Perspective plan for the ecological trail. Planning excursion activities on the ecological trail of the kindergarten

Natalia Tkachenko
Ecological week for the senior group

Ecological week

Ecological Raising children is not only environmental work with preschoolers. Ecological Education is a system of knowledge about nature, about the relationships in nature. Awareness of the impact of human activities on the environment. The result of the work is not only the mastery of certain skills and knowledge, but also the development of such feelings in children as responsiveness, compassion; desire to protect and improve the natural environment.

Monday theme of the day"House under the blue sky".

Conversation on the topic: "The earth is our common home".

Target: reveal the idea of ​​unity and interconnection of living and nonliving things in nature.

Game - quiz “Earth is the planet on which we live”.

Target: continue to get acquainted with the globe; to form in children the concept that our planet is a huge ball, covered with seas and oceans, continents, surrounded by a layer of air; expand children's knowledge about ecosystems and natural phenomena. Expand vocabulary. Establish rules of behavior in nature; cultivate a desire to care for nature.

Observations of the Sun.

Target: to form in children the idea that the Sun is a source of light and heat.

Outdoor game "Day - Night".

Target: consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day, intensify physical activity.

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Target: develop interest in the inhabitants of different natural zones.

Fairy tale dramatization "Fox, cat and rooster"

Target: to strengthen children's ability to play a theatrical performance. Develop speech, memory, attention.

Tuesday theme of the day "Forest - multi-storey building".

Reading fiction "Forest Newspaper" V. Bianchi.

Target: deepen children’s knowledge about the features of nature, expand their vocabulary.

Conversation about the forest.

Target: clarify and expand children’s ideas about the forest.

Targeted walk around the area kindergarten. “All the trees shine in a multi-colored dress...”

Target: to form ideas about the state of plants in autumn, to give knowledge about the fruits and seeds of specific trees (linden, pine, spruce, oak, birch).

Didactic game “Whose babies are on the branch?”

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about tree seeds.

Drawing on the topic: "Autumn Trees".

Target: cultivate the ability to see changes in surrounding nature at different weather conditions. Learn to draw trees in windy weather. Strengthen skills in working with colored pencils.

Wednesday theme of the day "Feathered Neighbors".

Looking at the album "Birds of our region".

Target: expand children’s knowledge about the birds of our region. Cultivate a caring and friendly attitude towards birds.

Conversation on the topic: "What do we know about birds".

Target: to clarify children’s ideas about familiar birds, their living conditions, the role of humans in the life of wintering birds.

Ecological game"Bird's Dining Room".

Target: give children a basic idea of ​​what birds are fed in winter; what birds eat in nature.

Outdoor game "Crows and Sparrows".

Target: develop speaking skills "loud - quiet", develop voice power; intensify physical activity.

Ecological game"Guess which bird".

Target: teach to recognize a bird by its habits and appearance.

Thursday theme of the day "Four-legged friends".

Didactic game "domestic and wild animals".

Target: clarify the signs of domestic and wild animals.

Conversation on the topic: "Animals at our home"

Target: to consolidate children’s ideas about domestic animals and their cubs. To clarify children’s knowledge about the role of humans in the lives of pets, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals.

Guessing riddles about animals. Imitation of movements and onomatopoeia.

Target: Develop children's imagination and creativity.

Reading fiction. "Puppy" A. Barto.

Target: develop auditory perception, memory.

Outdoor game "The sea is agitated".

Target: Exercise children in maintaining balance. Improve motor abilities.

Friday theme of the day "Man discovers nature".

Conversation on the topic: "The Earth is in Danger".

Target: give children an idea of ​​what planet Earth is now in dangers: in many places the water, soil, and air have become dirty. Everyone finds it difficult to breathe, people and animals get sick. To save our planet, we must love nature from childhood, study it, and communicate with it correctly.

Direct educational activities artistic creativity. Making crafts from natural materials.

Target: develop spatial imagination, creative abilities.

