What prayer should you read to have children? Which saints favor conception?

For many, the idea of ​​family happiness is impossible without children. But sometimes becoming parents is not so easy. Various methods of medical intervention in the body are powerless. This situation may become with a strong blow and shock, but never give up! If traditional methods of treatment do not help, then you need to turn to the Lord. But, unfortunately, not everyone believes that great power The Lord's prayer and said with all your heart to get pregnant can work miracles.

Read in this article

Why doesn't God allow you to conceive a child?

According to the Bible, it is believed that bearing and giving birth to a child is a gift from the Lord. But many couples are still concerned about the question: why does God punish with infertility? Sometimes infertility in a family is a definite sign of fate and brings with it a test or punishment for one’s sins or sins committed in the family. These could be:

  • numerous betrayals;
  • promiscuity;
  • hidden grievances;
  • foul language;
  • sins associated with black magic;
  • abuse;
  • unforgiveness in the soul.

One of the most powerful sins is abortion. The murder of an unborn child in the womb can be punished by the Almighty by the inability to have children in the future. First of all, you need to sincerely repent of your sins, and then the Lord may hear your prayer to conceive a child.

You should never blame the Lord for your troubles and lose faith in him. miraculous power. After all, even in the Bible there are holy words: “According to your faith, it will be given to you.” Sincere prayer for the birth of a child can become a new stage in spiritual life, it will help you to completely humble yourself, obey and accept God's will. After all, nothing happens in our lives without our consent.

How to pray to get pregnant

Before conceiving a child, a married couple must repent of their sins and receive the blessing of the priest. Only sincere repentance of both spouses will help atone for their sin. You also need to ask for forgiveness from all people who have been hurt, even mentally, but from the bottom of your heart. After all, the Lord knows and sees what is happening in everyone’s soul.

To open your soul to God, you must repent and receive communion. Confession gives a person a chance to analyze his actions. What can be hidden from people or from oneself cannot be hidden from the Lord. When a married couple manages to open up to God, then there is immediately hope for a miracle and healing from the Lord. Prayer for Conception healthy child will come from the depths of the soul. And no matter what words are spoken, you may not know the words, but at the same time pray sincerely.

It often happens that a childless couple takes a child from orphanage, and after a short period of time the spouses become long-awaited parents. This is a reward for patience, warmth and love.

Which saints favor conception?

Very often, unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant are a test for a married couple. God delays for good reason. It’s not for nothing that the Bible says: “The Lord does not give insurmountable difficulties.” It describes several cases when only in old age a long-awaited child was born, who received a special blessing from the Lord.

It is customary to address your requests to send a child to the Holy Matrona of Moscow and Xenia of St. Petersburg, the Most Holy Theotokos. The prophet Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth had a child at an old age; their son was John the Baptist. Righteous Joachim and Anna are the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who became the mother of Christ. They learned parental feelings closer to old age.

If you are in doubt about whom to pray to in order to get pregnant, read the prayer to these saints. They deserved their righteous lifestyle God's blessing and will help everyone who asks for help through them.

There are several famous prayers about the gift of children:

  • Prayer to the Lord Almighty;
  • Holy Prophet Zechariah and Elizabeth;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Alexander Svirsky;
  • Mother Matrona;
  • Saint Xenia of Petersburg.

Prayers for conceiving a child, for infertility

The prayer to Matrona of Moscow for conceiving a child is considered one of the most powerful. Very often, unmarried women and young girls ask for blessings from Mother Matrona of Moscow. She was considered the patroness and intercessor of everything feminine and helped with marriage and procreation. That is why you need to turn to her when you dream of a little child.

A prayer uttered from the depths of the soul to Matrona in order to become pregnant will produce an effect only for one who sincerely repented of his sins and repented before her icon. Great power it is endowed in the Moscow church, where the saint’s funeral shirt is kept. Prayer requests addressed to the great old lady from the bottom of my heart are fulfilled very quickly. Evidence of this is the endless queue of pilgrims from all over the world to the relics of Matrona.

The prayer to the Mother of God for conceiving a child is not only a petition, humility, but also a kind of submission to higher powers. Appealing to the Most Holy Theotokos will be good support and help for you. It is better to read prayers for conceiving a child during holidays dedicated to her:

  • Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 21 (September 8);
  • Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, December 4 (November 21);
  • Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, April 7 (March 25);
  • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 28 (August 15).

A prayer to David of Gareji has healing properties against female diseases and infertility. This venerable Georgian saint had amazing power to help women with their illnesses associated with childbirth. In families that have already despaired of having children, where they pray to this saint, a miracle occurs and a long-awaited child is born.

It also happens that infertility occurs as a result of the intervention of external forces. Find out how to help yourself from the article. From it you will learn who may be affected, how to determine that damage has affected you, as well as how to identify and get rid of damage.

The first step on the path to God is admitting your sins and asking for forgiveness before Him. As the priest recommends, spouses dreaming of a child should open their hearts to God together and work on themselves. One of the important rituals is the sacrament of wedding. This is the church blessing of marriage, which opens new stage in family life.

Spouses who wish to conceive a child must observe fasts, abstain from marital duties and try to combine strict fasting with prayer for the gift of children. At the end of the fast, it is imperative to undergo a service, after which you confess to the priest and repent of your sins with all your heart. After this ritual, you must take communion.

The sacrament of communion was established by the Lord himself. It takes place in the Church or Temple during a service called the liturgy. Most often it starts in the morning. Those preparing for Communion need to be at the entire service and be present the day before. evening worship, which is prayerful preparation for the liturgy.

In the Sacrament of Communion there is a rebirth of unity between the Almighty and the nature of creation. It can be noted that by performing the rite of Communion, we seem to acquire an embryo future life, we join our soul to higher nature existence.

After a prayer of repentance before the Lord God, you must decide to completely change your life, your culture, established habits, and with God’s help, having sincerely prayed, begin the secret process of giving birth to a new little life. When the Lord sees the sincerity of repentance and repentance, he will definitely help and hear the prayer for the gift of children. God is omnipotent, he always hears all prayers coming from the heart! It is also believed that only a mother can read the most powerful prayer. Pray and may God give you the happiness of being parents.

