New NLP code. Game "Rainbow"

Judith Delozier (From a speech by Judith Delozier at the NLP Group - Padington, London, 19 April 1993) Edited by James Lovel

Thank you for taking the time in your rich life to come here. What this group is doing here reminds me a lot of how NLP started out. I haven't seen many places in the world where the spirit of unity among enelpers creates what it creates here. This is truly amazing and you can be proud of it. I even want to cry, this is so true to my dream. I was asked to write something for a magazine, and I want to read what I wrote to you: “The discipline known as NLP was born before it was given a name, in a community of people from different sciences (Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Leslie Cameron, Mary Bas Magus, David Gordon, Robert Dilts and myself are like that short list). We were driven by a shared curiosity about how we know things, how we learn, how we communicate, and how we change. And how we can influence the process of change in an optimal and environmentally friendly way. NLP patterns were not known to us, they emerged during our training." I want you to realize how special what you do is. You can meet regularly and develop your knowledge in this group because we're talking about is really about the development of knowledge in a group of people with different models of the world. Bravo! I will tell the whole world about what you are doing here.

For introduction.

I would like to tell you a little about myself. My main occupation is the study of religions and anthropology. I became interested in NLP around the time when The Structure of Magic was still a manuscript. My friend John Grinder brought it to me and said, “Read it and tell me what you think.” I read the book and said, "You know, this is a really great thing for people to be able to structure their experiences. It could really help people get a sense of the things that happen to them in the world that they can't express. It's really excellent model." It was a special place, the University of Santa Cruz, that allowed us to start what we do. The dean of this university had a dream - to create a context in which ideas from different fields of science and various models the world could come together creatively to create new opportunities. Today I would like to talk about the idea of ​​mastery in NLP, especially in relation to New Code NLP. "New Coding" is what I call it. This is another description containing seven different parts. I would also like to touch on the development of Systemic NLP.

Old coding

There is the first description of NLP, or as I call it, "Old Code NLP", which emerged as a result of the development of linguistics, Gestalt therapy and systems theory. It includes linguistic patterns (the meta-model) and their interaction with the deep structure of experience, which in turn includes ideas about representational systems, submodalities, strategies, the separation of intention and behavior, and all the changes that we can make using these codes to create techniques, be it six-step reframing, changing personal history, anchoring or visual-kinesthetic dissociation.

Much has emerged from the answer to one question: “How do you know?” This is the main question. People said, "I'm going to go to the show tonight." And we asked: “How do you know about this?” We began to pay attention to the fact that they were moving their eyes and became interested in what was happening. And they said, "Hey, I can see myself going to the show." And we discovered that they actually saw something. We began to connect patterns of physiology, language and internal state. Once you understand which level patterns are being used, you can create your own patterns.

People armed only with a meta-model began to indiscriminately meta-model others. They couldn't understand why they were losing their friends! They viewed NLP as a technology, as a procedure, which I call a ritual. There is no wisdom in a scrap of ritual. John Grinder and I were thinking, "How can we get people to start thinking about where wisdom is?" and thus, in 1984, Turtles to the Bottom: The Preconditions of Personal Genius was published.

New coding

The second description, or "New Coding" was the result of various studies: John Grinder and my understanding of NLP, Gregory Bateson's work on information theory and biology, Carlos Castaneda's books on the Yaqui Way, and our experiences of African drumming, dancing, singing and storytelling. in Congo. So we took these ideas and asked ourselves, "How else can we describe something that is already defined in other code?" And we proposed a series of seven elements.


One description is a state. We simply consider the idea of ​​state separately. What state would you develop to model excellence? We asked what components go into a good state to model, and what we can do to be able to choose our state and control our state in problematic situation, just like in a developmental situation and in a creative situation.

This was the first part. And then we started watching people who had already done interesting work by modeling, like Carlos Castaneda. What they had in common was the use of a state that I call nerk-nerk. It is a state of "not knowing" where you don't know...yet. You accumulate information in the system. You have intuitions, but you don't know what you know. As soon as you have an intuitive hunch, somewhere inside you you know something that has not yet entered into consciousness. The pattern has not yet emerged. But if you wait and the pattern repeats, it will appear.

This has to do with Gregory Bateson's idea of ​​two kinds of knowledge. There is knowledge in the part of our consciousness and there is also cognitive knowledge of what we know. There is also an understanding of the interaction between both.

