Washing rituals on Maundy Thursday. Proper bathing on Maundy Thursday before Easter


Since in Maundy Thursday It is customary to swim, many people are interested in when exactly they need to take water procedures for the best effect. The detailed answer to this question is given below.

When should you swim on Maundy Thursday?

Throughout the year, there are perhaps only 2 days when water acquires special properties - these are the holiday of Epiphany and Maundy Thursday. In 2018, it will come on April 5, and already on April 8, many people will celebrate Easter.

This day is called clean because, according to legend, Christ washed the feet of all 12 disciples during the Last Supper. And since this event happened at night, you also need to swim before sunrise. You can organize swimming on Wednesday night, you can get up early in the morning - here everyone can do what is convenient for them.

In Rus' for several centuries there existed interesting tradition. Already on Saturday evening they brought it to the bathhouse large number water and firewood, they lit the stove, and at night the whole family went swimming. Of course, in modern conditions An alternative to the bathhouse was a bath or shower, which, however, does not detract from the healing properties of water. The main thing is to get in the right mood for this holiday and know not only when and what time you need to wash on Maundy Thursday, but also how to do it.


People called Clean Thursday. And according to church tradition, it (like all days of Holy Week) is called great. This was the last day of Christ's earthly life. He had an evening meal with his disciples (supper), and the very next day he was put on trial and crucified on the cross.

What to say on Maundy Thursday when you wash yourself

Whether you go swimming at night or in the morning before sunrise, the most important thing is to tune in to this fun and useful event. What does it mean? You just need to let go of all extraneous thoughts, sincerely wish yourself and your loved ones happiness, and forgive your enemies all insults, the site reports. After all, every person has his own weaknesses, what can you do about it.

To make swimming a joy and fill you with energy and health for the whole year, you can use these useful tips:

  1. It is best not only to lie in the bath, but also to take a cool shower. If you stand up and feel the pleasant fall of the jet, you can easily imagine how it destroys everything unnecessary and bestows you with its love and care.
  2. As soon as you really feel the beneficial power of the water jets, you can imagine how all worries, unnecessary thoughts, blues and other problems go away.
  3. But before you wash off the soap, you can say the following words:

You can also say some other phrases that come from the heart. You can say them both out loud and to yourself. Repeat three times or more. The main thing is to do everything naturally, intuitively understanding how best to act.


On Maundy Thursday, when you need to bathe before sunrise, it is useful to rinse your face with water from a silver bowl. If you don’t find one, you can just leave it overnight silver ring or earrings so that they recharge the water. It is believed that thanks to the procedure, the skin will become elastic and look attractive throughout the year.

Firsthand: Priests' Opinions on the Right Time for Bathing

The rules described above apply, rather, to folk tradition than to strict church canons. In fact, there is no strict requirement for exactly when and how to bathe on this day, or what to say or think about it. Church representatives believe that this can be done at any time.

At the same time, it is important to understand this nuance. Yes, cleansing the body (and at the same time general cleaning of the house) is the right thing to do, good way preparation for Easter. However, the main meaning of the holiday is the cleansing of the soul. What can it be expressed in? For example, we can ask for forgiveness for long-standing grievances, see those with whom contact was interrupted, perhaps for not the most compelling reasons.

And you yourself can stop being offended by various little things by trying to understand and accept the point of view of another person. In this way, we remove the psychological burden, as if we are washing our soul of unnecessary emotions, thanks to which the Easter holiday will certainly sparkle with brighter colors.

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It is important to know well what customs, prayers, and traditions accompany Maundy Thursday. It is believed that on this glorious day that precedes Good Friday, every believer is obliged to part with all his fears, problems, worries and sinful thoughts. You should not carry this “load” on your shoulders on the bright holiday of Easter. How to get rid of all problems? What should you do on Maundy Thursday?

Thursday of Holy Week has great magical power. On this day there are many various signs and, of course, rituals.

Immediately after waking up on Maundy Thursday, each family member must wash himself with silver, that is, from a silver coin or spoon. According to legend, such washing gives a person not only good health, but also beauty. Patients in Maundy Thursday they wash themselves with silver coins borrowed from neighbors. The strongest silver coin is the one that was stolen. Such a coin is not spent, but treasured: it is used to treat people, bewitch them, and tell fortunes with it.

