Daria Moroz was left without hair. Daria Moroz radically changed her image Daria Moroz with a haircut

In an unexpected twist, they decided to make a bold experiment with their appearance and cut their hair bald. We have compiled a rating Russian stars who parted with their long hair. Many show business stars dared to take a bold action for the sake of leading role in the cinema, they can be proud of their actions. Agree, not every woman dares to make such radical changes; everyone wants to look beautiful and attractive.

The actress and TV presenter of the famous program “Eating at Home,” like many women, decided to experiment with hair color and length: below the shoulders, pixie. But, she shaved her head for the main role in the film “Paradise,” which was released on the big screen in 2016.

Mariya Kozhevnikova

The actress decided to get a clipper haircut to participate in the film “Battalion” (2015). Maria cut off her long golden locks without hesitation, surprising her large army of fans.

Daria Moroz

In preparation for the film “The Point,” Daria shaved so that she would definitely be cast in the role of Ninka Moidodyrka. And it worked. This was 11 years ago (2006). By the way, the director of the film was her father Yuri Moroz.

The singer looks amazing even with a bald head! Well, isn't it a miracle? She stood out and was remembered on the “Voice” show not only for her unique vocal abilities, but also for her avant-garde style. Confident, creative, gifted Nargiz Zakirova has unusual appearance. Today, the singer's image has changed somewhat.

For the main role in the play “Ivanov,” the actress got her hair cut to zero. Chulpan Khamatova went on stage completely bald, which surprised her fans and it wasn’t makeup! The dramatic role of the actress was a success, as she looked believable on stage.

04 July 2016

Actress Daria Moroz surprised fans a lot with a drastic change in her image. She cut her hair short and dyed her hair ash blonde.

Actress Daria Moroz surprised fans a lot with a drastic change in her image. She cut her hair short and dyed her hair ash blonde.

Fans are used to seeing Daria with brown hair shoulders, but were shocked to see the actress's new unexpected hairstyle. She posted a photo with a new image on her microblog.

“I love my job,” Moroz captioned the photo.

Apparently, Daria decided to radically change her image for the sake of work. Later, she posted a photo of her husband on the microblog, which, as it turned out, was the reason that fans could not recognize Moroz.

“And here is the hero of the occasion or the one who is responsible for my image,” Daria wrote.

Let us remind you that the actress is married to director Konstantin Bogomolv. Apparently, it is he who is currently filming Daria. Fans agreed that new hairstyle goes well with Daria and doesn’t spoil her at all. some even decided that such an unusual haircut even made the actress look younger.

(PHOTO) Star of the series "Apostle" and "Death of the Empire", Famous Russian actress Daria Moroz admitted that she is not quite as beautiful as she is, but she doesn’t consider herself a scary woman either.

“I have such an intermediate appearance, which, by the way, is very convenient for the profession. You can make anything out of my face. And according to age, you can walk back and forth.

It’s just a pity that today in cinema, for some reason, they don’t want to spend a lot of time on external transformation; the more you look like the character, the better,” said 28-year-old Daria Moroz in an interview with Beauty & Health magazine.

In her profession, she likes to experiment with her appearance: once the star even cut her hair bald.

“Dad (film director Yuri Moroz - ed.) was looking for an actress for his film “The Point,” but many girls refused to say goodbye to their hair. When I shaved, he realized that he would have to approve me.

In fact, I cut my hair a little earlier. She starred in another film and played two characters at the same time - a Chinese woman and a young lady from the time of Lyubov Orlova. Since it was clear that I would have to change wigs often, I decided that it would be much easier to put them on a bald head. So, before filming “The Point,” I just slightly refreshed my hair to zero,” the actress laughs.

Then she grew her hair for almost four years. True, I didn’t do any special procedures to speed up growth.

“But after giving birth, when my hair became weaker and duller, I began to pay more attention to it. I rubbed ampoules with placenta into the scalp. Once I injected special vitamins into the scalp along the contour of the face. And you know, the effect really improved for me - they just started spiking! And the face itself became fresher and brighter,” the star shared.

She limits her visits to the beauty salon to facial cleansing and masks. By the way, the actress does not clean her home - steaming her face is harmful to the blood vessels and pores.

“I choose cosmetics through trial and error... I prefer to buy cosmetics abroad, there are a lot of expired products on our shelves, and they are often passed off as originals as fakes,” the celebrity was convinced.

