Born on the 20th numerology. Properties inherent in the sign

The ruling planet Saturn endows those born during this period with daydreaming, a tendency towards loneliness and change.
Important years: 12, 24,36, 58, 60,72.
The humble mimosa - symbol this sign.
Those born during this period are sensitive natures, they are easily offended, hurt and wounded. They carry out their work with full responsibility, sometimes forgetting about the limit own strength Therefore, it will be important for them to be able to relax, devote more time to rest, so that they can continue to work successfully and not suffer from various ailments.

February 20

Fate: Hard work, energy and patience distinguish those born on this day. They are not devoid of talents, but teenage years events are possible that will determine them difficult fate, their path to well-being will run through difficulties. If problems and adversity do not break them, and those born on this day will withstand the tests with dignity, saving themselves from karmic debts, then a lucky star will smile on them, and in adulthood they will be in prosperity and prosperity.

Birthday secret: Those born on February 20 are overly concerned about the opinions of others about themselves. The receptivity of nature makes these people very attentive; they have an excellent memory, capable of recalling memories of long ago on the fly. In addition, they do not like to be forgotten about, and all their worries lie in the direction of always reminding them of themselves. Those born on February 20 strive to be taken seriously, so their assessments of their work are always objective and rational, no matter what it concerns - practical developments, prospects for long-term cooperation or family relations. Through the prism of these qualities, those born on February 20 can be called aggressive, although most are not such and are not considered debaters or fighters at all.

The strongest desire to stand out and make an impression just slightly exceeds the limits of sincere self-belief. Those born on February 20 are obliging people, and this quality perfectly demonstrates to those around them serious attitude to work, responsibilities and everything they do. Fitting harmoniously into the team, those born on this day invest their talents for the common good, they have absolutely no leadership habits, and they do not strive to become a leader. But persistently pursuing work, those born on February 20 demand complete dedication from others and can even flare up if they see a conniving or careless attitude towards work.

To prevent the work atmosphere from being filled with negative vibes, those born on February 20 should reduce their ardor and critical attacks towards colleagues; in the end, everyone copes with their responsibilities to the best of their own strengths and abilities. The feeling of primacy means a lot for those born on February 20th. But they should not get carried away by dubious victories, which are based on the reviews of people who sympathize with them. Those born on this day are considered to be over-emotional people who refuse to accept criticism and incorrectly and negatively define their own path in life.

Calmness and balance will come only by managing your emotions. However, you should not relax; even in a calm state, they will always express their position and pour out their feelings on those around them. This overreaction is explained by their excessive enthusiasm and overflowing self-confidence. It will be important for them to gain a philosophical understanding of the world in their mature years, so that they perceive life with tolerance and are not so harsh and categorical towards others. Those born on February 20 are open and impressionable people, and these are their big advantages, however, there can be excesses with impressionability. That’s why they get involved so easily in negative situations, and their sympathy and participation backfires on them. The desire of those born on February 20 to please everyone often leads to compromising themselves. For well-being, those born on this day should give in where it is appropriate, and not succumb to temptation where it is not necessary, calmly react to current events and believe in themselves and their beliefs.

Health: Weak point for those born on February 20 – nervous system, so it’s worth protecting. It is also not uncommon for them to have skin allergies. Taking care of your feet should be a priority and avoid injuring them. Exotic food is the most inappropriate in their diet; their diet should be balanced; it would not be a bad idea to seek the advice of a specialist. Among sports activities, aerobics is recommended for women, and martial arts and weightlifting for men. Good, long and proper sleep is more important for those born on February 20th than for anyone else.

Advice: Follow your convictions, despite external noise and other people's influence. For health you need your calmness, balance your emotions. Don't ignore your mental state. Don't push people around you with your authority.

February 21

Fate: Strong-willed, purposeful people with keen intuition are born on this day. Usually this happy people, successful in any endeavor. Their house is rich in positive emotions, love, trust and fidelity. Their kindness is gentle, and any business is quickly argued. Lucky ones - that's what you can call them. For the most part, they are natural leaders, leaders, and organizers. Financial success depends on their ability to save, skillfully handling finances.

