When can you guess? We choose a favorable day for predictions. Which days are better to guess?

Not everyone who is keen magical stories, knows reliably when to guess. The wrong approach can completely distort the prediction results.

In the article:

When you can guess - choose the best time for predictions

When you can tell fortunes, and when you can’t under any circumstances, almost all beginning fortune tellers are interested. For predictions there are favorable and unfavorable favorable time. On some days, fortune telling can only bring harm. Let's look at popular questions about time, the age of the fortuneteller and prohibitions that apply to all methods of prediction.

The best time for fortune telling is the period when there is a strong desire to take cards out of the box, and inspiration arises to create your own layout. When the fortune teller herself understands that a favorable time has come, it is definitely worth guessing. Some people believe that such mood changes only come with experience.

Some layouts are designed for a specific time of the lunar calendar. If you have to do just that, you should listen to the recommendation for fortune telling, otherwise the cards or other magical attribute may lie.

Is it possible to tell fortunes on a full moon? Yes, because the full moon is the best time for any magic. It is advisable to look to see if the full moon coincides with any unfavorable time.

Holiday predictions are very popular - Yuletide varieties, which are designed for a certain time period or entire holidays. You cannot resort to such fortune-telling at other times of the year.

What days can you guess?

It is difficult to say unequivocally which day of the year will be the best for predicting the future. Period winter holidays and Epiphany are some of the most suitable days for fortune telling. In the old days, they occupied a considerable part of festive events. Christmas fortune telling is still popular today.

The full moon may be the best time lunar phase. Some fortune telling is recommended to be done on the new moon: at this time it is easiest to get information for the next month. To find out what the next year will be like, they guess at the very beginning - January 1st.

One of best options for prediction. The most suitable days of the week are Friday and Monday. Beginning magicians are worried whether they can tell fortunes on Monday. Answer to the question: it is possible if the day does not coincide with unfavorable circumstances, which will be discussed below.

At what age can you start guessing?

The sooner a person starts making predictions, the better. There is no concept of “too late”: some famous tarot readers became interested in fortune telling after forty years, and some began to predict the future from adolescence.

Professional fortune tellers believe that fortune telling is strictly prohibited for children under 13 years of age. There is an opinion that a child is a “blank slate”, has many possibilities, and it is very difficult to correctly interpret the alignment of his fate. Interpretations of layouts for older people are clearer and more precise, because the number of opportunities to change their lives decreases with age.

If a situation has arisen in life that you cannot do without an intelligent fortuneteller, you should not pay attention to age. If help is truly needed, it is not of paramount importance. The main thing is that after a prediction a person does not start turning to fortune telling for no reason. How independent fortune telling, and the help of professionals in terms of prediction is not entertainment, but knowledge that must be applied wisely.

Why you can't guess

Some people believe that it is impossible to guess: we're talking about about believers. Christian church disapproves of fortune telling. A person whom the Lord leads through life should not resort to fortune telling in order to find out the future and get a chance to change his fate.

This is a rather controversial issue. Sin is an act that can be called bad from a moral point of view, such as theft or adultery. Fortune telling does not cause such harm, so there is no consensus on how serious such a sin is. Believers believe that not only fortune tellers, but also their descendants will pay for this.

There is one more point - dependence on fortune telling. If a person tries to find out his fate every day, the cards will not tell the truth. There is a concept of “telling your fortune” - losing the chance to arrange your life the way you originally wanted, if you rely solely on predictions and abuse them.

Those who are having a hard time with unpleasant predictions should not guess. If a person is not mentally ready to hear what awaits him in the future, it is better not to ask questions whose answers he may not like.

On which days you can't guess

The Christian Church has a negative attitude towards fortune telling, so it is not customary to engage in it during church holidays. The exception is traditional Christmas, Christmas and many other fortune-telling.

On Sunday, any fortune-telling is prohibited, because previously on Sundays believers paid attention to prayer and church. This prohibition does not apply to non-believers and representatives of other faiths.

Is it possible for women to tell fortunes on their menstrual days? It is believed that at this time a woman becomes “unclean”, and the level of her natural energy protection decreases. It is impossible to predict the future, but there is special fortune telling during menstruation. Pay attention to which may be useful to a girl. There are several articles on our website that describe this topic in more detail.

