3 fires of manara thoughts for men. The meaning of the “Three of Fire” card in the “Tarot Manara” deck according to the book “Erotic Tarot”

The next card in the Manara Tarot deck is the Three of Fire. “You are timid, you are constrained and alarmed, you are not used to it, you are very careful. That’s why, without waiting for affection, I myself go to you without fear...”

The plot of the Three of Fire card from the Manara Tarot deck

And again the first thought: “I came, I saw, I conquered, I left again...”. An old-fashioned boy in short pants is sitting, and a beautiful young lady is sitting next to him. She has already tried to attract his attention this way and that, but he doesn’t care...What should I do? You have to take the bull by the horns to be sure. The girl takes off all her clothes (at that time she was already pretty excited) and simply tries to ride the young man. He, of course, is discouraged - he doesn’t seem to mind, but everything clearly didn’t go the way he thought (or did he think)? Do you often meet a beauty on the street who is ready for such achievements?

The meaning of the Three of Fire card in the Manara Tarot deck

Straight position

Considering the practice of working with this deck, I can say that in this particular card, a man and a woman change roles very rarely - these are isolated cases. As a rule, here a woman remains a woman, and she is the one who is very assertive, maybe even too much and out of place. She’s just crazy, she wants everything at once and immediately. She knows that this kind of behavior can attract almost any man - it’s not a fact, of course, that later it will be possible to build some kind of normal relationship, but now it doesn’t matter. A man in this situation generally has little understanding of what is happening and, moreover, after all this he can ask the girl questions like: “What was that?” But there will be no answer - what happened is what happened! Therefore, the main meaning of the card is to conquer, seduce. It's like a game, excitement.

Inverted position

In its reversed meaning, the card clearly indicates that the partner will not fall for such tricks. The partner considers the behavior unacceptable, low, intrusive. Here the second side of the map is revealed, and it points to those units who are ready not to succumb to passion and to observe moral values. In everyday life, she will simply point out the inappropriateness and incorrectness of behavior in a particular situation and give advice: “magic” will not always work and not with everyone, so it is better to use standard or normal methods to achieve the goal. The meaning of the card for relationships— in general, it’s difficult to call everything that happens on this map a relationship, because two solitudes meet on it. They are so different that it is unclear how nature brought them together in the first place. Maybe he was also sitting on the bench? In a relationship, one partner is relaxed, open, sexy, passionate, etc. - any synonyms. Such relationships can exist for quite a long time. But what can I say, because many live like this all their lives... The question is different - is the person comfortable? But this is the next card...

Image: A slightly old-fashioned and slightly anxious man was relaxing on a park bench. He didn’t think about anything like that (well, let’s say, about anything that’s not customary on a park bench...), although he glanced at the beauty sitting next to him. The beauty tried unsuccessfully to attract his attention and, perhaps, have a good evening. However, the man did not show any initiative, and our heroine decided to act for sure. She tore off all her clothes and, burning with passion, threw herself on his lap. She doesn't care about everything around her except her desire. The man does not know how to react - he is puzzled and surprised. He doesn’t seem to mind, but this is so unexpected for him... Events are not developing as he expected. (Films "Pretty Woman", "The Taming of the Shrew".)

Meaning: Women's activity. Perhaps she's pro- ! appeared somewhat out of place or at the wrong time. Lolita, without thinking about the consequences and showing her partner that the consequences do not matter at all, tries to arouse desire. She may do it too aggressively, but she knows very well that few men are able to resist such openness. Strong relationships this won't follow, but who knows...

The card is very active, but, really, what happens after? Following the fiery principle, after satisfying her passionate desires, our Lolita is inclined to retire. (Re-read Nabokov’s novel, it will greatly help you in understanding the suit of Fire.) Such behavior, as a rule, perplexes the partner: what was all this for? And what was that all about? So the man begins to feel somehow deceived. He persistently tries to control the situation, “annoying” a random partner with his tediousness and desire to dot all the i’s, not suspecting that the i’s were dotted at the moment when he followed the lead of his passion. This implies the general meaning of the card - an inadequate manifestation of one’s desire. Sports excitement of seduction. Conquest.

Condition: Excitement and desire to achieve one’s goal at all costs. Our young lady, as they say, suffered...

Characteristics of relationships: Imbalance. One of the partners is burning with passion, while the other is not ready for a relationship and is puzzled by tactless pressure. Some are open, while others are repressed, complex, and may have low self-esteem. Inconsistency. The woman is inadequate in expressing feelings, the man is “out of place.”

Physical state: People have different ideas about relationships and sex. Different temperament and potential. There may be complexes. Using energy for other purposes - in the wrong place, at the wrong time, etc.

