5 water manara feedback. The meaning of the minor arcana tarot manara

The next card in the Manara Tarot deck is the Five of Water. “Don’t swim, don’t sink, something needs to be decided, it can’t be this way, but it can’t be done any other way. Don’t shout, look, we shouldn’t rush, don’t blame luck for happiness...”

The plot of the Five of Water card from the Manara Tarot deck

This clearly depicts a very tense scene. When studying the faces of the characters in detail, it becomes not entirely clear what is happening: is he trying to save her, or, on the contrary, to drown her? The girl was clearly lost somewhere and found herself almost naked. She clearly doesn’t see the guy’s face—it’s important for her to stay on the surface. He is depicted with a face distorted with anger. And, perhaps, from jealousy. In any case, passions are heating up, and in the Five it cannot be any other way: the period of stability is over.

The meaning of the Five of Water card in the Manara Tarot deck

Straight position

And again, numerology helps us: it clearly says that Five itself is the number of struggle; the calm of the Four was followed by a riot of colors. A real confrontation between partners begins, passions heat up, and emotions appear in the relationship, similar to causeless jealousy, which senselessly tests the relationship. One of the partners is clearly playing on the other’s nerves, and the methods of play are not always normal, they can go beyond the bounds of decency.

Inverted position

But the inverted position will no longer indicate a fight, but a one-sided “beating”, manipulation in pure form, like: “if you leave, I will commit suicide,” or something similar. Moreover, if this person still wins, then the matter will not be limited to this manipulation; the further it goes, the worse it will be... The meaning of the card for relationships- not the most wonderful card for relationships, given all of its meanings and meanings listed above. We can conclude that the relationship she describes is very complex - it is some kind of continuous endless conflict. And with loud scandals, where one partner simply tries to drown the other in his emotions. In addition, relationships can work according to the scheme “I love you, then I hate you”, which is why the other partner also begins to go crazy. Even sexual relations according to this card are more like rape or very hard sex. And if people have gained wisdom and separated according to this card, be sure that they will never speak to each other again in life, since the offense here will be simply fatal.
Tarot Manara. All the colors of love Nevsky Dmitry

5. Water

5. Water

Key words, meanings: self-deception, emotional dissonance, reluctance to demonstrate true feelings, causeless resentment and jealousy, nagging.

The reason for the event lies in the development of the plot described in 4 waters. The partner did not wait for the relationship to cool down and tried to force the situation. A lot of emotions, grievances, dissatisfaction are the path to a complete break in the relationship.

The consequences of an event can still be changed. It’s already more difficult than it was “yesterday,” but it’s possible if you leave the person alone and let the emotions calm down. It's a pity that few people are capable of this.

Meaning of the card in the upright position

The card indicates that the person is engaged in self-deception.

His fear, which begins to control his emotions, only strengthens this tendency.

In relationships between people, this card indicates a boundless passion that consumes both. But at the same time, it instills in them the fear that everything might end someday. And this fear begins to appear in relationships in the form of jealousy and mutual resentment.

Live event

In reality, the situation looks quite stupid. One of the partners engages in criticism, pours out his grievances, is jealous, and finds fault. The other is abstracted and does not participate in the plot. It’s not that he doesn’t care, but perhaps this will be the case after a while.

Description of the situation, plot, setting

People often act this way in an attempt to draw attention to their feelings. But when they don’t find a response, they get angry and irritated, using tools negative emotions. Not out of malice, but this does not change the essence, because the hole that has arisen between the partners is becoming larger and larger.

A person’s actions in work, affairs

At work, a person behaves “like a fish in a can”; he has completely detached himself from surrounding problems and concerns. There is bustle, excitement, irritation all around, everything he is trying to hide from.

Act in monetary and financial matters relationships

Money has accumulated a lot of problems that at the moment time cannot be decided. A person runs from them, tries to hide, otherwise his nerves will not withstand such a load.