You can't guess in bad mood, because this is how you can influence fate. If a person who is unpleasant to the fortuneteller asks for fortune telling, it is better to refuse. The mood should be neutral: the right concentration and attitude will affect

The desire to look into the future, especially in difficult life situations, has always troubled people's minds. Fortune telling practices are different and each direction has its own lucky dates when you can tell fortunes. These days, the answers to questions about the future will be the most clear and truthful. It is believed that one should not guess during church holidays, but dissonance arises. After all, fortune telling during the Christmas holidays, Holy Baptism and the Trinity became an immortalized folk tradition.

The best time for predictions on cards

Already several centuries ago, with the help of rites and rituals, our ancestors tried to find out what the harvest would be like and what to expect in the coming year. Caring mothers and grandmothers, concerned about the fate of the younger women in the family, tried to look into the future and see when their betrothed would come to the house. Over time, regular practices made it possible to identify the most successful days for searching for answers.

Predictions using Tarot or using a playing deck are the most flexible methods. Such fortune telling does not imply readings on certain days. The fortuneteller may encounter a situation where the cards do not want to speak, but this does not depend on the day of the week or lunar day.

An experienced fortuneteller will never make a spread if, when he picks up the deck, he intuitively feels discomfort. Another way for cards to communicate to the fortuneteller that they do not want to talk is that the deck begins to crumble and involuntarily fall out. In this case, the search for an answer is postponed for several days.

Depending on the religious affiliation some fortune tellers avoid readings on days that are significant for their church. But from the point of view of religion, fortune telling is initially considered a sinful process. An inexperienced practitioner begins to get acquainted with favorable days intuitively.

A novice fortuneteller should use strong dates in the first stages. For example, the night of Friday the 13th. During practice, the fortuneteller can note his feelings and, keeping a diary of predictions, track their reliability.

You can start guessing not only on Friday the 13th. It is worth paying attention to the days of power. Predictions will be successful on Sunday, Monday and Friday. They are associated with the planets responsible for intuition: Venus and the Moon. Therefore, the interpretations will be perceived much easier, and less time will be needed to set up.

Lucky days according to the lunar calendar

Favorable days for fortune telling they are divided according to the planets ruling over them. Some days will help you get the right answers to questions about your career, others will help you find out the reasons for bad luck in love.

However, this does not apply to traditional Christmas, Maslenitsa and New Year's predictions.

Lunar fortune telling calendar: Lunar day Description Recommended materials
Warnings 1st Unfavorable time for fortune telling
The answers will be confusing 2nd The day is suitable for fortune telling for the near future, no more than 30 days
Wax, bulb, paper 3rd Bad day
It is better to refrain from making predictions so as not to cross out the program of favorable events 4th A good time to find out when your cherished wish will come true. Fortune telling will be true if it implies a short answer - “yes” or “no”
Water, pendulum, coins, ring 5th On this day you can find out answers to questions about love and understand your own experiences.
Mirror 6th
Any fortune telling will be true 7th On this day you can find out answers to questions about relationships with other people. Rice and peas
Unfavorable period for love fortune telling 8th The search will be productive important events from the past that influenced the current situation Playing deck
kart 9th
Unfavorable period 10th You can guess about relationships with your family and future mother-in-law, the future of your children
Needles, buttons, broom 11th Any method of prediction will be true
Fire 12th The best day for predictions. Only the most important issues should be considered. Inaccuracies in wording will confuse the answer.
Books 13th You can get predictions for the near future (2–3 days) Paper and wax
Questions about relationships with other people are irrelevant 14th A day when you can ask questions about your life purpose and spiritual path
crystal ball 15th
The day is suitable for any fortune telling 16th Higher powers will suggest favorable solutions for financial problems
17th On this day you can ask questions about feelings, experiences, and mental health. Fortune telling for the betrothed and marriage are also favorable A day when you can ask questions about your life purpose and spiritual path
18th You can't guess You should pay attention to the signs of fate
19th You can't guess Fortune telling on mirrors is dangerous
20th On this day you can ask questions about interaction with superiors, social life, find out your current position in society Clock, dirt, sand, dice
21st You can get answers to questions about creative life Books, colored tablets
22nd Predictions about material well-being, valuable acquisitions, financial projects, success, fame, popularity Mirrors, assorted bills, salt
23rd Unfavorable day for fortune telling
24th On this day, predictions about new projects and tips about adoption will be accurate. right decisions in the distant future
25th You can ask any questions, but only if absolutely necessary.
26th You can't guess
27th On this day you can receive answers to questions about sea travel, financial flows, time frames Snow, water, milk
28th The best day for any predictions
29th On this day you can ask questions about things and problems that you need to get rid of. Black candles
30's A rare day. Provides an opportunity to find answers to life’s most difficult questions and receive accurate prediction for the distant future Animal bones, complex card layouts

