Ernest flowers - the secret springs of the human psyche. Mysterious psychotechnics. "secret springs of the human psyche."

Tsvetkov Ernest "The secret springs of the human psyche Or how to expand your sphere of influence"

The training book “The Secret Springs of the Human Psyche” will tell you about amazing phenomena that you didn’t even suspect. It turns out that each of us is subject not only to the influence of others, but also to psychoprogramming. Every day we are exposed to psychic attacks and the effects of psychic viruses. Our psyche is an incredibly fragile structure, and it must be protected. You will learn how to do this by familiarizing yourself with the unique psychotechnics of Ernest Tsvetkov, which will help you not only neutralize the negative impact, but also learn how to independently program the situations you need, using the reserves of your subconscious.


When starting to write this manual, I am fully aware of the possible scope of application of the knowledge and skills that you will learn from it. Therefore, I reduce theoretical information as much as possible, focusing primarily on practical techniques and a proven training system that can give an “immediate action” effect.
Our training course begins with mastering the technique of applied (non-therapeutic) psychoanalysis with the goal of quickly and efficiently analyzing a partner’s behavior during just one conversation, identifying his hidden motives and potential intentions.
Using the “secret” information that you have extracted using mastered analytical techniques, in the process of observing the verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (non-verbal - body language and gestures) signals of your opponent, you can successfully apply the “built-in” hypnotic forms of your influence on someone’s subconscious and thus, through subtle psychological manipulation, form in him the programs you desire. Elements of Ericksonian hypnosis, which is also called “hypnosis without hypnosis,” will give you new opportunities and significantly expand your sphere of influence among people.
Presenting this material, which may seem new and unfamiliar to you, to make it easier to perceive and assimilate, I present below the main points, or “pivot points” of the program of our correspondence seminar.


Interpersonal relationships.
Psychological defenses.
Partner's behavior during negotiations.
Revealing hidden motives.
Hidden motives and their unconscious demonstration during a conversation.
Behavior and its connection with the unconscious. Motivation management.


Psychoanalytic basis:
- Basic psychoanalysis
- Applied (non-therapeutic) psychoanalysis
- Communication analysis
- Behavior analysis
- Protection
- Transfer (Transfer) and working with it
- Transfer enhancement methods
Kinesics (the science of reflecting human behavior in its external manifestations):
- Dynamic analysis of gestures, postures, behavioral maneuvers
- “Body language”
- Using kinesic knowledge to enhance impact.
- Methods of hypnotization in the structure of communication
- Hidden hypnotization during a conversation
- Achieving certain results through hypnotic imprinting
- Working with your partner’s subconscious
- Programming your partner for the desired reaction
- Strengthening partner reactions
- Increased contact efficiency
- Consolidation of the program
As an autopsychotraining focused on improving the self-regulation of the psychophysical status of the body and the development of creative resources, you will be offered the developed and tested author’s method of “psychosensory synthesis.”


Business makes people just like people make business. But people are, first of all, psychology, and the space of the human personality is, first of all, a psychological space, and only then economic or social.
When it comes to management or business partnerships, it is, of course, impossible to ignore the psychodynamic factors that determine communication style and underlie human behavior.
The history of great millionaires has many different biographies, destinies, and unexpected zigzags. Each of them followed their own path, but something common united them all. This is common - excellent knowledge of people.
This is confirmed by the statements of the capitalists themselves, who have achieved success and taken a place at the highest levels of the social ladder - statements that, having become classic, have become the golden rules of Big Business. One of them reads:


For some, this ability is an innate gift, for others it is the result of constant internal work. But in both cases, it requires active training and practice, which is what this manual is aimed at.



The universe is infinite, the mind is limited, but in its limitations it has been very successful and has achieved a certain mastery. We need to delineate the boundaries of a particular phenomenon as clearly as possible, trying to determine its beginning and end.
The end of what you and I are going to do is not and is not expected, but a beginning, and a rather great one, exists. It is associated with the name of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, a discovery that became the foundation on which the entire modern science of the human mental world is based.
Freud believed that his metapsychology was the third teaching that dealt the most crushing blow to narcissism (egocentric narcissism) of humanity. The first was Copernicus’s statement that the Earth is not at all the navel of the Universe, but its distant province. The second is Darwin’s theory, which declared the relationship, and not the most distant one, of the so-called “king of nature” with his anthropoid brothers. And finally, Freud, at the instigation of these intellectual monsters, scores the decisive goal to the very core, striking the scrupulous morality of indignant humanity. It turns out that Homo Sapiens is far from Sapiens. And what we call consciousness and intellect is by no means the most important thing in the human psyche. Quite the opposite - mysterious, elusive forces determine our behavior. These forces belong to the world of the Unconscious - primordial, but infinite, inaccessible, but comprehensible. One psychoanalytic aphorism expresses this position in a laconic and refined form - the formula:


How does this mysterious Unconscious manifest itself (as a synonym for this concept in modern literature you can find the term Subconscious)!
The unconscious is the space of our:
- Dreams
- Fantasies
- Pulses
- Motives
- Attractions
- Forbidden desires
- Instincts
- Reservations
The unconscious is what we really think, but are not aware of it.
What we really think is hidden from ourselves behind seven seals.
The psychoanalytic method breaks the seals from these seals and allows us to get into the secret of the secrets of the human personality.
Modern psychoanalysis, depending on its purpose, is divided into therapeutic and applied. The functions of the first follow from the name itself and are quite clear. Applied psychoanalysis, which is of direct interest to you and me, also began with Freud’s works on culture, religion, sociology—that is, the area of ​​social life where the researcher first tried to interpret known phenomena from a psychoanalytic point of view. You are faced with tasks of a more modest scale - you do not need to reform society, found a new religion, or create new states. Your task is to make only one thing - money.
Therefore, we will limit ourselves to the psychology of human relationships and the knowledge of how, using this same psychology, to have the most effective influence on other people and ourselves.
Let's start with the fact that human behavior is determined and does not recognize any accidents, although at first glance the completely opposite strikes our eyes - our everyday life is filled with seemingly accidents - we met by chance, we didn’t meet by chance, we accidentally forgot, we accidentally misspoke, etc. (there is no point in continuing this countless series; you yourself can find many similar “accidents” in your life). Moreover, an important point should be remembered:




Freud, in his work “The Psychopathology of Everyday Life,” gives several examples where apparently innocent platitudes turned out to be fatal.
In the first case, in a family of young spouses, happy, tender and devoted, the wife accidentally loses her wedding ring. She is upset, but soon the ring is found - under the table in the bedroom. It seems that such a trifle can be ignored, but the meticulous Freud did and predicted that the marriage would be unsuccessful. After some time, the marriage broke down.
On another occasion, in a conversation with a patient, Freud noticed that she, constantly praising the virtues of her married life, kept taking off and putting on her wedding ring. It is not difficult to guess what assumption Freud made this time. As in the previous case, it turned out to be prophetic.
What's the matter here?
Mysticism has nothing to do with it.
Everything depends on those inexorable mechanisms according to which psychodynamic forces operate.
At the conscious level, that is, the generally accepted and acceptable level, both situations can be considered prosperous, but the Unconscious, in both the first and second cases, resists marriage. If Consciousness persuades: “Everything is wonderful, everything is wonderful,” then the Unconscious stands its ground: “Sorry, you are my friend, but the truth is more precious. You simply either don’t want to, or are afraid to admit that this alliance is disgusting to you, simply disgusting and there can be no talk of any love.”
However, the voice coming from the depths is carefully drowned out, and if it becomes too persistent, repression begins. Our Ego has at its disposal a censorship apparatus reaching bureaucratic perfection, which works clearly and strictly. Censorship is always on guard and will not allow a single seditious thought from the dark unconscious depths into the bright Consciousness. Therefore, while there is peace and quiet on the surface, a real storm is rising in our vague depths.
In principle, man is more perfect than humanity, and the individual is more intelligent than society. Before declaring a revolution, the body repeatedly warns its owner: “Attention! Trouble!" And if the owner is reasonable enough, then the unfavorable situation is resolved quite loyally.
The trouble is that we have forgotten how, or most likely have not learned, to recognize these signals, we ignore the warning signs and wait for the explosion.
The unconscious signals its intentions precisely through such symbolic signs, which are perceived either as innocent little things or as annoying accidents.
Now let's return to the examples.
Action: The woman loses her ring.
Explanation: The ring is a symbol of marital union, fidelity, love, devotion.
Interpretation: A woman loses the symbol of marital union, fidelity, love, devotion.
Question: Why?
Answer of the Unconscious: Because in this case I do not accept this and reject this man. I could say this directly, but censorship won’t let me through. How else can I make my claims known? We have to resort to Aesopian language.
Strategy: Finding a socially acceptable option and taking action through it.
As we see, despite all its monopoly positions, censorship turns out to be weakened. She makes sure that the Unconscious does not break into Consciousness. Well, if that’s the case, it won’t break through. But in this case, it seeps through and begins to speak to us, not directly, but truly in an Aesopian language. In any case, it declares itself only using roundabout maneuvers. These workarounds are precisely those “little things” that we do not attach importance to.
If Sherlock Holmes were not a detective, but a psychoanalyst, he would still have uttered his famous phrase: “My dear Watson, there are and cannot be trifles in our business. All our work is based on these little things, which are much more important than visible evidence.”
Therefore, train yourself to pay attention first of all to seemingly insignificant, barely noticeable details in people’s behavior and mentally ask yourself the question: “What is hidden behind this?” Don’t be afraid to go too far at first and become like two characters from a joke where two psychoanalysts meet, and one of them thinks: “What if I tell him not “Hello, colleague,” but “Good morning.” I wonder how he will react?”, and says: “Good morning.” "What do you mean?" - the answer from another psychoanalyst immediately followed.
Over time, your perception will be trained and your behavior will become natural.
Let this principle - the principle of determinism - enter your subconscious. By constantly using it, you will begin to see what others do not see.
Start as soon as possible, right now.
Think about times in your life when you:
- were late for some meeting or date
- forgot about their promises, citing vanity, routine, or simply their forgetfulness and absent-mindedness
- they said “yes” but did “no”, and vice versa
- lost someone's gifts
- they “accidentally” appropriated someone’s trinket.
Do you remember?
Now replay in your memory the same phenomena, only those that happened not to you, but to those people with whom you communicated or are communicating.
A new world will open up to you, and you will discover a lot of new and interesting details. But do not forget to keep in mind the principle of determinism.
If a person:
- he is late - it means that he is unconsciously not too eager to meet,
- forgets - it means he unconsciously does not want to remember.
By the way, about forgetfulness and forgetfulness. When consciousness receives some not very pleasant or not very significant information, it strives to free itself from it. And this is logical. After all, when you encounter certain problems, you don’t jump with delight, but think about how to get rid of them, push them out of your life. Our consciousness is no more stupid than you and me and, having received a portion of problematic information, displaces it from its rightful possessions. Information has no choice but to go to where it will be willingly accepted, that is, to the area of ​​the Unconscious. Such a process received the corresponding name - Repression, and information material that has been subjected to such ostracism is repressed into the Unconscious.
Thus, we do not forget, but repress.
If I forgot to sign papers that are important to you, I’m sorry, absent-mindedness, vanity and circumstances have nothing to do with it. I simply repressed this event due to my subconscious reluctance to do what I should do.
You have a business meeting, let's say, at three o'clock in the afternoon. Your partner is a few minutes late, or at this time, if you are meeting on his territory, he is busy with something else, draw the appropriate conclusions. You already know what this could mean.


Every psychotherapist familiar with psychoanalysis can talk about how a patient’s behavior changes during treatment. It can manifest itself as expressed positive, even to the point of falling in love and even love, or it can take negative forms, sometimes reaching the point of outright aggressiveness.
These changes in behavioral reactions are called transfer or transfer, and represent an unconscious direction in one direction or another in the flow of psychodynamic forces.
The patient himself does not understand why he “falls in love” with the therapist or begins to hate him.
Over time, he develops an understanding of what is happening to him, usually through the explanations of a therapist who is well aware of the mechanisms that govern individual relationships.
However, the transference phenomenon occurs not only in a psychotherapeutic situation. Freud viewed it as an integral part of any experience of human communication. It turns out that people build their relationships in the present by reproducing emotionally significant aspects and impressions of their past. The fact is that our brain is capable of creating and retaining certain information matrices, consisting of sets of memories about those people who in the past had one influence or another on us. These internal memories are called objective ideas, and what any new person perceives is consistent with these objective ideas. We unconsciously evaluate people using the experience of memory, which contains ideas about the most significant figures who once had a certain impact on us. New people are learned through thoughts and feelings that were previously directed at a friend, family member, or enemy. Thus, it turns out that our present is a projection of our earlier reactions, but this mechanism lies beyond the limits of consciousness. It forms what is defined as transfer. With its help, we “transfer” our attitude, which we once showed towards personalities important to us, to a new object. This new object can be a psychotherapist, boss, subordinate, business partner, friend, husband, wife, lover.
Based on what has been said, it is not difficult to guess that the transfer can be:
- positive (positive transfer)
- negative (negative transfer) In the case when a stranger evokes in us an unconscious feeling of sympathy and trust, we can talk about a positive transfer. If, when we are close to someone, we feel discomfort and a desire to quickly get rid of such communication, then, most likely, our personality in this case is in a situation of negative transference.
If you pay closer attention to this fact, it will not be difficult for you to remember similar times in your life when you began to experience outwardly unmotivated awkwardness or a sudden feeling of fatigue, or mild anxiety when meeting a certain person, despite the fact that he may have shown signs of goodwill, openness, while looking quite nice and, in any case, not repulsive. This means that this subject unconsciously reminded you of that person who previously, perhaps in distant childhood, scared you or made you go through some negative experience.
Try to look at situations for a while, taking a psychoanalytic position, and many hidden things will become obvious to you. Moreover, knowledge of the dynamics of transference will allow you to capture more subtle nuances in interpersonal relationships. This skill can be compared with the ability that the great scientist Cuvier once spoke about: “From just one mammoth bone, I can restore the complete appearance of the entire animal.” From just one seemingly insignificant detail, you can determine the psychology of your partner and his attitude towards you, so that you can use this to enhance the effectiveness of your influence.


