Tank breakthrough: how the modernization of the main combat vehicles of the Russian army is going. Russian military-industrial complex: modernization of USSR equipment or new models? 

Reliable provision national security countries

While maintaining the democratic order in our country, its citizens, in order to protect their own rights and way of life, must participate in maintaining the balance of diversity in the world. Russia, having forever given up its previous claims to world hegemony, did not do this so that someone would claim the place of hegemon.

Russia's mission in the world- be on the side of the community of sovereign democracies and free markets against any global dictatorships and monopolies; do national sovereignty factor of fair globalization and democratization of international relations.

But it is impossible to participate in determining the world agenda, the planetary rules of the game and solve one’s internal, socio-economic problems without reliable protection of one’s own state. Such protection is provided only by combat-ready, technically equipped and modern Armed Forces. We must protect our country from any form of military-political pressure and potential external aggression. As the emperor also said Alexander III, Russia has only two real allies: its army and navy.

In this regard, the most important task remains the modernization of our Armed Forces, including equipping strategic nuclear forces with the most modern strategic weapons systems. Such modernization, in view of the increased number of military and terrorist threats in the world in the 21st century. is a task of national importance.

Russia needs mobile Armed Forces with high technological and intellectual potential. Due to mobility, it is possible to compensate for the smaller size of the army than before, with protected territories of comparable scale. From China to Europe, from the Caucasus to Afghanistan, the operational directions of our possible military actions extend. And this does not even take into account the emergence of situations requiring “power projection,” i.e., demonstration of Russia’s military capabilities beyond its land borders!

There is an opinion that all the problems of the Russian army will be solved if we switch from conscription to the contract principle of recruitment, replace the universal military duty professional army.

Indeed, the most modern and effective armies in the world - the USA and Great Britain - are staffed by professional contract soldiers. But the effectiveness and power of these armies are based not only and not so much on the principle of contract, but on the huge military budget, extremely expensive defense technologies, and the most progressive principles military strategy and organizations. If we focus all our attention on the system of recruiting the army, but lose sight of other, often more important aspects of defense capability, we will get an army that is not fundamentally different in its effectiveness from the current one, but at the same time much more expensive, unaffordable for the state budget.

The Russian army and security forces must become mobile, receive new, high-precision weapons, and switch to a new organizational structure. From large but slow-moving connections Soviet period- to small in number, but mobile, well trained and equipped units, capable of effectively operating independently and at a great distance from their permanent bases.

Russia needs a powerful and modernized nuclear deterrent force to cool the ardor of potential adversaries. It is necessary to maintain nuclear missile forces, space reconnaissance and early warning means that guarantee against a surprise attack and ensure the possibility of inflicting unacceptable damage on a potential enemy.

Prerequisite military reform- broad dialogue between the army and society, creating an atmosphere mutual trust, public understanding of the real problems of the army.

This primarily concerns the problem of professionalizing the army, eliminating the system of “hazing” (hazing) that disgraces it and poisons its relations with society. The adopted program for changing the principles of recruitment of the Armed Forces provides for a gradual reduction in conscription service from two to one year and an increase specific gravity professional military (contract soldiers).

It is also necessary to create a professional sergeant corps in the army - a category of junior commanders and technical specialists who, along with officers, form the “backbone” of the army. This will improve the quality of operation of expensive military equipment and defeat hazing.

In parallel, the issue of a large-scale increase in salaries for officers must be resolved, which would allow commanders to think about the combat training of troops, and not about the survival of their families. It is important to create strong motivation for officers to career growth. Graduates of military academies, when appointed to positions in the troops, should receive salaries and living conditions worthy of officers, and not quit immediately after receiving military education or after the first two to three years of service.

Share new technology in the Russian army is 58%, and this year it will increase to 62. He spoke about this. President, dedicated to military topics. Representatives of the army and defense enterprises were invited today. the main objective— sum up the interim results of the state rearmament program and decide what weapons the military will need in the future.

Today in St. Petersburg the new generation communications vessel “Ivan Khurs” was launched. This ship contains characteristics for a number of ship life support systems. Most processes for managing standard technical equipment and on-board weapons are automated.

