Stones for fortune telling on tarot cards. Stones in fortune telling

Black agates, used for jewelry, are great for fortune telling.

Fortune telling by stones is ancient; for example, the Romans used to tell fortunes. According to Apollonius Popilium (a fortune teller of that time), they were looking for a special stone for fortune-telling, it was called a “sorcerer” and was mined from the bottom of the deepest well; it was black in color, overgrown with green solid mucus. The stone was washed in dew collected from thistles and kept locked behind several locks.

Before fortune telling on this amazing stone, the fortuneteller fasted for several days: he abstained from drinking and wine, sacrificed gifts to the gods, did not go to public meetings, theaters, circuses, entertainment venues, and moved away from women.

The stone was sewn into the best silk fabric and worn on the chest during the entire fast, and at night it was placed under the pillow; In the morning at sunrise they washed it with dew.

After such special preparations, the stone was made “speaking” - it became a “prophet” predicting the fate of a person.

Jasper - such stones are well suited for fortune telling based on the pattern of the stones.

The fortuneteller got up in the morning at sunrise, went to the river, the sea or a pond and, holding a stone in his hand, stood on a steep bank. When he swung it, as if throwing a stone into water, the stone made a sound. Then the stone was asked about its fate, and the stone accurately and clearly said what would happen in the future to the person who had it in his hands and who wore it around his neck, preparing for fortune telling.

Warriors going to battle, as well as travelers embarking on long journeys, resorted to such fortune-telling.

One of the legends says that one day a certain knight, going to battle, decided to tell fortunes on a stone, and the stone told the knight that he would die; The knight, angry, threw a stone into the water, but he jumped out of the abyss and repeated what he had said three times. The knight was proud and self-confident, did not believe the voice of the “soothsayer”, and died on the same day.

Later, this black fortune telling mystery stone was replaced by amethyst and topaz, which told fortunes. Even later, they began to tell fortunes using these stones based on a person’s dreams: they put the stones under the pillow at night, thought of a question, and based on the dreams they saw, decided the meaning of the answer.
This fortune telling, according to the ancient seers, was considered one of the true ones.

Jade and jadeite are options for green stones for fortune telling.

Fortune telling by stones - good and very interesting application personal collection of minerals, you can also tell fortunes using stone balls, pyramids, even figurines and jewelry itself - beads, rings, etc. Of course, there is no need to take it seriously, like any fortune telling, but the process is very entertaining. :-) Useful for developing your own sensitivity and intuition.

For the first type of fortune telling - with a mat - you need two stones of each color: white, red, black, yellow, orange, blue, green, purple, brown and pink (tumbling or beads from jewelry are best - it’s better not round, otherwise round ones will roll away) :-):

  • one of them - brightly colored or shiny - creative, indicates the need to act,
  • the other is calmer, muted in tone, matte - perceptive, says that you need to listen and perceive, but it’s too early to act.

Pink painted large agates - for fortune telling by the pattern of stones, and like pink and lilac stones for fortune telling by colored stones.

Makes 10 pairs of stones.

You also need to prepare a rug - a piece of dark fabric about 30x30 centimeters in size. You need to draw or embroider three circles on it:

  • Inner circle - it correlates with the most important events in your life, your inner world.
  • The middle circle represents your thoughts and emotions.
  • The outer circle is the zone of the everyday world around us, where decisions are made and actions take place.

Yellow large agates. From jewelry.

You can tell fortunes using three stones, or six.

So, we collect all the colored stones in a bag - all 10 pairs. Without looking, we take out the required number of stones (3 or 6) from the bag and throw them on the mat. They can fall in any way: in a heap or roll into different sides. Having seen how and in what circles the pebbles fell, you can draw conclusions, for example, about the direction of your emotions in different directions or about the influx of feelings...

Then we determine the meaning of the dropped stones by color and creative or perceptive characteristic. Which category (creative or perceptive) a stone belongs to is determined by eye and feeling - see the description above.

Meanings of stone colors for fortune telling

Buddha's Eye Agate is a brown stone, you can give it special meaning- very unusual.

