Apple Saved: all about the holiday. Spas - what kind of holiday is this?

....In the old days they said: “The First Savior - they stand on the water; the second Spas - they eat apples; the third Savior - on the green mountains they sell canvases"...

The month of August marks three church holidays with “delicious” folk names: Honey Spas, Apple Spas and Bread Spas. They are sometimes combined common name- “Safes.” The word Savior in their names indicates that all three holidays are in one way or another dedicated to the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And indeed, the Honey or Wet Savior is popularly called the holiday of the Origin (Destruction) of the honorable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, which is celebrated on August 14 (1st according to the old style). The Apple Savior, as you know, is called the Transfiguration of the Lord - one of the 12 great holidays of the Orthodox Church, celebrated on August 19 (6th century). And the Third Savior - Bread, Nut, Canvas - is an Orthodox holiday in memory of the transfer in 944 from the city of Edessa to Constantinople of the Image of the Lord Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands, which is celebrated on August 29 (16th century).
August 14: Demolition of the honorable trees of the Holy Cross, Honey Savior.
On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Origin (Destruction) of the venerable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord. The Greek Book of Hours from 1897 says that “due to illnesses that occurred very often in August, the custom of wearing the Venerable Tree of the Cross on roads and streets has been established since ancient times in Constantinople to sanctify places and to ward off illnesses. This is the pre-origin Holy Cross».
In Rus', this holiday coincided with the day of the Baptism of Rus' - August 1, 988, which is mentioned in chronographs of the 16th century: “The Great Prince Vladimir of Kiev and all Rus' was baptized on August 1.” In memory of this event, the rite of small consecration of water is performed in churches.
Together with the consecration of water, the consecration of honey is performed. That is why this holiday is popularly called the Honey Savior. From this day on, eating the honey of the new harvest is blessed.
“The Savior on the Water” The Honey Savior is named in honor of the Blessing of the Water. Traditionally, it was at this time in Rus' that new wells were blessed and old ones were cleaned, as well as processions of the cross to reservoirs and springs to bless water. After the “wet Savior” we no longer swam: summer is coming to an end, the water is “blooming”, the birds are falling silent, the bees are not collecting their fees...
Sometimes Honey Spas is also called Makovey or Poppy. The Russian people, in their own way, combined the names of the Jewish martyrs of the Maccabees, whose memory is celebrated on this day, with seasonal work. By the beginning of August, not only honey, but also poppy seeds ripen. So in Makovey they prepared all sorts of dishes with poppy seeds on this day: poppy seeds ground with honey, Makans and machniks - Lenten pies, gingerbreads, rolls...
August 19: Transfiguration of the Lord, Apple Savior.
You will read about the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and how it took place in the churches of the Dubna-Taldom deanery in the next article on the spread of this issue of “Orthodox Meeting”. And here we will tell you why this Second Savior is Apple.
The tradition of blessing fruits on the Feast of the Transfiguration is very ancient: at this time, grapes ripen in Jerusalem and throughout the Mediterranean, which, by the way, is one of the images of Christ, who told the disciples: “I am the vine, and you are the branches” (John. 15:15). In Russia, almost no grapes grow, but in August apples ripen everywhere. They are brought to the temple for consecration and blessing. In accordance with the Divine Service Charter, apples and other fruits of the new harvest are allowed to be eaten only after consecration, which is carried out at the end festive liturgy. By commanding us to bring fruits and ears of corn for blessing, the Church teaches us that everything - from man to plant - must be dedicated to God, as God’s property, and His blessing must be invoked when eating food.
August 29: commemoration of the transfer of the Miraculous Image of the Lord Jesus Christ, Khlebny Savior.
