Ecology: why do we need to protect nature? Why is it necessary to protect nature? Why can't you just use it? State of the environment

It is no secret that the connection between man and nature is interdependent and inextricable. We largely depend on the climate, the state of the atmosphere, the amount of crops harvested and the purity of the surrounding air. And if we want to survive, we must protect nature.

Nature depends entirely on our attitude towards it. The more industrial waste we dump into rivers and lakes, the more we pollute the atmosphere, the worse it becomes ecological situation on the planet.

A person can protect himself. He builds shelters from the rain, comes up with new farming methods, and isolates himself from dirty air outside with air filters.

There is no one to protect nature. And she begins to slowly take revenge on her offender - the man.

In environmentally disadvantaged regions, the number of children who are already born sick is sharply decreasing and growing.

Phenomena are increasingly occurring in the atmosphere that are unusual for certain regions, but that threaten people’s lives. Remember the tornado in the Kaluga region?

The land produces less and less “pure”, independent of the harvest. Do you know how GMOs will affect your descendants? Maybe, if we fail to protect nature from ourselves, in a few decades there will be creatures living on Earth that are only vaguely reminiscent of humans?

Today, more and more scientists are inclined to believe that the biblical stories about people who lived for six hundred years are true. After all, there were no factories then, people didn’t know, they ate clean, natural products and drank live, not bottled water. Maybe if we can protect nature, our lifespan will increase again to several hundred years?

Humanity is rushing into space. It will happen very soon. People are going to establish a settlement there, because returning to Earth will be impossible. But is there a guarantee that the constructed colony will not disturb Mars, just as people disturbed the peace of the Earth? Maybe if we fail to protect the nature of our planet, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Earth or Mars, the Cosmos itself will take up arms against us and simply destroy us without a trace?

Let's protect nature to become a truly majestic spacefaring race. To live long. To be strong and healthy.

What does it mean to protect nature? Let us recall a few important points:

  • we need to make our production and agriculture harmless. It is necessary to stop polluting the earth and air, stop toxic waste; do not create landfills, but recycle waste;
  • save natural nature. Create national parks, build nature reserves, develop nature reserves;
  • stop destroying fish, animals and birds, especially their rare species; stop poachers;
  • create safe conditions for your own existence. And for this it is necessary to completely change the worldview of people, to instill in them which is impossible without a common culture.

We do not have the right to destroy anything that we did not take part in creating. We must protect nature to save our lives!

There is danger on our planet environmental disaster very close. But sometimes one gets the impression that this is understood only in the West, where they have long included an environmental component in their success strategy.

Once upon a time, man was completely dependent on nature. There were very few people on earth compared to the present time, and they did not own all the technology that we have now.

Today it is no longer man who depends on nature, but nature who depends on man. If once upon a time our primitive ancestor made a stone ax and cut down a thick tree, this, apparently, was considered a great feat. But today, any weak person, even a woman, can buy a chainsaw from household goods and cut down a huge grove in a whole day.

Can you imagine the situation: a ship is sailing on the sea, there are only stupid people on it? They deliberately poison their food supplies with toxic substances, they burn their sails and breathe in this suffocating smoke, then they cut - just imagine - holes in the bottom of their ship, water immediately begins to rush into them, filling hold after hold. People are preparing their own destruction.

Any sane person will say: this cannot happen. But in fact, it very, very much can. I'll explain. Our Earth resembles a huge ship sailing through the endless space of Space, as if along a wide river. And all of our humanity - all people - are similar to that same stupid team that was mentioned above.

From the chimneys of our plants and factories we release very poisonous smoke that poisons the surrounding green world; we also pollute our rivers with industrial waste, destroy forests without stopping and even save ozone layer we are a bad influence, which, like the sides of that ship from river water, saves us all from cosmic rays.

People without hesitation destroy the conditions in which they can live wonderfully, and at the same time they forget that we have only one ship - our Earth, and there is currently nowhere to transfer from it for the sake of common salvation.

With the large-scale development of science, technical and economic progress, very negative changes are occurring in our environment, which are leading to the rapid depletion of natural resources.