Cleaning the house on Maundy Thursday. Every Orthodox Christian faces the task of purifying himself. You should achieve cleanliness in your home, body and soul. It is necessary to take out all the rubbish from the house, collect trash, cobwebs, everything that for many years stored in hidden corners and awaiting its finest hour. If an item has not been used for 12 months, then it is time to throw it in the trash or give the item to people in need. This procedure will help remove all the negativity from the house that has accumulated over time. for a long time, and also prevent evil spirits from loosening “their hands and tongues.” Please note that trash accumulates where littering occurs. And in an uncomfortable house, where it is dusty and weedy, negative thoughts begin to arise, scandals, squabbles, and angry words appear. People forget about love for their neighbors and lose faith.

Swimming before sunrise on Maundy Thursday. To stay happy and successful until next Maundy Thursday, you need to cleanse your body. You need to swim before sunrise. This early morning, the water in the reservoirs is saturated with beneficial power. Bathing on Maundy Thursday will lead to the fact that accumulated fatigue, anxiety will go away, and pain will be forgotten. Before ablution, you need to say a prayer, your words of gratitude for what you have now, you need to repent. Before the sun dawns on Maundy Thursday, according to what customs require, we get into the shower and imagine that the water is not just washing the body, but taking away with it a whole series of troubles.

While bathing, you need to read the spell to attract good luck. It is necessary to say: “Water, water, flow, pour, cleanse my face, cleanse my body and cleanse my soul, fill me with beauty and health.” After this, bathing ends with pouring cool water over yourself from a ladle.

On Maundy Thursday you need to bake Easter cakes and Easter cakes. The main custom of Thursday of Holy Week is associated with baking Easter cakes. From the very morning, all housewives put the dough “so that it rises.” And towards evening, after reading all the necessary prayers, they begin festive baking. Popular beliefs They say that by how the Easter cakes turn out, you can judge how the whole year will go until next Easter. If Easter cakes turned out lush and tasty, then next year will only bring joy. But if baking fails, then the year ahead will be difficult.

Signs on Maundy Thursday

According to folk signs On Maundy Thursday, every housewife is sure to start a general cleaning. After all folk wisdom says that “there is no good in dirt.” This means that if you meet the approaching Easter holiday in a dirty home, then you can’t expect anything good from the next year. After Maundy Thursday you can no longer clean the house - the remaining days before the Great Day must be spent in strict fasting and prayer.

Beliefs strictly prohibit giving anything from home on Maundy Thursday. Even if a neighbor comes to you for salt, find a reason to refuse her, otherwise, along with the salt, you can give her prosperity and peace from your home.

On Maundy Thursday, you need to bring from church the so-called passion candle, which helps in the treatment of a variety of diseases. On the same day, Thursday salt is prepared - ordinary salt is baked in the oven, and then consecrated in the church. This salt has amazing healing properties.

On this day, housewives prepare Easter eggs, painted eggs, Easter cakes and Easter eggs. The appearance of cottage cheese Easter on festive table not by chance. Since ancient times, milk and dairy products, along with bread (Kulich), were revered as sacred, sacred food. Our ancestors endowed milk with healing properties and associated it with concepts such as strength and fertility.

On Maundy Thursday, a person can ask otherworldly forces about his future. To do this, they took a candle brought from the evening service, lit it and went to the attic (one of the brownie’s habitats). You had to stand there for a while and wait for the home spirit. If a shaggy brownie appeared, then this promised wealth to the family, but if a bald one, then the owners would live in poverty.

One could ask the devil about the future. You had to go into the forest, sit on a birch (a tree associated with the souls of the dead and female demons) or aspen (a cursed tree), take off pectoral cross and call the forest spirit. It was believed that the goblin would definitely appear on Holy Thursday and answer all the questions of the daredevil who dared to talk with the evil spirit.

Conspiracies on Maundy Thursday

Conspiracy for beauty

This conspiracy is read on Maundy Thursday before sunrise and when reading, they bow low on all four sides.