Favorable months

The most popular months for fortune telling are winter, namely the New Year and Christmas fortune telling- from December 25 to January 17.

Although in Rus' fortune telling was considered an unclean matter and characteristic only of witches, at that time even the most ardent skeptics, under the cover of darkness, tried to lift the veil of the future. The period from Christmas Day to the feast of Holy Epiphany is considered the most successful time for fortune telling.

  1. The most truthful days for predictions in January:
  2. 1. From January 3 to January 7.

2. Epiphany night - from the 18th to the 19th. The last day of fortune telling in January is the 18th, before the first rooster. IN Epiphany night you can find out about upcoming events for the year, ask for advice in business and draw up a schedule of events. From January 20th until Maslenitsa week

don't guess.

In December, the girls wondered about their betrothed. The seventh of December is the feast of St. Catherine, the protector of women's destiny. It’s not only in winter that you can get truthful answers to burning questions. In summer there comes a special period - Green Christmastide. This time is from June 5 to July 15. Midsummer Day is considered for fortune telling for love and marriage. Predictions in August give expectant mothers the opportunity to find out the gender of the child they are carrying.

Professional fortune tellers do not adhere to any strict routine in their work, but people who are just beginning to comprehend the laws of the mystical world have many questions. On what days can you guess, and when should you refrain from doing so? It is worth considering that all the rules below are not dogma; rather, they are advisory in nature.

A smart bid for success

Communication with subtle world- a rather labor-intensive process with an unclear result. How do you know if cards or other “means at hand” are ready to make contact and lift the veil over the foggy future? It is known that the right start to any business is half the success. That is why it is better to move from theory to practice on the waxing moon; it is at this time that the stars react favorably to the most unusual experiments and favor those who are looking for their own path.

For ordinary everyday issues (for example, in the “daily” layout on tarot cards or the “card of the day” on playing cards), you can “try your luck” at any time. Is it possible to guess on Monday? Without any doubt - especially if the object of interest is a young man. It is believed that every week has “women’s” and “men’s” days - and Monday belongs to the latter. It is also recommended to play so-called weekly solitaire games on Monday. Ask questions higher powers about the fate of lovely ladies is best on Wednesday or Friday.

Some practitioners give a negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to tell fortunes on Sunday. This prejudice is associated with the peculiarities of the Christian faith - the last day of the week is dedicated to God, this is a time of rest from any work (including magical ones). Also, you should not resort to pagan practices on major church holidays, primarily on Easter.

On the other hand, our ancestors knew for sure that there are several special days in the year when the line between the worlds becomes as thin as possible. At this time, it is much easier to receive reliable answers from higher spheres, ghosts, and spirits. When deciding which days are best for guessing, don’t miss Halloween, the period from Christmas to Epiphany (holy week), the decade before Ivan Kupala.

Congenital magical abilities for most practitioners, they become aggravated during the full moon. Shrouded in a special mystical flair New Year, St. Andrew's Night (December 13), as well as any Friday if it falls on the 13th.

When should you give up trying to know the future?

It’s not so important when you can guess. It is much more important to avoid taboo moments that are not related to the date or day of the week. The most important taboos for a fortuneteller are a state of acute stress, physical illness, alcohol or drug intoxication, and mortal fatigue. It is allowed to start fortune-telling only with a fresh mind, in excellent health and in a cheerful mood. Otherwise, the energy costs incurred may be too heavy a blow from which it will not be easy to recover.

The lunar fortune telling calendar will help you choose the best day for predictions and divination.

All girls love to guess. Some people tell fortunes on holidays, such as Christmas, while others tell fortunes almost every day. Some girls want to find out their future for fun, but many hope for something serious and believe all the predictions.

