
  • creativity;
  • punctuality, responsibility;
  • high moral qualities (principle, conviction, sensitivity and attentiveness to people, etc.);
  • curiosity;
  • tactfulness (the ability to show a sense of proportion);
  • flexibility, developed intuition;
  • persistence, objectivity;
  • self-control, composure;
  • sociability, energy;
  • ability to quickly restore performance;
  • desire for self-improvement.

Pros of the profession

  • very low competition in the labor market (due to the fact that there are currently very few political scientists who have the appropriate specialized education and a diploma in political science);
  • high salary for a political scientist (depending on the place of work).

Cons of the profession

  • political scientists have become less in demand as independent experts (due to the abolition of gubernatorial elections in Russia, an increase in the barrier to entry into the State Duma and a decrease in its political role).

Place of work

  • political and public organizations;
  • government agencies;
  • election technology agencies;
  • political consulting agencies;
  • press centers;
  • news agencies and media;
  • scientific institutions.

Salary and career

Regarding financial issue work of a political scientist, then here, as in many other specialties, the salary depends primarily on the region of residence of the political scientist, the specifics of the institution in which the Political Scientist works and the company’s policy regarding the level wages for employees.

Independent political scientists usually begin their careers in news agencies and magazines on socio-political topics. This could be the position of correspondent, analyst, or assistant editor. Often, political scientists combine this profession with the work of a journalist, economist, teacher or private entrepreneur.

The peak demand for political strategists in our country has passed, because the number election campaigns decreased noticeably. However, one-time project work you can find it in the remaining elections. You can count on enviable incomes for the position of PR manager (from 100 thousand rubles), but only experienced specialists who have established contacts in government agencies will be able to get such a job. Therefore, it is worth starting your career right in power structures, in any lower positions - this will give both contacts among officials and politicians, and knowledge of the internal kitchen. With such experience, you can then become a political consultant, expert, or PR person. The average salary is from 30 thousand rubles.


To become a political scientist, you need to have a higher education in the humanities, preferably with a degree in Political Science.

It is not uncommon for people without special education to achieve significant success in political science. Graduates of history, philosophy and even technical faculties become excellent professionals. However, the most shortcut into the profession - obtain a specialized education (specialty "Political Science"), for example, the Faculty of Political Science and Law at the G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University.

Related professions for a political scientist are: marketer, psychologist, teacher, journalist, philosopher, theologian, publisher, sociologist, political consultant; political expert; political commentator; political theorist; political philosopher; political strategist; image maker; speechwriter.

Leading universities in Moscow that train political scientists:

  • State University - graduate School Economics (SU-HSE);
  • Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU);
  • Moscow State University international relations(University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO);
  • Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU);
  • International Ecological and Political Science University (MNEPU).

A political scientist is a specialist who studies politics as a special area of ​​people’s lives associated with power relations and analyzes events in political life

Political scientist is a specialist who studies politics as a special area of ​​people’s lives associated with power relations, and analyzes the events of political life. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in history and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Political science (Greek πολιτικ?ς, πολ?της - citizen; from Greek π?λις - city; from Greek λ?γος - teaching, word) - one of the sciences of politics, a field of scientific knowledge that studies politics, power in society and political relations. Politics in a general sense is a special sphere of people’s life, associated with power relations, with the state-political organization of society, political institutions, principles, norms, the action of which is designed to ensure the functioning of society, the relationship between people, society and the state. The basis of the policy is reflected by the constitution (a normative legal act of the highest legal force of the state, which establishes the foundations of the political, economic and legal systems of a given state).

Profession political scientist has an ancient history. The definition of politics first took shape in ancient Greece around the 5th century BC. e. The thinkers of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome interpreted the state as the highest embodiment of reason. Philosophers concerned with the problem of a “better life” tried to solve it by creating a model of a state that personifies reason. The first thinkers in this area were the outstanding minds of Ancient Greece - Plato and Aristotle. All famous philosophers of antiquity and many theologians of the past can be considered political scientists. A clear definition, object and tasks of this science were formed only in 1948 and recognized by almost all states of the world.

