The meaning of figures based on the shadow of the paper. Special fortune telling by shadows and their meanings

Fortune telling on burning or burnt paper is a rather interesting and colorful way of fortune telling. Fire is a special force, subject only to nature, that can tell you about the future, about love and your desires.

We have already looked at several methods previously, such as or. In this article we will take a closer look at burning paper, which has a special energy that it takes from the fire.

Simple fortune telling on burning paper

As always, let's start with simple fortune telling. Take a piece of paper and a match. Mentally make a wish or ask a question, then write it on a piece of paper. Take the leaf by the tip from below so that the leaf stands vertically and set it on fire from above using matches. If the paper burns to the end, then the wish will come true, and the answer to your question will be YES. Otherwise, it will not come true and NO.

Fortune telling by burning paper shadow

For the next method we will need a dark room and your imagination. The preparations remain the same, take a piece of paper and matches. Secure the piece of paper between your fingers at the bottom corner and place it vertically. Light the top corner. Burnt paper will cast a shadow. Watch for shadow marks on the wall. You will see different images, people, animals, objects, faces. All this will happen on the way to your desire. For such fortune telling, you will need not only imagination, but also the ability to interpret these images. In this case, it all depends on the situation; the surest way is to remember the sequence of images or record it on a voice recorder, and then, in a calm atmosphere, determine the connection between the images and the situation.

Shadow from a candle, burning and burnt paper

The method is similar to the previous one, but we will put a piece of paper in a saucer and set it on fire there. Light a candle from the burning paper and place it next to the saucer. The shadow of the paper flame will be more distinct and the images more accurate. After the leaf goes out, you will be left with a piece burnt paper, which will give a shadow in the light from the candle flame. The new distinct shadow has highest value. You will be able to see the face of a person, an animal, mythical images. By comparing your situation and the images from the shadow, you can find out what awaits you on the way to your goal, what interferes, what helps. To interpret, you need to be imaginative and wise, with knowledge of the current situation and your desire. Negative images such as the devil, snake, teeth speak of problems and future experiences. Images of people - support on the way to the goal, images of pets - comfort, protection, help from relatives. Home, wind - travel.

Difficult fortune telling by burning paper

In this way fortune telling by burning paper you will need matches and 13 identical pieces of paper. Write on each one of the options for completing the events, put them in a glass with water at the bottom. The first one that pops up will give the correct answer. After reading the answer, you must burn all 13 pieces of paper. It is important that the sheets are completely identical.

New Year's wish

And finally, the most known method make wishes using burning paper. Almost every one of us makes wishes on New Year we hope that they will come true. We will need a glass of champagne, a piece of paper, matches and a pen, and the New Year's chimes. Make a wish in advance. At the moment of the first blow, start writing your wish, at this time champagne should be poured for you (if it has not already been poured). Burn the paper with a match and throw the ashes from the burnt paper into a glass. After which you need to drink the glass in one gulp and have time to do this before the 12th strike!

Fortune telling using paper shadows is one of the easiest and most popular. It can be carried out either alone or with a friendly company. They tell fortunes by shadow during Christmas time - from January 7 to January 19. This is the time that is considered the best for making predictions. You can't guess at Christmas. Shadow divination refers to midnight rituals when dark forces violate the invisible border of two worlds. Thanks to this, you can predict your future with great accuracy.

Fortune telling rules


  • blank sheet of paper;
  • candle;
  • fireproof saucer or plate.


  1. 1. First of all, you should turn off the light and light a candle.
  2. 2. You need to crumple the sheet properly, put it on a plate and set the paper on fire.
  3. 3. You can’t guess by a burning silhouette. You need to burn the paper until a black, crumpled lump remains.
  4. 4. Next, you need to bring it to the candle and carefully examine the shadow formed on the wall. The prediction for the fortuneteller depends on the correct deciphering of the image that appears from the burning of paper.

What does shadow mean?

The interpretation of the image arising from the shadow of burnt paper is subjective; for example, one person may think that the shadow looks like a flower, another - like the sun. Therefore, the meaning is determined by whoever set it on fire. He also gives the decoding of certain symbols.

If the fortuneteller cannot see anything, he should spin the plate and look from different sides.

Figure, human face

To see the shadow of an old man or woman in an image in the wall - a fortuneteller will have to make a difficult decision in the near future, but it will be the right one. To see a child - to good news. If the baby is an infant and is guessing unmarried girl, soon a positive change in fate awaits her - a wedding and the birth of her first child.

