Celebrities and their adopted children (18 photos). Not the father who gave birth: Russian stars who raise adopted children Russian actress adopted

There are families different forms and sizes. For example, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, before their divorce, were the model of a mixed family - they adopted four children from different countries, and three of them were biological. There are other celebrities who have welcomed children into their home, some of whom also had biological offspring. Who are these stars?

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

The former couple adopted Connor and Isabella in 2001, when they were babies. Even though Kidman emphasizes how important her children are to her, their relationship is complicated. They chose to live with their father and practice Scientology, like him. Kidman does not share such a religion, which is why the children do not want to maintain contact with her. The actress has two other biological daughters with Keith Urban - Sunday Rose, nine, and seven-year-old Faith Margaret.

Sandra Bullock

During her divorce from Jesse James, Sandra adopted Louis, and five years later, a daughter, Leila. The actress kept her second adoption a secret for as long as possible to create calm conditions for children.

Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furnes

When the couple got married, Deborra-Lee was already forty. They were unable to conceive a child, despite IVF procedures. After several miscarriages, the couple decided to adopt children. They chose two mixed-race kids because it was obvious that these were the kids who needed a roof over their heads the most.

Jillian Michaels

The fitness star adopted her daughter Lukencia in May 2012, the same month that her partner Heidi Rhoads gave birth to her son Phoenix. The adoption process turned out to be long - it took two years.


Madonna has four adopted children: David Banda, Mercy James and twins Stella and Esther. All four children are from Malawi. Madonna adopted her first child in 2006, her daughter Mercy in 2009, and eight years later twins appeared in her home. Once upon a time she was more lonely and then thought, why doesn’t she have children in the house? So many children need a family! And so she decided to adopt. The singer also has two biological children who are older than the adopted ones.

Connie Britton

The actress decided to adopt after the death of her father. She chose Ethiopia because she did charity work there. In this country she found her adopted son Yobi. This was already seven years ago.

Julie Andrews

The actress and her husband adopted girls Amy and Joanna from Vietnam when they were two and five months old. The couple did not have children together, but both had children from previous marriages. Andrews spoke positively about what it's like to have one big family- she was a stepmother to two children, a mother to her own daughter and a foster mother to two girls!

Viola Davis and Julius Tennon

The actress announced in 2011 that she had become an adoptive mother. She and her husband took their daughter Genesis, who was just a baby. Davis notes in an interview that her daughter was born from her heart, not from her stomach.

Hoda Kotb

The TV presenter is unable to have children after a difficult battle with cancer. In February 2017, she adopted a daughter and named her Hayley Joy. This is an incredibly valuable experience for her, for which she constantly feels gratitude. Hoda didn't think she'd have this chance.

Emma Thompson

Thompson said she met the African teenager, who was sixteen, when he was homeless on the streets of London after being rescued from his country of Rwanda. Thompson invited him home for Christmas, and so he became part of her family. The actress has biological daughter named Gaia.

Kristin Davis

Like her character from Sex in big city", Davis adopted a daughter. She noted that she had dreamed about this for a long time and such an experience became incredibly valuable for her.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

In addition to three biological children, ex-spouses there are adopted children from Cambodia, Vietnam and Ethiopia. Jolie speaks enthusiastically about her adopted children and emphasizes that they bring her great joy. However, there were some scandals: the actress was against ex-husband communicated with children.

Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelly

Heigl noted that she always knew that she wanted to adopt children. In 2009, she and her husband adopted a daughter, Nali, from South Korea. The girl needed open heart surgery. The couple adopted their second daughter Adelaide in the USA. In addition, the couple has a biological son, Joshua.

Lionel Richie

Lionel took Nicole into his home when she was four because her biological parents were facing personal and financial difficulties. When she was nine, he officially adopted her. Richie also has two biological children, Sophia and Miles Brockman.

Charlize Theron

The actress has two adopted children, Jackson and August. She adopted Jackson in her home country- South Africa. Three years later, she adopted a daughter in America. The actress says she always intended to become a foster mother.