In Russia, the tradition of teaching political science has existed since 1755. Then, at the suggestion of M.V. Lomonosov (1711 - 1765), the Department of Politics was established within the structure of Moscow University. From 1804 to 1835, the Faculty of Moral and Political Sciences existed within Moscow University, graduating specialists in the field of politics and political economy.

Nowadays, a political scientist is, first of all, a researcher. The subjects he examines affect one sphere of social life (politics), but at the same time they are diverse: the political system, power relations, political system, political culture, political behavior. The political scientist makes all his conclusions based on political and legal ideas of past years, modern times, domestic experience and the experience of foreign countries. In order to draw any conclusions, he also turns to special methods of political science. At the same time, the world of politics is quite changeable and some scientific instruments cannot always give a 100% correct forecast of a particular situation. Therefore, a true professional political scientist keeps up with current politics, often basing his assessments of events on the principles of logic and on his erudition. For his conclusions, he also turns to statistical issues and the results of various sociological surveys.

The main function of a political scientist is social. It increases the political literacy of the ruling elite and “ordinary people.” Thanks to the comments of political scientists, citizens have a clearer idea of ​​the essence of the processes taking place in the country and gain an understanding of political values ​​and norms. In some cases, this helps alleviate social tensions.

The understanding of the profession of a political scientist exists in three aspects: a political scientist - a public expert, a political scientist-scientist and a political scientist - a specialist in the practice of political life of society.

In the first case, a political scientist is a recognized public expert in the political, social, political-economic sphere of society, as well as in other spheres of society (military, defense and security, political and legal, etc.), which are actively influenced by power, and which are the area of ​​political struggle, the retention and use of political power.

A political scientist is a scientist, a certified specialist in the field of political science, a scientific expert in the field of politics, capable of interpreting the political life of society.

In the third case, a political scientist is not one, but several quite different professions: political analyst, consultant, political science teacher, political journalist. Close but independent professions are political strategist and image maker. These specialists are involved in organizing elections and creating the image of politicians and political parties.


  • political consultant;
  • political expert;
  • political commentator;
  • political theorist;
  • political philosopher;
  • political strategist;
  • image maker;
  • speechwriter.

Main activities

  • studying political phenomena in their sequential temporal development, identifying connections between the past, present and future;
  • study of the dependence of politics, political processes on society, economic relations, social structure of society, ideology and culture;
  • determining the significance of political phenomena for society and the individual, assessing them from the point of view of the common good, justice, and respect for human dignity;
  • studying the relationship between political phenomena in experience and the level of economic development, political system, between the degree of urbanization of the population and its political activity, between the number of parties and the electoral system, etc.;
  • research and analysis of verbal, practical, conscious and subconscious behavior of individuals and groups;
  • study and analysis of the activities of institutions through which political activity is carried out (states, parties, government programs, etc.);
  • research and identification of subjective mechanisms of political behavior, individual qualities, character traits, as well as typical mechanisms of psychological motivation:
  • analysis of political phenomena in order to identify their common features and specifics, find the most effective forms of political organization or optimal ways to solve problems;
  • forecasts about the political future of the state, party, politics.

Required professional skills and abilities

  • deep theoretical knowledge of the subject of political science and political relations;
  • constant monitoring of events in domestic and world political life;
  • knowledge of one or more foreign languages;
  • erudition, broad outlook (good knowledge in various fields of science, for example, history, sociology, psychology, jurisprudence).