When you model mastery, certain patterns begin to emerge. One pattern is the use of the idea of ​​state control, that a person has the tools to maintain certain qualities in their breathing, physiology, representation and beliefs that support the outcome of demonstrating mastery or excellence in the world. For example, when you sit, tense your shoulders and sit crookedly. Allow your shoulders to rise and fall toward your ears. Typically stressful state. What's wrong with your breathing? Is this condition comfortable? Do you think this kind of physiology is useful for learning? Where is your attention concentrated? What beliefs about learning do you hold in this state? Now change your position, move around slightly, or you can even stand up and sit down again. Find a stable, comfortable position. Walk throughout your body and release excess tension, breathe and ask yourself these questions again. Which state is more conducive to learning?

Another pattern we discovered is how to connect with the model. top quality. This requires a state where a person discards filters internal dialogue, foveal vision and excess tension. This is a very clear state, which is sometimes called uptime-trance (uptime - meaning here and now). This is a state in which our attention has interacted with a model whose patterns must be placed into our neurology and later retrieved for the purpose of constructing a transmitted code. The state of simulation is one of rest, without internal dialogue, using peripheral rather than foveal vision.

2. Interaction of the conscious and unconscious.

What else were these people doing? Well, they had a really interesting interaction between the conscious and the unconscious, what we call 1st attention and 2nd attention. No matter how small may be that part which we call consciousness and which gives feedback for the most part, it affects the quality of this interaction, with the understanding that it is impossible to get there, that it is a never-ending process of development that improves over time.

How many of you have done what is called a "Second Position Shift?" Most of the group. Do you remember the first time compared to last time? Is there a big difference in quality? Can you say that every time you do this the quality improves? This is exactly what I'm talking about. So what mechanism do you have to continuously develop this interaction? How many of you meditate? How many of you pray? How many of you practice self-hypnosis? How many of you are doing anything that requires 100%, honest input from your whole mind, as Gregory Bateson would say?

Gregory also recognized that masters in any field have a highly developed qualitative interaction between conscious and unconscious resources. According to him, the master knows when to use the tense thinking of the cognitive conscious mind and when to use the relaxed thinking of the more creative unconscious mind. Consider Milton Erickson's horse and rider metaphor. The horse is our unconscious, and the rider is our consciousness. Of course, each of us who has ridden a horse knows what happens when the rider wants to go in one direction and the horse in another. None of them will achieve their goal without spending a lot of time and effort.

So that was the second part about mastery and new coding.

3. Balance between practice and spontaneity.

The third idea was: how do I balance practice and spontaneity? It is also very closely related to the interaction of the conscious and unconscious. NLP is about getting results. Does it ever happen to you that your result is not getting a result? Or if I go across the southern border into Mexico, they will say to me, “Judy, it is very important to visit the land of Inaction.” Do you have such an understanding of life to say: “Yes, I study these rituals called NLP. I study these techniques, these tools, I visit places like this and practice them. I learn, I develop in the world.”? And there comes a point when it becomes so deeply embedded in your behavior that you let go of control and act completely spontaneously. And at that moment you're not thinking, "Okay, I wonder if their eyes are going to move up and right, and I wonder if they're going to move down and left?" There is only a systematic cycle.

I like the aikido metaphor. You're on the mat and you practice and practice, and when you go to meet your partner, you won't stop and talk to yourself. You won't even decide in advance which maneuver to use. You really can't even know it until you interact with your partner, because it's a dance with the outside world.

4. Positions of perception.

Number four is perceptual positions. Gregory said: “It takes two to understand one.” And we said: “Then there are three.” At that time we met Robert Dilts, and he told us: “I recently did one interesting thing. I had a person with a phobia. I asked him to take a position of perceiving what he was afraid of. And then an amazing thing happened. This snake was really scared." So we were all doing the same thing. And then we started thinking that there is my position, there is your position, and then there is a third or neutral position where everything is just information.

I have found that this is difficult for some of us. We moved there and we didn't want to say, "Hey, that's stupid, I can't believe I did that." This means giving meaning to the pattern on another level. I can now see and understand much more of the world from a different position than when I was stuck in the first position, or even when I was in the second. From third position I can see this dance.

Characteristic adjectives

How many of you know about characterological adjectives? Think about someone you find difficult to communicate with; about a situation in which there is no creative or productive interaction. There is no love at the heart of this communication. It doesn't bring out the best in you. You feel some difficulty. Has this happened to anyone? Now imagine that you are in a cinema. See this person on screen, behaving the way he is behaving, and give him a word to describe his behavior.

