Abstract of the GCD in the senior drawing group “Dymkovskaya Sloboda (village)” (Collective composition). Summary of a lesson on visual arts in the senior group “Dymkovo toy”

Municipal state preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 17"


(Collective composition)

Artistic and aesthetic development + cognitive development+ social and communicative

Target: To develop children's interest in the profession of horse breeder.


Educational: Introduce children to the profession of a horse breeder and his work activities.

To consolidate children's knowledge about Dymkovo toys and Dymkovo painting.

Developmental: Develop aesthetic perception, figurative ideas, sense of color and composition.

Educational: To cultivate accuracy in working with watercolors, aesthetic taste, love for folk applied art.

Material and equipment: illustrations depicting the Dymkovo horse , paper silhouettes of a horse, tables depicting elements of Dymkovo painting, a large sheet of paper to depict the composition. Drawings – variations of patterns on toys, gouache paints, brushes, pokes, napkins, jars of water.

Preliminary work: conversations about the Dymkovo toy, about the features of the pattern, composition, color combination, examination of items of decorative and applied art, drawing elements of the Dymkovo painting. Learning poems on the topic.

Vocabulary work: Horse breeder, stable, settlement, painting.



Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 17"


Direct educational activities in senior group

Topic: Drawing “Dymkovo settlement (village)”

(Collective composition)

Educational field: integration educational areas Artistic and aesthetic development + cognitive development + social and communicative

Target: To develop children's interest in the profession of horse breeder.


Educational: Introduce children to the profession of a horse breeder and his work activities.

To consolidate children's knowledge about Dymkovo toys and Dymkovo painting.

Developmental : Develop aesthetic perception, figurative ideas, sense of color and composition.

Educational : To cultivate accuracy in working with watercolors, aesthetic taste, love for folk applied art.

Material and equipment: illustrations depicting the Dymkovo horse, paper silhouettes of a horse, tables depicting elements of Dymkovo painting, a large sheet of paper to depict the composition. Drawings – variations of patterns on toys, gouache paints, brushes, pokes, napkins, jars of water.

Preliminary work: conversations about the Dymkovo toy, about the features of the pattern, composition, color combination, examination of items of decorative and applied art, drawing elements of the Dymkovo painting. Learning poems on the topic.

Vocabulary work:Horse breeder, stable, settlement, painting.


1. Organizational moment.

Reading a riddle

Who runs faster than the wind?

Dust swirls from under the hooves,

The silk mane curls,

Is there a loud neigh?


2. Introductory part.

The teacher shows illustrations on the board depicting horses:

It's not clear. I've been trying to find an answer to one question for a long time. I look at these pictures and can’t understand anything. How can these animals, despite their hard work, remain so beautiful and well-groomed? Guys, do you know how they do it? Look at them. Maybe you can understand something? (Children look at illustrations of horses.)

3. Main part.

Educator: We came with you to the horse yard. It is here that we should find the answer to our question, who helps the horse look so beautiful. Here we see not only beautiful animals, but also those who take care of them, how people work to ensure that animals do not get sick. They work in the horse yard horse breeders. They are the ones who care for the animals with love and care. The horses are fed, taken out for walks on time, and the stables are cleaned. After the walk, they carefully remove the harness from the horse, clean and comb the fur and mane, and water the horses. They take him to a pond to wash him. The horse breeder knowshow to properly comb and clean a horse, when to feed and water it.

What products does a horse breeder use to care for animals?

Let us, as a gift to horse breeders, for their hard work, beautifully paint a cut out paper figurine of a horse, as they do in the village of Dymkovo, and then make a general picture of “Dymkovskaya Sloboda” (village, hamlet where horses are bred). Look carefully and tell me, please, what elements do Dymkovo artists use to paint their toys? (Children's answers)

Physical education minute.

The horse is waiting for me on the road

Hoofs at the gate, (Kicks on the floor)

Mane plays in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful. (Turns head left and right)

I’ll quickly jump onto the saddle.

