Drawing lesson in the senior group “Dymkovskaya Sloboda (village). Notes on drawing “Dymkovskaya Sloboda (village)”

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 47 "Ladushki"


directly – educational activities

By Educational Area « Artistic and aesthetic development" for older children preschool age on the topic: " Dymkovskaya Sloboda»

Program content: 1. Reinforce with children the technique of painting toys based on Dymkovo painting

2. Develop creative imagination, selection color range, observation, spatial thinking.

3. Cultivate interest in Russian folk crafts, artistic taste, aesthetic feelings"

Material: finished goods children's works - clay toys, paints, cups of water, 2 types of brushes, napkins.

Preliminary work: examination of samples of Dymkovo painting, making dolls and toys based on Dymkovo painting. Decoration of the Dymkovo village with painted ready-made samples.

Preparation for the lesson: wet cleaning, ventilation


Educator: Guys, today I am your Creation

I suggest you go on an amazing adventure

journey. Do you agree?

Children: Yes

Educator: At the beginning, I want you

tell one story...

A long time ago my grandmother left Game situation

I inherited a magic ball.

Wherever the ball rolls, we will go there

Let's go travel with you.

Let's say magic words: one, two,

three - ball, roll. Let's all

Let's say these words together.

Children: One, two, three - ball, roll.

The ball rolls, the children follow it.

What kind of miracles are these that have brought us to?

glomerulus? And he led us to a wonderful

Dymkovo village .

/Folk music sounds/

Children approach the exhibition of products

Dymkovo toy, in front of her

hanging the inscription “Veselaya Dymkovskaya”

village", a boy sits in a Russian

shirt - master Vasya, he sells Usage

toys. gaming

Educator: Hello, master craftsman. character

What kind of beauty is this about you?

Vasya: I have Dymkovo toys.

Reading a poem by the teacher.

In this village live, friends, artistic

Dymkovo toys. word

Horses, dogs, goats, cows

and other animals.

Cockerels, hens and pigs,

Let's get to know them, friends!

Let's take a look at the wonderful looking

Dymkovo toys. decorative toys

Children together with the teacher

looking at a cow, goat,

a horse, a bird, a lady and a man,


The teacher tells the children about

Dymkovo fishery.

In the village of Dymka Kirov region Teacher's story

a long time ago people began to sculpt

clay toys for your children:

these were forest animals, domestic animals

animals, people, children's figures,

different whistles.

The toys dried, then they were painted

V white, decorated with stripes,

circles, squares, dots.

Later they began to be sold to other

villages. Soon the neighboring villages

they began to sculpt toys. And it began

Dymkovo toy fishery

throughout the Kirov region. Right here

Grandma's magic brought us

glomerulus. And the grandmother herself was

expert in making such

toys. Well, children, little ball -

roll. Come on, Master Vasya, with us

let's go. You will teach us such

paint toys.

there are toys made of clay, but not

painted. Boy sitting next to him

in a Russian shirt, very sad. game character

This is Master Matvey.

Educator: Hello, kind

Well done. Why are you so sad?

Matvey: Yes, here are toys made of clay

I stuck it on, but I don’t know how to paint it.

Educator: Children, maybe we are Goal Setting

Let's help Matvey color the toys

according to Dymkovo patterns.

Children's answers: Of course we will help.

Educator: Guys, I suggest Questions for children

once again you need to remember what colors

need to choose for this painting?

Children: The background will be white. Pattern needed Children's choral answers

paint with bright red paints,

yellow, green, blue, etc.

Educator: Well done guys. Lisa,

what elements are present in Dymkovo? Appeal to

paintings? Please show it to the guys. schemes

Lisa goes to the easel and shows

diagrams and talks about the elements,

present in the Dymkovo painting.

Educator: Well done, Lisa! Guys

now you know everything. Choose

toys at will, let's go with Individual

us, boy, we will teach you how to color the selection

and we will help you perform beautiful

works on Dymkovo painting.

