Women stars choose smart men. Emma Watson's new boyfriend: what do we know about William Knight Emma Watson broke up with the “computer genius” after two years of romance

Romances with popular actors, charismatic rock musicians and television celebrities are a thing of the past. Modern beauties prefer inventors, engineers, programmers and owners of successful startups - the world now belongs to them.

Emma Watson - star Harry Potter“She was always partial to athletes—there were two rugby players on her list of boyfriends. But two years ago she left the last one, Matthew Jenny, for a mysterious stranger named William Mack Knight. To declassify her new lover, journalists had to conduct an entire investigation. It turned out, famous actress fell in love with a real nerd. American Mack Knight, a graduate of the prestigious Princeton University, works as a senior manager in a large company specializing in computer technology. True, if you believe reporters, his annual income is very modest. His 150 thousand dollars cannot be compared with Watson's millions in fees. But the star is happy with this for now, and judging by how events are developing, everything is serious for the young people: in February, Knight introduced Emma to his parents.

The British model and actress, in parallel with working in the fashion industry, graduated from Cambridge and began studying charitable projects. But for the time being, she preferred men from her environment - actors, showmen and musicians. According to rumors, one of Lily’s boyfriends was even a heartthrob Jude Law. However, when in 2012, Cole needed a website for one of her projects, her friends introduced her to the Portuguese Kveim Ferreira - general director a large Internet agency that advises industry giants such as Samsung and Intel. The business relationship soon turned into a love relationship, and in 2015 the couple announced the birth of their daughter Wilde. Meeting Ferreira changed Lily's whole life. IN recent years we haven’t heard about her new roles and photo shoots - it seems Cole has decided to devote herself entirely to her family and successful business, which she and Kveim are now hosting together.

Hollywood gossips believed that after scandalous divorce With Johnny Depp the actress will “go to the bottom” and will be embarrassed to go out with new boyfriends. But soon Hurd was noticed in the company of Elon Musk, an engineer, inventor and owner of a huge fortune of almost 11 billion dollars. It turned out that they met back in 2013 on the set of the film “Machete Kills.” Amber was in a relationship with Depp and could not reciprocate Musk’s feelings, although they say that even then he showed her unambiguous signs of attention. But as soon as the divorce proceedings were completed, the actress remembered her rich boyfriend. The romance lasted almost a year, after which they announced their separation, which, however, few believed: a week later, reporters caught them together again. This behavior is typical for a billionaire: he married his previous girlfriend, actress Talulah Riley, twice.

Before Spiegel appeared, the supermodel considered the actor the main love of her life, whom she married in 2010 and gave birth to a son, Flynn. However, three years later the marriage broke up. Having decided that actors are unreliable people, Miranda began searching in a completely different area. Evan Spiegel is a typical representative of California's golden youth, coming from a family of lawyers and a Stanford graduate. While still studying at the university, he became one of the creators of the popular mobile application Snapchat, which brought him world fame and millions in income. The age difference (Miranda is seven years older) was not an obstacle, and in May of this year Kerr and Spiegel had a luxurious wedding. However, even great love did not prevent the businessman from insuring himself. On the eve of the ceremony, a strict marriage contract, according to which in the event of a divorce the wife will not be able to count on monetary compensation.

Models are usually considered frivolous, but American Karlie Kloss destroys this stereotype. For five years she has been dating businessman Joshua Kushner, the son of billionaire Charles Kushner. Unlike other offspring of wealthy parents, Joshua began earning money on his own quite early. After graduating from Harvard, he opened a company, and in 2012, he doubled his fortune in three days by investing in a social network Instagram. In 2016, political weight was added to the financial reputation of the Kushner family: Joshua’s older brother, Jared Kushner, is married to Ivanka Trump, daughters current president USA, so the family now has access to White House. Carly and Joshua got married more than once, but each time the news turned out to be a hoax.

