The omen's bathhouse burned down. Signs about the bathhouse

First of all, when choosing a material for building a bathhouse, you must remember that the bathhouse will maintain a high temperature for a certain time at high humidity. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to use pine for the construction of baths, since it is a coniferous tree with a loose structure. There is a lot of resin between its fibers, which actively releases out when heated. In addition to the danger of simply getting dirty on the resin walls, you can also get a serious burn, especially if the pine slats or beams are on the ceiling: a hot drop of resin falling from the ceiling of the bathhouse threatens defeat skin and thermal burn.

In addition, pine is afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Absorbing water and drying out, it quickly cracks; within a couple of months after construction, the structure can become completely unusable. Gaps and cracks form in the log house, which lead to steam leakage and the penetration of cold air from the street into the bathhouse.

Glued laminated timber

Pine that is unsuitable for baths can be replaced. First of all, it is recommended to use laminated veneer lumber. This material significantly reduces the installation time of the structure, and it does not require shrinkage after assembly.

Glued laminated timber has remarkable heat-saving characteristics due to its structure; in addition, it can accumulate generated heat. The timber is not subject to rotting, as a result of which it is the optimal material for building a bathhouse. The only disadvantage of this material is its cost, but is it really worth saving on this if you want to build a durable and high-quality bathhouse?


Another alternative option- this is the construction of a bathhouse from deciduous wood and dense coniferous wood. These rocks do not release resin when heated. Larch, birch or oak are best. These types of wood are dense and retain heat well. Also, these breeds are resistant to temperature fluctuations and high humidity that you will have in your bathhouse.

Log or timber

Bathhouses made of timber are considered a new invention, which was borrowed from European builders (who, by the way, used timber only in the construction of utility structures); in Rus', bathhouses were built only from logs. The logs literally breathe; the natural inflow and outflow of air provides the necessary ventilation in the soap barn.

The logs used were aspen or linden. There was an opinion that aspen heals, and linden invigorates, so in large families The eldest son installed an aspen bathhouse, and the youngest son installed a linden one. The family washed in each of the baths in turn.

Since ancient times, the bathhouse in Rus' was considered a mysterious place, surrounded by a mass of signs and superstitions.

The steam room was both a clean and unclean room. Pure - because it was intended to cleanse the spirit and body: visiting it was a mandatory event before starting any significant undertaking.

On the other hand, the bathhouse was considered a kind of bridge between two worlds: the living and the otherworldly. Icons were never brought here and prayers were never read. Our ancestors believed that a mysterious creature lived in the bathhouse - Bannik, who at night received guests - forest evil spirits. That is why they never went to the steam room to wash after midnight. But even during the day, special rules were observed in the bathhouse: it was not customary here to make noise, raise your voice, or swear, since this was not to Bannik’s liking.

In general, it was believed that the owner of the bathhouse had a capricious character and did not favor people too much. He lives under the canopy or behind the heater, often moaning, howling and laughing. If you offend him, he can be doused with boiling water or even steamed to death.

Bannik is an invisible creature and is rarely shown to people. Seeing his physical appearance is unlucky. Hairy, menacing, with iron nails and long hair– he is capable of frightening only with his appearance.

It’s better not to anger Bannik, not to go to the bathhouse alone, and, after washing, be sure to thank the Owner for the “good steam.”

Under no circumstances should a house be built on the site where the bathhouse once stood. It was believed that this would threaten various misfortunes: bedbugs and mice would torment them, and the worst thing was that old Bannik would destroy all the livestock, yearning for his former housing. Such restless Banniks were considered very dangerous, since they could turn into a werewolf and appear in the form of an animal (dog, cat, hare) or a person (an acquaintance or a simple passerby). In this case, it was necessary to use ingenuity. Most werewolves gave themselves away by the strange shine of their eyes, too long nails or in some other way. If a person did not have time to recognize the werewolf, and he was able to lure him into the bathhouse, then he had to escape only by walking backwards, otherwise the door might simply not open.

Bathhouse and days of the week

According to our ancestors, not every day of the week is suitable for visiting a steam room. For example, on Monday and Wednesday, women should not wash their hair - “the hair will spoil” or “happiness will pass by.”

Tuesday was a good day. But the most suitable days for going to the bathhouse were Saturday and Thursday.

Bathhouse and women

The bathhouse was considered a dangerous place for women. Rarely did any of the girls dare to enter the steam room alone. The only exceptions were witches and fortune tellers. By the way, the ancient Russians believed that not only Bannik lived in the bathhouse, but also a representative of the fair sex - Obderiha. Of course, she doesn’t have a sugary character either, but you can appease her with a simple kind word.

Bath signs

There were a number of other signs and rituals that our ancestors tried to adhere to:

  • We never entered the bathhouse more than 3 times. It was believed that the fourth belonged to forest evil spirits. In some regions, the “third couple” belonging to Bannik personally was also considered dangerous. Having finished the bath procedures, people tried to leave a bunch of water, a broom and a piece of soap for the Master;
  • When building a bathhouse, a black chicken was buried under the shelf or threshold;
  • On the first visit to the new steam room, they took bread and salt with them, which, after washing, they left on the shelf in gratitude to Bannik;
  • Hearing extraneous sounds, howling and stomping in the bathhouse is a sign of trouble;
  • A dream in which you see yourself in a dirty, cold steam room foreshadows illness, and sometimes death. Conversely, a heated bathhouse with clean water dreams of positive changes.

Ancient Slavic rituals

The bathhouse played an important ritual role. It was heated for deceased ancestors, who were “invited” to take a steam bath before significant holidays.

It was mandatory to visit the bathhouse before and after the wedding. The births took place here. In addition, immediately after the birth of a child, a woman was not allowed to leave the bathhouse for several days. Our ancestors considered women in labor to be “unclean,” although modern doctors explain this tradition by the fact that the disinfecting properties of the air in the bathhouse are not inferior to the characteristics of our operating rooms.

There were special ritual days obligatory for visiting the bathhouse - after Maslenitsa, on Maundy Thursday and to Agrafena Bathing Suit. On the eve of Ivan Kupala, various herbs were collected and used to make brooms. It was believed that every plant harvested on this day conveys its strength and positive qualities to a person.

The bathhouse was an ideal place for casting various spells and love spells. It was believed that if the newlyweds steamed with a broom, which was collected from the branches of seven willows bending over the water, then they would live long life in love and harmony.

There were even special healer baths of two types: the first - to support life and health, the second - against disease and death.

Since ancient times, people believed in signs about the bathhouse and tried to follow certain rules.

The bathhouse in Rus' was a special place. It was believed that the bathhouse is an unclean place in all respects: evil spirits live in it, people wash away all their sins and dirt in it. Therefore, a lot of beliefs and superstitions about the bathhouse are associated with it.

Signs when building a bathhouse

When building a bathhouse in the old days, certain rules were followed in order to appease the evil spirit that lived in the bathhouse:

      • a black chicken had to be buried under the threshold
      • When firing the stove for the first time, throw in a pinch of salt
      • After the first steam room, the bannik must be left with bread and salt so that in the future he can live in peace with him

Nothing can be built on the site of a burnt bathhouse.

Since the bathhouse burned down, it means the evil spirits wanted it that way. It is impossible to build a new bathhouse, much less a house, on this site. There will definitely be a new fire, God forbid, with casualties. Only in extreme cases, when there was a hopeless situation, there was no other place or for some other reason, a decision was made to build a bathhouse anew. Then a ritual was necessarily carried out to cleanse the place of evil spirits, and protection from fire was installed.

The bathhouse should be built in the backyard, away from the house

Perhaps people were afraid of evil spirits because they went into the bathhouse to wash without a cross, defenseless.