Children choose clay products

and sit down at the tables.

Educator: Guys, before we start

Let's draw, let's stretch our fingers. Finger gymnastics

Finger gymnastics is performed:

We'll paint the animals

Dymkovo toys,

We'll show everyone later

And we'll tell you about them.

Children sit at tables, think Independent

pattern for coloring, perform activity

works on Dymkovo painting. children

The teacher monitors the correct

seating children, reminds of Reminder

pattern sequences, uses Positive

positive example comrade, example of a comrade

draws children's attention to quality

doing work, encourages children to Promotion

demonstrated creativity.

Upon completion of the work they are exhibited

back to the table, children are offered

admire and rejoice how beautiful it is

they did it. Masters from Dymkovo

and clay villages approve of children,

rejoice with them.

The lesson is summarized: addresses

attention to the selection of primary colors,

patterns characteristic of Dymkovo

painting, accuracy in work,

ability to use a brush and

with a cloth.

Educator: Guys, look, Analysis

what fun we had

toys. Ilyusha, what toy do you want?

seems the most fun?

Ilya: This lamb seems to me

the most fun. He has rings

even, but the eyes seem to


Educator: Well done, Ilyusha.

Guys, what an interesting point Ilya made!

Andryusha, what do you think today?

you managed to display everything

or were there any difficulties?

Andrey: Today I was in a bit of a hurry, Independent

rings and wavy lines were obtained by a child's analysis

not as smooth as I wanted. But in

Next time I will definitely have everything

it will work out.

Educator: Of course everything will work out. Analysis

Guys, your toys turned out to be a teacher

just wonderful, just what I want

play with them. I offer you

invite our masters and play

along with them.

The masters leave with their children

group room.

Kuznetsova Natalya Mikhailovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 47 "Ladushki"


Zavolzhye city, Nizhny Novgorod region

Drawing lesson in the senior group “Dymkovskaya Sloboda (village)”
Dymkovo toy is one of the Russian folk clay arts and crafts. It arose in the trans-river settlement of Dymkovo, near the city of Vyatka (now in the territory of the city of Kirov).
This is one of the oldest crafts in Russia, which arose in the 15th-16th centuries.
Software tasks:
Consolidate knowledge about Dymkovo toys;
Strengthen the skills of drawing elements of Dymkovo painting (circles, dots, stripes, grid, ring, wavy arcs);
Strengthen children’s ability to create a decorative composition in the Dymkovo painting genre;
Learn independently, make a pattern on a product new form from familiar elements, place it near the frill in accordance with the shape of the skirt or dress;
Strengthen the techniques of drawing smooth lines when working with a brush and the ability to draw with the tip of a brush.
To cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen and admiration for their creativity.
Several drawings of Dymkovo toys, pictures with elements of the Dymkovo pattern; watercolor paints, brushes, water, napkins, ready-made template drawings of the Dymkovo young lady.
Preliminary work:
The teacher's story, looking at albums and paintings about Dymkovo toys; conversations; clay modeling of Dymkovo toys; coloring coloring books, talking about the Dymkovo toy.
Progress of the lesson:
Today, children, I invite you to the gallery of drawings of the Dymkovo toy. Look how beautiful it is here! And how many different young ladies! Let's look at them. (Children independently examine toys painted in the style of Mist.) They are all so bright, beautiful and very different. But they also have something in common! Guys, think and tell me what are the names of all these toys? (Dymkovskys).
From generation to generation, craftsmen passed on the secrets of making Russian toys. Each family had its own traditions. Each toy had its own face. After firing, the toys were primed or coated with a solution of crushed chalk and milk. The toy became white, ready for painting. Painting is decorative painting on folk crafts. The Dymkovo toy was painted with a special pattern - an ornament. This is an artistic decoration, a pattern. Dymkovo toys are characterized by a geometric pattern (a combination of circles, squares, rhombuses, etc.) The craft arose in ancient times. The production of whistles was timed to coincide with the spring holiday “Whistle Dance”, which has pagan roots and is dedicated to Yarila, the god spring sun and fertility. Masters sculpted ladies, breadwinners, water-bearing girls, and gentlemen.