The fulfillment of state defense orders almost in full over the past year suggests that the modernization of the Russian armed forces is proceeding strictly according to plan. This means that by the end of 2020, as planned by the president, the composition of weapons and military equipment will be updated by 70%.

"More than 5 thousand 600 units of the main types were delivered to the troops the latest weapons, as well as about 3 thousand repaired and modernized models of military and special equipment, says the president. — This made it possible to complete the park modern technology in parts constant readiness up to 58%. In general, the successful implementation of the state defense order last year made it possible to ensure the comprehensive development of weapons systems. Strengthen the combat potential of troop groups formed in strategic directions."

Only the troops of the Central and Eastern Military Districts have several dozen new Iskander-M and Pantsir-S1 complexes, Su-35S and Su-34 aircraft, coastal missile systems"Bastion", anti-aircraft missile systems "Thor", unmanned aerial vehicles of various modifications.

Crimea was reinforced by anti-aircraft missile system S-400 "Triumph" and "Pantsir-S" complexes, the Navy was replenished with 24 ships. "In 2017 level modern weapons and technology is planned to be increased to 62%, the president notes. “I ask the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and representatives of the defense industry to focus on this indicator. I would also note that the combat experience gained during the operation in the Syrian Arab Republic, the need to strengthen Arctic territories and borders in the west and southwest required clarification of approaches to re-equipping troops. Therefore, during the meeting we will also consider the main parameters of the new state armament program. As you know, its development has already begun."

By the way, the latest military equipment in a special northern livery could be seen at the Victory Parade. The Tor-M2DT and Pantsir-SA air defense systems were manufactured specifically for the Far North. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief keeps everything related to rearmament under personal control and holds such meetings twice a year.

“This is an absolutely unique format,” notes Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. “The main goal is to increase the efficiency of military construction, the implementation of state defense orders, and the activities of our Armed Forces in general.”

After a detailed analysis, manufacturers will receive recommendations from the military on how to improve the most important parameters.

This is the ninth meeting on the implementation of state defense orders since 2013. The work lasts for a whole week. This will allow us to discuss in detail each of the projects in a variety of areas.

Newest Russian tank"Armata" continues to attract the attention of military experts and general public. The Uralvagonzavod corporation, which received an order for mass production of this vehicle, recently announced that it will likely also produce an “unmanned” version of the Armata, calling such a tank the future.

The famous arms factory has some experience in the field of remotely controlled vehicles: it produces a robotic special fire engine based on the T-72 battle tank. In accordance with management plans, serial production of the new Armata tank may begin as early as this year. The vehicle is currently undergoing field testing.

Uralvagonzavod will be busy in the coming years as it fulfills a number of government orders for the production, modernization and re-equipment of a wide range of military equipment. These orders include the T-72B3 tank, BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle, self-propelled howitzer Msta-2S19M1, armored personnel carrier BTR-82AM, combat vehicles landing and other products. In total, the plant will supply more than 1,400 units of military transport equipment to the Russian armed forces.

Over the past few decades, the American HMMWV has become the standard by which other military vehicles are judged, as it has served in every American-involved conflict around the world. to the globe and has shown its ability to withstand any climate and any imaginable terrain.

The Russian military has long sought to create its own alternative and, finally, in 2006, the armored army SUV "Tiger" was adopted. Russian automaker GAZ and the Ministry of Defense are working to adapt the design to domestic and international standards, introducing improvements and preparing the car to compete with American and other Western counterparts.

In 2010, Brazilian law enforcement agencies expressed interest in purchasing the Tiger for their troops special purpose, and in 2013, tests and evaluation of its characteristics were completed in Brazil with the aim of using it during major sporting events in 2014 and 2016.

During the upcoming annual military parade on May 9, which will mark the 71st anniversary of the victory Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in World War II, the Russian armed forces will demonstrate it latest version, "Tiger-M", equipped with a remote-controlled combat module "Arbalet-DM". According to official representative the company that produces Sergei Suvorov's "tigers" was supposed to install Italian combat modules, however, as a result of the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia, this contract was disrupted. In addition, “Italian technology turned out to be too fragile for our climate,” while the Crossbow performed well at temperatures from -50 to +50 C.