Birthday secret: For those born on February 21, the opportunity to express themselves is extremely important. Life in early years may be accompanied by difficulties that may haunt them every day. At first, they find the root cause of their misfortunes in those around them, but over time they understand that their own complexes are the sources of the current situation. Despite internal reasons, external troubles also occur frequently. For those born on this day, it is important to constantly study, work on themselves, and overcome their laziness. Many of those born on February 21 are ready to follow the path of improvement, intellectual development. By smoothing out internal contradictions and taking control of emotions, they will be able to understand their true desires.

Those born on February 21 have an amazing sexual attractiveness. Finding their partner with whom they can behave naturally and openly is for them great joy. But personal failures are painful for them; for them, failure is a shock. Rejected, they will hardly be able to appear as spontaneous and sincere to someone else; emotional recovery will take a lot of time. Their closed nature does not allow them to give a real assessment of their work, because the result of their work is an extension of themselves. Therefore, they take criticism personally, as a personal insult. Creative personalities Those born on February 21 must cultivate inner resilience, only this will help them become successful.

Typically, those born on this day have an emotionally difficult childhood associated with problems communicating with parents, usually of the opposite sex. If parents constantly criticize and overprotect teenagers, then those born on February 21 turn into withdrawn and inaccessible. If parents, on the contrary, pay little attention to them, they grow into selfish and callous individuals. They will make the goal of life the search for an unsatisfied love of life.

Some of those born on February 21, with the help of a sensitive and attentive lover, confirm their worth. Others seek to find support in a partner so that they can trust and open up to another person. And in any case, few people manage to intertwine with their inner world so tight. Calm for those born on February 21 will bring emotional peace and happiness. In addition, those born on February 21 great value give spiritual development of your personality.

Health: Frequent illnesses of those born on February 21 are associated with their neglect of the symptoms of illnesses. Psychologically, they are prone to deep depression. They definitely need to have a specialist on hand, because they cannot do without restorative therapy or consultations with a psychoanalyst. Although they are skeptical about such events and try to independently rebuild their psyche. Moderation in food is also appropriate for them, but tasty and difficult to prepare dishes improve their mood. Stability is also necessary for them in sexual relationships, but sometimes it does not benefit them. From physical activity Swimming and walking are recommended for those born on this day.

Advice: Develop your communication skills. Don't hide inside yourself. Help others, try to be open.

February 22

Fate: Shyness is inherent in those born on this day; they are indecisive, timid, and cautious. At the same time, they are hardworking, patient, and rationalism emanates from all their actions. The life of those born on February 22 will depend on their choice. Having redeemed karmic debts and gained experience from own mistakes Those born on this day will be able to achieve a prosperous life with the help of work and their determination. Their youth is rich in difficulties and adversity, but later they will be able to straighten out their destiny and go according to the plan. That is, their attitude towards themselves and the outside world will determine their living conditions. Fortunately, they can come through hard work, forgiveness and patience.

Birthday secret: The ability to pacify your egoism for the sake of higher goals is inherent in those born on February 22. There is a rich, complex and intricate world within them. Deeply emotional, they still restrain the active influence of emotions on their own lives. Those born on February 22 are sincerely confident that the people around them are kind, so their patriotism and democracy reach unprecedented heights. They can do well in leadership positions or providing support social movements, union organizations or the whole country. More developed representatives of the sign have their own ideas and ideals that do not fit into territorial, national or municipal boundaries. Idealists calling for public freedom, those born on February 22 dream of universal happiness and well-being without struggle, tyranny, or discrimination.

Sometimes the revolutionary views of those born on this day slip into their criticism of society. The less enlightened of those born on February 22 feel powerless in front of society, although they see all the injustice of the outside world. They prefer idleness and quiet pastime discussing social vices. Those who are not ready to openly express their views that contradict society turn into deep pessimists, because their idealistic nature is not able to withstand the injustice of the world. Despite their tendency to step on the throat of ambition, those born on February 22 are still capable of taking leadership positions, becoming a leader who is listened to and trusted. Although fate does not always provide the opportunity to be a boss, political leader, manager, employer. If those born on February 22 have difficulties and ask for help, they can demand in an uncompromising manner to do this, help or sacrifice something, and their motives should not be questioned.