Church tradition testifies that during the Savior’s earthly life, Prince Abgar ruled in the Syrian city of Edessa. He was sick with leprosy for many years and received healing by looking at the image of the face of the Lord Jesus Christ, miraculously appearing on a linen towel. Avgar received this towel (in Slavic - ubrus) from the Savior himself, whom he asked with faith for healing, sending his servant to distant Palestine. This board itself, the Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, was widely known and reverently revered throughout the Orthodox East. Until 944, the shrine was located in Edessa (now the town of Sanliurfa in Turkey), and then the Image Not Made by Hands was transferred to the capital of Byzantium, Constantinople, by order of Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus. A holiday was established in memory of this event.
And in folk calendar this day has many names. “Bread Savior” - the harvest of bread ends, on this day bread and pies are baked from the new grain harvest, and bread consecrated in the church becomes the main dish for the day. festive table. “Oreshny” or “Orekhovy Spas” - by this time hazelnuts (hazel) ripen and their collection begins in the forests. “The Savior on Canvas”, “Canvas Savior” - in honor of the towel on which the Miraculous Image of the Savior appeared.
It is worth noting that, unlike Honey and Yablochny, in Russian villages Khlebny Spas was never celebrated with large festivities and wide celebrations: summer field work was coming to an end, and it was necessary to do it before the onset of autumn rains.
Why were Orthodox holidays among the people so closely associated with economic activity, with the rhythm of peasant life and work, that their church names are known even less than their folk names?
You can often come across an explanation that these holidays originally had a folk or even pagan origin, and with church holidays they either simply coincided in time, or the church tried to use their calendar proximity and fill folk holidays its content. However, this simplistic approach is not correct.
The famous historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky in his multi-volume “Course of Russian History” explains that the Russian peasant, who had difficulty obtaining his daily bread in our harsh climate, surrounded by inhospitable nature, had a vital need to very carefully observe natural phenomena and carefully plan your life and activities. And the most important help here is the calendar. Each day of the church calendar had certain signs for the peasant - observing nature, he noticed the influence of its phenomena on farming. “The Church taught the Great Russian to observe and count time. Saints and holidays were his guides in this observation and study. He observes his surroundings and reflects on himself, and tries to tie all his observations to the calendar, to the names of saints and to holidays. Church calendar- this is a memorable book of his observations of nature and at the same time a diary of his thoughts on his economic life. So, with the calendar in his hands, the Great Russian went through the entire annual cycle of his life, observing and studying.”
In conclusion, we present a wonderful example of a folk explanation of the meaning of these holidays, their symbolic and poetic experience. In the novel “The Summer of the Lord” by the famous Russian writer Ivan Shmelev, the old carpenter Gorkin tells the boy Vanya: “How many Spas, they say, do we have? Three Spas. The first Savior is the honey Savior, the Cross is carried out. This means that summer is over, the honey can be broken out, the bee is not offended... it’s already gone crazy. The second Savior is apple, Savior-Transfiguration, apples are sprinkled. Why? Here it is. Adam-Eve sinned, the serpent deceived them with an apple, but it was not ordered, because of sin! And Christ ascended the mountain and sanctified it. That's why they began to be careful. And whoever eats before sprinkling will get a worm in his stomach, and cholera will happen. And once sprinkled, there is no harm. And the third Savior is called the nut Savior, the nuts ripened after the Dormition. In our village there is a religious procession, the icon of the Savior is carried, and all the nuts are gnawed. It used to be that we would collect a bag of nuts for the priest, and he would give us milk noodles for breaking fasts...”