"Self-absorbed" and "Aggressive".

Okay, those are the words that describe it. Given information about this person's behavior, you would describe him this way. Now take a deep breath and see yourself on screen interacting with this person. You are now in third position. This is information only. And now you are there and you behave the way you behave. What words do you use to describe your behavior?


This means he is self-absorbed and you are detached.


They are aggressive and you are defending yourself. It's clear. Using the Bateson filter in this situation, we get the difference between a symmetrically increasing relationship and a complement. You begin to see your role in this dance. They wouldn't have any fun doing it without you, and neither would you. This is what the system is: take a piece of interaction large enough that you can step back and say, “Oh, now I understand how I'm dancing with this person,” and realize all the ways to get out of this dance. From this position, you can ask, "When I get back there with this information, what might make a difference in the quality of this interaction?" We know that if one part of the system begins to change, then the entire system begins to change.

These perceptual positions include a whole set of other possibilities, and this already begins to interact with the meta-model. Let's take a cause-and-effect pattern. When I think about how the pattern manifests itself in my life, I begin to understand the role that I play and that they play; and if I blame or feel blamed, I recognize it as an interaction of cause and effect.


There is another way of using perceptual positions that is truly fun if you think about it in creative terms. Think about a piece of art that truly touched you. It's not like you just looked at it and said, "Oh, that's great!" Rather, it is a work of art that you felt very deeply. In this case, you are in the position of a spectator describing this work of art or listening to this piece of music or watching a dance.

Now take the position of the artist who created it. Once you are in this perceptual position, begin to use the muscle movements of a painter, sculptor, or composer to access similar neurology within yourself. Now take the position of the artist who created it. Once you are in this perceptual position, begin to use the muscle movements of a painter, sculptor, or composer to access that same neurology in yourself. It's already there, you just haven't activated it in yourself for a long time. For example, a pygmy in the forest who never left it and never saw the horizon. He can see horizons, but he has never been in an environment that stimulates the optic nerves enough for him to understand the difference. Objects that are far away from him look really tiny, so he thinks they are bugs when in fact they are bison. Moving into the second position is a way that we can begin to stimulate this kind of neurology within us. And then we can take a step back and ask: “What are the differences between the one who perceives this art and the one who creates it?” And "Is there really a difference between my beliefs when I'm there versus when I'm here? Is there a difference in my beliefs about my ability to be creative?" I'm sure that's true.

So the idea behind perceptual positions is that out of this dance of multiple perspectives, wisdom can begin to emerge. Truly considering the movement from my personal map to understanding your personal map and then to an objective position in interaction gives us the basis of wisdom.

5. Attention

The fifth description has to do with attention. How I use my attention, what I give my attention to, and how I return it. This happens on a very small scale and it also happens on a very large scale, which serves as a metaphor for us. As soon as I focus my attention, huge parts of the world disappear somewhere, and this is due to a meta-model pattern called Omission. Do I fixate my attention so much during NLP sessions that I focus only on eye movements and lose a lot of other information? If I'm so fixated on someone's necklace that I don't notice the beautiful color of her eyes, I'm doing her a disservice. And then, if I hallucinate about this woman based on the necklace, I could land on the island of inference and spend a lot of time getting out of there.

What happens if we shift our attention to listening to birdsong when interacting with a person? Does it direct your attention in a different direction? Does it inform your behavior in a way that is more creative? Does it make a difference? If your attention is in a certain representational system with certain submodalities, what happens if you change just one aspect? You can change something very small or very large. For example: here I am communicating with someone and becoming... a woman from Honduras. Will it make a difference?

Have you read the story "The Tolbooth Ghost"? The part I liked was about a race of people who, when they are born, swim at a height that they will reach when they are fully grown. And then they grow down to the ground. And what happens is that they never have to change perspective.

If we use characterological adjectives again, we can apply the idea of ​​attention to see how this can create a relationship loop. For example, during an interaction I can notice where my attention is fixed. In other words, on the tone of voice, on the gesture, on the facial expression, on internal sensations. I may discover how fixating my attention on some minor aspect of an interaction leads my state to make a value judgment that can make the interaction uncreative, difficult, problematic. The idea is to discover where I'm fixating my attention, move it to some other aspect of the interaction, and, of course, notice whether the quality of the interaction has changed in a positive direction.

This is another look at the system. Sometimes I want to break it down into small pieces, and sometimes I want to look at the big picture. And there are places in this continuum of opportunity where I can begin to influence the system in a positive direction with the least amount of effort for myself and for the other person.