The Vyatichi loved to sculpt ducks, chickens, turkeys, goats and bunnies. How amazing they are - Dymkovo toys! Here is one of the favorite toys of the Vyatichi people - the beautiful water-carrier. You can't take your eyes off her. This is an elegant village beauty, a girl of marriageable age, a hard worker. The craftswoman-entertainer dressed her in a fluffy skirt made of bright fabric with frills. The fashionista has an intricate, voluminous hairstyle brown hair crowned with an elegant kokoshnik with gilded decoration. The water-bearing girl's face is white, not tanning, her nose is proudly raised up, her lips are folded into a heart shape. The cheeks are rosy and the eyebrows are drawn in. It seems that the girl is now going to walk smoothly, to the beat, shaking her buckets. The beauty knows that everyone is looking at her and admiring her. She wants to please everyone. The water bearer is good for everyone: she is pretty, smart, hardworking, and friendly. You can admire the Dymkovo toy endlessly. I never cease to be amazed at her beauty.
Independent work of children at tables.

Children work to music. During independent work The teacher keeps all the children in sight, helps those who have difficulty creating a composition, monitors the landing and the technique of performing the work.

After 10 minutes of independent work, there is a physical education break.
We tried to draw (arms to the sides)
It was difficult not to get tired (torso bends to the sides)
We'll rest a little (sit down, hands forward)
Let's start drawing again (stand up, put your hands down)
At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition.

The Dymkovo toy is one of the oldest artistic crafts in Russia. It has existed for more than 400 years and has still not lost its popularity. On the contrary, it enjoys constant success both in our country and far beyond its borders. The birthplace of the fishery is the city of Kirov (formerly Vyatka and Khlynov), or rather Dymkovskaya Sloboda, which is now part of the city.


There is a legend that the origin of the fishery is connected with events of ancient times. One night, two friendly troops met near the city and, not recognizing each other in the darkness, entered into battle. Many people died in that random battle. Since then, the tradition began to celebrate a funeral feast for the dead every spring. Over time, this story was forgotten. The celebration, having lost its tragic meaning, turned into mass folk festivals- a festival of whistling, or whistling, where people were supposed to whistle and throw painted clay balls.

The emergence of the fishery

The annual demand for clay whistles and painted balls, as well as its own deposits of clay suitable for ceramics, determined the fate of the Dymkovo settlement. Gradually, special sculpting and painting techniques developed, which made local toys recognizable and in demand.

In the 15th-16th centuries, when the Dymkovo folk toy appeared, the pagan ideas of the Slavs lost much of their meaning. Toys more early period were extremely simple in form, because their defining factor was considered sacred meaning. With the abandonment of pre-Christian rites and rituals, the shapes of toys began to change, acquiring sophistication and beauty.

The Dymkovo toy that is known today reflects the Russian life XIX century. Images of ladies and gentlemen flaunting luxurious outfits appeared at a later time. Nevertheless, the masters carefully preserve the traditions and techniques that developed during the birth of this art.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Dymkovo fishery was practically lost. There was only one hereditary craftswoman left who kept the traditions of making and painting toys - A. A. Mezrina. Thanks to her and the artist A.I. Denypin, the first researcher of Dymkovo art, the craft was revived in the early 30s. A group of enthusiasts concentrated around Denypin and Mezrina, most of whom were associated family ties. Through their efforts, the Dymkovo toy regained its former glory.

Crafts live not only due to the preservation of traditions, but also due to the emergence of new stories. This is called natural development. Craftswomen of the 20-30s of the 20th century significantly enriched the set of images of Dymkovo toys.