Oleg M. Martynov-Skavronsky

Hello everyone. Let's start a tradition - getting acquainted with Orthodox holidays. Today we will find out how Honey Saved came into being.

The holiday date has constant number, 2017 is no exception. On what date will Russians celebrate Honey Spas? In August, on the 14th. Next comes Yablochny Spas, followed by Nut Spas. All three holidays are dedicated to our Savior, as gratitude to Jesus Christ for God's gifts.

They also indicate the beginning of actions:

  • Honey - the beginning of honey collection.
  • On Yablochny Spas, Orthodox Christians can eat apples.
  • Nutty means picking ripe nuts. On this day you definitely need to buy something in order to have money for the whole year.

From the history of the holiday

The history goes back to the distant year 1164. This year, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky defeated the Bulgarians. Before the battle, the warriors prayed earnestly for the battle to end in victory. When the soldiers prayed, they saw a vision: from the icons of the Savior and Mother of God there came a light that illuminated the entire army. This light gave the warriors courage and confidence in victory. And so it happened, the enemy was defeated.

In honor of the glorious victory, the soldiers marched in a religious procession to a nearby river. During the blessing of the river water, the warriors began to bathe in it and bathe their horses. Therefore, at first they called the rescue “on the water.” Thus, the victory of Prince Bogolyubsky marked the beginning of celebrating the Feast of the All-Merciful Savior.

And they began to call it the Honey Savior because on this day beekeepers brought honey to the temple for consecration. Then, already illuminated with honey and dishes with it, they treated children, relatives, and all the poor.

Also, on this holiday the 7 great martyrs, the Maccabee brothers, are venerated. The Assumption Fast begins on August 14, and the Assumption is celebrated on August 15. This day for women is considered the forgiveness of all sins that have not been forgiven.

It was in Honey Spas that lush fairs were held where one could buy rare varieties of honey and other beekeeping products.

How they celebrated in Rus'

Holiday traditions:

  1. On this day, all believers blessed not only honey, but also bouquets of wildflowers and poppy seeds. People believed that flowers brought peace, health, and prosperity to the family.
  2. In villages, wells were always blessed.
  3. The poppy was always sanctified and then used as a cure for diseases.
  4. Unmarried guys and unmarried girls We didn’t work that day, we just rested.
  5. The dead were commemorated with blessed honey.
  6. Girls decorated their braids with wildflowers to make their hair thick and strong.
  7. It was customary to go from house to house and help those who needed help.
  8. It was on this day that the healers collected all the useful herbs so that they could then successfully treat their fellow villagers.
  9. Spikelets of cereals were blessed in the temple, then they were scattered in the garden to reap a good harvest of agricultural crops.

There was such a sign: if there are ears of corn in a house, then there will never be need, illness or misfortune in this house.

More signs for Honey Spas:

  1. Cranes gather in flocks.
  2. Swifts and swallows fly south.
  3. The bees stop carrying honey and fill the honeycombs with honey.
  4. If you pick raspberries, they will be especially healing.
  5. If you sow winter crops on August 14, you will have a good harvest.
  6. What the weather is like on this day will be like this for the rest of the year.
  7. Poppy grown in the garden is harvested on August 14 and stored at home to protect the family from evil spells.

What was the richness of the festive table?

In August there are three holidays in honor of the Savior, which are called Spas. The first Savior is celebrated on August 14, popularly called “on the water”, the second on August 19, “on the mountain”, and the third on August 29, “on the canvas”.

The Second Savior, celebrated on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, is popularly called the Apple Savior.

Why is the Second Spas called Apple

Apple Savior is the popular name for the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Many folk rituals are dedicated to it. First of all, Apple Savior means the onset of autumn, the transformation of nature. Previously, before this holiday, it was not allowed to eat fruits, no fruits at all, except cucumbers. On August 19, they were illuminated in the church, after which all fruits were allowed to be eaten. After the consecration, some of the fruits brought must be given out to the parable, and the rest must be taken to the house, where they break the fast with them.

It is believed that if parents do not eat apples before the Second Savior, then in the next world their children are given gifts, including heavenly apples. And those children whose parents have tried apples are not given them. Therefore, many parents, especially those who have buried children, consider it a sin to eat apples before this holiday. Mothers who have lost their children bring several apples to the temple on the morning of Apple Savior, consecrate them, and then take them to the graves of their deceased children. If the grave is far away, the illuminated apple can be placed on any child’s grave or left in the temple. Previously, blessed apples were often carried to cemeteries to be given to all deceased relatives.

There is also a belief that during the Transfiguration apples become magical. By taking a bite, you can make a wish that will certainly come true.