If stranger holding in his hands an object similar to a weapon (knife, pistol), the fortuneteller expects unpleasant events associated with the loss of reputation. The figure on the wall holds a crown, a book, or another object - the near future depends on a chain of accidents that are not subject to the will of the fortuneteller.

Seeing a familiar profile - the fate of the fortuneteller in the coming months will depend on this person. An unfamiliar face or figure on the wall prophesies new interesting acquaintances. Seeing a couple in the shadows: a man and a woman is a bright sign. A real gift of fortune awaits the fortuneteller.


If a wolf appears in the image - an enemy in the immediate environment. A dog is a symbol of friendship, loyalty, and help in business. If a fortuneteller sees a cat in the ashes of paper, one should be wary of women's gossip.

The image of a crocodile in burnt paper means endangering your health. We need to eliminate risky behavior, become more cautious and smarter. The hippopotamus symbolizes a sedentary lifestyle and stagnation in business.

Seeing the figure of a bear means that business is stagnating; you need to not rush things. Elephant - to big troubles that can ruin the plans of the fortuneteller. Pisces - the course of life will be smooth and will not bring trouble.

A fantastic animal (unicorn, dragon) soon promises colorful and vibrant events that will change your worldview.


The designation of a forest speaks of the difficulties that await the questioner.

Appearing on the wall sea ​​waves signals exciting situations that can fray your nerves.

Mountains represent difficulties that will be encountered in the near future.

and fortune telling with wax refers not only to the most simple types fortune telling, but also the most effective.

Before the start of the session, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere in the room, arrange wax candles, turn off the light and start the fortune telling itself. Do not forget also that it must be carried out at a certain time after midnight.
There are several ways to tell fortunes on paper.

Classic fortune telling on paper

You will need the following things for the session:

  • wax candles;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • saucer.

Crumple up a piece of paper and place it on a saucer, then light the paper with a candle. Take the saucer in your hands and hold it next to the wall, so that you get a clear shadow.

Turn the burning paper a little and follow the shadow that has formed on the wall. She will tell you about what will happen in the near future. This kind of fortune telling on paper is very difficult; you need to have the skills to interpret the symbols and figures that eventually appeared on the wall. Sometimes the figure does not work out at all, in which case the saucer needs to be rotated until a clear shadow appears that looks like a specific figure.
During such fortune telling, you may end up with a variety of symbols and figures, but they are all divided into basic ones.

Fortune telling meanings on paper

Animals are a sign that some person can do a dirty trick on you at the most inopportune moment, that is, plant a pig.

Human is a symbol of the appearance of a husband, admirer or just a good friend in your life.

flower shadow is a sign of a romantic, very unusual adventure, flirtation, marriage proposal or even wedding.

Stripes they say that you will have some kind of important trip: a pleasant trip, a business trip or a serious move.

Cross is a sign of minor intrigues, troubles or even health problems.

Fortune telling on paper

This is fortune telling for love. Write the name of the person you really love on a blank piece of paper, place the sheet on a saucer and light it with a candle. If the leaf burns completely, the dreams associated with this person will not come true. But if the paper does not burn out completely, your wish will come true.

Fortune telling with paper and pen (with numbers)

This fortune telling on paper is performed using calculations. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Write your own question that could be answered “yes” or “no.” Now count up total quantity letters in the question. The value corresponding to the final figure will be the answer to your question.
You should get a single-digit number, but if you get a two-digit number, add these two numbers, add the total numbers until you get a single-digit number. Here's an example: you wrote a question that consists of 32 letters, that is, you got the number 32 - it is two-digit. Now you need to add both numbers 3+2 =5. Now let's see what the answer to the question should be.
1 – everything is already clear and known to you.
2 – the answer is positive.
3 – the answer is negative.
4 – the answer is yes, but you cannot avoid problems.
5 – most likely.
6 – unlikely.
7 – maybe.
8 – maybe “yes”, but more likely “no”.
9 – there is the smallest probability.

Fortune telling on paper for a wish

For this fortune telling you will need small pieces of paper of the same size– 13 pieces. On all these pieces of paper you should write the questions that concern you. After this, carefully place them in a deep bowl, being careful not to bend or crush them. Pour water into a bowl with paper and pay attention to which piece of paper floats up first. The answer to the question written on this piece of paper will be positive, and the solution to this question will happen soon. If you make a wish, it will soon come true.