A. A. Mezrina quite strictly followed the traditional rules of sculpting and painting. E. A. Koshkina made group compositions popular. Her work “Sale of Dymkovo Toys”, made for the international exhibition in Paris in 1937, is especially famous. E. I. Penkina switched her attention to the depiction of everyday prose subjects, and O. I. Konovalova (daughter of the craftswoman Mezrina) is known for her love of depicting animals.

Images and stories

For all its external simplicity, the Dymkovo toy is very imaginative and expressive. History stores images of the first products of Dymkovo craftswomen, which were more conventional than decorative. Modern toys are more varied and artistic. Adherents of the craft like to repeat that no two figurines are alike. However, all the diversity of their species can be divided into five main groups:

Women's imagesLadies, nurses, fashionistas, water bearers, nannies with babies in their arms.The figures are static, with large heads decorated with kokoshniks or fashionable hats. The entire appearance expresses dignity and majesty.
Men's imagesCavaliers.They are smaller in size and more modest in appearance appearance than female characters. As a rule, they are depicted riding animals.
AnimalsInitially, toys had the shape of totem animals: bear, ram, deer, goat. But over time, pets also appeared in the assortment.All animals have raised heads and short, widely spaced, stable legs. They are often depicted in an ironic form: in bright costumes and with musical instruments.
BirdsDucks, turkeys, roosters.Turkeys and roosters are depicted with curly, brightly painted tails, ducks are depicted in frilly, lush capes.
CompositionsGroups of several figures, including both people and animals.The multi-figure compositions are very diverse; they depict the life of Russian cities and villages. There are boat rides, holiday celebrations, feasts, and much more.

Shape Features

All Dymkovo toys are monolithic and even monumental. They always widen downwards: ladies have full skirts, gentlemen are always on horseback, animals have short and stable legs. Such forms are determined by manufacturing technology. It is almost impossible to sculpt figures on thin long legs, because it is necessary to ensure that they do not sag under the weight of the body during drying.

Stages of making a Dymkovo toy

The manufacturing technology is quite simple. The Dymkovo toy is made in stages. Main stages: modeling, drying and firing, whitewashing and painting. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Modeling of Dymkovo toys

Dymkovo toys are sculpted in parts. First, balls are rolled from washed fatty clay diluted with sand. different sizes. Then they are flattened to obtain flat cakes, from which the body of the toy is made. More than small details(arms, heads, tails). The places where the parts are fastened are moistened generously with water, then the joints are smoothed with a damp cloth. Level the figure with wet fingers.

For example, making a lady begins with modeling a cone-shaped skirt. A torso with a slightly elongated neck is attached to it. A ball representing a head is attached to the neck. A little lower is a sausage, from which hands folded at the waist are made with careful movements. After this, it’s time to dress up the toy. She is given a hairstyle made of twisted bouquets, a hat or kokoshnik, a patterned scarf is thrown over her shoulders or a jacket is made with a puffy collar and sleeves. And finally, the woman is given a handbag, a dog or a child.

The Dymkovo horse toy consists of the following parts: cylindrical body, four short cone-shaped legs, curved neck, turning into an elongated muzzle. After the base of the toy is ready, it is supplemented with a mane, tail and small ears.

Drying and firing

Before firing, each Dymkovo toy must go through a drying stage, the duration of which depends on the size of the figurine, as well as on the characteristics of the room (humidity, air temperature, etc.). On average, this stage takes from 2-3 days to 2-3 weeks.

After this, it is time for firing. Previously, it was produced in a Russian oven on an iron baking sheet placed directly above the firewood. The toys were heated red-hot and then left to cool in the oven. Now special electrical equipment is used for firing, which has made the process less labor-intensive and dangerous.


After firing in the oven, the toy becomes red-brown, so it is bleached before applying the patterns. For this, a special solution is prepared from chalk powder and milk. When milk sours, this solution hardens, forming a uniform casein layer on the surface of the toy.

