VK status about winter is short. Beautiful statuses about winter and snow in verse

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Statuses about winter and New Year

The best statuses about winter and New Year

I want winter not only because of the snow and the New Year. It’s just that in winter you believe in miracles more.

Somewhere closer to December 25th, you somehow begin to believe that snowflakes are alive, that Santa Claus exists, that wishes come true!

The snow has fallen and the Christmas tree is fluffy and green! New Year is approaching! Hurray!

Snow... Adults say it's–frozen water... but children know betterThese are little stars with a magical taste of the New Year.

I already want winter, to walk through white snow, listen to my favorite music and see all this New Year’s fuss.

Winter, snow, New Year, holidays, I love you!

No matter what they say, it’s winter–It's time for magic! First snow! Sleighs, skis, Christmas tree, New Year... You can say that you don’t like winter, but at the same time you are still looking forward to it...

Winter is bright good time... It's time for magical snowflakes and happiness... In winter, the doors open for the New Year! Let there be an atmosphere of warmth in the family!

Snow and ice, no snowdrifts yet, but the mood is frosty in winter! And it seems that the New Year is coming soon, we need to start preparing for it again seriously. It's time to go skiing, the snow will get stronger and we'll go to the forest! The skates have been waiting for their time for a long time, they are hanging, you won’t be able to ride them in the summer! We will feed the birds now; they have a hard time in winter! We live in a new way in December, and this is also a winter mystery.

Winter... I love it very much!))) I'm looking forward to the snow and the New Year!)))

I love winter, snow and New Year's bustle!

The holiday of Christmas trees and frost comes to our house in winter. Away with grievances, grief, tears - we look forward to visiting you again in winter!

The circle is coming to an end– only a month until the New Year. Winter is standing on the threshold in its snow-white attire. The snow swirls quietly, sweeping away past adversities, settling like silver in its bottomless bins...

Winter is a wonderful time of year when everyone begins to believe in miracles. Descends to the ground snow queen and everything around resembles a fairy tale. Everything is wonderful this time of year! Even severe frosts are good, because they teach you to love and appreciate the warmth and comfort of your home. And what are they worth? winter activities?! Sledding, skating, skiing, snowball fights...

You don’t need to think long about how to have fun: you can just go out into the yard and build a snowman with your friends or play in the snow. Moreover, not only children, but also adults love such entertainment. You can often see how inspired uncles and aunties roll a block of snow around the entire yard to make a huge snow woman for their children. Winter fun reminds them of pleasant times, and this is what helps them abstract from adult problems and return to distant, carefree childhood.

It's also holiday time. Literally from the first days of December, everyone begins to stock up on gifts and look forward to the New Year's bustle. Holidays are a great opportunity to visit family and friends, and visit friends.

The most long relationship those who met in winter. If he liked you in a thick sweater, an awkward down jacket, a stupid hat and a red nose - that's love!

Winter is created in white colors for this reason, so that you can start your life with a white sheet of paper.

Dear Grandfather Frost, put it in my New Year A piece of happiness under the Christmas tree, I beg you.

Winter is cold for those who do not have warm memories.

I remember those times when snow in December was the norm, not a miracle.

Winter - best time to return to childhood. When it snows we feel like kids again

Survive three months of winter and receive the fourth as a gift!

Cheer yourself up on a dull, gray winter Friday - write a vacation application with multi-colored felt-tip pens

Winter! My knees and teeth were chattering joyfully!

Winter... even though you are often so cold... but still even those to whom you bring cold and sadness are not offended, because you are so beautiful - all white and snowy...

On a cold winter day, true happiness will knock on your door. And your heart will melt from his love.

Winter without tangerines is like summer without ice cream

Winter smells like tangerines, vanilla and hot chocolate.

What does winter smell like? - Miracle! After all, everything about it is fabulous!

And I hid, almost not breathing... Ah, winter's tale how good you are!

Funny and cool quotes

There is ice and trenches on the street again... people, take care of your cars and butts...

Soon on all the streets of the country: He fell on his knees in front of me and said: Damn, it’s slippery!!!

New Year's Eve good husband decorates the Christmas tree, and a very good one decorates his wife!

