Linda goodman sun signs read. Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile

Linda Goodman - Zodiac Signs or Astrology with a Smile - read book online for free

Linda Goodman
Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile

Twelve "Houses" by Linda Goodman

Anticipating the coming severe criticism of the Publisher, Translator and Editor of the book, we will immediately surrender to the authorities and admit that we fully share the statement of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia that astrology is a “false teaching”, which only due to a misunderstanding did not “decline with the discoveries Copernicus" and, contrary to all logic, is still fooling the population, being "until now widespread in a number of capitalist countries." In our country, even before the advent of the era of glasnost, astrology shyly managed to build illegal nests in the most desperate newspapers and magazines, where it usually hid in inconspicuous corners of the last page. And even today, many readers, noting the most unfavorable days of the month for themselves in some newspaper, are unlikely to suspect that they were “calculated” taking into account astrological data.

The forbidden fruit is sweet, there is no information about the fruit, and therefore our population begins to attribute unprecedented qualities and non-existent possibilities to astrology. This book will allow the reader to learn first-hand, and not just from encyclopedic estimates, what astrology is, and to understand why it is so “widespread to this day in a number of capitalist countries,” and not only in them. It will help you finally shed the mystical veils from this mysterious phenomenon and see it for what it is, understand its strengths and weaknesses, and also find out what they read besides E. Hemingway and other classics in “capitalist countries”, what the menu is consumer of book products. Perhaps, in the end, we will be able to better understand each other and appreciate each other's values, even if sometimes they are not controversial.

Indeed, the scale of the spread of astrology in the world is amazing. According to reference books, hundreds of millions of people on our planet follow astrological predictions when deciding the most important life problems- without the advice of an astrologer they will not choose a wife or husband, they will not change jobs or places of residence. Millions buy books on astrology and subscribe to astrological magazines, especially in the USA, France, Japan, and India.

Linda Goodman

Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile

Twelve "Houses" by Linda Goodman

Anticipating the coming severe criticism of the Publisher, Translator and Editor of the book, we will immediately surrender to the authorities and admit that we fully share the statement of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia that astrology is a “false teaching”, which only due to a misunderstanding did not “decline with the discoveries Copernicus" and, contrary to all logic, is still fooling the population, being "until now widespread in a number of capitalist countries." In our country, even before the advent of the era of glasnost, astrology shyly managed to build illegal nests in the most desperate newspapers and magazines, where it usually hid in inconspicuous corners of the last page. And even today, many readers, noting the most unfavorable days of the month for themselves in some newspaper, are unlikely to suspect that they were “calculated” taking into account astrological data.

The forbidden fruit is sweet, there is no information about the fruit, and therefore our population begins to attribute unprecedented qualities and non-existent possibilities to astrology. This book will allow the reader to learn first-hand, and not just from encyclopedic estimates, what astrology is, and to understand why it is so “widespread to this day in a number of capitalist countries,” and not only in them. It will help you finally shed the mystical veils from this mysterious phenomenon and see it for what it is, understand its strengths and weaknesses, and also find out what they read besides E. Hemingway and other classics in “capitalist countries”, what the menu is consumer of book products. Perhaps, in the end, we will be able to better understand each other and appreciate each other's values, even if sometimes they are not controversial.

Indeed, the scale of the spread of astrology in the world is amazing. As reference books report, hundreds of millions of people on our planet follow astrological predictions when solving the most important problems in life - without the advice of an astrologer they will not choose a wife or husband, or change jobs or places of residence. Millions buy books on astrology and subscribe to astrological magazines, especially in the USA, France, Japan, and India.

The phenomenon of astrology (of course, on a much smaller scale) repeats the phenomenon of faith, which also, it would seem, does not have clear rational foundations. The belief that the stars control human destiny is akin to the idea of ​​​​the divine predestination of existence. Belief in the power of the stars lies in an ancient, but also eternal, primordial feeling that arose at the dawn of humanity: a person peering into the abyss of the night sky, full of sparkling constellations, feels like an insignificant grain of sand, weak and defenseless before the frightening Eternity, before the grandeur and mystery of the Universe, undoubtedly living according to its own law. This law determines the regularity of the change of seasons, day and night, ebb and flow and other natural phenomena, the connection of which with human life is undeniable - let us remember lunar cycle women, solar rhythm of plants. The examples are countless. The constellations, or “houses,” change their position in the sky in a strictly regular manner. This is how faith in the laws of the stars was born.

Astrology arose, if not in the fabulous Atlantis, then, apparently, among the very real Sumerians, about five thousand years ago. The Egyptians learned about it from the Sumerians. Together with trade caravans, nomadic tribes and migrating peoples, it spread through the wild Asian steppes, wooded Caucasus mountains, through the bare ridges of the Hindu Kush and Pamir, across the drowsy expanses of India, the fertile Mediterranean shores.

Naturally, astrology changed over time and depending on the culture of the peoples who adopted it, acquiring more and more new features, finding more and more new parallels: twelve constellations, twelve months and twelve most important organs of the body; seven planets, seven parts of the world and seven colors of the rainbow; four elements and four seasons. Many parallels, of course, are illusory and accidental. But the memory and patience of countless generations turns out to be noticed quite accurately and wittily.

Linda Goodman's book, which has gone through many editions in the United States and other countries, compares favorably with other astrological treatises. Paying tribute to the astrological pantheon that is indispensable for this kind of publication - constellations, elements, elements, precious stones, - Linda Goodman does not take the subject of the description as seriously as other authors, interspersing her reasoning with everyday examples and excerpts from Lewis Carroll's books.

You will read this book with undoubted pleasure and benefit. When I talk about benefits, I do not mean at all that all the advice in this book should be taken as recipes for all occasions. In my opinion, twelve constellations, twelve “houses” are inhabited by Linda Goodman with very interesting, psychologically very typical characters. Their features, subtly and accurately noted by the author, can serve as important guidelines in the world of complex human relationships. How to communicate with a husband or wife, with a child, with a boss and subordinate, with people of the most different characters? Linda Goodman gives a lot of valuable advice for life, and in this respect her book is in some sense consonant with Dale Carnegie’s famous book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

By presenting the book “Zodiac Signs or Astrology with a Smile” to Soviet readers, the Publisher hopes that it will help erase another blank spot from the vast map of popular foreign literature.


"Regardless of gender, Aries immediately rushes into battle with injustice, often without thinking about the consequences

“But he still won’t be discouraged for long, but will gather his strength, shake himself up and rush towards new challenges and adventures.”

How to recognize an Aries

...They did not want to follow the simplest rules that their friends taught them: if you hold a red-hot poker in your hands for too long, you will eventually get burned; if you cut your finger deeper with a knife, blood usually comes out of your finger.

Have you ever met an extremely friendly, assertive person with a firm handshake and a constant smile on his face? If so, then most likely you have come to the attention of Aries. Your assumption will turn out to be even more fair if he also takes the lead in the conversation, not giving you the opportunity to get a word in.

Linda Goodman is a contemporary American astrologer and writer. A philosopher and psychologist by education. Real name Mary Alice Kemery was born in 1925 in Virginia in the United States.

In 1949 she married writer William Herbert Snyder. After the divorce, she married again - to disc jockey Sam O. Goodman. They got married in 1955. One day Sam bought home the popular book "The Coffee Table Book of Astrology", and Linda, after reading it, became completely immersed in the study of astrology. According to her husband, for a year she devoted 20 hours a day to this. She began her astrological career with radio and television astrology programs from Pittsburgh (“Letters from Linda,” NBC).

Her very first book (“Sun Signs”, 1968), which is a popular presentation of the characteristics of the zodiac signs, brought Linda world fame. This book has gone through over 20 editions and has been translated into many languages, including Russian.

In addition to practicing astrology, she formulated a new religion, Mannitou, based on the teachings of Francis of Assisi and the beliefs of the American Indians. She donated about half of her income to the foundation of this religion.

Linda Goodman is the mother of seven children from two marriages.

Books (2)

Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile

You will understand why:

your Gemini child is capricious so often;

Cancer husband hates parting with old things;

a Virgo colleague puts things in order in her office with such tenacity;

The Leo boss harasses long-suffering secretaries.

The famous astrologer Linda Goodman, with sparkling humor and keen observation, compiled psychological portraits of all the signs of the Zodiac.


Linda Goodman can rightfully be called the most popular astrologer in Russia. Her books have enjoyed continued success with several generations of readers. She is not just an astrologer, but also a talented writer, and her bright humorous talent and subtle poetry make her books doubly attractive.

Psychological accuracy in describing the “portraits” of the Zodiac signs will allow everyone to easily recognize themselves, literally with mirror accuracy, and even if necessary, you can “pretty up” in front of this mirror, kindly placed by Linda Goodman.