White possesses the highest creative ability. If you are just starting to build your stone collection, start with the creative one - this is the key stone. He speaks of the presence of great energy, enormous potential, impending changes and the need for active action. Such a white stone can be, for example, cacholong.

Creating stones - transparent quartz, colorless zircon. If these crystals appear in a divination, it means that you have both the ability and the energy to achieve what you want.

Perceivers: milky and snow quartz, magnesite, white mother-of-pearl, white moonstone, white pebbles. These stones indicate that changes will occur gradually, that it is important not to act, but to listen to what is happening.

Black is an extremely perceptive color, so it is good to purchase the perceptive one first of the black crystals. He talks about the end of a certain period of life, the transition to new stage.

Malachites are green stones.

Creation stones: hematite, black amber, obsidian, black onyx. They indicate that you are wasting energy clinging to a situation or relationship that has already exhausted itself, or suppressing negative but justified feelings.

Perceivers: dark agate, black-gray smoky quartz, matte black pebbles, dark gray granite - they say that you are fed up with the demands of the world around you, and it’s time to draw the line.

Red - color physical energy and action, courage and aggression. The key color for this color is the creative stone.

Creators: garnet, corneol, red jasper, rhodochrosite. These stones indicate the need to fight for what is important to you.

Perceivers: red calcite, fluorite and agate, a matte piece of red brick, red pebbles - a sign that you are in vain blaming yourself for the occurrence of some situation.

Orange color is independence, associated with the consciousness of one's own uniqueness and happiness. The key stone here is the creative one.

Charoite is a lilac, purple stone.

Creators: orange amber, orange carnelian, orange jasper and orange citrine. These stones appear in fortune telling when you feel that your goal and the goals of people close to you are different, and it’s time to decide for yourself what exactly will bring you happiness.

Perceivers; orange pebble with a matte surface, smoky quartz of an orange hue, orange calcite or beryl - appear when you seem to lose your bearings and need to think about your own aspirations.

The color yellow symbolizes the sun and communication. Start collecting yellow stones from the creation stone - it is the key for this color.

Creators: topaz, yellow jasper, golden amber, golden-yellow tiger's eye - they say that you need to state your point of view very clearly, without omissions.

Perceivers; light golden beryl, yellow calcite or fluorite, yellowish quartz. The perceptive yellow crystal is evidence of uncertainty, a feeling of being overwhelmed by other people.

Green stones in fortune telling are a symbol of the fact that feelings take precedence over reason. The key stone is the perceiver.

Creators: brilliant opaque malachite, dark green heliotrope, aventurine, green topaz - they tell us: listen to your heart - it is not mistaken.

Perceivers: chrysoprase, amazonite, olive green serpentine, clear green fluorite, calcite colors sea ​​wave, moss agate. These stones indicate that you need to understand the feelings of others and achieve goals, being very attentive to the people around you and their feelings.

Blue color symbolizes intelligence and wisdom. Start with a creation crystal.

Creators: lapis lazuli, lapis lazuli turquoise, hawk's eye (blue version of the tiger's eye), labradorite. Such stones fall out when reason must prevail over the heart when making a decision and one must act thoughtfully and prudently.

Perceivers: Pale Blue Quartz, Pale Satin Agate, Blue Fluorite, Aquamarine, Moonstone and Celestine speak of the need for a reasonable compromise between the senses and the mind.

Lilac, violet, indigo stones are associated with intuition and subconscious wisdom. These are the colors of the inner magical powers person. The main one in the pair is the perceiver.

Creators: opaque sodalite, bornite, lapis lazuli - evidence of your self-affirmation in the spiritual or creative sphere.

Perceivers: transparent amethyst, purple fluorite, kunzite - say that the time has come to trust your premonitions and act contrary to everything you have been taught.

The color pink represents the unity of opposites and the ability to heal. The perceiver is in charge.

Creators: coral, pink rhodonite and sodalite, sugilite and rhodochrosite - occur when the conflict affecting you has external origin, but you need to take the first step towards reconciliation, even if you yourself are not to blame for anything.

Perceivers; rose quartz, “watermelon” tourmaline, pink mother-of-pearl, kunzite, fluorite, pink or white spotted granite and pink sandstone pebbles - attention: the stone suggests that disharmony is within yourself. Avoid people and situations that may cause stress.