Cause psychological state and behavioral aspect

The reason for human behavior is hidden in the same nature of the Personality. A person is overloaded with information, emotions, events. He cannot, is unable to perceive what is happening around him. And in order to protect himself, he “stalls” emotionally.

Fears and concerns

In this case, the plot is dominated not by fear, but by the instinct of self-preservation, which prompts the right behavior. Driven by this instinct, a person will try to preserve himself, his Personality, and psyche. What about the rest? As it turns out.

Relationships people's reactions

Most people, especially practical and pedantic individuals, do not share this position. There is an opinion that problems need to be faced face to face. That's probably right. But when you have the strength and opportunity. Otherwise it borders on suicide.

Love is a form of expression of feelings

IN love relationships there was a breakdown. One of the partners does not take into account the state of the other and demands, tries to get, forces. In general, he does everything that aggravates the situation and does not allow him to look at it from a positive side.

Family deed

IN family relationships the card predicts a deep crisis, accompanied by “scenes rolling,” hysterics, showdowns, and scandals. There are few reasons. Most often there are none. But for some reason the situation pushes one of the spouses to take such steps. It is important that the other person has enough strength and endurance to survive this whole nightmare.

Magic signs of influence

In magic, a card can indicate a quarrel or a turning point. But you need to look at the background of what is happening; both actions are done in the interests of a certain person.

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5. Water (Water) Key words, meanings: self-deception, emotional dissonance, reluctance to demonstrate true feelings, causeless resentment and jealousy, nagging. The reason for the event lies in the development of the plot described in 4 Waters. The partner did not wait for the relationship to cool down and

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Image: The map takes us to new level relationships or love games. Do you feel how serious and tense the situation is becoming? Assol’s partner is tired of staying at a distance in order to avoid conflicts and encourage her inaccessibility. The calm is grossly disturbed by an attempt to “drown” the too distant beloved in a sea of ​​feelings and emotions. Resistance provokes even greater activity - the partner seems to be saying: “We are together because we felt and loved each other. I’m the same, and you? Since you got involved, follow the rules of the game! No “dosing” - the sea, the ocean of feelings with typhoons and storms!" Who will stand it?

Who will drown and who will stay afloat? The Five of Water is consonant with the XIII Arcana, which depicts the dance of Death. The tricks of the previous cards no longer work. And your partner does not seek to save you, but rather pushes you down into the depths, provoking very strong back reactions.

Meaning: Fight. Psychological game. Fives always talk about a turn, a sharp and critical situation. IN Erotic Tarot This feature of the number 5 is especially pronounced. Fears, encountering unpleasant events. Jealousy, often without reason. A kind of test of a partner’s love “for strength.” There are different methods, including some that are not very correct. Just to make your partner feel, you can even play on instincts.

Condition: Only one person will remain afloat. The other one after the Five of Water will most likely “pick himself up piece by piece” for a very long time. Partners are actually far from indifferent to each other; they are very connected strong feelings. If love is to death, to complete submission. If there is a break, then along with the destruction of the partner. Anger, aggression. The difference is in the depth of emotions.

Characteristics of relationships: Painful relationship with a close, caring person. Permanent conflict. There may be loud scandals and even a breakup when anger dictates the rules of the game. Someone wants to “drown” their partner in their instinctual desires.

Physical condition: Intense sex against the backdrop of conflict, maybe with elements of violence. Exciting environment.

Feelings: Self-deception and fear. Dangerous intensity of passions. Love to death. I will die, but I will prove how indifferent you are to me. If they break up on this card, it means a mortal resentment. The struggle of love and hate, groundless jealousy.

Warning: Don't drown yourself by drowning someone else. In fact, your insane hatred is reverse side love.

Advice: Immerse yourself in this water, respond to your partner’s feelings, don’t wait until they drown you. Direct your energy from destruction to creation and building relationships.

Astrological correspondence: Mars in Scorpio. First dean of Scorpio. An aggressive planet in the sign of depths and extremes is a truly dangerous combination. No restrictions or taboos.