Reader comments

Nikolay/ 10.10.2017 it feels like the author is a twin, because the description has subtle features of coincidence with reality, sometimes even exquisite. But, as a true writer of the serious under the guise of the frivolous, she herself calls not to fall into dogma, but to perceive everything with humor, this is where the coincidences become unacceptably numerous. I congratulate everyone who has read it on the pleasure they received (let me express my confidence in this).

Rais/ 11/22/2016 I am Aries. When I read her book to myself, I thought, wasn’t she writing about Aries based on me?

Alina/ 03/01/2011 Very accurate description of the signs and their features. Indeed, 80% matches. Thank you.

Marie/ 09.29.2010 I can’t find anywhere the book by L. Goodman “Name and Fate” (I think it was called that, and it was in the same book with “astrology with a smile”) How wonderfully it describes the characters and destinies of names and patronymics! I read it in my youth, I remember it for the rest of my life. Now I’m looking and can’t find it, but I really want to have such a book. Please help!!!

Asel/ 05/22/2010 You are the best, most accurate, most poetic astrologer of all time!!! I read only your horoscopes and they never cease to amaze me with their subtlety and insight. I deeply respect you and am glad that the world gave us you! Without you I I wouldn’t have learned a lot of amazing and educational things. Your Aquarius)))

Virgo man

Maybe you meant something else? - asked Alice.
“I always mean what I say,” said Turtle Kwazii offendedly.

I think we should immediately dot all the i's. If you are sentimental and dream of fairy-tale love, you should immediately part with your new acquaintance - Virgo, otherwise, instead of the expected Lucullan feast, you risk receiving a modest vegetarian lunch consisting of a watery soup, seasoned with a few roots, and a handful of rice, sprinkled with vegetable oil. But a true gourmet is unlikely to like this.
The Virgo man exists entirely on a practical, materialistic level; he simply does not have time for all sorts of unearthly passions. He is certainly not the type to serenade outside your window, and even if you lower a rope ladder from the window so that he can climb it, he is unlikely to use it, preferring to enter through an ordinary door. -
In fact, Virgos experience a feeling of love very early, even in childhood, but not of the same type as the immortal passion of Romeo and Juliet. In his concept, the word “love” is associated with selfless devotion to family and friends and, in general, to beings weaker and less organized than himself. Virgo is born with an instinctive love of work, duty and discipline and devotion to the defenseless. Even those of them who do not follow such high ideals in life constantly experience internal remorse.
The type of love that is expressed by passionate promises, stormy scenes and sweet, sentimental babble leaves the Virgo man completely cold. On the contrary, it may even frighten him and push him to run away. If your romance proceeds with moderate ardor, perhaps you will be able to melt the feelings of this person, who is made, as it were, of ice and steel. There are certain secret approaches to the heart of a Virgo man. Aggressive pursuit is not one of them, as well as coquetry and even hypersensuality, as many passionate divas, to their surprise and disappointment, could see.
In love, Virgos seek first of all quality, not quantity. And since high quality is a rather rare thing, there are very few romances in the lives of Virgo men, but those that do happen most often end tragically. The usual reaction of Virgos is to bury themselves even deeper in their work, avoid communication and be twice as careful next time. Therefore, having chosen a Virgo man for yourself, you will have to develop some strategy in order to achieve success. Virgo's main desire is chastity, and Virgo is only able to deviate from this principle for the sake of a very worthy woman. Many Virgos, although not all, can live in abstinence much longer than other signs of the Zodiac, and not experience any inconvenience. A sense of discipline and submission to fate is deeply rooted in Virgo, and if fate wants him to remain a bachelor, then so be it.
The Virgo man, although he is not always aware of it, is a sophisticated seducer. The combination of wit and rationalism attracts many women, but he himself, being a master critical analysis, rarely gets carried away enough to transfer the relationship from platonic to more earthly. In order for a Virgo man to become passionate, the object of his love must be truly unique. There are, of course, cases when Virgo gets so carried away that she succumbs to ordinary earthly passions. But these cases are extremely rare and the passion quickly passes. In Virgo's love there is always an element of virginity and pristine purity, which is never clouded, even in moments of the highest passion.
The Virgo man spends a lot of precious time searching for his chosen one - no less than on food, clothes, health and work, because he takes everything very seriously. Don’t try to lie to him, he still sees right through you and has no illusions. He longs for a fair and equal union. He knows well that, with his pretensions, it is very difficult for him to find the desired object of love, but nevertheless he will not agree to a surrogate.
It is quite difficult to get emotionally involved with a Virgo man. Sometimes he can stay with you for a very long time without showing any outward signs of falling in love, and you will decide that he simply does not have a heart. But that's not true. He has a heart. And those who have enough patience will be able to verify this.
As soon as he realizes that you are his true chosen one, he will immediately let you know this. His love will burn with an even, soft flame, without flares characteristic of other signs, but the warmth with which he will surround you will warm you from all life’s hardships and storms. Is this not enough? There is still a quality in the love of a Virgo man, inherent in love fairy princes: If you are his true love, he will go through all the trials to get you, travel thousands of miles to hold his only beloved to his heart. In the name of his love, he is able to sacrifice a lot and will adore you all his life.
After you become his wife, he will not make you jealous by trying to court another, and will try to do everything so that no emotional or material difficulties affect you. The only thing he needs is to constantly feel you next to him. You will not find a better comforter and helper when your heart is broken or you are sick. True, he will not shower you with money, but you will always be provided with everything you need and you will be given maximum attention.
The Virgo man is very attentive to the little things that women attach such importance to. great value. Possessing a clear memory, he remembers all the small but important dates and events for you, although he is slightly perplexed why they are so important to you. A Virgo man will never throw wild, ugly scenes of jealousy at you, but you must remember that Virgo is a possessive person like no one else, so try not to walk too far from home, otherwise, when you return home one day, you will find that no one is there . Virgo men, who are naturally loyal, hate the thought of breaking up family ties, but if you go too far, he won't hesitate to divorce you. And without stormy scenes, prayers, tears, reconciliations. The end is the end. As they say, sorry - goodbye.
After all, he belongs to the breed of those who believe that glued shards are not the same thing as a whole cup, and that destroyed harmony cannot be restored.
If you have fallen in love with a Virgo man, think about what and how you say. Virgos hate stupidity and ignorance no less than dirt and vulgarity. I advise the girlfriend of a Virgo man not only to dress elegantly but discreetly and have an elegant hairstyle, but also to have a smart head.
Of course, you may not master the art of a chef at an expensive restaurant, but don’t flatter yourself with the thought that your Virgo husband will allow you to feed him canned food. A selfish, dull, lazy woman, even if she belongs to the category of sex bombs, will never achieve success with a Virgo man. After all, he is primarily looking for a wife-friend, and not a mistress.
Virgo men do not have a strong attraction to fatherhood; They don’t need children at all to confirm their masculinity. Therefore, Virgos usually have very small families. But if the child is nevertheless born, Virgo will pay him the closest attention; he is a very responsible parent. He will be happy to work with the child, read to him, teach him all kinds of skills, help with homework, go for walks, with special emphasis on intellectual development. Even in the event of a divorce, the Virgo father will not lose interest in raising the child. He is not one of those who spoil children, so his child will grow up disciplined. Virgo, however, can be accused of some coldness in relation to children, which over time can grow into a whole wall of misunderstanding. Sometimes Virgo fathers are overly critical, expecting too much from their children, more than they can give.
The Virgo husband loves it when you care about his health; in turn, he pays you with the same coin. Sometimes Virgo can be in an overly grumpy mood. At such moments, let him grumble alone, then he will come to you and surprise you with his tenderness. Let him take care of you. This does not contradict his character and gives him pleasure.
If, after all that has been said, you have not changed your mind about making Virgo your chosen one, you will get a smart, intelligent, although perhaps somewhat cold spouse. He is reliable and pleasant if you are so tactful that you will not notice his mistakes and shortcomings. And to be honest, he doesn’t have many shortcomings. Well, just think, when he comes home from work, he likes to run his finger over the furniture to see if there is dust on it.
Learn to respect his habits. Regardless of whether you like what he does or not, do not make comments to him, do not be a bore. Take his criticism with laughter, and you will not have any problems. The Virgo husband is not an angel, but many women will envy you.
After all, how many husbands are there who work from dawn to dusk, are neat, smart, outwardly pleasant, remember the anniversary of your first meeting, always have money, rarely visit male companies and almost never have mistresses? Look around. I think you can rightfully consider yourself the happiest of mortals.
Virgo woman
...If you drain the marked bottle at once. “Poison!”, sooner or later you will almost certainly feel unwell. Alice firmly adhered to this rule...
..Sometimes she scolded herself so mercilessly that her eyes filled with tears...