  • Few people know that to get an accurate answer, you need to predict fate on certain days.
  • Astrologers advise using the lunar calendar for fortune telling, since the Moon is a constant satellite of the Earth. Without the participation of this planet, not a single action on our planet that is associated with the movement of such an element as water can occur. All the elements on our planet are connected with Space, and the Moon is part of it. Therefore, with this white magical planet must be considered.
  • The ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, and even the growth of plants occurs according to the Moon.
  • People follow lunar advice when planning travel, weddings, starting new businesses, conceiving a child, or planting plants. Favorable ones are also selected lunar days for fortune telling.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for 2019: general provisions

  • On the new moon(dark Moon, true information is hidden, information from dark forces can slip through).
  • On dates eclipses of the Moon and Sun.
  • On Sunday.
  • When you are emotionally depressed, unhealthy, just not in a good mood.

Remember: Fortune telling is not fate. You can and should believe in good things and make them part of your destiny. Bad things can be changed through your own personal development.

  • Good days of the week for fortune telling- Friday.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for January 2019

The most active month for fortune telling. Girls tell fortunes for the New Year, Christmastide, Christmas, Epiphany. The answer will be especially true if the fortune telling takes place on a favorable lunar day.

January 2019 —
Lunar day Divination
1st of January 25 — Desc. Moon
January 2 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
January 3 27 — Desc. Moon
4 January 28 — Desc. Moon
5 January 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling is before the new moon (dark moon), complicated solar eclipse. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
6th January 1 - New Moon.
Jan. 7 2 - Growing Moon
January 8 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
January 9 4 - Growing Moon
January 10 5 - Growing Moon
January 11 6 - Growing Moon
January 12 7 - Growing Moon
13th of January 8 - Growing Moon
January 14 9 - Growing Moon
January 15 10 - Growing Moon
January 16 11 - Growing Moon
January 17 12 - Growing Moon
January 18 13 - Growing Moon
January 19 14 - Growing Moon
January 20th 15 - Growing Moon
January 21 16 - Full moon.
Moon eclipse.
In a day lunar eclipse It's better not to guess. All true information is hidden.
January 22 17 — Desc. Moon
January 23 18 — Desc. Moon
January 24 19 — Desc. Moon
The 25th of January 20 — Desc. Moon
January 26 21 — Desc. Moon
January 27 22 — Desc. Moon
28 January 23 — Desc. Moon
January 29 24 — Desc. Moon
January 30 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
January 31 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for February 2019

Lunar fortune telling calendar for February

When it’s cold and cold outside, you really want to get together with your friends at one of their houses and tell fortunes about your betrothed. Choose a good day and tell fortunes in any way that you know.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for February 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
1st of February 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
February 2 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
February 3rd 29 — Desc. Moon
February 4 30 — Desc. Moon A good day for fortune telling, but only using vegetables and fruits.
February 5th 1 - New Moon. They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
February 6 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
February 7 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
February 8 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
February 9th 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
February 10 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess at different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
11 February 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
12th of February 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
February 13 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
The 14th of February 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
February, 15 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
February 16 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell fortunes.
February 17 13 - Growing Moon The day is not kind truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
18th of Febuary 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties, about which it is better not to know, and they can pass by your life.
February 19 15 - Full moon. On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
February 20th 16 — Desc. Moon
February 21 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
February 22 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
February 23 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
24 February 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
25 February 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
February 26 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
February 27 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
28th of February 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for March 2019: best days

Those girls who are looking for a soul mate, with the help of divination, receive answers to specific questions about mutual love. Follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar and cast a spell on your betrothed. But remember that this is just a prediction, and you don’t need to take the results you see on cards or other objects seriously.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for March 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
March 1 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
2nd of March 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
March, 3rd 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
March 4 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
5th of March 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
March, 6 30 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
March 7 1 - Growing Moon
March 8 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
9th of March 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
10th of March 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
11th of March 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
March 12 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
March 13 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
March 14th 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
March 15th 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
March 16 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
March 17 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
18th of March 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
March 19 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
20th of March 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
21 March 15 - Full moon. On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
March 22 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
March 23 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
March 24 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
March 25 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
26 March 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
March 27 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
March 28 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
March 29 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
30th of March 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
March 31 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for April 2019: best days