I won't go, I'll fly. (Jumping)

There beyond the distant river

I'll wave to everyone. (Waving your arms)

Let's look at the elements of Dymkovo painting. What elements is the horse decorated with? (circles and dots). How the elements are located on the horse (along the body, in horizontal rows). What color is the mane painted?

Educator: Who will show me on the board how we apply the elements of painting?

And who will show the other element?

Now, let’s all take the right brushes together and show these elements in the air.

Educator: Now, let's all start decorating our horse together. First we paint over the mane, hooves, tail, and part of the muzzle. What color should I paint? (black). What will we do then? (apply patterns)

Educator: Now we’ve finished decorating the horses. Now, look at your drawings. Whose drawing do you think is the most beautiful? Horse breeders will like our horses.

As the products are ready, the children, together with the teacher, lay out the figures on large sheet paper, creating an overall composition.

4. Final part

At the end of the lesson, admire the overall composition together. Tell the children that free time the picture can be completed if they have interesting proposals.

The Dymkovo toy is one of the oldest artistic crafts in Russia. It has existed for more than 400 years and has still not lost its popularity. On the contrary, it enjoys constant success both in our country and far beyond its borders. The birthplace of the fishery is the city of Kirov (formerly Vyatka and Khlynov), or rather Dymkovskaya Sloboda, which is now part of the city.


There is a legend that the origin of the fishery is connected with events of ancient times. One night, two friendly troops met near the city and, not recognizing each other in the darkness, entered into battle. Many people died in that random battle. Since then, the tradition began to celebrate a funeral feast for the dead every spring. Over time, this story was forgotten. The celebration, having lost its tragic meaning, turned into mass folk festivals- a festival of whistling, or whistling, where people were supposed to whistle and throw painted clay balls.

The emergence of the fishery

The annual demand for clay whistles and painted balls, as well as its own deposits of clay suitable for ceramics, determined the fate of the Dymkovo settlement. Gradually, special sculpting and painting techniques developed, which made local toys recognizable and in demand.

In the 15th-16th centuries, when the Dymkovo folk toy appeared, the pagan ideas of the Slavs lost much of their meaning. Toys more early period were extremely simple in form, because their defining factor was considered sacred meaning. With the abandonment of pre-Christian rites and rituals, the shapes of toys began to change, acquiring sophistication and beauty.

The Dymkovo toy that is known today reflects the Russian life XIX century. Images of ladies and gentlemen flaunting luxurious outfits appeared at a later time. Nevertheless, the masters carefully preserve the traditions and techniques that developed during the birth of this art.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Dymkovo fishery was practically lost. There was only one hereditary craftswoman left who kept the traditions of making and painting toys - A. A. Mezrina. Thanks to her and the artist A.I. Denypin, the first researcher of Dymkovo art, the craft was revived in the early 30s. A group of enthusiasts concentrated around Denypin and Mezrina, most of whom were associated family ties. Through their efforts, the Dymkovo toy regained its former glory.

Crafts live not only due to the preservation of traditions, but also due to the emergence of new stories. This is called natural development. Craftswomen of the 20-30s of the 20th century significantly enriched the set of images of Dymkovo toys.

A. A. Mezrina quite strictly followed the traditional rules of sculpting and painting. E. A. Koshkina made group compositions popular. Her work “Sale of Dymkovo Toys”, made for the international exhibition in Paris in 1937, is especially famous. E. I. Penkina switched her attention to the depiction of everyday prose subjects, and O. I. Konovalova (daughter of the craftswoman Mezrina) is known for her love of depicting animals.