Numerous attempts to change the composition and method of applying whitewash did not produce positive results. The tint turned out to be yellowish, and the texture was uneven, so whitewashing is still done in the same way as it was used several centuries ago. This technology is abandoned only in certain cases, for example, in children's creativity, when crafts are made by junior group. In this case, the Dymkovo toy is painted with ordinary gouache.


After the whitewash dries, the painting stage begins - applying simple patterns with bright colors. The choice of colors is small: blue, orange, green, brown, yellow, crimson. Additional colors can be obtained by diluting the main ones with chalk. So, highlighted blue and raspberry give blue and pink, respectively.

Instead of brushes in the old days they used wooden chopsticks with a linen flap wrap. Therefore, the ornament was extremely simple: straight or wavy lines, circles, diamonds, etc. Currently, craftswomen use brushes made of kolinsky or ferret.

By the way, they add to the paint raw egg. This makes the colors more saturated and gives the figure a shine. Lastly, the toy is decorated with gold leaf. Geometric shapes cut out of it are glued onto the hats and collars of ladies, ears or horns of animals. This makes the Dymkovo toy especially festive. Photos cannot always convey their magnificence.

Painting, as a rule, is applied according to a certain pattern. Human faces look pretty monotonous. The cheeks and mouth are outlined with crimson paint, the arches of the eyebrows and round eyes are drawn with black paint. Hair is colored predominantly dark color: black or brown. Shirts and hats are made plain, and ladies' skirts and animal skins are covered with ornaments over white.


All toys are decorated with strict ornaments made of geometric shapes: circles, stripes, cells, diamonds and zigzags. Craftswomen do not think through the pattern in advance. It is born during the painting process, depending on the shape and size of the figure. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the connection between the decor and the base is inextricable, and it is impossible to find two identical toys.

Despite the deliberate simplicity of the ornament, it is very symbolic and depicts concepts that are important for the Russian people. Thus, a wavy line is associated with a river or water in a broad sense, cells formed by intersecting lines resemble the frame of a house or a well, and a circle with a dot in the center is a symbol of the sun and other celestial bodies.

Studying “haze” in art lessons

In all schools and kindergartens in Russia, children's creativity studios, the Dymkovo toy is being studied today. The history of this fishery is closely connected with the history of our country. The figures themselves and the paintings covering them reflect the life and beliefs of the Russian people. In addition, the process of making and decorating toys is simple enough that even small children can master it, of course, in a much simplified form. The Dymkovo toy for preschoolers is, first of all, the study of traditional ornaments. By diligently drawing diamonds, lines and circles, children create interesting drawings and become familiar with the culture of their homeland.

Drawing a Dymkovo toy (for kids) or sculpting figures in the Dymkovo style (for older children) is an exciting activity that children take up with great enthusiasm.

Current state of the fishery

The Dymkovo fishery still does not have mass production. Each toy is handmade, carried out according to all the canons that have evolved over centuries. Each craftswoman has her own recognizable style, each product is unique and inimitable. Thanks to this, the fishery does not lose its popularity.

The Pandemonium holiday has not been celebrated for a long time, so Dymkovo toys have lost their ritual significance. Now they serve as bright souvenirs and reminders of rich history and the culture of the Russian people.

Today, not only individual enthusiasts, but also entire organizations - commercial, government, and public - advocate for the preservation and development of the fishery. So, in 2010, in the center of Kirov (formerly Vyatka), with the participation of the Megafon company, a monument to the Dymkovo toy was erected. It represents a sculptural group called “Family”, which includes a lady with a baby in her arms, a gentleman playing the harmonica, a child and pets.

In 2014, at the opening of the Olympics in Sochi, among other treasures of Russian art, a Dymkovo toy was presented. A photo from the ceremony reminds us how spectacular and vibrant this performance was.