6. Filters

My mother used to tell me, “Judy, if you walk through life with a hammer in your hand, you will see a lot of nails.” She taught me about filters. If you rate the world in a certain way, you will see exactly that, and if you always do what you have always done, then you will always get what you always get. Have you ever played a game called "Swatt the Bug"? When your family is driving somewhere, the game is that the first person to spot the Volkswagen has to shout, “Shoot the bug!” And of course, when you apply a filter to find Volkswagens, they turn up everywhere.

We are designed to filter information. The big filter might be belief. Something becomes probable to me because I sort information in a certain way. If I'm only tracking certain information, I'll connect it to my deeper experience and think, "Yeah, right, now I believe it." So it's not only important to look at belief systems and filters, it's also important to look at "non-belief systems."

If I maintain a certain filter and I have no way of moving my attention away from that filter, then it is very easy to have deeper experiences that will create a belief based only on that filter. What mechanisms and processes do you have that allow you to shift your attention, to create an opportunity, to ask, “What else is there?” Because those differences will be what makes the difference.

In parts of the United States no big difference between discomfort and difference. I grew up in Oklahoma where the attitude was, "This is different. Stop it!" And by the time you receive driver's license you are already quite good at doing this. They were truly wonderful people, but there wasn't a lot of movement of filters and acceptance of differences. And the world is changing now.

We can talk about "filtration" philosophically. "Do I really see what is happening in the world or do I only see what is happening in the back of my brain?" But it's more useful to ask: What filters can we give up? When we find the edges of our map, it lets us know that the territory extends further. Most of us think of what lies beyond the edge as uncomfortable, instead of think of it as simply different. Take the difference between a person who has stage fright and a person who is truly scared. There are certain physiological cues for both experiences. There are certain parts that are the same, and there are other parts that are different. Being able to find these small differences in given states is the beginning of dropping certain filters.

Am I seeing this person as clearly as I can, or do I already have a set of filters or hallucinations about this person? As Don Juan and Castaneda said, every child is born with the gift of vision. Every baby is born in a state of nerk-nerk, unaware..., completely open to all possibilities. Then foveal vision and tongue occur. These two large filters begin to install. This attitude is the relationship between language, the outside world and what is happening inside, while the child builds this deeper structure. If the rules in this deeper structure have cause-effect relationships, nominalizations, significant omissions, overgeneralizations, then there are natural consequences for the child.

How many of you speak more than one language? Do you feel different when you speak another language? This is one of the ways you accept certain filters. Politics is another way, just like religion, dividing into men and women, into animate and inanimate. Just because I can't see this chair move doesn't mean it doesn't move. This only means that I do not have the apparatus to notice it.

You can't know what you can't know, but by knowing it, you can begin to build a belief that operates on another level. If I know that I don't know, then what kind of things can I do to move my filters around so that I can detect the edges of my map? As we used to say: "Everything you've never seen looks the same." There's a great line in Winnie the Pooh: "The more Piglet looked, the more Pooh wasn't there." The question here is to know this and then say: “Can I organize my life in such a way as to bring myself closer to the edge when the unknown surroundings become accessible?”

7. Multiple description

The last description is the actual description. Multiple descriptions of the world as opposed to simply perceptual positions. Let's take everything that is called NLP. How many other ways can I describe it? Where can I go to get a different description? Because I studied anthropology myself, I like to approach other cultures because I have this intuition. I have this intuition that we are all members of the same species. I say "gut feeling" because for me it's still New Yorkers who are questionable! Perhaps this is an evolutionary deviation! There are places where we are the same. And there are places where we are different. What makes us the same is that we are members of the same species. We have the same shape, we have the same language, we have the same neurology. We have different ways formulate it, different ways of talking about it, and in different parts In the world we pay attention to different things.

Active daydreaming exercise.

I'll give you useful exercise, which will allow you to experience the "new coding". It comes from the Native Americans and is called “Active Dreaming.” It is similar to daydreams and is a way of solving a problem or getting pleasure. It uses the simulation state, focus of attention, filters and triadic description to collect information from the larger part of the mind.

1. First, set an intent or select a filter. Let's say you need to accept important decision or you have a problem that you want to solve. This is something for which you ask most of the mind to filter information.