There are situations in life when you give up and it seems that there is nothing to hope for. The inability to get pregnant is a tragedy for a woman. When medicines and doctors do not help, there is only one hope left - faith in God.

For those who need help, I will tell you who to ask for support and how to properly prepare for prayers. In addition, I offer texts and videos of the most effective prayers for the birth of a successor to your family.

  • Lord our God
  • Holy Mother of God
  • Holy Matronushka of Moscow
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker
  • Righteous Joachim and Anna
  • Venerable Svirsky (about the birth of a boy)
  • Holy Spirit
  • Saint Xenia of Petersburg

How to Prepare for Prayer

  • Before saying prayers for conception, it will be useful to visit temples and holy places, famous for their healing properties (Trinity and Conception monasteries are recommended for visiting, a visit to the “God’s” mountain will be beneficial, the “Maiden” stone can help, the source of St. Anna gives hope).
  • Before praying, you need to confess and take communion; it is advisable to fast for 7 days.
  • It is better to say a prayer for pregnancy during the period of ovulation. The texts of the prayers must be read many times, in cycles of 21 days.
  • For better concentration during prayer, you can use candles in front of the images.
  • During prayer, the patron must address himself not only on his own behalf, but also on behalf of his husband.
  • You must sincerely believe and have a sincere desire to conceive and give birth to a healthy child.
  • Under no circumstances should you pray in bad mood And negative state spirit. You must be positive; negative energy can interfere with the sincerity of your prayer.
  • The prayer must be read consciously. You can write it on a piece of paper, but it is better to read it by heart, this helps to better understand the meaning of the prayer.
  • There is no need to tell anyone that you are going to ask patrons for conception. You just need to believe that sincere faith and prayer will help you.
  • After reading the prayer, turn to your patron and ask for the conception and birth of a healthy child in your own words, coming from the depths of your soul.
  • It makes no difference whether you read the prayer out loud or mentally. The main thing is sincere faith, it works miracles.

The most powerful prayers for the conception and birth of a healthy child

Prayer to the Lord God

Prayers to Our Lord are always considered the most effective. The Lord hears us and listens to any of our problems. The Lord can protect us from the storms of life, the main thing is sincere faith.

A married couple who asks God for a child must cleanse themselves of their sins and together open their hearts to the Almighty. It wouldn't hurt to have a wedding ritual. A marriage blessed by the church is more pleasing to God.

Prayer to the Mother of God

In the Orthodox tradition, the Virgin, the mother of Jesus Christ, is the patroness of women. It helps both those who want to get pregnant and those already carrying new life. She is a protector and intercessor. Believers ask her for the health of the unborn child and the well-being of the family.

Many icons of the Mother of God are known for their miraculous properties. Therefore, prayers to the Mother of God are the most powerful and effective.

Prayer to Saint Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow was born into a poor peasant family, where she was the fourth child. Already the birth of a girl was preceded by miracles - the mother was thinking of giving her unborn child to an orphanage, but shortly before the birth she had a dream - a bird with eyes closed and a person's face.

The woman realized that God was stopping her from a rash act. And when a girl was born on November 10 (22), 1881, she turned out to be blind, the dream was prophetic.

Already from early childhood Matrona helped people with prayers. In gratitude, people brought food for the child, which the whole family used. At the age of 17, Matrona lost her legs. And after the revolution she found herself homeless. The family, which was hampered by the saint's faith, abandoned her.

For the rest of her life, Matrona hid, moving from place to place thanks to the believers who sheltered her and looked after her. Despite her weakness and unsettled life, Matrona constantly helped people - with advice, predictions, healing.

And after death, miracles of healing occur. Matronushka helps those who are trying to conceive and give birth to a healthy child. Before prayer, it is advisable to visit the relics of Matrona of Moscow and pray there.

Prayer to the Righteous Joachim and Anna

Saints Joachim are considered the traditional patrons and protectors of childless couples. This is due to the fact that they themselves were a childless couple for a long time.

When Joachim withdrew into the desert, an angel appeared to him with the news that his wife would give birth to a child. And so it happened. And Mary was born to them, expectant mother Jesus Christ.

Therefore, couples who want to conceive and give birth to a healthy child can turn to the righteous.

Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg

Petersburg was canonized in 1988. There is no documentary information about her life; her date of birth is known approximately - from 1719 to 1730.

By folk legends, which began to appear after 1840, Ksenia was married to Andrei Fedorovich Petrov, who had the rank of colonel. After the sudden death of her husband, she became a holy fool.

She donated her house, began dressing in men's clothing and calling herself by her husband's name. She said to herself that Ksenia died.

According to legend, she acquired the gift of foresight - she predicted the deaths of Empress Elizabeth and Emperor Ivan Antonovich. The houses she visited received blessings - no one got sick in them, peace and prosperity were established.

At the burial site of Xenia, a chapel was built in which miracles occur. Believers go to this chapel to pray for health, for the well-being of loved ones, and for pregnancy.

You can pray for the conception of a healthy child in your own words. The main thing is sincere faith in the possibility of a Divine Miracle.

When a woman carries a baby under her heart, all relatives and friends worry about the pregnant woman.

When a woman carries a child under her heart, all her loved ones need to create a favorable atmosphere around. It eliminates anxiety, anxiety, and fear. After all, the Lord God himself looks after the expectant mother and helps her in everything. Her loved ones should pray for her - this will help her bear and easily give birth to the baby.

The Mother of God is considered the patroness of women, and one should turn to her with one’s requests. The icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” is considered especially powerful. It must be kept in the house where the pregnant woman lives.

Relatives can and should indicate the expectant mother in health notes submitted in church, with the note “not idle” or “fruit-bearing” before the name. It wouldn’t hurt to light a candle and celebrate the service.

And before giving birth, pregnant women should take an icon with them to the ward, which is called “Helper in Childbirth.”

You can pray in your own words. After all, its strength depends on the sincerity of the person praying. There are also specially composed Orthodox prayers for pregnant women. It is believed that by reading them, expectant mothers gain strength that will help them endure all adversity.