Brown is the color of the earth, a call to turn to the roots: to believe your eyes and ears, and not to take the statements of others on faith. The creative stone is the key one in this pair.

Creators; tiger's eye, dark amber, shiny brown chrysoberyl, yellowish-brown or brown jasper - indicate that the underlying situation is a material problem, and in order to resolve it, it is necessary to apply business acumen.

Perceivers: brown pebbles, petrified pieces plant origin, found on seashore, as well as smoky brown quartz. If such a stone appears in fortune telling, this most likely means that you are tired of life, troubles at work and household chores.

This means a key message that must be addressed special attention.

    Two white stones tell us that the time has come for change and action. There is a danger that dynamic activities will cause you to quickly become exhausted.

    Two black stones are a sign of transition to the next stage of life or evidence that your sadness or anger is not justified.

    Two red - you are not trying to solve the problem, but are irritated over trifles or “chew” the same grievances and arguments.

    Two orange - you are trying to find your ideals in the actions of other people. It's time to come out of the shadows and find your place in the sun.

    Two yellow - you should think about the current situation, as something important is coming.

    Two green - a waterfall of emotions will fall on you. Consider what is a true feeling and what is sentimentality that can be used to blackmail you.

    Two blue ones are a warning that you are breaking into either an open door or the wrong door. Decide what exactly you want, develop a detailed plan to achieve your goal.

    Two lilac (purple) stones are a leap into the unknown to test yourself and test your intuition. No one will give you guarantees, but your guardian angel will not leave you.

    Two pink - you find yourself in the middle of someone else's battlefield. Get out of the line of fire and regain your strength.

    Two browns indicate that you listen to other people's opinions rather than your own common sense. Think about what you would advise another person in this situation, and follow your own advice.

Meanings of stone color combinations:

Light and dark (white and black) - the impermanence of the object of feelings.
Dark and red - increased emotionality, rapid changes in emotions and feelings.
Light and red - deep, sincere affection.
Blue and green - indifference.
White and blue are a romantic soul.
White and green - depth of feelings.
Red and green - passion of nature.
Red and yellow - frivolity, frivolity.
Brown - serious intentions

Fortune telling by cracks in stones
or according to patterns on smooth stones

You can also guess by cracks on stones, and in the same way - by patterns on smooth stones. The shape of these cracks and the symbol that it reminds you of are important. Here, a lot depends on your attentiveness and imagination, as well as on your thoughts at the moment.

You can randomly choose one of your necklaces, beads, rings, having previously asked a question, and if it is beads, guess which stone will give you the answer (for example, the fifth one clockwise from the castle). Beads made of jadeite, tourmaline, jasper, rhodonite, and jewelry made of similar stones that have a structure and pattern are well suited for this.

    Tree means long life, and the more branched it is, the richer and more interesting it is,

    Wave - sudden rise and fall; Running deer - a quick change of place caused by despair;

    Flying bird - revealing a secret; Star - unexpected insight;

    Palm - help, support, protection;

    Eye - someone's close attention;

    Zigzag - serious changes in life;

    Bonfire - retribution for bad deeds;

    Circle - wealth, prosperity;

    The sun - honor, respect, glory,

    Arrow - news, news, letter,

    A person is an upcoming guest, an addition to the family;

    Snake - cunning, deceit, treason, betrayal;

    Shoe - poverty, restlessness,

    Spider - conspiracy, intrigue, assassination attempt,

    Staircase - successful air travel;

    Trident - a safe journey on water,

    The wheel is a long journey across the earth;

    The crown is a fair reward for good deeds;

    Sickle, scythe - a sudden illness of someone close.

If the cracks (or pattern) are located chaotically, the questioner needs to be prepared for shocks in public life countries.

The cracks (drawing, lines) are barely visible and do not intersect - the near future does not foretell anything but meaningless fuss.

The cracks (picture) are longitudinal in nature - quick and inevitable separation.

The cracks (or lines of the stone pattern) intersect crosswise - the questioner should be wary of intrigues on the part of envious people.

If 3 lines intersect - a love triangle.

4 lines intersect - peace and quiet in family life.

