Come winter, bring snow! - winter calls. Nursery rhymes about fingers (finger games) You're frosty, don't show your nose

Zazimka winter,
What did you bring us?
- Deep snow,
Holy evenings
Christmas, Carol,
Chicken heel day!

Winter, go away, spring is red, come!
Sunshine, appear, red one, show yourself!
Birds will fly from the south, they will sing songs to us:
Vit-vit-vit, toh-toh-toh,

Come, Winter,
Come, red!
With bitter frosts,
With loose snow,
Merry Christmas, with Kolyada,
Happy Maslenitsa young!

Good people gathered
Say goodbye to the snowy winter!
(Get ready, good people....)
Oh yes lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
Say goodbye to the snowy winter.

Calls for frost

Moroz Vasilyevich, go to the house to eat kutya (jelly)!
Walk in winter, and sit under the deck in summer!

Frost Red nose, here's bread and oats for you!
Now get out of here!

Frost, Frost,
Don't hit our oats
And hit the maple and oak,
Yes, a wolf's tooth!

Frost, frost,
Don't hit our oats, our rye,
Beat oak and maple and woman's flax,
Yes, chop the hemp however you want!

Frost, frost,
It has grown over the tyn,
I brought a snowy woman.
Baba, grandma,
Crochet nose,
Get some snowballs!

Don't pull your nose home
Don't knock, don't bother,
And draw on the windows!

You are frost, frost, frost,
Don't show your nose.
Go home quickly
Take the cold with you.
And we'll take the sleigh
And let's go outside
Let's sit in the sleigh - scooters.

Calls for snow

Fall, fall, white snow,
Make everyone happy, make everyone happy!
Fall, fall on the village,
On a goose's wing,
Cover the field with white, -
There will be a loaf in the summer.

That's enough, little white snowball,
Lie on the thawed ground!
Time, little white snowball,
Time to melt and disappear
Flow into the valley
And cheese to feed the earth!


And you people know
Equip the sleigh,
Welcome winter
magnify frost!
With deep snows,
Happy long evenings!

There is a storm in the sky, a blizzard in the field!
Angels come, sweep away the blizzard with your wings!
You, wind, don’t howl, don’t fly.
And you, blizzard, don’t twist those snowstorms!

Calls for spring

Gathered here today
Welcome Red Spring!
(Get ready quickly)
Welcome Red Spring!
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
Meet the Red Spring.

Hurry, hurry, everyone is invited!
Today we welcome Vesnyanka to the whole world!
Let's see off the winter
Invite spring to visit!
You go, Spring, come quickly!
Sun, warm the Earth.
Melt the snow quickly
Turn the meadows into green,
Give way to streams,
Start games together!

Your little one will definitely love this unusual book from the “Seasons” series! Vivid pictures, sculpted from plasticine, will attract his attention, and funny poems will tell about the autumn adventures of the forest inhabitants: a charming hedgehog and his friends. The books in the “Seasons” series are made of EVA foam - they do not tear, do not break and are absolutely safe for children.

Play set with Ever After High doll "Brilliant Whirlwind" - this is a real winter's tale for a little dreamer!Crystal Winter - daughter Snow Queen. The doll is dressed in a light lilac plastic top with patterns and short skirt in blue tones. Her slender legs are wearing open pink sandals with a high platform. Long hair With blue and purple strands you can comb them and come up with different hairstyles from them. The set includes glitter, a washable glue stick, stickers, a purse, a girl's ring, a forest owl and Crystal's magic booth. At the request of the Snow Queen's daughter, it may snow, and objects near her may freeze. This magical cabin can be used to recreate scenes from the cartoon, and the winter sparkle adds to the fun.

Come, Winter,
Come, red!
With bitter frosts,
With loose snow,
Merry Christmas, with Kolyada,
Happy Maslenitsa young!

Zazimka winter,
What did you bring us?
- Deep snow,
Holy evenings
Christmas, Carol,
Chicken heel day!

Come winter, bring snow!

Fall, fall, white snow
Make everyone happy, make everyone happy everywhere
Fall, fall to the village
On the goose wing
Cover the field with white
There will be a loaf in the summer

And you people, know, equip the sleigh,
Welcome winter, magnify the frost!
With deep snows, with long evenings!

There is a storm in the sky, a blizzard in the field!
Angels come, sweep away the blizzard with your wings!
You, wind, don’t howl, don’t fly.
And you, blizzard, don’t twist those snowstorms!

Moroz Vasilyevich, go to the house to eat kutya (jelly)!
Walk in winter, and sit under the deck in summer!

Frost, Frost

Frost, Frost,
Don't hit our oats
And hit the maple and oak,
Yes, a wolf's tooth!

Don't pull your nose home
Don't knock, don't bother,
And draw on the windows!