Personal qualities

  • the presence of well-developed verbal abilities (the ability to express themselves correctly and clearly);
  • oratory skills (competent expression of thoughts);
  • developed communication abilities (ability to make contact, establish relationships, development of verbal and non-verbal communication channels, professional competence, etc.);
  • analytical mind, desire to build hypotheses and make predictions;
  • mobility;
  • objectivity;
  • developed logical thinking;
  • determination;
  • creativity;
  • punctuality, responsibility;
  • high moral qualities (principle, conviction, sensitivity and attentiveness to people, etc.);
  • curiosity;
  • tactfulness (the ability to show a sense of proportion);
  • flexibility, developed intuition;
  • persistence, objectivity;
  • self-control, composure;
  • sociability, energy;
  • ability to quickly restore performance;
  • desire for self-improvement.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • very low competition in the labor market (due to the fact that there are currently very few political scientists who have the appropriate specialized education and a diploma in political science);
  • high salary for a political scientist (depending on the place of work).


  • political scientists have become less in demand as independent experts (due to the abolition of gubernatorial elections in Russia, an increase in the barrier to entry into the State Duma and a decrease in its political role).

Place of work

  • political and public organizations;
  • government agencies;
  • election technology agencies;
  • political consulting agencies;
  • press centers;
  • news agencies and media;
  • scientific institutions.

Salary and career

Salary as of March 26, 2019

Russia 20000—55000 ₽

Moscow 30000—120000 ₽

As for the financial issue of working as a political scientist, here, as in many other specialties, the salary depends primarily on the region of residence of the political scientist, the specifics of the institution in which the Political Scientist works and the company’s policy regarding the level of wages for employees.

Independent political scientists usually begin their careers in news agencies and magazines on socio-political topics. This could be the position of correspondent, analyst, or assistant editor. Often, political scientists combine this profession with the work of a journalist, economist, teacher or private entrepreneur.

The peak of demand for political strategists in our country has passed, because the number of election campaigns has noticeably decreased. However, one-time project work can be found during the remaining elections. You can count on enviable incomes for the position of PR manager (from 100 thousand rubles), but only experienced specialists who have established contacts in government agencies will be able to get such a job. Therefore, it is worth starting a career in power structures, in any lower positions - this will give you contacts among officials and politicians, and knowledge of the inner workings. With such experience, you can then become a political consultant, expert, or PR person. The average salary is from 30 thousand rubles.

Where to study to become a political scientist

To become a political scientist, you need to have a higher education in the humanities, preferably with a degree in Political Science.

It is not uncommon for people without special education to achieve significant success in political science. Graduates of history, philosophy and even technical faculties become excellent professionals. However, the shortest path to the profession is to receive a specialized education (specialty "Political Science"), for example, the Faculty of Political Science and Law at the G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University.

Related professions for a political scientist are: marketer, psychologist, teacher, journalist, philosopher, theologian, publisher, sociologist.

Leading universities in Moscow that train political scientists:

  • State University - Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE);
  • Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU);
  • Moscow State University of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO);
  • Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU);
  • International Ecological and Political Science University (MNEPU).

Politics, as one of the most controversial “inventions” of man, has always been and will be an integral sphere of social life in any country in the world. It directly concerns many life processes, including socio-economic, educational, cultural, historical and many others. In addition, it should be noted that in everyday life The concept of "politics" for many people is a "negative" phenomenon. Moreover, many consider professions related to politics to be dirty and unjustified, immoral work.

Features of the profession of political scientist

Who are these mysterious people? What kind of experts, professionals, analysts are they? What is the subject of their profession and what tasks are assigned to them? If a politician is a person who makes politics, then a political scientist is a person who can evaluate the political actions of a politician. In fact, in the ranks politicians, there are very few real specialists, professional political scientists, but of course they exist. The intensity of their work largely depends on the existing political situation in the country. Except political subjects, the media very often resort to the help of political scientists. A political scientist is a kind of connector between the media and the sphere of politics

The activities of a political scientist have a clear focus. It evaluates aspects of the development of the political process in a historical context, takes into account traditions, modern trends and political culture. Coming from this, a political scientist can give an effective assessment of the phenomenon that is being studied, as well as make a forecast of the development of political processes.