Fortune telling by nine stones

For this fortune-telling, individual gems can be used (tumble, beads), as well as pendants, rings or earrings, brooches...

You will need a light scarf, a plate, a candle and 9 gemstones of different colors:

1. Colorless
2. Sky blue
3. Bright blue
4. Purple
5. Green
6. Pink
7. Dark red
8. Yellow
9. Black

Two people participate in the fortune telling process. One is a fortune teller, and the other is one who wants to know his destiny.

All the collected stones are placed in a deep plate (preferably made of glass, crystal or metal - a ringing one) and covered with a white scarf. Two people sit opposite each other at opposite ends of the table. In the middle, between them, a candle is lit. In general, this fortune telling is a great option to spend time over a romantic dinner.

The fortuneteller places the plate with gems on his lap and begins to rotate them under the scarf clockwise, holding one of them in his hand with each rotation.

The person to whom the fortune is told listens to the sound of stones hitting the walls of the plate. The pleasant monotonous rustling of stones calms and relaxes, but at some point a sharp sound should reach the consciousness, which is in a meditative state thanks to the sounds and the candle, which will break out of the general tone and awaken the person. Then we say “Stop,” and the fortuneteller will place on the table the stone that is in at the moment ended up in his hand.

Similar action must be repeated three times, laying stones in a row one after another.

The first stone will indicate the near future - 1-2 weeks from the moment of fortune telling. The second means the future - from 1 to 2 months. The last stone talks about what is going to happen to you during the year. These are symbols of the beginning, process and completion of an event.

Interpretations of the meanings of colored stones for this fortune telling:

Rings with stones are also useful for fortune telling.

1. Colorless transparent stone - happiness and success in all endeavors.
2. Pink - soon you will meet someone you have long dreamed of and experience an affair.
3. Dark red - imminent wedding with your chosen one/darling.
4. Yellow - warns that your lover may cheat on you.
5. Bright blue stone - unexpected opportunities in business and career.
6. Blue – good luck in the most important undertaking for you.
7. The black stone says that you need to be more careful, otherwise unpleasant surprises or misfortunes await you in the near future.
8. Purple - any spark of discontent or rash act can easily cause a major quarrel with loved ones or colleagues.
9. Green stone is the most best prediction, promising - the fulfillment of all desires.

This interpretation of meanings is significant for young people with more or less ordinary aspirations in life. If you have completely different aspirations than a wedding, romance, etc. - values ​​can be adjusted by leaving them general meaning. For example, if fortune telling is about spiritual aspirations, about the opportunity to gain new knowledge, the meanings of the stones are slightly different. You can even write them yourself in advance, selecting 9 favorite stones, and then constantly focus on the version you have compiled.

Option for the knowledge seeker:

1. Colorless transparent stone - success in the pursuit of knowledge in general.
2. Pink - perhaps the intersection of fate with a teacher who will help you.
3. Dark red - to achieve your goal you need to be active.
4. Yellow - warning: you may fall into the trap of incorrect teachings.
5. Bright blue stone - unexpected discoveries - you can find out not only what you are trying to find out, but also something else, perhaps deeper and more valuable.
6. Blue - luck will help you in your quest, but what exactly you will find is unknown.
7. Black stone - you need to be careful, perhaps you absolutely do not need the knowledge you are striving for, and it is better to refuse altogether or rethink the search.
8. Purple - conflicts with others and misunderstandings on the part of other people are possible.
9. Green stone is the best prediction, indicating that you need what you strive for and you will get it.

Fortune telling on stones is a very exciting way to get predictions. Moreover, their reliability has been tested by time. After all, the first mentions of such fortune-telling rituals are found in manuscripts Ancient Rome. There is a huge variety of fortune-telling rituals in which stones are used. An important condition for the veracity of predictions is the need to use own collection stones.

When deciphering fortune telling, the color of the dropped stones is always taken into account. In addition, in each color, natural attributes can be classified into creating and perceiving. In the first case, these are stones that encourage active action, and in the second, they offer to evaluate the current situation and adapt to it.