Sheryl Crow

In 2007, Crowe announced that she had adopted two-week-old Wyatt, whom she named after her father. She adopted her second child, Levi, in 2010 - he was five weeks old. The star reports that having children was the most important thing for her. important event in life.

Calista Flockhart

Flockhart adopted Liam in 2001. In 2002, she met Harrison Ford, and since then they have been inseparable. The actor has four biological children, but he also officially adopted Liam. The lovers got married in 2010 when their son Liam was nine.

Sharon Stone

Stone adopted Roan with Phil Bronstein. After the couple separated, they had to go through long trials to establish guardianship over his son. In 2005, Stone adopted a second son, and in 2006, a third. She considers herself very happy mom.

Nia Vardalos

When the actress and her husband encountered fertility problems, they decided to adopt a daughter. This happened in 2009.

Mariska Hargitay and Peter Hermann

After a difficult birth, when the couple had a son, August, the couple decided to adopt children. The actress admitted that adoption is for people who are strong in spirit. She and her husband adopted two children: a daughter, Amaya, and a son, Andrew.

Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest

Curtis admitted in an interview that due to fertility problems, adoption was the only way for her and her husband to start a family. They adopted Annie, their adopted daughter, in 1986. Nine years later they adopted another child, a son, Thomas.

Frances McDormand and Joel Coen

Frances herself was an adopted child, so it is not surprising that she decided to adopt. She and her husband adopted Pedro from Paraguay when he was only six months old.

Cate Blanchett

The actress has three biological sons. She recently adopted a baby girl, Edith. The star leads an extremely private lifestyle, so there are no details. In an interview, she admitted that she had been thinking about adoption for a long time, because she had enough emotional strength to make such a bold decision.

Diane Keaton

Keaton, who has never married, became a mother at fifty - she adopted her first child in 1996. In 2001, she adopted another child, son Duke. Keaton notes that motherhood completely changed her and became an unusual experience.

Meg Ryan

Ryan got adopted daughter Daisy in 2006, five years after her divorce from her husband. She had a biological son with him. Ryan said there was nothing random about adoption and that this was the child she was meant to raise.

Thomas Rhett and Lauren Akins

The couple began the long adoption process after traveling to Uganda, where they met their future daughter. They couldn't naturally to conceive a child and therefore began to look for an adoptive one. However, during the final stages of the adoption process, it turned out that Lauren was pregnant. Now the couple has two children.

However, there are many other celebrities in Russian and foreign show business who took children from the orphanage. A selection of such stars is in the material

Margarita Sukhankina


Soviet and Russian group“” was especially popular in the 90s, but despite this, the personal life of one of the soloists of the group was not the best. in the best possible way. She was married three times, but was never able to give birth to a child. By the age of 45, Sukhankina realized that she was missing something. At the age of 48, the star became a mother for the first time, taking two kids from the shelter: 3-year-old Lera and her older brother, 4-year-old Seryozha.

According to the performer, raising adopted children is difficult, but she has learned to understand them and put up with some of their characteristics, making allowances for the conditions in which they grew up.

Hugh Jackman


The actor, best known for his role in a series of films in the Marvel universe, was also unable to have children of his own, and that is why he and his wife adopted a boy, Oscar, in 2000, and a girl, Ava, in 2005. As Jackman himself said in an interview, the couple could not decide for a long time to adopt their first child from the orphanage, but today they understand that these children were destined for them.

“What difference does it make whether they are biological or not - these are my children!” says Jackman.

Svetlana Sorokina


The famous Russian TV presenter was busy with her career and had already accepted that she was not destined to give birth to a child. That's why she decided to take the child from orphanage. During one of her “trips” to the institution, little Tonechka, who was 11 months old at that time, ran up to meet her on a walker.

Now Tonya has grown up. She turned out to be a talented girl and is making progress in learning the basics musical art. Sorokina spends a lot of time with her daughter; they travel together.

Steven Spielberg


The adopted children of the stars also include three of the seven offspring of the cult Hollywood director. Spielberg's first child is his biological son Max Samuel, born from his marriage to Amy Irving. The director later married actress Kate Capshaw, adopting her two children, one of whom was from an orphanage.