Rumor has it that the Snowman - illegitimate son Santa Claus

She quietly took my hand. Loves - I thought... Ice - she thought...

To the request of the traffic police, if possible, not to drive on the roads in the snow, only utility services responded...

When Napoleon came to Moscow, there was no one in the city. Hah, what did he want - it’s winter, everyone is in Egypt!

This is awesome... When, after twenty degrees of frost, you go out to -10 and think: “Mmm, it’s warm today”!!

If you didn’t try to lick a sled in winter, didn’t eat ice cream made of snow, didn’t walk home from school through snowdrifts, didn’t ride down the hill on a briefcase, didn’t hide your pants with pieces of frozen ice under the bathtub - you didn’t have a childhood!

Students have two signs: the snow has fallen - the session is coming, the snow has melted - the session is coming. Conclusion: the snow is to blame for everything.

On the slippery porch, the number of cultured people decreases sharply.

Winter is when you stop walking like a woman... and start walking like a penguin

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Darling, am I a bunny or a bird?

Winter fitness: by the time I got to the store... 5 longitudinal splits... 10 transverse... side bends... squats... obstacle course... Eh, the body is invigorated!!!

40% of women like winter, and 60% - not so much. The same survey showed that 40% of women have a fur coat, and 60% do not.

Winter has come, it has become cold...

Winter won't end until everyone throws out their Christmas trees!

Beautiful quotes

Winter turns water falling from the sky and people's hearts into stone. (V. Hugo)

Winter is not a symbolic time when the voices fade and the lights that usually show me the way go out. In winter I am confused, I live as if with my face buried in the wall and my fingers plugged into my ears. (M. Tournier)

Winter awakens the appetite. While there is snow on the streets, chocolate cake is the best medicine. (Erich Maria Remarque)

If there are no flowers in the middle of winter, there is no need to be sad about them. (S. Yesenin)

I love winter because in winter you can stay at home without feeling guilty. (Teresa Skelton)

Winter is an honest time of year. (I. Brodsky)

There is something treacherous about winter... (V. Hugo)

Contrary to appearances, winter is the time of hope. ( GilbertSesbron)

And winter frightens me, because winter is a time of comfort. (A. Rimbaud)

You can love winter and carry the warmth within you, or you can prefer summer while remaining a shard of ice. (S. Lukyanenko)

The beauty of spring is experienced only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs. (G. Heine)

The face of winter: poetic quotes

I love... when winter comes
And the white soft snow is spinning.
All worries leave the soul,
I believe... there will be no more troubles
I love... when snowflakes are on your palm,
Delicate... like an angel's feather,
Hope returns to the heart,
My soul becomes light...

Of course, this winter cold will pass,
But time will leave traces...
After all, believe me, the main thing is not the time of year:
And so that winter ends inside...

The sorceress winter is coming.
Came, crumbled, in shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees;
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills.
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter. (A. Pushkin)

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.

Came, crumbled, in shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees;
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills.
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter. (A. Pushkin)

Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.
And he stands, bewitched, -
Not dead and not alive -
Enchanted by a magical dream,
All entangled, all shackled
Light chain down...
Is the winter sun shining
On him your ray with a scythe -
Nothing will tremble in him,
It will all flare up and sparkle
Dazzling beauty. (F. Tyutchev)

Let there be snow, frost and blizzard,
Blizzard, snowdrifts, ice.
Don't forget to keep each other warm
When winter gets warm...
What comes from the soul, from the heart,
Smile, tenderness and kindness.
In winter we need every day,
To keep you warm.

Phrases about snow

Listen to the music of the snow, throw your soul up and freeze.

And if you look up at the falling snowflakes, it seems as if you are flying somewhere far, far away...

Snow doesn’t fall - it soars, rises higher and higher and shines, it shines and sings so beautifully, it’s a pity no one hears...

The first snow in the early morning makes you believe in a fairy tale.

Hooray! Snow has piled up, now every man can fashion the woman he wants... from 90-60-90 to 120-120-120...

Snow is falling, spinning in the sky, in the rhythm of a wonderful waltz, as if it invites everyone to a whirlwind of snow-white dance

Well, there's a lot of snow! This is the fourth time I’ve dug up my car, and it’s still not mine...