In addition, the bathhouse is a place for washing away dirt, sins, diseases, where “unclean” women gave birth to children, so it must be isolated from housing.

Previously, people went to bed at sunset. This was how it was supposed to be, because in the dark the life of other creatures began. And so as not to interfere with them when running out at night to relieve themselves, bathhouses were built in the backyards.

The bath washes away all sins and illnesses

In Rus' it was believed that the bathhouse washed away not only dirt, but also all sins. That's why people went there regularly. It was a sin not to take a bath.

It was believed that illnesses also arise from sins. A person is hurt by what he sins with. For example, your throat hurts from blasphemy and foul language. And stomach problems are caused by gluttony.

The Church considered pride a very strong sin, because from it comes arrogance, contempt for others, a high opinion of oneself, and extreme selfishness. Pride leads directly to illness. St. Neil of Sinai (15th century) spoke about this:

“Pride is a tumor of the soul, filled with tainted blood; if it matures, it breaks through and causes great trouble.”

To cure a person’s illness, they first took him to the bathhouse. The bath washes away dirt, sins and gives strength for recovery.

There they also spoke against illnesses, for example with this spell on burning coals:

“Father, you are the King of Fire, you are king to all kings, you are fire to all fires. Be meek, be merciful! How you are so hot and ardent, you burn and scorch grass and ants, thickets and slums in an open field, underground roots of a damp oak... I also pray and repent to you, father, Tsar-Fire, burn and sleep from the servant of God ( Name) all kinds of sorrows and illnesses, fears and turmoil..."

A woman should not wash first in a bathhouse

The Church considers a woman unclean. Even at baptism, the line is lined up like this: men first, then children, and women should be baptized only last.

It’s the same in the bathhouse: first the men steam and wash, then the children, and then the women. Only one way and no other way.

Perhaps the reason for the emergence of such a rule comes from the Holy Gospel of Mark, chapter 5, 25-34:

“There was a woman who suffered from hemorrhage for twelve years, suffered a lot from many doctors, exhausted all that she had, and did not receive any benefit, but came into an even worse state - having heard about Jesus, she came up behind the people and touched the clothes Him, for she said: if I touch His clothes, I will be healed. And immediately her source of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her illness. At the same time, Jesus, feeling in Himself that strength had gone out of Him , turned among the people and said, “Who touched My clothes?” The disciples said to Him, “You see that the people are crowding You, and you say, “Who touched Me?” But He looked around to see the one who did this. The woman is in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, she came up, fell before Him and told Him the whole truth. He said to her: daughter! your faith has saved you; Go in peace and be well from your illness.”

Like, if a woman washes herself in the bathhouse first, then all her sins (illnesses) can pass on to those who will be in the bathhouse after her.

You can't go to the bathhouse after 12 midnight

The owner of the bathhouse is a bannik. And at night all kinds of evil spirits come to visit him, that’s why it’s forbidden. If uninvited guests came to you after midnight, would you be happy? So the bannik believes that uninvited guests need to be taught wisdom, so he “jokes.” And his friends help him with this. Depending on their mood, the “jokes” can end very badly for the person.

In any case, in Rus' they adhered to this rule. The exception was fortune-telling, which had to be carried out at night, because the bannik and other dark forces had to participate in fortune-telling. This proves that any fortune-telling is from the unclean.

Bath and New Year

It was not Eldar Ryazanov who came up with the idea in the film “Enjoy Your Bath” that you need to go to the bathhouse on December 31, but this is an old sign about the bathhouse: a person must enter New Year not only with a clean body, but also to cleanse yourself from diseases (sins) in the bathhouse.

Before going to the bathhouse, you need to tidy up the house, clear it of the old energy accumulated over the year, and make room for new positive energy of the house and person. A renewed person from the bathhouse should come to a clean house, in clean clothes, so that the new year begins for him with positive, clean energy for further success in life and gaining good health.
Although in our time many people consider all beliefs and signs about the bathhouse to be prejudices, they still exist today.

P.S.Answer to the erudition question asked in the article “Interior in a bathhouse”:

The play was called "The Irony of Fate." And the phrase was with the following words: “Are you guys in bathhouse never go and beer Don’t you drink?”

When building a house for his family, a person thinks about the place, including the energy of this place, as well as the technical purpose of the place. Site planning, distribution of space for buildings and structures, plantings and free space for various pastimes.

It is worth considering that the signs and rituals taken into account during construction in different regions are different from each other. The materials used are also taken into account. climatic conditions, human mentality, all this together influences the choice of places and methods of construction of a particular building or structure.

No builder, carpenter, or thoughtful land owner would locate a house in certain places, such as:

  • at the intersection of roads or human paths;
  • there was an entrance to the site, there was a gate;
  • there was a bathhouse.

If the location of the gates and the intersection of paths is also clear - the house should not have stood in the way of anyone, this is a place of rest, not protective structure from anything. The functionality of the house is different:

  • protection from the outside world;
  • community of family;
  • family sacraments and traditions.

But why can’t you build a house on the site of a bathhouse, this is an interesting belief .

Bath , in the Soviet Russian manifestation, it is considered a place of cleansing and replenishment of strength and health. The place is mystical and ritual. Rituals performed in the bathhouse made it possible to get rid of diseases, give strength and health, or attract money into life, and also, on the contrary, release a trait that could completely destroy it.

Firstly, based on the purpose of the bathhouse, where the body and spirit were cleansed, the area where the former bathhouse was located was considered dirty and sewage. After all, all the dirt from the people who visited this bathhouse fell into this land.

Secondly, on the basis of the veneration of spirits that are less powerful and weighty than the Gods, but have their own character and capabilities - brownies, banniki, etc. Bannik was a resident of the bathhouse, respectively. And he demanded a certain respect for himself and his place of residence. Sometimes he would go into nearby houses and act out if, in his opinion, the owners were leading an unnecessary lifestyle.

On the site of the former bathhouse, nests of a family of rats were often built, which is completely unsuitable for a place of residence for people. People may feel bad in this house and will experience health problems.

According to all beliefs, it is forbidden to erect any buildings, not a flock, not a bathhouse, not a hut, on the site of a burnt bathhouse.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting the following factor - each building on the site should be allocated specific place. This is due to the fact that, according to mythology and esotericism, each place, or rather each building, is assigned a specific manager - an egregor.

The original location of buildings and structures is based on the experience of the ancestors or first owners of the site, which is fully justified, taking into account their knowledge and experience.

Visiting Bannik

For a long time, the bathhouse in Rus' was surrounded by an aura of special mystery. Yes, this is not surprising. The bathhouse was considered both the cleanest and the most unclean place. Pure because here, in the bathhouse, the body and soul were cleansed, everything new was born - not without reason before the start of any important business or event, be it long journey, christening, wedding, big holiday, it was customary to take a good steam in the bathhouse.

Unclean - because the bathhouse was a transitional, borderline place, a boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Icons were never placed in the bathhouse. They entered it without prayer, and upon entering, they removed pectoral cross. In general, visiting a bathhouse was considered a dangerous activity. They believed that at night all kinds of forest evil spirits came to visit the house bathhouse - Bannik (or Baennik). But even during the day in the bathhouse one had to be careful. Don't shout, don't make noise, don't swear - Bannik especially doesn't like this.

Not every day is suitable for a bath. So, on Monday, girls cannot wash their hair - the braids will “come out” or “there will be no happiness.” The environment was also considered dangerous for a girl’s braid. Tuesday is a good, easy day. But Thursday and Saturday were considered the best for the bath. No matter how big the family was, they never went to the bathhouse more than three times, because “for the fourth time the forest evil spirits are steamed.” Sometimes the “third steam” was also considered dangerous - this time belongs to Bannik himself, therefore, leaving the steam room, people tried to appease the angry owner of the bathhouse, leaving him a bunch of water, a piece of soap and a broom.