2. The second is to enter a state of ignorance or a nerk-nerk state. It has the following characteristics: lack of internal dialogue, vision more peripheral than foveal, lack of excess tension. It's really good if you walk through the system and check if there is voltage. I call it cleaning quality states. The idea is to walk through the body and check: is there voltage in the system and does it need to be there? Because when you start trying, you feel your shoulders rise, your attention begins to shrink, and the harder you try, the more it shrinks. Not everything has to be relaxed. You may need a little tension - it lets you know you're alive, but not too much.

3. Then take a walk in this state. You are open to everything that happens and are ready to notice when the outside world offers you a symbol. I have found that it usually takes 5 to 10 minutes before I become aware of the symbol. This symbol can be visual, auditory, or you are stepping in mud! You are simply available for it. There are 2 ways to think about this. The Western way is to say that the unconscious has simply grabbed hold of an important symbol. Native Americans would say that the universe just gave you a gift. Both of these perspectives are beautiful, but they are different perspectives. Remember to walk with grace and ease.

4. Let's say the symbol is significant to your initial intention, solution, or problem. Then become a symbol. Move to the second position relative to the symbol. Ask yourself: "If I am a symbol, what characteristics do I have?" For example, if a certain tree clearly stands out in my consciousness, this is my symbol. If I were this tree, what are my characteristics as a tree? I can be firmly planted, with a flexible crown, and birds build nests in me, and small animals come to visit me.

5. Then move to the third position, as an observer, a witness. From the third position, notice the relationship between the information the symbol has and your intention. How are this intention and symbolic information related? How does my thinking change with this information? Perhaps I will discover ways to become more flexible with my intention. Perhaps I will change my perception of time and that will be key in making a difference.

For me, the result of this exercise is discovery.

I want to use my conscious mind to set intention because that is where the problem is perceived. This assumes that the channels are open to most of the mind. It is also a means to continue to deepen the connection between the conscious and unconscious.

Systemic NLP

We can create a further description by taking "old encoding" and "new encoding" and asking in what ways they are similar and in what ways they are different and in what ways they interact with each other. What we get is the foundation of systemic NLP. And I think that most of what is happening in the world is connected with the moment when photographs of the earth began to come from Space. We were able to truly see the whole world, a perspective that we had never had before. We know that there are borders and countries down there, borders that have to be crossed, but from here, from above, they are not there. There is only one big continuous space. And it was then that other things spontaneously began to happen in science, such as chaos theory, fractal geometry and everything else that happens in physics.

When you have a way to shift yourself, change filters, notice when you are caught in a loop with another person, realize that you are using characterological adjectives; when you are there, when you are communicating with this person, where is your attention? And if you move it somewhere else, does that make a difference? That's the whole point. When these descriptions begin to interact, you get a systemic NLP that is just beginning to develop.

When I go back to the very beginning, NLP is systemic, one way or another. "Systemic" means "the whole part of the mind." But then when I start coding it, it becomes not so systematic. Right? Because coding is never this whole part of the mind. It's only something that consciousness can pull out and say, "This will represent this, and this will represent that."

Coding. That's the paradox. Once we code something, does it continue to be systemic? At what level should we address your thinking in order to preserve its systemic nature? For me, it is impossible to discover any new meaning, rather it is something that we have kind of forgotten and we need to rediscover it.

The question is how do we get it back into the body? We consider how the system is distributed naturally. We look at how it goes beyond and then restores its own balance in a natural way. It is holistic, it is systemic. And I think this is the next challenge for NLP.

Sometimes, when we are not in the best mental shape (apathy, our head is full of extraneous thoughts and we don’t want to do anything), we need to pull ourselves together and reconfigure ourselves. In some ways, this process is similar to searching for the desired channel in a hand-held radio: you hear interference and start turning the knob to improve the sound until you catch the desired channel.

For such purposes there is the game “Rainbow”. This game was introduced by me into time management from the games of the new NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) code.

In a nutshell, I’ll tell you about the features of the games of the new NLP code.

During these games, something like a brain reboot occurs. We activate both brain hemispheres and begin to operate in a hyper-productive state.

Most new code games require a partner. But the Rainbow game is different in that it does not require a partner.

Rules of the game of the new NLP code "Rainbow".

Multi-colored rectangles with words appear on the computer screen in front of you. Your task is to name the color of the word on the rectangle.

When the word "Cotton" is written in a rectangle. Your task is to clap your hands.

Game duration of the new Rainbow code

Game duration is 10-15 minutes. This time is enough for most people to enter a state high productivity(HPS - high performance state).

Some people have a preconception that new NLP code games like Rainbow can be dangerous.