Last year there was very little snow. This winter, apparently, decided to correct the omission and produce snow in two years at once.

You raise your head to the sky...the clouds sprinkle the world with vanilla sugar...

The snow falls quietly in the palm of your hand and melts... you are far away now, I miss you... how I would like to turn into this snow and slowly lie down in your arms...

Winter is when you walk down the street and snowflakes come kissing you! I come home all kissed...

About winter and love

The first snow is like first love: it will most likely melt, but a fairy tale begins with it.

Let everyone have a fabulously beautiful winter, in the arms of a loved one!!!

Winter.. It makes meetings shorter, loneliness more noticeable.. But it makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love.. Love does not depend on the season...

I don’t want winter, I just want to look at the snow, take a walk in a down jacket and that’s it, I can put it away)

Snow doesn't fall - it soars, rises higher and higher and shines, it shines and sings so beautifully, it's a pity no one hears...

The snow came treacherously from the west, without declaring winter...

Winter has finally arrived in our Bermudas!!!


Well, who wanted winter and a little snow?))))))

White houses, snowy roofs, white lace trees in the distance. Once again I’m leaving for Moscow weekdays, on my own... in the crowd of bustle...

You are laconic, winter, not prolific, the snow bins are sad and the throne is cold.

March. Winter still doesn’t go away, spring freezes in the hut... Shelter her for a while... Settle her in your soul!!!

The harshest month of winter is March.

What does winter do to us? Even flying snow looks like dandelions...

Snow fell - And everything was forgotten, What the soul was full of!

Although they say that our internal reality is primary, and our external reality is secondary, the street became light from the snow and... my soul became lighter.

Rumor has it that the Snowman is the illegitimate son of Santa Claus.

Go away Winter, go away! And take your snow. Tired of cleaning in the morning, your cold weather has gotten to you.

Winter has one big disadvantage. Minus thirty.

Winter was solemnly burned. But she turned out to be a Phoenix, shook off the ashes and burst with frost)))

I am the colored winter that shines with lights, that draws patterns on the glass of houses.

The wet snow forms again and the bitch immediately melts. He really bothers me thinking about spring.

Opened winter season. I realized that writing poems about fluffy snow is much more pleasant than clearing paths in a snowstorm...

Winter can be frosty and snowy. blizzard... and now also March :))

It’s winter-winter outside, there’s a fabulous moon in the sky. A candle is burning, it’s dark around, and we are celebrating Christmas.

The whole world is tired... of black paint. Fluffy snow he wants to be caressed... He wants winter love, snow fairy tale. Wrap yourself up tenderly and... believe in happiness.

Winter is coming... We'll freeze if we don't break the wood...

Damn, there's snow again (((admit it, who extinguished the effigy of winter on Maslenitsa?

In winter, knee-deep snow, in spring knee-deep mud, in summer knee-deep dust, in autumn knee-deep foliage. Something is wrong with these knees! I'm learning to fly!

It will snow tomorrow!!! I found out!!!

Snow... Snow... Snow swirls in a slow waltz... And we speed up the run in pursuit of illusory happiness...

I look at the white snowflakes and remember winter...

“...Winter, 7 am, I’m leaving the parking lot: red lipstick, stockings, heels and carrying a huge shovel. I wonder what passers-by thought?
... Passers-by thought “fuck-dig!”

Winter is when you walk down the street and snowflakes come kissing you! I COME HOME... ALL KISSED!!!

Cheer yourself up on a dull, gray winter Friday - write a vacation application with colorful markers!

Spring has quieted down in anticipation... Winter, hey, come on, goodbye!))

GOODBYE WINTER! In capital letters I trampled the inscription in the snow.

You'll feel bloated here from pancakes while you spend this Winter...

I liked your snowy winter... oh, how you are in winter... - Tender?

How thin is the line between “Hurray, it’s snowing!” and “Kick it, it snowed.”

Snow is falling in the sky, whirling, in the rhythm of a wonderful waltz, as if it invites everyone to a whirlwind of a snow-white dance!

Last year there was very little snow. This winter, apparently, decided to correct the omission and produce snow in two years at once.

It seems to me that last year’s snow will remain until next winter.

Winter. She came... she came and started winding and throwing. Having scattered, it began to spin.