A native of Nizhny Novgorod, she managed to make a dizzying career in modeling business. She is part of the so-called “group of three V” - Russian beauties who appeared on the catwalk in the early 2000s: Vyalitsyn, Vodianova and Volodin. At first the press persistently brought Anna together Leonardo DiCaprio. Later, his place was taken by Adam Levine, the lead singer of Maroon 5 and the adoration of millions of women. Alas, beautiful couple broke up: the musician exchanged Anna for her colleague Behati Prinsloo. Russian model She did not grieve for long, and began to go out with a new admirer, vice president of the Internet company Yahoo Adam Kahan. In 2015, they had a daughter, who was named with the exotic name Alaska. Before meeting Vyalitsyna, Kahan had already been married twice, so he is in no hurry to tie himself with new ties, while he limited himself to an engagement.

Emma Watson appears to have finally recovered from her split from rugby player Matthew Janney in November 2014. Since then, the Harry Potter star has appeared alone everywhere. But now Watson's heart is taken again. Photographers managed to catch Emma and her...

Emma Watson appears to have finally recovered from her split from rugby player Matthew Janney in November 2014. Since then, the Harry Potter star has appeared alone everywhere. But now Watson's heart is taken again. Photographers managed to catch Emma and her new boyfriend William Knight near a restaurant in California. The star looks quite happy next to Mac - that’s what his friends call him.

Since Knight, who older actress for 10 years, is not a media person, there is very little information about him. But we tried to put together some facts about Miss Watson's new boyfriend and are happy to share them with you.

Name - William "Mack" Knight

Early years

William and his twin brother Robert Tyson Knight were born in 1980. Their childhood was spent on Long Island. Both brothers graduated from Princeton University. It is known about Mack that in 2003 he received a bachelor's degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

William and Tyson Knight/ Photo from Tyson's Instagram

After some time, William entered Columbia Business School, from which he graduated in 2011. There Mack received his Master of Business Administration degree.

As we know, Emma is a Brown graduate, and perhaps Knight attracted the girl precisely because of his extraordinary intellectual abilities. Although one should not write off the young man’s excellent appearance.

Attractive appearance

Poppy is indeed well-built and has a very pleasant appearance. In his arsenal - dark hair, expressive eyes, tall and a Hollywood smile.

In addition, journalists note some similarities between the guy and actors Freddie Prinze Jr. and Seth Meyers, as well as politician Anthony Weiner.

William is very fond of fitness and devotes most of his free time to it.

Tech Guru

According to his LinkedIn profile, Knight is a senior manager at Medallia, which specializes in selling computer equipment and software. And although the guy has been working in this company for almost five years, he simply calls himself an “entrepreneur.” The Sun reports that William's annual income is estimated at $150,000.

Photo from Linkedin

How long have he and Emma been dating?

Even the wizard reporters at the Daily Prophet would have trouble answering that question. It is known that Watson and Knight were first seen together in October 2015. Thus, we assume that the couple has been dating for about four to five months.

By the way, on last week the two were vacationing together in a California hotel that costs ten thousand dollars a week.

Even though permanent place William's residence is in the USA; from time to time he flies to England to visit his beloved.

Adventurer and naturalist

This is how Knight describes himself on the pages of social networks. He loves tourism. Insiders report that Mac and Emma recently decided to hide from prying eyes and spend an unforgettable vacation in a place called Big Sur.

Photo from Instagram

Great sense of humor

William Knight with friends / Photo from Instagram

He loves good music

What could be better than inviting your girlfriend to a musical? That's exactly what William did last October, inviting Ms. Watson to the Richard Rodger Theater in New York for one of the most popular hip-hop shows in the city.

We hope that this time Emma will be able to devote more time to her personal life and that her new boyfriend will make the actress truly happy. We believe in you, Mac!

She seems to have finally recovered from her breakup with rugby player Matthew Jenny, which happened in November 2014. Since then, the star has appeared alone everywhere. But now Watson’s heart is occupied again. Photographers managed to catch Emma and her new boyfriend William Knight near one of the restaurants in California. The star looks quite happy next to Mac - that’s the name of Emma’s new friend.

Since Knight, who is 10 years older than the actress, is not a media person, there is very little information about him. But we tried to put together some facts about Miss Watson's new boyfriend and are happy to share them with you.