"I'll get up
Servant of God (name),
At the clear dawn,
I'll bow first
To a beautiful star,
I'll wash myself with dew,
I'll wipe myself with a girl's braid.
Be my white face
Whiter than white light,
Scarlet cheeks are redder
Red sun,
Eyes are brighter
A clear month.
My eyebrows be
Blacker than black earth,
So that the guys are all
As one
Word couldn't
I don't mind saying
Take your eyes off me.
I would like everyone
She was whiter and sweeter,
More desirable
And more beautiful.
My word is molded,
My business is tenacious.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

A conspiracy to prevent husband and wife from separating

On Maundy Thursday, twist one thread from two spools and place it across the threshold. When your husband steps over the thread, tie it in the middle with a knot and hide it somewhere. When tying a knot, say:

"Servant of God (name) and I,
His thread
Twisted together
Tightly rolled.
Like a knot on this thread
It won't come undone
So he is never with me
It won't part."

Maundy Thursday conspiracy for quick marriage

For marriage soon An elderly woman needs to wash herself with cat's milk on Maundy Thursday, saying:

"How everyone pets cats
And how cats cling to everyone,
So do my suitors
They won't let you pass.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

Plot on Maundy Thursday to make girls like a guy

In order for girls to like a guy, you need to read this plot on Maundy Thursday while washing your face:

"Water off my face,
Well done bride.
How people love water
So would I girls
Appreciated and loved.

Plot on Maundy Thursday to make guys like you

In order for guys to like a girl, on Maundy Thursday they buy a mirror, without taking change from the purchase, stand between two trees, look into the purchased mirror and say:

Like the whole world
Looking in the mirror
To your reflection
He admires
So guys would look at me
We admired
They treated me kindly
And kissed
Yes, vying with each other to get married
They were rushing towards me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Maundy Thursday spell for good luck and happiness

To end your misfortunes and failures, wash your house with holy water on Maundy Thursday. When you finish cleaning, read this plot:

"Cleansed on Maundy Thursday
All Mother Earth,
Cleansed on Maundy Thursday
And my soul
. How to walk correctly
The sun and moon across the sky,
In your own circle
Turn to the Eternal,
So right
Will turn to me too
Happy share
And fate.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.


Holy Week has arrived for Orthodox Christians. This last days before the great holiday of Easter. The most important days this week are Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

The date of Maundy Thursday is floating and depends entirely on Easter. This year the holiday falls on the fifth of April.
Maundy Thursday is a day of purification, spiritual and material. On Maundy Thursday you must take a swim before the sun will rise. It is advisable for the whole family to visit the temple for confession and communion.

The house needs to be thoroughly cleaned on this day, as it will be forbidden to clean the house until Easter. On this day, it is customary to get rid of unnecessary things, thus clearing the space in your home and life.

Maundy Thursday, conspiracies, rituals, customs: you need to burn the willow and scatter the ashes over the water

On Maundy Thursday it is customary to burn the willow that was illuminated in Palm Sunday. There is no need to save the ashes; it is customary to scatter them in the wind or throw them into running water. It is on the Thursday before Easter that housewives can safely begin baking holiday cakes.

In order to be healthy for a whole year, it is better to wash your face on Thursday using silver. To do this, just fill a basin with water and put something silver in it, maybe a spoon or a ring. It is customary to wash sick people using silver, which is first borrowed from neighbors. Considered to be the strongest silver coin, which was stolen, it can not only cure, but also bewitch.

Beliefs strictly prohibit giving anything from home on this day, even a bunch of salt to a neighbor. It is believed that you can give your wealth and peace to strangers. Good weather Maundy Thursday suggests that the rest of spring will be warm and sunny. If it rains, the whole spring will be damp and cold.

On this day, it is customary to bring a passionate candle from church. People believe that it helps to recover from various diseases. Thursday salt is also prepared on Thursday. This is ordinary salt, which is baked in the oven and illuminated in the church. This salt is believed to have a healing effect.

Our ancestors believed that on Thursday you can ask otherworldly forces about your future. To do this, you need to light a candle that you bring home from service and go to the attic or second floor, C-ib reports. Here you need to wait a little for the home spirit. If the brownie who appears before you is overgrown with hair, this promises wealth in the family, if bald - poverty.

You could have asked the devil about the future earlier. So, people went into the forest, sat on a birch or aspen tree, took off their cross and called the forest spirit. It was believed that the goblin would definitely arrive and give answers to all questions.

If you clean the house on Thursday, you can find what you have been looking for for a long time. If you leave your house dirty and untidy, you can't expect anything good from the year. Please note that after Thursday until daylight spring holiday it is no longer possible to clean up, so this day is the last, otherwise Easter will have to be celebrated in a mess.