What Orthodox prayers are there for pregnant women?

In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary for a pregnant woman to pray for her health and the health of her child before the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos (Iokim and Anna) and the parents of John the Baptist (Zachary and Elizabeth). In fact, there are quite a lot of icons that patronize pregnant women and motherhood.

Let's consider the most revered:

This icon has been especially revered in Rus' since ancient times. She patronizes not only brides and family well-being, but also the birth of children in childless couples and the upbringing of children.

The holy righteous Joachim and Anna are the parents of the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary. For a long time they could not have children, and only in old age, according to the blessing of God, did they have a daughter.

During his lifetime, this saint was famous for the fact that his prayers gave many infertile women the happiness of motherhood.

The Great Martyr Paraskeva is known in Rus' as the “woman’s saint.” She guards family happiness and well-being, is an assistant in motherhood, protects women's health. It is she who is asked for a good husband, and infertile parents who pray for the birth of a baby.

5.Icon of the Mother of God “Help in childbirth”, or “Helper to wives to give birth to children”.

This icon is the best companion for a believing woman during pregnancy and childbirth. On this icon, the Mother of God is depicted in a red robe, and below - in the foreground of the icon - is the Infant of God. One look at the calm face of the Mother of God gives the expectant mother peace and strength, and her prayer will become even more sincere.

6. Softening of evil hearts (Seven Arrow) icon.

The icon of the Mother of God of Seven Arrows depicts the Most Holy Theotokos pierced by seven arrows: four on the left side and three on the right. This icon should be hung at the entrance to the house. She will protect you from everything bad. She will help a pregnant woman in difficult times.

This miraculous icon of the Mother of God helps to forgive, by God’s great mercy, all the most serious sins - adultery, abortions, it heals small children and adults from many diseases. Helper of sinners Of course, maybe you need to worry and read “genital herpes and its treatment,” but with all that, turn your prayers for a successful pregnancy, for an easy birth to all these saints, and they will definitely take you under their protection and help in your requests.

Before giving birth, prayer for pregnant women takes on special meaning.

You can pray for a successful resolution before miraculous icons Mother of God:

“Assistant in childbirth”, “Healer”, “Fedorovskaya”, etc.

Prayers for pregnant women with a threat of miscarriage.

It is believed that a prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the preservation of pregnancy has special power for a pregnant woman. In addition, you can read the “Prayer to preserve pregnancy to the Lord Jesus Christ” or “Prayer of pregnant women” in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God and others.

Prayer is an appeal to the Almighty. God hears a sincere heart in all languages, in any form and anywhere on our planet. It all depends on the expectant mother herself and her religion. Prayers for a pregnant woman every day will help her find peace of mind.

Orthodox prayer of a pregnant woman to the Most Holy Theotokos:

May the unspeakable joy with which Your virgin heart was filled when looking at Your newborn Son and Lord, sweeten the sorrow that awaits me amid the pains of birth. May the life of the world, my Savior, born of You, save me from death, which cuts off the lives of many mothers at the hour of resolution, and may the fruit of my womb be numbered among the elect of God.

Hear, O Most Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble prayer and look upon me, a poor sinner, with the eye of Your grace; do not shame my trust in Your great mercy and overshadow me.

Helper of Christians, Healer of diseases, may I also be honored to experience for myself that You are the Mother of mercy, and may I always glorify Your grace, which never rejects the prayers of the poor and delivers all who call on You in times of sorrow and illness. Amen."

Prayer to preserve pregnancy to the Lord Jesus Christ:

Almighty God, Creator of everything visible and invisible! To You, beloved Father, we, endowed with reason, resort to creatures, because You, on special advice, created our race, with ineffable wisdom creating our body from the earth and breathing into it a soul from Your Spirit, so that we could be Your likeness.

And although it was Your will to create us at once, like the angels, if only You wanted, yet Your wisdom was pleased that through husband and wife, in the order of marriage established by You, the human race would multiply; You wanted to bless people so that they would grow and multiply and fill not only the earth, but also the hosts of angels.

O God and Father! May it be forever glorified and glorified Your name for everything you have done for us! I also thank You for Your mercy, that not only I, according to Your will, came from Your wonderful creation and am joining the number of the chosen ones, but that You deigned to bless me in marriage and sent me the fruit of the womb.

This is Your gift, Your Divine mercy, O Lord and Father of spirit and body! Therefore, I turn to You alone and pray to You with a humble heart for mercy and help, so that what You are doing in me by Your power may be preserved and brought to a successful birth. For I know, O God, that it is not in the power and not in the power of man to choose his own path; we are too weak and prone to fall to escape all those snares that He places for us by Your permission. evil spirit, and avoid those misfortunes into which our frivolity plunges us.

Your wisdom is limitless. Whoever you wish. Through Your angel You will save us unharmed from all adversity. Therefore, I, merciful Father, commend myself in my sorrow into Your hands and pray that You look at me with the eye of mercy and save me from all suffering.

Send joy to me and my dear husband, O God, Master of all joy! May we, seeing Your blessing, worship You with all our hearts and serve You with a joyful spirit. I do not want to be taken away from what You imposed on our entire race, commanding us to give birth to children in illness.

But I humbly ask You to help me endure the suffering and send me a successful outcome. And if You hear this prayer of ours and send us a healthy and good child, then we swear to bring him again to You and dedicate him to You, so that You may remain for us and our seed a merciful God and Father, as we swear to always be Your faithful servants along with ours. child.

Hear, O merciful God, the prayer of Thy servant, fulfill the prayer of our hearts, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Who became incarnate for our sake, now abides with You and the Holy Spirit and reigns in eternity. Amen."

Prayer to preserve pregnancy to the Most Holy Theotokos:

Oh, Most Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Your servant, come to my aid during my illnesses and dangers, with which all poor daughters of Eve give birth to children.

Remember, O Blessed One among women, with what joy and love You went hastily to the mountainous country to visit Your relative Elizabeth during her pregnancy, and what a wonderful effect Your gracious visit had on the mother and the baby.