And today we look with sadness as hills and mountains, once covered with thick and beautiful forests how rivers flowing between bare banks become shallow, how ravines and dry soils appear, and our zoologists and botanists are constantly putting new and new pages into the Red Book, reporting on those species of animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction and that need special security measures.

Dirty air in our cities appears not only due to heating of homes, but also to a greater extent from harmful emissions from industrial enterprises, as well as from exhaust gases from cars and jet aircraft. More than three hundred million vehicles move on the roads of the planet every day, and from every thousand of these vehicles more than three thousand kilograms of carbon monoxide, which is very harmful to all living organisms, enters the air. All equipment, like scary fairy-tale monsters, absorbs oxygen and emits only harmful gases.

It is clear that people can no longer live without the conveniences of civilization. We cannot collect all the equipment in one dump and transfer, say, to a horse-drawn cart or even start walking from Moscow to Minsk.

Of course, humanity will never go back; the movement of civilization cannot be stopped. What happens? We live comfortably and constantly create everything new technology which destroys nature. What to do? How to find a way out? What should I do?

If all the plants on the planet disappear, humans will not be able to survive; only our green saviors give us the oxygen that we all breathe.

And only plants can give the same salvation to humanity. Only they can combat emissions, gases and dust.

The unique properties of the leaves and branches of our trees lie in their ability to attract tiny particles, flying in the air and falling into our lungs. Trees do the most in this main role, being the most powerful filters.

Therefore, it is very important to increase the number of parks, squares, and alleys in modern industrial cities.

Governments are largely responsible for preserving the natural environment. A lot naturally depends on each of you.

Why save the planet?

In 2017 A year will pass ecology and the Year of Specially Protected natural areas. We have been hearing about the need to protect nature since childhood. And most often we only hear. Have you ever wondered: why do we need to protect nature? A common answer like: “To preserve the environment!”, although absolutely accurate, sounds unconscious. So, why?

The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the World

nature with limitless wealth of phenomena,

with inexhaustible beauty. Here in nature, eternal

the source of a child's mind.

V. Sukhomlinsky.

We are already accustomed to the fact that surrounding nature has become a part of our life, a place where you can come to relax, take a walk with your children, and enjoy the beauty of the vast Siberian taiga. And the scale of this splendor inspires pride in one’s small homeland...

Generous with wealth natural resources Krasnoyarsk region gave us a unique animal and flora, which is the main source of our life. And we all draw from this source together, without stopping, because the image of an immense space filled with vibrant life has long been formed in our minds. We humans, in many ways, “don’t know what we are doing,” that is, we do not realize the consequences of our often aggressive and barbaric actions in relation to nature. Unfortunately, in our electronic and computer age, many people forget about this. Due to human fault, forests are dying from fires and deforestation, water spaces are becoming clogged, and therefore the flora and fauna living there are dying. According to scientists, humanity is heading towards an environmental disaster. Today everyone knows about the existence environmental problems threatening human health, that most of the world's population is cut off from nature, as they live in cities among asphalt and reinforced concrete structures. And nature is increasingly being “oppressed”: cities are growing, forests are being cut down, ponds and lakes are becoming swamped and polluted, the land and water in rivers and seas are being polluted. Unfortunately, while the world is on the verge of an environmental disaster, environmental education, more than ever, is one of the most pressing problems of our time. A way out of the environmental crisis is possible only if all policies and practices of environmental management are changed, the active inclusion of environmental, legal and other levers of influence and regulation of relations between man and nature. But not everyone is ready for change yet. The mentality and ingrained ideas of environmental permissiveness interfere with children, for example,pick not a flower, but a bouquet, catch a butterfly and destroy it, to adult, turn the rivers, cut down the cedar forest . Where does this come from?

I teach my students ecological tales. Imagine that you are the owner of a site and at the same time a small workshop for the production of chemicals. To increase your profit, you dump chemical waste on your site. This is also where you send scraps and sewage. What do you think will happen to your land in a year? And in ten years? What plants will survive on it? Will they be edible? But this is exactly what we do with our planet. We forget that we need to protect nature not periodically, during events, but every day, every second. An example that has not yet been forgotten is when, several decades ago, all sparrows were destroyed in China: they ate rice crops. But instead of increasing the yield, we first received a huge number of pests, then the drying out of forests and, as a result, the shallowing of rivers. There are many such examples in the history of Russia and planet Earth. What to do?