When building a new bathhouse, a black chicken was buried under the threshold or under the shelf. After that they bowed, walking backwards. When a new stove-stove was heated in a bathhouse for the first time, salt was thrown on it. When going to the steam room for the first time, they took bread and salt with them, after washing, they thanked Bannik and left him the bread and salt on the shelf. In this way it was possible to at least a little appease the owner of the bathhouse, who, according to folk beliefs, had a rather evil disposition and, unlike the brownie, rarely did good to people. Bannik lives behind the stove or under the shelf. He often howls, moans, laughs, and throws stones. A visitor he doesn’t like can be scalded with boiling water, or even “steamed” to death. It was believed that the most dangerous time for a bathhouse was at night, because most of all Bannik did not like those who steamed at night. He strangles such brave souls and kills them with fumes.

Bannik rarely appears to people. Most often it is invisible. But if anyone sees the owner of the bathhouse, it will be bad luck. He looks scary - black, shaggy, long-haired, with iron claws. Therefore, it is better not to make Bannik angry. Try not to go to the bathhouse alone. After washing, they thanked the owner: “Thank you, Bainushko, in the steam bath!” Good, good man, who knew how to appease the bath spirit, Bannik could provide help and even help out of trouble. However, this happened quite rarely. They also said that Bannik had two wonderful things - an invisible hat and an unchangeable ruble. The magic hat could only be obtained once a year. To do this, you need to go to the bathhouse on Easter night, put a cross and a knife in your left boot, and sit down facing the wall and curse everything. Then Bannik will jump out from under the shelf with an invisibility cap in his hands. Further actions are not described.

A brave person could get an unchangeable (or “non-transferable”) ruble from Bannik. To do this, you had to catch a black cat, swaddle it and throw it into the bathhouse exactly at midnight, saying: “You have a child on you, give me an untranslatable ruble.” Having received a ruble, you had to immediately run out of the bathhouse, sign yourself with a cross three times, and for greater fidelity, draw a circle around yourself three times (again with the help of a cross). But such daredevils were rare. After all, there were many bad omens associated with the bathhouse. Hearing noise, stomping, or howling in the bathhouse means trouble. Seeing yourself in a dream in a dirty, unheated bathhouse means illness, or even death (though a well-heated bathhouse with clean water in the tub, on the contrary, foreshadowed good things). Only the very last person decided to build a house on the site of the former bathhouse. It was believed that all sorts of misfortunes would befall such a hut - mice would gnaw everything they could, bedbugs would overcome, but worst of all, old Bannik would strangle all the livestock, yearning for the old bathhouse.

It was these homeless Banniks who were considered the most dangerous. They often became werewolves. Moreover, such a Bannik could turn into either an animal (cat, dog, hare) or a person (passer-by, acquaintance, close or distant relative). And here only ingenuity could help the werewolf’s victim. There's usually something wrong with a werewolf's appearance. Either the eyes shine strangely, or the nails are too long. And the hare doesn’t look like a hare, and the familiar one is somehow “not like that.” In the famous novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, the observant Master immediately “saw through” the cat Behemoth: “For some reason it seems to me that you. not much of a cat.” If a person was lucky and managed to identify the werewolf before he found himself in his iron clutches, he should at all costs manage to slam the doors of the house in the face of his pursuer. If the Bannik werewolf managed to lure a person into the bathhouse, the only way to escape from him was to back away. Otherwise, even the bathhouse door will not open.

Especially dangerous place The bathhouse was considered for women. That's why rare girl or a woman dared to enter the bathhouse alone without a sinking heart. The exceptions were fortune tellers and witches. But, since we are talking about women, it is worth remembering another inhabitant of the bathhouse - Obderikha. The character of this bathhouse lady can be judged by her name. It doesn’t cost Obderikha anything to scald a person, to “tear off the skin,” although most often, unlike Bannik, she was quite good-natured. If Obderikha is appeased (and for this sometimes it is enough kind words), Obderiha can even help you out of trouble. What Bannik and Obderikha don’t like most is when they say prayers. But if they want to help a person escape from the forest evil spirits, then they themselves suggest prayer. In this case, both the forest guests and the owner of the bathhouse disappear. True, unlike the forest spirits, Bannik is not very afraid of the cross, nor is he afraid of prayer. Only a knowledgeable person, a healer, can deal with the owner of the bathhouse. But he must not forget about the cunning and cunning of the bathhouse spirit.

Ancient Slavic bath rituals

In Rus', the bathhouse, in addition to its everyday meaning, also had a ritual significance. Since time immemorial, it has been customary to heat a bathhouse for deceased ancestors - usually they were invited to wash and take a steam bath on special days before major holidays. Special significance had a ritual bath in the bathhouse on the eve of the wedding. After the wedding, it was also necessary to take a steam bath. Childbirth was also arranged with all the strictness, according to ancient beliefs and traditions. After all, it was in the bathhouse that women gave birth to children, and here they stayed for several days after giving birth, while they themselves were considered “unclean” (modern doctors joke that the air in the steam room is not inferior in its antiseptic properties to a well-equipped operating room).

Hair and nails were cut in the bathhouse. In no case were they thrown away - after all, a sorcerer could use them. There was a special ritual of burning hair. The nails were either burned or collected in a special canvas bag. You couldn’t throw dirty water at your feet, especially in the evening: if you stepped in by accident, you’d get sick.

There were also special ritual days on which it was necessary to take a steam bath: after the celebration of Maslenitsa, on Maundy Thursday, on the eve of Ivan Kupala (on the day of Agrafena Bathing - June 23, July 6). On Agrafena Bathing Suit, they collected herbs and roots, and prepared brooms for the whole year. It was believed that herbs collected at this time had special healing powers. The floor of the bathhouse and the shelves were covered with collected herbs and flowers, and they were steamed with special brooms made of willow, rowan, viburnum, bird cherry, birch, alder, linden, currant, associated with medicinal herbs. Each herb had its own strength, its own quality and transmitted these qualities to man.

All kinds of conspiracies were also pronounced in the bathhouse, most often for medicinal purposes, such as, for example, the Siberian conspiracy given below for all diseases:

“Father, you are the King of Fire, you are king to all kings, you are fire to all fires. Be meek, be merciful! How hot and ardent you are, burning, scorching in an open field the grass and ants, thickets and slums, the underground roots of a damp oak tree... I also pray and repent to you, father, Tsar-Fire, burn and sleep from the slave God’s (such and such) all sorts of sorrows and illnesses, fears and turmoil...”

This conspiracy should have been pronounced in a bathhouse over hot coals.

They often cast magic in the bathhouse. For example, to bewitch a loved one. To do this, it was enough to pull a twig out of a broom, put it under the threshold, wait for the betrothed to cross this threshold, and only then run to the bathhouse. There the twig should have been placed somewhere higher, where it was hotter. The more the twig dries, the more the beloved will begin to pine for the girl.

Of course, bath witchcraft does not end with such simple actions. We will move on to a special topic, almost not described anywhere - the healer’s bath ritual. There were several types of healing baths. The first type is to maintain life and health. In this case, special medicinal herbs were woven into the bathhouse brooms, giving success, health and prosperity. They drank charmed infusions and decoctions, and the shelves were also covered with branches, flowers and herbs appropriate to the occasion. The second type of baths is against serious illnesses and death. Let's look at them in more detail.