Many people fell in love with fortune telling on burnt paper, fortune telling with a man's name, etc. They do not require special skills, are easy to perform and show interesting results. These fortune telling can be used by both young girls and adult women. The most mysterious and creative, perhaps, is fortune telling on burnt paper. This method requires a good imagination, since the fate of the fortuneteller is revealed by the shadows left by the paper on the wall. It is recommended to perform it at midnight during Christmastide (7.01 - 19.01). You will need: thin paper (such as newspaper), matches, a glass of water, a plate and a candle. Having given it a round shape, place the lump on a plate. Now light the candle wick from a match and start setting the paper on fire from different sides. When it burns well, but at the same time leaves its shape, that is, it has not yet turned into ash, you need to extinguish the paper. You cannot blow on it or extinguish it with any other harsh influence, as this can damage the resulting image. Dip your fingers in water and, spraying drops from them, gradually extinguish the paper. Now turn off the light, bring the plate to the wall, keep the candle near you. Start deciphering the shadow cast by the burnt paper. In order to understand what fate prophesies for you in the form of shadows looming on the wall, you need to peer into every detail. It’s good if you don’t do fortune telling on burnt paper alone, then it will be easier to see all the interesting images.

Write down everything you saw so that you can decipher the pictures later in a calm atmosphere. Ordinary dream books will help you understand the meaning of each image. For example, if a young girl, while performing fortune-telling on burnt paper, saw the figure of a bear in the shadows, it means that a admirer will soon appear in her circle. Or, if she clearly sees a man's shadow, she will soon meet her love. Flower means imminent marriage. The cross is a big trouble, which may also affect loved ones.

The interpretation of fortune telling on burnt paper is quite simple, so you don’t need to be intimidated by the long list that eventually appears. Try to connect the predictions with each other, and you will have a complete picture of the near future.

There are other fortune telling for girls on paper. For example, fortune telling male names. It is done before bedtime. Take several small pieces of paper of the same size and a pen. Write the man's name on each one. Place the leaves under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, put your hand under your pillow and take out the first piece of paper you come across. The name written on it will be your betrothed.

Another one requires some culinary ability. Take several small pieces of paper and write men's names on them. Now prepare the dough from water and flour. Cut the dough into small pieces. Take each piece of dough and add a piece of paper with a name on it as a filling. You will get some kind of dumplings. Now cook them, watch the one that comes up first. As soon as one of the dumplings rises to the surface, immediately catch it with a spoon and cool. Open the dumpling - the name written in it will be your betrothed.

Popular Take two sheets of paper of the same size and fold them into squares. Cross out one square with a pen. Now make a guess on which one of them the wish will come true and on which one it won’t. Throw both squares out of the window at the same time and watch which one falls first. If the square is “yes”, then the wish will come true, and if the square is “no”, then the plan will not yet come true. Choose any method of fortune telling you like and confidently find out your future.

According to many sorcerers, in the light a person is not able to perceive the world around us. Light blinds the personality. In the darkness, when shadows appear, everything takes on its true form. Thanks to this knowledge, people determine the meaning of figures in shadow divination.

Fortune telling on paper

If you want to know about your future, you need to do fortune telling on a paper shadow. To do this, prepare a sheet of paper, a church candle and metal dishes that will not catch fire from the fire. Fortune telling activities are carried out in complete darkness when night falls. If it is not possible to perform the ritual at night, you can do everything during the day. To do this, you need to create conditions as close to darkness as possible:

  • close all windows with curtains so that daylight does not leak into the room;
  • reduce the risk of drafts (close windows and doors);
  • turn off all electrical appliances that may create light in the room;
  • get rid of framed photographs for a few hours, because... they can refract light;
  • mirrors should be covered with thick cloth.

Before performing the ritual, clearly formulate what you are interested in and what you want answered. Questions can relate to any area of ​​your life (work, love relationship, mutual understanding in the family or financial independence).

Fortune telling using shadows from paper is carried out near a white wall. If you don't have one in your home, you can hang a white sheet or tablecloth. Place paper in a bowl and set it on fire. Place the candle so that the light reflects on the wall. Different figures will begin to appear, which you need to interpret correctly.

As the shadow pictures change, it shows how your life is changing in chronological order. The interpretation of the figures should be based on the already studied meanings of fortune telling by shadow on paper. You should listen to your own intuition, because it can give a more accurate result.

Interpretation of images

Interpreting fortune telling on paper is a difficult practice. Each person reveals completely different figures. This may be due to the formulation of the question or his developed imagination.

Fortune telling is a practice during which the most frequently encountered images appeared. They can appear in the form of natural elements, animals, and even images of humans.