Images and stories

For all its external simplicity, the Dymkovo toy is very figurative and expressive. History stores images of the first products of Dymkovo craftswomen, which were more conventional than decorative. Modern toys are more varied and artistic. Adherents of the craft like to repeat that no two figurines are alike. However, all the diversity of their species can be divided into five main groups:

Women's imagesLadies, nurses, fashionistas, water bearers, nannies with babies in their arms.The figures are static, with large heads decorated with kokoshniks or fashionable hats. The entire appearance expresses dignity and majesty.
Men's imagesCavaliers.They are smaller in size and more modest in appearance appearance than female characters. As a rule, they are depicted riding animals.
AnimalsInitially, toys had the shape of totem animals: bear, ram, deer, goat. But over time, pets also appeared in the assortment.All animals have raised heads and short, widely spaced, stable legs. They are often depicted in an ironic form: in bright costumes and with musical instruments.
BirdsDucks, turkeys, roosters.Turkeys and roosters are depicted with curly, brightly painted tails, ducks are depicted in frilly, lush capes.
CompositionsGroups of several figures, including both people and animals.The multi-figure compositions are very diverse; they depict the life of Russian cities and villages. There are boat rides, holiday celebrations, feasts, and much more.

Shape Features

All Dymkovo toys are monolithic and even monumental. They always widen downwards: ladies have full skirts, gentlemen are always on horseback, animals have short and stable legs. Such forms are determined by manufacturing technology. It is almost impossible to sculpt figures on thin long legs, because it is necessary to ensure that they do not sag under the weight of the body during drying.

Stages of making a Dymkovo toy

The manufacturing technology is quite simple. The Dymkovo toy is made in stages. Main stages: modeling, drying and firing, whitewashing and painting. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Modeling of Dymkovo toys

Dymkovo toys are sculpted in parts. First, balls are rolled from washed fatty clay diluted with sand. different sizes. Then they are flattened to obtain flat cakes, from which the body of the toy is made. More than small details(arms, heads, tails). The places where the parts are fastened are moistened generously with water, then the joints are smoothed with a damp cloth. Level the figure with wet fingers.

For example, making a lady begins with modeling a cone-shaped skirt. A torso with a slightly elongated neck is attached to it. A ball representing a head is attached to the neck. A little lower is a sausage, from which hands folded at the waist are made with careful movements. After this, it’s time to dress up the toy. She is given a hairstyle made of twisted bouquets, a hat or kokoshnik, a patterned scarf is thrown over her shoulders or a jacket is made with a puffy collar and sleeves. And finally, the woman is given a handbag, a dog or a child.

The Dymkovo horse toy consists of the following parts: cylindrical body, four short cone-shaped legs, curved neck, turning into an elongated muzzle. After the base of the toy is ready, it is supplemented with a mane, tail and small ears.

Drying and firing

Before firing, each Dymkovo toy must go through a drying stage, the duration of which depends on the size of the figurine, as well as on the characteristics of the room (humidity, air temperature, etc.). On average, this stage takes from 2-3 days to 2-3 weeks.

After this, it is time for firing. Previously, it was produced in a Russian oven on an iron baking sheet placed directly above the firewood. The toys were heated red-hot and then left to cool in the oven. Now special electrical equipment is used for firing, which has made the process less labor-intensive and dangerous.


After firing in the oven, the toy becomes red-brown, so it is bleached before applying the patterns. For this, a special solution is prepared from chalk powder and milk. When milk sours, this solution hardens, forming a uniform casein layer on the surface of the toy.

Numerous attempts to change the composition and method of applying whitewash did not produce positive results. The tint turned out to be yellowish, and the texture was uneven, so whitewashing is still done in the same way as it was used several centuries ago. This technology is abandoned only in certain cases, for example, in children's creativity, when crafts are made by junior group. In this case, the Dymkovo toy is painted with ordinary gouache.


After the whitewash dries, the painting stage begins - applying simple patterns bright colors. The choice of colors is small: blue, orange, green, brown, yellow, crimson. Additional colors can be obtained by diluting the main ones with chalk. So, highlighted blue and raspberry give blue and pink, respectively.

Instead of brushes in the old days they used wooden chopsticks with a linen flap wrap. Therefore, the ornament was extremely simple: straight or wavy lines, circles, diamonds, etc. Currently, craftswomen use brushes made of kolinsky or ferret.

By the way, they add to the paint raw egg. This makes the colors more saturated and gives the figure shine. Lastly, the toy is decorated with gold leaf. Geometric shapes cut out of it are glued onto the hats and collars of ladies, ears or horns of animals. This makes the Dymkovo toy especially festive. Photos cannot always convey their magnificence.