Then the couple had three children - Sasha, Sawyer and Destri, and after that they decided to take the boy Theo from the orphanage. According to Spielberg, they decided to take this step because of “an untapped supply of love.”

Ksenia Strizh

Russian actress and radio presenter Ksenia Strizh as a teenager from an orphanage in 2018. She wanted to foster a child for a long time, often went to orphanages, talked with children, but became especially attached to one of them - 15-year-old Nikita from Chelyabinsk. The teenager has parents, but they are deprived of parental rights.

As Strizh said in a recent interview, Nikita dreams of enrolling in circus school, and the star believes in his strength and abilities. In addition, it is heartwarming to think that it can give a person the opportunity to have a good and fulfilling life.

Meg Ryan

Another Hollywood star, actress, adopted a Chinese girl, Daisy True, in 2006. According to Ryan, when she decided to take a child from an orphanage, she did not position herself as a rescuer and did not consider that she was carrying out some kind of noble mission. She just really wanted to have him next to her. close person. In addition to Daisy, Meg Ryan has a son with Jack Henry.

Tatiana Ovsienko


Another star who adopted a child in Russia is. The ex-soloist of the group “Mirage” performed at a charity concert in orphanage Penza and saw little boy with an upside down algebra textbook in his hands. At that time, Igor was only two years old. The manager told the star that the parents abandoned the boy due to a heart defect. Ovsienko found money for the operation and decided that if it was successful, she would definitely adopt this boy. And so it happened.

On the topic that Igor was adopted, the star first told him at the age of 18 and offered to find his biological mother, but the guy refused, saying that he already had a mother and he didn’t need another.

Sandra Bullock


In 2010, she adopted a boy, Louis. The adoption took place against the backdrop of a divorce from Jesse James due to his constant infidelities. The couple planned to raise the child together, but Bullock took sole custody, which angered her ex-partner. The baby helped the celebrity survive a divorce, and in 2015, information appeared in the media that the actress had adopted another child, a girl named Lila.

The first sign was a singer popular in the 11990s Tatiana Ovsienko. In 1998, she adopted a boy from congenital defect hearts and thereby seriously influenced the consciousness of people in our country. Tatyana did not hide the truth or invent incredible stories the birth of a baby in the family, and frankly told her story.

Tatyana Ovsienko with her son. Photo: From the personal archive of Tatyana Ovsienko

Our group had a rule: during tours, give charity concerts in orphanages. In Penza, during a performance at the Palace of Culture, I received a note from the head physician of the Orphanage with a request to bring green apples to the children. We filled the car with boxes and drove along the specified address. That's where I saw Igor. A tiny boy sat in the corner, holding in his hands... an algebra textbook turned upside down. He was two and a half years old at that time. I was amazed and started asking about him: who? What? It turned out that his 17-year-old mother, having learned that her son had a heart defect, abandoned him. When there were Americans who wanted to adopt him, his grandfather prevented him and did not sign the necessary papers. “He’s dying,” the manager told me. “We need an operation, but it can only be done in Moscow, and we have no way to get permission for this.”

A day later, I was sitting at the Bakulevsky Cardiology Center with Igor’s medical records. And I knew that if the operation was successful, I would never part with the boy.” 32-year-old Tanya, who did not have children of her own, quickly learned everything a mother should know.

After the operation, she spent a couple of months with Igor in the hospital for rehabilitation, the boy became attached to her and called her mom.

The singer confronted her husband, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, with a fait accompli. Whether he wanted to adopt the boy or not, Tanya did not care, the decision was made and was not subject to appeal.

Six months later, the adoption process began. Dubovitsky recognized the child and Igor, by court decision, received his last name. Tatyana was happy about this, she was afraid that if Igor became Ovsienko, he would quickly be found by him biological mother. But it all worked out, Igor grew up, got married, but his own mother never showed up.