Direct expression of interest
- The predominance of “open” gestures (when arms and legs are not crossed and the partner often shows his open palms)
- Your partner listens to you carefully and involuntarily copies your gestures
- Your partner comes to the meeting on time or earlier than the agreed time
- Your partner pays you money on time
- Your partner gives or tries to show you personal attention
- Your partner gives you gifts
- Your partner is inclined to talk about himself, about certain moments of his personal life, and shares his impressions.


Partner is late for a meeting
- Partner pays money late and not on time
- The partner does not fulfill or does not fulfill his promises on time
- Expresses doubts about the productivity of contact with you
- Prefers “closed” gestures, often looks away
- May not show up for a meeting, motivating his behavior by “unforeseen circumstances”
- He doesn’t talk much about himself, he’s not inclined to share personal memories and impressions with you.
The word Partner used here is a universal concept and, depending on the communication situation, may mean your:
- Business partner
- Patient
- Buddy
- Intimate partner
- Chief
- Subordinate
In the future, we will also use this word, and each of you can put your own meaning into it, based on the contact that is relevant to you.
Now you know the dynamics of transference, its manifestations and, using the information received, you are able to see situations from a new angle that might once or may currently seem problematic to you.
Remember when your partner:
- I was late
- Didn't show up at all
- Made you wait

Forgot about my promises or your requests
- Didn't pay money on time. What interpretations can you offer about these events?
This question also applies to the following situations:
- Your partner shows up on time for a date
- Pays money on time
- Accurately fulfilled your requests or willingly met your wishes
- Gave you gifts
- I left my home phone number.
Now try to restore in your memory these same actions, only they belonged not to another person, but to you personally. This way you will learn about your transference and your true relationship to your partner. If in a communication situation you occupy a formally dominant position (for example, you are a manager or a psychotherapist), then your subconscious intentions directed towards the person with whom you are interacting form what is commonly called countertransference, which, naturally, can also be positive , and negative.
Learning to identify your countertransference is just as important as learning to identify your partner's. This will greatly facilitate your communication process and give you additional psychological strength.
And in order for you to feel confident and free enough in any situation, learn the following algorithm of meta-principles:
1. During business communication, try to take the internal position of a psychoanalyst-observer. Get into this role. Play it.
2. Look at your partner as a potential patient (by doing this you will not humiliate or belittle him in the least, because the priest perceives his flock in exactly the same way, which does not in any way infringe on the dignity of people). This means that you:
- show complete correctness towards him
- carefully monitor his behavior, based on knowledge of the dynamics of transference and countertransference
- maintain external neutrality
- constantly analyze the signs characteristic of a particular type of transfer.
3. Analyze the subtlest nuances of your feelings, which can help you understand not only your condition, but also the condition of your partner. This tendency may, over time, develop the ability for “microwave” - supersensible perception - a phenomenon about which, like psychic telepathy, psychoanalysts have written a lot. This means that you can guess your partner's hidden intentions based on your feelings. Many successful businessmen talk about their intuition, which often turns out to be more useful than rational calculations.
Practice the last point separately. The “Here and Now” exercise will help you develop a subtle sense of the moment.
Right now, as you read these lines, without changing anything, “freeze” the pose and state you are in, and answer two questions:

Don't criticize your thoughts and give them complete freedom.
Your consciousness only mirrors their spontaneous flow.
Now reverse your posture and answer the following questions:
-Have my feelings changed?
- How do I feel now?
Another exercise is similar to this, but uses the element of surprise:
Set an alarm for a specific time and remove it from your sight. It would be nice if you forgot about it altogether. Continue with your normal activities. As soon as the bell rings, freeze in the position in which the signal caught you. Assess how relaxed or tense you are, whether you are comfortable or not, mark the tense areas on your body. And ask yourself questions:
- What am I thinking about right now?
- How do I feel right now?
Briefly record your results.
Do these exercises daily for two weeks. They will not be difficult for you and will not seem boring at all, especially since they can be practiced in a playful way.


If you want to enhance behavioral responses on the part of your partner, do not resort to specific techniques such as hypnotic induction or neurolinguistic programming. You can use ways to enhance your transfer experiences in other ways. To do this you should:
- Maintain external passivity and neutrality - in this case you become, as it were, a “projection screen” for another person.

Show interest in your partner’s personal life, gently interviewing him about his past experiences, childhood memories, and significant emotional relationships.
- Construct your behavior in such a way that your partner involuntarily compares you with someone who previously had a certain influence on him - for this you can even sometimes ask him if you remind him of some other person.
- Trying to listen more and talk less is one of the most important principles, as it allows the “projection screen” effect to manifest itself to the maximum extent.


Quite often in life we ​​come across such a phenomenon as resistance - our own and others'. It represents an unconscious force that prevents certain actions leading to changes in either personality or situation that can revive certain unpleasant sensations. Imagine the following example. You receive a letter from your friend and, delighted by this fact, are about to answer. But at the same time, you postpone your decision, justifying yourself with the multitude of accumulated tasks or fatigue, or your “damned forgetfulness.” However, with an effort of will, you force yourself to write a couple of pages, but it turns out that you do not have an envelope. Having bought an envelope a week later, you forget to write the address on it, and after writing the address, you keep the letter in your pocket for several days, since you don’t find mailboxes anywhere. In the end, you send your reply message and breathe a sigh of relief.
If you analyze your actions and feelings carefully, closely and frankly enough, you will realize that the person you call a friend is actually deeply unpleasant to you. You don’t know this, but your Unconscious knows about it and strives to resist so as not to cause a surge of negative emotions or anxiety in you.
We are reluctant to remember unpleasant events in our lives or completely forget about them - the process of repression is triggered, which is also caused by resistance.
Try a simple experiment.
Think of a time or event that was psychologically painful - perhaps the death of a close friend or relative, or deep humiliation, or a situation where you were beaten or caught in the act.
Note, first of all, the lack of interest in clearly remembering the event, the resistance to talking about it. You may have doubts about the need to do such an exercise, or you may suddenly remember urgent matters.
Interpret all your “extraneous” thoughts and doubts as resistance. To overcome resistance, it is often enough to become aware of it.
Having realized your resistance, continue the work of memories. In addition to the almost tangible feeling of resistance, you will achieve the fact that you will be freed from a significant part of your internal conflicts and internal tension.
It is easy to see that resistance, like repression, performs a certain protective function. However, such functions are not limited to just these two mechanisms and have in their arsenal many more techniques that our psyche resorts to. These techniques are called Ego defenses. They all have one universal goal, already indicated above - preventing the revival of unpleasant feelings and reducing anxiety.
This includes a whole series that includes:
- Denial
-Reactive formation (reaction formation)
- Reverse feeling
- Suppression
- Rationalization
- Identification with the aggressor
- Asceticism
- Isolation of affect
- Regression
- Cleavage
- Projection
- Introjection
- Omnipotence
- Devaluation
- Primitive idealization
- Projective identification
- Move
- Sublimation
DENIAL is an attempt to ignore a real event that worries a person. An example would be a political leader who leaves his post but continues to behave as before - as if he were an outstanding statesman. The ability to misremember events is also a form of denial.
REACTIVE EDUCATION is the substitution of behavior or feeling that is directly opposite to the actual desire. A person may be excessively clean as a defense against the desire to be dirty all the time. The main feature of reactive formation is exaggeration and extravagance. Reaction formations can be seen in any exaggerated behavior.
REVERSE FEELING is a change in the direction of an impulse - for example, reproaching oneself instead of expressing disappointment with someone else.
SUPPRESSION - the essence of this defense is to remove something from consciousness and keep it at a distance from consciousness. The result of suppression can be hysterical symptoms, asthma, arthritis, ulcers, lethargy, frigidity, fears, impotence.
RATIONALIZATION is finding acceptable reasons or grounds for unacceptable thoughts or actions. Rationalization hides our motives and makes our actions morally acceptable.
“I am doing this solely for your good” - (I want to do this to you. I don’t want it to be done to me. I even want you to suffer a little).
“It seems to me that I love you” - (I am attracted to your body: I ​​want you to relax and feel attracted to me).
IDENTIFICATION WITH THE AGGRESSOR - manifests itself in the imitation of something that can exert negative pressure. If someone masks his fear of some authority, he may adopt his manner in an exaggerated or caricatured form.
ASCETISM - most often used to control the intensity of sexual desires. As a rule, he is demonstrated with an air of complete superiority,
ISOLATION OF AFFECT is the separation of the part of the situation that causes anxiety from the rest of the mental sphere. Its normal prototype is logical thinking.
REGRESSION - a return to an earlier level of development or to a way of expression that is simpler and more characteristic of children. Every adult, even a well-adjusted one, resorts to this defense from time to time to “blow off steam.” People smoke, get drunk, overeat, lose their temper, bite their nails, pick their noses, read stories about the mysterious, go to the cinema, spoil things, masturbate, chew gum, drive fast and dangerously, sleep during the day, fight, dream, rebel against authorities and obey them, preen themselves in front of the mirror, gamble, look for a scapegoat.
SPLITTING - represents the separation of positive images of a person from negative ones. At some point, a partner may receive a fairly high score, and immediately after that there may be a significant decrease in score, and vice versa. Such a subject can declare that all his friends and allies have betrayed him and turned into enemies, and the next moment make the opposite statement. DEVALUATION - belittling a partner, reducing his value to a minimum, even to the point of contempt.
PRIMITIVE IDEALIZATION is a reverse reaction, manifested in exaggerating the power and prestige of another person.
OMNIPOTENCE - exaggeration of one's own power and strength.
PROJECTIVE IDENTIFICATION - represents a projection onto another person with a subsequent attempt to take control over him. For example, someone may project their hostility towards another person and then fearfully expect to be attacked by that person.
PROJECTION is the attribution to another person, animal or object of qualities, feelings or intentions that come from the ascriber himself.
"All men and women want the same thing"
- (I think about sex a lot). "You can never trust anyone"
- (I don’t shy away from deceiving someone sometimes).
INTROJECTION is the desire to appropriate the beliefs and attitudes of others without criticism and make them your own. Such a subject very often speaks not on his own behalf, but on behalf of the collective, microsociety, etc. Instead of the pronoun “I,” he, as a rule, uses the pronoun “WE.”
MOVEMENT is a change in the object of feelings, their transfer from the object that served as the source of negative emotions to another object - a safer one.
For example, a subordinate who is angry with his boss comes home and begins to vent his anger on family members.
If someone begins to tell their partner about love, hatred, anger, irritation towards other people, this can often be interpreted as an expression of their feelings towards this particular partner.
SUBLIMATION - represents the so-called “mature” or “successful” defense. It is the process by which energy initially directed towards aggressive goals is redirected to other goals - intellectual, artistic, cultural, manifesting itself in the form of creative self-expression.
Study these defenses carefully, starting with yourself. Determine which of them are characteristic of you and which are characteristic of others. By becoming aware of your unproductive defenses, you can get rid of them and direct the resulting energy released to more constructive purposes, increasing your sublimation.
Strive to apply the information you just received in your communication - it gives you an additional key to access your partner’s subconscious and makes your perception of people deeper and more subtle.
The psychoanalytic method will allow you to “shine through” the darkest layers of the soul of those people with whom you are involved in interaction, and - thanks to your “psychic x-ray” - you will be able to more effectively control the situation in your favor, having an undoubted advantage.



There is a famous aphorism belonging to Voltaire: “Language is of great importance also because with its help we can hide our thoughts.” A similar thought was expressed by the “king of diplomats” William Gladstone: “Words are invented so that people can lie to each other.”
Almost each of us speaks two languages ​​from childhood, one of which is conscious and constructed as speech, while the other, completely belonging to the Unconscious, is capable of conveying our hidden impulses and motives. In this section we will try to master this second language - body language - in a concentrated form and learn how to effectively use new knowledge.
Smart people have always attached great importance to a gesture, believing that it can have a very noticeable effect in an imperceptible way. Every movement can be deciphered and the secret message of our interlocutor can be freely read, which he can hide from us most carefully.
Even if we carefully think through the most sophisticated lies, our involuntary gestures will give us away. At the same time, knowing the meaning of each gesture and consciously using it, we can signal our partner’s subconscious about our intentions and thereby exert a hidden influence on him, which will allow us to have an extra trump card for mastering the situation.
Just as learning any language is impossible without a dictionary, I believe that the most meaningful form of understanding sign language would be to compile something like a short reference book, where you can find certain correspondences without any difficulty.
The dictionary is based on the principle of psychophysical parallelism or analogue principle, which is that the mental is reflected in the physical and vice versa - physical changes entail mental movements.
The analog principle is universal and is an effective model that allows you to accurately determine and qualify the subtlest nuances in human behavior.
In order to make the perception of kinesics (the science that studies the reflection of human behavior in its external manifestations) as convenient as possible, let us take the following as an axiom: “A person’s character is his gestures.”


OPEN GESTURES are evidence of psychological openness, desire for communication and productive contacts. They appear in uncrossed and open positions of the arms and legs.
Open palms - honesty, frankness.
The palm turned upward is a pleading gesture. With this position it is easier to get the request fulfilled, since it does not demonstrate pressure from the person asking.
Palm turned down (looking at the floor) - authority. There is psychological pressure on the part of those who use such a position.
The palm turned upward (palm from below - under the palm of the partner) is a readiness to submit, an unconscious signal to the one whose dominance is recognized.
Palm turned down (palm on top - on the palm of the partner) - the desire for dominance, an attempt to take control of the situation.
Palm edge down (vertical position) - position of equality.
A way to neutralize a dominant position: If your palm is down, take a step forward and move closer to your partner. As you get closer, your palm position will naturally change and automatically move to a vertical position.
The “glove” handshake (two palms clasp one palm of the interlocutor) is a desire to show one’s sincerity, friendliness, and trust.
The toe of the foot is an indicator of interest - its direction indicates someone in whom a person is interested or finds attractive.
Wide Legs:
1. In a standing position: aggression, including sexual. Confidence. Readiness for action. Activity.
2. In a sitting position: confidence. Inner relaxation. Demonstration of sexuality.