Name - William "Mack" Knight

Early years

William and his twin brother Robert Tyson Knight were born in 1980. Their childhood was spent on Long Island. Both brothers graduated from Princeton University. It is known about Mack that in 2003 he received a bachelor's degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

William and Tyson Knight/ Photo from Tyson's Instagram

After some time, William entered Columbia Business School, from which he graduated in 2011. There Mack received his Master of Business Administration degree.

As we know, Emma is a Brown graduate, and perhaps Knight attracted the girl precisely because of her extraordinary intellectual abilities. Although one should not write off the young man’s excellent appearance.

Attractive appearance

Poppy is indeed well-built and has a very pleasant appearance. His arsenal includes dark hair, expressive eyes, tall stature and a Hollywood smile.

In addition, journalists note some similarities between the guy and actors Freddie Prinze Jr. and Seth Meyers, as well as politician Anthony Weiner.

William is very fond of fitness and devotes most of his free time to it.

Technology Guru

According to his LinkedIn profile, Knight is a senior manager at Medallia, a company that specializes in selling computer hardware and software. He has been working for the company for almost five years, and he simply calls himself an “entrepreneur.” The Sun reports that William's annual income is estimated at $150,000.

Photo from Linkedin

How long have he and Emma been dating?

Even the wizard reporters at the Daily Prophet would have trouble answering that question. It is known that Watson and Knight were first seen together in October 2015. Thus, we assume that the couple has been dating for about four to five months.

By the way, last week these two vacationed together in one of the California hotels, a stay in which costs ten thousand dollars a week.

Despite the fact that William's permanent place of residence is the USA, he flies to England from time to time to visit his beloved.

Adventurer and naturalist

This is how Knight describes himself on his social media pages. He loves tourism. Insiders report that Mac and Emma recently decided to hide from prying eyes and spend an unforgettable vacation in Big Sur, California.

Photo from Instagram

Great sense of humor

There is a common opinion that smart guys, and even those related to technology, are boring. However, William's acquaintances claim the opposite. The guy has a very subtle sense of humor, which again speaks in favor of his extraordinary mind.

William Knight with friends / Photo from Instagram

He loves good music

What could be better than inviting your girlfriend to a musical? That's exactly what William did last October, inviting Ms. Watson to the Richard Rodger Theater in New York for one of the most popular hip-hop shows in the city.

Miracle of error

A hundred years ago, the world-famous 3M company was called the Minnesota Mining & Manufactoring Company. However, Fortune magazine once suggested a different interpretation of its name: Mistake - Miracle - Money (Error, Miracle and Money). And there is some truth in this.

Would-be miners

The very appearance of 3M was associated with an error. In 1902, five Minnesota investors (a physician, a lawyer, two railroad executives, and a meat market owner) decided to develop local corundum deposits. It was planned to produce heavy-duty grinding equipment based on the mined ore. However, no preliminary studies have been carried out on Minnesota corundum. It turned out that it was only suitable for sandpaper. As a result, the company urgently had to restructure.

For the first twelve years, 3M barely stayed afloat - its shares were not even worth the paper they were printed on. However, already in 1916, things began to improve dramatically - for the first time in its history, the company was able to pay dividends to shareholders, and all this thanks to a new product that quickly conquered the market and did not leave it over the next 75 years.

The miracle product was the Three-M-Ite artificial abrasive. It was born thanks to a bright personality, leader and strategist William McKnight, who also got into the company by mistake. While considering several promising job openings, a shy 20-year-old accounting graduate was forced to stop negotiations with future employers after learning about his mother's serious illness. Having visited her, the caring son discovered that his mother was already feeling better, but time for successful negotiations with employers was lost and in 1906 she had to go to work at the unpromising 3M.

Risk is a profitable business

Eight years later, McKnight was named CEO. He was not a charismatic leader - rather, he gave the impression of being inconspicuous and unambitious. However, underneath the outward mediocrity hid an explosive and creative personality. In 1929, McKnight became president of 3M and led the company to become a world leader in several areas at once. And his managerial experience is included in all textbooks on business organization and management.

