Icon “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - meaning, what it helps with

The image of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” - which should certainly be in the home of every Christian, since it has enormous power. The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most important holidays which is usually celebrated on October 14th.

History and meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

The Virgin Mary is depicted in the icon full height wearing blue and red-brown clothes. The first color symbolizes the purity and innocence of the Mother of God, and the second means that Jesus Christ borrowed flesh and blood from the Mother of God in order to come to earth and help people in difficult times. In the hands of Mother of God there is a blanket - an omophorion, with which she covers the earth, protecting people. The meaning of the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” is to preserve peace and harmony between people.

The history of the icon “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” begins in the 10th century in Byzantium, which suffered from numerous attacks. During the siege of the city, people went to the temple and prayed for salvation. Among the believers was Saint Andrew, who, one night of prayer, raised his head and saw the Mother of God descending from heaven, surrounded by a host of saints. She, along with ordinary Christians, knelt down and began to pray, and then went up to the altar and took off her veil, which she threw over all the people in the temple. After this, the Holy Virgin disappeared, and those praying were left with a feeling of calm and tranquility. On the same day, the army that besieged the city was defeated by a huge whirlwind. In honor of this event, the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” was created, which helps people protect themselves from enemies and enemies. By the way, some priests claim that it was this image of the Mother of God that helped Greece protect itself from conquest during the Second World War.

What do they pray for in front of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” icon?

The Mother of God is considered the main protector of people, helping them cope with various problems. The main thing is to pray in front of the image sincerely and from the very depths of your heart. Our Lady helps people who despair and have lost hope, alleviating suffering and helping to cleanse their souls and hearts.

Now let’s figure out what the icon of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” protects from:

  1. Prayer requests near the image help to protect yourself from minor troubles and serious problems.
  2. It will protect the image from gossip, quarrels and even magical influence from the outside.
  3. Prayers for many days can completely change normal life person.
  4. The icon helps protect oneself from worldly vanity, pride, sorrow and other negative qualities that spoil life.
  5. Through daily work on yourself you can achieve peace, inner peace and happiness.
  6. You can pray near the image both in the morning and in the evening, asking both for yourself and for loved ones.
  7. The icon of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” is the main protector of warriors, helping them protect themselves from enemies and gain victory.

Not only people who are in the service, but also their relatives can pray. Protects the image not only from external enemies, but also internal problems, for example, prayer will help strengthen faith in difficult moments, accept the right decision and protect yourself from temptations and temptations.

A prayer in front of the icon of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” can be read about marriage to single women. The Mother of God will help you find your soul mate, with whom you can live in peace and happiness. Family people who want to improve relationships, get rid of quarrels and other problems can also turn to the saint. The prayer of parents will help to enlighten their children and guide them on the right path.

The icon of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” and the meaning of her intercession before God were valued by people at all times. No believer has ever been left without her help.

There are special days when the church glorifies the Virgin Mary. They are among the twelve holidays that are dedicated to events from the life of Jesus Christ and his Mother. The Theotokos cycle includes the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Her Entry into the Temple, as well as the Annunciation and peaceful death? Dormition - they are all the most important dates in her life. The Orthodox also venerate the parents of the Mother of God - Joachim and Anna, and celebrate the conception of the Virgin Mary.

The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated with special solemnity by the Church. October 14 is a significant day for Orthodox Christians. After all, the Mother of God at all times was considered the intercessor and protector of people before God. It is not for nothing that the icon of the Mother of God of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is found in almost every home.

The Greatness of the Queen of Heaven

The Church believes that the Mother of God? the only person, who lived in a world that is able to constantly ask the Lord for the salvation of people. This is the greatness of the Mother of God. Her appearance was already predetermined, like the Incarnation itself. Old Testament history contains evidence of Mary's childhood and adolescence. When the girl was still a three-year-old child, she herself was able to climb the high steps into the temple, and then the priest, at the direction of the Divine, led her into the Holy of Holies of the temple. All women were prohibited from entering there.

In images of the Virgin Mary, three stars are always visible, which are located next to her head and hands. This means that she has always been and remains a Virgin: before Christmas, at Christmas and after the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Mary's holiness allowed her to become a vessel of the Divine Spirit and preserve the mystery of the incarnation of God. Even after her Assumption, she does not leave people, but prays for them, which is why the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” is especially revered. How does the Mother of God help? The main thing is that the Virgin Mary asks God for the salvation of the entire human race.