Do you imagine a Virgo woman as a kind of symbol of tenderness, humility and defenselessness? If so, you will be disappointed. The Virgin is by no means a timid nymph in a flowing snow-white tunic, coquettishly examining her reflection in a forest lake.
The Virgo woman is capable of leaving her husband for the sake of her loved one and following him to the ends of the world; she would prefer to give birth to an illegitimate child from a loved one than to marry an unloved one; She is from the breed of those who meet all the blows of fate with their heads held high. Agree, there is no room for meekness and defenselessness in such actions. I have a lot to tell you about this delicate, fragile symbol of impeccable femininity, which seems to be made of steel,
Virgos are naturally very shy. They are not the type to shout in meetings, drive drunk, or attend shady parties. But Virgo is a true woman, and she will fight for her happiness to the end. And if on this path she faces insurmountable obstacles. Virgo will not whine, faint or beg for help, but on our own will try to eliminate them.
If you hear about a Virgo who violated social laws, do not rush to be surprised and indignant. Virgos are almost incapable of committing an immoral act, and if at first glance her actions seem to be contrary to the laws, they can be justified by the fact that they are committed in the name of love, true love, for there is no other for the Virgo. She is capable of enormous sacrifices for the sake of her chosen one. A Virgo who considers her marriage imperfect will destroy it without much hesitation. Moreover, she will act as calmly as a surgeon during an operation. The destruction of family ties is a great tragedy for her, but even greater is the hypocrisy in family and love.
Once she decides for herself that this is the real perfect love, it doesn’t matter whether she is consecrated by marriage or not, and she will treat her as the greatest jewel. Virgo is the only Zodiac sign that can be both the highest romantic and the most devilishly calculating creature. There is a certain magical essence in her love, characterized by selectivity and such strength that in comparison with it the love passions of other signs of the Zodiac simply fade away. True, it is not easy to awaken this feeling in Virgo.
The physical aspect of love pure form in Virgo it is always somewhat muted. But there is something in her that can be called “passion of the soul,” which is more suitable for men who value spirituality in a woman above all.
Virgo strives for everything ideal, but this does not mean that in life she herself is ideal. It contains some negative traits, which are sometimes quite annoying. For example, Virgo women are convinced that no one can do a job better or better than them, and, what is most unpleasant, this is so. When Virgo is upset or dissatisfied with something, she will not start scandals and break dishes over your head, but she will make barbs and be sarcastic, or even openly scold you. Sometimes among Virgos there are real vixens, but this is the exception rather than the rule. If you have angered Virgo, I advise you to come to her with flowers and, admitting that you were wrong, ask for forgiveness. I beg you, do not argue with Virgo. You won't prove anything to her anyway. As for apologies, they should be brief and truthful. Virgo will not tolerate it if you deceive her. Clarity of mind combined with intuition will allow her to notice even the most carefully disguised lie, and she will not forgive it. Virgo is pure and truthful, but not naive.
And one more caution. Don’t try to criticize Virgo; she will never publicly admit her mistakes. In addition, Virgos rarely make mistakes. Therefore, in order to maintain normal relations, I advise you to take back all the accusations, and everything will be cloudless in your family sky again.
If you are able to survive such an infringement of your male pride, you can turn to her for advice on financial matters, and she will give you a competent answer. You can safely trust her with the family budget; she will never do anything stupid.
When courting a Virgo, watch your manners and speech. She will not tolerate slang words, not to mention swearing and drunkenness. Chew food with closed mouth, try not to slurp. It hurts her ears. Your clothes should be in impeccable condition. If your lover is a Virgo, you will have to shave and shower twice a day. Wear expensive cologne, watch your hair, change your shirts and shine your shoes every day and remember to have good manners.
Don't invite Virgo to the racetrack and don't throw away a week's earnings in front of her by betting on the favorite of the race. When walking her home, do not pounce on her with hugs and kisses, even if this is your tenth meeting. And in general, in the case of Virgo, it is better to underplay than to overplay. Be unobtrusive, attentive, but not annoying, kind, but not to the point of cloying, in short, observe moderation in everything. Invite her to the theater. She will like a colorful show, parade and carnival no less, because in them she will find an outlet for her pent-up emotions. Her highly developed intellect, combined with a subtle artistic taste, helps her instantly grasp the essence of what is happening. If Broadway producers understood this, they would shower her with free invitations to all the premieres. Virgo is an excellent critic. Loving drama, music and books, she nevertheless criticizes them like no one else. In general, the Virgo woman is critical of everything, starting with your appearance and ending with your words and actions. Criticizing is as natural for her as breathing is for you. But don't think about following her example. This is against the rules of the game; there can be no question of any adequacy here. The thing is that with her sharp mind she sees her own shortcomings no worse, but better, than you, and judges herself just as strictly. Therefore, she does not need your help here.
Undoubtedly, the attractive feature of your Virgo lover will be that you will have to worry about almost nothing, she will take care of everything and will do it with pleasure.
Virgo is an example of loyalty and devotion. If in some cases you happen to hear about her adventures, then most likely this is just a way to prove something to yourself or others. Usually such escapades are extremely rare and short-lived. And if Virgo takes it into her head to take the path of vice, she will do it so skillfully that you will never know about it. But this behavior is rather an exception to the rule. Usually, if Virgo really loves you, you can be sure of her fidelity, even if she has to spend a month on a desert island alone with Alain Delon or Jean-Paul Belmondo. Are you asking if she will remain faithful to you for two months? The question is, of course, complex. After all, she is also a person. A tender and passionate heart beats in her chest, only Virgos have learned to control their emotions well and rarely demonstrate them to strangers.
Although Virgos are picky and pay too much attention to little things, this does not prevent them from being kind, selfless and unusually caring. Try to treat their shortcomings as advantages. In fact, whatever we would do in this world, if the Virgin did not notice all the imperfections of our life and do not enter into a decisive struggle with them. I guess you belong to that breed smart men who regard this irritating pickiness as Virgo’s desire to help you become more perfect. Her soft, calm manner of communication, the light emitted by her eyes, and the subtle humor that she masters perfectly have already captivated you, haven’t they? Otherwise, you wouldn’t shave twice a day and regularly visit libraries and museums. Virgo’s laughter suits her amazingly and resembles the ringing of hundreds of bells.
This woman is very insightful, so don't try to deceive her. Truth is synonymous with beauty for her. She will only open up to someone she completely trusts. You, for your part, must be attentive to her little requests and habits that are of great importance to her. Express your admiration for her tiny tabby kitten and don't be surprised when she emptys the ashtray every five minutes. Despite modesty and even some timidity, she contains great vitality and wisdom. She is the core around which all family members revolve, and her ability to withstand herself and support loved ones in difficult times is truly limitless.
Virgo women are usually excellent cooks, but even those who are not one of them will never poison their household with anything of poor quality. Virgo’s house glows with cleanliness and comfort, and the large vase on the table in front of the bed is always full of fresh fruits (instead of the sweets so beloved by many women, which, according to Virgos, are harmful not only to the teeth, but also to the body as a whole) .
Children of Virgos never run around in the yard in torn pants or skirts, socks and stockings stained with mud, and with a snotty braid. The Virgo mother will not allow children to violate the integrity of your office or desk - you will not find pencils, pens and favorite cigars scattered on the floor, or children's scribbles on business papers. This is out of the question. Virgo mother is a strict teacher. Usually it is limited to one child; it seems that she does not need him to confirm her femininity, which no one doubts anyway. But still, having given birth, she will completely devote herself to the child and will constantly monitor his physical, moral and intellectual development. Sometimes, when communicating with a Virgo mother, children have some emotional difficulties, but this only happens when she is not very confident in her spouse. When she feels loved, she bestows extraordinary warmth on everyone around her. Children adore Virgo mothers for their inherent sense of humor and gentleness. By instilling good manners in children, they show a certain firmness, softened by tenderness and love.
It is difficult to determine what this woman needs more: daily bread or spiritual food. Perhaps in both to the same extent. It’s nice to come to Virgo’s house, filled with the aromas of fresh flowers and a deliciously prepared dinner, when tired from work.
Virgo will help you shake off heavy thoughts and find a way out of seemingly hopeless situations. Oka won't use your razor or your toothbrush to put on his eyelashes. During your illness, she will look after you like the most experienced nurse and will never stoop to flirting with your friend. She is always elegantly dressed and you can safely discuss any issues with her, not just diapers, rags and gossip. She will be devoted to you with all her heart and will respect you in everything. You won’t expect stormy scenes of jealousy from her, and she won’t waste your money either. Your secrets will find a safe haven in the most secluded corners of her heart; it will not only be an excellent assistant in your professional career, but will also preserve the freshness of your skin and the elasticity of your gait for a long time. And isn’t all this taken together worth it to forgive her little shortcomings?
If you are lucky enough to meet a Virgo on your way, take care of her. You may never be so lucky again.
Virgo child
And keep the young Oysters
What mortal could?
They are wearing smart shoes
They go out onto the sand.
And washed my hands and face
Cool water
They are in a hurry, they are crawling
One after the other.
From birth, the young Virgo will imitate sounds and copy those around her, and very accurately. This will reveal the rarely mentioned acting talent of Virgo. The Virgo child is quick and smart, and at the same time quiet and silent. These seemingly incompatible, polar qualities will determine his entire future life.
Don't try to feed your baby applesauce if he wants peach. It's no use. He will deftly dodge a spoon with his unloved puree and at the same time smile charmingly. In addition, he may soon develop unusual taste preferences, for example, he will prefer spinach to ice cream. Originated in early childhood, such selectivity will remain for life and will affect not only food.
Barring some picky eating and minor stomach upsets, raising a Virgo baby is a pleasure. Virgo children almost never throw tantrums, are very careful, and always put their toys in their place. Although Virgos are usually not seen or heard in the company of their peers, they feel great when surrounded by family and friends. They start talking early and speak very quickly and clearly. The Virgo child rarely causes grief at home, and for the mother he is simply a godsend - with pleasure, regardless of gender, he helps her with household chores. Virgo children are usually obedient and do not need to repeat anything over and over again.
At school, they are most often the teachers' favorites - not only are they the easiest to agree with, but they do their homework more carefully than anyone else. Teaching something to a quick-learning Virgo child is a pleasure. At the same time, do not get carried away with criticism, especially in the presence of strangers - this will cause him great moral trauma. The remark should be made tactfully, in a calm tone, explaining what he did wrong. And Virgo will hurry to correct her mistake.
Virgos are hardworking, responsible and serious, but at the same time unobtrusive and pleasant to talk to. True, if they are pushed around by more cheeky peers, they usually withdraw into themselves. As a class leader, Virgo, calm and tactful, will undoubtedly be in her place. However, if someone makes an obvious mistake, including the teacher (who, like any person, can make mistakes), Virgo will not miss the mistake and will certainly make a remark, which can embarrass the poor fellow. Virgo students are usually extremely meticulous and painstaking; they work long hours in libraries, preferring to gain knowledge from books rather than from the lips of even authoritative people.
In childhood, Virgos need to do a lot of studying, reading and playing (preferably in mind games), otherwise (if there are even the slightest gaps in their education), when they become adults, they will feel defective. For other signs of the Zodiac, ignorance of something is never as painful as for Virgos.
When a Virgo boy or girl begins to become interested in the opposite sex, it is better to pretend that nothing is happening. Focus on these issues - best way to ensure that the child withdraws into himself and thinks that he is doing something unclean. (Remember that the sign of Virgo produces the majority of bachelors and spinsters.)
The Virgo child, like no one else, needs constant confirmation of your love, expressed in words, kisses, etc. The lack of parental affection will have a bad effect on his future relationships with people. Even very beautiful and smart little Virgo girls and boys suffer from excessive modesty. Tell them as many kind words as possible, praise them, admire them. This will not spoil them (after all, deep down they are all self-critical), but will only instill confidence in their abilities.
Virgo develops certain habits from an early age. She doesn’t like it when people violate the once-for-all established daily routine, take her things without asking, or interfere in her affairs. If she avoids answering a question directly, there is no point in torturing her further. The Virgo child subtly notices the characteristics of family members and very amusingly copies them. Virgo will need her own room before other children.
Virgos are very picky about food: you will have to carefully study their tastes.
The Virgo child has an innate sense of responsibility; you can always rely on him. He treats family members and their problems with understanding and sympathy.
After all that has been said, you may get the impression that Virgo is an exemplary child. This is true, but only partly. Only Virgo is capable of driving you into a white heat with her “boringness”: either it seems to her that the sauce is too salty and she will talk about it for half a day, or she will refuse to put on the blouse you prepared because one wrinkle is not ironed out as neatly as she does. I would like to.
Virgos love to take care of small, helpless creatures. Therefore, when the question arises about choosing a pet, under no circumstances buy him a St. Bernard or a shepherd dog. A true Virgo will always prefer a small animal: a kitten, a bird, a hamster.
It's worth listening to what your Virgo child says. He sometimes has more wisdom than other adults. You should not scold or reprimand Virgo for some kind of misconduct. Usually they rarely do anything inappropriate.
Virgos are little realists, so they are perhaps the only children who do not really like fairy tales.
Even in childhood, Virgo must certainly have some kind of big goal in life, which she will stubbornly strive to achieve with all her might.
Virgo boss
“We know how to talk,” answered Lilia, “if only we had someone to talk to.”
If your boss is a Virgo, try not to be too harsh towards him. Most likely, deep down he is not very calm and happy. Virgos are by no means natural leaders. Most often, having become the boss. Virgo begins to understand that this is probably too much for her. Of course, there are exceptions, but they only confirm the rule.
A typical Virgo is, rather, main advice nickname of the king, rather than the king himself, in other words, the one who does a lot, remaining, as it were, in the shadows. It is better for Virgo to hold the post of chairman of the board of directors, communicating with a certain number of well-known people, than the president of a large company, where he alone will have to solve not only production, but also personal problems of a huge number of subordinates. For a typical Virgo, this is an unusually tedious task, requiring stronger nerves and thicker skin.
In addition, Virgo sees individual details of objects so clearly and distinctly that the object itself may simply slip out of her field of vision, that is, simply put, Virgo may not be able to see the forest for the trees.
People with a more aggressive character may, on the other hand, fail to see details and lose sight of them. And this is where Virgo is simply irreplaceable: the finest elaboration of the most complex projects, replete with countless pitfalls, will be completed brilliantly by her. Virgo's talent does not manifest itself in public, but at the desk, in the quiet of the office. True, the methodology of their work is so incomprehensible to many that Virgos are often accused of duplicity, although they are not such. Quite the opposite. Even if, for the benefit of the business, the boss sometimes needs to bend his heart, Virgo rarely does this and is very reluctant.
It should be said that several years of such daily hypocrisy, fundamentally contrary to the character of the Virgos, drove some of them to severe nervous exhaustion.
Another aspect that confuses Virgo bosses is the need to often deal not with business as such (which all true Virgos take very seriously), but with a mass of unnecessary, in their opinion, secondary responsibilities, such as: meetings, farewells, lunches, dinners and other nonsense.
The situation is much better where Virgo leads small company- no more than a dozen employees. A giant company and a Virgo boss are practically incompatible things.
The Virgo boss will not tolerate a sloppy, sloppy, unnecessary secretary, even if she is devilishly seductive.
If you want to get a promotion from Virgo, be always accurate, fast, accurate, and smart. Listen to all his comments silently, without objections and, God forbid, comparisons. And the most important advice is to learn to work without mistakes. Then there will be nothing to scold you for.
But in general, if you put aside your boss's desire for perfection, he is not so bad at all: gentle, kind, fair and attentive. He will listen to you with sympathy if you have any pain, and will probably allow you to go home early. But he will never forgive you for flirting in the office, vulgar makeup, too revealing miniskirts, disheveled hair and an untidy workplace.
As for male subordinates, in addition to accuracy, they are required to be quick-witted and creative.
Virgo the boss knows perfectly well who is worth what, you can’t fool him. But he is honest and will never deceive those who are truly devoted to him and work great. A Virgo boss shouldn’t lie; he will still see through your lie before you have time to weave it.
If you treat him with due understanding and respect, which he undoubtedly deserves, you will find in him a soft, subtle, noble patron. Always remember that regardless of his marital status, he is internally lonely and therefore will greatly appreciate your friendly support.
- Is this a hill? - the Queen interrupted her. “I’ve seen hills like this, next to which this one is just a plain.”
- Well, no! “There’s no way a hill can be a plain,” said Alice. - This is completely nonsense.
- Is this nonsense? - said the Queen and shook her head, - I’ve heard such nonsense, next to which this is as reasonable as an explanatory dictionary!