Dymkovo toys - along with other artistic crafts - speak of the richness and originality of Russian culture.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “Dymkovskaya Sloboda (village)” (Collective work)

Program tasks

Develop aesthetic perception, figurative ideas, sense of color and composition. Strengthen children's knowledge about Dymkovo toys, O Dymkovo painting. Consolidate emotionally positive attitude to the people's decorative arts. Develop a sense of beauty. Continue to develop skills teamwork.


Show children different Dymkovo toys(young lady, horse, goat, duck, etc.). Ask what these beautiful products are called. Offer to paint a figurine cut out of paper in the same beautiful way, and then make an overall picture" Dymkovskaya Sloboda" (village, village, where clay toys are created). Offer more complex toys for painting to children who are good at Dymkovo painting(2-3 houses, 3-4 young ladies and smaller figures).


Silhouettes Dymkovo toys cut from white paper, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child). Big leaf paper for painting.

Connecting with others classes and types of activities

Expand children's understanding of Dymkovsky painted products. Look at albums of arts and crafts.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part: Hello guys, today we will have something interesting with you class, where you will find out what it is Dymkovo toy.

1. Main part.

Do you know what it is Dymkovo toy, what is it made of and where did this craft originate? Such toys as Dymkovskaya no longer exists, she's the only one. Bright, elegant Dymkovskaya the toy became a kind of symbol of the Vyatka land. Pictures with elements hang on the board Dymkovo painting. Dymkovskaya the toy is painted (elements): circles, rings, stripes, snakes. IN Dymkovsky toys colors bright: red, orange, yellow, crimson, blue, cyan, emerald, green and very more brown and black. What did the elements that I showed you mean (in the pictures? Guys, what do you think the circle (the sun) could mean? What do you think the wavy or broken line (water) could mean? And what could the cell (field) mean? ?

2. Conversation with children:

What colors are there? Dymkovo toys? (Always white only)

And what patterns on Dymkovo toys? (Straight line, wavy line, dot, circle, ring, cage and grid)

Which color is more? What colors are used?

What techniques are used to make patterns? (By dipping, the end of the brush, brush flat on the pile)

3. Physical education minute

We tried to draw(arms to the sides)

It was hard not to get tired (torso bends to the sides)

We'll rest a little (sit down, arms forward)

Let's start drawing again(stand up, put your hands down)

4. Practical activities

Now I will give you sheets, and you prepare paints and we will paint on the silhouettes Dymkovo patterns. On this class you and I will paint and use the elements Dymkovo painting in our work. Now we will try draw the haze elements separately. Children draw patterns Dymkovo toys(Dymkovo silhouettes) . Now finish yours work, complete the patterns. And then let's look at the drawings.

Summary of the lesson “Dymkovo toy” for children 6-7 years old

Naira Igorevna Nersesyan, teacher of MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 144", Voronezh

Purpose: teachers of senior and preparatory groups, primary school teachers, parents.
Target: Introducing children to folk culture.
-Introduce the history of the Dymkovo toy.
-To cultivate love and respect for the work of folk craftsmen, for the folk art of Russia.
-To consolidate children’s knowledge about the process of making a Dymkovo toy and the ability to talk about it.
-To form knowledge about characteristic features painting toys, the ability to create patterns according to one’s own design. Learn to highlight the elements of the geometric pattern of Dymkovo painting (circles, straight and wavy lines, checkered patterns, dots and peas). Learn to paint with Dymkovo patterns.
-Develop aesthetic perception, sense of rhythm, color, creativity. Deepen aesthetic knowledge of folk arts and crafts.
Preliminary work: drawing up a presentation “Dymkovo toy”, original Dymkovo toys for demonstration, printed stencils on white paper (A4 format) and colored pencils.
Lesson plan:
- 1. Organizational moment
2. Theoretical part. An introductory conversation about the history and process of creation with a demonstration of Dymkovo toys, paintings, presentations. An explanation of the painting sequence.
3. Final part.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, you all have toys, but what are they made of?
Children: Our toys are made of plastic, rubber, metal, wood, fabric.
Educator: Let's find out what toys are made in the village of Dymkoye?
What is Dymkovo famous for?
With his toy.
There is no smoky color in it,
And there is the love of people.
There's something of the rainbow in her,
From drops of dew.
There is something of joy in her,
Thundering like bass.
(V. Feofanov)
Educator: People affectionately and tenderly call this toy “haze.” Where does this come from? amazing name? Let us introduce you to Dymkovo clay toys. I was born in the large settlement of Dymkovo across the river near the city of Vyatka. In ancient times, residents of this settlement, young and old, sculpted clay toys for the spring fair. In winter, the whole settlement is in smoke from the fact that the stoves are heated and toys are burned. cloudy days The fog spreads from the river like a light mist. Perhaps this is where the name Dymkovo came from, and the toys began to be called Dymkovo toys. Dymkovo toys were made for an ancient holiday<Свистопляска>.Later the fair-festival began to be called<Свистунья>. What kind of toys are these, let's see?