Nine circles of witchcraft baths

The ancient bath ritual described here has miraculously survived to this day. It was used quite rarely, mainly in two cases: when a person was threatened with death from a serious illness or for initiation into healers, healers, that is, for a person’s transition to a more high condition consciousness. The faces of death and illness were believed to be very similar. To overcome death, it was necessary to defeat 9 of its causes, to pass 9 barriers that it puts in the way: 1. Fear generated by ignorance and stupidity. 2. Cunning associated with a lack of wisdom. 3. Hopelessness caused by unbelief. 4. Resistance caused by excessive self-confidence and impatience. 5. Courage, in the absence of wisdom, also often leads to death. 6. Curiosity (mostly excessive). 7. Clarity of thoughts, but not yet clarity of consciousness. 8. Knowledge, which in itself is fraught with great danger. 9. Inactivity equivalent to old age.

Ancient healers knew that no disease could overthrow a person as long as his will was strong. The patient's fear can paralyze his will and nullify all the efforts of the healer. Cunning is what distracts the sufferer from true path healing. Cunning is often associated with laziness, and both seek easy roads. But the path to real health (understanding, knowledge) is always difficult, which is why it is so important not to outwit yourself, otherwise values ​​may be substituted. The third cause of death is hopelessness. If the patient himself does not believe in his healing, the doctor has nothing to do here. Healers believe that, having overcome the first three barriers of death, the patient will inevitably recover. And here impatience and excessive self-confidence lie in wait for him, and most often this is expressed in resistance to new knowledge, which is necessary for final healing.

But then there are the highest levels, intended mainly for initiation into healers. A person seeking knowledge can sometimes be hindered even by this positive quality like courage. Especially if courage is not combined with forethought and caution. Excessive curiosity could also directly lead to death. A person seeking secret knowledge must understand what should be seen and known, and what for the time being should remain under the cover of secrecy. Clarity of thoughts appears in a person at an even higher level - a very serious trap, just like knowledge. His ideas about the world are becoming clearer, more distinct, and here it is important to understand in time that the world and our thoughts about it are not exactly the same thing.

The world is immeasurably greater than any thoughts about it. And sometimes properly educated feelings and sensations can say much more about the world than the smartest thoughts. As for knowledge, the future healer should have understood that knowledge and skill are not the same thing. And unused, dead knowledge is capable of cruelly taking revenge on its keeper. You cannot reveal secret, sacred knowledge to an unprepared person... If you managed to cope with all this, the face of the last reason was revealed under the name of inaction, or old age. Having come close to the truth, having known everything, having learned everything, it is very dangerous to suddenly feel deep fatigue. This kind of fatigue is truly akin to old age. Having realized how vain life is, how many unnecessary actions we perform, it is very difficult not to fall into the disease of wisdom-inaction.

A person who has reached this stage already knows how to act without lifting a finger, and vice versa, to remain inactive when everyone is sure of the opposite. It is important to distinguish one situation in which you should do nothing, from another in which the best way out is action. Anyone who learns this will be able to overcome the ninth barrier of death. The ritual to overcome the nine barriers of death is carried out in the “healer’s temple” - the bathhouse.

The healer's bathhouse was usually built on the shore of a lake (an ordinary village bathhouse was not suitable for this purpose). It had 3 rooms: a dressing room; washing room; steam room

IN dressing room Healing herbs, drinks, firewood for the stove, all kinds of herbs for soaping were stored: soapwort, elderberries, horse chestnut, white dawn, raven's eye. Some of these herbs are poisonous, so care should be taken not to leave the foam on the skin for too long and not to get it in the eyes or on open wounds. Ordinary soap was not used in the healer’s bath ritual. Here, in the dressing room, they kept brooms. They were composed of three types of plants - field grass, aquatic plants and tree branches.

At the same time, the healer remembered that aquatic plants taken from the river give swiftness, swamp plants have restraining energy and stability, and lake plants can bring balance. All plants were collected away from cemeteries and crowded places, each at its own time. Before picking the desired plant, you had to ask him for forgiveness and read the corresponding plot.

For example, when picking nettles, the following conspiracy was read: “The gray death went around three houses, did not find anyone, may he not find my brother, my sister (etc.), give me strength to do what I have planned.” The conspiracy had to be pronounced quietly, but with inner strength coming from the depths of the heart. Having picked the plant, one should thank it. Each plant requires its own approach. For example, to pick an arrowhead, you need to sip water from the river and quietly say a spell, without thinking about anything - the arrowhead may be frightened by the person’s thoughts.

IN washing room Before the start of treatment (or initiation), three candles made from wax and medicinal herbs crushed into powder were placed. They were made like this: the necessary herbal powder was mixed with melted fresh wax and poured into candle molds with a previously passed hemp (or hemp) wick. Oak barrels with cold and hot water. An oak barrel added strength - it was used in rituals associated with the accumulation of strength. If it was necessary to remove damage from a person, then they used barrels made of poplar or willow. Basins, tubs, and gangs were placed next to the barrels.

IN steam room there was a stove-heater and a three-tier shelf. The entire room was lined with fir boards or some other coniferous wood, but without resin “pockets”. For the heater, not ordinary stones were used, but large pebbles - river, sea, lake. It was believed that it was best to take pebbles from 9 different places. At the same time, the nature of the water, for example a river, was taken into account: it can be fast, calm, deep, shallow, flat, mountainous, etc.

To cure a dangerous disease, a healer could limit himself to several “circles,” mainly the first three. To be initiated into a healer, it was necessary to go through all nine circles, each of which freed a person from one of the types of death. Each circle used its own herbs, trees, and attributes. This was not easy to do. It was necessary to know when to prepare the herb for a decoction, and when to prepare a filler for candles. It could take more than one month, or even more than one year, to complete all nine circles.

Circle one

Plants for broom: hazel, arrowhead, tripartite string (the string can be replaced with nettle).

Main area of ​​influence: legs. Diseases of the first circle are fear, stupidity, ignorance.

Carrying out the ritual: On April 6, a vase with hazel branches, string grass (or nettle) and arrowhead is placed at the eastern window of the house (or at the eastern wall). You need to light three candles in front of the vase, mentally turning to the spirits of these plants with a request for help in an important matter. Both the hazel branches, the string, and the arrowhead are harvested in the summer and stored in dry form. If you haven’t had time to stock up on hazel branches, under no circumstances should you cut them in April. After the candles burn out, take a small branch from each plant. The powder from them will be used to make herbal candles. The remaining branches and herbs are tied into a broom.

On this day, all participants in the bath ritual must fast. Usually these are two people - a healer and a “big one” (or initiate into a healer). A stork feather was hung on the neck of the second of them (the stork was considered a symbol of the 1st circle). A few days before the procedure, the feather is placed in a steam room in the corner above the stove.

The floor and shelves are covered with hazel branches. In the second room (where the barrels of water are) place three herbal candles: one with leaves and crushed hazel bark, the second with a string, the third with arrowhead.

Then prepare a decoction for the steam room: throw immortelle grass and flowers into boiling water, add hazel leaves a little later, boil for 5-7 minutes, then infuse in a clay or silver bowl (for 1 liter of water - 3 tablespoons of immortelle and 5 tablespoons of hazel ). To serve on stones, 1 glass of broth is diluted in 3 liters of water.

The stove is heated with birch wood, adding some oak and hazel branches. When the sauna is hot, it’s time to prepare a broom. To do this, you need to dip it in water for 5-7 minutes. hot water(you can’t go any longer, because otherwise all the power of the plants will go into the water). The water in which the broom was steamed can be used to pour on the stones: first two buckets of water, then one - a decoction of immortelle and hazel.