If the predictions are bad, don't worry. Do everything to fix everything. Direct the situation in the opposite direction, because every person is the master of his own destiny. Always remember this.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for April 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
April 1 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
April 2 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
April 3 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
April, 4 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
5th of April 30 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
April 6 1 - Growing Moon At the beginning lunar cycle don't guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
April 7 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
April 8 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
April 9 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
April 10th 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
11 April 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
12th of April 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
April 13 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
14th of April 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
April 15 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
April 16 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
April 17 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
April 18th 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
April 19 14 – Full Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
20 April 15 — Desc. Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
April 21 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
April 22 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
April 23 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
April 24 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
25th of April 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
26 April 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
April 27 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
April 28 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
April 29 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
April 30 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for May 2019: best days

Every day has a special energy. Therefore, a specific day is chosen for divination when it is allowed to be done according to the lunar calendar. People usually don’t tell fortunes on a new moon, especially for love. This day is included in the column with a ban on fortune telling. Full Moon - good period for predictions, because magical properties The moons are off the charts on this day.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for May 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
1st of May 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
May 2 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
May 3 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
May 4th 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
5 May 1 - New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
the 6th of May 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
May 7 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
May 8 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
9th May 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
May 10 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
May 11 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
12 May 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
may 13 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
May 14 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
May 15 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
16th of May 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
May 17 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
May 18 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
May 19 15 - full moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
May 20 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
May 21st 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
22nd of May 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
May, 23rd 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
May 24 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
May 25 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
26 of May 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
May 27 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
May 28 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
May 29 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
May 30 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
May 31 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for June 2019: best days

Often the result of this action depends on the method and time of prediction. There are fortune tellings that reveal the future only on holidays (New Year, Maslenitsa, Christmas), while others are tied to the lunar calendar. It is important and inner feeling before fortune telling. If you are tuned in to this process, then you can cast a spell.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for June 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
June 1st 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
2 June 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
June 3 30 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
June 4 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
June 5 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
June 6 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
June 7 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
June 8 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
the 9th of June 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
June 10th 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
June 11 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
12 June 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
June 13 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
June 14 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
June 15 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
June 16 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
June 17 14 - full moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
June 18 15 — Desc. Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
June 19 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
June 20 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
21st of June 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
22nd of June 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
June 23 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
June 24 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
June 25 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
June 26 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
27th of June 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
June 28 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
June 29 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
30 June 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for July 2019: best days

If you are telling fortunes about love, choose the right days according to the moon. You also need to light red candles. Fortune telling for money is done with golden candles. The number of candles does not matter. They should provide good illumination of the table on which the cards will be placed, without getting in the way.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for July 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
July 1 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
July 2 29 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
3 July 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
4th of July 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
5'th of July 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
July 6 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
July 7 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
July 8 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
July 9 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
July 10 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
July 11 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
July, 12 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
July 13 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
the 14 th of July 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
July 15 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
July 16 14 - full moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
July 17th 15 — Desc. Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
July 18 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
July 19 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
July 20 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
21 July 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
July 22 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
July 23 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
July 24 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
July 25 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
26 July 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
July 27 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
July 28th 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
July 29 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
July 30 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
July 31 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for August 2019: best days

For fortune telling to come true, you need to lay out the cards on the best day on the Moon. But remember that the lunar calendar does not affect Christmas, Maslenitsa and New Year’s predictions. These rituals are performed on the days indicated by the name.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for August 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
August 1 30 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
August 2 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
August 3rd 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
August 4 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
5th of August 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
August 6 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
August 7 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
8 August 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
August 9 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
10th of August 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
11th August 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
12th of August 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
August 13 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
August 14 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
August 15 14 - full moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
August 16 15 — Desc. Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
August 17 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
August 18 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
August 19 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
August 20 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
August 21 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
August 22 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
August 23 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
24 August 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
25-th of August 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
August, 26th 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
August 27 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
August 28 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
August 29 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
August 30 29 – New Moon
August 31 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for September 2019: best days

Whether or not to take the lunar calendar into account when casting fortunes is a personal matter for each fortuneteller. But many people still listen to the advice of astrologers, and their lives are easier. Plan this activity in advance so you can tune in and attract positive energy.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for September 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
September 1 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
September 2 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
September 3 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
4 September 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
September 5 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
6 September 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
September 7 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
8 September 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
9th of September 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
10 September 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
11 September 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
12-th of September 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
September 13 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
September 14 15 - full moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
September 15th 16 — Desc. Moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
16 of September 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
September 17 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
September 18 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
September 19 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
September 20 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
September 21 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
September 22nd 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
23 September 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
September 24 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
September 25 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
September 26 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
September 27 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
September 28 29 – New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden! The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
September 29 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
September 30th 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for October 2019: best days