And according to Your inexhaustible mercy, grant me, Your most humble servant, to be freed from the burden safely; Grant me this grace, so that the child who now rests under my heart, having come to his senses, with a joyful leap, like the holy baby John, will worship the Divine Lord Savior, Who, out of love for us sinners, did not disdain to become a baby Himself.

May the unspeakable joy with which Your virgin heart was filled when looking at Your newborn Son and Lord, sweeten the sorrow that awaits me amid the pains of birth.

May the life of the world, my Savior, born of You, save me from death, which cuts off the lives of many mothers at the hour of resolution, and may the fruit of my womb be numbered among the elect of God. Hear, O Most Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble prayer and look upon me, a poor sinner, with the eye of Your grace; do not be ashamed of my trust in Your great mercy and overshadow me, Helper of Christians, Healer of diseases, may I also be honored to experience for myself that You are the Mother of mercy, and may I always glorify Your grace, which never rejects the prayers of the poor and delivers all who call on You during times of grief and illness. Amen."

Prayer of a pregnant woman for a successful resolution:

Oh, Most Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Your servant, come to my aid during my illnesses and dangers, with which all poor daughters of Eve give birth to children.

Remember, O Blessed One among women, with what joy and love You went hastily to the mountainous country to visit Your relative Elizabeth during her pregnancy, and what a wonderful effect Your gracious visit had on both mother and baby.

And according to Your inexhaustible mercy, grant me, Your humble servant, to be safely relieved of my burden; Grant me this grace, so that the child who now rests under my heart, having come to his senses, with a joyful leap, like the holy baby John, will worship the Divine Lord Savior, Who, out of love for us sinners, did not disdain to become a baby Himself.

May the unfathomable joy with which Your virgin heart was filled when looking at Your newborn Son and Lord, sweeten the sorrow that awaits me amid the pains of birth.

May the life of the world, my Savior, born of You, save me from death, which cuts off the lives of many mothers at the hour of resolution, and may the fruit of my womb be numbered among the elect of God.

Hear, O Most Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble prayer and look upon me, a poor sinner, with the eye of Your grace; do not shame my trust in Your great mercy and overshadow me. Helper of Christians, Healer of illnesses, may I also be honored to experience for myself that You are the Mother of mercy, and may I always glorify Your grace, which has never rejected the prayers of the poor and delivers all those who call on You in times of sorrow and illness. Amen."

Prayer for children:

, Father of generosity and all mercy! According to my parental feeling, I would wish for my children every abundance of earthly blessings, I would wish them blessings from the dew of heaven and from the fatness of the earth, but may Thy holy will be with them!

Arrange their fate according to Your good pleasure, do not deprive them of life daily bread, send down to them everything they need in time to acquire blissful eternity; be merciful to them when they sin before You; do not impute to them the sins of their youth and their ignorance; bring their hearts into contrition when they resist the guidance of Your goodness; Punish them and have mercy, directing them to a path pleasing to You, but do not reject them from Your presence!

Accept their prayers with favor; grant them success in every good deed; do not turn Your face away from them in the days of their tribulation, lest temptations befall them beyond their strength. Overshadow them with Your mercy; May Your Angel walk with them and protect them from every misfortune and evil way."

Prayer of a pregnant woman (in her own words):

, Lord, thank you for giving me a child.

And I ask You to bless the fruit within me. Help protect him from vices and diseases. Bless him with full development and health.

Bless me too. So that there are no diseases and complications in my body. Strengthen me and protect me and my child.

May my birth be blessed and easy.

You gave us this miracle. Thank you. But help me be a worthy mother.

I trust his life and our future in your hands. Amen."

When God gives a woman a daughter, he tells her that she is worthy of repetition and reward, if a son - protection. What if God doesn't give children? So you need to ask correctly. In this article you will find:

  • How to pray correctly
  • Pregnancy plot
  • Vedic tips for conception
  • Simoron rituals for pregnancy
  • Folk signs for conception and pregnancy

How to pray correctly

The Bible contains many descriptions of naturally infertile women being healed by prayer. Having carefully studied all these cases, we can identify certain rules, if you follow them, you can count on a successful result. After all, a child is a gift, it must be earned.

  • The first rule is faith. Prayer without faith is not will find a response. You must believe in God, because you are asking him for a miraculous healing. And if you don’t believe in Him with all your soul, you can rest assured that He won’t believe in you either.
  • The second rule is that you need to pray constantly. Only constant prayer, like a powerful stream of water, can wash away the stones of hesitation and unbelief on the way to the dream of having a baby in your life.
  • The third is the rule of heartfelt prayer. When reading a prayer for pregnancy, do not hesitate to put all your emotions and feelings into it. When praying, imagine in front of you the one to whom you are praying - how He listens to you, heeds you and has compassion.
  • The fourth rule is that you shouldn’t just ask for a child for yourself. Let Him understand that you are fully aware of your personal responsibility before Him for this life entrusted to you. Promise to educate the soul entrusted to you in accordance with the law of God, that is, according to His commandments, and to instill in the child the right priorities in life. So that for Him this gift to you will not be in vain. This is very important.
  • The fifth rule is giving thanks for the answer to your prayer. Give thanks before you feel the first signs of pregnancy, and be patient - everything has its place and time. God is never late or early.

Prayer to the Lord for pregnancy for a childless couple

“Hear us, Thy servants of God (names of spouses), Almighty and Merciful Almighty, may Thy help be sent through our prayers. We pray, be lenient, O God, to our prayer words, remember Your law about the increase of the human race and be our Patron, so that with Your help what You have established will be preserved. Lord, you were able to create everything out of nothing with your mighty power and laid the foundation for everything in the boundless world of existence: you created man in your image and sanctified the union with the church with the highest secret. Look, O Most High God, at your servants (names of spouses), united in a marital union and praying for Your help, may Your divine mercy come to us, may we become fruitful and we will be able to see our sons and daughters, until the 3rd and 4th kind, and we will live to a ripe old age and come to the Kingdom of Heaven through the Lord God Jesus Christ. Amen."

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow about pregnancy

Strong prayer for pregnancy believed to have died in 1952. Matrona, blind from birth, was given the gift of healing people. Despite the persecution of the Bolsheviks, she miraculously managed to avoid arrest. She lived in Moscow and received up to forty people a day. On International Women's Day, March 8, her relics were transferred from the grave to Pokrovsky convent where there is open access to them.