Human face drawings

If you see a drawing of a witch in the shadow of the burnt paper, it means that there is an ill-wisher in your life who is an older member of the family. This is an elderly woman who is directly connected with the magical world. Thanks to her abilities, she will not allow you to find happiness.

If a horseman appears in front of you, it means that your endeavors will end in success. The groom appeared in the shadow of the burnt paper - expect a quick marriage proposal.

If you dreamed of a crowd, the interpretation indicates pressure from the public. You should pay as little attention as possible to what others say.

If the face of a familiar person appears in fortune telling by shadows, he will help you in solving a difficult problem.

The meaning of the baby figure is ambiguous. It can indicate both the beginning of a new business and imminent pregnancy.

The symbol of a man is a new acquaintance that will have a positive impact on your life. If you see a person's profile, it means you have a secret admirer who is ready to do everything for you. dirty work. It’s just that because of the negative circumstances in your life, he’s not ready to show up.

Natural elements

In fortune telling by shadows, images of nature often appear, which are no less important.

  1. Seeing mountains means encountering unforeseen obstacles.
  2. The tree symbol indicates quick solution problems or career growth.
  3. The image of a star is the presence of a patron. Means, higher powers on your side.
  4. If a forest appears, you are closing yourself off from problems. To answer your question, you have to look troubles in the face.
  5. The flower speaks of future good news.
  6. The pit symbol represents financial troubles and health problems.

Pictures of the animal world

Animals appear in paper shadow divination very often.

  1. If you get a butterfly, your love is mutual.
  2. The appearance of the hippopotamus symbol indicates that you do not agree with the changes that life sends you. Better accept the situation.
  3. The squirrel is a symbol of a sane person. She talks about what you are doing right when you save money and take care of your financial situation.
  4. Ox - there is an ill-wisher in your life who will not let you achieve your goal.
  5. A camel is a sign that you are ready for future troubles.
  6. The sign of the wolf indicates that soon a pleasant acquaintance will happen in your life, which will radically change your life for the better.
  7. The dove is always considered a symbol of peace. This fortune telling is no exception. He indicates that all troubles will end quickly and painlessly.
  8. The dragon's shadow is an indicator that you are unable to change the troubles that are happening.
  9. Hare figure - you want to close yourself off from troubles and are not ready to solve them.
  10. If you see a snake, it’s time to prepare for the appearance of an ill-wisher who will disrupt all your plans.
  11. Chicken is a sign that you take good care of yourself, but Boar is a symbol of fast career growth and improving financial situation.
  12. A horse is a sign that it’s time for you to rest a little and take on less work.
  13. The crocodile indicates that close person will hit you in the back.
  14. If you saw a swan, it means that there are faithful people in your life who you can always rely on.
  15. Leo indicates decisiveness in one's actions. The horse is a symbol everyday problems which we will soon have to face.
  16. If you see a monkey, it means that a quick acquaintance will bring you financial profit.
  17. The dog is a sign that you will soon have true friend, which will help solve all the troubles that arise.
  18. The snail's reflection is an indicator that you are procrastinating with your decisions and it's time to make your final choice.
  19. The figure of a duck indicates that you will soon have the opportunity to win the lottery, but the turtle indicates that there will be a pause in work and there will be time for a long-awaited rest.

Construction monuments

If you see a tower symbol in the shadow of the paper, it means that you will be promoted soon. If you see a house, everything will be fine in your family. The well suggests that it is time to look fear in the eye.

When ruins appear in the shadows, you should be wary. This means that troubles are expected in your life; it will be destroyed if the cause of the troubles is not determined. The sign of the church is interpreted differently - a wedding or a burial. It all depends on your question and intuition.

Household items

If you see a shoe reflected on the wall, it means you have successfully completed all the instructions and will receive a reward for this. The bottle symbol indicates that a feast is expected soon or you will suffer from alcoholism. When you see scales, you need to weigh all your decisions and not make hasty conclusions.

The figure of a stroller indicates an imminent pregnancy or addition to the family. The crown is a symbol of success. It indicates that others admire you. The cross that appears is a symbol of imminent death or serious illness. A candle appears in the reflection, which means you are destined to get married soon. Any type of transport indicates a quick trip. Weapons are an indicator of what you are unable to find common language with others. This will be the cause of your troubles.


Telling fortunes on paper and analyzing the reflections of shadows on the wall is an ancient practice. Nowadays, rarely anyone resorts to this method of fortune telling, but such actions quickly and accurately answer all your questions. This allows you to instantly analyze your life and find the right solution in the current situation.