Before fortune telling, it is good to create a suitable environment in the room. This is necessary if you do not guess often. A calm environment, candles, dim lighting and a good mood - this is what you need to carry out the process.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for October 2019 - best days:

Lunar day Divination
October 1 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
2 October 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
October 3 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
The 4th of October 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
October 5 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
October 6 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
October 7th 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
October 8 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
October 9 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
October 10 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
October 11 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
October 12 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
October 13 15 - Growing Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
October 14 16th full moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
October 15 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
October 16 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
17 October 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
October 18 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
October 19 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
The 20th of October 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
October 21 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
22 of October 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
October 23 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
October 24 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
the 25th of October 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
October 26 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
27th October 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
28 of October 1 - New Moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
29th of October 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
October 30 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
October 31 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for November 2019: best days

When reading cards, ask only about plans for the next month. If you guess for a longer period, the prophecies may turn out to be false. It’s better to create the necessary environment again after a while and tell your fortune. Do not perform magical acts in church holidays and Sundays, so as not to cause trouble.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for November 2019 - best days: table

Lunar day Divination
Nov. 1 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
November 2 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
the 3rd of November 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
November 4 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
November 5 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
November 6 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
November 7 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
November 8 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
November 9 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
10th of November 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
11th of November 15 - Growing Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
November 12 16 - full moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
the 13th of November 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
November 14 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
15th of November 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
November 16 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
November 17 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
November 18th 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
November 19 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
20 November 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
November 21 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
November 22 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
November 23 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
November 24 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
November 25 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
November 26 30 - new moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
November 27 1 - Growing Moon At the very beginning of the lunar cycle, one does not guess. Unfavorable day for fortune telling. The time of the dark moon is still in effect, which obscures true information. On this day you can prepare for future fortune-telling, think through questions, a topic, and dream about a happy future.
November 28 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
29th of November 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
November 30th 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for December 2019: best days

The best day for predictions is Friday the 13th. If this day coincides with a day of the lunar calendar, when you can guess, then you are triple lucky. Many fortune tellers claim that the safest day to receive predictions is a person’s birthday.

Lunar fortune telling calendar for December 2019 - best days: table

Lunar day Divination
December 1 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
December 2nd 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.
December 3 7 - Growing Moon A great day, but fortune telling about relationships will be especially true.
December 4 8 - Growing Moon Neutral day. There is no guarantee that the result will be true.
5th of December 9 - Growing Moon Not a good day for fortune telling. There may be inaccurate negative results.
December 6 10 - Growing Moon A good day for fortune telling, but regarding the interests of the family. The whole family can guess about future acquisitions.
December 7 11 - Growing Moon It is better to tell fortunes on this day using candles so that there is fire. You will receive answers to a variety of questions.
December 8 12 - Growing Moon The day is not very conducive to fortune telling. However, if there is an urgent specific question, you can make an exception and tell your fortune.
9th December 13 - Growing Moon The day does not favor truthful fortune telling. It is better to refrain from fortune telling.
December 10 14 - Growing Moon Fortune telling on this day can predict life difficulties that are better not to know about, and they can pass by your life.
December 11th 15 - Growing Moon On this day you can tell fortunes using runes and cards by asking various questions that concern you.
12 December 16 - full moon An excellent day for fortune telling about your betrothed, career, money.
December 13th 17 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes about love if you are sure that there is a reciprocal feeling or are looking for a reciprocal feeling. The day is favorable for fortune telling related to mutual love. This day is not suitable for fortune telling on other topics.
December 14 18 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes, except for fortune telling on water, mirrors, crystals or other reflective surfaces.
December 15 19 — Desc. Moon Forbidden, unfavorable day for fortune telling.
December 16 20 — Desc. Moon You can guess about the short-term future related to work and co-workers.
December 17 21 — Desc. Moon You can guess, in addition to fortune telling about money, finances. You can push them away.
December 18 22 — Desc. Moon A great day for fortune telling for money, wealth, luck.
December 19th 23 — Desc. Moon Not a good day for fortune telling.
20th of December 24 — Desc. Moon Fortune telling by candlelight, with the help of candles (fire must be involved) for very serious, major events (building a house, buying a car, position) will be successful.
21 December 25 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes on water, stones or shells. You will get a true result.
December 22 26 — Desc. Moon There is no guessing on this day.
December 23 27 — Desc. Moon You can tell fortunes using water or milk, asking a variety of questions.
December 24 28 — Desc. Moon You can guess if the fortune telling is related to the trip.
December 25 29 — Desc. Moon The most inappropriate day for fortune telling. Fortune telling will mislead and lead to trouble.
December 26 1 - new moon They don't guess. Absolutely forbidden!
27th of December 2 - Growing Moon You can guess, but for the near future, about a month in advance.
December 28th 3 - Growing Moon There is no guessing on this day.
December 29th 4 - Growing Moon You can guess at the present time by asking questions in such a way as to get either “Yes” or “No” in response.
December 30th 5 - Growing Moon You can guess if fortune telling is related to the distant future.
31th of December 6 - Growing Moon A great day for fortune telling. You can guess on different topics. The answers will be truthful, because... On this day, clairvoyance abilities increase.