Painting, as a rule, is applied according to a certain pattern. Human faces look pretty monotonous. The cheeks and mouth are outlined with crimson paint, the arches of the eyebrows and round eyes are drawn with black paint. Hair is colored predominantly dark color: black or brown. Shirts and hats are made plain, and ladies' skirts and animal skins are covered with ornaments over white.


All toys are decorated with strict ornaments made of geometric shapes: circles, stripes, cells, diamonds and zigzags. Craftswomen do not think through the pattern in advance. It is born during the painting process, depending on the shape and size of the figure. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the connection between the decor and the base is inextricable, and it is impossible to find two identical toys.

Despite the deliberate simplicity of the ornament, it is very symbolic and depicts concepts that are important for the Russian people. Thus, a wavy line is associated with a river or water in a broad sense, cells formed by intersecting lines resemble the frame of a house or a well, and a circle with a dot in the center is a symbol of the sun and other celestial bodies.

Studying “haze” in art lessons

In all schools and kindergartens in Russia, children's creativity studios, the Dymkovo toy is being studied today. The history of this fishery is closely connected with the history of our country. The figures themselves and the paintings covering them reflect the life and beliefs of the Russian people. In addition, the process of making and decorating toys is simple enough that even small children can master it, of course, in a much simplified form. The Dymkovo toy for preschoolers is, first of all, the study of traditional ornaments. By diligently drawing diamonds, lines and circles, children create interesting drawings and become familiar with the culture of their homeland.

Drawing a Dymkovo toy (for kids) or sculpting figures in the Dymkovo style (for older children) is an exciting activity that children take up with great enthusiasm.

Current state of the fishery

The Dymkovo fishery still does not have mass production. Each toy is handmade, carried out according to all the canons that have evolved over centuries. Each craftswoman has her own recognizable style, each product is unique and inimitable. Thanks to this, the fishery does not lose its popularity.

The Pandemonium holiday has not been celebrated for a long time, so Dymkovo toys have lost their ritual significance. Now they serve as bright souvenirs and reminders of rich history and the culture of the Russian people.

Today, not only individual enthusiasts, but also entire organizations - commercial, government, and public - advocate for the preservation and development of the fishery. So, in 2010, in the center of Kirov (formerly Vyatka), with the participation of the Megafon company, a monument to the Dymkovo toy was erected. It represents a sculptural group called “Family”, which includes a lady with a baby in her arms, a gentleman playing the harmonica, a child and pets.

In 2014, at the opening of the Olympics in Sochi, among other treasures of Russian art, a Dymkovo toy was presented. A photo from the ceremony reminds us how spectacular and vibrant this performance was.

Dymkovo toys - along with other artistic crafts - speak of the richness and originality of Russian culture.

Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic
development in the senior group on the topic “Dymkovo
settlement (village)"
Integration of educational areas: cognitive, artistic
aesthetic, physical development.
Preliminary work: conversation about Dymkovo toys, examination
painting elements; viewing a multimedia presentation about folk
fisheries "Dymkovskaya Sloboda". Dymkovo patterns drawing, painting
paper silhouettes. Reading poems, riddles about folk crafts.
Learning by heart nursery rhymes about Dymkovo toys.
Program content: develop aesthetic perception, overview
presentation, sense of color and composition. Strengthen children's knowledge
about Dymkovo toys, about Dymkovo painting. anchor emotionally
positive attitude to the people's decorative arts. Develop
sense of beauty, creativity and aesthetic taste.
Foster respect and interest in folk crafts. Continue
develop teamwork skills.
Methodology for conducting the lesson: show children different Dymkovo
toys (young lady, horse, goat, duck, etc.). Ask what they are called
these beautiful products. Listen to poems about Dymkovskaya Sloboda, suggest
paint a figurine cut out of paper just as beautifully, and then make
general picture of “Dymkovskaya Sloboda” (village, village where they create
clay toys). Offer more complex toys for painting to children,
who are good at Dymkovo painting (2-3 houses, 34 young ladies and
smaller figures).
Children start drawing. The teacher approaches each child,
reminds you to think about the arrangement of pattern elements, about
use different elements, various colors.
As the products are ready, the children, together with the teacher, lay out
figures on a large sheet of paper, creating a picture.
At the end of the lesson, admire the overall composition together. Say
children that in their free time the picture can be completed if they have
interesting offers.
Materials. Silhouettes of Dymkovo toys, clay Dymkovo toys
toys, Dymkovo toys cut out of white paper, gouache paints,