Although it was no secret in the family that Igor was an adopted child, this topic was never raised. Only when Dubovitsky Jr. turned 18 years old and he flew to his mother in Moscow from America, where last years lives with his father, asked: “Mom, tell me who I am.”

“The day before, he talked to Vova about the same thing. In my opinion, it was wrong to discuss such difficult question in the absence of the mother. Still, Igoresha lived most of his life with me. But be that as it may, that evening we had a heart-to-heart talk, we both cried, and I offered to find his mother. But Igor said: “You are mom. I don’t need another one,” Tanya said in an interview with TN.

One of the most prominent TV presenters of the 90s Svetlana Sorokina became a mother at the age of 46, after divorcing her second husband. I didn’t think about the fact that the offensive “single mother” would attach itself to her. Fifteen years ago, Svetlana saw a one-year-old girl in a walker in a shelter, and realized that only Tone wanted to become a mother. Although, as the journalist admitted, before that she dreamed of adopting a boy.

Svetlana Sorokina with Tonya. Photo: Global Look Press

With the advent of Tony, Svetlana began to work less, although before that she suffered from workaholism and devoted a lot of time and effort to raising her child. The girl turned out to have good musical abilities, and her mother sent her to a music school at the Gnessin School. It is interesting that Tonya Sorokina named her daughter in honor of her grandmother Antonina Ivanovna. The TV presenter rarely attends social events, and 16-year-old Antonina appears even more rarely. But when you manage to see them together, you can’t even dare to name this happy family incomplete!

Star of the famous Lenkom 56-year-old Victor Rakov- father of three children. From his first marriage, the actor has a 30-year-old son, Boris. From the second - 27-year-old daughter Anastasia and 11-year-old son Danila. Victor and his wife Lyudmila did not immediately tell the public that the youngest was an adopted child. They presented the boy to the press as own son, late and desirable, but then declassified. It turned out that the couple really wanted another child together, but... “we assume, but God disposes.” The long-awaited pregnancy did not occur. Then the idea arose to take the child from the orphanage. Moreover, Victor and Luda did not agree in advance what their baby should look like. When they saw 2-year-old Danya, both their hearts sank. They looked at the other children, but only Danya reigned in their thoughts. They returned to him, played and... went back to Moscow without voicing a decision. And the very next day they returned. Thanks to Rakov's popularity, the adoption process went faster than expected. The child came into the family on the eve of the new year, 2009. His sister Nastya happily accepted her brother, they even look alike!

Victor Rakov with his family. Photo: East News

When the Rakovs were filming for TN, it could not have occurred to me that Danya was not a child of his own blood. All four of them were so filled with tenderness and love for each other.

Few people know that the popular actress Maria Mironova has a brother. Her mother, actress Ekaterina Gradova, the famous radio operator Kat from “17 Moments of Spring,” took a one-year-old boy Alyosha from an orphanage. It is noteworthy that this was the same orphanage where her movie children were found. Ekaterina Georgievna is married to former nuclear physicist Igor Timofeev. Their adopted son Alexey did not follow in his parents' footsteps and served in Marine Corps and is engaged in the restaurant business.

Ekaterina Gradova. Photo: East News

U Alexey Serebryakov no native children. More precisely, there are even three, but by blood they are strangers. When he married his beloved woman, Maria, he became a stepfather to her daughter Dasha. In a recent interview with Yuri Dudu, Alexey said that he and Masha dreamed of having a large family, but... it didn’t work out. Then the couple thought about adoption.

Alexey Serebryakov with children. Photo: East News

First Stepan appeared at the Serebryakovs, then he brother Danila. Both boys grew up in an orphanage. Surprisingly, the three children are similar to each other and to their parents!

Adoption is not always the lot of young couples. For example, Natalia Belokhvostikova and her husband Vladimir Naumov became parents to 3-year-old Kirill when Natalya Nikolaevna was 56 years old and Vladimir Naumovich was 80!