CLOSED POSITIONS - speak of psychological closedness, a tendency to isolate oneself from the situation. They appear in the form of crossed arms and legs.
Arms crossed on the chest are an attempt to hide, to isolate oneself from the situation. Negative reaction.
Arms crossed on the chest with palms clenched into fists - an enhanced gesture of crossed arms. Hostile attitude. Possibility of psychic attack.
Crossed arms with fingers tightly clasping the forearms (clasping hands) is a negative and depressed attitude towards the situation.
Crossed hands with the thumbs pointing vertically upward - a sense of protection (crossed arms), confidence (demonstration of thumbs).
One hand intercepts the other hand - running vertically along the body - at the forearm, elbow or shoulder: a lighter form of crossed arms.
The hands are freely lowered, but one seems to shake the other - an attempt to maintain emotional calm. With one hand, a person makes a gesture as if adjusting a button on the sleeve of the other hand, a watch bracelet, a cuff - hidden nervousness.
A person holds a bouquet of flowers, a handbag (for women), a cup of tea, etc. with both hands - an attempt to hide internal tension and nervousness.
Intertwined fingers, clasped hands - a negative attitude.
Pyramid (palms facing each other, fingertips closed) - confidence, a confident attitude towards something. Hands behind your back:
One clasps the other in the palm area - self-confidence, authority, a sense of superiority.
One hand clasps the other's wrist - an attempt at self-control.
One hand intercepts the upper forearm of the other hand - an attempt at self-control, but more pronounced than in the previous case.
The role of the thumb is to demonstrate aggressiveness, strength, pressure, and a sense of superiority.
Hands in pockets, thumbs outside - confidence, conceit, attacking gesture. Women have aggression, a dominant character.
Thumbs sticking out of back pockets - dominant character.
Crossing the legs (gesture one leg at a time) - protection, a tendency to withdraw.
In general, a gesture is interpreted depending on the context of the situation. For example, during a long lecture, a listener in the hall can use a similar position for convenience.
Crossed legs and crossed arms - disapproval, rejection, increased protection.
American position “four” (the ankle of one leg rests on the knee of the other leg) - activity, confidence, self-confidence.
Crossed legs and intertwined fingers on the knees - self-concentration, isolation (remember the famous portrait of Dostoevsky).
Crossed ankles - protection, tension, negative attitude, nervousness, fear.


Dynamic positions are those that cannot be classified as closed or open, since they reflect a mental state of a different spectrum, although outwardly they may represent an imitation of closed or open gestures.
The head is held straight or slightly raised - a neutral position.
The head is slightly raised, the eyelids are slightly closed or the corners of the eyes are squinted, the gaze is directed downward - arrogance, disdain, superiority.
The head is slightly tilted to the side - a sign of interest.
The head is slightly lowered, the gaze is from under the brows - a disapproving attitude towards the situation, wariness.
Hands behind the head in combination with the position of the legs in the form of a “four” - the desire to demonstrate control of the situation, self-confidence, and a sense of superiority.
Extended - excitement, pleasure, expression of interest, including sexual.
Narrowed - negative reaction, rejection.
Directed to the center of the forehead and does not fall below the eyes of the interlocutor - a business look.
Distributed between the eyes and mouth - a secular look.
Glides from the eyes down the body and back - an intimate look.
Sideways glance:
- combined with a smile - interest,
- in combination with lowered eyebrows - hostility.
Blinking often is a sign of defense and confusion.
Hands and face
Scratching the chin—reflection and evaluation. Grasping the nose in a pinch just below the bridge of the nose in combination with closed eyes is concentration.
Hand at the cheek - the cheek rests on the fingers folded into a fist, and the index finger is straightened towards the temple - thinking, thoughtfulness.
The index finger touches the nose, the rest covers the mouth - suspicion, secrecy, mistrust.
Touching or rubbing the nose is deceit on the part of the person doing it.
The index finger touches the cheek, and the rest are located under the chin - a critical assessment.
A hand strokes the neck - dissatisfaction, denial, anger. Protective gesture.
Rubbing the ear - impatience, desire to interrupt. Nervousness.
The face is slightly tilted to the side and rests on the palm or fist - “telephone pose” - internal monologue. Boredom.
Sitting on a chair is a demonstration of superiority or aggression.
One leg is raised and resting on something, the body is slightly bent and leaned forward - a gesture of the owner, the winner.

The hands rest on the lower back, the legs are spread wide apart - a demonstration of aggression and sexual aggression.


Closed education
The bodies of the two interlocutors are located opposite each other, their gazes are directed at each other - a manifestation of mutual interest, a desire to be just the two of them.
Open Education
Two interlocutors stand at a certain angle in relation to each other, as if forming some space into which a third can freely enter - a position that allows the participation of one or more interlocutors.
Including and excluding your partner from the conversation
Inclusion: in the case of a third partner joining a closed position, the interlocutors in it turn their bodies at an angle in relation to each other and to him, non-verbally inviting the latter to join the conversation.
Exception: in the event of an attempt to join a third partner to a closed position, the interlocutors in it turn only their heads in relation to him. But the direction of the bodies remains the same. Which indicates that the third partner is undesirable in this conversation.


SEXUAL GESTURES - represent a manifestation of sexual interest in relation to someone and an unconscious (and sometimes quite conscious) attempt to demonstrate your interest in him or her.
Male sexual gestures
- The hand adjusts the tie, collar, or touches the throat or hair.
- Thumbs tucked into the belt.
- The toe is turned towards the woman who arouses sexual interest.
- An intimate look.
- Hands on hips.
- Legs are spread wide apart, regardless of whether the man is sitting or standing.
Women's sexual gestures
- Head toss.
- Smoothing or touching hair (hair is a fairly strong sexual symbol).
- Exposing the wrists.
- Spread your legs (standing or sitting).
- Slightly open mouth and moist lips.
- An intimate look.
- Crossed legs.
Once again I would like to remind you that gestures, being a projection of unconscious movements, are capable of having the same unconscious impact. Therefore, if you want to express one or another of your desires, you can use a gesture for this, but quite consciously. Your partner will perceive it appropriately and react accordingly.
For example, sexual gestures not only reflect sexual interest, but also serve as a good way to attract attention and arouse reciprocal interest. If you begin to subtly and gracefully use these gestures, then they will say about you that you have “sexual magnetism,” without suspecting the true reasons for your “thoughtful” attractiveness. And this is very significant. Even if you do not set yourself the task of finding a suitable sexual partner, it is very important to use this trump card, because sexual attractiveness always helps to increase the effectiveness of a business contact due to the revival and activation of transfer reactions.



Our whole life in one way or another comes into contact with one or another influence that we unconsciously have on us or that we also unconsciously exert on others. And not the least of these natural influences is hypnotic imprinting. In fact, we are not aware that we are resorting to such an effective method, but we resort to it quite often, if not daily.
A stereotype has taken root in our minds about hypnosis as a total dream in which people resemble crazy people with their behavior. And the hypnotist seems to be a kind of monster, ruling over the crowd, whose slightest careless gesture is enough for hundreds and thousands of people to obey his orders without complaint.
In reality, everything happens differently.
The so-called demonstration hypnosis, which is practiced on stage, in a large hall, using all kinds of tricks - exactly what we see so often on TV - is essentially statistical and represents the most primitive form of influence. What is required from a person who engages in such practice is not art, but as many people as possible, because the more people present in the room, the greater the likelihood that among them there are highly hypnotizable people who easily and quickly fall into a trance, or somnambulists who fall into a trance at the mere glance of the hypnotist. In addition, among a human crowd, the phenomenon of induction automatically arises - the phenomenon of “psychic infection”, which contributes to the emergence of a collective trance. This is the law of the crowd, and therefore this method is defined as statistical.
Take a group of people, say about twenty, give your face a menacing look and declare that you will now begin to hypnotize them. At least five of them will enter a state of deep trance, the same number will relax and enjoy, the rest will not react at all. If you gather a group of one hundred people, multiply your results fivefold. Twenty people will find themselves in a state of pronounced altered consciousness, twenty to forty will experience certain extraordinary sensations, the rest will show relative neutrality. Moreover, you personally don’t have to strain yourself at all. It will be enough for you to wave your hands a little, but theatrically and say a phrase with sacred notes in your voice: “Now close your eyes, listen to my silence, focus on your feelings, I charge you with positive energy” or say: “I influence your subconscious and give it instructions.” After this, you can rest peacefully until the end of the session.
I say this as a hypnotist who has experience working with large audiences and groups.
What may be useful for you is a slightly different form of working with your partner’s subconscious.
In the concept that we will use, hypnosis can be represented as a fairly powerful means of achieving some special goal. Whatever you do, whether you sell a car or enter into a contract, you can cause more intense reactions in people. At the same time, your behavior remains natural, except that your communication style will become more sophisticated.


Can you imagine (or remember) dancing with a partner without paying any attention to him or the melody? If so, you will very clearly realize that this is not a dance, but a nightmare. Instead of experiencing a flow of pleasure, you plunge yourself into the abyss of torment. And the reason here is that you did not adjust to your partner, did not enter into a single resonant rhythm with him. Your communication with him turned out to be incongruent.
If you want to communicate effectively, learn to be congruent and learn to adapt.
To be congruent means to be equal to your partner, to be involved, in tune with him, to be a participant in the sacrament called communication.
If you are congruent, you are better understood and more likely to be agreed with, even if you say controversial things. Because congruence evokes sympathy and trust in the subconscious of the person with whom you are communicating, and we already know that it is this that controls all our mental processes.
In order to form a congruent position, you need to adjust accordingly.
Adjustment (attachment) - adapting one’s behavior to the way of behavior of another.
Evolutionary adjustment is a powerful survival mechanism in the process of natural selection. In the animal world, during the mating game, the male who better adapts to the female has a greater chance of success. During mass migrations of birds, you can discover how synchronized their flight is.
Watch couples in love. They literally mirror each other. If people are in close emotional contact, they tend to imitate each other's movements, gestures, postures, and behavioral reactions. All this contributes to the creation of a unique education that acts as a whole. It’s not without reason that they say about such cases that people understand each other perfectly, or even completely.
without words.
When you start adjusting, stick to a certain algorithm. At first, you may feel inconvenience, awkwardness, and some difficulties, but as you practice, your skills will become automated, and you will begin to use them easily, freely, and naturally.


1. Try to take the same positions as your partner.
2. Study the rhythm of his movements and gestures. Act in exactly the same rhythm, repeat the same movements and
3. Explore the speech characteristics of your interlocutor:
- Voice volume
- Tempo
- Intonation
Use the same in your speech:
- Volume
- Tempo
- Intonation

Note to 1.

Do not engage in obvious copying, otherwise it may backfire - your partner will think that you are imitating him, and you will lose contact with him.
- Follow the general trend: if, for example, he sits in a closed position, take the same closed position, but in a different form. Seeing that he is sitting with his arms crossed on his chest, you do not have to make exactly the same gesture, you just need to connect your fingers.
- It is best to mirror small movements: hands, facial expressions, etc. Small movements are less conscious and thus your partner will not notice your imitation.

Note to 2.

Stick to the spirit, not the letter. When synchronizing the rhythm, do not try to be a shadow. If your partner's nose itches, you shouldn't immediately pick at yours. Lightly and involuntarily touching your face with a finger, as if you were straightening your hair, will be quite enough.

Note to 3.

As for speech, follow the same principles here as in previous cases. Look for features and subtle nuances, but don't mimic the details.
We will define this tuning algorithm as a first-order tuning algorithm, since there are more subtle and therefore more effective methods of joining. But first, master this method. Think about it and become aware of it, if you like, in the form of a diagram:


1. Poses
2. Gestures
3. Speech
Before we master the following tuning techniques, we need to become familiar with one more important concept - such as representational systems.


The representative system (system of representations, modality, sensory channel) is a system through which the subject perceives and utilizes information coming from the external world.
Depending on the dominance of one or another method of receiving and processing information, rep-resentative systems can be presented in three main categories:
Visual (perception through visual images)
Audialpaya (perception through auditory impressions)
Kinesthetic (perception through sensations). Each individual, having all three modalities, prefers to use one with maximum load. This most preferred system is called the primary system.


To determine the underlying representational system, use verbal access keys, that is, the words your partner uses. When tracking his speech, try to catch which nouns, verbs, adjectives he uses most often, what characteristics of perception his designations convey.
For the visual system, the most adequate words and phrases are:
from my point of view
from an angle
in focus
I don't see the point of the issue
no prospects

If you have an auditory learner in front of you, then most likely in his speech you will find the following set:
I'm listening to you
I'm listening

A person with a primary kinesthetic modality will often use descriptions of sensory experiences when talking to you:
I feel
I grab it
I understand the essence of the problem
feel acutely

So, the main representative system is the system that a person uses most often. In addition to the main one, there is a leading representative system. It reflects the activity of the brain at the moment, in the “here and now” situation. To determine it, non-verbal (non-verbal) access keys are used, which are observation of eye movements.
The fact is that in a conversation a person constantly makes movements with his eyeballs. You yourself have noticed more than once that in communication the interlocutor’s gaze is constantly
moves and never stays still. Such movements are called a pattern (from English, pattern - grid). It turns out, however, that such movements reflect information interactions occurring in neural circuits.
Depending on the direction vector, these patterns can be arranged into a specific structure, shown in the following diagram.


Vertically upward (as if under the forehead)
To the upper left corner
To the upper right corner
Horizontal - right and left
To the lower left corner
To the lower right corner
Eyes look forward (defocused gaze).
These movements of position are very important, since it is in them that the leading system of ideas is manifested. In the following table you will find characteristic correspondences:

Eye movements
Leading representative system

Vertically up

To the upper left corner
Visual (remembering the image)

To the upper right corner
Visual (image construction)

Unfocused eyes
Visual (image)


To the lower left corner
Auditory (internal listening)

To the lower right corner
Kinesthetic (fixation of sensations)

To practice identifying nonverbal access keys, ask people you know well a few backward-looking questions.
For example:
- Do you remember the last time you were in the forest?
-Can you remember:
- your front door
- first teacher
- first kiss
- first salary or fee
At the same time, watch your partner’s eyes and notice his patterns to yourself.
If, before answering your question, he turned his gaze up or up and to the left, this means that he saw the inner picture.
If you notice that his eyes move horizontally or to the lower left corner, then he first heard internally what is being said.