Through the mountain spurs,
Over the rooftops of villages
Red-horned, yellow-horned
A clay deer rushes.

Here is a smart turkey,
He's all so good
The big turkey
All sides are painted.
Look, his bushy tail is not simple at all,
Just like a sunny flower
Yes, and a scallop.

The Dymkovo young lady is all in orange, gold, scarlet and green patterns.

Look how good she is
This girl is a soul
Scarlet cheeks are burning,
Amazing outfit.

Even the horses are in festive outfits.

Clay horses are racing
On stands as best we can.
And they won’t hold on by the tail,
If you missed the mane.

Educator: What do all these toys have in common?
Children: All the toys bright colors, all on a white background, covered with beautiful patterns.
Educator: What paint do you think the toy is first coated with?
Children: White. On a white background, the patterns stand out well and beautifully..
Educator: Can you guess where the masters got the white color from?
Children: They took from snow, winter. The toys were made in winter!!!
Educator: That's right. The craftsmen took the white background from the snow-covered fields, when in winter everything around is white and white. In those places the winter is long and there is a lot of snow. The craftsmen want to make the toy as clean and white as snow. Why are they bright?

Children: Because they were made for the holiday, so they painted them with bright colors.
Educator: What colors did the craftsmen use to paint toys?
Children: They used bright colors: red, blue, crimson, yellow, orange, green.
Educator: What patterns do you see on toys?
Children: On the toys there are circles, dots, lines, squares, stripes, curves, waves, squares, rings, ovals.

Educator: What images can be seen in Dymkovo toys?
Children: Horse, cockerel, deer, ram, young lady.
Educator: The most common subjects: nannies with children, water carriers, rams with golden horns, turkeys, roosters, deer and, of course, young people, buffoons, ladies.

Educator: Let's find out how a toy is created?

(Children watch the video on the interactive board, the teacher talks at the same time).
A lot of work must be put into making the toy so elegant. It is born three times. The first time it is born is when it is sculpted from red clay. The figures are sculpted in parts, individual parts are assembled and completed, using liquid red clay as a binding material. The molding marks are smoothed out to give the product a smooth and neat surface. The toy must be burned to make it durable. The intense heat causes the toy to become hot, and when it cools down, the clay becomes ringing and strong. This is how the toy is born a second time. There is a trial by fire. And when is the third time born?
Children: The third time a toy is born is when it is whitewashed and painted.
Educator: Then it is whitewashed with chalk diluted with milk and painted. Sometimes pieces of gold leaf are stuck on top of the pattern, which gives the toy even more elegance. This is how it is born for the third time. Beautiful, bright, elegant toys are sold at the fair. Making a toy, from modeling to painting, is a process unique and creative, never the same. There are not and cannot be two absolutely identical products. Each toy is unique, unique and inimitable.

Educator: I suggest you become real folk craftsmen and paint the stencils of the Dymkovo toy.