Vaping method: they begin to soar from a lying position on their stomach. The one who floats whips the person lying with a broom from head to toe and back in a very fast pace. Point is repeated three times. Then gently blow steam to the head with a broom and, pressing the broom tightly, pass it through the entire body to the heels three times. Then do this: wave the broom, forcing steam to the lower back, press the broom in the lower back, move from the lower back to the heels (and three times). At the same time, it is very good to hit all the legs. Once again, run the broom from head to toe, turn the person lying on his back. Repeat everything in the same order, working very carefully with a broom in the face area.

Healers believed that first a series of people enters the human body and expels everything “unclean.” Then the arrowhead, clearing out everything that the line did not manage to capture. After them, hazel acts, cleansing the spirit. Moreover, the power of the string is the power of the wind, it acts through the sense of smell, the arrowhead (the power of water) works through the sense of touch. The power of herbs merges with the destructive power of the heat of the bath and the creative effect of steam and water.

The effects of the procedures are consolidated with a hazelnut drink. It is prepared like this: pound hazelnut kernels in a wooden or ceramic mortar, pour in spring water, leave until a white layer appears on the surface of the water, remove the layer, boil, cool to 50 °C, add honey, filter. The resulting hazelnut drink is drunk after the steam room.

The main plant of this circle, hazel, has long been considered a sacred tree by the Slavs. They believed that lightning would not strike the hazel tree, and they hid under it during a thunderstorm. Hazel was considered a good amulet against evil spirits. For a long time, the cradle of a child was surrounded by a lighted hazel branch - against damage. And in Rus' they believed that a twin nut (a double nut under one shell) brings happiness and wealth; it was worn in wallets to prevent money transfers, and on the neck to avoid misfortunes and serious illnesses.

After the bath, the leaves covering the shelves, as well as the broom, must be dried and burned.

Circle two

Plants for broom: horsetail, sedge, elm (or poplar).

Main area of ​​influence: back. Diseases of the second circle - cunning, laziness.

Carrying out a bath ritual: On October 8, a vase with poplar or elm branches is placed near the eastern window or wall,

sedge and horsetail grass. As in the first circle, 3 candles made of pure wax are lit. You should mentally ask for the help of these plants; when the candles burn out, tie a broom from elm, horsetail and sedge and prepare candles for the bath (in the same way as in the first circle).

Three days before the second round, prepare the following infusion for drinking in the steam room: pour currant leaves with boiling spring water, cool, add poplar fluff, leave for three days, strain. Drink chilled after the steam room.

On the day of the second circle, they wear a canvas bag with a tuft of elk hair or a figurine of an elk made of elm (poplar).

While the bathhouse is heating, prepare the following infusion: throw currant leaves into boiling water, then poplar leaves or buds. Boil for 2-3 minutes, then insist. At the same time, prepare a broom (soak it briefly in water).

It is best to heat the stove with birch wood with the addition of poplar or elm logs. The shelves in the steam room are covered with elm or poplar leaves. In the second room, 3 candles are lit (with elm, horsetail and sedge). They warm up well in the steam room, while water is splashed into the oven 3 times (in which the broom was steamed), and an infusion of currants and poplar buds 3 times.

Steaming procedure. First, they hover with a broom on their backs. Slow, medium-force blows are passed along the back from the lower back to the head and back three times. Then use a broom to disperse the steam along the body - from the lower back to the heels and from the lower back to the head and back three times. After which, with quick but weak blows (with the tip of a broom) they pass from the heels to the head. Then they apply 10 sweeping blows to the back and, pressing the broom to the body, sweep it from head to toe. After this, they turn the person soaring onto his back and perform all the actions described above, excluding the last 10 blows.

Coming out of the steam room, they rub themselves with poplar infusion. After which you should plunge first into hot, then into cold water and consolidate the effect of the procedure by drinking a pre-prepared infusion of poplar fluff with currants.

The leaves covering the shelves, as well as the broom, must be dried and burned.

It was believed that during the passage of the second circle, horsetail first acts on a person (especially on the abdominal area), then sedge (the element of wind) enters his body through the sense of smell, and only then elm or poplar. Horsetail normalizes metabolic and digestive processes and restores the original strength of a person. You need to talk to these plants in different ways. When picking horsetail, you should speak in a whisper; When cutting sedge, you can not only speak loudly, but also sing at the top of your voice, but elm needs to mutter quietly.

Candles with horsetail, sedge and elm powder are not lit simultaneously, as during the 1st circle, but one by one. First - with horsetail, then with sedge, and lastly - with elm.

Before you burn the broom and leaves from the shelves, you need to thank the trees for their branches. The healers believed that each of the nine circles not only relieves powerlessness and illness, but also scares away Likho (according to the Slavs, Likho is a thin, one-eyed woman who sits on the shoulders of her victim - from then on, illnesses and misfortunes begin to fall on a person) . Having completed the first circle, a person gains the ability to act, to resist an illness or difficult situation. Having completed the second round, he learns to choose means and begins to understand what will really bring him healing and benefit, and what will only indulge him bad habits and passions. A person learns to be honest with himself, and therefore with other people.

Circle three

Plants for broom: wormwood, cattail, rowan.

Main area of ​​influence: neck. Diseases of the third circle: hopelessness, lack of faith in one’s strength.

Carrying out the ritual: On November 3, a vase with rowan branches, cattails and wormwood is placed near the eastern window or wall. Light up wax candles, as in the first two circles. Then prepare a broom and herbal candles for the bath.

The stove is heated with birch wood with the addition of small quantity dry rowan branches. While the sauna is heating, you need to carry a canvas bag with a tuft of wild boar hair or a boar figurine made from rowan wood. Then you should prepare an infusion for the steam room: first throw strawberries (leaves) into boiling water, then rowan leaves. Boil for 3-5 minutes, insist. Used for pushing on stones.

In addition, a rowan drink is prepared: rowan berries are boiled, squeezed, mixed with the broth, when it cools down, add a little honey.

When the bathhouse is ready, the first herbal candle, made from wormwood, is lit in the washing room. When it almost burns out, put a candle with cattail, and lastly, a rowan candle. The shelves in the steam room are covered with rowan leaves. A canvas bag with a figurine or wild boar hair is hung over the stove in the steam room.

They warm up well in the steam room, putting two cups of water into the oven and one with an infusion of rowan berries and strawberries.

Vaping method: they start to soar from the back. First, they are passed three times with light blows of a broom from the neck to the heels and back. Then alternate a blow with a broom with a surge of steam (1 time) from the heels to the lower back and from the neck to the lower back. Particular attention is paid to the spine, they walk along the cervical vertebrae, after which they strike with a broom across the body back and forth from the neck to the heels (3 times). Having caught up with steam, they again pass the broom from the neck to the heels, turn the person steaming onto his back and repeat all over again.

After leaving the steam room, you should plunge into cold water. The duration of the cold procedure is no more than a minute. Then they wash themselves, using soapwort instead of soap, and wash themselves with infusion of rowan bark. The effect is secured by drinking a drink made from rowan berries. The used leaves and broom are dried and burned.

The healers plucked the plants of the third circle in the following way: cattail, watering it with cupped palms; rowan tree, addressing it in a voice imitating the rustle of grass.

Quite often, a little vegetable oil was added to the steam room infusion. On the third circle, it is important that the stones are taken from different places: the first - river, the second - swamp, the third - lake, the fourth - from a wild field, the fifth - from a domestic, cultivated field, the sixth - from a forest clearing, the seventh - from coniferous forest, the eighth - from deciduous, the ninth - from mixed forest. An important point: when working with mountain ash, we tried to be especially careful. This tree is easy to offend. People believed that cutting down a rowan tree meant incurring illness or death. They did not touch the rowan tree because healers often “transferred” the disease from a person to the rowan tree. On the other hand, rowan was used to protect newlyweds: berries were hidden in pockets, leaves were placed in shoes.