If there is a typical Virgo among your subordinates, I advise you to pay attention to her special attention and gradually prepare her for the role of your first assistant.
True, I hasten to warn you. You should not be hasty in promoting Virgo; this will only alarm her and make her think that you are not very suitable for each other.
You shouldn't, even if it's very good job, shower the Virgo with valuable gifts. The other extreme is equally harmful - underestimating it business qualities. Virgo always knows exactly what she is worth, and your stinginess or extravagance will only irritate her. Payment for Virgo’s services must be strictly adequate to her costs.
It cannot be said that money in itself is so important for Virgo, although she does not shy away from it. Virgo is simply afraid of being financially dependent on someone and therefore strives to provide for her old age. The ghost of a hospital god or a bed in a municipal clinic constantly appears in the Virgin’s imagination, tormenting her day and night. (Although for a typical Virgo, who has enviable health and takes care of herself like no other sign of the Zodiac, such a prospect is unlikely.) Therefore, Virgo strives in every possible way to strengthen her financial and social position. Only after climbing to a high enough level of the social ladder and having a substantial deposit in the bank does Virgo allow herself to relax a little.
In any work, Virgo’s sharp gaze notices the smallest details, mistakes and miscalculations and immediately, regardless of personality, identifies mistakes. The only thing that can somewhat soften the blow is a soft, polite and courteous manner in which comments are made.
You can always rely on Virgo workers, regardless of gender. They have pronounced analytical abilities and impeccable taste. Virgos are clear, fast, organized, precise, flexible, smart and reliable workers. They are great workers, despising laziness and never abandoning unfinished work. In the depths of their souls, they can condemn the laziness of even their boss, although, being well brought up, they will not express this out loud.
Virgos perform best in publishing, in the literary field, in medicine and pharmaceuticals, the restaurant business, pure science, in service bureaus, banking and library science.
Virgo's work requires no supervision. Working independently, he will do everything just as well as if there were a dozen inspectors behind him. The more responsibility and independence he has, the more strictly and critically he treats the assigned work. At first glance, Virgo may seem to work slowly. But this is just an illusion. Virgo just won’t express his opinion
opinions and will not make final conclusions until he thoroughly checks everything. And then she will “give them away” instantly, not without reason that her patron planet is Mercury.
Virgo workers are unusually clean, they are neatly dressed, and have excellent diction. Their desk is always carefully cleaned.
If you happen to see an untidy Virgo in a cluttered, untidy apartment or office, this is almost always an unmistakable sign that she is very unhappy. (The same can be said about Sagittarius, when you suddenly see that he has become suspiciously accurate and neat.)
When making comments to Virgo, try to be objective, brief and friendly. Under no circumstances should you go too far. Virgo most likely saw her mistake herself and worries about it terribly, and excessive criticism can only make the situation worse. If the remark is made tactfully, the grateful Virgo will be the first to come to your aid in case of any serious difficulties, without any requests.
Virgo can be trusted with the latest and most complex equipment without fear; she will master it very quickly. Virgos prefer to work in a quiet place, alone or with a small amount employees.
Try to make sure that Virgo has a precise daily routine with specific days off. Of course, sometimes she will not refuse to work overtime, but this should not become the rule.
And don’t forget to express your approval of her work from time to time; she really needs it. When Virgo becomes your right hand, you will have a reliable deputy with whom you will not be afraid of any life conflicts.
September 24 – October 23
“A Libra wife can be as light as a feather and smell like a flower of paradise, dress in silk and lace and look like an expensive porcelain doll...”
How to recognize Libra
You are so similar to all people: two eyes... in the middle is a nose, and under it is a mouth. Everyone always has the same thing! Now, if you had both eyes on the same side and your mouth on your forehead, then perhaps I would remember you.