When Belokhvostikova and Naumov arrived at the orphanage, Kirill did not try to attract attention to himself. Other children were jumping around, grabbing hands and asking to be taken home. And Kiryusha waited until the fuss died down, came up and quietly asked: “Auntie, everyone has crosses, but I don’t. Give it to me, please." This modest request moved the actress to tears. They brought the boy pectoral cross and were soon adopted. 11 years have passed since then.

Their own daughter, Natalya Naumova accepted Kiryusha as a brother. The boy is growing up as a developed child, draws well, recites poetry, studies are easy for him, foreign languages. The couple admitted that they never regretted their decision.

Psychologist's opinion:

1. An adopted child is often a salvation for childless couples. The spouses have a feeling of a real full-fledged family, responsibility for each other and for the child.

2. The common argument: “It is unknown what kind of genes an adopted child has” is broken by the argument that our own children often present us with unpleasant surprises. Either the child looks like a drunkard grandfather, or like a slacker uncle.

3. If you decide to take a baby, be prepared for the fact that he will definitely go through a difficult period of denying the authority of his parents during puberty. Perhaps he will start looking for biological parents. An experienced psychologist will tell you how to act.

4. You should not hide the fact that the baby is adopted. Otherwise, you will have to live for years under the sword of Damocles, fearing accidental exposure. The world is not without “good” people. Even if you change your place of residence and pass off your baby as your own from birth, problems may arise over time. Your son or daughter will accidentally find documents, relatives will spill the beans, or you yourself will actually traumatize him.

The decision to take in a child left without parental care is made for various reasons: some cannot get pregnant and give birth to a baby, others simply want to help an orphan. Domestic celebrities are no exception; they willingly take children into their care.

Tatiana Ovsienko

The singer never planned to adopt. Tatyana dreamed of having a natural child, but after she made a career. Only everything turned out differently. She did not give birth to a son, but met her by chance during a charity event in an orphanage in the city of Penza. This happened in the late 90s. Tatyana brought gifts and invitation cards to her concert for the children. The sad eyes of one of the children touched her to the depths of her soul.

Tatyana found out that Igor suffers from a heart defect and urgently needs surgery. The boy was not even three years old. Without surgery, the chances of survival were minimal. The orphanage could not pay for the expensive treatment in the capital. Ovsienko paid for the operation, and the boy’s condition improved. The singer brought him to her country house to recover in favorable conditions. After living together, Tatyana could not part with the boy and took Igor.

The guy found out that he was an adopted child at the age of 16. It was a shock for him. The son became estranged from his mother. Only a heart-to-heart conversation with Tatyana helped improve the relationship. The young man lives and studies in America, plays in a rock band. He made a full recovery, and doctors allowed him to lead a normal life. According to family friends, Igor is sociable and calm person, very attached to his mother.

Victor Rakov

The famous theater and film actor Viktor Rakov and his wife Lyudmila adopted a child in the winter of 2009. The star has a 25-year-old son, Boris, from his first marriage. The couple also has a daughter together, Anastasia, 20 years old. She lives separately from her parents. Lyudmila failed to get pregnant again, so the couple decided to take the child up for adoption. There was no definite idea of ​​who exactly to take: a girl or a boy. Appearance didn't matter either.

When the couple received permission to adopt, they began looking for a child on the websites of orphanages. But it soon became clear that it was better to go and get to know each other ourselves. There were a lot of people in the capital who wanted to adopt a child, so the Rakovs went to an orphanage in the Moscow region. Upon arrival, we immediately noticed two-year-old Danila. After looking at the other kids, they returned to him. The paperwork procedure went quickly, thanks to the actor’s name and the proximity of the New Year. Danya moved to a new house on December 29. The couple completed documents to change their surname, now their son is Danil Viktorovich Rakov.

Margarita Sukhankina

The lead singer of the Mirage group became a mother in 2013. Margarita Sukhankina took two charming children from the orphanage: a four-year-old boy, Seryozha, and a three-year-old girl, Valeria. It so happened that the singer does not have her own children. All pregnancies ended sadly.