Those who completed the third round of the healer’s bath got rid of the feeling of hopelessness and began to believe in their own destiny. This gave the sick strength for healing and understanding: only the person himself can truly help himself, the healer only guides him, helps awaken the ability for self-healing present in each of us.

Note: after a bath with a rowan broom, the steamer felt a feeling of special freshness and vigor. Usually such a bath was not taken before bed, or, on the contrary, they were steamed in it if they needed to spend the night without sleep.

Circle four

Plants for broom: pleasant plant (dill, mint, thyme), water lily (yellow water lily), maple.

Main area of ​​influence: belly Diseases of the circle - self-confidence, impatience.

Carrying out the ritual: On January 8, before the start of the procedure, candles are placed in front of a vase with maple branches, a capsule, and a spicy plant. Then brooms and herbal candles are prepared from wax and capsule powder, a spicy plant and maple bark and leaves.

Three days before the ritual, a drink is prepared: they take spring water or maple juice (prepared in advance), put young maple branches and leaves in there, and leave for three days.

The shelves in the steam room are covered with maple branches.

While the bathhouse is heating, prepare a decoction for the steam room: first add rose hips, then maple leaves, into boiling water. They warm up in a bathhouse, putting two bowls of water into the oven and one of a decoction of rose hips and maple.

Vaping method: begin to float from the stomach. First, apply a broom from the face to the stomach and from the feet to the stomach 3 times. Then, without a break, from the face to the very feet - also 3 times. After this, they hit the chest ten times, alternating quite strong blows with a surge of steam. Then the person steaming is turned over onto his stomach and everything is repeated all over again, but from the back, excluding ten blows.

After the steam room, they rub the body with a previously prepared maple infusion (possibly with rose hips), then plunge first into hot water and then into cold water. Drink maple drink. As in previous cases, the broom and leaves from the shelf are dried and burned.

Healers believed that maple had an effect on the stomach, spices on the taste, the mouth (the element of fire), and the egg-little on vision and eyes. The egg capsule had to be picked very calmly, the spice plant - very quietly, the maple - talking to him in a normal voice.

The main plant of the fourth circle of healing baths is maple. The Slavs considered it the tree of patience. It helps to acquire perseverance, get rid of excessive haste and impatience. This is very important for a healer initiate. The patient, having gone through this circle, learns perseverance in achieving his goal. (Maple, according to the legends of the Eastern and Western Slavs, is a tree into which a person is turned (“sworn”). For this reason, it was rarely used. Only the healer was allowed to communicate with this tree, treat the sick with its help and identify the incurable.)

Circle five

Plants for broom: wormwood, alder, ash.

Main area of ​​influence: lower back, shoulders. Diseases: excessive courage, self-confidence.

Carrying out the ritual: On March 30, candles are lit for plants of the fifth circle - wormwood, alder and ash. A broom and herbal candles are prepared from these plants (with wormwood herb, powdered alder catkins and crushed ash bark and leaves).

Three days before the ritual, a drink is prepared: ash leaves are soaked in spring water for three days, honey is added, and cooled with ice. Caution: ash is a poisonous plant. On the day of the fifth circle ritual, wool is worn on the body in a canvas bag brown bear or a figurine of a bear carved from ash.

While the bathhouse is heating, prepare a decoction for the steam room: pine needles are thrown into boiling water, then ash branches.

The shelves in the steam room are covered with ash branches, and a canvas bag with a figurine or fur of a bear is hung above the stove. Herbal candles are placed in the washing room. First, they warm up in the steam room (without a broom). A decoction or infusion for the steam room is poured onto the stones (2 bottles with water, the third with a decoction). Then they begin the procedure of soaring with a broom.

Vaping method: begin to float from the back. The steamer is placed on his stomach. The steamed broom is pressed to the lower back and held for some time. After this, quickly glide with a broom from neck to heels. This is followed by ten blows to the lower back, after which the broom is again applied from the neck to the toes, as if wiping the body with it. Then the person soaring is turned over onto his back and everything is repeated, with the exception of ten blows.

After the steam room, the body is rubbed with ash infusion. Then they plunge first into hot, then into cold water. Drink a pre-prepared drink from ash leaves with honey. The broom and branches from the shelf, as in previous cases, are dried and burned.

It was believed that wormwood is the herb of death and it has a beneficial effect on bones ( musculoskeletal system). In this case we mean black wormwood. White wormwood, on the contrary, is a plant of life. Alder had a beneficial effect on the blood and veins (river energy). Ash - on the lower back, shoulders. Ash (the main plant of this circle) was considered by the Slavs to be the guardian of health, wealth, and strength. This is a very prudent and careful tree - it never believes in early thaws and is in no hurry to open its buds in the spring. The tree passed this property on to man during the bath ritual of the fifth circle. The fifth circle teaches reasonable caution: you need to rely on your own strengths, but know that they are not unlimited. This helps determine when to rely only on yourself, and when to resort to someone else's help.

Circle six

Plants for broom: onions, reeds, pine branches.

Willow branches are laid on the shelves; Unlike previous circles, the main plant of the sixth circle - willow - is not included in the broom.

Main area of ​​influence: pelvic area, sacrum. The disease of the sixth circle is curiosity.

Carrying out the ritual: on the day of the arrival of the first migratory birds, candles are lit for the plants of the sixth circle. Prepare herbal candles and a broom for steaming. 19 days before the ritual, you need to take spring water and soak thin willow branches in it. On the eighteenth day, the infusion is boiled, a little St. John's wort is added, heated for about five more minutes, removed from the heat, a few juniper berries are added, and infused for another day. Cool before use.

On the day of the sixth circle, a decoction is prepared for the steam room according to the following recipe: St. John's wort is thrown into boiling water, then green pine cones and willow branches.

The stove is heated. When the bath is heated, herbal candles are lit in the washing room. The shelves, as already mentioned, are covered with willow branches. They warm up well in the steam room, first pouring water (2 shots) onto the stones, then the broth.

Vaping method: First, they hover the chest with a broom. To do this, place the person steaming on a shelf face up, apply a steamed broom to the area of ​​the heart and hold it there for some time. After this, ten blows of medium strength are passed from the neck to the feet. Then they apply a broom to the face (very carefully), hold it for some time, after which ten sharp blows are passed along the entire body from head to toe. The broom is again pressed to the heart area, again passed over the entire body with ten blows of medium strength. They turn the person steaming onto his stomach and repeat everything again.

After leaving the steam room, they wash themselves with soapwort (or other soapy plants), and rub their entire body with willow infusion. Then they plunge first into cold, then into hot water. They drink a pre-prepared drink made from willow, St. John's wort and juniper berries. After the bath, willow branches and leaves, as well as a broom, are dried and burned.

It was believed that onions and pine affected the human soul, reed - on his mind. Willow, the main plant of this circle, gives a person health, vitality, rapid growth, successful offspring. Moreover, it was the young willow that had the protective power (the old one was often considered a refuge of devils; healers often “referred” diseases to the old willow). By the way, a decoction of willow (especially with juniper) in Russia has long been used for diseases of the stomach, throat, and fever; bruises and tumors were treated with willow lotions.

The bathhouse of the sixth circle freed a person from excessive curiosity and the carelessness associated with it, and brought peace and tranquility into his life.

Circle seven

Plants for broom: garlic, white water lily, linden.

The main plant of the seventh circle is also not included in the broom - it is an apple tree.