Excursion to the autumn park.

Target: clarify children’s ideas about the living conditions of plants in autumn. Learn to establish connections between the state of plants and environmental conditions, identify the causes of changes. Introduce adults to work in the park.

Cognitive and research activities "Vegetable garden on the window". Planting onions.

Target: learn to notice changes in growing onions, create conditions for plant growth.

Ecological game"Plants and animals of the Red Book"

Target: introduce children to the Red Book, protected plants and animals.

The presence of an ecological trail on the territory of the kindergarten involves various excursions to the points of the ecological trail. These excursions are planned according to the seasons: autumn, winter, spring, summer. The excursion plan is designed for four ages of children: junior group, middle group, senior group and pre-school group.

In our kindergarten there are the following points of the ecological trail:

Dot "Big Birch" , point "Swamp" , point "Water" , point "Garden" , point "Bird cherry" , point "Rowan" , point "Weather station" , point "Alpine slide" , point "Shrubs" , point "Corner of the Forest" , point "Medicinal bed" , point "Health track" , point "Insects" , point "Greenhouse" , point "Bird's Dining Room" , point "Bird Pillar"

Autumn excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “What grew in the garden bed?” - excursion to the garden - observation of the collection of vegetables.
  2. "Golden Birch" - excursion to the big birch tree" - observation of the tree in autumn time year.
  3. "Beautiful clearing" - excursion to the flower garden - admire the beauty of autumn flowers.
  4. “We are strengthening our health, we are all walking along the path” - excursion to the health path - strengthening children's health.

Middle group:

  1. "The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing"
  2. “Here is our garden, carrots grow there!” - excursion to the garden - fixing the names of vegetables.
  3. “We’ll go to the forest, we’ll find trees there.” - excursion to the corner scaffolding - securing names of trees."
  4. “On a visit to Mother Cheremukha” - excursion to the bird cherry - fixing the names of the parts of the tree.

Senior group:

  1. “We’ll go to the swamp, we’ll find a frog there.” - excursion to the swamp - observation of a frog.
  2. "Our green helpers" - excursion to the medicinal bed - expanding and consolidating knowledge about medicinal plants.
  3. “Getting to know the long-lived tree” - excursion to a large old birch tree - in order to gain knowledge about the age of the tree.
  4. "Bloomed the red grapes" - excursion to the mountain ash - observing the change in color of the leaves in autumn.

Preparatory group:

  1. "Wind, wind, you are mighty" - excursion to weather station - observation according to the direction of the wind.
  2. “The flowers in our garden are beautiful” - excursion to a flower garden - clarifying children’s ideas about flower beds and diversity flowering plants.
  3. "We want to know" - excursion to a medicinal bed - teach how to collect and dry medicinal plants for use in winter time year.
  4. “The harvest is ripe, help me gather” - excursion to the garden - helping adults in harvesting vegetables.

Winter excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “Birch is good at any time of the year” - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of the tree in the winter season.
  2. “Birds, sparrows, tits have arrived” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- watching the birds flying to the feeders.
  3. "Snow like a cap on the branches" - excursion to a corner of the forest - observing the snow lying on the branches of trees.
  4. "Excursion to the greenhouse" - examining the ficus.

Middle group:

  1. "The Artful Crow" - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)" - observing a crow.
  2. “We know all the trees, we can guess them” - excursion to a corner of the forest - fixing the names of the trees.
  3. “Berezonka, berezonka, why are you standing so white?” - excursion to a large birch tree - viewing the tree trunk.
  4. "Excursion to the greenhouse" - comparison of ficus and balsam flowers.

Senior group:

  1. “We want to know about the forest, there are many miracles living in it” - an excursion to a corner of the forest - fixing the names of trees, their structure, external signs.
  2. “Is wind good or bad?” - excursion to the weather station - observation of the wind.
  3. "Shrubs in Winter" - monitoring changes in bushes in winter.
  4. “Birds are our friends, we cannot abandon them in winter!” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- for the purpose of putting the feeders in order.