From this day on, it is a busy time in the gardens; apples are prepared for future use according to many recipes: they are dried, canned, and soaked. During the holiday, you also need to prepare many dishes with apples, bake them in the oven or oven with honey, and make pies. Spasov apples were given to the poor and sick.

On the same day, mass consumption of peas begins, sometimes even a special “Pea Day” was held. The harvest of spring crops and the sowing of winter crops (rye) began with the Feast of Apples and the Feast of the Transfiguration. The healers tried to prepare medicinal herbs before this day, the Hutsuls did not take fire outside, and in Transcarpathia they did not borrow fire on this day.

Timed to coincide with the holiday, massive folk festivals and fairs.

By folk signs, after the Apple Savior the nights become colder. This holiday is also a welcome to autumn. “The Second Savior has come - take mittens in reserve.”

Other holiday names

The Second, Apple Savior, has other popular names - for example, the Feast of the First Fruits, the Middle Savior, the Savior on the Mountain, Pea Day, the First Autumn, the Autumn, the Second Meeting of Autumn, the Transfiguration. On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church honors the Transfiguration of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Transfiguration of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ

The Gospels describe a mysterious transformation, the manifestation of the Divine greatness and glory of the Lord. It happened on the mountain in front of the three closest disciples of Jesus Christ during prayer. All the evangelists report this event, with the exception of John.

The Orthodox celebration takes place on August 19, and if Julian calendar- then August 6th. The Catholic Church also celebrates August 6, or moves it to the Sunday following that day. Armenian Apostolic Church considers this holiday to move from June 28 to August 1.

The traditional site of the Transfiguration of the Lord is a mountain in Galilee called Tabor. However, there is a version that the place of the Transfiguration was a spur of Mount Hermon, located in the vicinity of Caesarea Philippi.

The Gospels describe that Jesus went up the mountain with Peter, James and John to pray, and during prayer he was transfigured. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white like light. And two prophets from the Old Testament, Elijah and Moses, appeared and talked with the Savior about the Exodus. He forbade his disciples to speak about what they had seen until the Son of Man rose from the dead.

History of the holiday

The holiday has been celebrated in Palestine since the 4th century, from the time when the Temple of the Transfiguration was built by Empress Helena on Mount Tabor. In the East, mentions of the holiday date back to the 5th century.

The Gospel texts say that this event happened in February, 40 days before Easter, but the Orthodox Church moved the celebration to August 6 (19) - so that it would not fall on the days of Lent. And on the 40th day after the Transfiguration, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross always takes place.

In France and Spain, the holiday has been celebrated since the 7th century, but in catholic church it was established by Pope Calixtus III in 1456.

IN Orthodox Church the holiday belongs to the twelve great holidays, the liturgy is performed, parimia are read, the canon is sung. The color of liturgical clothing is white. The holiday falls on the Dormition Fast, which was previously almost equal to the Great Fast.

In Rus', Apple Spas was one of the most celebrated holidays. In the evening, the peasants watched the sun set, and when it touched the horizon, chants began.

In the southern regions, it was not apples that were blessed and tasted, but the first grapes. Or all the fruits there are.

Rituals and signs for Apple Savior

Apple Spas is also called the “first autumns” - welcoming autumn. In the evening, seeing off the sunset, we also saw off the summer. “The apple tree has come, summer has left us.”

It is also believed to be a reminder of the need for spiritual transformation. On this day, first they treated their relatives, loved ones, orphans, and the poor with apples, they remembered their ancestors who had fallen asleep in eternal sleep - and only then they ate it themselves.

Many signs and customs are associated with this holiday. In the old days, people considered them important for the health and well-being of the entire family. For example, the fruits collected from the garden were treated to the poor - in order to reap an excellent harvest the following year.

There is also a sign that if it is hot on the day of the Second Savior, then there will be little snow in January, and if it's raining- then the winter will be snowy.

There is another interesting sign: If a fly lands on your hand twice on this holiday, then success awaits the person. On this holiday, you need to be patient even with flies and not drive them away, so as not to frighten away your luck.