I think you will agree that in order to preserve nature on the planet, we need educated people. Her fate will depend on them. My task is to raise sympathetic, kind, merciful children, to teach them environmentally literate behavior towards all living things. Forming such a consciously correct attitude towards nature is a long process. Therefore, I believe that one should lay the foundations of environmental education as early as possible, without waiting for going to school or kindergarten.Love for nature implies not only passive contemplation - not to spoil, not to destroy, to treat with care, but also creation - to grow, protect, protect.Play with your children in nature and play with its inhabitants. By playing, you contribute to education positive attitude to nature, children show sympathy, help everyone in need of help, take care of the flora and fauna, perceive the beauty of nature, learn to preserve and take care of what surrounds them.I like social simulation games environmental activities, for example, “Construction of the city of the future” (its participants play the roles of builders, architects, city residents; the goal of the game is to form the idea that, subject to compliance with environmental standards and rules, construction must be carried out without disturbing the balance of the natural area).

I hold conversations on this topic in advance, drawing attention to the fact that the city must be environmentally friendly, beautiful, so that one would like to live in it. Then, together with the guys, we look at albums, magazines, paintings, and illustrations. We draw up cards - diagrams of the “Construction Rules”, work according to the drawings, analyze buildings, and look for ways to solve the construction of an environmentally friendly city. As a result, the whole project turns out. Throughout the entire project, children are actively working, they help each other, and most importantly, they learn to relate correctly to the world around them. Why did a person come into this world? Not only to be a user and consumer of nature, but to be a creator and take part in preserving and preserving the wealth of nature. Let me give you another example. Not invented by me environmental actions such as, “Plant a tree”, “House for birds”, “Primroses”. It’s so interesting for the kids to take part in such events, their eyes light up! And if, together with his parents, a child made a birdhouse or a feeding trough, then how honorable and worthy it sounds from the children’s lips that he did it together with his parents! I thank all the parents who constantly help their children in accomplishing any homework on the subject " Green world" Together with me, you teach to appreciate and love, respect and take care of everything that surrounds us. Thank you for helping with every little thing, be it drawing a picture or finding information about nature reserves in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. A person values ​​and loves only what he creates himself; what belongs to others is valued less. But what if nature is not someone else’s, but ours, mine and yours? Breaking is always easier than building. It is more pleasant to take care than to later regret what was lost. Watering a growing flower is easier than replanting it and waiting for results. I believe that if every person keeps clean in their yard, in the forest where they relax, in the enterprise where they work, how much everything around will change! Let's take care of what someone has already created for us, before us, for us!

Why do we need to protect nature? The short answer is to live. To have healthy children, raise healthy grandchildren and great-grandchildren. But how to properly protect nature? We live in amazing world. Everything that surrounds us is created either by nature or by man. Nature has provided everything that is necessary for life: clean air, water to quench thirst, nutritious soil for plants, ways to adapt all living things to seasonal changes, and so on. What does a person do to preserve his nature? What are we doing to ensure that our environmental culture and education are always reasonable? Environmental education is actual problem modernity. Its aggravation dictates the need for intensive educational work to develop an ecological culture of environmental management among the population. A reasonable attitude towards nature and the surrounding world should become one of the criteria for assessing the morality of humanity. Environmental education is, first of all, the education of humanity, that is, kindness, a responsible attitude towards nature and towards the people who live nearby. These traits will firmly become part of the character of a growing person and will become his basis. And then you can be calm for nature and the younger generation.
And start environmental education necessary from the cradle, in the family, and then until gray hair– improve your culture and education in the field of conservation and protection of nature.

Dear parents! Be an example for your children! Follow the rules of behavior in nature!

    Don’t pick flowers in vain - they are beautiful in the field, in the forest, on the water!

    Do not cut down trees and bushes!
    3. Follow the rules fire safety in nature.
    4. Do not destroy anthills, bird nests, or animal homes. Treat all living beings with care.
    5. Be true citizens of your country, active defenders of your native nature.

Nature is our friend, our environment! It is the sacred duty of every person to preserve and protect it.

The main principles of every person’s life in harmony with nature:

1. “Do no harm.”