Celebration of the Intercession on Russian soil

Since ancient times, people remembered the saints of God. On the days of their veneration, they went to the temple and prayed to the saints. The Russian people treated the Mother of God with special reverence and love. During the twelve holidays dedicated to the Virgin Mary, all believers tried to attend services. The icon of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” was especially revered. What does the Mother of God protect from? Everyone can get the answer to this question by prayer appeal to her.

On this day people standing on Divine Liturgy, with hope and faith they appealed to the Lady of heaven and earth with requests for protection, patronage, and solutions to important everyday issues. After leaving the temple, the people gave alms to those in need. Currently, all traditions have been preserved. Those who cannot go to church on this day pray to the Mother of God at home, since the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the photo and meaning of which is discussed in this article, is found in almost every Orthodox family.

The history of the appearance of the icon

In the 10th century, the Byzantine Empire was often attacked by barbarians. Once, during such a raid, the enemy attacked Constantinople. The people who lived there gathered in the temple and began to offer their prayers to the Mother of God, tearfully asking her to protect them from harm. By Sunday, Andrei the Holy Fool saw the Mother of God along with a host of angels and saints. According to legend, she first walked through the air, and then, kneeling down, began to fervently pray to her divine Son to protect the people and grant them salvation from the enemy.

Then she took off the wonderful, brilliant veil from her head, which fell over all those praying. The vision disappeared, and the people in Blachernae Temple, felt an extraordinary surge of grace and joy. The enemies immediately retreated from the city. The people were saved by the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” - icon. What people pray to the Mother of God for will remain only in their hearts.

Nowadays this may seem like a miracle, but there is a lot of historical evidence that the siege actually took place, and then the storm happened. Since then, the icon of the Mother of God “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” has been especially revered. What the Blessed Virgin protects from, people can always see by praying to her.

Description and meaning of the Intercession icon

Most often, the Virgin Mary is depicted in full height. Her head and upper part of the figure are covered with a huge quadrangular plate - maforium. The Virgin Mary's lower garment, the tunic, reaches to the floor. Mostly her robes are colored blue and red-brown colors. The first shows purity and purity, and the second symbolizes that Jesus Christ borrowed flesh and blood from her to come to earth in human form. Three stars at the edges of the maforium indicate Mary’s ever-virginity. In the hands of the Mother of God there is a veil - an omophorion, which she extends over the entire earth.

The icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos”, the meaning of which is to preserve peace and harmony between people, should occupy a place of honor on everyone’s iconostasis Orthodox Christian. The main thing is to trust in the mercy of the Mother of God, and she will certainly help in all everyday needs.

Iconography of the Intercession

The miracle of the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Andrei the Fool, unfortunately, was not captured in Byzantine images. In Rus', over time, two types of icons dedicated to the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos were formed: Central Russian and Novgorod. This began to happen after the introduction of the holiday by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who, after hearing the story of the vision of the holy fool, paid attention to this event. Thus, he entrusted the Mother of God with the care of our entire earth.

In the Central Russian (Vladimir-Suzdal) iconographic tradition, a connection can be traced between the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God and the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos”. In this type of image, the Heavenly Queen herself holds the veil, and Roman the Sweet Singer sits at her foot. Novgorod icons are distinguished by the image of the Mother of God in the form of Oranta (praying). Angels hold a veil over her. Every detail of her image was thought out by the artists, because the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos,” the meaning and meaning of which lies in the heavenly help of the Intercessor of all Christians, gives people hope for the mercy of the Lord.

Mother of God - defender of the Russian land

With the beginning of the adoption of Christianity, people gradually realized that they needed the help of the Lord and the intercession of the Mother of God. The Russian people believed with all the directness and sincerity of which they were capable that the Lord would protect them from any troubles and misfortunes. The Mother of God was considered an intercessor in the face of her Son for all who truly believe in him and want to save their souls in order to later enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In the majority Orthodox churches there is an icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. What does the Lady of heaven and earth protect the Russian people from? We have always had many troubles and sorrows: famine, wars, natural disasters.

And the Virgin Mary never leaves people in grief. Since ancient times, the icon “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” was considered the intercessor of the Cossacks. How does the Mother of God help soldiers? During the invasion of enemies and all kinds of oppression, when they had to go fight for native land, they went into battle with faith in God and trust in his mercy and returned victorious. Then, while in the temple, they thanked the Mother of God and the Lord.

In what matters does the Mother of God help?