Preparatory group:

  1. "Weather in different times of the year"
  2. "Fir-trees - pine trees" - excursion to a corner of the forest - systematize ideas about coniferous and deciduous trees.
  3. “All the guys should know that birds need to be helped” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- observing the birds flying to the dining room and writing a story about them.
  4. “Are you a tree or a bush?” - excursion to bird cherry - fixing the name of the bush, systematizing knowledge about bird cherry.

Spring excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “Oh, yes, birch tree, white trunk!” - excursion to the birch tree - observation of the tree in the spring season.
  2. “Golden dandelion - dear son of the sun” - observation of primroses (dandelion).
  3. "Excursion to the vegetable garden" - monitoring the digging of beds.
  4. "Butterfly - cabbage" - excursion to the alpine hill - observation of the first butterflies.

Middle group:

  1. “Let down her braids, white birch” - excursion to the birch tree - to diversify children’s knowledge about the birch tree and its appearance.
  2. "Spring has come" - excursion to a corner of the forest - observing the changes in trees in spring.
  3. “The snow is melting, the streams are flowing” - excursion to the reservoir - observation of streams.
  4. "The bird cherry blossomed" - excursion to the bird cherry tree - observing the color of the bird cherry tree.

Senior group:

  1. "We'll plant a garden" - excursion to the garden - all possible assistance in planting vegetable seeds.
  2. “The buds have blossomed on the big birch tree” - excursion to a large birch tree - observing the appearance of leaves.
  3. "The grass is turning green" - an excursion to a corner of the forest - observing the appearance of the first grass.
  4. “A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- conversation about migratory birds.

Preparatory group:

  1. “The starling, the singer of spring, has arrived” - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of starlings in a birdhouse.
  2. “We will plant beets and carrots deftly” - excursion to the garden - assistance to adults in preparing beds and planting vegetable seeds.
  3. “We will plant flowers here of amazing beauty” - excursion to the flower garden - with the purpose of clearing flower beds for planting flower seeds.
  4. “Bird cherry, bird cherry, why are you standing so white?” - excursion to bird cherry - observing its flowering.

Summer excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “How beautiful it is all around!” - excursion to the flower garden - give children the pleasure of watching flowering plants.
  2. "We'll relax by the pond" - excursion to the reservoir - observation of aquatic plants.
  3. “Our birch tree has a white sundress” - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of the tree in summer time year.
  4. "Buzzing and Crawling" - excursion to a corner of the forest - observation of crawling insects.

Middle group:

  1. “A bug runs through the water, moving its legs funny” - excursion to the reservoir - observation of insects living on the surface of the water.
  2. “Our legs ran along the path, along the path” - excursion to the health path" - strengthening the health of children.
  3. “We came to the garden, dill is growing there” - excursion to the garden - viewing dill and onions (comparison).
  4. “We will dance around the birch tree” - excursion to a large birch tree - playing games near the birch tree.

Senior group:

  1. "Nature has no bad weather» - excursion to the weather station - monitoring the weather conditions.
  2. “Excursion along the entire ecological trail” - fixing the names of points.
  3. “Field chamomile, so useful” - excursion to the medicinal bed - introduction to medicinal properties daisies.
  4. “In the swamp, look, suddenly the flowers have bloomed!” - excursion to a mini-swamp - viewing plants growing next to the swamp.

Preparatory group:

  1. “Flowers grow on the stones, a miracle - a slide - look!” - excursion to the alpine hill - to provide knowledge about the constituent parts of the alpine hill, about the combination of objects of animate and inanimate nature.
  2. "Don't hurt the ant" - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of ants, deepen knowledge about ants, their way of life.
  3. “Marigolds and plantain will help us when we are sick” - an excursion to the medicinal breast - in order to continue acquaintance with medicinal plants and their methods of application.
  4. "Flower round dance" - excursion to the flower garden - in order to consolidate the names of flowers growing in flower beds.