McKnight did not invent specific products and technologies - he invented new principles for building a company that should work and bring success regardless of who specifically runs it. His business philosophy was based on three pillars: initiative, innovation and protecting staff from punishment for mistakes. He established a rule at 3M: technical employees had the right to spend 15% of their time on projects of their own choosing. Moreover, the company's management allocated grants of $50,000 to test individual promising developments. “As your business grows, so does the need to delegate some of the responsibility from the manager to subordinates, along with the encouragement of initiative,” McKnight wrote in 1948. “If we want the company to continue to grow, it is important to have proactive people working in it.”

3M also instituted the “25% rule”: each division must generate at least 25% of its annual sales from products and services launched in the last five years. Thus, continuous development of new products was encouraged.

To stimulate internal entrepreneurship for employees who developed a new successful product, 3M management provided the opportunity to create an entire division for it and become the head new structure. In this case, the principle of “double career ladder": having become a top manager, the inventor could continue to work as an ordinary technical employee, so as not to sacrifice his research and professional interests.

Curiosity will lead to profit

People approach new leadership positions in different ways. Some people start by updating the furniture in the director's office or purchasing new brand car. McKnight acted differently: he immediately vacated one of the premises and organized an experimental laboratory in it, spending his own $500 to buy a bath for boiling glue. It was in this laboratory that the aforementioned superfood, Three-M-Ite, was obtained a few months later. By the end of 1919, its sales exceeded $1.3 million, and its net profit amounted to $439 thousand (32%).

A year later, McKnight received a letter from Philadelphia printing ink manufacturer Francis Oakey asking for samples of minerals used in the production of abrasive paper. 3M did not release these materials, and McKnight could, like many other executives, ignore the request. However, he became interested in the letter and was right. It turned out that the author had invented a new type of waterproof sandpaper. This discovery subsequently revolutionized the automotive, metal repair and furniture industries by eliminating the abrasive dust that made sanding a hazardous activity. McKnight hastened to buy the rights to the inventor from the inventor. new technology(the product entered the market under the Wetodry trademark), and at the same time “bought” its creator, inviting him to work at 3M. Francis Oakey lived up to McKnight's expectations; he surprised him more than once with unexpected and therefore especially profitable inventions.

Also in 1920, the then director of the research department and future president Richard Carlton formulated the 3M Technical Policy Statement, the core of which was the “change and selection” strategy. From now on every new idea had a chance to prove its worth based on two considerations:

  • if it is good, it is used;
  • if it fails, at least it will be known for certain that it is not worth using.

So the company officially admitted that mistakes are just as valuable to it as promising employee suggestions.

Ribbon is more valuable than an order

Of course, 3M had more than just success ahead of it. And yet, a series of erroneous decisions was usually followed by one super-successful one, which compensated for the losses incurred a hundredfold.

However, for any company dreaming of a breakthrough in the market, one invention made by 3M in 1925 would be enough, when one of the employees, quite in the spirit of McKnight’s philosophy, accidentally came up with the first of the masking adhesive tapes, which became the world-famous tape Scotch.

What happened was that management sent a young employee, Richard Drew, to a car paint shop that used Wetodry sandpaper. Drew's task was to collect critical comments about the products of his native company. But the young technologist also paid attention to something that was not part of his direct job responsibilities. The fact is that at that very time there was a fashion for two-color car painting, but there were no reliable technological solutions for accurately separating the two color areas: cars were painted by eye. In response to the rhetorical question of one of the workers: “Is it really impossible to come up with something more reliable?” “Richard Drew responded immediately: “Of course you can, our laboratory will probably have what you need.”

In fact, 3M specialists had no trace of any replacement for the artisanal painting method. But it was not in vain that McKnight trained his employees to take daily and hourly initiative. Not finding what he was looking for, Drew went ahead and invented something that consumers desperately needed - masking adhesive tape, the demand for which exceeded all expectations.

A little later, the name of the brand appeared, which was destined to conquer the world. While testing his tape in the auto repair shop, Drew again heard a complaint addressed to his native company: “Take back your tape and tell your Scottish bosses - don’t skimp on the glue!” Why exactly “Scottish” is unknown, perhaps the store owner had heard that the head of the 3M company has a typically “Scottish” surname McKnight. Drew again took the consumer's reproach as a guide to action and, after a series of experiments, blessed the world with a miracle invention - waterproof adhesive tape! The same one that will soon begin to be produced in cases painted in tartan, and will be called, accordingly, “scotch.” And when in 1932, another 3M employee, John Borden, supplemented his colleague’s invention with another useful little thing - a special drum with a pointed end that made scissors unnecessary, the short word Scotch acquired a double meaning in America and in the world - before that only Scotch whiskey was called that way.