There is hardly one like this Orthodox man, who has never experienced the intercession of the Virgin Mary. The holiday itself, called the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the icon, what people pray for - all this suggests that people often resort to the help of the Queen of Heaven. Nowadays, people ask her for a successful marriage, protection from harassment at work and service, healing of illnesses, and peace in the family.

It is the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” - an icon (which means “image” in Greek) that helps the people become purer and kinder. Expressing their gratitude, they bring jewelry to the temple: rings, earrings, chains and other donations. There are also certain thanksgiving prayers dedicated to the glorification of the Mother of God.

Traditions associated with the Intercession

Since ancient times, people have had their own peculiarities of celebrating October 14th. On this day it was customary, first of all, to glorify the Mother of God. In the red corner, along with others, stood the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” icon, the significance of which for the Russian people was simply invaluable.

Also required:

  • first attend the Divine Liturgy, and then be sure to give alms to the poor and needy standing at the entrance to the temple;
  • bake pancakes, covering all the corners of the apartment with them, and then leave an offering to the brownie;
  • take a branch of an apple tree, set it on fire and smoke the whole house in order to attract prosperity;
  • prepare a lot of delicious food and have a fun feast with all your family and friends.

Folk signs on Pokrov

Our ancestors made their forecasts through observations and were rarely wrong. People believed that if on Pokrov good weather, it’s warm outside, then winter won’t be too cold. When you find out from which direction the wind is blowing, you should wait for frost from there, in case it happens. east direction, then cold weather will come later. They mostly began precisely on October 14, so those who did not insulate their houses froze in winter. The smartest ones lit the stove with apple tree branches on this day, attracting heat into the hut.

"Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary"- an icon that means and symbolizes peace and harmony. All Russian girls knew the answer to the question of why she should pray. They tried not to be sad on such a day, but spent it cheerfully. It was believed that this would attract the groom. For the holiday, they lit candles to the image of the Queen of Heaven, because the first one who does this will get married before everyone else. Icon of the Mother of God “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary”, the meaning of the holiday itself? all this is very important for the Russian people. People also believed that there would be many weddings if it snowed all day on Pokrov.

Famous churches and monasteries in honor of the Intercession

Everyone in Russia has at least once heard about St. Basil's Church, which is located on Red Square in Moscow. Initially it was the Intercession Cathedral. It was built under Ivan the Terrible in memory of the Russian victory over the Kazan Tatars.

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is depicted in all school textbooks. It harmonizes perfectly with surrounding nature. The church was erected during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, and it is considered the pearl of Russian architecture.

The Intercession Monastery in Suzdal was founded in 1364. The rise of the monastery is associated with the name Vasily III who donated for its maintenance a large amount. Currently, this convent is active. You can always visit it to pray there and see the preserved ancient architectural buildings.

In conclusion, it must be said that the holiday “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos”, the icon, the meaning, the prayer addressed to the Mother of God should be familiar to all true believers.

During her earthly life, the Mother of God suffered a lot. The most difficult test was the execution of Jesus Christ. After death, all her suffering was compensated by glory and heavenly joy. As a mother, she understands all human suffering and helps everyone who turns to her. She does not condemn the human race, but takes pity on it and asks God for forgiveness for every person. All this is reflected in the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos”. In honor of this there is one of the great holidays with the same name. It is celebrated on October 1 (14 old style).

A miraculous event preceding the holiday

In the 10th century in Constantinople, the capital of the Greek Empire, during an attack large army The Saracen inhabitants of the city gathered in the Blachernae temple. At that time, the robe and headdress of the Mother of God were kept here. All together they prayed to God, asking him for help and salvation from enemies. During prayer, Saint Andrew raised his gaze and saw the Mother of God walking through the air above the arches of the temple, surrounded by angels and saints. Together with the residents, She prayed for a long time with tears in her eyes, crying out for the salvation of the city. Then She approached the throne, took the veil from her head and covered it with everyone who was praying at that moment, protecting them from enemies. It is this event that is reflected in the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” icon. At dawn, the enemy army was defeated and the city was saved.

What does an icon help with?

The icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” protects from troubles and troubles. Before her they ask that all bad things pass away from the house. The Mother of God is asked for protection from all kinds of diseases, as well as for their cure if they are already present. In addition, before this image they ask for protection from enemies visible and invisible.

It is recommended that every home have an icon of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.” Prayer before her image will protect not only your home, but also all your loved ones from evil and troubles. Its first lines contain praise of the Mother of God and Her Son, then a confirmation that you believe in her power and worship the miraculous image. And only then are requests made, after which praise comes again.