D/i "In the meadow"

Ts.: change verbs by numbers and persons.

D/i “How to say it correctly?”

Ts.: teach children to educate plural verbs.

D/i “What did Dunno forget to draw?”

Ts.: develop the ability to see what is missing.

Excursion to the orchard - “Fragrant apple tree, make friends with me...”. See book. “A leaf on the palm”, p.53.

Goal: to teach children to establish the simplest connections: changing conditions in the environment ( sunlight, heat, moisture) leads to a change in the state of plants (growth, flowering). Introduce children to the peculiarities of the spring state of fruit trees - flowering (distinguish between 2-3 types of trees and shrubs by the type of their flowers). Learn to see the beauty of flowering trees.

Target walk to the pond:

Goal: to introduce children to the reservoir and its inhabitants; show that on the shore and in the water there live those plants and animals that cannot do without water. Introduce the rules of conduct near a body of water.


For flowering plants and shrubs.

Behind the budding, appearance and growth of leaves. Goal: to develop knowledge about the basic conditions of plants in the spring.

Long-term observation of dandelion (for a month).

Goal: To form ideas about the process of plant growth and development.

Observing the first insects.

Goal: observe behavior, consolidate knowledge about the structure.

Behind the first spring thunderstorm.

Goal: to introduce the diversity of natural phenomena.

Watching a ladybug.

Goal: to introduce children to the ladybug, invite them to look at it, observe its movements, and talk about the peculiarities of the ladybug’s movement. Learn to use words and phrases in speech: insects, awaken, wake up, crawl out, beetles, dragonflies, ladybugs, beautiful butterflies, wings.

Watching the grass.

Goal: invite children to look at the grass, listen to riddles about it, identify the properties of the grass: it is the main food for many animals, the habitat of some insects. To form in children ideas about the relationships in nature.

Conversation about insects.

Goal: Learn to highlight essential features insects

See book. “Welcome to ecology” O.A. Voronkevich, s. 89.

Conversation “Why do ducks and frogs have such legs”

Goal: to teach children to identify the appearance features of some animals that allow them to adapt to life in the ecosystem.

Introducing children to folk signs:

“When the bird cherry blossoms, it means cold weather.”

“If it rains in May, there will be rye.”

Goal: to learn to establish a connection between the state of natural objects depending on seasonal changes.

Gaming problematic situations“We saw a fallen chick”, “We saw a boy with a slingshot in his hands”, “We saw a bird landing on your windowsill”

Goal: To form an idea that animals and plants are living, they need to be protected.

Didactic games:

“Dandelion”, “Shop”, “Flowers” ​​(See the book “Didactic games for introducing preschoolers to nature”, Dryazgunova V.A.. p.21)

“The fourth odd one” (See the book “Welcome to Ecology” by O.A. Voronkevich, p. 132); “Select the flowers that you know”

“When does this happen?” (See the book “Welcome to Ecology” by O.A. Voronkevich, p. 132.).

Goal: fixing seasonal changes in nature, classification of plants, birds, flowers.

“What has changed in a person’s life with the arrival of spring?”

“What good and bad things happen in spring?”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about spring changes in nature.

Outdoor games:

“Run to the house I’ll name.” See book. “Didactic games for introducing preschoolers to nature,” Dryazgunova V.A.. p.25.

“Who can find birch, poplar, maple faster?” See book. “Didactic games for introducing preschoolers to nature,” Dryazgunova V.A.. p.25.

Games with elements of dramatization: “Swallows and midges.” See book. “Game-based environmental activities with children. Molodova L.P., p.10.

Goal: to explain to children that birds are very useful, that many of them destroy annoying and harmful insects.

“Dragonflies, butterflies, bees, grasshoppers.” See book. "Game environmental activities with children. Molodova L.P., p.9.

Goal: to teach children not to harm beneficial species of insects, and also to be able to see and enjoy the beauty of everything living on earth.