brushes of different thicknesses, stands, palettes, jars of water, napkin (on
each child). A large sheet of paper for decorating a picture. Boombox,
audio recording of Russian folk melodies.
Connections with other activities and activities. Expand views
children about Dymkovo painted products. View albums
decorative arts.
Progress of the lesson:
Children join a group to Russian folk music and stand in a semicircle.
Vosp: Hello guys! Look how many beautiful toys there are
visiting us today! Such interesting toys! Did you recognize them? What is this
Children: These are ducks, horses, these are Dymkovo toys.
Vosp: That's right, guys, what do we know about this bright Russian elegant
(in front of the children is a picture with a view of Dymkovskaya Sloboda)
(On a multimedia projector)
Take a look at the picture. What kind of village is it in the haze?
(children read poems about the Dymkovo fishery and settlement)
1. And the village native people They called it “Dymkovo”.
They loved songs and dances there.
Fairy tales were born in that village.
The evenings are long in winter and they sculpt there from clay.
2. All toys are not simple,
And magically - painted
Snow-white, like birches,
Circles, squares, stripes.
3. They talk about her everywhere.
We will bow to this amazing miracle more than once!
And about the Dymkovo toy
We are now telling a story.
Vosp: Well done, guys!

Vosp: And now, I suggest you go to the workshop and
decorate models of lambs, horses, young ladies, ducks with the Dymkovo pattern
which I have prepared for you.
But what is this - the workshop is closed!
To get into the workshop, you need to answer 2 questions:
1. Why this folk craft called Dymkovo?
2. Where are the workshops now where they make the Dymkovo toy?
Vosp: The workshop is open - let’s go through and get to work.
Let's stretch our fingers and check our posture.
Finger gymnastics:
Our fingers will tell
Everyone can do it, everyone will show it
Five of them on my hand
They can do everything
Always help
They can draw
Sticks, circles
Multi-colored ovals
Rings or dots
We'll get down to business
Eh, work is in full swing!
(children decorate models of paper-cut toys with patterns (in
folk music sounds while drawing), upon completion of work, do
general picture of “Dymkovskaya Sloboda” (village, village where they create
clay toys).
Vosp: Oh yes, we succeeded in Dymkovskaya Sloboda! Real
- Dymkovo toys!
Analysis of children's works:
Vosp: Yes, guys, your settlement turned out to be cheerful and friendly!

On the banks of the Vyatka River there is a village - Dymkovskaya Sloboda. Dymkovo toy is an original clay craft that originated and was preserved exclusively on the territory of Kirov region, in the settlement of Dymkovo, where stove makers and potters have long settled.

Picture 6 from the presentation “Painting the Dymkovo toy” for art lessons on the topic “Toy”

Dimensions: 400 x 320 pixels, format: jpg. To download a free image for an art lesson, right-click on the image and click “Save image as...”. To display pictures in the lesson, you can also download for free the presentation “Painting the Dymkovo toy.ppt” in its entirety with all the pictures in a zip archive. The archive size is 2999 KB.

Download presentation


“Filimonovskaya folk toy” - It got its name from the village of Filimonovo, where the last craftswomen who revived the forgotten craft lived in the 1960s. Filimonovskaya toy - Russian artistic craft, formed in the Odoevsky district Tula region. The oldest folk art craft in Russia. Filimonovskaya toy.