According to archaeologists, even cavemen ate apples. IN Ancient Rome 23 varieties of apples were known, and thanks to Roman soldiers, apples reached Europe. Now apple trees are the most popular fruit trees in the world.

Apples can be used in a huge number of dishes; even vodka and cider are made from them, not to mention jams, desserts, salads, compotes, pies, cakes, and sauces. Ducks are baked with apples and meat is stewed.

According to physiological standards, a person should consume about 50 kilograms of apples per year, of which 40% in the form of juice. Apples contain almost all the substances that the body needs: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, vitamins C, E, PP, B1, B2, B6, folic acid, carotene. They are easily digestible and their combinations are optimal for people.

It’s not for nothing that the British say: “An apple a day and you won’t need a doctor.” Or even better - two or three apples. These amazing fruits will help maintain excellent health for the body.

In August we celebrate three wonderful holidays - the three Saviors. They are not the same in importance, but all three Saviors have reasons for celebration associated with the Savior.

The first Savior is called “The Origin of the Trees of the Holy Cross.” This celebration is celebrated on August 14th. In the royal treasury in Constantinople, in the Church of Hagia Sophia, a relic was kept - particles of wood from the cross on which Christ was crucified. These particles had miraculous powers and could stop epidemics in Byzantium. During the hottest season, the clergy took these particles out of the temple and walked with them through the streets of the city, heading to the reservoirs. This Savior is difficult to classify as a holiday, because on this day the Assumption Fast begins. It lasts from August 14 to 27. In its severity it is the same as Lent. You can't eat any meat or dairy. The first Spas is also called “honey”: the honeycombs are filled with honey, it’s time for the bees to settle down for the winter. Hence, you can try fresh honey. The first Savior has another name - “Makovei”: at that time poppies were ripening in the south of Rus'. On the same day the memory of seven saints is celebrated Old Testament- Martyrs of the Maccabees.

Transfiguration of the Lord - Second Savior

This holiday is also called Apple Savior in Rus'. It is celebrated annually on August 19. Its main rite is the consecration of fruits and grains in churches. According to tradition, people brought selected apples for sprinkling with holy water, the aroma of which mesmerized all the people present in the church, as in the Transfiguration corners of Eden. It was believed that the apples were already ripe by this day and they could be eaten. Until August 19, eating ripening apples was not allowed - it was considered a sin. Apple Spas lasts for nine days. You can eat apples, treat them to each other, whomever you happen to meet, prepare various dishes from them, make winter preparations. You can finally give free rein. For example, apples in honey: boil two peeled and cut apples for 5 minutes in 50 grams of water, to which you should add 0.1 grams of citric acid, two tablespoons of honey or 40 grams of sugar. After the mixture has cooled, remove the apples onto a saucer, and add 2 tablespoons of tart wine to the cooled honey syrup. Before serving, pour this syrup over the apples.

Of the three holidays called Spas (they received this name because they are dedicated to the miraculous deeds of the Savior), only this holiday, or the Second Spas, is among the “twelve holidays.” It is dedicated to decisive events for convincing the disciples of Christ that the Savior is before them. Christ ascended the mountain together with his disciples, and soon His face and clothes shone. The prophets Elijah and Moses, who had long since left the world, appeared to Him. The heavenly voice of the Lord was heard: “This is My beloved Son.”

On August 19, 1456, near the walls of Belgrade, the Orthodox Serbs defeated the invincible Turkish army. Since then, the Second Savior began to be celebrated as a great holiday.

It is also called “dozhinki”, because The harvesting of the grain, or “grain”, ends. And since the nuts are ripe by this time, this Spas is also called “nutty.” The Church calls this holiday “The Transfer of the Image of the Lord Not Made by Hands.” The true origin of this holiday takes us back to distant history. The prince of Edessa, Abgar, fell ill with leprosy. He was treated for quite a long time, but without success, until he heard about a miracle worker from Palestine. It was Jesus Christ. The prince sent a messenger to him. After washing, Christ wiped his face with a towel, on which the image of the Lord’s face was imprinted. The messenger took this towel to the prince, and only one touch of this towel eased the prince’s suffering, and then healed him completely. The towel (ubrus) of Christ became a banner on the gate tower of Edessa, since it saved the ruler. Thus was born the custom of protecting the gate towers of Christian cities with images of Christ and icons of the Savior (Savior). Therefore, the gate tower of the Moscow Kremlin is called Spasskaya. This is where another name for the holiday comes from - “Savior on Canvas”.