In Britain in the last century, studies were conducted that showed that new code games have a positive effect on people’s thinking and do not affect their health in any way. These games can be compared to warming up before a run. Before you start running, you need to warm up. Likewise, in order to start working effectively, you need to stretch your thinking.

Thousands of people and companies use these games all over the world.

I advise you to try out the game of the new NLP code “Ruduga” in practice right now.


In the mid-1980s, in response to criticism of the first generation of NLP techniques.

4) “Time Lines”, developed as an exercise at a joint seminar by Grinder and Robert Dilts in the early 80s, and supplemented by an appeal to a highly productive state (NC version of the exercise “Changing Personal History”).

5) Verbal Package - an improved and simplified version of the metamodel.

6) Unified format of changes (4-step model) and New Code games.

7) Exercises to “track” states (“stalking”).

8) Numerous ways of communicating with the unconscious through involuntary signals.

9) Application of characterological adjectives.

Currently, most of these patterns are included in the design of the “NLP Practitioner” and “NLP Master” courses taking place in Russia.

What is the difference between the New NLP Code and other self-improvement practices?

Trust in the unconscious. Compared to classic NLP code and analytical practices, the New NLP Code involves radical greater degree trusting the unconscious (intuition), and using its capabilities to obtain instant insights (insights).

An operator is not required. Unlike traditional psychotherapy and coaching, the New NLP Code does not require an operator to work with you. This saves you from having to travel anywhere or wait for a specific time to work on your tasks. You can do this at a time that suits you, and in some cases, immediately.

Game form. There are many well-known cultivation practices built around the idea of ​​entering altered states of consciousness - from hypnosis to active meditation. However, nowhere are games used as the main tool. If you like to play - the New NLP code is created for you. New NLP Code Games are special processes developed taking into account the laws of neurophysiology, helping you to automatically enter a highly productive state.

Flexibility. You can easily adapt any New Code Game for yourself, taking into account your personal desires and characteristics. In addition, the New NLP Code is very respectful of your belief system: we do not require any change in beliefs or values ​​as a condition of mastering the technology. All you need to do is try to use the New Code games as a tool, the rest of the changes will happen naturally, as if by themselves.

Painless. When applying the New Code, you do not need to “step over yourself.” You don't have to make "breakthroughs." You don't have to "fight your flaws." You don't even need to tell anyone about the situations and conditions you are working with. This is one of the most comfortable technologies known today. The only noticeable drawback of the New Code in this area is that most of the games look quite strange, unusual, and sometimes absurd from the outside. That's how it's meant to be. This component their design and part of the New Code ideology. If you take yourself very seriously, we recommend that you explore more traditional, analytical methods.

- Highly environmentally friendly changes. All changes that occur in the process of solving tasks and problems are made by your own unconscious (the conscious is involved only in setting the problem and analyzing the result). Thus, a very high environmental friendliness of the result is achieved. To date, we are not aware of a single case of anyone harming themselves using the New Code. In the worst case, everything just remains as it was.

- Speed. From the experience of using the New Code, we know that sometimes 5-7 minutes of play are enough to radically change the perception of the situation. In these few minutes you can go from feeling complete disaster, where you started, to the feeling of great enthusiasm and anticipation of realizing an amazing opportunity.

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New NLP Code Game “Alphabet”

The Alphabet is one of the very first New Code NLP Games, and one of the most legendary. Perhaps this is why the Alphabet is widespread, and in a variety of variations, not all of which, unfortunately, turn out to be working. The reason for this, as a rule, is that when playing Alphabet, people strive to fulfill the conditions of the game as accurately as possible, forgetting why they are actually playing.

The goal of any New Code NLP Game is to achieve a state of high productivity that occurs naturally when you play it playing, and the conditions of the game are needed only to set the direction of your actions during the game. Remember how children play - it's very similar. A game is not a sport or an exam, in it you can make mistakes and not correct them, make the game more convenient for yourself, simplify or complicate it, in general, do everything that will help the game process be easy and interesting for you.

Ease - absence of tension and negative emotions, this is a prerequisite for any New NLP Code Game. If you find yourself feeling tense or making mistakes while playing, adjust the difficulty level of the game so that it is easy for you to play, but not too easy, so that you are still interested and fully engaged in the gameplay.

Quitting the game occurs when you notice that you are in a state of high productivity. This can happen in 15-20 minutes, or maybe in 5-10, the duration is completely individual and can be different each time.