The sun on a winter day reminds us that spring is NOT around the corner!!!

I so want another chord of winter, snowy dreams, a cycle of miracles...

Frost and sun - a wonderful day, winter - a charming beauty, all this is great, I won’t hide it, if it weren’t for that - in the Spring)))

I already want winter, to walk through white snow, listen to my favorite music and see all this New Year’s fuss.

The snow is falling quietly... weightlessly - fluffy and white, winter has come suddenly and boldly!

And again the blizzard is blowing, and again, the snow is swirling... Apparently, Mother Winter is coming back...

They say winter is that time of year when there is a lull in love. It’s worth considering that only in severe frosts do the northern lights appear...

Winter is in full swing - there is snow...

I'm tired of winter! I want dry asphalt, warm sun, short skirt, hairpins and birdsong!

In the depths of winter, I find an untamed summer within me.

This year in March, even Siberian cats did not start serenading. Apparently they were afraid of freezing their eggs.

This is a stubborn winter! They were already making pancakes, and she still stood in the doorway and grinned. He's probably asking for a ride.

Statuses about winter and snow

People are divided into two types: lovers of the hot season and admirers of beautiful ones. For those who are cheered up by crunchy snow underfoot, sparks of snowflakes and festive lights in the windows - statuses about winter. they will not leave anyone indifferent.

Beautiful statuses about winter

  • "Romantics go crazy in winter."
  • "Only in winter can you believe in a fairy tale and
  • "Winter, memories and a blanket - what else do you need?"
  • "Winter brings us closer together. The stronger the frost, the stronger people hugging."
  • “People seem to get kinder in winter.”
  • “It is difficult to ever enjoy such silence as on a winter evening.”
  • "Winter has the scent of tangerines, cookies and love."
  • “I want to be like in childhood - wrapped in a coat, scarf and blanket so that only your eyes are visible, ride on a wooden sled, hold a bag of sweets in your hands and guard the Christmas tree tied to the side.”
  • "People tend to winter evenings think about the eternal."
  • “It’s amazing what peace falling snow gives to the soul.”
  • "Winter is not only a season. It's a mood."
  • "In winter, the street turns into a carnival. You can't see the faces, but you can feel the festive atmosphere."

Statuses about winter are more beautiful the more tenderness this time evokes in a person’s heart. People really become warmer with the arrival of frost.

Original sayings about winter and snow

All statuses about winter are similar. They are similar in their life-affirming motives, goodness and beauty.

  • “Winter is white for a reason. It’s a blank slate of life.”
  • “All sounds sooner or later begin to irritate. Except for the crunch of snow in the cold.”
  • “If you look at the sky in the snow, you can die of happiness.”
  • “The window of a minibus on a frosty day turns into a rock painting, where everyone wants to leave their mark.”
  • “When else to make wishes, if not on a winter evening burning with lights?”
  • “I would like to thank those people who decorate the windows with garlands and turn them on in the evenings. You good people, you share joy."

Funny statuses about winter

  • "Had a good three winter months? Get the fourth one for free!
  • “There are exactly “horror, polka dots not bought, dress not finished, cards not signed” days left until the New Year.”
  • "Yesterday the guys and I wanted to jump into a snowdrift. The owner of the snowdrift billed us for broken side mirrors."
  • “You don’t need any fitness when you’re wearing a down jacket through snowdrifts and doing cross splits on ice.”
  • “Girls, take advantage of the moment. When else will men fall at your feet, if not in this icy conditions?”
  • "Winter is especially beautiful in March."
  • “Real winter is when the thermometer asks to go from the street into the house.”
  • “But once upon a time people were happy about snow in December, not surprised.”
  • "British scientists have found that children whose fathers tie a scarf can hold their breath for up to 3 hours."
  • "Each warm winter Somewhere in the closet there are sad underpants."
  • "According to statistics, with the beginning of winter, more couples in love appear. Ice is no joke! We must stick together."
  • “In the snow, no one is embarrassed by people who walk backwards.”
  • “Nothing strengthens a family more than: “No, roll this ball more, where did you put it, where did you put the carrot?”
  • You realize that you have matured when you change fashionable jacket comes warm."

Statuses about winter are never soulless - they always emanate the warmth with which a person treats this time of year.