“Oh, blessed mother Matrona, we resort to your intercession and tearfully pray to you. As you who have great boldness in the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servants, who are in deep spiritual sorrow and asking for help from you. Truly is the word of the Lord: ask, and it will be given to you, and again: even if two of you take counsel upon the earth, whatever you ask, it will be given to you from My Father who is in Heaven. Hear our groanings and report them to the throne of the Master, and where you stand before God, the prayer of a righteous man can do much before God. May the Lord not completely forget us, but look down from the heights of heaven on the sorrow of His servants and bestow the fruit of the womb for something useful. Truly, God wants, so do the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him. May the Lord God do this to us, out of His mercy and ineffable love for mankind. Blessed be the name of the Lord from now on and forever. Amen."

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for infertility

“Most Holy Mother of God, have mercy on me, Thy sinful servant (name), and accept my prayer, which I offer to You with heartfelt contrition, I humbly pray to You, grant healing from my ailments that prevent the conception of children. Amen."

Pregnancy plot

The plot should be done on Thursday, the very first day of the new month. Make sure these two conditions match. At the same time, stand in front of the mirror so that this young, newly born month is displayed in the mirror from the back. If it is reflected on the left side, a girl will be born, if you want a boy, the month should be reflected on the right side.

“Lord, my God!
How did you give people the sun and the moon?
Frequent stars and light clouds,
So am I, God’s servant (name)
She carried and gave birth to a child.
As a month you were born in the sky today,
That’s how my child would be born in my womb.
In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen".

“Mother is an intercessor! Intercede for my belly, for my child.
Save, preserve and defend. In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen".

Veda. You understand that the very first step, regardless of faith, is prayer. But if the doctors say that The woman is healthy - there is no infertility, but she can’t get pregnant? The Vedas say - in this case, there is not enough female energy, and there is also no contact with earth and water - two more energies that are associated with the hormonal functions of a woman.

In Vedic culture, a woman was often simply buried in river sand on the river bank so that she would be saturated with these energies. After all, pay attention - most women live above the ground, there is no body of water nearby either - the water is in the tap - they also do not feel the energy of the water.

The second step to conceive a child is to eat. more vegetables, that grow in the ground, drink milk (milk is energy female love). If a woman cannot conceive for many years, she must take the child into care. When a woman takes in a child, she gains feminine energy. When feminine energy appears in contact with a child, conception begins. Most often it happens that a woman adopts a child, and then also gives birth herself.

To cleanse the channels responsible for motherhood on the subtle plane, the Vedas recommend cleansing fasting and hatha yoga. This is in addition to the above - prayer, walking on the earth and bathing in water.

The Vedas say that the most best treatment that which, like man, was created by God. These are: sunlight, water, earth, mountains, trees, grass, medicinal herbs, various charges and breathing exercises. But a woman is often treated with chemotherapy. Why? Because she believes in what is created by man, but not in what is created by God. Herbs that treat infertility, combined with prayer, are the best medicine. How it works is incomprehensible to man, since nothing divine is incomprehensible to man.

Simoron and pregnancy

Simoron. also has its own rituals for those wishing to get pregnant, all in the same light and cheerful style.

  • Ritual No. 1. "The wind blew". The ritual came to us from Ancient Greece. To conceive a child, Greek women went outside in windy weather and asked for help from the God of the West Wind named Zephyr. Holding a marshmallow in one hand and a hairdryer in the other, stand facing West. Turn on the hairdryer and point air stream on his tummy, saying: “I blow, I blow, I’ll blow the child with the wind!” When finished, eat a marshmallow. Repeat this many times, even every morning, until your cherished dream comes true.
  • Ritual No. 2. "Pregnancy Pills". Take some sweets, dragees or vitamins like ascorbic acid and solemnly rename them magic pregnancy pills. You should take one vitamin every day at the same time, morning or evening. You can’t skip taking the magic pill; every time you take it, say the words: “I eat a candy - there’s a baby in my tummy!”
  • Ritual No. 3. “Pretending Pregnancy”. Take a baby doll, preferably a baby doll, wrap it in a scarf or towel and put it under your underwear. While doing various things around the house, walk around with this pregnant belly for 27 minutes. At the same time, behave like a pregnant woman and think like a pregnant woman - that the baby will soon be born, and how much you are looking forward to him or her.
  • Ritual No. 4. In addition to all of the above, you should reinforce the signs you send to the universe. To do this, if you see a pregnant woman on a walk, a mother with a baby, or an advertisement on TV with a baby, mentally affirm: “SO! SO! SO!" or “Let it be SO!”

Folk signs for pregnancy

Folk signs. People have long believed in omens, memorizing them and passing them on to their descendants. And, it must be said, that all of them are not devoid of wisdom.

  • Sign No. 1. In order to conceive,... It can be any children's item - a hat, a vest, socks. The little thing should be in your bedroom, and often catch your eye.
  • Sign No. 2. It is necessary to place plants in the marital bedroom that promote the conception of a child - these are ficus or verbena branches.
  • Sign No. 3. They say that if you give it to a woman pearl beads– she will soon become a mommy.
  • Sign No. 4. Pregnancy is contagious. It is useful to often be in the company of a pregnant woman, try on her things, drink from her glass, stroke her belly.
  • Sign No. 5. It is considered an important sign if a stray kitten accosts you on the street - this is a baby. Be sure to adopt a kitten.
  • Sign No. 6. Food. It is recommended to eat foods that contain the germs of new life - eggs, nuts, caviar, seeds.
  • Sign No. 7. Hygiene of thought. Negative thoughts slow down the reproductive functions of a woman’s body.


And finally. The main thing, again, is faith. You must be calm and confident that everything will work out. Your desire should not be too active and intrusive; remove significance. Very often, women become pregnant when they have already given up and resigned themselves. As they say, everything will come true, you just have to want it. Good luck to you!

Complete collection and description: a strong prayer to give birth to a healthy child for the spiritual life of a believer.