Like many, Spas also received their own signs:

First Spas

On Maccabees they collect poppies. On the First Savior, holy the wells, holy the bread wreaths. Roses are fading, good dew is falling. From the First Savior the dew is good. Prepare the threshing floor and barns. Plow this winter, this winter. Break up the honeycomb. On the First Spas, horses (all livestock) are bathed.

Second Spas

The Savior has come - it’s time: the fruits are ripening. The Savior has come - take mittens in reserve. Before the Second Savior they do not eat any fruits except cucumbers. On the Second Spas, fruits and honey are illuminated. They eat apples from the Second Savior. From the Second Savior, sow winter crops. They see off the sunset in the field with songs. Trim the honeycombs and remove the fruits.

Third Spas

The end of the harvest. Birthday sheaf (last). They say: “Reaper, reaper, give me my snare: for the pestle, for the beater, for the thresher, for the crooked spindle.” Swallows fly away three times, three times the Savior.

In August, the most fruitful month, there are three holidays, three Spas with “delicious” popular names: Honey, Apple, Bread (Nut), united by the common name Spasovki.

These days, colorful fairs and festivals are held throughout Russia, people actively visit churches, bless the gifts of nature, and prepare all sorts of delicacies at home. And it may seem strange that priests are not too fond of talking about folk traditions associated with these church holidays. Folk means pagan. Although it is no secret to anyone that in many countries Christian traditions and holidays overlapped with more ancient customs, and the first Christian churches built on the sites of pagan temples. In Russia, Orthodox culture also did not develop in a vacuum and absorbed ancient folk traditions.

But it is increasingly difficult for modern (post-Soviet) believers to explain where the border between Orthodoxy and paganism lies, between the true and distorted understanding of the essence of the holidays. After all, for the church, the meaning of events associated with the name of the Savior is not at all the consecration of jars of honey or apples, which parishioners then joyfully drag home, as after a session of agrarian magic.

In the Church of the Matrona of Moscow on Taganka they confirmed to us: the tradition of consecrating honey or fruits is not church, but folk. Its roots go back to pagan times, when people symbolically brought the first harvest as a gift to the deities, and then ate it themselves. Our ancestors thanked her so much higher power, which gives them these fruits and without which life on earth is impossible. This tradition has been preserved in other cultures, but what to call this “power”, what is the point of investing in holidays?

“They will ask you, - well, how many Spas, they will say, do we have? And you don’t even know. Three Spas. The first Savior... - the honey Savior, the Cross is carried out. This means that summer is over, the honey can be broken out, the bee is not offended... it’s already gone wild. The second Savior, which is here tomorrow, is an apple one, the Transfiguration Savior, apples are sprinkled. Why? Here it is. Adam-Eve sinned, the serpent deceived them with an apple, but it was not ordered, because of sin! And Christ ascended the mountain and sanctified it. That's why they began to be careful. And whoever eats before sprinkling will get a worm in his stomach, and cholera will happen. And once sprinkled, there is no harm. And the third Savior is called the nut Savior, the nuts ripened after the Dormition. In our village there is a religious procession, they carry the icon of the Savior, and gnaw all the nuts,” the old carpenter Gorkin taught Vanya in Ivan Shmelev’s novel “The Summer of the Lord.”

Honey Savior, aka the First, aka Mokry, aka the Savior on the Water and the Maccabee... There are an infinite number of popular names for the holiday.