White stones symbolize great vitality and the enormous inner potential of a person, which allows him to successfully move towards his goal:

  • Among the stones with a creative orientation, transparent quartz or colorless zircon stand out. When such stones fall out, they push a person to use all his natural abilities to achieve his goal.
  • Among the stones that emphasize the need to listen and take a closer look at what is happening around, and only then begin to act carefully are milky and snow quartz, white pebbles, magnesite, white moonstone, white mother-of-pearl. These stones emphasize the gradualness of life changes.

Black stones always emphasize that a certain period is coming to its logical conclusion.

They symbolize the beginning of a new life stage. Among them are:

  • Hematite, obsidian, black amber and onyx, which are creative and advise not to cling to the current situation or relationships that have no future.
  • Perceivers: black-gray smoky quartz dark agate, dark gray granite, matte black pebbles. These stones suggest assessing the situation and making a decision that will gently change the current circumstances.

Red stones symbolize inner aggression and courage, emphasizing that a person is always ready for decisive action:

  • Creative ones among them: red jasper, garnet, corneol, rhodochrosite. They emphasize the need to take active action.
  • Perceiving among them: red calcite, agate and fluorite, red pebbles. Such stones are a sign that you are unnecessarily blaming yourself for what happened.

Orange stones symbolize independence; they emphasize the natural uniqueness of a person, which allows him to be happy.

They can be classified as follows:

  • Having a creative orientation - orange amber, carnelian, jasper and citrine. These stones fall out when a person realizes that his life priorities are different from the goals of other people and he needs to decide for himself what will make him happy.
  • Having a perceptive direction - orange matte pebble, smoky quartz, calcite and beryl. Stones appear when it is time to consider your own aspirations.

Yellow stones are associated with solar energy and always carry a favorable meaning. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • Creative ones, which include: topaz, golden tiger's eye, jasper, amber. They say that it is important to always convey your opinion to people sincerely and without any omissions.
  • Perceivers, which include calcite, quartz and fluorite, golden beryl. Such stones indicate a person’s vain self-doubt.

Green stones symbolize that feelings take precedence over reason. They are classified into the following groups:

  • Heliotrope and topaz, opaque malachite, aventurine have a creative direction. These stones encourage you to listen to your heart and act as it tells you.
  • Receptive orientation - chrysoprase, moss agate, olive serpentine, amazonite, transparent fluorite, sea green calcite. These stones encourage you to understand the feelings of people in your immediate environment and move towards your goal only by being attentive to your loved ones.

Stones blue symbolize a reasonable attitude to life and human wisdom.

They are divided as follows:

  • Creators - lapis lazuli, hawk's eye, turquoise, lapis lazuli, labradorite. They appear when there is a need to act wisely, that is, they require you to think about and calculate your every step.
  • Perceivers - moonstone, quartz, satin agate and fluorite, aquamarine, celestine. They talk about the importance of a balanced compromise between feelings and reason.

Stones of purple shades are always associated with intuitive perception and subconscious wisdom of a person.

They are classified into the following groups:

  • Creative orientation - lapis lazuli, opaque sodalite, bornite. When such stones fall out, they indicate the need for self-affirmation.
  • Receptive orientation - purple fluorite, transparent amethyst, kunzite. They advise you to trust completely own premonitions, throwing away everything that was previously taught.

Pink stones symbolize the unity of opposites. They are classified as follows:

  • Creators - sugilite, rhodochrosite, coral, rhodonite and sodalite. They appear in fortune telling when a person needs to be the first to take a step towards reconciliation, even if he was not the cause of the conflict.
  • Perceivers - quartz and mother of pearl, tourmaline, kunzite, fluorite, granite. These stones focus attention on internal problems person.

Brown stones are a call to turn to your own origins. They are also advice to perceive the world with your own eyes and ears, and not to take other people’s assessments for granted.

The stones are divided as follows:

  • The creative group includes tiger's eye, amber, brilliant chrysoberyl, and jasper. They warn that the cause of the situation is a financial problem. It can only be resolved by showing business acumen.
  • The receptive group includes brownish pebbles, various plant fossils, and smoky quartz. Such stones emphasize weariness from life.

After a collection of stones has been collected, fortune telling can be carried out. Most often, to do this, the stones are placed in a bag, and one oracle stone is drawn out at random. Its meaning should be deciphered.