Those born on February 22 have a strong sense of duty, so one should not be surprised at their categoricalness and severity, and sometimes even their inability to forgive. They are prone to self-flagellation when they make mistakes. They suffer when they have to act against their principles, regardless of whether the action is expedient or the situation is hopeless. They should not be so critical of themselves and perceive reality as it is. As with themselves, those born on February 22 are just as demanding of others; their demands are sometimes simply impossible to fulfill. In their personal life they cannot be called careless. Those born on this day will always help those in need, but this does not prevent them from openly showing their sympathy or hostility. In addition, due to their intelligence, they will not wave their fists, expressing impartiality towards someone else.

Health: Those born on February 22 often neglect their health. But once they get sick, they will no longer be so frivolous and will begin to engage in disease prevention. Their passion for medicine and homeopathy can be useful to others. In order for their health to be in good condition, they need to follow a diet with minimal fat content, take vitamins, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables fresh. And energetic activities for those born on February 22 will be beneficial - running, aerobics, swimming, weightlifting, mountaineering.

Advice: Stop being demanding and categorical in assessing yourself and others. There is no life without mistakes, allow others and yourself to make them. Be responsible for those who have shown trust in you. Remember, you are an individual, value yourself.

February 23

Fate: People full of ambition are born on this day, they are independent and self-confident. Their life, like a rainbow, will shine with iridescence - black stripes will be replaced by white ones, after the fall there will be ups again. Secret enemies with their intrigues and gossip will make the life of those born on this day vibrant and emotionally rich. From birth, endowed with magnetism, powerful strength and charm, those born on this day will be able to withstand all difficulties. They will achieve success in any field, prosperity and well-being await them. In particular, they can show talents in art, music, and literature.

Birthday secret: Those born on this day seriously offer their ideas and themselves as an alternative to their opponents, considering themselves more worthy than others, and their methods as the most reliable option. They easily cope with the difficulties associated with the direction of affairs in the right direction. If they are convinced that their ideas and capabilities are suited to a particular job, no matter what difficulties they face in doing it, nothing will stop them from speaking up when a new vacancy opens. And they will do everything to keep her busy. Although they cannot be denied correctness in relation to their competitors.

As a rule, those born on February 23 tend to be delicate when expanding their area of ​​activity. They never miss an opportunity to gain the approval of others. And their arguments sound so convincing, like advice. If those born on February 23 themselves are not completely confident in their own rightness, then they refrain from proving it to anyone else. These are realists who look at things objectively. Although sometimes realism acts as a mask for pessimism, so the older generation born on February 23 should beware of anger and pickiness. Negative traits those born on this day will be excluded from other people, so they should think about a more rational distribution of their forces, so as not to be left alone later. Moreover, they should in every possible way avoid the tendency to self-abasement.

Solid ground under the feet of those born on February 23 will never allow them to soar in the clouds and mindlessly enjoy luxurious life. Because they are practical, they learn from past experiences to warn themselves, prepare themselves, or avoid possible mistakes. They love " perpetual motion machines", whose work never stops. In addition to amazing pragmatism, those born on February 23 have an unmistakable intuition that tells them best time and the place when they need to strike accurately, and also brings them to the moment when they need to stop in time.

Usually those born on February 23 make the right decisions, competently overcome any problems, guided by the laws of inevitability and choosing the right direction for the river of their life. If they once leave one path, they rarely return to it, looking for another direction. They never start an enterprise without having a “back-up” option with well-thought-out moves. Thus, those born on February 23 are different from many people who have completed one successful event, embodied one big idea and incapable of anything more than this. As a rule, they themselves extricate themselves from difficult and even hopeless situations or resorting to the help of subordinates. For their personal life, it is desirable that they live with their hearts and are always responsible.

Those born on this day need to understand that others have their own opinions and must be taken into account. Openness towards others will open up the prospects for strong friendships, and with the acceptance of other people's worldviews, this trait will allow them to find friends who will support their endeavors.

Health: Overwork is a constant condition for those born on February 23, because they are stressed out at work. They just need to be able to relax. And proper sleep will play a decisive role in their health, so it’s worth paying attention to the bedroom and its internal atmosphere, convenience. Sensitive by nature, those born on February 23 subtly perceive pleasant tactile sensations, for example, massage. They also differ in sophistication when it comes to food. Therefore, they can be excellent cooks, inventing new dishes from existing recipes. Despite this, they should not indulge in fatty foods, but stick to moderation in food and a diet with a minimum of fat. Lungs physical exercise will benefit those born on February 23rd.