Sukhankina saw abandoned children in the story of the program “While everyone is at home.” According to the star, at first sight they sank into her soul. A few days later, Margarita arrived in the city where the children were. Contact between them appeared immediately. The next day after they met, the kids began calling her mom. Her parents help her in raising the children. The singer is incredibly happy and cannot imagine her life without them.

Mikhail Barshchevsky

The famous lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky and his wife have been together for more than forty years. They managed to become good parents, as well as grandparents. Daughter Natalya gave them grandchildren long ago. However, the Barshchevsky family has other children - twins Dasha and Maxim, who were adopted in 2008. They had children at the age of two, during which time they became truly family.

The lawyer's family lives in a large country house in outskirts of Moscow. According to Mikhail, he grew up in poverty and always dreamed of his own private home. When the opportunity arose, he and his wife moved. New house They built it for several years, and now it has become a real family estate of the Barshchevskys.

The idea to adopt children came when the grandchildren grew up and began to rarely visit their grandparents. When children appeared in the house, the Barshchevskys took a new look at life. Every day was filled with joy and cheerful children's laughter.

Alexey Serebryakov

Information about the actor’s adopted children appeared in the media thanks to journalists who, without Alexei’s permission, published the news in one publication. The case was even taken to court. Serebryakov and his wife Maria adopted one boy, two-year-old Danil, and then a second, Stepan, despite difficult life circumstances.

Besides adopted sons, the spouses have eldest daughter Daria, a girl born in Maria's first marriage. It was not possible to have children together. Therefore, it was decided to take the kids from the shelter. The adoption went smoothly. Despite her misgivings, the eldest daughter received her younger brothers well.

For the last 7 years, the actor and his family have been living in Toronto. His wife is a Canadian citizen. According to Alexey, the move is connected with his political position and desire to give better life children.

Svetlana Sorokina

The TV presenter became one of the first who openly announced the decision to take the child from the orphanage. She for a long time I was building a career and didn’t even think about procreation. However, after the divorce, Svetlana decided to adopt a child on her own.

The journalist dreamed of a two- or three-year-old son and was looking for a boy. But on my next visit to the shelter I saw a one-year-old girl with dark hair and brown eyes. Sorokina immediately realized that this was her child. In 2003, she became the mother of a girl, Antonina. After a while it became clear that the decision was correct. Tonya is similar to her adoptive mother both in character and appearance. The star dotes on the girl and notes that her daughter has always been serious and calm, and has never caused problems.

There is a true statement: there are no other people's children. This is proven by celebrities who decided to adopt a baby from a shelter. An adopted child will become your own if you show patience and give him love and attention.

Not every person is capable of taking someone else's child into his family and giving him his warmth and care. This requires a special generosity of soul, a desire to make not only yourself happy, and an understanding of all the possible difficulties that you will have to face. And the more respect deserves people who managed to take responsibility for someone else’s fate and give happiness to a little person.

Irina Alferova

Irina Alferova.

The actress never dreamed of big family, however, fate decreed that she had to become a mother of four children. At the same time, she has only one daughter – Ksenia. Sergei Martynov, the actress’s husband, has two children from a previous marriage: Serey and Anastasia. After Martynov’s first wife died in London, they took the children with them.

Irina Alferova with her husband Sergei Martynov, daughter Anastasia and son Sergei.

And a year later, another son appeared in the family - Sasha, Irina Alferova’s nephew. The actress’s sister died and Alferova, of course, took the boy into her family. Today Ksenia - successful actress, Sasha is an aspiring lawyer, Anastasia and Sergey, having received their education in London, remained to live in England.

Margarita Sukhankina

Margarita Sukhankina with children.

After experiencing an abortion, the singer was never able to bear her own child; all pregnancies ended in miscarriages. Desperate to give birth, Margarita firmly decided to adopt a child from an orphanage, definitely a girl. But when she saw a story about 4-year-old Seryozha and 3-year-old Lerochka in one of the programs, she immediately understood: her children.

Margarita Sukhankina with children.