Struggle. Self-deception and fear. Dangerous intensity of passions. Love to death. In this struggle, the partners are actually not indifferent to each other, they are connected by very strong feelings. If they melt away according to this card, it will be a mortal insult.

Despair, dissatisfaction, disharmony, imbalance, I want to be together, but the feeling is that everything has collapsed. And it’s impossible to be together and it’s painful to part.

The desire to be together and possess each other, regardless of all the circumstances that oppose this.

The main thing is not to lead to a fatal outcome, when someone may die. It is better to get out of this relationship and break it off by force. So that there is no fatal outcome.

Don't lie when you love, don't make false plans and don't deceive each other.


Melrose& 10 Feb 2015, 18:49

The reason for the event lies in the development of the plot described in 4 waters. The partner did not wait for the relationship to cool down and tried to force the situation. A lot of emotions, grievances, dissatisfaction are the path to a complete break in the relationship.

The consequences of an event can still be changed. It’s already more difficult than it was “yesterday,” but it’s possible if you leave the person alone and let the emotions calm down. It's a pity that few people are capable of this.

The card indicates that the person is engaged in self-deception.

His fear, which begins to control his emotions, only strengthens this tendency.

In relationships between people, this card indicates a boundless passion that consumes both. But at the same time, it instills in them the fear that everything might end someday. And this fear begins to appear in relationships in the form of jealousy and mutual resentment.

In reality, the situation looks quite stupid. One of the partners engages in criticism, pours out his grievances, is jealous, and finds fault. The other is abstracted and does not participate in the plot. It’s not that he doesn’t care, but perhaps this will be the case after a while.

People often act this way in an attempt to draw attention to their feelings. But when they don’t find a response, they get angry and irritated, using the tools of negative emotions. Not out of malice, but this does not change the essence, because the hole that has arisen between the partners is becoming larger and larger.

At work, a person behaves “like a fish in a can”; he has completely detached himself from surrounding problems and concerns. There is bustle, excitement, irritation all around, everything he is trying to hide from.

There are many problems with money that cannot be solved at this point in time. A person runs from them, tries to hide, otherwise his nerves will not withstand such a load.

The reason for human behavior is hidden in the same nature of the Personality. A person is overloaded with information, emotions, events. He cannot, is unable to perceive what is happening around him. And to protect himself, he “goes deaf” emotionally.

In this case, the plot is dominated not by fear, but by the instinct of self-preservation, which prompts the right behavior. Driven by this instinct, a person will try to preserve himself, his Personality, and psyche. What about the rest? As it turns out.

Most people, especially practical and pedantic individuals, do not share this position. There is an opinion that problems need to be faced face to face. That's probably right. But when you have the strength and opportunity. Otherwise it borders on suicide.

There was a breakdown in the love relationship. One of the partners does not take into account the state of the other and demands, tries to get, forces. In general, he does everything that aggravates the situation and does not allow him to look at it from a positive side.

In family relationships, the card predicts a deep crisis, accompanied by “scenes rolling”, hysterics, showdowns, and scandals. There are few reasons. Most often there are none. But for some reason the situation pushes one of the spouses to take such steps. It is important that the other person has enough strength and endurance to survive this whole nightmare.

In magic, a card can indicate a quarrel or a turning point. But you need to look at the background of what is happening; both actions are done in the interests of a certain person.

Immediately extinguish emotions! Stop acting in the manner described! Take a passive position and let time do its thing. Otherwise, everything will move towards the collapse of the relationship.


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I continue to share my work on Manara.


We have already looked at the connection between the Devil and Temperance. Since the swamp stability of the 14th lasso leads us to the temptations of the 15th.

What can be seen in the source image of Temperance. From one woman - bright and pure, but insipid, a man is drawn to the devil.