If his gaze turned out to be slanted to the right and down, then he first of all tried to evoke a sensation in his memory.
Now that you have information about representational systems as meaningful information channels, you can learn another reason for the so common occurrence of ineffective communication.
Often people involved in the communication process violate congruence by literally speaking different languages. This is because they do not take individual belief systems into account.
For example, a leader belonging to a visual type suggests to a subordinate with a kinesthetic orientation: “Let's look at this problem. How do you see her? and thereby confuses the latter, since he prefers not to “see”, but to “feel”. If you are a boss and want to get the most out of your subordinate, use his main and leading representational systems. In this case, it is better to ask: “How will you approach this problem?” The next minute you will receive such a flow of productive information that you yourself will be quite surprised. A common mistake can be found among doctors asking the traditional “medical” question: “How do you feel?” If the patient is not a kinesthetic learner, but a visual or auditory learner, he will tell you only part of the data about himself, while your task is to collect as much information as possible about the client.
Now we come to the second order tuning algorithm, where you:
1. Determine the main representative system of the partner.
2. Determine the leading partner system.
3. Use linguistic means characteristic of its main representation.
4. Repeat the eye movements after him.
Example. X is your partner, Y is you (you are a visualist).
X. I feel that our conversation today may not be very productive. (Makes his eyes look down
to the right.)
Y. However, we can try to overcome some of the inhibitions and approach the problem more freely. (Eyes down to the left - as if mirroring the partner’s patterns.)
X. Do you think one of us is being squeezed?
Y. In any case, nothing prevents us from seizing the extra opportunity to try to search.
X. Well, let's try it. (Eyes down to the right.)
Y. Let's go. (Eyes down to the left.)
This example shows how, using adjustment, we can build congruence and correct a situation that started out as unfavorable.
The same example, but without joining, may fail.
X is your partner, Y is you (you are a visualist).
X. I feel that our conversation today may not be very productive. (Eyes down to the right.)
Y. I don't see any obstacles! (Eyes up to the right.) It seems to me that we could agree.
X. I suppose it would not be very convenient to discuss this today.
Y. But this is a very promising business. (Eyes up to the right.)
X. I don't know, I don't know. (Eyes down to the right.)
The difference between the first and second dialogue (they are taken from real life) has a direct impact on the difference in results.
If we pay attention to our partner’s breathing - its rhythm, depth, frequency and try to breathe in exactly the same way as he does, then the connection will be complete. And we can summarize all this in the adjustment algorithm.


1. Poses
2. Gestures
3. Speech
4. Basic representational system
5. Leading representative system
6. Verbal access keys
7. Nonverbal access keys
8. Breathing


Adjustment allows you to establish the most congruent relationship with your interlocutor and thereby increase the effectiveness of the contact. But not only that. Thanks to it, you take a stronger and more advantageous position, which will give you the opportunity to control the situation. In this case, you are able to achieve from another the desired results and expected reactions that you could not even think about before.
However, such an achievement works under one condition - full accession. Over time, along with trained skills, you will develop a psychological sense to capture the subtle nuances of personality changes, but first, act in accordance with a formula that will help you quickly navigate a particular situation.
Joining occurred if:
1. You change your position, and your partner, involuntarily adapting to you, takes the same position.
2. Your partner begins to imitate your gestures and speech.
If you are convinced that these two parameters have worked, then you can conclude that you are interesting, they feel inner sympathy for you and you have a chance of success.
You can strengthen your optimal position using a technique such as leading.

Leading is a description of the reaction that you want to evoke in your partner by switching the vector of attention to his inner reality. In other words, leading is a way of interacting in which your opponent, without realizing it, tends to take your side without any criticism or resistance.
When you check how effective your connection is and at the same time make sure that it is effective, then you are essentially “leading” your partner.
Try to maintain this awareness, recording his willingness to change his behavior depending on yours. And here, realize an important rule.
If your partner unconsciously imitates (“mirrors”) your postures, gestures, and speech patterns, then by this he unconsciously emphasizes his agreement with your behavior. And by agreeing with your behavior, he will always agree with your thoughts, words, suggestions and attitudes.
It is at this moment that try to fulfill your intentions, which may be associated with the person in whom you are interested.
If you have a business partner with whom you have previously experienced problems, then in this situation you can confidently expect that these problems will be resolved. Have you ever had trouble signing or finalizing a contract? In this situation, success awaits you - without doubt or hesitation, draw up and sign the papers that are important to you.
A difficult patient will be more willing to accept and internalize suggestions that previously had no effect.
An obstinate wife or husband will readily agree with those ideas of yours that a few minutes ago would have only caused irritation or outright resistance.
The subordinate will complete the assignment faster, and the boss will more easily meet your wishes.
Without resorting to dramatic effects, you hypnotized these people.

Secret springs of the human psyche - Tsvetkov

"The training book “The Secret Springs of the Human Psyche” will tell you about amazing phenomena. It turns out that each of us is subject not only to the influence of others, but also to psychoprogramming. Every day we are exposed to psychic attacks and the effects of psychic viruses. Our psyche is an incredibly fragile structure, and it must be protected. You will learn how to do this by familiarizing yourself with the unique psychotechnics of Ernest Tsvetkov, which will help you not only neutralize the negative impact, but also learn how to independently program the situations you need, using the reserves of your subconscious."


Direct expression of interest
- The predominance of “open” gestures (when arms and legs are not crossed and the partner often shows his open palms)
- Your partner listens to you carefully and involuntarily copies your gestures
- Your partner comes to the meeting on time or earlier than the agreed time
- Your partner is inclined to talk about himself, about certain moments of his personal life, and shares his impressions.


Partner is late for a meeting
- Expresses doubts about the productivity of contact with you
- Prefers “closed” gestures, often looks away
- He doesn’t talk much about himself, he’s not inclined to share personal memories and impressions with you.


MOVEMENT - If someone begins to tell a partner about love, hatred, anger, irritation towards other people, this can often be interpreted as an expression of their feelings towards this particular partner.

Crossed ankles - protection, tension, negative attitude, nervousness, fear.

Extended - excitement, pleasure, expression of interest, including sexual.
Narrowed - negative reaction, rejection.
Glides from the eyes down the body and back - an intimate look.
One leg is raised and resting on something, the body is slightly bent and leaned forward - a gesture of the owner, the winner.


Male sexual gestures
- The hand adjusts the tie, collar, or touches the throat or hair.
- Thumbs tucked into the belt.
- The toe is turned towards the woman who arouses sexual interest.
- An intimate look.
- Hands on hips.
- Legs are spread wide apart, regardless of whether the man is sitting or standing.
Women's sexual gestures
- Head toss.
- Smoothing or touching hair (hair is a fairly strong sexual symbol).
- Exposing the wrists.
- Spread your legs (standing or sitting).
- Slightly open mouth and moist lips.
- An intimate look.
- Crossed legs.

Osmic - olfactory

The process of imagination itself is never fruitless, because it leaves a trace in any case. Even if you, like Manilov, build non-existent bridges, you still fill the space with the real products of your fantasies.
Fantasy, like dreams, is the creativity of the unconscious. And the unconscious is the atomic energy of your psyche.


Imagine: “My eye is a camera.” Carefully record everything that appears in your field of vision. Catch new relationships, unexpected angles. Microscope objects, try to catch their “vibrations”, every little detail. Think of yourself as a director making a film about the life of space. After some time of such training, you will learn to spy on such aspects of the world that are carefully hidden from ordinary eyes. The magical reality will open to you, you will be able to capture mysterious facets and record the subtlest transformations. You will develop a vision.
In order not to get lost in such descriptions, we will form a generalized algorithm - a kind of lever, by manipulating which you will quickly learn the proposed method of working with Reality. The following diagram will serve as a working tool itself.

Principle of perception
Awareness Formula

“I am a director. My eye is a camera."

“I am a composer. I hear the music of the world."

“I am a sensory system. My body is the finest sensory receiver."

“I am a perfumer. There are no bad or good smells. I know the world by the most intimate thing - by smell.”

B-eating (sounds strange, but in a practical sense convenient)
“I am a taster. Everything in the world has taste, and not a single nuance of taste hides from me.”

The general form of mental activity is active perception.
The principle of perception is action with the prefix in (i.e. penetration into...).
The table shows that no matter what channel you work on, you are a researcher and a creator. We define this process as inclusion. After all, each of us, by practicing this, is involved in interaction with the subtlest matters of the world.
Switching on always happens through your main channel.

The next step is switching.
It means that after you have maximized your main perceptual system, you direct the flow of attention to the next channel that seems most characteristic of your perception after the main one.
For example, if you are a visual learner and feel that after seeing you prefer to use auditory impressions, start “voicing” your film. Then go to the kinesthetic channel.

Once you have worked each channel and learned to utilize all three with equal intensity, begin to practice “flares”.
Close your eyes for a few seconds, then open them sharply and look, for example, at a metal doorknob. In this case, the following should happen to you - you:
- See its bright, rich shine
- Hear its metallic echo
- Feel the metallic chill that reaches you
- Catch the characteristic metallic smell
- Feel the characteristic metallic taste
Moreover, all these sensations are experienced simultaneously - only then will it be a flash. Not sequentially, even if your sequence is lightning fast, but immediately and simultaneously!

Remember the forest. If you learn to flash, then you will simultaneously See, Hear, Feel and - Experience.
Remember the sea: noisy dark waves, salty spray and the smell of algae.

And now we will look back and see what path we have come:
Step 1 - identifying the sensory channel
2nd step - switch on
3rd step - switching
4th step - determination of sensory-dynamic type
5th step - flashes (sensory integration)
6th step-experience (sensory-emotional synthesis)

Choose a place for yourself, outdoors or indoors, and “feel” it. Moving slowly from point to point, observe what is happening with your thoughts in this or that area of ​​the area and how your consciousness reacts to such transformations. Every time there is the slightest change, recognize it as a spatial influence. Perhaps at some point you will suddenly feel an absolute vacuum, a complete emptiness in your head. Remember this place. It will be useful to you when you want to relax and free yourself from emotional charge, without resorting to any psychotherapeutic techniques.


Sit in front of a window with a wide open perspective, but do not look into it, but mentally outline a trajectory along which your gaze could slowly creep. Sit comfortably, half-close your eyelids and follow the intended line, slightly lingering your gaze on small objects. Smoothly and gradually make your way in the given direction. Get involved in this activity. Let it completely consume you. Forget about the window. You climb further and further into the thicket of details, into the jungle of details. You crawl onto the windowsill, where you examine every crack, every bump, and suddenly... A sharp flutter of eyelashes - A deep sigh - Eyes wide open - You are literally thrown into open space. Consciousness exploded. The fragments of cliches and imposed standards scattered in all directions. Pay attention to the purely physical feeling that “it has somehow become clearer, lighter.” Float in the weightlessness of your thoughts, revel in freedom. Surrender to this experience with your whole being. It is useless to describe it. It is impossible to describe.

Such training can be performed in any situation - in a museum, on the street, in a taxi, in the subway. Yes, and in the subway too. Pick a shiny spot on the handrail, gravitate toward it, and slowly slide along the shiny metal handrail. And then suddenly you fall - and out the window. Black. Cosmic. At the very next stop you will discover that the world has changed.
In any case, follow one principle and one sequence: slowly - in small things, suddenly - in big ones; smoothly - in closed, sharply - in open. It is the lightning speed of contrasts that creates an explosion.

To this day, manifestations of the human soul are shrouded in a mystical aura. In order not to enter into philosophical discussions taking place between materialists and idealists, we immediately note that from the standpoint of modern psychophysiology, mysticism is real.

In hypnology, there is such a thing as organic language, and it means that our brain perceives any information literally. Even metaphors or idiomatic expressions are understood as something concrete and unambiguous. For example, the expression “stretch out your legs” means someone’s death, but it also has a literal meaning that is perceived by the subconscious. A similar phenomenon has been discovered precisely in subjects in a hypnotic state, where reason and logic give way to such perception. If a person immersed in a trance is asked the question: “Could you answer how old you are?”, he will answer: “I could,” and nothing more. Being in a normal state, the same person, in response to a similar question, immediately names his age.

One should not think, however, that organic language is a specific feature that appears only during hypnosis - here it is simply more demonstrative. In fact, it is also active and exerts its powerful influence in any other state, including wakefulness. It is he who determines and implements the subtlest mechanisms of self-programming, including negative ones. D. Grinder and R. Bandler describe an example where a woman jokingly repeats a phrase familiar to her, without putting any serious meaning into it: “My children are a real punishment for me.” She does not understand how seriously she is programming herself - after all, her subconscious takes these words literally. And the punishment does come. It can appear in any form - whether in the form of a headache, an accident or something else.

Now let's take a small, very tiny step towards another example. Suppose you, as a game, entertainment or experiment, mentally draw a magic circle around yourself. You understand that this is just a game, a mental exercise, an activity of the imagination. But the subconscious doesn’t understand this! It still continues to take things literally. Now it remains to remember the well-known psychoanalytic aphorism: “Consciousness reflects, the Unconscious controls.”

And what is a play of imagination in your consciousness becomes reality in your subconscious.

You have created a real, non-metaphorical magic circle! With all the ensuing consequences.

So the secret begins to work.

First of all, it is useful to realize that various legends and traditions telling about sorcerers, spellcasters, and sorcerers are not complete fiction. Of course, there is an element of fantasy in them, but most often it concerns the time factor - mysterious transformations do not actually occur in a matter of moments. To carry out a particular transferation, a certain period is required, which can last days, weeks or months.

If you use the possibilities of the other world, they will certainly appear, although not immediately, in this world. This principle, by the way, is identical to the important position of hypnology, according to which there are no unsuccessful hypnotizations, but there is little time.