One of the strongest female instincts is the instinct of motherhood, but the inability to fulfill the role of a mother makes a woman become despondent and suffer emotionally and physically. When trying to get pregnant, women first of all turn to medical care. But prayer for the successful bearing of a baby and the birth of a healthy child can work miracles even when doctors helplessly shrug their shoulders. Priests recommend starting every task with prayer. Turning to God is a talisman against the evil eye, help in difficult situations, and hope for success. Many physical and mental illnesses are treated with prayer and sincere repentance for sins.

What is the power of turning to God and the saints?

A truly religious person does not think about whether conversion will help or not. He simply offers a prayer to God, and the Almighty hears it and helps. Many families have managed to find happiness and become parents by turning to God every day. Each such case is a real miracle.

Women who turn to God with a request to become pregnant must be ready to accept the will of the Lord, because in this situation prayer is a confirmation of your humility and obedience. It should be noted that in some cases, the absence of children in the family is a sign that spouses should think about adopting a child. As a rule, after this the family has its own son or daughter.

The prayer for the birth of children gains power and is valid only under certain conditions:

  • talk to God sincerely, repent of all sins, because most often a life in sin becomes the cause of infertility and deprives married couple hopes to give birth to a healthy child;
  • to get pregnant, you need to read prayers in certain cycles, the duration of one is at least three weeks, before the start of each cycle it is important to fast for a week and confess;
  • you need to read the prayer with pure thoughts and good intentions, you cannot think about the child with anger, and hatred in your heart can prevent you from successfully getting pregnant;
  • at the beginning of each prayer cycle, it is important to visit the temple at least once and pray at the icon of the saint to whom you want to address;
  • In addition, you need to light a candle near the icon of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Note: from time immemorial, childlessness was considered a punishment for a woman for sins and mistakes, and the birth of children was considered a blessing from the Lord.

When you can't get pregnant

The following days are considered unfavorable for conceiving children:

“On the eve” - this means the time after 16-00 on the day preceding the holiday or fast.

Note: priests do not advise conceiving a child on Sunday and on the day of the wedding, this is due to the fact that the wedding ceremony is considered a sacrament that cannot be desecrated by carnal pleasures.

Prayers to get pregnant

Appeal to the Lord God.

The strongest and effective prayer undoubtedly addressed to God. She is able to give new life and protect from the evil eye. It can be read whenever the need and inner desire arise.

Appeal to the Virgin Mary

All Christian women pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for successful conception and the birth of a healthy baby, because the Virgin Mary is the ideal maternal image. The Mother of God is the intercessor of all women; having heard a sincere prayer, a request coming from the very heart, she will definitely respond and help.

“Most Holy Mother of God, I trust in you and in your mercy! Do not turn away from me, servant of God (Name), hear my words and my thoughts, my prayer ascends from the very heart. Protect my child in the womb, protect him from disease and the evil eye, help him to be born at the time indicated by God. Amen!"

Appeal to Matrona of Moscow

To get pregnant, very often they offer prayers to Matrona of Moscow, a saint who helps everyone who needs protection and makes requests.

1. “Blessed Matrona, you dedicated your life to helping the suffering, do not turn away from me, servant of God (Name). I sincerely repent of the sins I have committed, I pray for your mercy. Hear and accept me, unworthy, help me to heal, deliver me from temptations and the evil eye, give me strength to bear the cross of God. Pray for me before the Lord, ask for a healthy and kind daughter. I trust in your and God's mercy. Amen!"

2. “Blessed Mother Matrona, your soul is near our Lord, your body is on the mortal earth, and your soul is with the suffering. Look at the servant of God (Name), protect her with your grace, deliver her from illnesses and sinful temptations. Pray before the Lord, ask for forgiveness for all my sins and lawless deeds, for I am gren and begging for forgiveness and mercy. Amen!"

If the words are sincere, and the thoughts are righteous and bright, Saint Matrona will definitely hear

Appeal to Ksenia of Petersburg

Ksenia became famous for her miraculous deeds during her lifetime, predicting many events, helping the disadvantaged and sick. The house where the woman appeared seemed to have acquired God's protection and grace, peace and happiness were established in him. Ksenia of Petersburg personified peace and love, it is not surprising that they asked her and still offer prayers to get pregnant.

“Holy Mother, Ksenia! Your soul is illuminated by God, guided Holy Mother of God, your body has experienced trials, endured cold and hunger, in the temple of the Lord your gift is glorified. I pray for your help and compassion, accept my request, convey it to the Lord God, and pray for my good thoughts. Protect from troubles and damage, illnesses and misfortunes. Illuminate my long-awaited child with your mercy, help to bear and give birth to him (her) in health, grant wisdom and happiness. You are my hope, with you I glorify the Lord our God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen!"

You can pray everywhere, with your own in simple words, the main thing is that they are sincere, without malicious intent.

Amulet from the evil eye to bear and give birth to a baby

During pregnancy, a woman and her baby become especially vulnerable to damage and envy. The easiest way to protect yourself from the evil eye is to carry a talisman with you.

Simple amulet

The most affordable option is pectoral cross given to a woman at baptism. He has enough power to protect a pregnant woman and her child from the negative emotions of strangers. Body icons depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary are often used.

Another simple amulet is a pin pinned to underwear or to the back of clothing.

The amulet can be made from a red woolen thread; such simple protection is suitable for anyone who wants to protect themselves from negative energy.

Amulet made of mineral

You can buy jewelry with one stone or make a bracelet with your own hands, weaving the desired mineral into it. Before starting work or putting on jewelry, the stones must be washed and held over a flame. church candle and leave in salt overnight. The salt is thrown away in the morning.

1. Kahalong is a stone that protects against stress and pain during childbirth. This amulet helps the young mother’s body produce enough milk.

2. Green pomegranate - helps to conceive a daughter and bear her without complications, making childbirth easier.

3. Ruby – the protective powers of the stone were known back in Ancient Greece; it was worn by a woman to protect her and her child from damage and health problems; it was believed that the amulet would help to conceive a boy. Before giving birth, the stone was removed for fear of bleeding.