“Goats, shoo from the birch!” See book. “Game-based environmental activities with children. Molodova L.P., p.27.

Goal: to teach children to take care of trees, to stand up for them when someone harms them, regardless of whether they are goats or children.

Experiments: “How to hide for butterflies.”

Goal: to find features of the appearance of some insects that allow them to adapt to life in the environment.

Introducing the proverb: “April with water, May with grass.”

Goal: Learn to notice changes in nature.

Experience: “How much water drips if the tap is not closed properly.”

Goal: Teach children to use water carefully.

Acquaintance with the sign “If it rains in May, there will be rye.”

Goal: to teach to understand the importance of water for plant life.

Verbal exercise “When does this happen?” See book. “Welcome to ecology” O.A. Voronkevich, s. 132.

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the seasons and seasonal manifestations of nature.

Excursion to the meadow “Spring Mosaic”. See book. “A leaf on the palm” p. 31.

Goal: to teach children to establish the simplest connection between appearance plants and the conditions of their existence (light, heat, moisture are needed for growth and development). Teach children to distinguish correctly, name spring flowers (dandelion, coltsfoot), highlight and describe them characteristic features, structure (stem, leaves, flower), understand their role in nature (insects collect nectar from them).

Observing flowers “The primroses bloomed without waiting for summer”

See book. “primrose”, p.47.

Purpose: to introduce primroses (primrose, muscari, daffodils, tulips) and their characteristics (leaves and flowers appear simultaneously and fade quickly). Pay attention to the bright colors of the flowers, feel their smell, and the shape of the leaves. To bring to an understanding that cultivated plants need certain care (weeding, watering, loosening), compare with wild plants, identify common plant characteristics using the proposed model diagrams.

Didactic game "What's extra." See book. “Welcome to ecology” O.A. Voronkevich, s. 132.

Goal: to teach children to classify flowers according to their place of germination.

Didactic game “What is planted in the garden.” See book. “1,2,3,4.5 we begin to play” Belousova L.E., p.22.

Goal: consolidate knowledge about vegetables.

An ecological trail is a special educational route in natural conditions, where there are environmentally significant natural objects.

On these routes, children become acquainted with natural biocenoses, the diversity of plants and animals, the connections that exist between them, and introduce environmental protection activities in practice.

The ecological trail plays an important role in the savings system of each child personal experience ecologically correct interaction with the nature of the immediate environment.

In order to increase children's interest preschool age By environmental education In our kindergarten, a project has been developed - an ecological trail with various views: “Glade of Fairy Tales”, “Mushroom Kingdom”, “Mini Pond”, “Cossack Compound”, “Green Pharmacy”, “Alpine Hill”, “ Flower Garden", "Weather Station", etc.

Relevance of the project: Nowadays, little attention is paid to introducing children to living and inanimate nature. Our kindergarten is understaffed, the territory is small, and the flower beds in the garden are not sufficiently landscaped. Every year, the summer recreation company faces the problem of landscaping the territory and making maximum use of it during walks, because... most of the time children are on fresh air.

The novelty of the project lies in the content and form of organization environmental work with children – a series of excursions along the ecological trail.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions actively use the ecological trail in summer period and no less active in the fall. Children show cognitive activity while working on the trail. This is noticeable in the manifestation of such a quality as curiosity; the guys began to ask a lot of questions and are waiting for answers to them.

The implementation of the project involves achieving the following results:

— landscaping the area with plants;

— equipping the children's playground with new objects suitable for play;

- creation of several zones: “village courtyard”, forest clearing, “whether in the garden or vegetable garden”, “quiet corner”, mini-stadium, flower garden.

Expected result:

1. Creation of an ecological trail with various viewpoints.

2. Enrich experience in environmental education.

3. Participation of children in activities feasible for them to care for plants, protect and protect nature.

4. Creating attributes for view points.

5. Creating a presentation on the topic: “Ecological trail on the territory of MBDOU d/s No. 38.”

Project implementation stages

Stage I: Search and research

- inspection of the territory of the kindergarten and identification of the most interesting places;

— drawing up a map-scheme of the trail with the route of all its objects;

— drawing up a passport for the “Ecological Trail”;

— prepare literature on the environmental development of children;

— outline a work plan for project implementation.