We offer statuses about winter and snow that are beautiful, meaningful, short, funny and very different.

With the arrival of winter, it's time to change your status in social network to more relevant.

As the old song says: “Summer is a little life...”

And winter in many regions is a big life, no matter how sad it may be. And she needs her own, separate status.

A strange time of year has come... In the morning it is night, in the evening it is night. And during the day I... work!

Morning is the most disgusting time of the day. I hate him. Especially in winter. I don’t know where old man Pushkin got these rays of the sun, the refreshing frost and the singing of winter birds. It is possible that he started drinking in the morning...

“Hurray! Winter!” – knees and teeth chattered joyfully...

In Surgut, in forty-degree frost, a boy, using a water pistol, inflicted 20 stab wounds on a gopnik who accosted him.

In Siberia they play dress-up cards.

Phone sex in Siberia: I slowly take off my felt boots...

Russian winter is when even thermometers ask to come into the house.

The time has come when girls don’t have thongs sticking out of their jeans, but warm black tights.

It's so cold here that the goosebumps on women's legs are tearing their tights.

One day, in the cold winter time, I left the house... And immediately came in!

A session for a student is like the first snow for utility workers - it seems like there is a forecast with dates, but still “The city’s utility services were not ready...”

Let's have your December already. November, of course, didn’t work out.

And the beginning of winter makes me terribly angry! Everyone was waiting for it to get colder. But no! The price has gone up again!

You have jeeps, yachts, airplanes there... And in our village, the authority is the one whose water does not freeze.

Winter... The birds have flown away...

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Darling, am I a bunny or a bird?

According to statistics, 30% of women love winter very much, the remaining 70% do not like it very much. The next question showed that 30% simply have a fur coat, while the rest do not.

Tomorrow I won’t go outside, it’s already slippery there, and here I am with my stunningness.

Winter fitness! By the time I got to the store... 5 longitudinal splits... 10 transverse... Side bends... Squats... Steeplechase... Eh, my body is invigorated!

It got colder yesterday. My nose is stuffy. It's colder again today. Ears blocked. What the hell is this, is my head being insulated?!

Briefly about the weather. Yesterday I washed a T-shirt. Today it broke!

The polar bear is invisible in the snow. Until he gets scared.

I would like something different in January. Snow, damn it, for example...

That's it, I looked at the snow, you can remove it.

Everyone who whined and snotted: “I want snow, where is the snow,” listen here - so that they devour it completely before the morning!

Nothing, nothing. Winter is coming and then hardly anyone will understand whether I’m drunk or slippery.

In winter, the number of cultured people on the slippery stairs decreases sharply.

One day I decided to remember my childhood. He fell face first into a snowdrift. Who knew there was a shop there?

Russian children are harsh. They are waiting for the temperature to be minus 40, when school is canceled and they can go for a walk outside...

About the weather. It was the first time I saw people applauding when a minibus arrived.

Judging by the weather, the scarecrow of Maslenitsa survived and began to take revenge.

If winter jokes until April, I want summer to take revenge until December!

From the balcony window, in woolen socks, with a tangerine in hand, winter seems beautiful.

She ran to the minibus, dashed the last five meters on her butt, stood up gracefully, and went into the salon. The man was pleased: “Let me shake off your sled?”

Statuses about winter and love:

Winter......the cold permeates every cell of my body...and at such moments...I remember you.

On a dating site: For the winter I want to find a woman who knows how to shovel snow well and push a car out of the snowdrifts. Write to me, the only one!

Men! Winter is the only opportunity to mold yourself a woman to your liking! Don't miss the opportunity!

She quietly took my hand. “He loves me,” I thought. “Ice,” she thought.

Snow is tangled in my eyelashes... I am walking along a frozen street... Somewhere there is also a man walking. My beloved... He's in a hurry, worried...

It’s scary when there are such flakes, and you have no one to throw into the snow, throw snowballs at them, and then give them hot tea...

I just want to stand near the window, look at the falling snow... And for you to just come up and hug me tenderly...

How beautiful the snow was falling that evening. What a pity that you are not with me this evening. And this evening people walk back and forth. And my eyes are looking for you among them...

Look for your loved ones - the winter is too cold ahead...