Libras hate rudeness and at the same time can turn off your TV without asking if they think it is too loud. Libras love people and hate crowds; they, like good fairies, reconcile those who quarrel, and can start a quarrel themselves; they are kind and sociable, but can remain in a bad mood for a long time, they are smart and at the same time naive; They are restless, but rarely rush anywhere. In general, it seems that there is not a single positive quality in them that is not balanced by a negative one, and vice versa. Strange duality, isn't it?
Although the symbol of this zodiac sign is Libra, Libra cannot be called balanced people. Until they reach an even, calm state, Libra will fluctuate from side to side for a long time. Remember the classic scales - one bowl will be outweighed, then the other, until balance is established.
There is nothing specific about Libra's appearance that would set them apart from other signs. The facial features are not large, pleasant; The only difference can be considered dimples on the cheeks and chin, but they are not always there. You should not be upset if you discover that a person with dimples was born not in October, but in some other month. This means that he certainly had someone from Libra in his family. Dimples on the cheeks are also called the signs of Venus.
Even anger and excitement are unable to spoil Libra’s face or drive away the expression of serenity from it. Libra's mouth is often shaped like an onion, and its lips are bright, like cherries.
Libra women are almost entirely pretty, and Libra men are handsome. Moreover, there is something masculine in female beauty, and something feminine in masculine beauty. This does not mean that Libra women are like fighters, and Libra men are like languid young ladies. But in the appearance of both there is a certain, subtle shade of the opposite sex.
The smile of Libra is a typical smile of those whose patron is Venus - soft, gentle, sweet and, as it were, a little mysterious.
Libra's build is more plump than lean. This does not mean that Libra is thick or dense, but they are not all straight lines, but curves. A typical example is Brigitte Bardot. No one would call her plump, but she would hardly pass for skinny either.
After reading such a description of Libra’s appearance, you will think that their character is just as soft, gentle, pleasant and sweet. This is true, but only half. And this happens when Libra is in balance. At other times, they are nervous, irritable, capricious, stubborn, depressed and angry. Then Libra regains balance, and they are again sweet, smart, kind and pleasant.
Although Libra is not a dual sign, many people think that it represents two completely different people. Libras are always trying to achieve harmony, but it doesn’t work out that often.
For some time, Libra can be terribly energetic, rushing around the city almost at the speed of light, managing to do as much in a day as others cannot manage in a month, disturbing everyone, working twenty hours a day, leaving only four hours for sleep and at the same time feeling great. But suddenly something in them seems to break. They may not leave the bedroom for whole days, falling into a kind of lethargic sleep. Indifferent to everything, not interested in books or TV, they can sit for hours, staring at one point. And suddenly something seems to switch again, and they fall into melancholy, begin to whine, complain about life, or start scandals out of nowhere. Then the handle switches again, and they are again sweet, lively, charming and amiable. Those who happened to see them in one of the described states would never believe it if they were told that Libra could be different. They will take this for a scam - it seems so impossible to combine in one person courtesy and almost undisguised rudeness, strength and weakness, fun and despondency, enormous efficiency and hopeless laziness.
Libras are generally mentally and physically very healthy people. They instinctively avoid great mental stress, nervous stress and physical fatigue, giving their body and soul a long rest. Most often, Libras suffer from either overeating (sometimes turning into gluttony) or alcohol abuse, which causes liver and kidney diseases and, as a result, headaches. In general, people under the protection of Venus are usually healthy, as they are well aware of the healing effect mental and physical peace and long rest have.
The character of Libra is woven from contradictions. Most of all, they love to argue, and on any topic, from how many seconds the clock is behind, and ending with complex international issues. In disputes, Libra feels like a fish in water. It is enough for someone to praise a book, and he will immediately, masterfully, no worse than a professional critic, outline its shortcomings; if you do not like the film, he will say that he has not seen the best in the last 10 years, and will prove this with arguments; if you prefer life in the city to life in the countryside, Libra will immediately prove to you that by living in the city, you are ruining your health, spoiling your complexion and depriving yourself of a lot of emotional and aesthetic experiences, such as the first spring leaves , the smell of lilies of the valley and birds chirping, skiing through the winter forest and shining autumn foliage in the last rays of the setting sun. As soon as you praise the village and say that it is impossible to live in the city, he will immediately begin to prove that in the village you can die of boredom, there is nowhere to go in the evenings, and the smog hanging over the city in the light of multi-colored lights of the river is extremely poetic and looks like a fantastic veil thrown over the city by a wizard. It is useless to argue with Libra, because the last word will still remain with them.
Most Libras hesitate for so long in choosing the right decision that sometimes the choice is simply unnecessary, since one or more options disappear by themselves, over time or circumstances. Libra's indecisiveness sometimes goes beyond all limits. Their favorite phrases are “On the one hand” (followed by a series of arguments) and “On the other hand” (an equally long series of other arguments). With their slowness, endless arguments, and inability to make a decision, Libra can drive decisive and impatient people to white heat.
True, it’s worth mentioning directly or indirectly about this trait of theirs. Libra will immediately rush to defend themselves furiously and will deny everything.
In business matters, Libra is crystal honest. Due to their habit of thinking for a long time about what and how to do, they rarely make mistakes. Most Libras have a highly developed ability to concentrate and comprehend deep and serious problems. Libras passionately love books, not only for their content, but also for their appearance and even their smell. Many Libras have huge home libraries.
Libras are artistic people, partial to all types of art: music, painting, literature. They do not like bright colors, preferring pastel colors. Libras are gourmets, connoisseurs and connoisseurs of good, expensive wines.
The Libra mind is like a bright diamond and a soft, iridescent opal; their metal is copper. The character of Libra is best suited to two seasons: autumn and spring, with their uncertainty, inconstancy, and expectation of change.
Celebrities born under the sign of Libra