They were in another city, but she was not afraid of the distance. She went to the orphanage to make sure that her premonitions did not deceive her. Almost five years ago she took the kids to Moscow. According to Margarita Sukhankina, she is sometimes too strict, but she tries very hard to be a good mother.

Alexey Serebryakov

Alexey Serebryakov.

The actor never advertised his personal life, so for a long time nothing was known about the presence of adopted children. When journalists learned about this fact and published information in one of the publications, Alexey Serebryakov filed a lawsuit.

Alexey Serebryakov with his sons.

Later he himself confirmed the fact of adoption. The actor and his wife Maria had already tried to have their own children, but after two failures the decision was made to adopt. First, 2-year-old Daniil appeared in the family, and a little later Stepan. In addition to two sons, Dasha, Maria’s daughter from her first marriage, is growing up in the family.

Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov

Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov with their son.

The actress saw Kirill in an orphanage during her performance. He was very different from other children and asked her to bring him a cross. The next time Natalya Nikolaevna came to the orphanage with her husband, Vladimir Naumov. She was then 65 years old, her husband was 80, the decision was serious, but they could no longer leave this touching and completely lonely baby in the orphanage.

Now Kiryusha is already going to school and never ceases to please his parents with his successes. The actress admits that Kiryusha became a real gift for their family.

Mikhail Barshchevsky

Mikhail Barshchevsky and his wife have a daughter, but she grew up long ago and even gave her parents grandchildren. When her husband suggested adopting a child, Olga at first just waved it off, but two years later she supported her husband, but set the condition: two at once.

Mikhail Barshchevsky with his wife and children.

They looked for “their” children in different orphanages. The famous lawyer immediately saw his son in Maxim, and Dashenka cautiously went into Olga’s arms. Since the arrival of the kids in the house, the couple have found a second youth and can no longer imagine how they lived without them before.

Sergey Zverev

Sergei Zverev with his son.

The famous stylist hid the fact of adoption from the public for a long time. He made the decision to adopt almost spontaneously, after seeing three year old son in the Irkutsk orphanage. The boy appeared everywhere with his father, but after Sergei Zverev Jr. found out that he adopted child, he is constantly in search of his biological parents.

Sergei Zverev with his son.

The celebrity stylist tries not to show how unpleasant this situation is for him and hopes that soon everything will fall into place.

Svetlana Sorokina

Svetlana Sorokina with her daughter.

The presenter made the decision to adopt a long time ago and even prepared all the documents in advance. She was also looking for “her” son. But unexpectedly I found my daughter. The 11-month-old baby, as soon as she saw her mother, immediately extended her arms to her. Svetlana admits that her life took on a completely different meaning with the advent of Antonina.

Tatiana Ovsienko

Tatyana Ovsienko with her son.

She first saw Igor at one of the charity events in the Penza Orphanage. It turned out that the baby, who was not yet three years, has a serious heart condition and needs surgery. It so happened that at first the singer did everything to save the boy, and then she simply told her husband that they had a son.

Tatyana Ovsienko with her son.

She was a happy mother, and only when, in adolescence, her son had problems with his behavior, she decided to turn to her husband, from whom she was already divorced, for help. Now the 20-year-old son lives permanently in America, but visits his mother quite often.

Ekaterina Gradova

Ekaterina Gradova with her daughter, son and grandson.

The actress met her son in an orphanage when he was only 2 years old and she was 47. She feared that her husband would be against adoption, but Igor Timofeev fully supported her decision and soon Alyosha found loving parents.

Andrey Kirilenko

Andrey Kirilenko with his wife and children.

The famous basketball player and his wife Maria already had two sons, but dreamed of another child. Pregnancy still did not occur, and family council a decision was made to adopt. As often happens, at the very first meeting with the newborn girl, it became clear that Sasha was her own daughter. And five years later the couple had a third son.

Victor Rakov

Victor Rakov with his wife and children.

The daughter of Victor and Lyudmila Rakov was already 16 when they decided to adopt a child. When we saw Daniil in the orphanage, we immediately realized that he was ours. However, the boy also immediately realized that these were his parents, so he didn’t even look back when leaving the orphanage.