How do you know when you've entered a state of high productivity?

Most likely, when it appears, you will immediately feel it in contrast to the state in which you start playing. This is a feeling of complete involvement in which playing becomes easier and more interesting. The intensity will not necessarily be great - the condition can appear in waves, gradually, or maybe immediately in full. Individual for everyone.

Another criterion that you are in a state of high productivity is the fact that you have been playing for quite a long time without making a single mistake, and at the same time you are completely relaxed. Although this is not a mandatory criterion, mistakes are acceptable.

And a completely accurate (but also not obligatory) criterion will be the appearance of natural laughter or a smile when making mistakes.

The main thing is, don’t try to imagine what it could be and cause it on purpose - you could make a mistake. Don't think about your condition at all when you play - just play and make sure there is no unnecessary tension in your body. The condition will come on its own.

Rules of the game "Alphabet"

The original version of the Alphabet, proposed by John Grinder, is made on A4 sheet, lined into 30 cells, each of which contains two letters. The upper letters correspond to the alphabet, and the lower ones are auxiliary and indicate words: P - “right”, L - “left”, V - “together” (sometimes the letter “B” is replaced by the letter “O”, which means the word “both” and has the same meaning). Both upper and lower letters should be the same size and style.

Alphabet on a sheet

In order to play the Alphabet from a sheet, it needs to be hung at eye level, so that all the letters can be clearly seen. The rules of the game are as follows.

You read the alphabet in a natural order, aloud pronouncing its letters, and simultaneously with pronunciation, lift right, left or both hands together, depending on which auxiliary letter is under the pronounced letter ( P, L or IN respectively). At the same time, you adhere to a certain rhythm - the one that will be most comfortable for you. If you make a mistake, you simply continue playing.

There is no need to raise your arms very high - raise them as much as is comfortable for you, but so that the hand is involved no less than from the elbow.

When you finish reading the alphabet to the end, you can start reading it in a new circle, or you can go in the opposite direction (from Z to A), in a way that is more interesting to you. The main thing is not to make the game too difficult for yourself.

If reading forward and backward becomes too easy and is performed with virtually no errors, start reading the alphabet in columns, lines, “snake”, etc.

When all variations of reading the alphabet are easy, and you need to make the game even more difficult, add the next element. Lifting right hand, lift at the same time left leg, and raising left hand - right leg. Raising both arms, stand up or squat, as is more convenient for you.

Remember, the point of the game is not to overload the mind, but to create a state of high productivity - these are not the same thing. Therefore, maintain the level of difficulty at which you remain reasonably successful. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't cling too much to the rules and take the game lightly.

One Alphabet on a sheet is usually enough for one or two, maximum three games, because the brain very quickly remembers the relationship of letters and it becomes too easy to play. Therefore, periodically you need to draw a new Alphabet.

This is done simply. You place the same number of auxiliary letters “L”, “P” and “V” in a random order, except for three cells. Under the letter of the alphabet “L” the auxiliary letter “P” must be placed, under the letter of the alphabet “P” - the auxiliary letter “L” must be placed, and under the “B” - the auxiliary letter “B” must be placed (if instead of the auxiliary letter “B” you use “O”, it is placed under the letter “O”).

Electronic "Alphabet"

The alphabet on the sheet is very convenient due to the versatility of its use. In addition, the paper Alphabet is the easiest version and is optimal for the first steps. But as your Alphabet skills develop, you will become more interested in the electronic version of the Alphabet.

In the electronic Alphabet, letters are automatically generated by a computer, which ensures constant novelty of options. Thanks to this, it cannot be remembered, and it is always new.

In addition, in the electronic Alphabet, letters appear on the screen in turn, due to which you can set a fixed rhythm of the game and a certain speed, thus adjusting the level of difficulty. In addition to convenience, the ability to change difficulty levels adds sporting interest to the game =).

Well, another advantage of the electronic Alphabet is the factor of random appearance of letters in different places on the screen, which forces you to keep your focus wide and further contributes to entering a state of high productivity.

The author of the electronic version of the Alphabet is my colleague at the NeoCode Laboratory - Alexey Kapterev. Alexey created the first version of the electronic Alphabet, which works in Excel and has many functional settings needed by an advanced Alphabet player. Subsequently, the participants of our Laboratory created other electronic versions of the Alphabet (for which many thanks to them from all of us), and, including, an electronic version of the Alphabet for mobile phone. This tutorial also has a built-in electronic Alphabet; to launch it, select “Play Alphabet” in the menu on the left.