At the same time, we see that the character of the cards Temperance and the Devil are one, the women with him are different. Well, he is different from them. A man in a case is on the 14th arcana and dancing the last tango with a demon is on the 15th.
What does the Devil mean in layouts? Usually just sex. An obsession with him with a specific person is not just a womanizer, most likely due to Moderation - this person is modest and uptight, but there is someone with whom he becomes extremely liberated and this liberation drives him crazy.
It looks like a midlife crisis for men, when they take young lovers, cheat on their wives recklessly, try their best to look younger, and usually experience their last bright love and passion.
The man on the Devil’s card is amazed by what he sees, there is surprise on his face, he himself did not expect this from himself and his partner.
Bright colors - the predominance of fire - indicate that the fire is difficult to extinguish.
There is no usual negativity in the Devil of Manara, since there is only one sin - lust. And this lust immediately burns both to the ground.
Judging by the classics, where the Devil is a logical continuation of the Lovers, it only shows a relationship that has reached a dead end, but people are still tightly connected, here two are also connected, but the man is more attached. The demoness can find another victim for herself.
To the question “Does he love me?” - “No, but he really wants to” or “Yes, but he loves himself more in your reflection.”
To the question of the couple’s separation: “No, you will be together, but it’s not a fact that you will feel good.”
The devil prophesies interesting novel, a storm of passions, a long but unstable relationship.
Moreover, we understand that the man on the map is leading double life. With a “holy” partner on Temperance and a “sinner” on the map. And he is not going to give up either one or the other. So look what the Devil means in the layouts love triangles. A man is happy with everything, but is he happy with women?


A completely inexpressive map, considering the energy of an ordinary Tower. Here the Tower is dull, flooded with rain (sadness, bad emotions).
The gray-brown background speaks of depression and melancholy. This is not an external destruction, but an internal one, when a person eats himself.
Usually this Tower has meanings: illness to hospital, divorce, destruction of relationships. Regarding sex - oddly enough, realizing that usually the 16th lasso specifically for sex shows very positive things - there is nothing between people. There may be a psychological or physiological problem related to intimacy. If we draw parallels with the Hermit, then his animal character drove himself so far that he ended up in a hospital or... prison.
Grayness, sadness, melancholy, death...
It falls on exhausted people, mentally exhausted, who, due to physical or mental problems, are no longer able to build relationships. They are living out their life.
However, this Tower does not carry the usual explosive negativity.
Probably her message: you can destroy yourself quietly. What is much more terrible is not external cataclysms, but the slow destruction of the soul.
Dreary card...

The Lady from the Star is much more fun. But... cold to the point of impossibility. And upon closer examination of the picture, it seems that this is not a woman, but a transvestite.
It is not for nothing that this card in layouts often indicates an unconventional orientation.
Plus, a female star does not need the sexual side of a relationship. She's frigid. She can play hard to get with men, and she really is. What is interesting in the layouts is that the lasso often shows the same touchy men. In general, it falls more often on men than on women.
Often men who have not figured out who they love: boys or girls.
The veil on the heroine’s head speaks of how important official relationships and status are to her.
Compare with 2 air.

And we see that the girl is most likely the same. And the meaning of 2 air is marriage of convenience, commercialism, lack of sexual attraction and feelings. Partners are needed to collect and confirm one’s own beauty, significance, and desirability. But if relationships, including intimate ones, exist on level 2, you just need to understand their motives. On the Star - they are not and will not be. Here egocentrism and really stardom are off the charts.
It is interesting that the 2 of air usually, in contrast to the Star, describes women.
To the question: “Does he (s) love me?”, the answer: “No, he only loves himself.” To the question: “Will there be a relationship?” - “No, don’t make plans, the person will just waste your time.”
At the same time, the character himself, described by the Star card, is quite pleased with himself and his empty life, unlike others, he is not tormented by any worries or regrets and is not going to change anything, because he is already doing very well.
Personal description: egocentric, narcissist, a person who doesn’t care about the feelings of others, lives “on Olympus” and despises everyone around him.