Frost, frost,
Don't hit our oats, our rye,
Beat oak and maple and woman's flax,
Yes, chop the hemp however you want!

Frost, frost,
It has grown over the tyn,
I brought a snowy woman.
Baba, grandma,
Crochet nose,
Get some snowballs!

You are frost, frost, frost,
Don't show your nose
Go home quickly
Take the cold with you
And we'll take the sleigh
And let's go outside
Let's sit in the sleigh - scooters

Frost Red nose, here's bread and oats for you!
Now get out of here!

A call to winter so that it retreats

Winter, go away, spring is red, come!
Sunshine, appear, red one, show yourself!
Birds will fly from the south, they will sing songs to us:
Vit-vit-vit, toh-toh-toh,

Call to winter and spring

Hurry, hurry, everyone is invited!
Today we welcome Vesnyanka to the whole world!
Let's see off the winter
Invite spring to visit!
You go, Spring, come quickly!
Sun, warm the Earth.
Melt the snow quickly
Turn the meadows into green,
Give way to streams,
Start games together!

Good people gathered
Say goodbye to the snowy winter!
(Get ready, good people....)
Oh yes lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
Say goodbye to the snowy winter.

Gathered here today
Welcome Red Spring!
(Get ready quickly)
Welcome Red Spring!
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
Meet the Red Spring.

Winter-Winter dear!
We are grateful to you!
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
We come to you with gratitude.

I gave Nature a rest,
people all have fun!
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
people all have fun.

Sledding down the hills,
and roll around in the snow!
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
Yes, lie in a snowball.

We praise you, Winter is snowy,
We wish you rest.
Oh yes, they loved you, they loved you, they loved you,
We wish you rest.

May it be Spring, followed by Summer
They will show you their strength.
Autumn will come after them,
will generously bring gifts.

To have fun, great,
We lived a satisfying winter.
Rest, Winter is frosty,
until its new hour.

And when the time comes,
We will meet you again with affection.
You will cover Mother Earth
warm snow blanket.

That's how okay everything is going
in our Mother Nature.
We greet guests with affection
and we see you off with a bow.

That's enough, little white snowball,
Lie on the thawed ground!
Time, little white snowball,
Time to melt and disappear
Flow into the valley
And cheese to feed the earth!

Call for autumn

It's a good winter - snowy,
Spring - flowers,
Summer - mushrooms,
And autumn is like haystacks.
Autumn, autumn,
We ask for a visit.
Birds in the forest: shug-shug,
They fly from north to south;
Kurly-si, Kurly-si -
They fly away until spring
They fly away until spring
In Rus'! In Rus'!

Autumn, autumn,
We ask for a visit,
Autumn, autumn,
Stay for eight weeks
With abundant bread,
With high sheaves,
With falling leaves and rain,
With a migrating crane.

Autumn, autumn has come,
What did you bring us?
In the ship - canvas,
On the threshing floor - grains,
On a spinning wheel - wool
Yes, a glass of milk,
There's a loaf on the table,
Rain, rain, water!

Autumn! Autumn!
We carry the last sheaf.
Come with the rain
With abundant bread,
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
Thoroughly, thoroughly,
Golden crown!

Autumn, autumn is on the doorstep!
Pie for autumn people!
For your work and patience
A treat for everyone
And you are autumn, don’t scold,
And you are autumn, don’t scold.
Glorious, deciduous autumn!

Autumn, autumn,
Stay for eight weeks:
With strong thunders,
With the rains, with the downpours,
With a threshed sheaf
With a rosy pie!

Autumn is in full swing,
Autumn is on the horizon,
Glorious autumn
Donuts, flatbreads,
Pork feet
They were sitting in the oven,
They looked at us
They flew into the wallet
Osenin workers,
To the praisers!

Popova Natalya Vyacheslavovna
Lesson on speech development“Memorizing a nursery rhyme” You, frost-frost-frost

Abstract classes.

Subject: « Learning nursery rhymes"You, frost - frost- freezing.

Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about winter entertainment, evoke positive emotions.

Introduce children to the meaning and content nursery rhymes; learn to recite expressively and rhythmically by heart nursery rhyme"You, frost-frost-frost, help me remember the saying "Take care of your nose freezing» . Strengthen the ability to play word games.

Learn to accurately perform imitative movements as shown by an adult.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part. A bunny comes to visit with a basket. The teacher asks a riddle.

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking -

When does this happen?

2. Educator: “Yes, in winter you can’t run barefoot on the grass, you can’t sit on a bench - it’s cold, you can’t play in the gazebo - everything is covered in snow, you can’t swim in the river - the river is frozen, you can’t walk in the forest - knee-deep snowdrifts. - Guys, what is the weather like in winter? (frosty, snowy, cold, windy). -There is a proverb "Take care of your nose freezing» .

So everything is bad in winter? So you don’t need to go outside? And there is nowhere and nothing to play?