2. “Knowing, do not destroy.”

3. “Don’t take more from nature than you need.”

4. “Before you do, answer yourself three questions: What do I want to do? Why do I need this? Who will gain what and who will lose what?

5. “Think about the consequences!”

I want to teach my children to thank nature for its generous gifts. We are the masters of our nature, and it is the storehouse of the sun with all the treasures of life. Fish need water, birds need air, animals need forests, steppes, mountains, and humans need nature. And it’s ours to protect it main goal. Let's take care of her!

By attracting children to close communication with nature, to knowledge of the world of plants and animals, we, adults, contribute to active development Children have such qualities as kindness, patience, hard work and mercy.

Additional education teacher

MBOU DO "Severo-Yeniseisky"

children's and youth center" -

Elena Vladimirovna Yarushina


We are accustomed to being surrounded by plants, animals, sunlight flows around in golden streams every morning. It seems to us that all this was, is and will always be. There will always be a green carpet of grass in the meadows, flowers will bloom, enchanting us with their aroma, birdsong will be heard in the forests, sea ​​waves with a quiet rustle they will roll the coastal pebbles, depths of the sea will always be full of secrets and mysteries, and the bowels of the earth will always give their riches so that we can live light, warm and comfortable on our planet Earth. We think this way because we are used to receiving all this, and we forget that the amazing and sometimes unexpected world that surrounds us and accepts us is subject to continuous change. That the apparent immutability of living nature is as deceptive as the feeling that the sun is moving across the sky around the Earth is deceptive. We are accustomed to using the gifts of nature for our own purposes. For our own benefit, we rarely think about the harm and damage we cause to nature.

Why is it necessary to protect nature? Yes, simply because everything in this world is not eternal. Because by damaging nature, we harm ourselves. How will we breathe if the air is filled with harmful gases? What will we drink if the water is not potable because it is contaminated? What will we admire if there are no forests, fields and meadows with flowers? Nature must be preserved and protected so that we can breathe fresh air, drink and swim in clean water, enjoy the beauty of fields, meadows, forests. We must take care of it not only for ourselves, but also for the next generations, for the animals, birds, insects and fish living on our planet.

Nature must not perish! It should flourish, become prettier and become more beautiful and diverse every day.

The work was completed by 3rd grade student Kokoulin Mikhail

municipal government educational institution main secondary school Strelskaya village


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

Nature must be protected and protected from fires, pollution and deforestation. Nature is main source oxygen, because thanks to it we breathe. If you cut down just one tree and plant a new one in its place, it will take many years before it grows. Nature helps people live. She gives us berries and mushrooms.

More than a thousand hectares of forest burn down every year. Therefore, we need to be very careful in the forest and not light fires.

Many plants and factories discharge their waste into rivers. From this waste, fish die in the river, the forest and all living things around die.

But now the state has begun to spend a lot of money on nature conservation. They began to install gazebos in the forests so that people could relax and breathe fresh air in the forest.

That’s why we need to protect nature so that this beauty does not perish.

The work was completed by 6th grade student Evgeniy Kokoulin

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

Studying nature means studying the world around us: stones, plants, animals, climate, water, soil.

We need to love nature, save it from destruction, protect and preserve it. You must not harm nature: pick flowers, throw away garbage, litter rivers and reservoirs, which we must preserve and protect. Nature is like a friend to us. And we need to protect nature from ourselves: forests, fields, rivers.

“Please love and protect nature.” If it is not protected, then forests, flowers, rivers, animals will not be able to live without nature, and humans will not be able to live without nature.

The work was completed by 6th grade student Alena Sedelnikova

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

"Take care of nature!" - these words are often said during class. However, what can ordinary schoolchildren do? How will they be able to save nature?

Over time, children will grow up, begin to work in enterprises, and found their own companies, which can harm the environment. Already from kindergarten We need to teach children to take care of nature and the environment.

Why are there so many environmental problems now?

Because many people have no idea that they need to take care of nature. Globe- this is our home, we should not pollute it. Where will we live if we destroy it?

Many people are ready to do anything for their own benefit; they think only about themselves. These people have no sense of responsibility. Therefore, in order to protect nature, we need to take care of forests, not pollute rivers and lakes, and teach the future generation to take care of nature.