And in the Orthodox tradition, the day of August 1 (now - 14) is significant for the number of people who “fit” into it important events and holidays: the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, and the celebration of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos, and the memory of the Maccabee martyrs, and the beginning of the Dormition Fast.

The first is “The Origin of Honest Trees of Honest and life-giving cross The Lord's." “Origin” in this case means “carrying out, wearing out.” This holiday was established in the 9th century in Byzantium - August in hot southern country was a time of dangerous epidemics, therefore a tradition arose of carrying (wearing out) the Venerable Tree of the Cross on roads and streets to consecrate places and to “ward off diseases,” calling on the power of the Savior for help.

In Rus', the Byzantine holiday coincided with the day of the Baptism of Rus' - August 1, 988, which is mentioned in chronographs of the 16th century: “The Great Prince Vladimir of Kiev and all Rus' was baptized on August 1.” Until now, on this day, the so-called so-called festival takes place throughout Russia. Small Blessing of Water (as opposed to the Great Blessing of Water at Epiphany). This is where the name “Wet” or “Spas on Water” came from. On this day in Rus' they committed religious processions to reservoirs, peasants swam for health and cleansing of sins, in last time bathed the horses; repaired and consecrated wells.

Since the 12th century, there has been another celebration on this day: the celebration of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos. At its core - historical events, which unfolded in parallel in Greece and Rus'. On August 1, 1164, two rulers, the brightest representatives of the Orthodox civilization of their time, simultaneously went to war with the opponents of the Christian faith, each with their own. Byzantine Emperor Manuel Komnenos - with the Saracens, Vladimir-Suzdal Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky - with the Volga Bulgars.

Both Andrew and Manuel won and, as it later turned out in correspondence between the capital Vladimir and Constantinople, after the battle a great miracle occurred in both the Russian and Byzantine camps: in commemoration of heavenly help and salvation from banners, crosses and icons of the Savior and the Mother of God a bright light came out, illuminating the troops. The memory of this event was preserved in church celebrations and prayers on August 1 (14).

Happy holidays in Orthodox calendar The day of remembrance of the Maccabees also coincides - seven Old Testament martyrs from Judea during the time of King Antiochus Epiphanes, who tried to impose on the Jews the worship of pagan (Greek) gods. The rebellious Maccabees remained faithful to their faith in one God and for this they were executed in 166 BC.

But the most important thing: on August 14, the Assumption Fast begins, almost equal in severity to Great Lent. You can’t even eat fish - except for one day, the Transfiguration Day on August 19th. The Assumption Fast lasts two weeks, until the Day of the Assumption Holy Mother of God August 28, the main holiday of veneration of the Virgin Mary in the Orthodox tradition.

Despite all the severity, the Assumption Fast was always considered the most pleasant: vegetables, fruits and honey were already present in abundance on the table. “The Assumption Fast feeds a man to his fill,” “Spasovka is a gourmet, and Petrovka is on a hunger strike.” Cafes and restaurants will probably have a special Lenten menu or “honey menu,” but Orthodox Christians should remember not only about their belly, but also about the meaning of the Dormition Fast - spiritual preparation for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

But why is this day popularly known as the Honey Savior? From an agricultural point of view, everything is simple: our ancestors long ago noticed that from this day on, bees stop carrying honey from flowers, and the honey of the new harvest ripens. At this time, bee honeycombs were trimmed (broken) - not only because they were full, but there was also a belief that otherwise the neighbor's bees would steal honey from the hive.

Many centuries ago, the custom arose on August 14 to bless honeycombs along with water. There is a wonderful connection between pre-Christian and Christian traditions, but a person who considers himself Orthodox must understand who he thanks for this honey - some “higher power” or God. What is honey - a delicacy or the embodiment of God's grace? What to do with the blessed honey - take it home from the temple, as if from a magic store, or, as was customary in Rus', give the “first hundred” to orphans, widows, and the sick? If there is no such thing in your environment, priests advise leaving the first consecrated honey in the church - all or at least part of it. It is with this sacrifice that the entire harvest is sanctified.