To implement a psychoenergetic operation, the presence of one significant factor is necessary - dynamization and concentration of will. For example, someone experiences aggressive feelings towards another person. Aggression itself represents a powerful flow of negative energy that can break through the field shell and have a pathogenic effect on the body. But under one condition: if this flow is directed, strictly defined and controlled by concentrated will. And if at the moment of an aggressive release this condition is met (it can be fulfilled on an unconscious level - a negative emotion simply coincides with the biorhythm when a person’s will is in a dynamized state), then an energetic attack occurs. The subject of the attack experiences an unreasonable deterioration in condition, weakness, certain painful manifestations or life troubles.

In addition to unconscious attacks and unintentional negative influences, there are a number of intentional energy attacks, when someone actively wishes you harm and seeks to inflict it on you either on their own, or by turning to psychics and sorcerers for help.

In order to protect and repel a blow, no less powerful techniques have been developed, tested by time itself, and therefore viable and relevant today.

These techniques should be performed methodically, for two weeks, every evening and every morning, half an hour before bedtime and half an hour after waking up. When using these tools, some skills and a certain training are required, which, however, are formed as they are performed. You should not forget that the techniques you perform are powerful operations, and therefore strive to dynamize your will, learn to feel it physically. This approach will increase the effectiveness of your actions and allow you to achieve the Imaginator State.

A few words about this unique condition. The Imaginator state is a state when a person’s personality subjugates all mental elements: emotions, impulsiveness, mind, synthesizes them into a friendly whole and controls this unity. A speaker enters the Imaginator State when speaking to an audience, an athlete before the start of a competition, a poet in a moment of inspiration.

The Imaginator state is a state of complete self-confidence, a feeling of strength, harmony and power over oneself. The exact opposite is the state of scatteredness, when the personality does not control, but is controlled by the elements; then she is overwhelmed by such negative emotions as anger, malice, envy, fear, aggressiveness - destructive energies that can strike from the inside.

Now let’s move on directly to specific techniques, making one note - perform them calmly, as if contemplatively. Coolness and contemplation are the most important properties of the Imaginator State.

6.1.1. Imaginative defense

"I am the Void." If you feel a negative impact on yourself, relax internally, imagine yourself as an ethereal substance, air, emptiness and... expose yourself to the blow. Think of yourself as emptiness and let the blow pass through you. It will pass through you and dissipate in space. Be cool and don't give in to doubts. Calmly pass the blow through yourself, don’t be afraid to do it.

6. 1.2. Existential defense

If you feel a blow, mentally tell yourself: “We’re even,” remain humble and do nothing. Soon you will feel that the troubles are disappearing (the trouble may be a blow back to you for your bad actions in the past - a kind of retribution).

6. 1.3. Behavioral defense

Choose a day that does not bind you with activities, so that you can “fall out of society.” Cut off all contacts, don’t communicate with anyone, don’t say a word, block all possible access to information (don’t read, don’t watch TV, don’t listen to the radio). On this day, refuse to eat, drink only water. Do as little physical movement as possible and try to breathe less often. At the same time, powerful return blows begin to come from you.

A return kick is a kick made by the operator that, when deflected, returns back to the operator.

6. 1.4. Ritual protection

The next move is one of the most powerful and strongest of the ones listed here. It should be resorted to in case of insufficient effectiveness of the three previous ones.

Sit on the edge of a chair, arms and legs not crossed, feet resting on the floor with their entire surface. Take a few intense breaths in and out, then exhale sharply and hold the pause for as long as you can until the breath “breaks through” on its own. During the pause, focus on the tailbone, feel its “melting” and pulsation. There is a complete vacuum in my thoughts.

At the moment when the inhalation breaks through, there are instant return blows to the operator.

As a rule, a practitioner of energy protection selects one or two techniques and successfully applies them.

Experience with various people has confirmed that the fourth exercise not only instantly reflects blows, but to some extent even strengthens them and reveals the operator, who makes himself known soon after using this technique. Such a person, for no apparent reason, seeks to make himself known: he either calls you, or, when he meets you, begins to ask you about your well-being or your affairs, which he was not inclined to do before. At the same time, his condition worsens significantly.

You should not, however, inform him that you are using energy protection. Be cool, natural, calm and peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

And never be afraid of such tests, for each of them trains your will, teaches it to concentrate and brings you closer to the State of the Imaginator.

We looked at ways to protect against energy strikes. Developed skills and certain energy development will now allow you to move on to more active methods and, in turn, influence the world around you and yourself.

To do this, one should study the methods of forming the Imaginator State, which is essentially mystical.

6.2. Imaginator Consciousness

6.2.1. Mystical consciousness

The formation of mystical thinking is not difficult, given that it is inherent in each of us from the beginning. Archetypal in nature, it actively operates in the depths of the Unconscious, at times spontaneously rising to the surface of the consciousness of modern man in the form of its individual manifestations, to a greater or lesser extent. Frequently encountered common phrases like “if only I had time... if only it would work out... if only everything would be fine... if only...”, etc., are nothing more than a modified, unconscious spell. In some neuroses or psychotic states, there is a regression to so-called magical thinking, which demonstrates itself in a more obvious form, being realized in a system of ritual acts. This becomes more obvious when the patient states that the performance of a particular symbolic ritual alleviates his suffering or even temporarily stops it. And this means that, in general, magic is a kind of psychopathology, a primitive form of psychological defense - in contrast to a more highly organized mystical consciousness.

In order to master mystical thinking, you must undergo certain training and get into closer contact with your subconscious. In this regard, there is complete identity with the basic principle of Freudian psychoanalysis, which sounds like this: “What was in the Unconscious must become part of the Consciousness.” Freud himself called this the basic rule of psychoanalysis.

However, the psychoanalytic method of penetration into the Unconscious requires a long time and the presence of an experienced analyst. Moreover, the same material can be approached from the other side - through the practice of the State of DEV (dynamically energized will), which consists in mastering the sum of certain algorithms.

6.2.2. Algorithm one. The power of mystical consciousness

Realize that every intentional action is inherently mysterious.

Choose a day that will allow you to isolate yourself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, conversations, affairs, phone calls. Remove yourself from all kinds of contacts and various sources of information. This is your “sacred” time, which no one can encroach on. And now you can plunge into introversion - the world of your own feelings, thoughts, experiences, and introspection. In this time and world of yours, be very attentive to every action you perform, perceive it as a sacred act and constantly be aware of yourself. Whether you open a door, or perform some other elementary act, feel to the smallest detail how you do it, and perceive any simple movement as a sacred action. And before you do anything, mentally say to yourself: “Now I will do it. This is my will,” after which be sure to do what you have in mind, even if you change your mind at the very last moment.

Your will must be realized. This is a very important rule. You should get used to the idea that manifestations of your will will necessarily lead to changes in the world around you.

The next feature of this mystical day will be your symbolic perception. Take any event, even the smallest and most insignificant, for example a gust of wind and the slamming of a window on a window frame, as a sign full of mysterious meaning. Under no circumstances try to interpret these signs, but simply record them and think that the world is sending you some kind of message, it doesn’t matter what it is, maybe in this way the world is opening up to you for communication. In such cases, you can say to yourself: “This is the awareness given to me.” You can use the same tactics not only when you see some phenomena from the outside, but also when you accidentally look at something. Hold your gaze a little on the object on which it stopped, and use the same formulas: “This is a sign” or “This is the awareness given to me.” Do not name the object that you are contemplating, and do not think about what it is intended for. Realize that it carries some hidden information and for some reason it was among thousands of other objects that caught your eye. However, do not linger on it for too long, because without your noticing, you may fall asleep and lose control of yourself. However, if you are confident that you will not miss the moment of such a transition, then you do not have to refuse it - just have time to reproduce the formula: “Now I will go into a trance (or fall asleep). This is my will,” and then “let go” of yourself. Upon awakening, if you have fallen asleep, lie down for a while with your eyes closed, then give the mental command: “Eyes open,” and immediately open your eyes. Spend the rest of the day in the same way.

The first time such a pastime may seem somewhat burdensome to you, and by the time the evening comes, you may feel as if you have been walking all day along a road that constantly leads uphill. Your mood may change, you may feel tired or irritable, or you may feel a dull devastation. Someone reacts with a manifestation of exaltation and a feeling of “the unreality of what is happening.” In any case, no matter how it manifests itself, your body has undergone a transformation. Realize and accept the changes that have taken place in you, do not be afraid of any negative manifestations and end the day with an “exit ritual”. To do this, position yourself in a way that is comfortable for you. Posture and body position do not matter. The main thing is that your attention is not distracted by additional work. Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths in and out. On your last exhale, hold your breath as long as you can. At the same time, completely disconnect from any thoughts, emotions, sensations, associations and remain in complete mental emptiness - until the breath breaks through on its own. At this moment, quickly say “Exit” to yourself and sharply open, “open” your eyes. You have left the magical day and moved into the “here and now” situation. After this, continue with your usual routine as if nothing had happened.

This exercise is performed once every ten days for a month. Such a cycle is quite enough so that at the end of it you understand that magical thinking is accessible to you. At the same time, your personality will undergo a very powerful transformation - due to the activation of the creativity of the Unconscious. If you do this kind of work and don’t stop halfway, you will definitely receive “additional profit” in the form of an increase in your mental abilities, which will manifest itself in the following changes:

Sharpening of intuition, insight;

Sharpening of observation and memory;

An increased sense of self-confidence and will, which you will feel almost materially;

The effect of expanding consciousness.

Mystical thinking itself will give you the opportunity to see more subtle connections and relationships in this world, to capture nuances that are inaccessible to ordinary perception. Naturally, your awareness of the world around you will increase significantly. The next stage to which it is advisable to move after the first experience with mystical consciousness is the formation of a mystical state.

6.2.3. Algorithm two

State of DEV. The state of superman is periodically observed in each of us. The goal of this system of exercises is to make it permanent, so that it becomes a characteristic feature and almost a habit, and does not arise in the form of random episodes.

A distinctive feature of this state is the concentration and harmony of all the spiritual, mental and physical forces of the body, when the “I” controls the elements and harmonizes them. An element is understood as any phenomenon that occurs independently of us and in one way or another affects us. Wind, sun, water, earth, emotions, thoughts (yes, yes, emotions and thoughts too) - the elements. The element itself is neutral, not excluding emotions, but its action is dual - it can both destroy and create. There are no good or bad forces - it all depends on how they are used. Thus, the sun brings life and death at the same time. A sip of water saves someone dying in the desert, and the same water drowns or falls in showers that wash away crops. Thoughts can resurrect, or they can kill. And our Ego is just a float in the ocean of these mysterious forces. Very often this float turns out to be overwhelmed by the elements - the person suffers from an abundance of stress, mental blocks, and unresolved problems. In the old days, this condition was explained by the influence of the devil, whose symbolism was depicted in the form of an inverted pentagram.

This figure schematically resembles the head of a goat, with which the image of the prince of darkness was associated. However, any metaphor and fairy-tale plot are always based on the strictest realism. It is very convenient to put a model of any state into graphic symbols. They convey the essence of the idea succinctly and concisely. Why Satan was drawn specifically in the form of an inverted star will become clear from a psychophysiological point of view a little later. To do this, we need to explore the symbolism of the straight pentagram, which carries a positive principle.

We can meet this figure in a wide variety of esoteric schools belonging to various ethnic groups - from Chinese natural philosophy to Kabbalistic revelations. And everywhere it basically means the same thing - unity and harmonious interaction of the main cosmic elements. In addition, the star represents a schematic outline of a person, whose image is known from the famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci. The top of the star corresponds to the head, the horizontal rays correspond to outstretched arms, and the diagonal rays correspond to the legs. The top symbolizes the “I” of the individual, the remaining numbered points mean the four elements, or four cosmic primary elements, the interaction and combination of which gives, according to the teachings of mysticism, the basis for the entire existing world - these are Earth, Water, Air, Fire. These elements have their own qualities that determine the properties of each of them.

The air is humid and warm.

The water is wet and cold.

The fire is dry and warm.

The earth is dry and cold.

In turn, these elements constitute the essence of the organism as a microcosm and determine its life activity. Based on this principle, we will immediately discover the most direct relationship of what the ancients defined with the slogan: “Man - the Universe,” emphasizing their unity and original harmony.

Consequently, each of these elements also has its own psychophysical representation. This or that mental function corresponds to a certain element.

Air - Dare.

Water - Know.

Fire - Desire.

Earth - Be silent.

These qualities are encrypted in the symbolic signs of animals, the mention of which we can find in the Apocalypse of the Apostle John: Eagle, Man, Taurus, Lion. Each of these creatures expresses the will of one or another element and the corresponding mental function - the Eagle is brave, the Man is knowledgeable, Taurus is silent, Leo is ardent.

1. He who dares drowns out the consciousness of danger and strives for activity.

2. Those who are completely satisfied with themselves and their knowledge show neither activity nor desire to acquire new knowledge.

3. He who is silent does not express himself, but absorbs everything and takes note.

4. He who desires is both active and receptive.

Now, based on what has been said, we will conditionally divide the primary elements into internal and external. From the point of view of mystical thinking, this may not look very reasonable, for “what is outside is also in me,” but the persisting inertia of rational consciousness fully allows for such a convention. For a person whose perception works outside the traditions of esoteric concepts, such a path seems practically more convenient.

External primary elements are forces of nature, the original energies of which manifest themselves in the environment.

Internal primary elements are the properties and qualities of the body, manifested in the form of functions or systems. In this case we can talk about internal air, internal water, internal fire, internal earth. By the way, such elements are found all the time - they are also used by fiction to designate certain psychophysical states. Inner air can be adequate to mentality and intellect. Inner water - intuitiveness. Inner fire - emotions. Inner earth - will and introversion.

The state of Integrity is achieved when the Self controls all these elements so that they begin to act harmoniously, strengthening the strength of the personality. If we turn again to the pentagram, we will see what mental processes can be expressed in a star.