If you previously thought that natural resources endless, that there is no need to think about it, then now everything is different. Some countries are spending huge amounts of money to restore the environment.

The work was completed by 7th grade student Oleg Kotelnikov

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

Nature is an important and necessary habitat not only for humans, but also for animals. Simple conclusions lead to the conclusion that the call “Take care of nature!” It’s not that difficult to perform, you just need to think about your actions more often. One can imagine that the serene happiness of human communication with nature could be threatened.

Man himself most often becomes a threat to nature. After all, big damage starts small. Nature is the beauty of our land. It gives us food, oxygen, and forests - wood. Nature must be protected, but we, on the contrary, are destroying it.

Firstly, people cut down many trees in a year, but it takes many years for one tree to grow.

Secondly, we often make fires, and because of this, fires happen. Then people invest millions of money in forest protection funds.

Thirdly, over the past decades, during the development of oil and gas fields, forests and animals have been irrevocably destroyed.

Why don’t people value nature, because it provides so many useful and needed by the person. And people respond by destroying it. After all, we are the masters of our nature, and it is the pantry of the sun with all its treasures. And we must preserve it. After all, by destroying a whole link, we destroy the whole chain. By harming nature, we harm ourselves.

So let's not make fires in the forests, let's not kill animals, break tree branches and pollute rivers and lakes!

Nature is our life, which is why it is so important to protect and preserve it!

The work was completed by 7th grade student Daria Kotelnikova

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

People often ask the question: “Why do we need to protect nature?”

But why really?

People think that man is in charge in nature, and everything is allowed to him. But they are very much mistaken in this.

Firstly, nature created us to protect it.

Secondly, in nature everything is interconnected...

If there is no air on Earth, then everyone will die: people, animals, birds, fish, trees. If the rivers suddenly dry up, what will happen then... The trees will dry up, animals and people will die without water.

So let's protect the environment! In nature, everything is interconnected.

The work was completed by 4th grade student Shkarednaya Snezhana

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

Nature must be protected so that living organisms can live.

For example, picking up trash, searching different banks and then sent for processing.

Always clean up after yourself. Make plants and factories work in such a way that they produce less waste.

We need to help nature and protect it.

The work was completed by a 5th grade student Vladislav Ploskonosov

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

Like other living beings, we need the warmth and light of the sun, air, water, food. What else? Clothes and shoes, housing, transport, books...

For a happy and joyful life, each of us needs to see the beautiful around us - in nature, in our home and in the city. We also need the love and attention of loved ones, and we ourselves need to love someone and take care of someone. We need friends with whom we can have fun and who will help us in difficult times.

Everything that people need for life is called needs. Every person has needs for water and air, food, clothing and shoes, housing, transportation, education and medical care.

Where does everything that is needed to satisfy needs come from? Nature gives us a lot. Air, clean water from a spring, the warmth and light of the sun, the beauty of a flowering meadow and starry sky, the joy of meeting a bird, animal or bright butterfly - we get all this directly from nature. The love and care of loved ones, friendship, help in difficult times - this is what we receive by communicating with other people.

The work was completed by 3rd grade student Victoria Volkova

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

We live on planet Earth, this is our common house. We need to learn to love and take care of it - the house in which we live.

We have a common roof over our heads - the blue sky. The common floor under our feet is the earth. We have one lamp and a stove for all of us - the gentle sun. We have a common water supply - these are rain and snow clouds. It only seems to us that our Earth is huge and vast. And if you look at it from space, it is not that big. In just an hour and a half you can fly around it spaceship. So we really need to know and take care of the house in which we live.

Time flies quickly. We will finish school and become adults. What kind of world will we live in?

The Earth is just a small particle of the Universe, but only on it, as scientists still know, is there life. This means we must try so that the nature of our common house not only was it preserved, but it became richer and more beautiful.

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals,

This will only make us kinder,

Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens, flowers,

You and I need such a planet.

The work was completed by 3rd grade student Valeria Nogovitsyna

The question seems banal and even stupid. There is probably not a single person who would think that this should not be done. Despite a clear understanding of how to treat nature, people for some reason often behave as if they are living their last day on Earth, and tomorrow will never come.