Description of the icon

The icon of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” (photo below) united two worlds - the heavenly and the earthly. On it you can see the altar and naves of the Blachernae Temple. Here you can see the curtain covering the image of the Mother of God. It is written in most cases in dark red tones. In the very center of the pulpit is depicted. He is holding a scroll in his hands. Andrei stands in shabby rags, showing his disciple Epiphanius a wondrous phenomenon. Near Roman stands the Byzantine emperor, monks and people. Above all is depicted the Heavenly Church with prophets, saints, martyrs, among whom is John the Baptist. In the very center of the icon is the Most Holy Theotokos. She holds in her hands a cover of grace that can cover the entire Orthodox world.

Honored lists icons

The icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” has a sufficient number of revered copies, many of which can be seen in churches in Russia. So, copies of this icon are in Moscow in the Church of the Resurrection. In the capital, the revered list is located in the Intercession Cathedral and there is also a list in Krasnoye Selo in the Church of the Intercession. A revered copy of the icon is kept in the Church of the Nativity in Kharkov. There are similar revered copies in the city of Novgorod, where St. Nicholas Cathedral stands.

More than 9 centuries Russian Orthodox Church honors the Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God. The reason for its establishment is considered to be a vision that visited the Byzantine saint Andrew the Fool. The event took place around the 9th century in the church of Vlaherna (now a suburb of Istanbul). Based on the plot of the painting that opened before St. Andrew and his disciple Epiphanius, Russian icon painters created the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.”

Vision of Blessed Andrew

In the depths of centuries it is difficult to discern the exact time of the appearance of this image. According to the description in the life of Andrei the Fool, the vision was a vast scene that filled the entire temple.

During the all-night vigil, which took place on the occasion of the encirclement of Constantinople by enemies, the vaults of the church seemed to dissolve. The Mother of God came down from heaven to those praying, accompanied by the Apostle John the Theologian and John the Baptist. Having prayed to the Lord with tears, She took the veil from her head and spread it over the people.

Not trusting his impressions, Andrei asked Epiphanius, standing nearby, if he saw the Lady praying for peace? “I see and am horrified,” whispered true friend and disciple of the saint.

Andrey Yurodivy

It was no coincidence that the vision took place in the Blachernae temple. Historical sources 11th century testify to a miracle occurring weekly. Over the unknown icon of the Mother of God, located in the temple, every Friday during a prayer service, the cloth covering it was raised by an invisible force.

The next morning the enemy attack was successfully repulsed. Some historians believe that the Slavs stood under the city walls that night. In this case, the intercession of the Mother of God for the Greeks was providential: after some time, Rus' accepted Baptism, making its lands the inheritance of the Blessed Virgin.

The Blachernae Church still exists today. This is practically a new building on the site of an old one, located on the outskirts of Istanbul. The walls are decorated with scenes from Andrew's vision. However, the holiday of the Intercession is not celebrated here as magnificently as in Russia.

About other Mother of God holidays:

Honoring a miraculous event in Rus'

After reading the life of Andrei Yurodivy, the Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky correctly noted that “it is unsuitable for such an event to remain without memory.” This marked the beginning of the celebration of the Intercession on Russian soil.

On the bank of the river Nerl, by order of the prince, the first Intercession Church was consecrated. Since then, images of this event began to appear on frescoes. The oldest of them is located on the Golden Gate of Suzdal and dates back to the beginning of the 13th century: the Mother of God stands in profile and prays to Christ who blesses Her, the surrounding Angels hold a floating veil.

Holy Intercession Church on the Nerl

Location of the first icons of the Intercession

The oldest surviving icons date back to the 14th century. and are stored:

  • V Tretyakov Gallery- from the Suzdal Intercession Monastery, 14th century.
  • at the National Art Museum of Ukraine - from Eastern Galicia
  • in the Novgorod Museum - from the Zverin Monastery

At the beginning of the 16th century, a monumental painting of the Intercession, painted by Dionysius, appeared on the wall of the Ferapontov Monastery temple. Compared to the laconic image on the Suzdal Gates, the Dionysian fresco depicted all the details of St. Andrew’s vision and the legends associated with it.

Protection of the Mother of God. From the Intercession Monastery in Suzdal. End of the 15th century

Images and symbols on the icon

Important. Icons of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos are varied in subject matter. On the “Novgorod” ones the veil is held over the people by Angels, on the “Suzdal” ones it is the Mother of God herself. On an ancient Galician icon, the Mother of God is depicted with the Child Christ.