Main area of ​​influence: rib cage. Diseases are confusion of consciousness.

Carrying out the ritual: On July 4th, candles were placed in front of the water lily, linden tree and garlic stalks. After this, a broom and herbal candles were prepared (with crushed powder from garlic, water lily flowers, bark, leaves and linden flowers).

On the day of the ritual, a decoction is prepared for the steam room: first, blueberries (berries) are thrown into boiling water, then linden flowers and an apple tree branch. Then an apple drink is prepared: apple tree leaves are thrown into boiling water, after a minute they are taken out, squeezed into a decoction, chopped apples are thrown in, after about ten minutes the apples are taken out, the drink is cooled.

The shelves in the steam room are covered with fresh apple tree leaves. They warm up well in the steam room, first adding water to the stones, then a decoction (linden, blueberry, apple).

Vaping method: place the person steaming on the shelves with his stomach down.

A steamed broom is pressed onto the chest area (from the back), then ten fast strikes all over the body. This is repeated 3 times, after which they are passed with a broom from the lower back to the heels, then from the lower back to the neck. Raise the broom up, shake it, then press it to your neck. The chest, lower back, etc. are treated in the same way (from the neck to the heels).

After the steam room, they wash with soapwort or other soap plants, rub themselves with the infusion of apple buds, and drink an apple drink to consolidate the effect.

After the bath, the broom and leaves are dried and burned.

It was believed that garlic affects the mouth and tongue; its element is fire. The water lily is responsible for spirituality and also has a beneficial effect on the feet; The linden tree, having chosen the energy of the sun for itself, had an effect on vision.

The seventh circle is one of the highest circles of the bath ritual. After passing it, a person learns to see things in their true light.

Circle eight

Plants for broom: cornflower, reed, birch.

Main area of ​​influence: neck, back of head. Diseases of the circle - idealization of knowledge.

Carrying out the ritual: On May 8, candles are lit in front of the plants of the eighth circle - cornflowers, reeds and birch. A broom is prepared from these plants; Powders for herbal candles are prepared from grass and cornflower flowers (harvested last summer), reeds and birch bark.

Three days before the eighth circle of the ritual, they take spring water, soak birch buds in it, and leave it in a warm place. On the third day, refrigerate. This is the drink of the eighth circle. On the day of the ritual, snake skin or a figurine of a snake carved from birch is worn on the body in a canvas bag.

The shelves in the steam room are covered with birch leaves. While the bathhouse is heating, prepare a decoction for the steam room: first throw cornflowers into boiling water, then birch leaves.

In the washing room, herbal candles are lit, a canvas bag with snake skin or a snake figurine is hung over the stove in the steam room, warmed up well, first pouring water on the stones, then decoction.

Vaping method: begin to float from the back. First, they strike with a broom from the heels to the head, as if rolling a wheel along the back, and repeat three times. Then a broom is applied to the back of the head, held for some time, followed by ten light blows throughout the body. Press the broom to the back of your head again. Again they are given ten quick strikes all over the body. Turn the person soaring onto his back and repeat the entire cycle.

After the steam room, they rub the entire body with birch infusion and plunge first into hot, then into cold water. They drink a drink made from birch buds.

Used brooms, branches and leaves are dried and burned.

It was believed that cornflower affected the hand area, birch - the head area, reed - the skin, hair, and touch.

The main plant of this circle is birch, one of the most revered trees among the Slavs. True, the attitude towards her was often ambivalent. On the one hand, birch brought health and goodness, on the other hand, it could have a harmful effect, since, according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the soul of a deceased person could settle in it. But birch branches, used in various rituals and ceremonies, were considered a reliable amulet in folk magic. Healers often “transmitted” childhood diseases to the growing young birch tree by pouring water under it, in which they bathed the sick child. ABOUT healing properties birch trees have already been described in previous chapters.

The bathhouse of this circle healed a person’s excessive fixation on knowledge, what is now called the “personal significance complex,” and taught him to distinguish between true and false knowledge.

Circle nine

Plants for broom: chamomile, willow, oak.

Main area of ​​influence: hands. The disease of the circle is old age.

Carrying out the ritual: On September 17, candles are lit for the plants of the ninth circle, a broom and herbal candles are prepared with powder from chamomile flowers, leaves and bark of willow and oak.

Three days before the ritual, a drink of the ninth circle is prepared: cut acorns are soaked in spring water, infused for three days, changing the water twice a day. Then oak leaves are thrown into fresh spring water, brought to a boil, boiled for 1 minute, take out the leaves, throw in acorns that have been soaked for 3 days, heat for another 3-5 minutes, then remove from the fire, filter, cool.

On the day of the final circle of the ritual, a canvas bag with wolf hair or a figurine of a wolf carved from oak is worn on the body. While the bathhouse is heating, prepare a decoction for the steam room: first throw acorns into boiling water, then raspberries. In the second room, herbal candles are lit; in the steam room, a canvas bag with wolf hair or a figurine of a wolf is hung over the stove.

The shelves in the steam room are covered with oak branches.

They warm up well in the steam room, not forgetting to apply water to the stones first, then the broth.

Vaping method: The steamer is placed on the shelves with his back up. First, they are hit three times with strong blows from head to toe. This is followed by slow, “pulling” blows from the heels to the lower back and from the head to the lower back also 3 times. After which there are measured, but not too strong blows from head to heels - but already 7 times. After passing the broom over the hands three times, they turn the person soaring onto his back. Repeat the entire cycle.

After the steam room, they first plunge into cold water, then wash with soapwort, rub themselves with oak bark infusion, and drink an acorn drink. As before, the used broom and leaves are dried and burned.

It was believed that chamomile affects the intestinal area, willow - on reproductive system, the oak tree is responsible for the hands and symbolizes the energy of lightning.

Oak is the main plant of this circle. This is one of the most powerful and long-lived plants. Among the Slavs it was considered sacred. Oak has always symbolized power, strength, fortitude, and masculinity. We have already talked about the healing properties of oak.

The ninth circle is the last in the healer ritual. It is designed to help a person overcome the fear of death, give him strength, vitality, and teach him to resist old age.

Lunar calendar and bath

For a long time, people have been interested in the cosmic body closest to us - the Moon.

This is especially true for Slavic peoples. After all, the ancient Slavs were a “lunar” civilization. The time of sowing and cultivation of fields was checked by the Moon; many calendar ritual holidays are directly related to the Moon. And the word “month” itself indicates that before the adoption of the solar calendar, the ancient peoples of Europe used the lunar calendar. By the way, in archaic times, “moon” and “month” were masculine among the Slavs, and “sun” was feminine. The ancient sages carefully, bit by bit, collected knowledge about the night star, about its influence on the Earth and, first of all, on humans.

It did not escape their attention that the power of the Moon is manifested through water. Moon's connection with water element no doubt. This is most eloquently evidenced by the oceanic ebbs and flows. Man is also two-thirds water. Perhaps this is why the position of the night luminary has such an impact on a person’s life, health, physical condition, and mood. It has long been noted that during the full moon many chronic diseases worsen; with the position of the Moon in one or another zodiac constellation, the state of the circulatory system and lymph changes. On certain lunar days, certain organs, etc., are vulnerable (or, conversely, require increased stress).

The bath procedure combines all four elements: the cleansing power of water, fiery heat, and the penetrating power of air, complementing all this with the healing effects of herbs and trees. Thus, the connection between the Moon and the bathhouse can also be traced. If our intuition does not let us down, we ourselves can feel it. There are days when you just want to quickly plunge into the original warmth of the water, the gentle heat of the bath. And sometimes, as they say, “your legs can’t carry you to the bathhouse.” And this is no coincidence.