Guys, the bunny brought us pictures of clues. What can you do in winter? - Children: Play snowballs, build a snowman, sled, ski, skate, shovel paths, run through deep snowdrifts, play outdoor games.

This means that winter is also good and you can come up with many different games, fun and entertainment.

3.-It’s cold outside. I need to sing a song frost so that he doesn't froze people, to it's warmer and the children were able to walk. People used to always sing songs frost so that he doesn’t get angry, but is kind.

Listen to what I know nursery rhyme

"You, frost-frost-frost, don't show your nose! Go home quickly, take the cold with you. We'll take the sled and go outside.

Let's sit in the scooter sleigh.

Yes, from the mountain, wow! Fluffy snow in the snow!

Let's say it kindly « Morozushko Listen to our song, we will sing it for you. (Children and their teacher say the chant three times.)

4. -Children, we forgot about the bunny, look, he sits quietly and is sad. Let's play a game with him: "The little white bunny is sitting."

First, let's choose a trap. Today I'm counting. Whoever I stop at will be the trap.

Counting book. We're going to play.

Well, who should start?

One, two, three, you start.

Children playing a game “The little white bunny is sitting.”

5. Summary. - Guys, everyone come up to the bunny, let’s say thank you to him for coming to visit us. He really liked it with us. All the guys were great today; They talked interestingly about winter, sang together and played a game.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the connection between fine motor skills fingers and the development of the child’s speech. These nursery rhymes belong to finger games known a long time ago. We also cut nails for these nursery rhymes (you probably know what it’s like to cut a child’s nails :)). It helps us a lot.

(we bend our fingers one by one)
This finger went into the forest,
This finger found a mushroom,
This finger has taken its place
This finger will fit tightly,
This finger has eaten a lot,
That's why I got fat.

(we move our fingers and say sentences)
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy's
This finger is Vanechka.

(bend your fingers)
This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, sound asleep.
Quiet! Hush, don't make noise!
The red sun will rise,
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Your fingers will stand up!
(fingers straighten)

(the thumb is connected alternately with each finger)
- Finger boy,
Where have you been?
- With this brother
I went to the forest.
With this brother
Cooked cabbage soup
With this brother
I ate porridge.
With this brother
Sang songs!

Ivan the Great - to chop wood,
Vaska the pointer - to carry water,
The middle bear needs to light the stove,
Grishka the orphan needs to cook porridge,
And for little Timoshka to sing songs,
Sing songs and dance,
To amuse my siblings.

For babies who find it difficult to perform the movements themselves, their mother helps them
and for very small babies, you can massage your fingers with these nursery rhymes, fingering each of the child’s fingers in light circular movements.

Let me remind you that finger games include the well-known “Magpie-Crow”, as well as “A squirrel is sitting on a cart...”, “A turtle went for a swim” - these nursery rhymes are located on the main page of nursery rhymes.

Nursery rhymes about rain and sunshine

These nursery rhymes are good to sing in the rain

Rain, rain, harder -
The grass will be greener
Flowers will grow
On our lawn.
Rain, rain, more,
Grow, grass, thicker.

Rain, rain, water -
There will be a loaf of bread.
Rain, rain, let it come -
Let the cabbage grow.
Rain, rain, have fun!
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Just don't kill us,
Don't knock on the window in vain!

Bring on the rain!
We have a spoon,
Give the bear a spoonful,
A gray wolf -
A full bucket!

Rain, rain,
Don't rain!
Rain, Rain,
Let me get home
To the gray-haired grandfather!

Rain, rain,
Pour it full,
Small kids
Get wet!

Don't let it rain
Come on honey,
Bell tower!

Sunshine, sunshine,
Look out the window!
Sunshine, dress up
Red, show yourself!
The kids are waiting for you
The youngsters are waiting.

Winter nursery rhymes

You, frost, frost, frost,
Don't show your nose!
Go home quickly
Take the cold with you.
And we'll take the sleigh,
We'll go outside
Let's sit in the sleigh -

You're winter-winter,
You came with the frosts.
The wind howls, the blizzard howls,
It's sweeping along the street.

Covered in white snow
All roads to the village,
All roads, all paths,
There is no way to pass.

Like in the snow, in a blizzard
Three sleds were flying.
And they make noise and thunder,
The bells are ringing.

Grandfather is in the first sled,
In the other sled there is a grandmother,
In the third sled is Auntie.

Our Katya ran out,
I met dear guests,
She opened the gate for them,
It led to a new hill.

Let's buy felt boots for my son,
Let's put it on your legs,
Let's go on the path.
Our son will walk
New felt boots to wear.