Discovery Machine

When the technology of innovation has been developed, it is pointless to guess in which area to expect a new invention - most likely, the future inventor himself will not even be aware of this. No one at 3M, including McKnight himself, suspected that the production of adhesive transparent packaging tape would become almost the main activity! But once launched, the “discovery machine” will not remain idle for long.

By encouraging internal entrepreneurship, 3M produced many sought-after products in a variety of industries: roofing slates, magnetic tapes for audio and video recording, the first computer floppy disks, offset boards for printing, and even reflective road signs.

Among all this avalanche of new products that radically changed the life of people in the twentieth century, special attention deserves one more seemingly mere trifle - Post-it'Notes - adhesive squares for notes that we glue to our computer monitor. Like other creations of McKnight's innovation incubator, this new product was born as a result of a mistake. Company employee Arthur Fry once nearly lost his place in the church choir when the metal clips holding his sheet music clattered to the floor during a service. Then Fry remembered a new type of glue, rejected for insufficient durability, and Post-it’Notes were born.

By the way, even the management of 3M, brought up on the ideas of McKnight, sometimes made annoying mistakes. Initially, Fry's invention was "cut down" by the board of directors as unpromising. However, the mechanism built and adjusted by McKnight, although only on the second attempt, proved its worth. Fry came up with a completely McKnight-like move: he asked two retailers to send samples of his “papers” to the secretaries of the top managers of his home company, and the secretaries, in turn, asked the secretaries to tell their bosses what they thought about the new product. Fry's invention made its way. It went on sale in 1980, and today we can’t imagine how we ever managed without it.

And so this seemingly chaotic activity, devoid of any unified plan, continues. By the beginning of the new century, the once provincial company of “miners from Minnesota” had turned into a transnational corporation with annual sales volumes exceeding $18 billion. And this is natural. No one has yet learned to plan specific inventions and discoveries. But it is possible to plan to create a climate in the company where innovation, and with it success, becomes inevitable.


  • Any original idea, no matter how absurd it may seem, deserves attention.
  • Listen to anyone who has an idea.
  • Encourage, don't nag. Let people tinker with their ideas.
  • Hire the right people and leave them alone.
  • If you surround people with fences, you get a flock of sheep. People need more space.
  • Let's try it - and quickly!


Manufacturer of high-tech products for medicine, industry, printing, telecommunications, transport, as well as a manufacturer of office supplies, various consumer goods, security equipment, etc.

The company has branches in 60 countries, with its head office located in St. Paul, Minnesota (USA). The turnover of the entire company in 2003 amounted to more than $18 billion, net profit - $2.4 billion. The number of employees is 67 thousand.

Western journalists, citing insider sources, claim that the actress broke up with William Knight after two years of relationship. Just recently, the British tabloid Sun-Times made a sensational assumption: Emma Watson and her lover are preparing for the wedding, choosing an engagement ring and going to family dinners, what happened? Unfortunately, so far none of the journals have given concrete answers. And based on the few interviews with Emma Watson and her reluctance to discuss her personal life, we can conclude that we are unlikely to know the true reasons.

In a recent interview, the girl commented on her desire to keep personal relationships secret:

“I have always been consistent in my actions and in every possible way protected my personal life from paparazzi interference. I don’t want my young man to be a hostage and feel like part of the “theater of the absurd.” It’s enough that every man who appears next to me in the photo automatically becomes a boyfriend.”

Insiders report that the breakup occurred several months ago, but only now it became noticeable that the couple practically does not spend time together. Paparazzi in last time saw them together in the spring while shopping.

Let us remember that William Knight is quite a promising specialist in the computer field. A graduate of Princeton University and an MBA from Columbia Business School, he is now a senior manager at Medallia and boasts an annual income of $150,000. In addition, the 37-year-old man takes active participation in marathon races and positions himself as an adventurer and lover of tourism.