“Making a Dymkovo toy” - Soaked red clay, added river sand, mixed thoroughly. Air dried in the shade. They painted it with bright colors. Toy manufacturing technology. Decorative and applied arts. This is where the name “Dymkovo toy” comes from. Choose what materials you will use to make the Dymkovo toy.

“Clay toys” - Whistles are painted with bright enamel paints. Dymkovo toy. Clay figurines were necessarily decorated with patterns. The painting of the Dymkovo toy is unusually ornate. The figures have an elongated body. Folk clay toy. Birds are signs of the resurrection of nature, the awakening of the earth, and a good harvest. Deer is a symbol of luck and happy marriage, warmth and fertility.

“Painting of the Dymkovo toy” - Features of painting. Dymkovo turkey is good. Bright, folk toys. Making Dymkovo toys today. There is a settlement on Vyatka. Dymkovo toys. On the banks of the Vyatka River there is a village - Dymkovskaya Sloboda. A set of elements and compositions for middle group. There are solar sun signs. Handkerchief decoration.

“Folk toys of Russia” - Filimonovskaya toy. Wood processing method. Journey into the world of toys. Chiseled toy. Is it possible to live without playing? The largest collection of folk toys. Straw doll. Japanese old man. Rag-doll. Moss flyers. Semyonovskaya matryoshka. Works of masters. Merchant. Clay toy. Master. A funny toy.

“Dymkovo toy for children” - Abashevskaya toy. Ornaments. Dymkovo. Colors and ornaments. Kargopol toys. What ornaments are used to decorate toys? Abashevsky masters. Coloring bright oil paints. Filimonovskaya toy. Kargopol toy. Polkan's image. Masters of Kargopol. Dymkovo toys. The shape of the Abashevo figurine. Oblong shape.

There are 30 presentations in total

(collective composition)

Objectives of the lesson: to arouse interest in the products of Dymkovo masters, to supplement children’s knowledge about Dymkovo toys, to continue to form an understanding of the manner and technique of Dymkovo painting, its characteristic features, cultivate a positive attitude towards folk art, develop teamwork skills.

Materials and equipment for the lesson: interactive board for displaying photographs with images Dymkovo village, electronic media with audio recording of folk songs (at the teacher's choice), Dymkovo toys, cut out paper figures of Dymkovo goats, young ladies, deer, brushes, paints (gouache), cups of water, individual napkins.

Preliminary work: conversation about Dymkovo toys, preparing a large sheet of paper (drawing on the topic, toning) for teamwork.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, today we will go back in time and look into the trans-river settlement of Dymkovo, which is near the city of Vyatka (and today it is called the city of Kirov).

On the screen (interactive whiteboard) children are shown a selection of photographs depicting the Dymkovo settlement and Dymkovo toys. Each photo is accompanied a short story teacher on the topic: about the history of the emergence of the Dymkovo craft, about the continuity of the tradition of making toys from clay through the female line, about the painting process, about the fair "Whistling and Whistling" , about the oldest craftswomen and their students. We should dwell in more detail on the technique of creating Dymkovo toys in our time. Together with the children, draw a conclusion about the uniqueness and great cultural significance of this phenomenon of Russian folk art.

Well done! Were you interested in looking into the past? You were very attentive and learned a lot of new things. Now is the time to get some rest.

Physical education minute: "Fingers Draw"

We write on the palm with the index finger, then the middle finger, then the ring finger, then the little finger.

Draw a circle with your finger
And then the oval.
Letter A and letter B
The finger was drawing.

Can O draw,
Maybe the number 5.
Will never get tired
Finger draw.

(Ulyeva E.A. “ Finger games for children 4-7 years old)

Educator: Guys! Do you want to act as craftsmen and try to create such a Dymkovo village with toys with your own hands? Previously, we have prepared a large sheet of paper on which each of you will place your toy.

To the sound of folk songs, children begin to paint figures of Dymkovo toys cut out of paper. Children should be reminded of diversity color range And various elements pattern when painting figures.

After drying, everyone participates together in laying out the figures on a large sheet of paper. Offer to admire the resulting collective composition.