The four corners are located below one upper point, where the Ego, which controls the elements, is concentrated. Therefore, the mystical state is also expressed by the formula 1+4. From here the psychophysical meaning of the inverted pentagram becomes clear, which personifies the power of the elements over a person, turning him into a puppet. This position can accordingly be described by the formula 4+1. Now let's see what can happen when one or another element becomes dominant in the personality structure.

The air, which subjugates the personality, tears it away from the ground. Such people completely retreat into the spheres of their intellectual constructions, losing orientation in reality. This tendency gradually weakens emotional contacts, and the person undergoes increasingly deeper schizoidization. Such people used to be called “strange”, “eccentrics”, “not of this world”. Usually they were shunned and distrusted, believing that “the matter here is not entirely clean.”

The predominance of Water can easily confuse intuition with fantasy and infantile sensitivity. In these features one can easily imagine the emergence of hysterical psychosis. Such people were already directly and openly accused of having intercourse with the devil, and not without reason - they shocked the imagination of not only the medieval man in the street, but also the learned men of that time, who resorted to inquisitorial methods as a primitive regulation of social order. Irrepressible fantasies interspersed with passionate hallucinations brought hysterics to the fire, in the “cleansing” flame of which they still managed to sing, laugh and shout out their last spells, which is not surprising - such states are often accompanied by a loss of pain sensitivity.

Dominant Fire burns the personality, suppressing it with passions and impulses. Filled with uncontrollable desires, such Mitya Karamazovs and Rozhins in Gothic times also came into the focus of the vigilant eye of the Grand Inquisitors. Extreme emotionality, hysterical efficiency heated to the limit, sooner or later force a person to commit actions that are dangerous to himself or to those around him. His behavior becomes destructive. Most often, these are either sexual psychopaths, sexual maniacs subject to a wide variety of perversions, or hysterics with unbridled tendencies towards demonstrativeness. Those who have the genius of the Marquis de Sade will be lucky, but, as history shows, the vast majority of such people were still unlucky, and they ended up either in a loop or on burning logs.

When the Earth is the ruler of the soul, the latter withdraws into its inner silence and becomes motionless. Autism is not a trait that is attractive to others. Secretive people who live separately are viewed with some suspicion. Their mystery invariably gives rise to guesswork, and that, in turn, gives rise to gossip. It is quite obvious that in ancient times such a person could easily provoke the question: “What is he doing there?” and provoke an unequivocal answer: “No other than entering into relations with the devil.” Human rumor is always cruel and categorical - that’s why it’s scary. And now, following someone’s denunciation, the suspect is dragged onto the rack, where the poor fellow confesses to all his conceivable and inconceivable sins.

Be that as it may, the examples indicated here, despite their apparent metaphorical nature, used to serve as a completely reliable diagnostic criterion on which primitive psychiatry was based, although it was not called such.

However, the church fathers, without knowing it themselves, were for the most part excellent psychiatrists. Without modern terminology, they had the intuition and experience that allowed them to conduct first-class psychotherapy at the highest level - an example of this is the practice of exorcism.

From the point of view of modern psychiatry, each person has a certain set of characterological traits that can be described and placed into a conventional classification framework. In the case when a certain trait begins to prevail and becomes an overly pronounced feature of behavior, we speak of personality acceptance. If this feature acquires extremely sharp, hypertrophied features, then we are talking about a phenomenon that is currently commonly called the term “psychopathy.”

Any subject experiences moments of suspiciousness, a tendency to solitude, an increase or decrease in activity, a decrease in mood or its fluctuations; sometimes these minutes can stretch into hours or even days, but nothing more. Her Majesty Norma turns on compensation mechanisms that quickly lead to the restoration of the balance of shifted mental homeo-stasis. If the compensating mechanisms are not strong enough or are deformed, then this emphasis becomes almost constant, and an army of martyrs marches through life - psychasthenics, schizoids, autists, cycloids, hysterics, epileptoids.

We observe the same methodological principle in the Mystical Tradition - if all elements are more or less consistent, then the personality is so - harmonious, stable, that is, normal. If one of the elements is predominant, then this leads to all sorts of problems, the cause of which was previously seen in the devilish influence (anomaly), but is now seen in the disruption of the activity of psychodynamic structures (anomaly). In both cases it is an anomaly. Points of view - spiritual-theological and psychiatric - fundamentally coincide.

There is another nuance regarding the interaction of the same elements with each other and with the Ego. So far we have been talking about the possible dominance of one of them. But what about when they are all equally strong, empowered and at the same time beyond the control of the “I”? In such cases we have already talked about obsession. Now, instead of obsession, another term is used, which accurately reflects the essence of the process occurring inside such a person. And although the term Schizophrenia (see p. 38) was introduced in the 20th century by the Swiss Blepler, it can be assumed that this word was inadvertently used by one of the ancient Greeks.

In any case, both in magic and in psychiatry the essence of the approach to such a state is the same - it is interpreted as splitting, mismatch, discoordination of mental processes. It is also interesting to note that just as true possessed people did not respond well to treatment, modern schizophrenics are basically chronic patients.

The parallel drawn between psychiatry and the Mystical Tradition reveals their undoubted similarity, and this gives us reason to believe that the methods once used by masters of mystical practice had a set of qualities that may well meet the requirements of mental hygiene, psychoprophylaxis and psychotherapy. In the same vein, we can talk about the following algorithm.

6.2.4. Algorithm three. Imaginator State

Choose one of the mystical days (but not the first) and complete the following exercises.

Pentagram. Remember the drawing by Leonardo da Vinci and take the same pose: spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, move your arms to the sides. The head is held straight. Eyes open. Try to blink as little as possible. The gaze is direct and motionless. If you do the exercise in the morning, then turn your face to the east, if in the afternoon, then to the south, in the evening - to the west, at night - to the north.

After you complete the basic stance, take three deep breaths and close your eyes. Feel your entire body. Then bring your awareness to the center of your forehead. Concentrate on this point and identify it with your “I”. Think about the fact that the “I” point is filled with will and strength. If you feel a slight pulsation or heaviness in this place, that’s good, although you should not specifically strive for any sensory effects.

After some time, after you feel or realize that your concentration is successful, transfer your consciousness to the palm of your right hand and concentrate, simply concentrate on concepts such as courage and intelligence. Think about these qualities of Air. Think about the power of your intellect and its ability to act no matter what.

Once you feel ready to move on to the next link, move your awareness to your right foot. Mentally cultivate in yourself the qualities of Water - knowledge and intuition. Think about these qualities, but remember to concentrate on your right foot.

Then concentrate on the left foot: Earth - silence - will.

The next step is the left palm: Fire - desire - emotions.

After this, take a deep breath and, as you exhale, move again to the “I” point. Now, from the height of this point, mentally imagine four at the same time; re points on which you concentrated one by one. Just think about the fact that they are below you, below. Don't give preference to any of them. All elements are balanced and subordinated to the single will of your “I”.

Once you are confident that you have succeeded, perform the pentagram ritual.

Remaining in the same position, bring your awareness back to your left foot. Mentally draw a line from this point to the top of the head, from there lower the line to the right foot, then diagonally bring it to the left palm. From the left palm, direct the beam to the right palm and finally return to the left foot.

You mentally drew a five-pointed star. Visualize each line and the entire pentagram as a whole in burning blue fire. If visualization fails, then simply think that you have drawn a bright blue pentagram accordingly.

At the end of the exercise, take a deep breath and as you exhale, open your eyes.

Thanks to the manipulations performed, you have actualized the New State in yourself. By speaking occultly, you have attracted astral forces to your work, which you can now control to a certain extent and to a certain extent. Speaking in the language of psychophysiology, you gave a positive program to your subconscious through an associated image. Let's remember the previous chapter - for your consciousness these are the same thing.

After you have completed this exercise on one of the mystical days, take a week's break and simply observe yourself during this period. What thoughts, associations, feelings, sensations, dreams will appear to you? Don't try to evaluate them one way or another - just observe and record. After this pause, you can begin the daily procedure, especially since it does not take much time. As you complete it, your fitness will increase each time, and in the end, you will be able to do this exercise in a matter of seconds, which is important for a modern person - after all, time is far from the last factor in his life.

The next step in achieving and strengthening the mystical state is the practice of crystallizing one’s “I”. This technique is described in P. Uspensky’s book “The Fourth Dimension”, where he refers to his spiritual mentor G. Gurdjieff, who claimed that this very ancient exercise was preserved unchanged and was performed in a monastery on Mount Athos. “The monk stands on his knees or in some other position and, raising his arms bent at the elbows, pronounces the word “I” loudly and drawn out and straightens up, at the same time he listens to where this word sounds. The purpose of the exercise is to feel the "I" at any moment when a person thinks about himself, and to transfer the "I" from one center to another.

To what has been said, I would like to add some more comments and detail the exercise.

The word itself has enormous energy, as evidenced by prayers, invocations (spells) and suggestions. The action of the word, initially magical, is capable of creating true miracles. However, at every step we are convinced of the opposite - you can often hear complaints that neither one nor the other, nor the third helped. “No matter how much I tell myself, nothing comes of it!” What's the matter here? The point is that when a word is pronounced mechanically, it is dead. Most people pronounce “I”, but at the same time have absolutely no idea of ​​its meaning, its inner essence. These people simply don't know what we're talking about. Therefore, in such lips, “I” is just a sound. Then you don’t have to wonder why the formula “I’m healthy” or “I’m happy” turns out to be ineffective - it’s just that the person who thoughtlessly pronounces it has no idea either what “I” is or what “healthy” is. nor about what “happy” is. The same can be said for any prayer or spell. The effectiveness of the latter is possible if they are “smart” - that is, those whose every word is pronounced with full awareness and attention. And of course, it all starts with “I”. “I” is the axis of personality, its fundamental principle. The alphabet also begins with “I”. This is the first letter in the alphabet - remember “Az”, “Buki”, “Vedi”. And let us remember the sacred “I am.” That is why the ancient exercise, which I call the crystallization of the Self, turns out to be so important. I offer it in my modification, although its essence and structure remain unchanged.

6.2.5. Algorithm four. Crystallization of Self

Please note that when you say the word “I” out loud, it resonates in one part of the body or another - in someone’s head, in someone’s chest or stomach. There are no metaphors here (in this case, the concept of metaphor is associated with the concept of suggestion). This phenomenon is completely physiological - the sound cannot help but resonate.

Pay close attention to which organ your “I” will sound in. Then spread your arms to the sides, lifting them slightly up, and loudly but sharply shout “I” again. At the same time, try to imagine at what point in space your “I” responded. This will be somewhat more difficult to do than in the first case, but with sufficient concentration it is quite possible.

The third stage of the exercise is the synthesis of extraprojection (outside the body) and introprojection (in the body) of your “I”. Also, with your arms spread out and tuned in to the sensory receptivity of your body, say “I” loudly, but in a drawn-out manner. At the same time, it will stretch out into a smooth “a - a - a...” At this time, imagine how the “I” point from space enters your body and merges with the inner “I” point. This is synthesis. Try to emotionally experience the new state as intensely as possible.

When you learn to “substantially”, “materially” feel your “I”, you will master it. After this, begin to master in the same way any other words that you are going to use to compose your individual prayers, invocations or self-hypnosis.

Spells in different schools of Tradition sound differently, although they produce the same effect. This suggests that there is no single universal spell text. It is not the wording that is important, but the state in which it is pronounced. It follows that your own prayer may be more valuable to you if it is compiled according to the above principle. If you have a religious orientation and you do not think of language outside of the Divine Word, subject the latter to the same psychosensory synthesis as in relation to the “I”. Where does it resonate within you, where does it resonate outside your body? What happens when this and that merge?

If you have worked through all the algorithms, then you can say about yourself that you have sufficiently mastered the basics of mystical science. Now you can:

Possess mystical thinking;

Activate the DEV state at any time;

Find the location of your “I” and freely manage it;

Compose individual invocations, prayers or self-hypnosis formulas, using their potential with maximum efficiency.

The acquired skills will ensure your success in applied magic, the necessary procedures of which we will consider below.

6.3. Mysterious psychotechnics

Well-known exercises used in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Gestalt therapy and other psychotechnics got their start in the Mystical Tradition. This further highlights their enduring therapeutic value.

6.3.1. Praxis. "Energy Circles"

(resource circle method in NLP terminology).

Mentally draw three circles on the floor. One - in which you stand - is neutral. The other one - to your left - is negative. The third one - to your right - is positive.

Concentrate on the problem you would like to get rid of. Once your concentration reaches the desired level, take a deep breath, close your eyes and as you exhale, step into a negative circle, where you will find yourself in a negative situation and experience extremely negative emotions associated with this situation. Experience both the situation and the emotions themselves. As soon as the experience reaches its maximum intensity, take a deep breath and exhale, open your eyes and leave the circle, making a shaking movement. In a neutral circle you will feel calm. Stay like this for a while, relax. Remember a situation in your life when you felt strength, confidence, inner composure, activity and at the same time calm (mystical state). Once you feel that such a situation is opening up to you, step into the positive circle, doing the same technical details as in the previous step. You find yourself in this positive situation. Experience it and the emotions associated with it. As soon as the experience reaches its maximum intensity, leave the circle, but do not shake off the emotions, as in the first case, but take them with you. To hold and secure them, anchor them. To do this, touch your left wrist with your right hand. This will trigger a reflex mechanism that will allow you to reproduce this emotional state as soon as you perform this gesture.

Rest for a while in a neutral circle. Then step back into the negative circle and find yourself in a negative situation again. But at the same time, use the emotional potential that you extracted from the positive circle. Revive the “anchor”, that is, touch your left wrist with your right hand again, and you will be able, while in a negative situation, to actualize the positive experience.

Move from the negative circle to the neutral one and finish the exercise.

This procedure is extremely effective in resolving situational, psychological and psychosomatic problems.

NB. Since this exercise comes from the Mystical Tradition, let us first consider the mystical point of view.

Any problem, be it a painful condition or failures that arise in life, is a consequence of unfavorable astral influences, the causes of which can be very diverse - this is either the “evil eye”, “vice”, i.e., an energetic impact coming from an ill-wisher, or karma , which takes into account the sins of the individual in past incarnations and punishes them for them in the present life.