Advice: Listen to others and don't refuse help. You don't always have to be first. There are situations when it is better to “give the ski track” to someone else. Your personal life should be filled with care and attention to your loved ones. Spend more time relaxing, learn to have fun and relax.

February 24

Fate: Ambition and ambitiousness are inherent in those born on this day; they are characterized by perseverance, energy, independence and determination. The most pronounced traits are enhanced by the vibrations of the day, and the life and character of a person will depend on what traits he will develop in himself. They are characterized by firmness in achieving their goals, which cannot be broken by anything. Financial sector and their careers will be successful. Same as in family life they have harmony and grace due to their loyalty in resolving conflicts, not allowing the situation to escalate. They have a large circle of friends, however, and the list of enemies is not small. They can be successful in both music and literature.

Birthday secret: The theme of sacrifice runs like a red thread through the lives of those born on February 24th. Their readiness to sacrifice themselves can manifest themselves in different ways. It happens that they act for the benefit of the team and to the detriment of their own interests, or they put the wishes of friends or family above their own interests. But they demand the same sacrifice from others, especially from their loved ones. In a more abstract form, the theme of sacrifice can manifest itself as the acceptance of life as it is, that is, in the form of sacrificing one’s egoism. The best case of its manifestation lies in the selfless service of those born on February 24 to society, for its benefit. There are two types of people born on this day.

The first perceive the role of self-sacrifice with honor and pleasure; they are sincerely confident in their great role for others, and the common good is the most important reward for those born on February 24. Others bear this role as a cross, a duty, reluctantly. Sometimes underestimation of their contribution or not very welcoming acceptance of this sacrifice by others can upset them. From time to time, feeling unclaimed and lacking the desired positive assessment from others can lead to an emotional outburst and future avoidance of the responsibility that they are trying to place on them. This is how those born on February 24 resolve the issue of their selfishness - either they constantly drown it out, or rid themselves of its reproaches. The most dangerous thing that can come out of this is hidden in self-deception - egoism as an internal state cannot disappear without a trace, especially if it has not yet been formed.

Developed representatives born on February 24 perceive this adequately and strive for objectivity in assessing their efforts, while others tend to consider themselves failures and blindly follow fate. Those born on February 24 must understand that the balance between public interests and your own desires is possible, and they can choose to serve public needs without ignoring their own needs. Those born on this day should develop confidence in the ideals they follow and not be afraid to express them. If initially the conditions in which those born on February 24 grow up are not ideal or their lifestyle contradicts their true talents, then they may negatively perceive themselves, their present and prospects.

If one day they have a desire to take control of their life, they will encounter internal bitterness and resistance, since they will have to step on the throat of habits developed over the years. For those born on February 24, it is important to gain willpower, courage, certainty and determination before they sacrifice themselves to someone or something. Speaking in love relationships strong point Those born on this day feel great satisfaction.

Health: Those born on February 24 are prone to frequent inactivity and relaxation, so they should avoid a sedentary lifestyle, as it can lead to diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Their obvious tendency to self-sacrifice and negative forecasts sometimes infuriates those around them. Some people born on February 24 choose love ties as the center of their universe, so they should be aware of the existence of sex-love addiction, into whose clutches they can fall. To be happy, they need pleasure - from food and sexual pleasures. However, they should not ignore the importance of diet and balancing the psycho-emotional sphere.

Advice: Be realistic. Do not ignore or brush aside other people's opinions, suggestions, wishes. Your talents require development, take care of them and cultivate your willpower. Oppose the complete abandonment of the inner ego.

If you are a person who accepts life as it comes and prefers to listen more than talk, then you are a true number 2, tactful, diplomatic and loving family and friends. If a peace-loving person with the number “2” is surrounded by cheerful people, then he has the opportunity to achieve what he wants; if the environment is negative, it will make the person changeable and unreliable. If your number is a simple two, then you have a great attitude towards music and art in general, you have a subtle sense of color. You tend to read, observe, listen, and become aware of what the world around you has to offer.