It is also worth mentioning the political neutrality of the political scientist. Only objectivity and impartiality from various kinds of political orders and projects can speak of his high qualifications and professionalism. True, in most cases it is precisely due to the latter that the political scientist mainly survives.

Demand for the profession of political scientist

The specialization of political science is quite common in universities that have a humanitarian bias. But the demand for this profession is not so great. Many political scientists do not work directly in their profession. But it is strongly connected with jurisprudence, political economy, philosophy, and journalism. It is in the latter, according to statistics, that a lot of people with qualifications as political scientists work. The demand for qualified political scientists is greatly increasing on the eve of the election campaign. They can take part in political marketing, management, consulting, develop various kinds of political technologies, conduct research and much more.

Advantages of being a political scientist

Political scientists top echelon work in central authorities state power. It is they who occupy numerous positions of advisers and assistants to deputies, give them advice, and sometimes write speeches for top officials of the state.

These people not only study social trends, but to some extent also make politics themselves. But the circle of specialists is such high level very narrow. This is a closed profession and such positions are not recruited through advertisements in newspapers.

An aspiring political scientist who has just graduated from college can work as a journalist and write articles about politics, or in an organization engaged in social surveys. Political scientists can also work in the central offices of political parties or their regional offices.

People in this profession have their own niche in the economic sector: they can work in consulting agencies as business consultants. And based on their research and forecasts, give advice to entrepreneurs on where they should or should not invest their assets.

Build successful career You can become a political scientist by working at a research institute, starting from junior positions and gradually rising through the ranks. career ladder. A clear confirmation of this can be the rating of political experts compiled by Russian journalists. In first place were:

  • Evgeniy Minchenko, who runs the Center for Political Expertise
  • Mikhail Vinogradov, head of the St. Petersburg Politics Foundation
  • Dmitry Oreshkin, working in the presidential office and
  • Stanislav Belkovsky Deputy Director at the Center for Political Technologies

Disadvantages of being a political scientist

Main disadvantage The thing about being a political scientist is that it is not always possible to openly convey your opinion to the public. All newspaper publications and television programs are checked for political correctness by editors and sometimes by government agencies.

Working in any political party, the political scientist is forced to obey its regulations. One way or another, there are always some limits that significantly limit freedom of action.

Another disadvantage of this type of work is the inability to quickly climb the career ladder. After all, the main criterion for a good political scientist is his wisdom and professional experience, which is why famous political scientists are almost always people with gray hair.

Political scientists do not always work on the side of the current government. Sometimes advisors senior management countries are bribed or they initially come to these positions with not entirely pure intentions.

Another area of ​​activity for political scientists is the organization of mass rallies, both pro-government and opposition.

Political experts, like no one else, know how to come up with slogans and draw up programs so that they respond to as many people as possible. more people. The result of such activities can be mass unrest or even a change of power, because this is exactly the case when the one who owns the information owns the world.

A political scientist is a scientific specialist who studies and analyzes political events, as well as their consequences and impact on the life of society.


30,000–60,000 rub. (

Place of work

The work of a political scientist is in demand in government bodies, public and political organizations, election technology and political consulting companies.


The main task of a political scientist is to predict the consequences of future political events based on existing knowledge, political ideas and traditions of past years, their own experience and the experience of other states.

To study certain events, political scientists develop original methods. As a rule, they are based on the principles of logic. Of course, this is not a 100% way to predict future events, but turning to statistics is important in any field of activity.

Political scientists improve the literacy of people holding important positions in public administration, help them more clearly assess current events. In fact, he is the policy expert without whom no strategic planning can proceed.

Important qualities

The profession of a political scientist requires an analytical mind, the ability to make forecasts and analysis, excellent memory for events, dates, and personalities. Communication skills, the ability to correctly express thoughts, charisma, composure, and high moral qualities will help in your work.