Be that as it may, certain aberrations appear on the astral plane, which over time are realized on the physical plane. There is one occult position, according to which this or that event first occurs in the astral plane, and then is repeated in the physical world. This one of the brilliant revelations of occultism explains a lot. For example, a person gets sick with the flu on October 10th. Following the above situation, in fact, only symptoms appeared on October 10, and this person fell ill a few days earlier, for example, on October 5. The only difference is that it was not his physical body that was affected by the disease, but his astral body (the event first occurred on the astral plane), and after some time the “sick” astral caused corresponding changes on the physical level.

When we draw resource circles, we revive astral clichés - in one case with pathogenic information (negative circle), in the other with favorable information (positive circle). After which we erase the astral cliché with the recording of the negative program and thereby free ourselves from the problem on the physical level.

The psychophysiological explanation of the above is that the human body has such a fundamental property as resourcefulness, which is expressed in the ability to accumulate experience. On the other hand, any individual experience can be both positive and negative. This or that event in our life causes a certain reaction, conscious or unconscious. Neither the situation itself nor the reaction to it pass without leaving a trace, but are, as it were, recorded in the form of information codes and stored in the Unconscious. This process begins in childhood, and all subsequent events in one way or another reproduce these initial response patterns. The situation itself cannot be either stressful or favorable; it becomes so from our attitude towards it, which is not always dictated by rational considerations. When assessing a situation, we involuntarily try to remember something similar to it from our life and reproduce our actions in order to more confidently navigate the present. At this very moment, our brain involuntarily utilizes this or that experience. And if the actualized experience turns out to be positive, then the situation that we assess in the present as problematic can be successfully resolved. If the body is in a state where negative experience dominates, the situation, as a rule, becomes stressful and poses a real threat to health.

Exercise through symbolic projections allows you to interact with these experiences and enhance the influence of positive resources.

The “anchor” was already discussed during the description of the procedure itself. As already mentioned, its action is based on reflex-associative mechanisms. It is a fragment of an experience that can reproduce the entire experience as a whole.

Nowadays, it is customary to contrast two points of view - mystical and psychological, presenting them as something like a thesis and antithesis. But if there is a thesis and an antithesis, then synthesis is also possible. From the standpoint of synthesis, these two worldviews say the same thing, just using different descriptive means. Let's see if this is true. Let us once again return to the mystical position regarding the nature of events occurring in a person’s life.

This or that event first takes place on the astral level, and then is realized on the physical level. . Let's compare it with the psychoanalytic approach: what happens in a person's life has already happened in his Unconscious.

Let us grammatically balance these two statements and get the following:

What happens in a person's life has already happened in his Unconscious;

What happens in a person’s life has already happened on his astral level.

Contradictions resolve themselves. And indeed, the “astral” is unconscious, because it is the world of emotions, desires, imagination, the impulsive level. He is saturated with images and pictures that control our

behavior. From a mystical point of view, in a dream we find ourselves in the astral world. According to psychoanalysts, in a dream we find ourselves in the world of the Unconscious. Are we talking about the same world?

These comments, in principle, apply to the rest of the exercises that will be discussed below.

6.3.2. Praxis. Removing a negative phantom and creating a positive one

(traditional terminology). Submodal wave method (NLP terminology).

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine a screen and project a black and white image on it - either as a large photograph or as a painting. This is your self-portrait, a collective image of all your negative qualities, painful conditions, etc. It is a symbol of everything that you would like to get rid of.

Contemplate it for a while. Perhaps you can draw additional details that could complete this image.

Then, in the lower right corner of the image, project a very tiny color picture - also your portrait, but incorporating all the positive qualities you can think of, for example, health, strength, will. You can see that creating the second image is much more difficult, as if some internal resistance is preventing you from doing this. Ignore the difficulties and keep working. If you are not good at visualization, then just think that you are creating a picture and “know” that it is there. Perhaps you don’t see it clearly enough because you have a more developed type of imagination than your visual one.

Once you feel that the color image has been created, begin to mentally enlarge it. With every breath it grows in size, covering the black and white image. When the size of your positive portrait almost reaches the edges of the negative, take a strong deep breath and imagine how the grown picture covers the remaining gray edges and completely occupies the entire space of your mental screen. At this moment, open your eyes. Continue to feel this new portrait with your eyes open - at a distance of about a meter from you. Now imagine that he begins to smoothly move towards you. The distance is getting closer and closer... Now he is almost touching you. And then take a deep breath again and absorb this portrait, pull it inside you. Realize that it has entered into you and is now within your being. Exhale freely and open your eyes.

This exercise has another option, which, however, differs slightly from this one. The difference is that you do not pull the portrait into yourself, you enter into it. You take a step towards him and merge with him. In both options, the essence is the same - merging with a new created image.

NB. As already mentioned, the mystical point of view explains the existence of certain problems by the fact that they have already been created primarily on the astral level. In other words, your astral double carries negative information, which is implemented on the physical level in the form of pathogenic programs. The black and white image is a projection of this negative astral double. Color portrait - the birth, development and victory of a positive astral double carrying positive information. Some schools of Tradition use the concept of phantom, which is synonymous with an astral double.

Following the psychological explanation, each person unconsciously forms an image of himself. This internal picture of the personality controls the behavior and reactivity of the organism. If the unconscious image is positive, then so are the individual’s patterns of interaction with the outside world. A negative self-image, projected outward, contributes to the formation of adequate states, which are characterized by the presence of certain problems.

For example, a suspicious and timid person unconsciously “sees” himself as such. Inside his psyche he carries the formed image of a psychasthenic. Until this image is removed, the problems will remain at the same level. The exercise strategy is aimed at changing the intropsychic picture of your ego state by coming into contact with the subconscious through symbolic projections.

It should not be surprising when this exercise has a healing effect on psychosomatic symptoms, as is the case, for example, in cases of asthma. Any subject suffering from a particular disease also unconsciously creates an internal picture of the disease, the so-called autoplastic picture of the disease, which he strongly associates with his image. Erasing such an image means erasing information according to which the subconscious mind believes that it is either beneficial or necessary for a given individual to be sick.

6.3.3. Praxis. "Circle of Fire"

This praxis can be carried out individually or in groups, and the number of participants is not limited.

To begin with, I will present you with an individual option. Stand up straight, feel your straight spine, and with your mind's eye slide along it from the tailbone to the crown of the head and back several times. Then join your hands, placing your left over your right, forming a ring. Imagine how an energy vortex arises in your left hand and, in the form of a bright golden stream, sweeps around the ring, faster and faster. At this time, imagine your body as a hollow reservoir, where a powerful flame burns, in which all your ailments, troubles, and accumulated fatigue burn out. You will even be able to “hear” the hum of this cleansing fire burning away all your dirt. And this dirt, some time later, escapes through the crown in the form of a column of black smoke, which transforms into a black cloud. You mentally send it to the element of garbage, away from yourself, to some landfill. After this, the cycle repeats: a ring of fire, a cleansing flame inside the body, but this time a gray sheaf of smoke will burst upward, accumulating into a gray cloud, which you send after the black one.

The cycle repeats itself again. At the end of it, a stream of white, “clean” smoke emerges from the crown, and the white cloud floats into open space, where it dissipates.

After you have completed this exercise, rest, relax, feel refreshed and “purified”.

The group version is technically no different from the individual one, the only difference is that in this case the participants join hands and the resulting chain is closed into a ring. Then, after the agreed signal, one of the participants “launches” a golden impulse from his left hand, which, moving to his right half of the body and right hand, is transmitted to the left hand of the next partner. Thus, the energy flow runs through the entire ring made up of participants, rushing faster and faster with each new revolution. A healing fire burns in everyone's body. Then, on a signal, everyone simultaneously releases a black sheaf of smoke upward. After which the exercise, repeating cycles, is completed and when the white cloud finally disappears, the chain opens.

The meaning of the group option is that, in addition to energy cleansing, a feeling of belonging and unity with each other appears, consciousness expands, and understanding of other people on an intuitive level opens.

6.3.4. Praxis. "Microcosmic Orbit"

Praxis stabilizes and balances energy throughout the body.

Sit down, relax, do not cross your arms and legs, and keep your back straight. The tongue is in contact with the upper teeth. Concentrate on a point located in the middle of the perineum. Then take a slow, deep breath, during which you imagine a red cord coming out from this point, rising up the spine, crawling over your head and stopping at the bridge of your nose. At this point, it is necessary to hold your breath for a few seconds, after which you exhale, and the cord descends from the bridge of the nose along the midline and reaches the starting point, completing the circle. Then the cycle repeats. At the same time, when you inhale, the muscles of the anus contract, the anus seems to be pulled inward, and when you exhale, the muscles of the anus relax.

The initial duration of the exercise is five minutes. Then the time increases to fifteen minutes (after a week of daily implementation), then to half an hour (within a month). After such a training course, a few seconds will be enough for you to stabilize your energy - just a few breaths and exhalations will increase your resistance to the effects of mental viruses and other stress factors.

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The training book “The Secret Springs of the Human Psyche” will tell you about amazing phenomena that you didn’t even suspect. It turns out that each of us is subject not only to the influence of others, but also to psychoprogramming. Every day we are exposed to psychic attacks and the effects of psychic viruses. Our psyche is an incredibly fragile structure, and it must be protected. You will learn how to do this by familiarizing yourself with the unique psychotechnics of Ernest Tsvetkov, which will help you not only neutralize the negative impact, but also learn how to independently program the situations you need, using the reserves of your subconscious.


When starting to write this manual, I am fully aware of the possible scope of application of the knowledge and skills that you will learn from it. Therefore, I reduce theoretical information as much as possible, focusing primarily on practical techniques and a proven training system that can give an “immediate action” effect.

Our training course begins with mastering the technique of applied (non-therapeutic) psychoanalysis with the goal of quickly and efficiently analyzing a partner’s behavior during just one conversation, identifying his hidden motives and potential intentions.

Using the “secret” information that you have extracted using mastered analytical techniques, in the process of observing the verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (non-verbal - body language and gestures) signals of your opponent, you can successfully apply the “built-in” hypnotic forms of your influence on someone’s subconscious and thus, through subtle psychological manipulation, form in him the programs you desire. Elements of Ericksonian hypnosis, which is also called “hypnosis without hypnosis,” will give you new opportunities and significantly expand your sphere of influence among people.

Presenting this material, which may seem new and unfamiliar to you, to make it easier to perceive and assimilate, I present below the main points, or “pivot points” of the program of our correspondence seminar.



Interpersonal relationships.

Psychological defenses.

Partner's behavior during negotiations.

Revealing hidden motives.

Hidden motives and their unconscious demonstration during a conversation.

Behavior and its connection with the unconscious. Motivation management.

Practical skills:

Psychoanalytic basis:

Basic psychoanalysis

Applied (non-therapeutic) psychoanalysis

Communication analysis

Behavior Analysis

Transfer (Transfer) and working with it

Transfer enhancement methods

Kinesics (the science of reflecting human behavior in its external manifestations):

Dynamic analysis of gestures, postures, behavioral maneuvers

- “Body language”

Using kinesics knowledge to enhance impact.

Methods of hypnotization in the structure of communication

Hidden hypnotization during a conversation

Achieving specific results through hypnotic imprinting

Working with your partner's subconscious

Programming your partner for the desired reaction

Strengthening your partner's reactions

Increasing contact efficiency

Consolidating the program

As an autopsychotraining focused on improving the self-regulation of the psychophysical status of the body and the development of creative resources, you will be offered the developed and tested author’s method of “psychosensory synthesis.”

Quite often in life we ​​come across such a phenomenon as resistance - our own and others'. It is worth noting that it represents an unconscious force that prevents certain actions leading to changes in either the personality or the situation, which can be revived by certain unpleasant sensations.

Imagine the following example.

You receive a letter from his friend and, delighted by this fact, are going to answer. But at the same time, you put off this decision, justifying yourself with the multitude of accumulated tasks, or fatigue, or that “damned forgetfulness.” At the same time, by an effort of will you force yourself to write a couple of pages, but it turns out that you do not have an envelope. Having bought an envelope a week later, you forget to write the address on it, and after writing the address, you keep the letter in your pocket for several days, since you don’t find mailboxes anywhere. In the end, you send the same reply message and breathe a sigh of relief.

If you carefully, closely and frankly analyze your actions and feelings, you will understand that the person you call a friend is in fact deeply unpleasant to you. You don’t know it, but your Unconscious knows about it and seeks to resist so as not to cause a surge of negative emotions or anxiety in you.

We are reluctant to remember unpleasant events in our lives or completely forget about them - the process of repression is triggered, which is also caused by resistance.

Try a simple experiment. Think about a time or event that was psychologically painful—perhaps the death of a close friend or relative, or deep humiliation, or a situation where you were beaten or caught in the act.

Note, first of all, the lack of interest in clearly remembering the event, the resistance to talking about it. You may have doubts about the need to do such an exercise, or you may suddenly remember urgent matters.

Interpret all your “extraneous” thoughts and doubts as resistance. To overcome resistance, it is often enough to become aware of it.
It is worth noting that having realized this resistance, continue the work of memories. In addition to the almost material feeling of resistance, you will achieve the fact that you will be freed from a significant part of their internal conflicts and internal tension.

It is easy to see that resistance, like repression, implements a certain protective function. At the same time, such functions are not limited solely to these two mechanisms and include in their arsenal many more techniques to which our psyche resorts. These techniques are called Ego defenses. They all have one universal goal, already indicated above - preventing the revival of unpleasant feelings and reducing anxiety.

This includes a whole series.


Reactive formation (reaction formation)

The opposite feeling.



Identification with the aggressor.


Isolation of affect.







Primitive idealization.

Projective identification.



8.1.1. Negation

This is an attempt to ignore the real event that worries the person. An example would be a political leader who leaves his post, but continues to behave as before - as if he were an outstanding statesman. The ability to misremember events is also a form of denial.