In ordinary life, Daria Moroz does not wear makeup. She believes that in the city we should use less cosmetics, otherwise its mixture with exhaust gases will have a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

There is a product in her beauty arsenal that always works flawlessly - sleep.

“In addition to his appearance, he is ideal for his voice quality. I made this conclusion while participating in the “Two Stars” project. Nothing restores ligaments like rest. In addition, you need to go out into nature more often, Fresh air. I try to spend as much time as possible at the dacha. It replaces any exotic resort for me,” the artist is sure.

Relaxing with friends also helps her regain her strength. fun company. “This, of course, is not bad, but I fully recover only within the walls of the house. This is my charge and discharge,” admitted Daria Moroz.

Daria Moroz radically changed her image by dyeing her hair ash color and getting a boyish haircut. As it turned out, the actress had to make such drastic changes at the request of her husband.

Daria Moroz is used to being seen with shoulder-length hair, but recently the actress radically changed her image. She cut her hair short and became ash blonde. As it turned out, the actress sacrificed her hair for the sake of new role.

“I love my job,” Daria wrote on her Instagram.

Later, the actress presented a photograph of Konstantin Bogomolov, whom she called “the hero of the occasion.”

“And here is the hero of the occasion or the one who is responsible for my image!”, the actress signed the photo. In the hashtags she added “when my husband is a director”, “while we are working, who is relaxing” and “video from the hairdresser”. In the photo, Bogomolov raises a glass in honor of his wife, apparently congratulating Daria on her new haircut.

Not so long ago, a similar situation happened with Yulia Vysotskaya, when during the filming of the film “Paradise”, according to the plans of her husband and the film’s director Andrei Konchalovsky, her head was shaved.

Konstantin Bogomolov is going to film the story “Nastya” by Vladimir Sorokin. He is also going to make a film from the Moscow Art Theater play “The Year When I Was Not Born.” IN this moment he's just working on it. The main roles went to Daria Moroz, Anna Chipovskaya, father and son Tabakov. According to Bogomolov, he does not leave the theater, he comes to the cinema.

More recently, Daria Moroz could be seen with shoulder-length hair, but recently the actress decided to make radical changes in her image. Fans of the star, accustomed to the fact that she is always very feminine and discreet, were amazed. Now Daria is the owner of a short and daring boy haircut. But this is where the changes in appearance The celebrities didn't end there - the actress's hair was not only cut, but also dyed ash blonde.

As it turned out, the actress had to take such drastic steps for the sake of a new role. “I love my job,” Daria wrote on her Instagram.

A little later, Moroz published a photo in which she told details about what was the reason for such an unexpected action for many of her fans. “And here is the hero of the occasion or the one who is responsible for my image!” - this is how the actress signed a photo of her husband, director Konstantin Bogomolov. To her publication, the star also added the hashtags “when the husband is a director”, “while we are working, who is resting” and “video from the hairdresser”. In the photo you can see the artist’s husband raising a glass in her honor, apparently congratulating Daria on her new haircut.

Moroz's fans were surprised by her image, but agreed that it suits the actress very well and reveals an unexpected side of her. “Super”, “Dasha, it’s just you”, “Just one of the sides of your beauty and individuality!”, “Beautiful, perfect head shape”, “Pretty”, “How great, delight”, “All that’s left is to get a tattoo (or draw), it just begs to be used for the image,” “Great,” “Unexpectedly, stylishly and daringly,” “It seems to me that this is right up your alley,” they admired the actress’s courage in the comments to her photo.

Let us recall that in early July it became known that theater director Konstantin Bogomolov was going to film an adaptation of the story “Nastya” by Vladimir Sorokin. He reported this on his Facebook page. According to Bogomolov, he had been planning to do this for several years, but there were difficulties with financing, and recently, thanks to one person, the project will be brought to life. He promised to reveal details about the filming of the film later.

Then Bogomolov also announced that he was going to turn Oleg Tabakov’s theater play “The Year When I Was Not Born” into a film. At the moment, Konstantin is actively working on this. Judging by an excerpt from the film that appeared on the Internet, Daria Moroz, Anna Chipovskaya, Oleg and Pavel Tabakov, and Vyacheslav Chepurchenko will play in it. “I don’t leave the theater, I come to the cinema,” Bogomolov commented on his new projects.