Reviews about the profession

“I would note that politicians are those who make politically significant decisions, implement them and bear responsibility for them (or happily avoid responsibility). And political scientists are the ones who develop such decisions and calculate the country’s development strategy. Political science is, first of all, brains, politics is will, intuition and good acting skills.”

Andrey Okara,
political scientist, political strategist, candidate of legal sciences, director of the Center for Eastern European Studies.

Stereotypes, humor

Exceptional individuals who are ready to study and work hard and have persuasive abilities enter the profession. Therefore, there are not many specialists on the market. Hence the high salaries of political scientists.


It is necessary to study to become a political scientist at higher education institutions. educational institutions, specialty "Political Science" ( Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation - North-Western Institute of Management). However, in the profession there are representatives of other specialties - humanitarian and economic.

Humanitarian universities in Moscow: Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov.

b_insider leaked information about how we become political scientists. It’s difficult to judge whether it’s a fake or a slander, but if anyone is familiar with how we do all sorts of ratings (this is the bread and butter of “political scientists”), he knows that most of them are sad shit pulled out of thin air, and a smaller part is simply a system of hidden signals that the Kremlin sends down along the vertical of power.
Any clown, having twirled a little at the power trough, immediately rushes to call himself a political scientist, and it seems to me that today there are more of these scammers than bloggers. Yes, and political science in Russia is the same pseudoscience as history, economics and geopolitics. Nothing to do with reality. The fascist Pindos, old Brzezinski, for example, predicted the collapse of the USSR back in the distant 80s, and now he is betting on the collapse of Russia. I understand this - a political scientist!

Here's the text:

"The Agency for Political and Economic Communications (APEC), the leader in the ratings market in Russia, is sending you an exclusive offer that is valid only for you personally and cannot be forwarded to another person.

Elections ahead State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation. And we invite you to confirm your status as a high professional in the field of political technology.

APEC, together with Obshchaya Gazeta, is planning the next release of the tenth anniversary edition of the Top 20 rating. The best political strategists in Russia.” Presence in this respectable ranking along with current and former employees of the Presidential Administration (Vyacheslav Volodin, Dmitry Peskov, Konstantin Kostin and others), the Government (Natalya Timakova), recognized leaders of the workshop (Dmitry Ivanovich Orlov and others) will seriously strengthen your position in negotiations on political technology support for the upcoming elections and increase the amount of the requested fee.


Getting directly to position number 10 to number 15 - 2,000,000 (two million) rubles.

The cost includes comments regarding the rating on the Regional Comments portal, the most authoritative portal in the country about the life of the regions of Russia.

The portal "Regional Comments", by the way, is a fabulous nonsense from which all other political scientists shy away from it like the plague.

In case you are interested in a comprehensive offer that includes several positions from this rating, as well as improving the position of your clients in other APEC rating projects (in particular, in the ratings of “100 Leading Politicians of Russia”, “Rating of the Influence of Heads of Subjects of the Russian Federation”) , serious discounts are possible.

Agency for Political and Economic Communications (APEC) - Russian company, working in the field of research, including political, rating and regional, as well as public communications and media projects. Created in 2004 by Dmitry Orlov together with a group of famous specialists.

APEC General Director Dmitry Orlov is a well-known Russian political scientist and political technologist, consultant in the field of public communications, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, member of the Supreme Council of the party " United Russia", winner of the Silver Archer award.

The structure of the Agency's projects is diversified: from regular comprehensive analytical, electoral, business projects and political consulting to one-time events and studies of various formats. Cooperation with APEC is a combination of tradition and dynamism, creativity and understanding of client requests, efficiency and adequate pricing policy."

In short, if you want to become an all-Russian political scientist, like Pavlovsky, Belkovsky, Satanovsky, Agranovsky (the names of political scientists are not fictitious), etc. to you to Dima Orlov.

PS. I'll make an amendment. Dmitry Orlov called my humble person and said that this was all a vile lie and a nasty order. I don’t intend to argue with this, I sincerely hope so. That's why I'm publishing a post from it