Feelings: The more a partner resists, the more interesting he is. From the man’s side - “...how about we talk?..”.

Warning: Have you chosen the right direction of application of force, time and place? You are wasting energy in vain - for the wrong purposes or at the wrong time.

Advice: Find the appeal in what you already have and go for it.

Astrological correspondence: Sun in Aries. Second decan of Aries.



Inappropriate expression of one's desire. Partners have different ideas about sex. Inconsistency. The more a partner resists, the more interesting he is.

Description from the map - Natalia Manok and Elena Boyko (Suriya)

3 triple of FIRE TAROT MANARA: General value cards:

Resistance to prolongation of the situation. Thirst for action. Hyperactivity, the woman says - I will decide everything myself. Initiative, it is naked - proactive and open, thirst for action and continuation. A challenge to trust, a desire for partnership. The impossibility of further loneliness. Support. You want support and you will be supported. You want attention to be paid to you, and it will be paid to you. The person you like has noticed you. It is quite possible that he does not dare to reunite now, but you have melted the situation, you light him up. He's still confused and doesn't quite trust the circumstances, but he already likes you. The promise of rapprochement. Sudden warmth. Warming relations. A rush of feelings. Something unexpectedly new will appear in your life. Decide to conquer this peak that you want to conquer and success awaits you. Your position is strong and impressive, you are protected by the sun - the power of fire. You can become the only one for him. But the initiative will still belong to you. Starting new relationships. You can win. In business, a more experienced partner attracts, while an inexperienced but strong one attracts. Show assertiveness and you will succeed.

The first attempts at rapprochement are successful.

This could be a hasty affair on the side, on vacation or at work, with which something can also develop.

The desire to start something new. Conquest and the desire to assert oneself. Refusal of loneliness.

In all respects, in addition to strength, you also need intelligence.

We have to stay within the limits. We need to look for more acceptable conditions for relationships, because there is potential. Give up the feeling of hopelessness and luck that nothing will work out. We need to remove all restrictions, get rid of complexes. Develop a plan for further actions, find and negotiate all the conditions. Be decisive, brush aside doubts. Don't count on failure, but on the long-term development of the relationship. And you will be successful.

Re: 3 three of FIRE TAROT MANARA

Melrose& 10 Feb 2015, 17:33

The cause of the event is a person’s desire and the presence of an object of this desire. Everything coincided and nothing prevents you from doing what you wanted for so long.

The consequences of the event may be ambiguous. On the one hand, the object can succumb to such strong manifestation emotions and will separate them; on the other hand, this situation can alienate a person and make him doubt the adequacy of his partner. It all depends on the person and on the level of the relationship.

The card indicates an inadequate manifestation of one’s interest and desire, which cannot be perceived by a partner due to differences in moral assessment what's happening. There are no restrictions for a person in expressing his feelings. He doesn't care much about public morality.

Moreover, this situation is quite satisfactory for both partners, since one enjoys being conquered, and the other likes to be conquered. Although from the outside this couple may be perceived as hunter and game, they are quite equal.

A person sees the object of his passion and, moreover, he can take steps to get what he wants. The act is bright, unusual, shocking, but at the same time you must understand that it is dictated not by reason, but by the passion that boils in a person.

We have encountered this story more than once; one avoids it, fears it. The other person actively acts without fear of consequences and without thinking about how it might be perceived by others.

In work and affairs, a person is unstoppable and always achieves his goal. Methods are another matter - he is ready to do anything just to get his hands on a &prize&.

There is nothing impossible for a person in money, there are no taboos or restrictions. If he wanted something, he will definitely get it.

The reason for the behavior “comes out” of the 2 fire card. But if in that card the person had an emotional influence, then in this card he moved to action. He believes that this and the only way you can get everything you need. Don't hold back, don't limit yourself. Do it if you want!

The fear of being rejected exists; it can only be driven away with even greater efforts. A person, including one driven by fear, will go to the end, practically without giving an account of his actions.

People’s reaction is quite simple & he will decide for himself how to live further&. They distance themselves from what is happening, allowing the person to figure out what is happening for himself.

Passion, desire to possess, lust, everything that was described in 1 Fire, now has an object that is the cause of the state. Why wait? We need to act!

IN family relationships such behavior can be considered as an emotional outburst, which occurs either due to the fact that feelings have been suppressed for a long time, or due to the fact that after a short “rest” the feelings manifest themselves with renewed vigor.

There is no magic here. But such behavior suggests that if a person does not get what he wants, he will quite possibly use magic. What does he have to lose?

If you become the object of passion, then only you can decide what to do about it. Only you can say why you need it and whether you need it at all. Or maybe not say anything?

Re: 3 three of FIRE TAROT MANARA

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