Rarely, Honey Spas is also called Makabey or Poppy. The Russian people, in their own way, combined the day of remembrance of the Jewish martyrs of the Maccabees and agrarian phenomena. By the beginning of August, not only honey, but also poppy seeds ripen. So the church holiday was renamed Makavei and on this day they prepared all sorts of dishes with poppy seeds: milk of poppy seeds (poppy seeds ground with honey), Macans and machniki - Lenten pies, gingerbread cookies, rolls...

By the way, on the same day the consecration takes place medicinal herbs. But if you treat these traditions as magical rites, it is unlikely that anything good for the soul will come of it.

The Second Savior, Savior-Transfiguration, Savior-on-the-Mountain - all these ancient names of the great holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord were eclipsed by the Apple Savior. Although the main thing on this day is still not apples.

Once upon a time, the spiritual significance of this event was clear even ordinary people who read the Gospels. It is described in detail and very similarly by Matthew, Mark and Luke: the appearance of the Divine majesty and glory of Jesus Christ before three closest disciples, Peter, James and John, during prayer on Mount Tabor in Galilee. There, during prayer, Jesus “was transfigured before them: and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light”... And there was a voice from the cloud: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to him."

According to the interpretation of the Gospels, this event occurred in February, but in the Orthodox calendar the celebration was moved to August 6 (19) so that it would not fall on the days of Lent. Numerous cathedrals and churches throughout Russia are dedicated to the Great Feast of the Transfiguration. On the holiday, a liturgy is performed in churches; the color of the priests’ clothes is always white, symbolizing the divine Tabor light of the Transfiguration, capable of dispelling the darkness of human despair and fear of loneliness and death.

The tradition of blessing fruits on the Feast of the Transfiguration is very ancient: at this time, grapes, which are considered one of the images of Christ, ripen in Jerusalem and, more broadly, in the Mediterranean. In Russian latitudes there are few grapes, but in August apple trees bear fruit everywhere... In accordance with the Divine Service Rules, apples and other fruits after consecration are allowed to be eaten. The consecration of the fruits is carried out at the end of the festive liturgy, in which every believer must be present (and meaningfully participate in it).

And once upon a time, on the Feast of the Transfiguration, not only apples were brought to church, but also ears of corn and seeds of new bread (by this time the harvest in the fields was ending). Blessed grains were saved for the beginning of sowing.

Today the saying “On the second day of the Savior, even a beggar will eat an apple” has already been forgotten. But it was a wonderful folk Christian tradition to share the fruits of the harvest with the poor on the Transfiguration of the Savior. They say that the custom was observed so strictly that if someone did not perform this good deed, they said about such a person: “God forbid, have anything to do with him!” He forgot the old and the orphan, did not give them any of his wealth and small goods, did not look after the sick and poor with his goods!”

Third Spas, Small Spas, Spas on canvas, Canvas Spas, Bread, Nut... Bread - because on this day bread and pies are baked from the new grain harvest, and bread consecrated in the church becomes the main dish on the festive table. Walnut - because by this time the hazelnuts (hazelnuts) are ripe and can be collected. Peasant wisdom embedded in these holiday names, in modern world It's already hard to read. I also forgot where the name “Canvas” came from - canvases and canvases have not been sold on this day for a long time...

Small Savior - because the holiday in honor of the transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands is one of the small ones church holidays. But special veneration of this event in Rus' was expressed not in the consecration of the loaves, but in icon painting. “The Savior on Canvas” is the name not only of the holiday, but also of the “Savior Not Made by Hands” icon, one of the most widespread in Russia. By the way, “The Savior Not Made by Hands” is the first independent image that is entrusted to be painted by an icon painter who has completed an apprenticeship.

Unlike Honey and Yablochny, in the villages of Khlebny Spas was never celebrated with large festivities and wide festivities: preparations began for the completion of summer field work before the onset of rains. They only “walked” in cities.

On the Third Spas, autumn is finally coming into its own: even today you can observe how in warm regions The last swallows and cranes are flying away...