Like on thin ice
A little white snow fell
A little white snow fell
Vanechka, my friend, was driving,
Vanya drove, hurried,
He fell off his good horse,
He fell, fell, lies -
Nobody runs to Vanya,
Two girls saw -
They ran straight to Vanya,
They ran straight to Vanya,
They put Vanya on a horse,
They showed the way.

A cap
Yes, a fur coat
That's all

Our Masha is Little,
She's wearing Alenka's fur coat,
Beaver edge.
Masha is black-browed.

We eat porridge with a nursery rhyme

Lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki,
The little ones have arrived,
The ghouls began to say:
“What should we feed Mashenka?”
One will say: “porridge”
The other - “yogurt”
The third will say - “milk,
And a ruddy pie."

Ay, tu-tu, ah, tu-tu,
Cook some porridge,
Add some milk
Feed the Cossack.

First steps with fun

Katya, Katya is little,
Katya is remote,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Katya, with your little foot.

Big feet
Walked along the road:
Little feet
Running along the path:

The cat is walking along the bench
Leads the cat by the paws
Tops on the bench
Hands on hand.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy.

Over bumps, over bumps...

These nursery rhymes are for playing on mom's lap. They are very useful when you need to hold your baby in your arms. For example, to put on pants or in line to see a doctor.

We throw the child on our knees and sing, last words: “Boom!” - “drop” between the knees

I'm going to see grandma and grandpa
On a horse in a red hat,
On a flat path
On one leg
In an old shoe
Over potholes, over bumps,
Everything is straight and direct
And then... into the pit!

Let's go, let's go
With nuts, with nuts,
Let's gallop, gallop
With rolls, with rolls!
Leap, skip
Over the bumps, over the bumps -
Plunge into the hole!

Let's go, let's go
For mushrooms, for nuts.
We've arrived, we've arrived
With mushrooms and nuts.
Thump into the hole!

From Tatachka;
Let's go, let's go on horseback
Along the path smooth, smooth.
The princess invited us to visit
Eat sweet pudding.
Two dogs at the doorstep
We were told very strictly...
How do dogs talk? Bow-wow!
Repeat, changing the animals at the doorstep, until the child gets tired of it.
(Two kittens - meow-meow!
Two dogs - woof-woof!
Two ducklings - quack-quack!
Two chickens - pee-pee-pee!
Two calves - Moo! Mu!
Two sheep - Beat! Bang!
Two kids - Mee! Mee!
Two frogs - qua-qua!)

(bounce the child on your lap, changing the amplitude according to the text)
Let's go with nuts
On a barrel, on a barrel
On a flat path,
Over bumps, over bumps.
Through the ravines, through the ravines,
Over bumps, over bumps,
To a high hill
Thump into the hole!

(rock the baby from side to side)
The bear came to the ford,
Climbed onto the deck
(drop between knees)
Plunge into the water!
(toss it up on our knees)
He's already wet, wet, wet,
He's a pussy, a pussy, a pussy!
Soaked, sour,
Got out, dried up,
Got on the deck...
Plunge into the water!

You can change animals
A crane flew and sat on a deck...
A raven flew and sat on a deck ...)

Nursery rhymes

Don't cry, don't cry - I'll buy a roll,
Don't cry, dear, I'll buy another one.
Don't cry, don't scream,
I'll give you three!

Pussy is in pain
The dog is in pain
And my baby
Live, live, live.

The pussy will come slowly
And pet the baby
Meow-meow - the pussy will say
Our baby is good.

Oh, the little one,
Little eyes got wet.
Who will hurt the baby?
The goat will gore him.

Baking with fun

Tushki tu-tush!
Grandma baked cheesecakes.
Cheesecakes for everyone
Yes, a mug of milk.
Okay, okay!
Grandma baked pancakes.
I poured oil on it,
She treated everyone.

Donut, flatbread
She was sitting in the oven,
She looked at us
I wanted it in my mouth.

Grind, grind the mill,
Chalk, grind, don't be lazy!
They gave us grains,
Buckwheat flour -
The guys have some porridge,
For pancakes,
For sweet cheesecake.

There are rolls in the oven,
Hot as fire.
For whom are they baked?
Rolls for Mashenka,
They are hot for Mashenka.

There are scrolls on the table,
There are scrolls on the table,
And there are cheesecakes in the oven.
Vitushki, cheesecakes
To our Andryushka.

The cat went to the stove
I found a pot of porridge.
Rolls on the stove
Hot as fire.
Gingerbread cookies are baking
The cat's paws don't fit.

Okay, okay,
Let's bake pancakes.
We'll put it on the window.
Let's make it cool down.
Let's wait a little
We'll give everyone some pancakes.

Jacob's wife
Baked rolls:
The rolls are hot
Swords out the window.
The rooks have arrived
The rolls were praised.


Proverbs about friendship

An old friend is better than two new ones.

If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

Straw is not friends with fire.

For a dear friend and an earring.

For a friend, even seven miles is not a suburb.