There are lunar days on which a bath procedure can only bring benefits. On such days, the body is most susceptible to the healing effects of water, heat, and aromatic herbs. But there are days that are completely unsuitable for a bath procedure. If you “show character” and still go to the bathhouse on such a day, the least that awaits you is disappointment: the water is not the same, the steam is not good, and the feeling after the bath is not the best. Bigger troubles are possible. For example, health problems. This is especially true for those who have a weak heart.

To avoid troubles, you need to know the recommendations of each lunar day. But first, a few words about the lunar day, or more precisely, the lunar day. There are 29 or 30 days in a lunar month (it differs from a solar one). If you wish, you can calculate the time of their arrival yourself. There are quite simple formulas for this. However, it is easier to use a special lunar calendar. It marks the moments of the full moon, and even lunar eclipses (such calendars are published by a number of Russian and Ukrainian publishing houses, they can be purchased in the same place where you buy your usual solar calendars).

By the way, correct execution water procedures during lunar and solar eclipses are a guarantee that eclipses will not have a noticeable harmful effect on you. In any case, you can reduce the risk of all kinds of exacerbations and complications, and improve your well-being.

First, let's list the most favorable days for a bath. These are the third, tenth, thirteenth, eighteenth, twenty-first and twenty-seventh lunar days. At the same time, the third lunar day is one of the best for a Finnish dry bath, but the tenth is best devoted to a Russian steam bath.

Unfavorable times for a bath are the fourth, twenty-sixth, twenty-ninth lunar days. People with poor health can add the fifteenth lunar day to this list. The remaining days are more or less neutral in relation to the bath procedure. Of course, each day has its own characteristics, so let’s look at this in more detail. For convenience, we will divide the days lunar calendar according to the following principle: the best time for a bath; favorable time for a bath; neutral days; unfavorable days for baths.

Days most favorable for a bath

Third lunar day

As already mentioned, a day ideal for taking a sauna. During this period, the body easily tolerates increased temperature loads. In addition, at the beginning of the lunar month, the body’s fluids and internal organs become very dense. A good Finnish sauna will help eliminate this unfavorable influence of the Moon. If you have good health, you can “push yourself.” Before visiting the sauna it is very useful to perform physical exercise. Don't be afraid to overdo it. On this day, any load will be beneficial. Especially if you build it up gradually. The only caveat: do not use oils. Hardening procedures are useful. Rhinitis is well treated.

Tenth lunar day

This is the best day to visit a Russian steam bath. Take everything you can from this procedure. On this day, a biting broom, and the heat of the bath, and ice water swimming pool and a contrast shower will only bring benefits. Take care of healing infusions for the steam room and herbal teas. Water during this period has an extremely beneficial effect on the body, in all forms. If you can’t go to the bathhouse, take a steam bath at home and finish it with contrasting procedures (by the way, this is a good day to start building a bathhouse).

Thirteenth lunar day

If you want to look younger, hurry to the bathhouse on this day. During this period, a program is laid to rejuvenate the body for the whole month ahead. Therefore, special compositions for steam rooms, medicinal and cosmetic creams, ointments, and masks are effective. Massage with oils is very useful. Thirteenth lunar day - best time to get rid of wrinkles. You can start a cycle of facial exercises. With the help of a steam room, skin diseases are well treated today. The rejuvenating effect of water is greatest at this time. Just remember to finish the warm treatments with a cold shower.

Eighteenth lunar day

If you visit the steam room at this time, your skin and kidneys will be especially grateful to you. The eighteenth day is very good for a bath. During this period, broom massage is effective, so it is better to steam with a broom. Today, choose birch or nettle. You can combine both brooms into one. Wound-healing compounds work well, and kidney teas are useful. These lunar days are some of the best for using oils. You can take a bath with aromatic oils or do an oil massage. People with problem skin should start wellness treatments. Clay treatment, herbal ointments, mud, and compositions based on sea algae are indicated. After the steam room it is useful to swim.

Twenty-first lunar day

Strong, active period. An excellent day for both a sauna and a steam bath. It will be good if a large but friendly campaign gathers. There is no better day for a group visit to the steam room. Contrast hardening procedures are useful. Cold water will not bring harm (a visit to a country or village bathhouse is also better to coincide with the twenty-first day of the Moon). In general, during this period all “expanding” water procedures are useful, after which you need to douse yourself cold water to increase vascular tone.

Twenty-seventh lunar day

All water procedures are shown without exception; it is no coincidence that even the symbol of this day is Neptune. One of better days for bath magic. “Make some magic” over compositions for the steam room, over herbal infusions for drinking, make some incredible combination of herbs and branches for making brooms. Everything will work out if you follow your own intuition. Water and intuition - keywords this day. Determine the time spent in the steam room, the number of contrast or cold procedures, and the maximum temperature in the steam room in accordance with the “inner voice”; today it will not let you down. All procedures aimed at removing toxins are extremely useful. If it is not possible to visit the steam room, take wet wraps. People with weak hearts should exercise caution.

Days favorable for baths

Sixth lunar day

A Russian steam bath and sauna will help you effectively cleanse your lungs on this day. All hardening procedures and light tonic massage are useful. Hypertensive patients should pay attention to their health - exacerbations are possible. Everyone else has nothing to fear. Before visiting the steam room, you can give yourself a good physical activity. In general, the sixth day is a time of increased endurance. Most likely, you will easily tolerate the highest temperature in the bathhouse. However, do not forget that the steam room is not a place for records.

Eighth lunar day

During this period, all warming procedures that help remove toxins from the body are useful. Bathhouses and saunas are recommended for almost everyone, as is moderate physical activity before entering the steam room. Arthritis responds well to treatment. Those who want to lose weight on this day will easily lose a few extra pounds. Very helpful herbal teas, infusions, decoctions. Warm and hot baths can be included in the overall complex of bath procedures.

Twelfth lunar day

In general, all water warming procedures that remove toxins from the body are useful. On this day, skin diseases are effectively treated in the steam room. After the bath you should not drink strong tea (coffee and alcohol are strictly prohibited on this day). It is better to drink juice or herbal “liver” tea. Sore joints need to be properly treated with a broom. People with weak hearts should skip the bath on this day. Everyone else will benefit from the steam room.

Twenty-fourth lunar day

A favorable period for removing mucus from the body. A dry-air sauna or steam room with dry hot steam is suitable for these purposes. Soft dry steam is good for the lungs and cleanses the skin. The day is also good for removing salts and treating gout. Healing fees will be especially effective today. Herbal teas and baths with adaptogens (schisandra chinensis, eleutherococcus, skullcap baicalensis), and a light tonic massage are useful. One of the best days for a family sauna (sex during this period is healing). It is also good to schedule the construction of a new bathhouse on the twenty-fourth lunar day.

The remaining lunar days are neutral for the bath. And although their influence is felt by a person every day, they have no direct relation to the bath procedure.

Of course, bathing skills come to a person only with experience. The bathhouse is the field where all wisdom comes through experience. But just as theory is powerless without experience, so experience is blind without theory. We have tried to combine in this book the knowledge accumulated by our experience and the experience of those generations of bathhouse masters, thanks to whom we have this miracle today - a fragrant, warm bathhouse. This knowledge, like any empirical knowledge, was obtained through long searches and many mistakes, collecting successes and discoveries bit by bit. We hope that everything presented on these pages will save you from the need to “reinvent the wheel” and your path to the heights of bathing mastery will begin from the place where the authors end this book. Who knows, maybe you are destined to take another new step on this interesting path. But even if you don’t strive to be a pioneer, we hope that you will feel comfortable, warm and healthy in your bathhouse.

Enjoy your steam!