Brigitte Bardot
Sarah Bernhardt
Ivan Bunin
Giuseppe Verdi
Thomas Wolfe
Mahatma Gandhi
George Gershwin
Graham Greene
Truman Capote
John Lennon
Mikhail Lermontov
Marcello Mastroianni
Friedrich Nietzsche
Eugene 0"Neal
Nicholas Roerich
Camille Saint-Saens
Oscar Wilde
William Faulkner
Marina Tsvetaeva

Libra man
In early youth the muscles of their jaws
I have developed, by studying, rights,
And so often I argued with my wife,
What I learned to chew well!
From this person you will always receive a lot of free advice on any issue. He is able to solve all your problems, except one - your relationship with him. Libra's habit of rationalizing everything, including love, can drive you crazy.
Once you meet a Libra man, think carefully about whether you should fall in love with him. Moreover, you have very little time to think, otherwise you will be so bewitched by it that you will lose all ability to decide and think for yourself. His dreams will become your dreams, his thoughts will become your thoughts, and your only desire will be to make him happy.
He, for his part, will not strive to ensure that you constantly feel at the height of bliss. Exactly half the time he will be in an unbalanced state, when he will absolutely not care what you think and feel. True, the other half of the time you will feel as happy as if you were on divine Olympus. Therefore, think before you decide to become his wife. After all, you are doomed in advance to be dissatisfied with him for half your life.
Libras are not very reliable people; they are difficult to rely on. Today they may think one way, and tomorrow they may think differently. Imagine the position you will find yourself in if you agree to become his wife, when the very next day after the proposal is made he changes his mind about getting married and does not fail to tell you about it. Frankly, I don’t envy you. Of course, this situation is quite extreme, but it could happen, so is it worth the risk?
But in business love Libra, seem to have surpassed all other signs. They not only invented love and romance, but also turned them into higher form art. Libra men do not lose interest in love until they are ninety years old. Often, of course, this interest is only platonic, but its presence in the nature of Libra until the end of their life is undeniable. Libra men are always full of fans. Because of their gentleness, indecision and reluctance to harm anyone, Libra can simultaneously have more than a dozen novels at different stages of development. Libra is simply not able to say “no,” although prolonging a painful relationship is much more cruel than breaking it off at once. The same can be said about the opposite case, when the relationship is so sincere and deep that the word “yes” seems to be the only possible outcome. But even here Libra manages to delay, prevaricate, think, not daring to take the right step, and thereby miss out on love.
Libra men, not being passionate by nature, do not experience love failures much. Besides, there are always so many other women around that they quickly become comforted. The only time Libra is truly uncomfortable is when they manage to marry a powerful, decisive woman. Such a person manages to convince Libra that divorcing her is a much greater sin than all seven deadly sins combined. Caught in such a net, Libra turns out to be a miserable slave of love. But such cases are extremely rare.
Libras do not suffer from excessive curiosity. They have not the slightest desire to find out the secret motives of your behavior. He will spend hours trying to prove to you that here one should have done this, and here - that way, and that this follows from the logical course of things, but at the same time he will not agree to take into account that the reasons for many human actions lie primarily in the psyche. Human chology. But Libra doesn’t go that far in their curiosity; their interests are more abstract.
Although he is an expert in matters of love, he is by no means an expert in matters of the soul. You will not only be surprised, but also horrified by his spiritual callousness. For example, you can turn to him for sympathy, and instead of unconditionally taking your side, he will begin to reason and ask you questions, and in the end he will even declare that it is you who are to blame. But this will not make it any easier for you. You came to him not to find out the truth, but to express sympathy. This is exactly what you most likely won’t get.
Libra is quite generous when it comes to money. Prepare also for the role of a charming, skillful housewife. It’s true that Libra will never invite many guests into the house. He needs quality, not quantity. Therefore, among the invitees there will be celebrities and simply smart, interesting people.
Remember that your home should not only be clean and tasty, but also beautiful. If you don’t want your husband to divorce you, don’t turn on the TV at full volume, make sure that the smells from the kitchen never penetrate into the rooms (this torments him terribly), so that the children don’t scream and run around around the house, so that diapers and undershirts do not hang in a visible place, so that you do not appear in front of him in curlers and cream, and many other “nots.” Despite all this, he himself can be as messy as a pig, leaving socks on chairs and throwing cigarette butts and pieces of paper on the floor. But you must immediately put everything in order.
Libra will not express their dissatisfaction to you out loud, but will secretly suffer from mismatched carpet and curtains, from a tasteless picture above the fireplace, from the bright color of the tiles in the bathroom. At the same time, he himself may not even be aware of the reason for his bad mood. You will have to guess about this.
Libra is a fairly calm father. He will not be angry and shout at the children, but he will not fall into ecstasy over his own offspring either. For him, even after children appear in the house, first place is given to his wife, and no parental feelings will outweigh his attitude towards you, unless, of course, you leave dishes unwashed in the sink for three days and do other things , which may offend his aesthetic feelings.
Libra woman
So she talked and argued with herself, taking first one side and then the other. The conversation turned out to be very interesting...
She always gave herself good advice, although she did not follow it often.
A Libra wife can be as light as a feather and smell like a flower of paradise, dress in silk and lace and look like an expensive porcelain doll, have the most exquisite manners and a voice like a bell, and still in there will be a subtle masculine presence. She is one of those women who loves to wear trousers, and thinks so logically that she will beat any man in an argument. True, Libra women are smart and careful; they will never show their superiority to a man, at least until the wedding. As a bride, she will constantly lose to you at chess and at the same time smile shyly. But don’t expect her to behave the same way later.
The Libra woman will gladly take part in any dispute, debate, or discussion. The subject of the dispute is not important to her. This could be a discussion of possible candidates for the post of president of the country, and a lengthy monologue on the topic of which cuff on the sleeve of a shirt is better - with buttons or with cufflinks. Analysis of both questions can take an hour, or even more. Moreover, you almost don’t have to participate in the conversation, except to ask “why” or declare that you don’t think so. But even if you don’t think so, half an hour of conversation, accompanied by charming smiles, will convince you that you were absolutely wrong, which you yourself will happily admit. It should be taken into account that the opinion defended by the Libra woman is not her own (she rarely has one), but a carefully verified, weighed from all sides, the only correct solution to this issue.
Many Libra women do not quit their jobs even after marriage. First of all, because they like to spend a lot on themselves and their home. And secondly, to my husband. Marriage for her is a joint creation of two people. She is not one of those women who hangs like a stone around her husband’s neck, trying to drown him. She will participate in all the affairs of her chosen one, helping him with advice, work and, if necessary, money.
The Libra woman has a sharp analytical mind and can help her husband in solving many important problems. It is not for nothing that Aries, Scorpio, Leo and Taurus husbands put their Libra wives on a pedestal and idolize them. And not in vain. Because Libra treats them no less enthusiastically. To an outsider's eye, the family abode of Libra, who married successfully, resembles the heavenly life of Adam and Eve until the damned snake ruined everything for them.
The Libra woman is sentimental and affectionate, so she will shower you with kisses, strokes and hugs, perhaps more often than you would like.
The House of Libra can be likened to a model straight out of the pages of a magazine. The furniture and carpets are chosen with excellent taste, the colors are muted, the paintings on the walls match the decor, there are flowers all around. Lunch and dinner are usually by candlelight, on good china and silverware; the menu is thoughtful and refined, expensive wines and, in addition, quiet, calm music. True, a wife can say more than just “yes” and “no,” but I hope you do not belong to the breed of those impossible men who, like King Henry Vill, are ready to send a woman to the scaffold just for this. Of course, Libra loves to talk, but your opinion will also be heard, and as a result the most correct decision will be made. And you will only benefit from this.
As for her love for trousers, she wears them only when necessary and comfortable. At the evening reception she will appear in a luxurious low-necked dress, decorated with chinchilla fur, and in an intimate setting she will appear before you in the most seductive desabilia. She knows perfectly well what, where and when to hide or, conversely, emphasize.
The children of a Libra woman will be well-groomed and loved, but only after you. They are, of course, members of the company, but you are its president, and therefore honors will be distributed accordingly. Children will never occupy the same place in her heart as you. Mother Libra is gentle, but at the same time strict. The first thing she will teach her children is respect and love for their father.
The Libra woman loves sweets, which can cause her to gain weight. But her inherent desire for harmony will help her pull herself together in time and, by going on a diet and doing gymnastics, lose excess weight.
And who, besides Libra, can shine at a dinner party and roll up their sleeves with the same skill as a man? I'm afraid no one. Now do you understand how lucky you are?
Libra child
“She’s in such a mood,” added the White Queen, “when she definitely needs to argue with someone.” It doesn't matter what - just argue.
“God, what a handsome guy.” Parents of a Libra child often hear this phrase. Libra children are truly so adorable that they resemble angels from a wonderful children's picture book. Libras rarely shout, smile all the time and seem happy to everyone. But did you notice the dimple on his chin? This is where the dog is buried. In the future, you will still have to find out what your little angel really is.
One day, when you put oatmeal and a soft-boiled egg in front of him for breakfast, you will wonder why he doesn’t eat. You know these are his favorite dishes. Maybe he got sick? No, he feels good. Maybe he's just not hungry? No, I'm very hungry. Then what's the matter, you ask. Wanting to provoke him, you place a glass in front of him orange juice and toast with cheese. And you're making an even bigger mistake. The whole point was that he couldn’t decide where to start, and you complicated the task by adding two new dishes. As a result, breakfast that day went down the drain.
The next day, remembering yesterday's mistake, you place only one plate in front of him. He sweeps away everything in an instant. Serve the next dish. A minute later he’s gone. Now do you understand that the most important thing is not to confront your Libra child with a choice? He is not able to make a decision.
Likewise, Libras don't like to be rushed, especially when making a decision. Here Libra gets completely lost and falls into prostration. And those around you tend to take this as a sign of stubbornness. But Libra is not distinguished by anything other than stubbornness.
It is better for a Libra child to be prompted at first where to start. And you need to do this in a calm, even voice, otherwise you will not only not move the matter forward, but will also make it worse. Just as you teach other children to put away their toys and brush their teeth at night, a Libra child needs to be taught from childhood to make decisions independently, otherwise he will not be able to do without your help in the future. This problem is one of the most difficult for him.
If a Libra child is restless, irritated or stubborn, the reason may be the TV playing too loudly in the living room or the garish wallpaper in the nursery. Replace the wallpaper with blue or pink, and his mood will improve dramatically. If you want obedience from him, turn on quiet music, and he, listening to it, like a snake enchanted by the sounds of a flute, will do everything you want from him. Remember: the Libra child needs peace, quiet and longer rest than other children.
Here you are faced with another problem. You think your child is lazy. This is not entirely true. He just has periods of activity followed by periods of complete apathy. Take it for granted. It's hard to do anything about it. During the period of rest, it seems to accumulate energy.
If you managed to teach your Libra child to make decisions, even to a minimal extent, he will be a good student. Libra's mind is quick and logical, they love to debate and have great curiosity.
Libras don't like gossip. They also do not tolerate when their privacy is violated. They themselves respect the personality of others and never intrude where they are not asked.
Libra children love order and comfort in the house, so they will often help you keep the house clean. Libra children have artistic and musical abilities, so it is a good idea to show them to specialists in childhood in order to allow these abilities to develop in time.
Libra children are unusually amorous, so in adolescence and adolescence they will have many novels. Is it true, true love they won't find it very soon. Bearing in mind how difficult it is for them to make a decision, you may have to help them (prompt their chosen one or chosen one to get down to business more decisively and make an offer yourself). Otherwise, everything may turn out the same as in childhood with that ill-fated breakfast.
Libra the boss
- It doesn’t matter, of course it doesn’t matter. That’s exactly what I wanted to say,” and muttered in a low voice, as if trying on what was best. - Important, unimportant... unimportant... important...