Other versions of the electronic Alphabet can be found on the Electronic Alphabet of the New NLP Code page of the website

Try playing Alphabet (any version) to get the hang of it. Now you don’t have to play until a state of high productivity appears - we will learn how to purposefully enter it further, and at this stage I suggest you just get acquainted with the game and choose the most suitable game mode for yourself.

When you feel that you have found a mode that suits you and that you can play in for a long time, move on to the next chapter.

High Performance State Calibration

When you play Alphabet, the state of high productivity tends to come in waves, and at first it's a little different each time. This is a natural process of gaining experience of this state. But, nevertheless, I want to quickly learn how to enter into it as fully as possible. This gave rise to the need for internal criteria by which we could determine whether we are already in a state of high productivity, whether we are close to it, and if we are already almost there, then what is missing to be fully there?

In order to answer this question, we decided to conduct the following experiment during the work of the NeoCode Laboratory: to describe the state of high productivity using simple, well-known states. Having collected in the group those states that are always present in all of us when we are in a state of high productivity, we obtained group statistics. From these statistics, a kind of “checklist” was obtained - a list simple states, with the help of which, if you are close to a state of high productivity, you can easily see what is missing and immediately correct your state.

Based on this material, Alexey Kapterev developed the mnemonic model “O.R.U.Z.I.E.”, with the help of which you can easily remember (and, most importantly, then remember!=)) the list of checklist states. But, besides this, the O.R.U.Z.I.E. model It also has the opposite effect: with its help you can very quickly (within 1-3 minutes) enter a special state, from which you can move into a state of high productivity with the help of the Alphabet almost instantly! The state induced by the O.R.U.Z.I.E. model is not the state of high productivity itself, but there is one step between these states.

So let's take a look at this model.

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Creation in the late 70s John Grinde And Richard Bandler classical NLP allowed consultants to solve many people’s problems, but they did not use NLP for themselves. This caused some dissatisfaction among the founders, which forced them to rethink their approach. The result of this was the creation of Bandler's Design for Human Devices (DHE), and John Grinder, together with Judith Delozier developed in 1983 New NLP code, which allowed a person to work on his own tasks and develop his abilities.

The main difference between the New code and the classic one is that here the emphasis is on the unconscious. The conscious does not have such wisdom; the choice is made through logical thinking, which narrows the field of choice. A person finds solutions to problems through the unconscious, and, as practice has shown, such a choice is more productive and environmentally friendly in its consequences. However, the New NLP Code does not reject the conscious, but creates contact between them.

John Grinder compares it to a horse and rider team. In this command, the rider's role is to choose the direction to follow and trust the horse, adjusting the direction from time to time. And what the rider should not do is try to move the horse’s hooves with his hands, showing him how to ride in that direction.

In order for the interaction of the conscious and unconscious to occur, it is necessary for a person to remain in a state of high efficiency. In such a state, a person makes his choice spontaneously and finds a solution himself.

The High Efficiency State is achieved by New code games NLP. Their peculiarity is that they activate both hemispheres of the brain, use all channels of perception, while simultaneously performing several parallel processes. The Games have a clear rhythm, and the task gradually becomes more difficult.

The new NLP code is a creative solution to problems and tasks, a way of self-improvement and management of one’s own consciousness.

Basic patterns of the New NLP code:

  • A single four-step model with New Code Games;
  • Establishing communications with the unconscious through involuntary signals (using New NLP Code Games);
  • Exercises to track states (stalking);
  • Multiple perceptual positions ( own view at the situation, a view from the outside);
  • Verbal typing (use of words);
  • Use of characterological adjectives (for a more productive description of states);
  • Setting the framework of interaction (task, intention, tests for materiality);
  • Ordered relationships (building hierarchies similar to Bateson's logical level).

Advantages of the New NLP Code over other practices:

  1. Trust in the unconscious.
  2. Possibility of independent work.
  3. Work in the form of a game.
  4. Flexibility. No change in value system is required; any Game can easily be adapted to individual possibilities person.
  5. Painless. The work goes smoothly and unnoticed.
  6. Highly environmentally friendly changes.
  7. High rate of change. Sometimes 5-7 minutes of the Game are enough to see radical changes that have occurred in a person.

Research by NLP Laboratories has shown that this method turned out to be the simplest, most accessible and effective for independent use. Although it can also be used in group work. He is currently included in the NLP Master and NLP Practitioner training programs.