On both sides of the Mother of God stand Angels, sometimes the holy Theologian and Forerunner. The later icons depict a host of saints at the bottom, led by Andrei the Fool, pointing to the vision. The Archdeacon of the Blachernae Church, Roman Sladkopevets, appears in the center. In his hands he holds an unrolled scroll with a hymn to the Nativity of Christ written by him.

Icon "Protection of the Mother of God"

On the same day as the Intercession, they remember the Venerable Roman the Sweet Singer, who received from the Mother of God the gift of a beautiful singing voice and composing chants.

The icon of the late 16th century from the Goritsky Monastery (Cherepovets) depicts hosts of saints arranged in groups: apostles, saints, saints, martyrs, noble kings. In the center is the appearance of the Mother of God to the sleeping Roman the Sweet Singer. Above the entire holy assembly the Lord sits on a heavenly throne. The angels are holding a bright red cloth, “like lightning,” according to St. Andrey. The Blessed Virgin herself also holds the “veil,” but in the form of an accessory to the bishop’s vestment - white maforia with crosses.

Interesting. Icons painted in the 19th century. and later they can depict only the Virgin Mary with a veil, without saints and angels. In any case, the meaning of the icon is one: the intercession of the Mother of God for the human race, protection from the misfortunes that threaten it.

Icon “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” From the Zverin Monastery in Novgorod. 1399

Prayers before the icon

Folk customs

The Feast of the Intercession, appointed in Russia on the day of the pagan holiday, for a long time was perceived as a “meeting of autumn and winter” and was associated with the cycle of seasonal housework. By the beginning of October, field work was completed and cattle were driven into stalls. There was more free time, and it was time for weddings and celebrations. As echoes of the “popular” perception of the church holiday, the customs of praying in front of the icon of the Intercession for a successful marriage, the health of children, and matters related to family and household remain.

Christian traditions

The Church does not prohibit such prayers, but calls to remember that Christianity fills ancient customs with new content. The Lord showed St. Andrew a glorious vision not for the sake of the health of the livestock or the health of the household. It reminds believers of the right weapon, of the only means of defense against the spiritual enemy - the prayer of the Mother of God. Having protected himself from sin, having acquired peace in his soul, a person receives the rest necessary for everyday needs.

Little Russian icon of the “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” from the beginning of the 17th century depicting Cossacks

The meaning of prayers dedicated to the icon of the Intercession

To fulfill the correct Christian traditions, you should think about the meaning of the prayers being said.

  • The troparion of the holiday explains why Christians gather in church on this day, asks the Mother of God for deliverance from any evil and points to the only Source of benefits - Christ God.
  • The kontakion describes the vision of St. Andrew, indicates the solemnity of the event and the reason for universal joy - the prayer of the Mother of God to God for the people.
  • The akathist proclaims in detail the history of the Blachernae miracle and praises the Mother of God, calling on Her protection for all those praying.
  • The prayer read after the Akathist contains all the petitions that can be addressed to the Lord by a Christian. It begins with the glorification of the Mother of God and continues with requests for mercy and forgiveness of sins, which the Lord gives through the prayers of the Mother of God. This is followed by a list of urgent needs, starting with assistance in the work of the clergy and “city rulers” and ending with “obedience for the children.” At the end of the prayer, those gathered ask for the repose of the deceased and surrender to the will of God.

Icon of the “Protection of the Virgin” - late 17th - early 18th century. Chernihiv region

What do they pray for in front of the image?

  • Before the icon of the Intercession they pray for the gift beautiful voice, remembering the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God to St. Roman Sladkopevets.
  • Sailors more than once received help from prayer in front of the icon, avoiding death in a storm.
  • It is believed that “Pokrov” protects children, protects them from fire or attacks on fields by pests.
Healthy. It is good to purchase an icon of the Intercession for home prayer. The image is often placed in the nursery or above front door, as a sign of veneration of the Mother of God by those living in the house. You should ensure the safety and reverent attitude towards the shrine.

Veneration of the icon today

Many churches and springs were consecrated in honor of the Intercession. Annual religious processions take place on the holiday in Nizhnekamsk, Pokrovsk (Engels), and Kungur. In 2015, a religious procession was organized from Sevastopol-Kerch-Smolensk (2500 km), the main shrine of which was the icon of the Intercession of the Mother of God.