Many people born on the 20th choose to work in publishing, television, film or theater, or in the music industry. You are a talented and creative person who needs diplomatic and representative skills to thrive. You are a loving, handsome, pleasant, kind, very “homely” person. You are contributing to the cause of peace on earth and need quiet, secluded places to isolate yourself from the daily stresses of modern existence. You are literally the epitome of grace, sense of style, beauty and charm. Without being flashy and shiny, your style is still special.

The office climate puts you under a lot of stress and makes you unhappy, preventing you from expressing your abilities. You will achieve success in any field of public work, especially as an analyst, a teacher (perhaps in the humanities or subjects relating to art and music) or an actor, and perhaps in a completely different field - as a politician, a statistician, a clerk or even a stenographer . You would make a good politician, but you are better at writing than making speeches; you'd rather be behind the scenes than on stage. You can also achieve success in law.

Your reliability makes you well suited for top-secret government work, although you will be quite content working in a small group. If you do not have the funds to develop your business, you will agree to work for an employer. Those around you are very dependent on you and expect you to do all the dirty work, and they will skim off the cream. Therefore, you always decide whether the game is worth the candle. The number two enhances your femininity tenfold (even in men, making them soft). Sometimes you allow other people to benefit at your expense. You tend to cooperate with other people and were born to find a loving partner.

From the book "Number of Life. Code of Fate" by Titania Hardy. - M.: Ripol classic, 2009

Your lucky numbers: 2; 9; 16; 27; 20; 7; 25; 18

Your unfavorable numbers: 1; 19; 28; 10

Successful days: Mon and Sat

Lucky stones: emerald, pearl, and also moonstone

Colors: white and green

Ailments you are susceptible to: digestion and liver

20 is a number the same as 2, and it reflects romance and tenderness. People born on the 20th are sensitive, gentle and pliable.

The number 20 includes 2 and 0. And zero, as is already known, is a “silent number”, so it is a little softer than the number 2. People born on the 20th are distinguished by a well-developed mind, creative abilities, and have an extensive imagination. In most cases, they are adapted more to spiritual work than to physical work. As you know, their physical strength is not particularly developed.

They also love to dream, and if they life path suddenly difficulties arise, they would rather hide from everyone, but choose the right decision they won't. As for dreams, they rarely come true. But such people make excellent artists and poets.

Their character is soft and they are not able to take offense long time. Doing hard work is not for them, as they are usually weak physically.


As for the emotional characteristics of people born on the 20th, they largely live in a world of spiritual balance and for this reason it is very important for them to have spiritual communication with their family and friends. Since they are not very active, this may cause them certain problems in their sexual life. After all, all possible reactions on the physical side begin with the brain, and therefore, if there is no spiritual communication, then there will be no physical stimulation. The satisfaction of a physical desire occurs completely by chance and quite rarely, and it cannot be compared with a spiritual one. For such people, sex is considered the final stage of those feelings that have appeared in the mind, but this culmination may not come. For them, it would be more important to have a spiritual connection with their partner, and as for physical relationships, they consider them secondary.


When you plan to get married, you need to find a person with the same spiritual qualities. If the spouse has greater physical strength, but is spiritually weak, then soon this marriage will be considered unsuccessful, and people will simply be disappointed in each other.

In order for their relationship with their partner to become harmonious, it is necessary to choose for life those who have similar spiritual qualities. After all, the whole strength of people born on the 20th lies in mental work, and for this reason, it is very important for them to have people around them who are ideal for communication.

All self-doubt and self-confidence is directly related to the fact that they simply do not have the ability to realize personal plans.

For people born on the 20th, it is important that their partner believes in their strengths and capabilities.

Experts strongly advise treating such people with extreme caution and following certain tactics. They are characterized by their sensitivity and pessimistic attitude, and sometimes they can reach a state of complete despondency. In order to feel more energetic, they need to engage in art all the time, and if they do not do this, then to a greater extent always suffer, which can have a negative impact on their health.

A birthday on the 20th implies high sensitivity and emotion, but at the same time it means keen observation, insight, attention to detail that no one takes into account. Hence the ability to observe the situation with different sides, understand the motives of close strangers.