Every person should know the peculiarities of the influence of the Moon. This will help him guess good days, as well as successfully perform other actions: planting plants in the garden, giving birth to children, doing haircuts, cutting nails, fishing. The lunar calendar is a real helper for all people.

Video: When will I get married - ancient fortune telling

Christmastide is a two-week marathon of holidays. There are many ancient beliefs and magical rituals, which are best done at this time. Magic rituals begin on the first day and continue until the 21st. What periods of fortune telling in January are considered the most favorable?

Holiday fortune telling

Once upon a time, two-week holidays were divided into two parts: the first week was called “sacred”, but the second week was called “creepy”. People of different ages in the second week of Christmastide they cast a spell, because it was believed that it was easier to find out your fate.

In January, women and girls most often make fortunes about their betrothed, as well as about material wealth. Usually fortune tellers performed rituals late in the evening or at night, after 12 o'clock.

Types of Christmas fortune telling:

  1. Off-road fortune telling.
  2. Mirror and moon.
  3. Three mirrors.
  4. Ritual in the kitchen.
  5. Match fortune telling.
  6. Fortune telling with threads.
  7. Prediction of financial condition.
  8. Cat's paw.
  9. Ritual with cards.
  10. Wax divination.

Preparation for the ceremony

Objects with magical meaning became materials for rituals. For example:

  • belt;
  • ring;
  • brooch;
  • mirror, etc.

Before starting to cast a spell, the girl had to:

  1. Choose a place for the ritual and time. Usually this is done in some kind of cellar, basement, attic, or simply in an abandoned house.
  2. It was necessary to remove all amulets and crosses, be sure to untie all the knots, and remove the belt.
  3. Hair should not be braided; sometimes it was necessary to completely undress and even take off shoes.
  4. On the way to the place of fortune telling, you need to be silent and walk quietly, without attracting attention.

In order to protect themselves from the black power around them, fortune tellers drew a circle, usually it was drawn with a candle or a knife, and if the girl was telling fortunes not alone, but with her friends, then they stood in a circle and held each other’s little fingers.

When do they usually guess?

They begin to guess on December 8, but December 31 is the most favorable day this month for performing rituals. January rituals:

  • 6th January
  • January 8
  • January 10
  • 13th of January
  • January 15.

These dates are considered the most suitable, but if someone did not have time to look into the future, then this is not a problem. It is allowed to cast a spell after January 19 and until January 21 inclusive.

Fortune telling at the crossroads

At midnight, go off-road and listen: if you hear laughter and singing songs from afar, then this is a symbol that marriage is just around the corner.

If a girl heard someone crying or quarreling, then it is unlikely that she will get married in the near future. They say that there, at the intersection of two streets, you can listen to otherworldly voices and hear your destiny.

Mirror and moon

On one of the holiday nights, when the moon is visible in the sky, you need to take a mirror and approach the window so that the reflection of the moon can be seen in it.

You need to look closely and after 2 minutes you will see celestial bodies. They need to be counted - this is how women tried to predict what kind of family they would have - large or small.