Read about churches in honor of the Intercession:

Procession of the Cross Sevastopol-Kerch-Smolensk in 2015

A religious procession to preserve peace with the same shrine on February 18 takes place at Moscow railway stations. Every year, gathering in church for the Feast of the Intercession, believers prayerfully experience events that are many centuries distant from them. Sincere prayer on this day will definitely be heard by the Holy Intercessor of the human race.

Watch the video about the Akathist to the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

What measure of grief and suffering can an earthly woman endure? Early orphanhood, life at the temple, suspicions of a spouse about treason - this is the beginning of the life path of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Virgin Mary endured a lot of grief and suffering... The crowd’s mockery of her Son, his martyrdom And for many years lives without Him testify to the suffering of the Mother. Her sacrificial love and endless patience helped her rise to the highest spiritual level.

The icons of the Most Holy Theotokos seem radiant and humble. Her experiences, hardships, and sufferings were replaced by Heavenly glory and the joy of the reunion of the Mother and the Son. The miraculous icons of the Mother of God are revered in many cities and countries. They ease grief and bring faith, heal illnesses and reward forgiveness. Prayers at the image of the Mother of God help soldiers on the battlefields and deliver them from enemies. At the same time, they provide simple family joys and consolation in troubles.

Four types of icons of the Virgin Mary

IN Orthodox calendar many days are marked by veneration miraculous icons Our Lady. Through her face she does good deeds, changes the destinies of people, and saves the fallen. The icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary differ from each other. There are 4 main types of such icons.

Hodegetria (translated from Greek - Guide). In the icon of this type, the Mother of God holds the Child Christ, pointing at him with her hand. Everything is reflected in her eyes life path Christian. Most famous images This type is the Smolensk, Georgian and Kazan icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Eleusa (translated from Greek - Merciful). Here the Mother of God clung to the Baby, they hug each other. This image is a symbol of the love of Mother and Son, their unity. The most famous icons Eleusa - Vladimir, Don Mother of God.

Oranta (translated from Greek - Sign). In the iconography of this view, the Mother of God raised her hands to the sky in an outburst of prayer. The baby has not yet been born, but is already present on the medallion, symbolizing the divine and human principles. The most famous icons are “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, “Yaroslavl Oranta”.

The akathist view of the icon is a collective image. It is created in iconography under the impression of the Gospel texts. This is more like an illustration of the actions of the Mother of God, her participation in the fate of the Son. Bright icons of this species - “ Unexpected joy", "The Burning Bush", "All creation rejoices over you."

Patronage of icons

Icons of the Mother of God in Rus' had the widest distribution. This explains such an abundance of images of the Mother of God. Her face is loved and revered by the people. She is considered a protector, comforter and intercessor. The image of the Mother of God carries within itself love and forgiveness for all sinners and those who have repented.

People turn to the Holy Image in sorrow and illness, asking for protection from enemies and ill-wishers. Prayers before the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos help women during pregnancy, grant easy childbirth and health to children. Men come for protection and consolation. Each of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God can help after sincere prayer.

Before the image of “Recovery of the Lost” they pray for headaches, toothaches, for dying children, a grace-filled marriage, and for aversion from alcohol addiction.

In front of the icon of the Feodorovskaya Mother of God they ask for relief from difficult childbirth. Our Lady of Ostrabram will protect marriage from evil forces and make it prosperous. The “Burning Bush” will protect the house from fires. The icon “The Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary” protects from national troubles, protects from danger, helps mothers, and gives happiness to their children.

The image of the Vladimir Mother of God brought victory to Russian troops over Tamerlane in 1395. They say that the miraculous icon frightened the enemy, and the khan’s hordes simply fled.

The image of the Don Mother of God helped on the day of the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. And in 1558, Ivan the Terrible prayed for a long time before going to Kazan. The icon granted victory to the Russian troops and the capture of the city.

How to pray in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary

There are many ready-made prayers that are read before the face of the Mother of God. These are requests for help, glorification of the Mother during church holidays, Akathists. They are so simple that with constant reading they can be easily learned by heart.

There are prayers:

  • when hungry;
  • in sorrow and illness;
  • in case of danger of drowning;
  • for injuries and pain;
  • at eye diseases and blindness;
  • when protecting a house from fire;
  • for hearing diseases and deafness;
  • for cancer;
  • about the disease of drunkenness;
  • about the gift of patience;
  • about getting rid of thoughts of suicide.

This is only a small part of the prayers with which people turn to the image. It is not without reason that icons of the Most Holy Theotokos are considered miraculous. There are known facts when the image helped in curing serious illnesses, gave faith and patience.