Your strengths

People born on the 20th are very sensitive and vulnerable. Not only are you intuitive, but you are also able to easily assess other people's inner feelings and thoughts. As a result, your loved ones cannot hide their inner feelings from you. You are very emotional.

You have a strong penchant for beauty and love and a desire for harmony. While you adore your loved ones with love, you expect the same in return. You also crave physical affection. Always hating spending time alone, you would like to be surrounded by family and friends all the time. You have deep insight, and this makes you a talented advisor, especially to those in power.

People born on the 20th have a keen eye for detail; nothing escapes their attention. You are modest, careful and polite. You can also gently persuade others to easily agree with your point of view, plus you have the ability to make others believe that they are effective and brilliant.

Your weaknesses

Being compassionate and empathetic, you can be sensitive to the feelings of others. You are also attentive. Frequently analyze how important you are to the success of the organization you want to join. Always remember that you can perform tasks and projects well. It's best to mind your own business, but only speak your mind when you are confident that you are the key to success.

Emotions and sex

Those born on the 20th live with soul. Psychological relationships with a partner are mandatory, because for them this is the only chance. They are not very strong, and sexual power between them is the exception rather than the rule. In any case, the physical response originates in the soul, and if they cannot communicate in spirit, they cannot be physically aroused. For such people, sex is the culmination of spiritual feelings. They are happy when there is spiritual harmony with their partner. Whether it is on the physical plane or not is of secondary importance to them.

In marriage they look for a person of the same spirit and if by chance they marry a person who is physically stronger and mentally weaker, the marriage is extremely unhappy and they fall into despair and depression.

Harmonious relationships

For those born on the 20th, it is important to be surrounded by people of the same spirit. Their strength is their mind and they must have partners with whom they can connect spiritually. Without this, no relationship will be successful. This is necessary.

Due to their inability to put their plans into action, such people rarely succeed in life and are therefore very uncertain. They need partners who can give them courage. They must be the pillar on which number 20 stands because they cannot do without support - they need a person who strengthens their spirit and pushes them.

Number 20 are extremely sensitive, and others must be careful not to hurt their feelings with thoughtless words. Such people are easily offended and interpreted in completely different ways.

Due to their lack of faith in themselves and their inability to achieve success, people born under this number are prone to anxiety. They inevitably become impulsive. The partners of such people must be calm in order to bring them out of their gloomy mood.


Those born under the influence of the number 20 should be treated with tact and extraordinary attention. They are sensitive and pessimistic and are driven to a state of deep depression, if they are not encouraged all the time, they must try to develop their logical abilities so they can think clearly and not always look at negative side life. To avoid having time to brood and become depressed, they must be engrossed in creative pursuits, otherwise they will fall into despair and suffer even more.


Number of diseases 20 are liver, intestines and dyspepsia.


Those born on the 20th should include turnips, cucumbers, melons and pumpkin into your regular diet.

A gem that brings happiness

To protect yourself from negative influences in life, the number 20 must be worn pearl, moonstone and emerald. It is not necessary to wear all three stones at once.

Metal that brings happiness

Metal that brings happiness to those born under the influence of the 20th - bronze, which goes especially well with emerald.

Colors that bring happiness

Colors that bring happiness to those born on the 20th - green And white.

Favorable numbers

The numbers in greatest harmony with the number 20 are:

  • Number 20
  • Numbers 7, 16 and 25.
  • Numbers 9, 18 and 27.

Unfavorable numbers

Numbers hostile to number 20: 1, 10, 19 and 28.

Favorable dates

Good dates for the number 20 - 2, 7 and 9 month.

Unfavorable dates

Unfavorable dates for those born under the influence of the 20th are 1, 10 and 19.

Favorable days

Favorable days for those born under the influence of the 20th - in Tuesday and Thursday.

Unfavorable days

Unfavorable days for those born under the influence of the 20th - Wednesday and Saturday.

Favorable months

Favorable months for those born under the influence of the 20th - May, August and December.

Unfavorable months

Unfavorable months for those born under the influence of the 20th - January, February and July.