8.1.2. Reactive education

This is the substitution of behavior or feeling that is directly opposite to the actual desire. A person may be excessively clean as a defense against the desire to be dirty all the time. The main feature of reactive education is exaggeration and extravagance. Reaction Formations Can be seen in any exaggerated behavior.

8.1.3. Reverse feeling

This is a change in the direction of 1 impulse - for example, reproaches to someone else instead of expressing disappointment with someone else.

8.1.4. Suppression

The essence of this defense is to remove something from consciousness and keep it at a distance from consciousness. The result of suppression can be hysterical symptoms, asthma, arthritis, ulcers, lethargy, frigidity, fears, impotence.

8.1.5. Rationalization

It is finding acceptable reasons or grounds for unacceptable thoughts or actions. Rationalization hides our motives and makes our actions morally acceptable.

“I do this solely for your good.” -I want to do this to you. I don't want this to be done to me. I even want you to suffer a little.

"I think I love you." - I am attracted to your body: I ​​want you to relax and feel attracted to me.

8.1.6. Identification with the aggressor

Will remain in imitation of what can exert negative pressure. If someone masks their fear of some kind of authority, they can portray their manner in an exaggerated or caricatured form.

8.1.7. Asceticism

Most often used to control the intensity of sexual desires. As a rule, it is demonstrated with an air of complete superiority.

8.1.8. Isolation of affect

This is the separation of the anxiety-provoking part of the situation from the rest of the mental sphere. Its normal prototype will be logical thinking.

8.1.9. Regression

A return to an earlier level of development or to a way of expression that is simpler and more natural for children. Let us note that every adult, even a well-adapted one, from time to time resorts to this defense in order to “blow off steam.” People smoke, get drunk, overeat, lose their temper, bite their nails, pick their noses, read stories about the mysterious, go to the movies, spoil things, masturbate, chew gum, drive fast and dangerously, sleep during the day, fight, dream, rebel. against authority and obeying them, preening in front of the mirror, gambling, looking for a scapegoat.

8.1.10. Split

Represents the separation of positive images of a person from negative ones. At some point, a partner may receive a fairly high rating, and immediately after that there may be a significant decrease in rating, and vice versa. Such a subject can declare that all his friends and allies have betrayed him and turned into enemies, and the next moment make the opposite statement.

8.1.11. Devaluation

Belittling a partner, reducing his importance to a minimum, even to the point of contempt.

8.1.12. Primitive idealization

A reverse reaction that manifests itself in exaggerating the power and prestige of another person.

8.1.13. Omnipotence

Exaggeration of one's own power and strength.

8.1.14. Projective identification

It represents a projection onto another person followed by an attempt to take control over him. For example, someone may project this hostility towards another person and then fearfully expect to be attacked by that person.

8.1.15. Projection

It is the attribution to another person, animal, or object of qualities, feelings, or intentions that come from the ascriber himself.

“All men and women want the same thing” (I think about sex a lot)

“You can never trust anyone” (I don’t shy away from deceiving someone sometimes)

8.1.16. Iptrojection

This is the desire to appropriate the beliefs and attitudes of other people without criticism and make them their own. Such a subject very often speaks not on his own behalf, but on behalf of the collective, microsociety, etc. Instead of the pronoun “I,” he, as a rule, uses the pronoun “We.”

8.1.17. Moving

This is a change in the object of feelings, their transfer from the object that served as the source of negative emotions to a completely different object - a safer one.

For example, a subordinate who is angry with his boss, upon coming home, begins to pour out his anger on family members.

If someone begins to tell their partner about love, hatred, anger, irritation towards other people, this can very often be interpreted as an expression of their feelings towards this particular partner.

8.1.18. Sublimation

Represents the so-called mature or successful defense. It is worth noting that it is a process by which energy, initially directed towards aggressive goals, is redirected to other goals - intellectual, artistic, cultural, manifesting itself in the form of creative self-expression.

Carefully study the protection data, starting with yourself. It is appropriate to note that determine which of them are characteristic of you and which are characteristic of those around you.
It is worth noting that having realized these and unproductive defenses, you can get rid of them and direct the energy released as a result of this to more constructive goals, increasing your sublimation.

Strive to apply the information you just received in your communication - it will give you an additional key to access your partner’s subconscious and make your perception of people deeper and more subtle.

The psychoanalytic method will allow you to “shine through” the darkest mental layers of those people with whom you are involved in interaction, and - thanks to its “psychic x-ray” - you will be able to more effectively control the situation in your favor, having an undoubted advantage.

8.1. What are we really saying? Body and gesture language

There is a famous aphorism belonging to Voltaire: “Language is of great importance also because with its help we can hide our thoughts.” A similar idea was expressed by the “king of diplomats” W. Gladstone: “Words were invented so that people could lie to each other.”

Almost each of us speaks two languages ​​from childhood, one of which is conscious and constructed as speech, while the other conveys information from the Unconscious, our hidden motives and motives. In this section we will try to master the knowledge of this second language - body language - in a concentrated form and learn how to effectively use new knowledge.

Smart people have always attached great importance to a gesture, believing that it can have a very noticeable effect in an imperceptible way. Let us note that every movement can be deciphered and the secret message of our interlocutor can be easily read, which he may very carefully hide from us.

Even if we carefully think through the most sophisticated lies, our involuntary gestures will give us away. At the same time, knowing the meaning of each gesture and consciously using it, we can signal our partner’s subconscious about our intentions and thereby exert a hidden influence on him, which will allow us to have an extra trump card for mastering the situation.

Just as learning any language is impossible without a dictionary, I believe that the most meaningful form of understanding sign language would be to compile something like a short reference book, where you can find certain words without any difficulty.

The dictionary is based on the principle of psychophysical parallelism, or analogue principle, which is that the mental is demonstrated in the physical and vice versa - physical changes entail mental movements.

The analog principle is universal and will be an effective model that allows you to accurately determine and qualify the subtlest nuances in the behavior of any person.

In order for the perception of kinesics, the science that studies the reflection of human behavior in its external manifestations, to be as convenient as possible, let us take the following position as an axiom: “A person’s character is his gestures.”

8.1.1. Open positions

Open positions are evidence of psychological openness, desire for communication and productive contacts. They will remain in uncrossed and open positions of arms and legs.

Hands. Open palms - honesty, frankness.

The palm turned upward is a pleading gesture. With this position it is easier to get the request fulfilled, since it does not demonstrate pressure from the person asking.

Palm turned down (looking at the floor) - authority. There is psychological pressure on the part of those who use such a position.

Handshakes. The palm turned upward (palm from below - under the palm of the partner) is a readiness to submit, an unconscious signal to the one whose dominance is recognized.

Palm turned down (palm on top - on the palm of the partner) - the desire for dominance, an attempt to take control of the situation.

Palm edge down (vertical position) - position of equality.

A way to neutralize a dominant position: if your palm is down, take a step forward and move closer to your partner. As you get closer, your palm position will naturally change and automatically move to a vertical position.

A “glove” handshake (two palms clasp one palm of the interlocutor) - the desire to show sincerity, friendliness, trust.

Legs. The toe of the foot is an indicator of interest - its direction indicates someone in whom a person is interested or finds attractive.

Widely spaced legs.

In a standing position: aggression, including sexual. Confidence. Readiness for action. Activity.

In a sitting position: confidence. Inner relaxation. Demonstration of sexuality.

8.1.2.Closing a position

Closing a position indicates psychological closedness, a tendency to isolate oneself from the situation. It will remain in the form of crossed arms and legs.

Hands. Hands crossed on the chest are an attempt to hide, to isolate yourself from the situation. Negative reaction.

Arms crossed on the chest with palms clenched into fists - an enhanced gesture of crossed arms. Hostile attitude. Possibility of psychic attack.

Crossed arms with fingers tightly clasping the forearms (clasping hands) is a negative and depressed attitude towards the situation.

Crossed arms with thumbs pointing vertically upward - feeling of protection (crossed arms), confidence (thumbs showing)

It is important to note that one hand intercepts the other hand - running vertically along the body - at the forearm, elbow or shoulder: a lighter form of crossed arms.

The hands are lowered, but one seems to be shaking the other - an attempt to maintain emotional calm. It is important to note that with one hand a person makes a gesture as if adjusting a button on the sleeve of the other hand, a watch bracelet, a cuff - hidden nervousness.

A person holds a bouquet of flowers, a handbag (for women), a cup of tea, etc. with both hands - an attempt to hide internal tension and nervousness.

Intertwined fingers, clasped hands - a negative attitude.

Pyramid (palms facing each other, fingertips closed) - confidence, a confident attitude towards something.

Hands behind the back: one clasps the other in the palm area - self-confidence, authority, a sense of superiority.

It is important to note that one hand clasps the other's wrist - an attempt at self-control.

It is important to note that one hand intercepts the upper area of ​​the forearm of the other hand - an attempt at self-control, but more pronounced than in the previous case.

The role of the thumb is to demonstrate aggressiveness, strength, pressure, and a sense of superiority.

Hands in pockets, thumbs outside - confidence, conceit, attacking gesture. Women have an aggressive, dominant character.

It is important to know that thumbs sticking out of the back pockets are a dominant character.

Legs. Crossing the legs (gesture one leg at a time) - protection, a tendency to withdraw.

In general, a gesture is interpreted depending on the context of the situation. For example, during a long lecture, a listener in the hall can use a similar position for convenience.

Crossed legs and crossed arms - disapproval, rejection, increased protection.

American position “four” (the ankle of one leg rests on the knee of the other leg) - activity, confidence, self-confidence.

Crossed legs and intertwined fingers on the knees - self-concentration, isolation (remember the famous portrait of F. Dostoevsky)

Crossed ankles - protection, tension, negative attitude, nervousness, fear.

8.1.3. Dynamic positions

I call dynamic those positions that cannot be qualified as closed or open, since they reflect the mental state of a different spectrum of relationships, although outwardly they may represent an imitation of closed or open gestures.

Head. The head is held straight or slightly raised - a neutral position.

The head is slightly raised, the eyelids are slightly closed or the corners of the eyes are squinted, the gaze is directed downward - arrogance, disdain, superiority.

The head is slightly tilted to the side - a sign of interest.

The head is slightly lowered, the gaze is from under the brows - a disapproving attitude towards the situation, wariness.

Hands behind the head in combination with the position of the legs in the form of a “four” - the desire to demonstrate control of the situation, self-confidence, and a sense of superiority.

Pupils. Extended - excitement, pleasure, expression of interest, incl. sexual.

Narrowed - negative reaction, rejection.

Sight. Directed to the center of the forehead and does not fall below the eyes of the interlocutor - a business look.

Distributed between the eyes and mouth - a secular look.

Glides from the eyes down the body and back - an intimate look.

Sideways glance:

Combined with a smile - interest,

In combination with lowered eyebrows - hostility.

Frequent blinking is a sign of protection and confusion.

Hands and face. Scratching the chin - reflection and evaluation.

Grasping the nose in a pinch just below the bridge of the nose in combination with closed eyes is concentration.

Hand at the cheek - the cheek rests on the fingers folded into a fist, and the index finger is straightened towards the temple - thinking, thoughtfulness.

The index finger touches the nose, the rest covers the mouth - suspicion, secrecy, mistrust.

Touching or rubbing the nose is deceit on the part of the one who does it.

The index finger touches the cheek, and the rest are located under the chin - a critical assessment.

A hand strokes the neck - dissatisfaction, denial, anger. Protective gesture.

Rubbing the ear - impatience, desire to interrupt. Nervousness.

The face is slightly tilted to the side and rests on the palm or fist - “telephone pose” - internal monologue. Boredom.

Note that the body. Sitting on a chair is a demonstration of superiority or aggression.

It is important to note that one leg is raised and rests on something, the body is slightly bent and leaned forward - a gesture of the owner, the winner.

Hands rest on the lower back, legs spread wide - a demonstration of aggression and sexual aggression.

8.1.4. Pair interactions

Closed education. Note that the bodies of the two interlocutors are located opposite each other, their gazes are directed at each other - a manifestation of mutual interest, a desire to be just the two of them.

Open education. Two interlocutors stand at a certain angle in relation to each other, as if forming a certain space into which a third can freely enter - a position that allows the participation of one or more interlocutors.

Inclusion in the conversation and exclusion of the partner from the conversation. Inclusion: in the case of a third partner joining a closed position, the interlocutors in it turn their bodies at an angle in relation to each other and to him, non-verbally inviting the latter to join the conversation.

Exception: in the event of an attempt to join a third partner to a closed position, the interlocutors in it turn only their heads in relation to him. But the direction of the bodies remains the same, which indicates that the third partner is undesirable in this conversation.

8.1.5. Sexual gestures

Sexual gestures are a manifestation of sexual interest in relation to someone and an unconscious (and sometimes quite conscious) attempt to demonstrate that interest in him or her.

Male sexual gestures.

The hand adjusts the tie, collar, touches the throat or touches the hair.

It is important to know that your thumbs are tucked into the belt.

The toe of the foot is turned towards the woman who arouses sexual interest.

An intimate look.

Hands on hips.

The legs are spread wide apart, regardless of whether the man is sitting or standing.

Women's sexual gestures.

Head toss.

Smoothing or touching hair (hair will be quite a strong sexual symbol)

Exposing the wrists.

Spread legs (standing or sitting)

Slightly open mouth and wet lips.

An intimate look.

Crossed legs.

Once again I would like to remind you that gestures, being a projection of unconscious movements, are capable of having the same unconscious impact. Therefore, if you want to express this or that desire, you can use a gesture for this purpose, but quite consciously. Do not forget that your partner will perceive it properly and react accordingly.

For example, sexual gestures not only reflect sexual interest, but also serve as a good way to attract attention and arouse reciprocal interest. If you begin to subtly and gracefully use these gestures, then they will say about you that you have “sexual magnetism,” without suspecting the true reasons for your “thoughtful” attractiveness. The material was published on http://site
And this is very significant. Even if you do not set yourself the task of finding a suitable sexual partner, it is very important to use this trump card, since sexual attractiveness always helps to increase the effectiveness of a business contact due to the revival and activation of transfer reactions.