The Mother of God is a protector and intercessor. If you approach the image with with a pure heart, bright thoughts, then the reward will not be long in coming. Prayers can be read at home, in front of the home iconostasis. Or in church, after the service. Formal pronunciation of the words of the text does not grant a miracle. Only sincere faith in the power of God will help the request be fulfilled.

The clergy assure that if the text of the prayer is difficult to learn, then it can be read in written form. Or state your request in your own words. We should not forget that after fulfilling a wish, you must come to the icon and thank it.

Miraculous icons

The icon represents the connection between God and man. This is an opportunity to join and receive Grace. This is a belief in a happy deliverance from torment and sinfulness. This is the understanding that only suffering can cleanse the soul, bring peace to the heart, and teach patience and forgiveness.

The miraculous icon is a concentration of Divine power. Not all images have survived to this day. And not all icons, being miraculous, were recognized by the church administration. Must exist indisputable facts healing, evidence of power for the image to be officially recognized. Only after this does the icon receive miraculous status. Basically, such testimonies tell about healing during an epidemic, about saving the state from enemies, or about healing from various diseases.

Miraculous icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be found in different cities and countries of the world. People come to them with requests, prayers, hopes. What unites them is the power of the image, which is capable of human life bring a miracle.

Icon "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

Evidence of the Assumption (bodily migration) of the Virgin Mary can be found in different sources. However, the Holy Scriptures say nothing about this. The only known facts are that during the VI Ecumenical Council a decision was made to open the tomb. They saw only funeral clothes and a holy belt in it. The latter can still be found on the holy Mount Athos (Greece) in the monastery of Vatopedi.

Before her death, Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God with the news that her life’s journey would end in 3 days. Afterwards the Lord will take her to himself. The funeral of the Mother of God took place in the Garden of Gethsemane. The sick, touching her bed, were healed. And 3 days after the funeral, the apostles did not find her body in the cave; only funeral clothes remained there.

On August 28, the celebration of the image of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary takes place. The icon is exhibited in churches in Moscow and Kyiv.

The image helps to cope with the fear of death. You can ask for strengthening of faith and humility. The “Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary” also grants relief from illnesses. The icon, among other things, helps to comprehend one’s actions, strengthen oneself in virtues, and walk one’s path in life with dignity.

"The Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

This name of the image is associated with the events of 1170. The troops besieged Veliky Novgorod. The townspeople constantly prayed for salvation. The Archbishop of Novgorod, while asking for help, heard the command of the Mother of God that her icon be raised to the city walls. The face was taken to the wall and turned towards the enemy troops. One of the arrows hit the image. The miraculous icon turned away from the attackers, depriving them of light and Grace. She turned to the besieged, granting them a miracle of salvation. At the same moment, confusion occurred in the enemy’s camp, fear seized them, and the enemies were defeated.

  • Veliky Novgorod;
  • Moscow;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Barnaul;
  • Moore;
  • Belgorod;
  • Severodvinsk;
  • Nizhny Tagil;
  • Kursk

The miraculous icon “The Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary” protects soldiers and the population in military conflicts. Helps travelers, reconciles warring parties. Saves from diseases during epidemics, heals eye diseases, blindness.

The Annunciation is good news. Archangel Gabriel informs the Virgin Mary that Grace has visited her. She will give birth to the Son of God and name him Jesus. The day of celebration of this miraculous icon falls on April 7th.

There is a legend according to which the Annunciation icon appeared on the wall of one of the Kremlin towers during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. It was in this tower that the unjustly accused governor was imprisoned. He prayed and asked for a miracle. In confirmation of his innocence, there was the appearance of the face of the Mother of God.

The icon of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary survived the fire in 1737. Then the Annunciation Church and the Tsar Bell burned down. But the icon remained untouched by the flame. It can be found in the temples of the following cities:

  • Moscow;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky;
  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Kazan.

They pray to the miraculous icon for deliverance from imprisonment and unjust attacks, for the healing of spiritual and physical illnesses, for sorrows and temptations.

According to legend, this image was painted by the Apostle Luke. Allegedly, during the life of the Mother of God, with her blessing, Luke created from 3 to 70 faces of the Mother.

The Virgin Mary had four inheritances - Iveria (Georgia), Athos, Kievan Rus, Diveyevo monastery. There she was supposed to carry the word of God and sermons. The Mother of God did not have time to visit everywhere during her lifetime. But even after death, she participated in the spread of the Christian faith with signs and visions.

The Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Goalkeeper” is a symbol of the protection of all true believers. She appears as an intercessor, guardian, and comforter in all troubles and misfortunes.

The Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is located in churches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, and Orel. It also exists in churches in the Novgorod, Kursk, Pskov, and Tambov regions. The days of celebration fall on February 25, October 26 and Tuesday of Holy Week.

There are many written and oral testimonies of healing after prayer. The icon helps to find the strength for repentance and cleansing. Sinners come to her in search of a righteous path, asking for protection and consolation. The icon relieves physical and mental illnesses. In front of it you can pray for the preservation of the house from fires, floods and other disasters.

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Goalkeeper” leaves mysteries to this day. In 1981, a Greek monk created an image copied from the original. The icon turned out to be myrrh-streaming. It was brought to Montreal (Canada) in 1982 by Joseph Muñoz Cortes. After akathists and prayers before the image, severe, incurable diseases (leukemia, paralysis) were healed. The icon returned people to spiritual life and freed them from unbelief. In 1997, the keeper of the image of Cortes was killed. The icon has disappeared.

"Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

There are several famous miraculous “Tenderness” icons. Many lists have been made from them that do not lose their beneficial power.

The Smolensk Icon of the Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1103. Polish invaders besieged the city. For 20 months, with the help of a miraculous image, the Smolensk troops held Smolensk and did not surrender it to the enemies.

The Pskov-Pechora Icon is famous for its miraculous healings. Evidence dating back to 1524 has been preserved in the chronicles of Pskov and Veliky Novgorod.

The Seraphim-Diveyevo icon “Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos” was in the cell of the holy elder Seraphim of Sarov until his death. Afterwards, several lists were made, which later also turned out to be miraculous. The Elder of Sarov anointed the sick with oil from the lamp that burned in front of the icon, and they were healed.

The Novgorod icon “Tenderness” in 1337 hovered in the air above the church doors. Tears fell from her eyes. Later that same year, a pestilence began in the city. The townspeople prayed to the holy image to intercede for them. Soon the disease subsided.

Prayer in front of the icon helps in troubles and misfortunes. Eliminates temptations, saves marriage. Grants pregnancy and easy childbirth. This image is considered feminine and helps in many illnesses and sorrows. Relieves eye diseases and blindness. Almost all miraculous images of the Virgin are capable of healing physical and mental illnesses after prayers and Akathists.

"Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

Prophecies about the birth of the Virgin, who will become the mother of the Messiah, are heard already in Old Testament. She came from ancient family, which numbered many high priests, patriarchs, and kings. Jokaim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God, did not have children for a long time. They fervently prayed for a child to appear in the family. After 50 years of marriage, they were given the happy news of the conception and birth of the Queen of Heaven.

The icon “Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary” tells about a joyful event. The birth and entire subsequent life of Mary is imbued with faith, calmness, and patience. It is not for nothing that she is considered the intercessor and comforter of all Christians and lost souls. The day of celebration is September 21st.

Often the icon “Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary” gave desperate parents a long-awaited child. Any prayer in front of the image can calm and heal the soul from insults and injustice. Particularly effective are requests for lost souls, the return of faith, cleansing from sins, and the granting of spiritual and moral foundations. Prayers for children, family reunification, elimination of grievances and quarrels between spouses will also be heard.

The meaning of the icon

Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos personify the unity of God and man. As a simple woman, she gave birth to the Savior, as the Holy Virgin Mary stood next to him in Heaven. This is a combination of higher spirituality and understanding of human weaknesses. The image of the Mother of God is a collective image of a mother who knows how to forgive her children, intercede for them, and understand them. That’s why there are so many icons, prayers, holidays, memorable dates dedicated to the Mother of God.

The priests teach that there is no greater suffering on earth than standing nearby and seeing the death of your own child. The Most Holy Theotokos passed through the pangs of sacrifice to spiritual transformation. The icon, the meaning of which lies not in external splendor, but in internal virtues, teaches the laity many things...

The Mother of God spent her entire life in humility and patience. I lost my parents early. She married a widower whose sons did not love her and did not believe in Divine Grace. Her meekness, suffering became amazing combination earthly spirituality and heavenly holiness.

Formal reading of prayers and indifferent attendance at church will not grant the favor of the Mother of God. Only through repentance, a pure heart, and sincere love can one achieve the intercession of the Virgin.

The miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos teach humanity and the ability to remain virtuous in any life situations. To endure difficulties and trials with humility and to know that even in sin you can repent and regain Grace.