The vibration of the number 20 (2) gives a person a calm and peaceful character. The influence of zero on two strengthens his desire to find grace in his own soul. And the double deuce emphasizes his emotional disposition towards other people, and he often feels a connection with them with every fiber of his soul. Even while deciding life problems, the number 20 person will always prefer to do this in the presence of interested parties for the best.
Openness best characterizes his mentality, as he always prefers a direct exchange of opinions rather than behind-the-scenes intrigue. Therefore, the representative of numerical vibration 20 (2) is often assigned the role of an arbitrator, relying on his objective attitude towards both warring parties. In interpersonal relationships, he advocates cooperation, which is essentially second nature to him. A person born on the 20th learns early on that through negotiations and mutual concessions people achieve much more than through open confrontation. The vibration of the number combination 20 (2) gives a person extraordinary tolerance. And yet he tries to avoid those circumstances that bring discord into his life. He doesn’t like loud conversations or annoying loud music from the next apartment (by the way, he is a big fan of calm, ear-enchanting music and is not deprived of musical abilities). And the naivety of people, bordering on impudence, completely irritates him. But he always tries to resolve all misunderstandings amicably.
The influence of twos gives a person a kind heart and a sympathetic soul. In his presence, people tend to calm down, since he seems to radiate warmth, and his inherent openness and goodwill disarm even aggressive opponents. Usually people fall under the spell of his irresistible charm from the first moment.
When the bearer of the 20th himself has to ask for help, he does it tactfully, listening to other people’s opinions and without putting pressure on anyone. He believes that people really only give as much as they can really give. Fear of hurting someone's interests makes the owner of this number an indecisive person. When emotions really overwhelm him, he torments himself with contradictory thoughts instead of acting energetically and purposefully. Strong-willed decision-making requires courage, but it also eliminates negative emotions, caused by the same indecision.
Sometimes a person born on the 20th comes to a point when he simply gets tired of resolving other people’s differences and takes the path of confrontation himself. This is especially evident when his rights are violated with disdain. Then he begins to divide people into “hunters” and “game”. At the same time, he cleverly manipulates people, setting in motion secret springs, about which he knows more than anyone else, wanting to turn the situation to his advantage. The bearer on the 20th resorts to similar tricks in order to avoid the development of a conflict situation or not wanting, for personal reasons, to openly express own feelings. This means that he believes that at the moment This goal can be achieved only in such a cunning way. However, any pressure on others causes a negative response, and a person with the number 20 in his birthday quickly realizes the flaw of his chosen tactics. He is by nature sensitive and gentle, he tends to care more about others than about himself, but he is embarrassed to openly express these qualities inherent in the feminine principle (the gender of a person does not matter). Perhaps he is afraid to demonstrate his own vulnerability...
A dreamer by nature, such a person sometimes cannot look facts in the eye and, at the sight of difficulties, hides in his own little world. But his dreaminess with his innate intelligence, creativity and rich imagination make him a great poet or musician, painter or entertainer. And with creative people it is always better to communicate tactfully and carefully. They are very sensitive and can become deeply depressed if they are not cheered up in time.
Twos suggest in a person that he will undertake a search for a reliable partner for the soul, with whom he can share both grief and joy, and not only bed, but also fate. Under the influence of the vibration of the number combination 20 (2), it is not easy for him to make quick and irrevocable decisions. As a result, he often misses an enviable chance. However, in most cases, he is not let down by his inner feeling, his mood on the wave of people. Sometimes a person celebrating his birthday on the 20th sees at first glance who exactly is the one he needs most.
The carrier of the vibration of the number 20 (2) strives for harmony in marriage. He tries to give equal attention to both his children and his other half and manages to maintain a balance, torn between work and family. He so wants everyone to have a good time!
Those born on the 20th are not shy about openly displaying tender feelings for to a loved one; he needs passionate hugs and kisses everyday life like air. It’s good when his partner expresses his emotions just as openly and directly. With such a harmonious merging of marriage partners, it sometimes happens that a person born on the 20th becomes too dependent (especially emotionally) on his chosen one. A person whose birthday number is 20 loses the ability to take care of himself. Some men are touched by such vulnerability, while others, on the contrary, are repulsed. Since the bearer of the number 20 loves to give people pleasure, to give more than to receive, then, having learned all the household wisdom, so that at any moment you can do without outside help, he will become the most attractive person in the eyes of his life partner.