But there is a more complex method of fortune telling, which allows you to get accurate predictions future. To do this, you need to use a fabric circle with a diameter of approximately 30 cm, conventionally divided into three zones by circles.

In this case:

  • The inner part of the circle is events in the surrounding world.
  • The middle part of the circle reflects a person's thoughts and emotions.
  • The outer part of the circle symbolizes everyday life.

For fortune telling, you need to take 3 or six stones from the bag, choosing them randomly, without looking. After this, they need to be thrown into a circle. Based on how they are distributed among zones, one can make predictions for the near future. It’s very good if you managed to throw out more stones of a creative nature. It is very important to remember that you should not rush when interpreting this fortune-telling. You need to very carefully analyze the meaning of the stones and draw conclusions. A little time will pass, and the stones will reveal to you all the secrets of your destiny.

People have used stones for divination purposes since time immemorial. This tradition has survived to this day and has many ardent admirers.

We will introduce you to all sorts of simple (that is, not related to the special magical qualities of minerals) methods of fortune telling on stones.

Thus, we present to your attention the present practical guide, with the help of which they will not only learn to accurately navigate the mysterious and amazing world minerals, but also to use their inherent magical properties to correct your own destiny.

Well, now let's start looking at simple fortune telling. Before starting fortune telling, we recommend following general rules prescribed for other fortune-telling techniques:

Try to collect your own personal set of stones intended solely for divination purposes; Only you should use these stones, otherwise it is hardly appropriate to count on impeccable predictions;
- always store your fortune telling set in a secluded place;
- starting the process of fortune telling for (or) in the presence of a person who is not serious or aggressive about the sacred method is strictly prohibited;
- avoid giving in to the persuasion to tell fortunes to those people who, for some reason, evoke in you a feeling of hostility or any negative emotions;
- it is inappropriate to guess about your feelings yourself; it is better to resort to the services of another soothsayer;
- keep the results of fortune telling secret.

In total, there are 10 main types of simple fortune telling on stones:

Fortune telling by cracks (1);
- fortune telling about the possibility of a meeting (2);
- fortune telling by the number of stones (3);
- fortune telling by the color of stones (4);
a) for a successful outcome of the undertaking;
b) on the secret thoughts of the object of the Questioner’s feelings;
- fortune telling by pebbles (5);
- fortune telling by river pebbles (6);
- fortune telling by stones rolling downhill (7);
- fortune telling by stones thrown onto a plane (8);
- fortune telling happy marriage (9);
- fortune telling for the number of children in a marriage (10);

Fortune telling by stones

We will need small multi-colored stones and a dark rug 30x30 cm with a pattern.

It is important to have two stones of each of the colors listed below: one brightly colored or shiny, the other a more muted tone.

All stones have complementary forces: male (physical, logical) and female (spiritual, intuitive). In minerals and crystals, as in people, one type of energy predominates over another, so they are divided into creative and receptive. To understand which category a stone belongs to, you don’t need either scientific books or memorizing complex names. Just when you find a couple of pebbles or crystals of the same color, look at them carefully, and you will definitely feel which one tells you to “act” and which one gives you peace.

Collect stones and crystals of approximately the same size and shape. If they have flat sides then less risk lose them during fortune telling. Therefore, pebbles that can be collected at sea are very suitable.

By the way, ornamental and semi-precious stones in the form of polished pebbles (“tumble”) can now be bought almost everywhere, for example, in an esoteric or souvenir store, or at a stone exhibition. Store the stones in a velvet or silk bag purchased or sewn by you. You can start your collection with stones of any color.

When your collection of stones is complete, it's time... TIME TO SCREW THEM
Take a piece of any dark paper or fabric about 30x30 cm, apply a design on it. You can draw or embroider three circles:

Internal, which correlates with the most important events of your life, your inner world.

The middle one, personifying your thoughts and emotions.

External - the zone of the everyday world in which decisions are made and all actions take place. Now let's get started.

You can tell fortunes using three stones, or six.

Without looking, take the required amount from the bag and throw them on the mat. They may fall in a heap or roll in different directions. Having seen how and in which circles they fell, you can draw conclusions, for example, about the direction of your emotions in different directions or about the influx of one feeling into another. Then determine the meanings of the stones by color and creative or perceptive characteristic. If two pebbles of the same color fall out, this is a key message.