According to Suvorov, the Crossbow device is fully stabilized, and its fire control system has a target acquisition and automatic tracking function, which allows the operator to fire effectively both in a stationary position and while moving. In addition, the machine can be controlled completely remotely if necessary. The Crossbow module is equipped with two types of machine guns and an automatic under-barrel grenade launcher, and the operator can switch from one machine gun to another using a computerized fire control system. The future role of the new “tigers” can be guessed based on their place in the May 9 parade - they will accompany the Yars mobile missile systems. Based on this, it is logical to assume that the first to receive these new army SUVs will be the Russian missile forces strategic purpose. "Tigers" will be used to protect mobile phones launchers and ballistic missiles.

The Kalashnikov Concern, part of the state corporation Rostec, has begun creating a corporate university, indicating its maturity as a manufacturer of semi-automatic weapons and an export platform. According to Mikhail Nenyukov, deputy director of the concern for quality and production development, this decision should contribute to the development of managerial qualities of the company’s personnel. According to his statements, such a university will become “ unified system development of leadership and talents, managerial and production competencies of Kalashnikov employees from the worker level to middle and senior managers.”

The editor-in-chief of the Russian magazine “National Defense” Igor Korotchenko believes that it is necessary to create educational structures in large corporations and at enterprises of the country’s military-industrial complex: “We have practically no other forms of training qualified workers left, so such initiatives can only be welcomed. The defense industry today is the locomotive of the Russian economy, and it is necessary to train personnel for it, especially given the large-scale modernization of production, as well as the emergence of modern equipment with digital control, and the introduction of new technologies and materials.”

It should be noted that in Soviet times, the most talented designers and workers worked in the country's military-industrial complex, receiving high and stable salaries. wages, and also enjoyed an exclusive system of benefits. Today, the Russian defense industry is experiencing serious aging and is facing a brain drain to the private sector, and the Russian government is seeking to create conditions so that it can train and retain a future generation of highly qualified specialists.

Rearmament Russian army scheduled to take place before 2020. Will the Russian government cope with this? On this moment the pace of reformation remains impressive. Although it was not possible to reach the heights planned back in 2008, the reformation continues and is gaining momentum. The Russian Federation is making every effort to carry out rearmament on time, even despite the economic recession.

General government plans

Back in 2008, a program for rearmament and general reform of the army was approved. It was planned to be carried out in three stages, and the army would not be rearmed immediately. The first step is changing personnel. Mostly officers retired. The second stage is improving the social security of army personnel. The first and second stages were completed successfully. However, the third stage, direct re-equipment, turned out to be the most difficult and financially costly, so the original plan to carry out 75% of the work by 2015 was postponed.

Despite the failure to meet intermediate deadlines, the government did not abandon the initially set goals. The country will rearm until 2020 according to the following plans:

  1. Updating military equipment. This item includes the modernization of nuclear weapons, the performance characteristics of which are significantly superior to Western ones, and the updating of general army and naval equipment. The estimated renewal volume is 70% percent. Will be used Russian complex developments.
  2. Bringing to modern look Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation (by 45% percent);
  3. Updating of aerospace defense assets (by 60% percent);
  4. Re-equipment ground forces(only 20% percent).

The following will be transformed: edged weapons, nuclear troops, aircraft, armored ground vehicles. The total amount of changes will affect 75% of the equipment of all army units. At the moment, about half of the planned actions have already been completed.

The end of the rearmament program is scheduled for 2020. Moreover, by 2019 most of the updated equipment should be put into operation, and the army personnel should be completely transformed by this time. The list of updates has currently been approved, but may be adjusted at the initiative of the government.

Changes in plans

Due to the large-scale economic crisis of previous years, funding for the reform program decreased. The use of some monetary assets has become impossible. However, the government says that this will not affect the timing of the program or its volume.

They decided to achieve savings by reducing the costs of foreign weapons for the Russian army. They decided to replace foreign-made models with modernized Russian equipment.

Deputy Defense Minister Borisov announced this, emphasizing: “The best is the enemy of the good.” Experts who have a pessimistic view of Russia’s development predict the failure of the campaign due to decreased funding, but government analysts promise the implementation of reforms by 2020.