You don’t often see a Libra boss at the desk in the office. Most often, he is as if on the cutting edge, balancing in one direction or another, trying to catch his balance. As soon as he succeeds, he again finds himself at the table in his office, but again not for long.
Libra bosses have a rare quality - they are very active and at the same time surprisingly calm. This is somewhat reminiscent of slow motion.
Many Libra bosses love and know how to speak and have the gift of persuasion. But even more they love to listen. This is especially important before making a responsible decision. In these cases, Libra will listen as much as possible more opinions, and not only their deputies, but also the secretary and subordinates, will certainly be interested in what the wife, lawyer and even the gatekeeper think about this, and only then, after weighing all the pros and cons, will they make a decision . Libras are afraid of responsibility, and if the decision turns out to be wrong, you can always say, at least for your own consolation: “In the end, it was not my idea, but my lawyer’s (or my wife’s).”
The Libra boss, who managed to achieve harmony and unity of mind and emotions, can be considered a storehouse of wisdom. It is a pleasure to work under such a person.
The Libra cabinet will be kept in pastel colors, on the walls there are paintings and engravings and certainly a tape recorder or receiver from which quiet music flows, having an impact beneficial influence on the nervous system of Libra.
Among Libra bosses there are very often women. Their only difference from Libra men will be a more demanding attitude to discipline. In all other respects, they will be just as honest, fair, truthful, and just as inclined to weigh their own and sensitive words, thoughts, and actions.
Libra bosses pay great attention to the lunch break, treating it not as eating food, but as a pleasant pastime.
Libra has a very ambivalent attitude towards money. Sometimes they are stingy to the point of pettiness, sometimes they give gifts to their subordinates, like Santa Claus.
And finally, all Libra bosses like to occasionally invite their subordinates to their home. Don't spoil the impression with loud laughter, vulgar manners or violent argument. Remember that his motto is harmony. And if you manage not to destroy it in his presence, you are guaranteed a long and fruitful cooperation.
They would rather finish judging... and serve the treat.

If you notice hidden dissatisfaction in your Libra subordinate or he suddenly begins to make frequent mistakes in his work, try to find out what is the reason for such a change. Most likely something upsets, upsets or irritates him. This “something” could be the garish color of the walls of the room in which he works, one of his colleagues, or the atmosphere in the office as a whole. Libra reacts sensitively to the slightest discomfort and immediately “fails.”
The subordinate-Libra will gladly take part in all sorts of social events and organizations such as trade unions. Defending what is right and true is his favorite pastime.
Libras are always sincere. If they are dissatisfied with something, you will immediately see it, but if they smile, then there is no border of artificiality in their smile. Libra will never give you a smile on duty if they don't like you.
Never raise your voice at your Libra subordinate if you want to achieve something from him. Directions must be clear, logical and given in a calm, even tone.
If Libra is treated fairly, an atmosphere of general goodwill will be established in your office, because Libra is surprisingly diplomatic, has great tact and the ability to create beauty and harmony around them.
All these qualities of Libra find excellent application in show business and publishing, in politics and justice, healthcare and many other areas. In general, Libra can be likened to a human air conditioner, creating where it is located an atmosphere of peace, comfort and warmth.


How to truly get to know your lover, husband, wife, and yourself with
using astrology?
Only full map the starry sky at the moment of your birth may
give you full description your character. On the other hand, don't believe it
common sayings that this is just a set of phrases that fit
to explain the character of any person. This is completely false. Characters
are described by competent professionals and are based on accurate
mathematical calculations of the movement of the Sun and planets. And they give in common
character description. But since the location of all 8 planets in
moment of your birth, there may, of course, be deviations in the description
your character. However, these descriptions may be of interest,
if we make allowances for some inaccuracies. Zodiac sign you are under
were born, the most powerful of all stellar bodies. It colors so much
your personality, which can give a surprisingly accurate picture of personality
Electromagnetic vibrations emanating from this zodiac sign
continue to influence a person throughout his life. Value analysis
The zodiac gives characteristics with an accuracy of up to 80 percent. I think this is
better than not having any knowledge about the person you are interested in. Certainly,
missing 10-20 percent can be very important, but if you
know the zodiac sign you need, you will be a little better informed than
those who know nothing about him.
What is a zodiac sign? This is the part of the Zodiac on which it was located
The sun at the moment of your birth. You need to know that if you are born in the first
or the last day of the Zodiac period, then you need to know the exact time
your birth, the latitude and longitude of your place of birth, in order to judge whether it has passed
the Sun is already in another part of the Zodiac.
Knowledge of sign Zodiac sign can make you more tolerant of
to each other. When you realize how deep some traits are
in a person, you will be more understanding and sympathetic towards
him. Start studying the signs of the Zodiac, but use them with caution,
applied to people. At the same time, you will feel that your attitude towards them
will change completely when you begin to understand their true nature, and people
They will begin to wonder how well you know them. Essentially understanding the sign. Zodiac
can literally change your life. You are on the path to better understanding
people, isn't it wonderful!