Stage II: Practical

— creation of viewpoints from available materials on group verandas and areas;

- Creation additional material on the topic of your viewpoint;

— creation of viewpoints on the territory adjacent to the kindergarten building;

— creation of a weather site, terrarium, mini-garden with medicinal herbs, species object - collection;

— drawing up a passport for your viewpoint and recommendations for using path objects to work with children of different age groups;

— creating a colorful picture to indicate your viewpoint;

Stage III: Final

Creation of an ecological trail, with various viewpoints, each of which has its own purpose, methodological recommendations on its use.

In order to increase the interest of preschool children in environmental education, the viewpoints were given the names Station... And the children went on a journey through the stations. Vasilisa the Beautiful certainly became the owner of the trail.

The journey through the viewpoints begins from the central entrance to the kindergarten and the first station is located on the ecological trail.

Points No. 1, 4, 5 “Glade of Fairy Tales”

Purpose This view point is: introducing children to a variety of fairy tales about nature.

At this station, both individual and group work is carried out with children. The guys, taking into account their age characteristics, reading is also suggested literary works, and acting out fairy tales, and watching theatrical performances, independent games, a variety of finger, didactic, board and other games.

Points No. 2, 3 “Flower beds”

Target: enrich children's understanding of flower beds, the variety of flowering plants, their names, structure, methods of care and growth conditions; teach to understand the benefits and importance of nature for good mood and well-being.

Point No. 10 “Miracle Garden”

Purpose The specific point is to introduce children to vegetable crops growing on our territory; children observe the planting of grown seedlings in a group room, together with teachers they care for the plants, observe the growth and harvesting. They taste the harvest they have grown with their own labor.


There are many beds in the garden,

There are turnips and salad.

Here are the beets and peas,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

It will feed us for a whole year.

(F. Gurinovich)

Point No. 11 “Alpine slide”

Target: encourage children to rejoice at the first spring flowers and reinforce their names; learn to identify differences in plants in the characteristics of the stem, flowers, leaves;

To instill in children a sense of beauty.

Point No. 9 “Green Pharmacy”

Target: Expand and consolidate knowledge about medicinal plants; develop skills rational use medicinal plants For healthy image life; learn to collect and dry medicinal plants for recreational activities during the cold season.

Show the variety of medicinal plants, their biological features(medicinal properties), teach to recognize parts of plants, examine the shape, color, size, smell of leaves and flowers, conduct tactile examinations (leaves are rough, smooth, fleecy, etc.); conduct sensory examination of their parts and seeds, with biological and medicinal properties, rules for collecting these plants

Point No. 8 “Weather station”

Target: Formation in children elementary ideas about the weather and its significance in human life. A weather station with special equipment placed on it is designed to teach children basic weather forecasting.

Children watch weather changes, learn to analyze and draw conclusions. The station has: a weather vane, a barometer, a thermometer, and a rain gauge.

Point No. 7 “Mini pond”

Target this viewpoint: introducing children to the inhabitants of rivers and seas, teaching them to name and distinguish between marine and river inhabitants.

Consolidate previously acquired knowledge, clarify and expand knowledge about underwater world. The boys are also offered various shapes work: both fishing and didactic games.

Teachers independently determine the route to the stations and conduct educational activities at these stations in accordance with their objectives. age group. The teachers actively used the trail in the summer and no less actively in the fall. Children show cognitive activity while working on the trail. This is noticeable in the manifestation of such qualities as curiosity, they began to ask a lot of questions, and are waiting for answers to their questions. Our trail has been operating for six months already; some viewpoints are currently a mini trail in the kindergarten building on winter period. In the summer, the ecological trail was decorated with many flower beds; in the winter, we expect it will be supplemented with snow buildings.