Measures implemented so far

The rearmament program began to operate back in 2008, but the active stage of modernization actually started only in 2015, and during this year and subsequent time Russia managed to achieve significant results in the field of updating military equipment (97% of the annual program was completed):

  • in the field of strategic weapons, Russia has acquired new Yars installations, which have an intercontinental range (almost worldwide coverage);
  • 5 missile regiments have already been rearmed;
  • the military space forces received five sets of S-400 Triumph installations, which have an increased range;
  • VKS also received at their disposal newest fighter“4++” Su-35S, which in terms of characteristics almost reaches the level of the 5th generation; The Su-35S has been successfully tested in the military battles currently engulfing Syria;
  • the ground forces received a new Russian service pistol and some other basic equipment;
  • Tu class bombers were modernized and air force generally;
  • The Navy has improved mainly in the Black Sea direction: the water area received two new submarines with rocket launchers Extended range "Caliber" technician.

At the same time, parts of the South were most significantly affected (their appearance will change by 80%). Active rearmament of units located near the eastern archipelagos of Russia began. The government is focusing on the defense of critical borders. The time of reformation is constantly increasing, but the pace of renewal is not slowing down. The last one, 2016, is the most promising: after a long economic stagnation, the program was practically completed.

The documentary catalog of the reform includes several more new weapons positions that were not disclosed as of 2016. They will be discussed in more detail online in 2018-2020.

Plans for the near future

In 2017, the Russian Federation plans not to slow down the pace of renewal. This is reported by Wikipedia and official statements by representatives of the country's Ministry of Defense. We need to exceed the indicators of 2015 and 2016 (97 percent of the plan). To achieve this goal, the pace of reforms was slightly increased. In this case, by the end of this year it is necessary:

  • equip three more rifle units with Yars complexes, which can withstand comparison even with Western and European RK complexes;
  • supplement three air defense divisions with Tor-M2 missile launchers;
  • supply 950 armored vehicles, including tanks and other large military equipment;
  • supplement the weapons of the Russian Armed Forces and Aerospace Forces with 170 new aircraft;
  • commission water craft for the Navy: 8 ships for surface use and 9 boats for combat purposes;
  • commission the Iskander installations;
  • install 4 “Bal” RK installations;
  • increase the number of S-400 complexes.

Some of the assigned tasks have already been completed. Balance in urgently is being carried out until the New Year, after which the interim results of the reform will be summed up. How completely the rearmament of the Russian army will take place in 2017 will only be judged in January-February 2018. Re-equipping such a number of units is a difficult task, with which the reformers have previously been surprisingly successful.

The list of weapons of the Russian army until 2020 will be replenished with several new names that have not yet been announced. Latest news in the military sphere, these are Bal missile launchers and new tank models.

Russia's updated army and new weapons are primarily aimed at increasing the country's status in the eyes of other states. The updated missile defense systems are not afraid of US anti-missile installations, thanks to which they can provide both a decent defensive response and strong attack. The complete rearmament of the Russian army will occur before 2020. The Minister of Defense and his Deputy, as well as other prominent figures from the Ministry of Defense, presented short report, where they say that after the reform is completed, the country’s armament level will increase many times over.

Over the last decade, the military-industrial complex (MIC) of Russia began to actively work in the interests of its own Armed Forces. Enough at a fast pace Many types of troops are being re-equipped, especially the Strategic Missile Forces and the Aerospace Forces (VKS), to a lesser extent - Navy(except for the submarine fleet). Many promising weapons systems, the creation process of which began after the collapse of the USSR, are at the final stage of development. However, in reality, so far the troops are mainly receiving equipment that is a deep modernization of Soviet developments. This became possible thanks to the excellent modernization potential of many types of weapons, as well as the opportunities that open up thanks to the “digitization” of Soviet equipment (digital equipment was rarely used then) using a modern element base. Nevertheless, it is impossible to imagine the Russian military-industrial complex without the legacy of the USSR - continuity in this area is of utmost importance. And most of the enterprises remained from Soviet times, in most cases retaining their names. This will be demonstrated using specific examples from key sectors of the military-industrial complex.