4. Amethyst – protects the expectant mother’s restful sleep and improves health. The stone was placed under the pillow, protecting the woman from bad thoughts and anxiety. Amethyst is suitable for those who are terrified of childbirth.

A well-chosen amulet will always help both you and your baby; trust in the wisdom of your ancestors, because for centuries they have noticed the unusual properties of objects and things.

But at the same time, the woman herself had to believe in the power of the amulet, go to church, and read prayers. . The doll should help a woman get pregnant and give birth to a child.

In the case when you cannot get pregnant, and doctors are unable to help, you can resort to the advice of magic and witchcraft, performing a birth ritual. . Take the glass in your hand and, looking at the surface of the water, say a prayer.

Give me, your servant a “name,” to bear and give birth to the long-awaited, beloved child. . At the end of the prayer, be sure to cross yourself. You should not choose church holidays for rituals. . When will you be able to get pregnant?

Ezoterizmo - mystical encyclopedia

Encyclopedia of esoteric knowledge. Magic, oriental practices, household witchcraft, healing traditions.

Prayers for the birth of a healthy child

During pregnancy, a woman can attract God's help for a successful delivery and the birth of a healthy baby. There are special Orthodox prayers specifically for these purposes. A new life is a significant event in life, so you should absolutely not neglect asking God for the birth of a healthy child.

So that the baby does not have to answer for the sinful actions of his parents, it is necessary to repent even before conception or during pregnancy. To give birth to a strong child, it is important to give up bad habits. Be sure to visit the temple. Submit a registered note about your health there. Light three candles near the images of Christ, Matrona of Moscow, and also St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. When you are at the face of Matrona, quietly read the following prayer:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Send me a healthy child and do not punish him for my sinful life. Amen."

Cross yourself and go back. You can also purchase these icons and place them in your home to read prayers during pregnancy. It’s also worth stocking up on twelve candles and collecting holy water. Left at home alone, a woman should light candles. Place an image and a cup of blessed water nearby. Stroking the belly where life was born, and imagining a strong, healthy baby, begin praying to God.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy on me and forgive all sinful acts. You give us new life and Orthodox faith for the salvation of the soul. Bless me for the birth of a healthy child and protect him from terrible diseases. Save my future child from the devil's temptation and carnal temptation. Thy will be done. Amen."

This prayer must certainly end with baptism and drinking holy water. By extinguishing the candles, you can remove the images of saints.

The Tikhvin Icon is considered the patroness of children and infants in particular. She helps children with illnesses, calms the violent ones, helps children choose friends, and protects them from bad influences. It is generally accepted that it helps strengthen the bond between parents and offspring. Favors during childbirth and pregnancy.

They also turn to the Mother of God through the Tikhvin icon for various problems of conception. This image is one of the eight miraculous ones, significant icons Russia.

The father, as well as the grandparents preparing for the birth of their grandchildren, can praise the heavens and ask for strong offspring.

For three days in a row, read a prayer over the icon. Before you begin, light 12 candles and praise the Lord with the Lord’s Prayer. Cross yourself and start repeating pronunciations Orthodox prayer, from pure heart being baptized at the endings.

“Mother of God, Intercessor of Kazan. Have mercy and hear my prayer. Send down to us a healthy child, not sick or sick. Protect him from filth, weakness and human filth. Let the woman in labor endure everything, the womb will heal, and her health will remain. In difficult times, do not leave us, save the child from evil eyes. So be it. Amen."

The most favorable situation is considered to be when all family members living under the same roof also pray with the pregnant woman at least once.

Orthodox icons that will help in the birth of a healthy child

Since ancient times, the Feodorovsky image of the Mother of God was revered by pregnant women. The icon patronizes brides, everyday well-being, as well as the appearance of offspring, especially among childless families.

The image of Joachim and Anna, the parents of the righteous Mary, will also help in the birth of a healthy child. For a long time the couple lived without children. Having reached old age, by the Lord's blessing their family was replenished with the birth of a daughter.

Image "Reverend Roman". The Orthodox saint himself was famous for his prayers helping infertile spouses find a child.

The image of “Saint Paraskeva Friday”, written thanks to good deeds Great Martyr Paraskeva, famous in ancient Rus' called “woman’s saint”, she is called upon to protect family happiness. She protects women's health and helps in motherhood. She is begged for a baby, especially by infertile parents.

Icon of the Mother of God “Helping in childbirth”, image “Helping wives give birth to children”. To Orthodox women she is best companion during pregnancy, childbirth. It gives the expectant mother peace and strength, and helps in bearing and delivering a healthy baby.

The “Softening of Evil Hearts” (also known as the Seven Arrows) icon contains an image of the Most Holy Mother of God, pierced by seven arrows. It is recommended to place the image at the entrance to the home. He will avert all misfortunes, help a pregnant woman with difficulties and in giving birth to a healthy child.

“The Helper of Sinners” is a miraculous image. In his power is the remission of sins by God's grace (infidelity, abortion, etc.). The icon heals children and adults from illnesses. Praying to her can become preparatory stage in cleansing the soul before reading prayers for a healthy child.

During pregnancy, you can still pray to the great martyrs, such as Varvara, Catherine, Reverend Melania Roman. Thus, icons with the faces of female saints are considered the most preferable for the choice of a future mother who wants to ask higher powers about help to give birth to a healthy child.

There is a strong prayer for the birth of a healthy and happy child in this video:

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Prayer for the birth of a healthy child for pregnant women

Procreation is one of the most powerful human desires. Unfortunately, the health of modern people is often poor, especially women's. Then believers should pray for the birth of a child. How to do this correctly, to whom should you address your petitions?

Prayer for the birth of a healthy child to the Mother of God

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Quick to Hear the Intercessor of all who come running to You with faith! Look down from the height of Your heavenly majesty upon me, the indecent one, falling before Your icon, quickly hear the humble prayer of the less sinful me and bring it to Your Son: beg Him to illuminate my dark soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind from vain thoughts, May my suffering heart calm down and heal its wounds, may He enlighten me to good deeds and strengthen me to work for Him with fear, may He forgive all the evil I have done, may He deliver eternal torment and not deprive Him of His heavenly Kingdom. O Most Blessed Mother of God: You have deigned to be named in Your image, Quick to Hear, commanding everyone to come to You with faith: do not look upon me as sorrowful and do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins. According to God, all my hope and hope of salvation is in You, and I entrust myself to Your protection and intercession forever. Amen."