Topic of the week: Ecological trail.

Final lesson: exhibition of children's works made from natural materials “Gifts of Autumn”.

Goal: mastering basic norms of behavior in relation to nature, developing skills in rational environmental management in everyday life, development of cognitive interest in the natural world.

Tasks: 1. Involve children in observing nature and the surrounding reality, developing cognitive activity.

2. Introduce new people natural objects, develop attentiveness, observation, ingenuity, learn to establish causality - investigative connections, reflect, formulate conclusions, defend your opinion.

3. Teach correct behavior in nature using the example of literary works by E. Charushin and V. Bianchi.

4. Cultivate interest in the world around you and love for nature, broaden your horizons.

OD of children and adults


Physical development

Organization of OA

based on motor activity in integration with cognitive activity.

Subject:Number 5

Target:Introduce the number 5. Strengthen the idea of ​​​​the quantitative composition of the number 5 from units.

2. Physical development. (physical training on the street)

Subject:Exercise in alternating walking and running.

Goal: Practice alternating walking and running; develop speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball, dexterity in walking between objects.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 2)

Conversation"The earth is our common home".

Reading "Forest Newspaper"V. Bianchi.

On a walk, bird watching in the area.

P\ and «Day - night".

Gymnastics after sleep “Birds”

Game - quiz“Earth is the planet on which we live”.

Environmental situations for children:

What would the Earth be like without water?

What is needed to keep the air clean?

Why is the forest dying?

What can you do to preserve and enhance nature? Etc.

Fairy tale dramatization"Fox, cat and rooster"

Enter the necessary attributes for the game.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational themes based on integration various types activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Design of a subject-spatial environment within the framework of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners


Speech development

Organization of OA based on speech activity in integration with motor and visual activities.

1.Physical development (physical culture).

Subject:Exercise children in walking and running with clear fixation of turns (the reference point is a cube or pin)

Goal: To train children in walking and running with clear fixation of turns (the reference point is a cube or pin); develop dexterity in exercises with the ball, coordination of movements in balance tasks.

2.Speech development (learning to read and write).

Subject:“Words and syllables” - consolidation. A syllable as part of a word, a graphic representation of the word (rectangle). Reading proverbs. Game exercise “Connect correctly”, “Who lives in which house”.

Target:Continue to introduce a variety of words.Encourage independent reading of proverbs.

3.Artistic aesthetic development(drawing).

Subject:Golden autumn.

Target:Teach children to reflect in a drawing their impressions of the golden autumn, to convey its color; consolidate the ability to draw a variety of trees using different colors for trunks.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 2)

Conversation:“Garbage does not suit the Earth...”

Reading and memorizing A. Usachev’s poem “Garbage Fantasy”

View the presentation “Where does garbage come from and where does it go?”

On a walk, observing the trees on the site.

P\ and “Sunny Bunny”

Gymnastics after sleep “Birds”

Watching the film "The Most best planet in the Galaxy"

Goal: to generate interest in the problem of the environmental crisis on Earth and the consequences of human activity; to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around us, to understand its conditions from human actions; cultivate a love for nature.

Literary day “We read L.N. Tolstoy

Goal: To introduce children to the famous author of children's books and his works.

Individual work with Andrey N, Tanya - continue to develop and improve motor skills (climbing, crawling, landing in jumps).

Presentation “Where does garbage come from and where does it go?”

Video recording of the film “The Best Planet in the Galaxy.”

QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PARENTS"Environmental education in the family"

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Design of a subject-spatial environment within the framework of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners


Socio-communicative development.

Organization of OA

based on communicative activities in integration with cognitive, research and constructive activities.

1.Cognitive development(FCCM).

Subject:"Friendly family"

Target:Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about the family.

Expand ideas about the ancestral roots of the family; intensify cognitive interest to family, to loved ones. Strengthen knowledge of the names and patronymics of parents, grandparents. Develop speech. Cultivate a sense of pride in your family, a desire to take care of loved ones.