Military aircraft industry: Soviet Su-27 and Mi-8 platforms bring billions in profits to Russia

After the start of the Russian military campaign in Syria in September 2015, major global and Russian media Footage of the use of Su-34 front-line bombers, as well as Su-30SM and Su-35S multirole fighters, is constantly appearing. At the moment, these aircraft are the most modern and efficient aircraft in the Russian Aerospace Forces, attracting the attention of many buyers on the global arms market. And all of them were created on the basis of the fourth generation heavy fighter Su-27, which was put into service air force USSR in 1985.

As for the creation of these deep modernizations of the Su-27, this was done largely at the expense of foreign customers on their own initiative, since until the 2010s there was practically no state defense order for new combat aircraft. This is especially true for the two-seat multirole fighter Su-30SM, which would hardly have appeared without the largest Indian order (currently 272 aircraft have been contracted, about 250 of them have been delivered). This aircraft will soon bring up to $8 billion more to the Russian military-industrial complex - this is what the contract for upgrading the entire Indian Su-30MKI fleet to the SuperSukhoi level will probably cost.

As a result, today, new combat aircraft created on the basis of the Soviet platform are the basis of the Russian Aerospace Forces, entering the troops in large quantities. Only the fifth generation fighter T-50 PAK FA, which first took flight on January 29, 2010, can be called a completely “independent” project, and the first work on its creation began in 2002. Although the aircraft was completely created already in Russian Federation, the work itself on creating fifth-generation fighters began in the early 1980s in the USSR. Were developed technical requirements to aircraft of this class, in addition, the traditionally competing experimental design bureaus (OKB) MiG and Sukhoi began work on the creation of their own aircraft. Strictly speaking, initially only the MiG Design Bureau was involved in the fifth-generation fighter with the MFI project (multifunctional front-line fighter), and Sukhoi received a project for a new carrier-based fighter S-32 with a forward-swept wing. Later (after the collapse of the USSR), the S-32 was renamed the S-37 or Su-47 Berkut and became an experimental aircraft for testing fifth-generation fighter technologies. The fate of the MFI turned out to be quite sad - the only flight prototype MiG 1.44 carried out only two flights - in February and April 2000, after which the project was closed, becoming a “victim” of disorganization and low government funding in the 1990s. The protracted development of the vehicle led to its significant technical lag behind the American F-22 Raptor, which was already actively flying and was adopted by the US Air Force in 2005.

As a result, it was decided to begin the development of a fifth-generation fighter “from scratch” - already by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, which remained operational thanks to large-scale export projects. Actually, we are already talking about the T-50 PAK FA, in the creation of which we used all the technical developments that accumulated during testing of the S-37 and MFI. At the moment, 9 T-50 prototypes have been built, 7 of which are flightable. By 2020, the first batch of 6 production vehicles is expected to be delivered.

A similar state of affairs continues in the helicopter industry - the Mi-8/Mi-17 military transport helicopters in modern modifications, for example, the Mi-8AMTSh, are the best sold in the international and domestic markets. It is worth noting that the first Mi-8 entered service back in 1965, however, the machine is still relevant to this day. In total, more than 16,000 Mi-8s were produced, making it the most common twin-engine helicopter in the world. Other popular modern Russian military helicopters - the Mi-35M, Mi-28N and Ka-52 attack helicopters - are also direct descendants of Soviet machines. The first flight of the Mi-28 was made on November 10, 1982, and the Ka-52 is a two-seat modification of the Ka-50 helicopter, which made its first flight on June 17, 1982. The Mi-35M is a modernization of the mass Soviet attack helicopter Mi-24, put into service in 1972. “Original” Russian projects, such as the Mi-38 and Ansat transport helicopters, do not yet inspire confidence that they will become as widespread as their Soviet predecessors, which are still in great demand in the world.

As for military transport aviation, in this area there is complete dependence on Soviet-made aircraft. New vehicles built by the Antonov State Enterprise, for obvious reasons, are no longer available to the Russian army, and in general, the affairs of the Ukrainian company are not going well. As a result, we have to maintain a huge fleet of aircraft such as An-124, An-26, An-22, etc. in flying condition. So far, it has been possible to master production in Russia only for Ilyushin machines (production was moved from Tashkent to Ulyanovsk). IN last years Small-scale production of the Il-76MD-90A, the most advanced modification of the Soviet military transport aircraft Il-76, began. The only Russian project of a light transport aircraft, the Il-112, created to replace the An-26, is only just preparing for its first flight. Replacements for the An-124 and Il-76 are not yet visible on the horizon.