Attitude to pregnancy in Orthodoxy

As a traditional church, Orthodoxy opposes abortion and even contraception. If the Lord sends children, you cannot refuse. But in modern society Pregnancy is often viewed as a hindrance in work and personal life; everyone wants to live “for themselves.” The number of abortions in Russia is huge, and not everyone understands that there are both spiritual and physical consequences. One of them is a woman’s inability to conceive.

If the sin of abortion has occurred, repentance is required first. This is such an offense when a prayer for the birth of a child will not be heard until the mother realizes the gravity of the act. It is no longer possible to atone for this act - life in the womb is ruined. But you must repent. It is also customary to impose church punishment - penance, but this is not some kind of “guarantee”; penance is intended to evoke repentant feelings. Only in this case does the Lord forgive great sin.

In any case, you should pray for the conception and birth of children under the guidance of an experienced confessor. In Orthodoxy, the ability to conceive is a blessing from God, so everything must be done strictly according to church rules.

Who to pray to for bearing healthy children

Believers should imitate in everything best examples. Holy couples, who were not given children for a long time, prayed to the Lord. You can order prayer services in the church; residents of Moscow can go to the Conception Monastery for a special prayer service. There are saints to whom it is customary to pray for the birth of a healthy child.
  • Godfathers Joachim and Anna;
  • Prophet Zechariah;
  • Righteous Elizabeth;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Blessed Matrona;
  • Saint Nicholas.

You can choose anyone, there are no rules here. You can also pray to other saints if they evoke a response in the heart of a believer. Such a division into “spheres of influence” is purely conditional. The Lord is free to work miracles through any saints. It is important for a woman to have support in the family from her husband and other people around her. It is desirable that he also take part in church life. At least he didn’t object to his wife visiting the temple.

When conception has occurred - what prayers to read

Good news received, 2 stripes on the test. A crucial period begins - the mother must carry and give birth to a healthy child. Of course, it is normal for a Christian woman to accompany him with prayer. After all, childbirth even in our time cannot be a 100% predictable event, there is a very strong human factor, many medical aspects are included.
  • In the Orthodox community, home births are becoming fashionable, but they are not always easy to organize. And that's not the main thing. It is important that the expectant mother herself does not become the one who escalates the situation, giving in too much to emotions and fears. Tension is bad for pregnancy, and prayers help relieve stress.
  • The expectant mother must definitely participate in church life, cleanse her soul of sins, get rid of unnecessary fears, and learn to trust God. Without this, giving birth will be difficult.
  • You can ask for the birth of a healthy child Mother of God, patron saint, Lord Jesus Christ.

One should also not go to extremes, imposing on doctors the desired line of behavior as it is seen by the expectant mother in the light of the fact that she is Orthodox. Some, for example, refuse in advance caesarean section. These are already unnecessary and unreasonable demands that have nothing to do with faith. A woman must understand that the Lord sends a particular doctor for a reason. Childbirth is a complex process, during which it is unacceptable to argue with doctors, this causes difficulties.

Preparing for childbirth

Modern women often more passionate about work than family. But in those months that precede birth, the expectant mother needs to focus specifically on motherhood and solve problems in her relationship with her husband, if any. The family environment is very important for bearing and giving birth to a healthy baby. Prayers and spiritual work are the best pastime for a mother.

During pregnancy, women are allowed to relax their fasts. Here we need to show not only zeal, but also a reasonable approach. If the body requires meat, it is better to eat. But take it in small quantities and without frills. A piece of boiled chicken will be better than very expensive sausage. In this case there is no sin. And fasting is not so much about eating as it is about abstaining from bad habits and passions.

  • Prayer for pregnant women for the birth of a healthy child
  • Prayer before childbirth for the birth of a healthy child - find here
  • Prayer symbol of faith for the godfather - https://bogolub.info/molitva-simvol-very-dlya-krestnogo/

You can take a small icon to the delivery room and ask your loved ones to read prayers while contractions are going on. It is very good if the husband decides to participate in the birth process, support his wife, and see the moment of the birth of his child. God and the Queen of Heaven bless you!

Prayer to the Lord for the gift of children

Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Thy grace be sent down through our prayer.

Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your Law about the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that with Your help what You have established will be preserved.

By Your sovereign power You created everything from nothing and laid the foundation for everything that exists in the world - you created man in Your image and with a sublime secret you sanctified the union of marriage and the foretelling of the secret the unity of Christ with the Church.

Look, O Merciful One, on these Your servants (names), united in a marital union and begging for Your help, may Your mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see a son in their own right, they will even live to the third and fourth generation and to the desired old age They will enter the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be all glory, honor and worship due with the Holy Spirit forever.

Listen to the prayer for the gift of a child

Believers must pray O birth baby themselves, under the arches of the church. . Often prayers O pregnancy and birth healthy children

baby prayer for pregnant women O birth healthy baby. Such prayers There are several types.

Home Prayers Prayer O conception healthy baby- the strongest. . Prayer O birth healthyPrayer to get pregnant and...

Prayer for pregnant women O birth healthy baby- read here. . Prayer O birth healthyPrayer before the operation...

Believers must pray O birth baby themselves, under the arches of the church. . Often prayers O pregnancy and birth healthy children do not help because the person is experiencing the consequences of his own sins.

To every girl who is pregnant baby and getting ready to become a mother soon is necessary prayer for pregnant women O birth healthy baby. Such prayers There are several types.

Childbirth is a very difficult and important point in the life of every woman. They are all very worried and afraid of going to the maternity hospital. After all, girls have heard a lot from their mothers, grandmothers, and friends.

Home Prayers Prayer O conception healthy baby- the strongest. . Prayer O birth healthyPrayer to get pregnant and...

Prayer for pregnant women O birth healthy baby- read here. . Prayer O birth healthyPrayer before the operation...