Two white people say it's time for a change. There is a danger that dynamic actions will lead to the fact that you quickly become exhausted.
Two black stones are a sign of transition to the next stage of life or evidence that your sadness or anger is unjustified.
Two red - you are not trying to solve the problem, but are getting irritated over trifles or “chewing” the same grievances and arguments.
Two orange - you are trying to find your ideals in the actions of other people. It's time to come out of the shadows and find your place in the sun.
Two yellow - you should think about the current situation, as something important is coming up.
Two green - a waterfall of emotions will fall on you. Think about what is a true feeling and what is sentimentality with which they can blackmail you.
Two blue ones are a warning that you are breaking into either an open door or the wrong door. Decide what exactly you want, develop a detailed plan to achieve your goal.
Two purples are a leap into the unknown to test yourself and test your intuition. No one will give you guarantees, but your guardian angel will not leave you.
Two pink ones - you are in the middle of someone else's battlefield. Get out of the line of fire and regain your strength.
Two browns indicate that you listen to other people's opinions rather than your own common sense. Think about what you can advise another person in this situation, and follow your own advice.

If all or most of the stones you get are perceptive, this is a sign of depression and difficulty making decisions. Large quantity creative stones should confirm you that you are following the right path.

But what if your pebbles fell outside the circles, on the table or on your lap? This is also a sign - a sign that you are consciously or unconsciously hiding problems that you are not yet ready to face face to face. Notice which stones more often fall into this “realm of waiting”, become aware of these problems, but do not rush to solve them - the time for this will come, and your stones will tell you when it comes.

What stones are suitable for fortune telling?

White color has the ultimate creative ability. If you are just starting to build your collection, start with the “creative” - this will be the key stone.

The key stone speaks of the presence of great energy, enormous potential, impending changes and the need for active action.

Creative white stones: transparent quartz, colorless zircon.

If these crystals appear in fortune telling, it means that you have both the ability and energy to achieve what you want.

Perceiving white stones: cacholong, white marble, white mother of pearl, white moonstone, white pebbles. These stones indicate that change will occur gradually.

Black is an extremely perceptive color, so it is good to purchase the perceptive one first of the black minerals; it will be the key one.

Black color speaks of the end of a certain period of life, the transition to some other stage.

Creators: hematite, black amber, obsidian, black onyx.

They indicate that you are wasting energy clinging to a situation or relationship that has already exhausted itself, or suppressing negative, but completely justified feelings.

Perceivers: dark agate, rauchtopaz, matte black pebbles, jet, black and dark gray granite - indicate that you are fed up with the demands of the world around you, and it is time to draw the line.

Red is the color of physical energy and action, the color of courage and aggression. The key color for this color is the creative stone.
. Creative: pomegranate, cornelian, red jasper, hyacinth.

These stones indicate the need to fight for what is important to you.
. Perceivers: red coral, fluorite and agate, matte piece of red brick, red pebble.

They are a sign that you are needlessly blaming yourself for some situation.

This color symbolizes independence and is associated with the consciousness of one’s own uniqueness and happiness. The key orange stone is creative.

Creators: amber, orange carnelian, orange jasper and orange citrine.

These stones appear in fortune telling when you feel that your goal and the goals of people close to you are different, and it’s time to decide for yourself what exactly will bring you happiness.

Perceivers: orange carnelian, aventurine, orange hessonite or beryl.

They appear when you seem to lose your bearings and need to think about your own aspirations.

They symbolize the sun and communication. Start with the creative stone - it is the key for this color.
. Creators: topaz, yellow jasper, golden amber, golden yellow tiger's eye.

They suggest that you need to state your point of view as clearly as possible, without omissions.

Perceivers: light golden beryl, yellow calcite or fluorite, citrine.

Perceiving a yellow crystal is evidence of uncertainty, a feeling of being overwhelmed by other people.

Green stones are a symbol of the prevalence of feelings over reason. The key green stone is the perceiver.
. Creative: malachite, heliotrope, jadeite, chrysolite.

They say: listen to your heart - it is not mistaken.