Mass-produced Russian ground equipment is a direct legacy of the USSR

At the moment, Russia is the undisputed leader in the number of new tanks supplied to the world market. Such success of Uralvagonzavod was brought about by the main battle tanks T-90S. The T-90 tank was put into service in 1992, and its development began in the late 1980s on the basis of the T-72, which is the most mass tank second generation in the world (more than 30,000 units produced). In 2001, an export modification of the tank was created - the T-90S, which began to be in great demand due to its excellent price-quality ratio. This was largely due to the fact that there was practically no Russian, “market” money in the cost of developing the machine - the basic work was done in the USSR, the same applies to the creation of production facilities. As a result, India contracted for more than 2,000 tanks, Algeria purchased more than 300 vehicles, and others.

As for innovations in the armored tank market, we should note the development of a promising new generation tank on the Armata universal heavy tracked platform. A number of T-14 tanks are already in trial operation in the Russian Armed Forces. The T-14 is not directly connected with Soviet developments, however, work on a tank with an “uninhabited” turret, which is main feature“Almaty” was carried out even before the collapse of the USSR. The creation of a real vehicle with such a layout, where the crew is placed in an isolated armored capsule at the bottom of the tank, became possible only with the development of computer technology.

A similar situation exists with armored combat vehicles - infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and armored personnel carriers (APCs). While promising products based on the Kuragnets-25 medium tracked platform and the Boomerang medium wheeled platform are just beginning to undergo testing and have not entirely clear prospects, the Russian army is also armed with Soviet BMP-2, BMP-3, BTR-80, etc. P. These vehicles undergo various upgrades, for example, to the level of BTR-82A or BMP-3M, however, there is nothing fundamentally new about them. These same products replenish the budget of Russian enterprises during export deliveries.

Russia's powerful air defense system is a legacy of the Soviet Union

One of the most famous Russian systems weapons is anti-aircraft missile system(SAM) long range actions of the S-400, which entered service with the Russian Armed Forces in 2007. However, the development of this air defense system, originally called the S-300PM3, began in 1987, based on its predecessor, the S-300PM. Somewhat later, the air defense system was renamed the S-400 Triumph, and the development was completed in modern Russia, largely thanks to financial resources, which came from the export of the S-300 air defense system (most of the products were purchased by China - according to some sources, up to 36 divisions).

Other means air defense(air defense), which are actively entering service with the Russian Aerospace Forces, such as the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft gun-missile system (ZPRK), air defense systems short range"Tor-M2", air defense system medium range"Buk-M3" and others are modernizations Soviet systems, as can be seen from their names. All these highly effective air defense systems, considered one of the most effective in the world, are a legacy of the USSR. The use of new elemental base and technologies in the conditions of modern Russia has made it possible to significantly improve their characteristics - both in range and probability of destruction, and in the number of simultaneously tracked and fired targets.

Nuclear deterrence is ensured by weapons that are a development of Soviet products

Perhaps the most important component of the Russian army is the strategic nuclear forces (SNF), which provide deterrence against global conflicts. They include the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), the strategic submarine fleet and strategic aviation.

As for the Strategic Missile Forces, represented by mine and mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles(ICBMs) are ground-based, then all the models in service here have a direct connection with the Soviet military-industrial complex. R-36M2 "Voevoda" heavy liquid-propellant missiles, capable of carrying 10 individually targetable heavy nuclear warheads (with a yield of 800 kilotons of TNT), were built between 1988 and 1992 at the Yuzhmash plant in Dnepropetrovsk. This important component of the strategic nuclear forces should be replaced by the RS-28 Sarmat ICBM, which is actually a direct branch of the evolution of the Voevoda. True, the work is somewhat complicated by the fact that missile production was established at Yuzhmash, which remained in Ukraine, but the State Research Center named after. Makeev is quite capable of developing and mastering the production of a new ICBM. By the way, another important project is the creation of a controlled hypersonic glider-warhead for the Sarmat (such a warhead is almost impossible to intercept using means missile defense). According to available data, it is called “product 4202”, and its predecessor, the Albatross project, was worked on in the late 1980s, but due to underfunding or other problems, the program was closed. There is another interesting strategic “reanimation” - the Mozyr ICBM silo defense system. According to some sources, work on its creation has been resumed since 2012. The capabilities of modern radar stations made it possible to complete the work and ensure the interception of enemy warheads with a volley of clouds of metal arrows and balls at high speed towards the target.