2. Cognitive development. (PIPKD).


Target:Getting to know the word “transforms”, searching for transformations. Development of the ability to record the action of transformation based on the use of pairs of words: “was - will be”, “was - became (becomes)”, for example: the tiger cub was small, will (become) big. Formation of transformation action based on practical actions with plasticine, rubber.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 2)

Conversation " What do we know about water?

Experimental activities: “Fluidity of water”, “Coloring of water”, “How to push water out?”

Goal: to introduce children to some properties of water

Watching the sun while walking.

P\ and : “Earth, water, fire, air”, “Higher than your feet from the ground.”

Didactic exercise "Guess by description"

Memorizing the poem by N. Grigorieva “Song of the Rain”

Conversation " Fire safety»

Looking at illustrations.

Drawing in coloring books.

Containers with water (cold and warm), paint, stirring sticks, measuring cups. A measuring container with water, pebbles, an object in the container.

Joint drawing of parents and children “Take care of the Earth”

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Design of a subject-spatial environment within the framework of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners


Cognitive development

Organization of OA

based on cognitive activity in integration with artistic and aesthetic activities.

1. Cognitive development (FEMP).

Subject:Number 6.

Target:Introduce the number 6. Learn to form the number 6 from ones.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (application).

Subject:Autumn carpet.

Target:Strengthen the ability to work with scissors. Practice cutting out simple objects from paper folded in half (flowers, leaves). Develop the ability to choose colors beautifully.

3. Physical development (physical culture).

Topic: Exercise children in walking and running with clear recording of turns (landmark - cube or pin)

Target:Exercise children in walking and running with clear fixation of turns (the reference point is a cube or pin); develop dexterity in exercises with the ball, coordination of movements in balance tasks.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 2)

Conversation "The forest is rich and beautiful! Take care of your forests!”

Did. game "Ecological traffic light"

While walking, observing the weather.

Labor activity.

Collecting sticks and broken branches.

Goal: to encourage the desire to work, to do the work cleanly and accurately.

P. game "Owl"; "Rope"

Gymnastics after sleep: “Birds”

Reading fairy tales about nature conservation “Grey Riding Hood and the Red Wolf”, “Once Upon a Time There Was a River”

Objectives: to introduce tales about nature; develop the ability to see and feel the beauty of native nature; awaken love and caring attitude towards native nature and to all living things; teach correct behavior in nature.

Conversation " Caring attitude to living nature"

Goal: To introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature (prohibitory signs). Learn to treat all living things with care.

Independent motor activity children with physical equipment: jump ropes, hoops, balls, skittles.

Inventory for labor activity: dustpans, brooms, garbage bag.

For play activity: jump ropes, hoops, balls.

ConsultationForparentsontopic: « Ecologicalraising children in a family."

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Design of a subject-spatial environment within the framework of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners


Artistic and aesthetic development

Organization of OA

based on visual arts in integration with musical activities.

1.Speech development (speech development)

Subject:Sound culture of speech

Target:Find out how children master the skills that were developed in the older group.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing).

Subject:Think about what a beautiful autumn day could beleaf"

Target:Strengthen the ability to convey the complex shape of a sheet. Develop associative connections. Practice neat, beautiful painting.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development (musical activity)

according to the music director's plan.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 2)

Conversation about nature conservation.

On a walkobservation of seasonal changes that have occurred in nature.

P\ and “Birds in their nests”, “Higher than your feet off the ground.”

Independent activity. Drawing on the sand

Readingecological fairy tale: “Who Decorates the Earth”, “A Mighty Blade of Grass”.

Gymnastics after sleep “Birds”

D/game"Make a picture"

Ecological quiz"Nature Experts"

Looking at illustrations of autumn forest.

Role-playing games.

Illustrations on the topic.

Replenishing the book corner.

Poster “Take care of this planet, because there is no other in the world”