CAPRICORN (22.12-20.01)
You can learn to recognize this sign, but first you need some
training. Watch for the silent spider in the corner.
It would seem that he has no chance of catching these flying flies. AND
nevertheless, they fall into his cleverly placed nets and he wins.
Capricorns can be found everywhere, in any area, wherever they can
move forward and satisfy your secret ambitions.
Capricorns climb public stairs, rising from stone to
stone. Always just forward. Maybe they don't attract attention
in some special way. They may not be noticed at first. And it seems
that everyone else has advantages in competition, but Capricorns do not
chances of winning, and yet they win. Almost fight them
impossible and useless. Capricorns have great admiration for
those who set them on their way to the top. They love success, respect,
power and respect traditions. Many energetic and impulsive people call
for this they are snobs and hypocrites.
Capricorns can express their criticism thoughtlessly and harshly.
But usually they are too smart to create unnecessary enemies for themselves. IN
In this case, they will agree with you, accommodate you, but maybe
Just it seems? They allow others to get ahead, but to the end goal
often come first against all logic. They are very careful, they go around
all sorts of obstacles and sharp stones. And no wonder they rarely
they stumble. Their eyes are not directed to the stars, their gaze is directed straight
in front of you, with your feet straight on the ground. Jealousy, passion,
impulsiveness, laziness and carelessness - Capricorns consider all these qualities
obstacles and let others stumble over them. Capricorns can only
look back at these people and feel a little pity for their failures and go
calm down further. There are, of course, Capricorns who are romantic. But they don't either
allowing themselves to be blinded by emotions.
You need to comply with all the conditions if you want Capricorn
They don't suit public scenes and do not expose passions. Almost everything
they idealize their ancestors and elders, respect for age and experience -
part of their nature. Often in old age they try to make up for what
was missed in my youth. Capricorns are unlikely to fall in love with a person
occupying some position in society. They rarely marry
thinking about it, but they have been preparing for this for a long time. They love theirs very much
relatives: in the end, these relatives may be left
some property! You might think it's cold,
a calculating attitude, but Capricorns think it's just reasonable. to chance
they will never have to knock on the door twice, they will hear the first knock.
And it’s even more correct to say: they hang out leaning against the door, waiting
In childhood, Capricorns have rather poor health, worse than
other signs, but the strength of their resistance increases with age.
Capricorn's sober, calculating nature gives him an amazing
endurance, but nevertheless he does not always manage to avoid doctors and
hospitals, because they are overwhelmed by fear, uncertainty and anxiety
stronger than microbes. Even their conservative habits and stubbornness, their
disease resistance cannot overcome the dangers of pessimism.
Capricorns should spend a lot of time outdoors and develop more
positive and easy outlook on life. Almost all Capricorns
sensitive skin. This manifests itself in all kinds of allergies, in excessive
sweating and other skin diseases. Diseases are also possible
stomach, vulnerabilities are joints and bones. The fruits of their melancholy
there may be headaches, kidney disease and mental illness. If they
manages to avoid a long illness due to their depression, then their
The ability to live long is amazing. Well, I don't know if it's good to be
the last leaf on the tree and still suffer from arthritis and rheumatism?
Capricorns come across as gentle, timid and a little stubborn
person. He seems harmless. And you may even think that it is
most the right person, whom you can trust and confess. And who
could have suspected that he might actually have some
hidden ambitions? But still you should know what they use
your weaknesses and your secrets in order to become stronger yourself. Do you think that you
You can’t do without him and you give him all your reins. And then he
begins to exert power and uses it to gain position
a true leader. They don't have a parade and plan its routes behind the scenes.
Coal gives Capricorns a long flame.

He built a brick wall around himself. He is timid, but very strong,
pleasant, but very ambitious. He seems to prefer being alone
in fact this is not the case. Secretly he likes to subjugate the crowd, in his
In his dreams he is an amazing romantic, but Saturn restrains his nature. This
the harsh planet of discipline requires calm behavior from him,
practical actions and serious intentions. This is his cross, and he is very
is often difficult. Sometimes he can have a harsh manner and sometimes he
may surprise you with unexpected humor, which contains ironic
note. Turn the smooth and reliable Capricorn inside out and you will see
a cheerful and gentle dreamer who seeks adventure and excitement. AND
only some Capricorns can show this hidden deep
soul. YOU may think that he is better suited to be a schoolboy
a teacher, but as a lover he is unhappy. You may also decide that he
rather seeking career success than you. He can be excited and
impress him, but his inner nature will force him to do so
don't show. He will never let his dreams get him too much
far. Know that he has it all inside, that’s enough. Not
expect Capricorn to do something thoughtlessly, you cannot change
his personality. What can you do - just hint that
you suspect there is a fire hidden behind his conservative manner. And he has
You may be tempted to let that fire escape a little. You can
tell him that you like his type of romance because the most
A beautiful dream is one that comes true. And with this you can push
him to realize some of his dreams. And one day he can reach
the top of the mountain and you will be next to him, filled with pride for
that they believed in his practical dreams. Capricorn can pretend that
lives quietly without any compliments. Ro is the way he acts when
he is praised, but the opposite is proven. Of course, he can hide his joy.
When he is praised, do not let this mislead you. He's desperate
needs to be told that he is good, handsome, smart,
interesting, desirable. But since he rarely shows a desire to hear
praise, he receives it quite rarely. And therefore he can
quite clumsy to behave when praised. Sometimes he just doesn't know
what should he do when he is praised, he begins to hide his embarrassment
making a clumsy joke or simply ignoring compliments. And this reaction can
make people not give compliments at all next time.
It seems that he doesn't need them, and he gets even less of them.
It turns out to be a vicious circle. Perhaps this is more your fault than his.
We can say about it that it blooms late. He can be serious
and wise in his youth, like an owl, but over the years he gradually relaxes in
your behavior. And if this is a typical Capricorn, then mature age He
He will be better in everything than in his youth. It's worth thinking about. With others
men you will have to endure their disadvantages for several years and
predict only their deterioration in later life. And with Capricorn
everything will be different: over the years he will only get better. If you
prefer to get a snack first and then a good lunch, it is for
you. If your love with him ends in marriage, then you will receive dessert
exactly when it should be served. Naturally so reverse
the aging process may lead you to believe that he will not be quite right for you
true. Maybe. It's true that you might get into a little trouble,
in connection with his novels when he was young, they can be repeated in his
old age. Despite this, it will be much more reliable than most
other signs, because he does not allow infidelity in relation to the family
to the altar. Whatever novels appeared during his late heyday, they
will never replace the family hearth and you. He reveres family
Don't insult his mother or treat his brother coldly.
Prepare to love all his relatives, even if they are not yours
like it. He will not only protect them, but he will have a need
choose between loyalty to two families, and it could lead him into a dark place
state. And you should never put him in such a state. Many
Capricorn men can be in their family until a later time than
his friends. And they usually fall in love later than most men. They
rarely get married before achieving some kind of career. Striving for
perfection, they choose their wife very carefully. They need a woman
who will be a good mother, she must cook well and be good
mistress. Only after this should she be well dressed. Preferably
so that she is smart and well-educated. The very last thing for him is
beauty and physical compatibility. Therefore, you can immediately conclude
that it won’t be a big deal if your hair isn’t combed or your bottle of perfume is empty or
your legs are ugly. Better show him what kind of mistress you are. If you and
beautiful, that's very good. But at the same time, if you fail to please
to his family, he will never marry you. Exceptions are very rare. After
after his family, or rather he, proposed to you, behave
firmly, let him know that you love some relatives, but the bed and
you share the table only with him, otherwise you will have to feed and fuss with everything
by his family. Since Capricorns are somewhat nervous in the presence
of the opposite sex, he may sometimes awkwardly hint at something,
may be somewhat rude and shy. This is his way of hiding
their confusion and curiosity about the passions that are shown
some are more aggressive men. But this should not lead you astray and
lead to frivolous behavior. For him you must remain a lady and not
forget about ethos. It is possible that he will look at a lady who is attracted to
everyone's attention, for example, at a party, but this is absolutely not the same type
the woman he marries. And if you think that my advice
This reminds you of an old maid's advice, try it.
A good gift your Capricorn husband will have a book of poems. If you
don't teach him the art of showing love from the very beginning, then you can
become a well-to-do woman, loved and respected by him, but sitting on
emotional life. And later it will be completely useless
Complain that he doesn't tell you how much he loves you. At the same time he is very
will be surprised and say: “Are you crazy, I remember exactly what I said: “I love
you" when we got married and when our first son was born." He thinks that
you must understand how he treats you, since he supports you and
lives with you.