Three smooth surfaces

You can guess in January not just about fate, but specifically about the betrothed, the groom.

To perform this ritual, you need to have with you:

  • three mirrors of the same size;
  • a couple of large candles.

Fortune telling begins after midnight, but before that you need to remember about the circle of protection, which is usually drawn with candles or chalk.

Then you need to place two mirrors opposite each other, place and light candles in front of them, and place the third mirror behind them.

The girl should see in the reflection, which stands on the sides, the third distant mirror - it is there that the figure of the betrothed should appear.

It is forbidden to turn around and look at the figure in the reflection for a long time, but if the figure in the mirror is too frightening, immediately say: “Chur, Chur, Chur me Chur!” and complete the ritual. Don't forget to put out the candles.

Fortune telling in the kitchen

All that is required to perform this ritual:

  • cutting board;
  • pieces of paper with “yes” and “no” written on them.

Leaves with inscriptions are laid out on the sides of the board on which the knife lies. Next you need to rotate the blade. In the process, pose a question in your mind and wait for the blade to stop, pointing to the desired piece of paper. Which piece of paper the sharp end points to will be the answer to the question asked.


Before the ritual begins, you need to make a wish for a couple (a guy and a girl) that the girl is going to guess.

Take a matchbox, place 2 matches on the sides of the box and light it. If two match heads, having burned out, turned towards each other, this is a symbol that the guy and the girl will definitely be together.

With threads

2 girls take 2 strings and set them on fire. The one whose thread burns out faster will become married faster.

If the thread goes out immediately or only a small part of it burns out, then marriage will not be seen this year.

Luxury or poverty

To perform this ritual you will need a torch (a thin wooden stick).

The sliver needs to be lit and thrown into the water; if the fire goes out, then such a sign will symbolize poverty, but if the fire continues to spread along the stick, then life will be prosperous and prosperous.

Cat's paw

Make any wish, then call the cat: if the animal crosses the threshold of the room with its left paw, then the wish will definitely come true, but if a cat or cat, entering the room, crosses the threshold with its right paw, no.

Dream about a king

Place 4 Kings under the pillow from right to left and say three times over each card:

“My betrothed, dream about me.”

The guy the fortune teller is destined to meet will definitely appear in a dream. Usually the betrothed comes in the form of a king, on his head royal crown and a regular robe. Fortune telling is carried out from January 11 to January 23.

Predict fate with cards

To perform the ritual, you only need a deck of 36 cards: shuffle it, then choose a queen and a king (the suit does not matter).

Arrange the cards in 4 rows of 9. Those lying next to the king or queen are a description of fate.

Suit designation

  • loyalty;
  • understanding;
  • Love;
  • luck;
  • financial wealth;
  • justice.
  • wealth;
  • well-being;
  • happiness;
  • good people nearby;
  • support.
  • scandals;
  • quarreling;
  • divorce;
  • poverty;
  • weak immunity;
  • failures.
  • family happiness:
  • harmony;
  • pay attention to your health status;
  • addition to the family is possible.


This ritual is carried out in the periods from the 1st to the 5th, and from the 10th to the 14th.

You will need 2 candles. Light one, crush the second into small pieces. Place them in a spoon and bring them to a burning candle. When the wax melts, it is poured into cold water.

By the light of the second candle they look at the resulting figure from this wax. By the figure that appears, one can judge the near future. Rely on the associations that arise when viewing the image.

Three-strand fortune telling

To carry out this fortune telling ritual in January you will need three threads, they must be of different colors:

  • black;
  • yellow;
  • green.

After purchasing the threads, they need to be threaded through the eye of a needle, and then pinned to any clothing on the back so that it is convenient to get them; the girl should feel that they are there, but not see.

  • black thread - it’s worth thinking about work, income;
  • green - this year the girl will have a family life;
  • yellow is a sign that marriage is not in sight this year.

DIVINATION BY NEEDLES // Christmas fortune telling // Yuletide fortune telling

CALLING THE BROAD FOR DINNER // Christmas fortune-telling // Yuletide fortune-telling


Fortune telling in January is a serious thing; before performing the ritual, you should carefully read all the rules.

It is very important to choose right time and place, it is better to guess during the periods from January 6 to January 19, so the result will be more accurate and truthful.