Nature is the source of life

Once upon a time, when the Earth was very young and humanity was a small group of people, nature was everything to man. Forests were a source of housing; people obtained food by hunting. Clean rivers served for drinking and fishing. The world's population grew, progress did not stand still.

And now, after many, many years, people began to forget where it all began. Forests are ruthlessly cut down, and in their places factories are built that dump harmful waste into a river that flows nearby, and from it water goes into houses where people use it. It is extremely important to understand why we need to protect nature. After all, without its benefits we cannot exist.

Animal world

Imagining the forest, we draw in our imagination tall trees with green crowns, lush grasses that sway in the light breeze, we hear the chirping of birds, it seems to us that a squirrel is jumping along the branches of the trees. We know that somewhere in the thicket of the forest live bears, hares, foxes, and other animals. Now imagine that there are no birds or animals. Then there will be no forest, because everything in nature is interconnected.

Take care of animals, because they are an important part of wildlife. Man is accustomed to using the gifts of nature for his own pleasure: people kill animals for the sake of valuable fur, and sometimes just for the sake of one’s own whim. Fortunately, there are caring individuals who create funds and reserves, calling on humanity: “Take care of animals!”

Forest on fire

Summer is coming very soon - this is the time when everyone wants to relax in nature. Everyone wants to bask in the rays gentle sun, splash in the warm river. Many people have picnics, light fires, and cook barbecues. Having rested, everyone rushes to return home, quickly collecting everything that is left. But sometimes people leave everything as it is, without bothering to clean it up.

Majority summer time occurs due to human fault. Do not think that a fire can only occur from an open flame: any small spark is enough to set fire to dry grass. It is rare, but it still happens that a bottle glass can serve as a magnifying glass and also cause a fire. Protect the forest from fire, it is dangerous for all living things. And in the areas scorched after the fire, nothing grows for a long time.

Traces of progress

The earth is called the blue planet, and factories, factories, and smoking chimneys are black ulcers on it. It’s already clear to everyone why we need to protect nature, because we ourselves are very dependent on it. And besides, we need to think about those who will live on our planet after us.

Take care and protect nature so that our children and grandchildren do not have to survive on their last strength or look for a new place to live. Some people think that they cannot prevent the harm that technical misconceptions bring to nature, because everything starts small. If everyone begins to treat it more carefully, then many things will improve. For example, when walking down the street, you should not throw garbage at your feet.

You need to be careful not to turn on the water unnecessarily and not to pollute the soil. You should use recyclable materials (paper bags instead of cellophane, glassware instead of plastic), wear faux fur clothes, instead of encouraging the killing of rare animals. People, take care of nature!


A lot has been created to preserve, and sometimes even to save, nature. environmental organizations. At the state level, it is prohibited to pour industrial waste into water and throw it into the air. toxic substances. Many natural objects are protected. It is prohibited to burn fires in such forests, and fishing is prohibited in the rivers. This is done because man has already damaged this place too much and it needs restoration.

Volunteer teams are being created: people work on a voluntary basis to clean up (in the literal sense of the word) places where one person is not able to restore order on his own. Anyone can become such a helper and work for the benefit of nature, and therefore for the benefit of themselves and future generations.

Don't dig yourself a hole...

You can talk for a long time and beautifully about why you need to protect nature, but at the same time not draw any conclusions for yourself. Sooner or later, everyone must understand that we are part of this nature, that by harming it, we, first of all, harm ourselves. Figuratively speaking, we are sawing the very branch on which we are sitting, and if we don’t stop, we can fall into the abyss.

It is important not only to understand why we need to protect nature, but also to explain this to our children. they will continue to live in the environment that will be left to them from us.

Nature has already suffered a lot from us, but perhaps we now do not fully understand what this may threaten us in the future. The main thing is to remember that we are an integral part of it, it depends on us, and we depend on it.

It is necessary to love yourself and your loved ones, wish them peace and goodness. We need to treat the world around us as if it were ours good friend, help him become better, do no harm and remember that everything around is interconnected, and man and nature even more so. Many kindergartens and schools have long held special additional lessons in which children are taught why they need to be attentive and careful about the world around them. To consolidate knowledge, every parent should conduct similar conversations at home, setting an example for the child with personal behavior.