Perceivers: Chrysoprase, Amazonite, Olive Green Serpentine, Transparent Green Fluorite, Aqua Calcite, Moss Agate.

These stones indicate that you need to understand the feelings of others and achieve goals without humiliating them.

Blue and light blue

This color symbolizes intelligence and wisdom. Start with the creative mineral - it will be the key.
. Creators: lapis lazuli, turquoise, hawk's eye (blue version of tiger's eye), corundum.

Such stones fall out when reason must prevail over the heart when making a decision and one must act thoughtfully and prudently.

Perceivers: belomorite, blue chrysoprase, blue fluorite, aquamarine, and celestine.

These stones speak of the need for a reasonable compromise between feelings and reason.

Lilac, violet, indigo are associated with intuition, subconscious wisdom. These are the colors of your inner magical powers. The main, key stone in the pair is the receptive stone.

Creators: charoite, almandine, alexandrite, bornite.

They are evidence of your self-affirmation in the spiritual or creative sphere.

Perceivers: transparent amethyst, lilac fluorite, spinel.

They say that the time has come to trust your premonitions and act contrary to everything you have been taught.

The color pink represents the unity of opposites and the ability to heal. The perceiver is in charge.
. Creators: coral, pink rhodonite and flint, sugalite and rhodochrysite.

They occur when the conflict affecting you is of external origin. But sometimes you should take the first step towards reconciliation, even if you yourself are not to blame for anything.

Perceivers: rose quartz, watermelon tourmaline, pink mother of pearl, kunzite, fluorite, pink or white speckled granite and pink sandstone pebbles.

Attention: disharmony within yourself. Avoid people and situations that may cause stress.

The color of the earth, a call to turn to the roots: to believe your eyes and ears, and not to take the statements of others on faith. The creative stone is the key one in this pair.
. Creators: tiger's eye, dark amber, shiny brown chrysoberyl, tan or brown jasper.

An indication that the situation is based on a material problem, and in order to resolve it, it is necessary to apply business acumen.

Perceivers: morion, labradorite, brown pebbles, flint, petrified pieces of plant origin found on the seashore.

If such a stone appears in fortune telling, this most likely means that you are tired of life, troubles at work and household chores.

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Fortune telling by stones online

For this ancient fortune telling All you need is multi-colored pebbles and a sheet of paper with three circles drawn on it. All stones have powers that complement each other: feminine (intuitive, spiritual) and masculine (logical, physical). In crystals and minerals, as in people, one type of energy is predominant, therefore they are divided into receptive and creative. In order to figure out which of these categories a stone belongs to, there is no need for either scientific books or memorizing complex names. In this fortune telling, two stones of different colors are used: one is bright or shiny, and the other is a more muted color. One of them seems to tell you “act”, while the other gives you peace of mind. The pebbles in the bag are thoroughly mixed, the fortuneteller asks them a question and throws them onto a sheet of paper with circles.
Fortune telling on stones It is possible with three stones, or six. They can fall in a heap or roll into opposite directions. Having seen in which circles the pebbles fell, one can draw conclusions, for example, about the direction of the fortuneteller’s emotions in different directions or the influx of one feeling into another. If two stones of the same color appear during fortune telling, pay special attention to this - this is the key message. In the case when most or even all of the dropped stones are perceptive, this means depression and difficulty making decisions. If many creative stones fall out, it means you are following the right path.

Field fortune telling by stones includes three circles and outer space. The inner circle symbolizes inner world fortuneteller, correlates with the most important events his life. The middle circle represents his emotions, thoughts and feelings. The outer circle symbolizes the everyday world, in which all actions take place and decisions are implemented.
What to do when the pebbles fall outside all the circles? This is also a sign that can be deciphered as a conscious or unconscious avoidance of problems that you are not yet ready to face and solve. When fortune telling by stones, pay attention to which stones more often than others find themselves in this “realm of waiting”, become aware of them, but do not rush to decide; when the time comes for this, the stones will definitely tell you what to do.

Thanks to this fortune telling by stones You will have the opportunity not only to understand your own state of mind, but also, if you have some experience and the ability to correctly interpret the dropped combination of stones, predict the future.