As for the light solid-fuel ICBMs "Topol-M" and the most modern, RS-24 "Yars", they are an evolution of the ICBMs "Topol", produced from 1980 to 1994. The same can be said about the ultra-light ICBM RS-26 Rubezh.

Now let's turn to the maritime component of Russia's nuclear triad. Here we will encounter a little more Russian “novelty” than in the Strategic Missile Forces. First of all, we are talking about submarines the fourth generation of Project 955 "Borey" and the ballistic missiles with which they are equipped - the R-30 "Bulava". If the development of the Borey in its current form began in 1989, then the missile for the submarine was already being developed in modern Russia - since 1998. And it turned out to be very unsuccessful - so far, out of 26 launches, 9 turned out to be emergency, which is as much as 34.6%. And this despite the fact that “Bulava” does not have any outstanding characteristics: the same American rocket TridentII, put into service back in 1990, throws twice as much more weight, and its warheads are aimed at the target more accurately. This situation arose due to the fact that the R-39UTTKh “Bark” project, developed by the traditional “marine” rocket-building design bureau named after. Makeev, was closed due to high cost, and in 1998, the creation of a solid-fuel rocket for the Borey was entrusted to "", who did not have any experience in creating sea-based missiles.

As a result, at the moment, the basis of the maritime component of Russia’s nuclear triad remains those produced back in Soviet time nuclear submarines Project 667BDRM "Dolphin" with liquid-propellant ballistic missiles R-29RMU2 "Sineva" and R-29RMU2.1 "Liner" modernized in Russia.

Russian strategic aviation is represented exclusively by Soviet-made bombers - Tu-95MS and Tu-160. In modern Russia, a program for modernizing existing aircraft has been launched, and new strategic ones have been created. cruise missiles X-101/102 (traditional/nuclear combat unit). In addition, in the early 2020s it is planned to restore the production of Tu-160 bombers in the Tu-160M2 version (on-board electronics have been radically updated), but the creation of a new aircraft called PAK DA (Advanced aviation complex long-range aviation), apparently postponed indefinitely.


Naturally, we did not talk about all sectors of the Russian and Soviet military-industrial complex. However, the examples given are quite sufficient to understand the current trends:

1. The basis of the Russian military-industrial complex remains Soviet enterprises and Soviet developments. Most of the new equipment that is being put into service is a modernization of models created in the USSR, or the development of projects laid down by Soviet designers to the level of serial products. In some cases, projects closed in the 1990s are being revived.

2. The equipment, fully developed in the conditions of modern Russia, is just beginning its journey - most of these products are at the testing stage and have not yet been adopted by the Russian army. Some of them have noticeably murkier prospects than deep modernizations of time-tested Soviet images.

3. Despite its effectiveness and popularity, the equipment created in the 1970-1980s in the USSR will still have to be replaced. The existing modernization potential of many products, although enormous, is still coming to an end. That is why the Russian military-industrial complex faces a serious challenge - it is necessary to create a new generation of equipment in almost all industries. Moreover, the weapons created should become the basis for the Russian Armed Forces for the next half century. Naturally, in the development process, Soviet experience and school play a crucial role - without them, even creating a new tank is very difficult, and in such industries as rocketry they are absolutely vital.

4. A change of generations requires serious financial investments, which were included in the State Armaments Program (SAP) 2011-2020. However economic crisis, the fall in the ruble exchange rate and the decline in oil and gas revenues led to a slight drop in the pace of work performed. Now the hasty adoption of new Russian weapons before 2020 has become unlikely - during this time the emphasis will be on modernized Soviet technology. The prospects will become clearer after the adoption of the GPV-2025, which is planned for 2017.