Maundy Thursday, customs, traditions, prayers, when to swim: what conspiracies can be carried out on Maundy Thursday

“Money, keep it, don’t transfer it, grow it, multiply it, don’t get it from the enemy!”

After cleaning, the charmed trifle is left in a clean corner of the house, and the water can be poured under any tree. In addition, it is believed that if you rearrange various items in the house from place to place, there will be no financial problems throughout the year.

Many people believe that if you count your money three times throughout the day, you won’t run out of money all year long. This ritual should be done before the sun rises, at noon and in the evening.

In addition, if the spells are for good luck. One of these should be read while swimming:

“Water, water, flow, pour, cleanse my face, cleanse my body and cleanse my soul, fill me with beauty and health.”

At the end of bathing you need to shower yourself cold water from the ladle.

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For many people, Maundy Thursday is truly a magical, even magical day. And he is such not only for religious, but also for ordinary people. It’s easy to feel the power of the holiday: you just need to swim or at least wash your face before the first rays of the sun appear.

How to swim properly on Maundy Thursday?

To stay healthy and beautiful until next year, you need to take a swim before the sun rises. Water will wash away all the sins, problems and adversities that have accumulated over the past year.

Many people believe that water actually has healing properties.

In general, they say that on Maundy Thursday you need to take a steam bath before the sun appears. However, even taking a bath or shower is great. It is believed that water this morning can wash away not only physical dirt, but also cleanse the soul. That is clean water at dawn it will not only wake you up, but will also take away the negativity, taking away illnesses and sins. It is important to think during water procedures not about how to go back to sleep as soon as possible, but about something bright and positive.

To consolidate the effect, believers advise not to limit yourself to just washing and bathing. It is recommended to fill a bowl with some water (cool) and, after saying a short prayer, wash:

“Maundy Thursday glorifies Easter, all the people Orthodox Easter glorifies, so that people would glorify me, both young and old, so that I would be held in high esteem by the authorities, the servant of God (name), so that my business would bring me profit. Gold sticks to my hands, clings. The coins in the wallet jingle. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Going to church on Maundy Thursday

If you want to completely cleanse yourself of bad thoughts and sinful actions, then you need to go to a temple or the nearest church. Only on this day are even very terrible sins forgiven.

Don't forget that if for some reason Lent If you didn’t keep it, then before confession you need to fast for at least a couple of days.

Also on Maundy Thursday you need to clean your home and get rid of trash. This is necessary to get rid of negativity, and it simply won’t hurt, especially since the great holiday of Easter is just around the corner.

“If filthy and wicked thoughts begin to overcome you, or evil witchcraft is cast upon you, wash your hands and face in clean water. And a vigilant spirit will spring up, and you yourself will be clean and live joyfully.”

This is what the Slavs said, emphasizing the special, sacred role of water. Special significance has a swim in Maundy Thursday during Holy Week (April 13, 2017).

Our ancestors always woke up on this day before sunrise to swim, wash their hands and body clean water. Ablution performed on this day gives health to the soul and body. The ritual should be performed at dawn, when the dawn is just breaking on the horizon. It is better to do this near a river, lake, spring, well or in a bathhouse, informs w. However, even if only over a basin of water or at the washbasin. They believed that water on Clean Thursday gets rid of not only the visible dirt that sticks to the body, but also the dirt that settles in the thoughts, in the soul, sent by a malicious sorcerer.

Bathing on Maundy Thursday should begin with your hands, pouring water from palm to palm and saying: “Voditsa, our godmother! Wash the fool off my hands, grant me the purity of the dawn. Amen". Only then can you wash your body and head. The main verdict on this day is this: “What toils the body and soul, Clean Thursday washes away everything. Amen".

The cult of water among the Slavs was so great that simple hand washing as an elementary act of washing away dirt was only a small part of human interaction with water. In everyday life there were many magical ritual ablutions in which the hands played the main role.

“My right hand is honey, and my hand is fire”, - they said in the old days, implying sacred power supreme gods, who with their right hand (right hand) sent fertility, abundance and prosperity to the earth, and with their left hand (shuitsa) - physical, mental strength and victory over the enemy. People accompanied hand washing with magical whispers, remembering the holy veneration of water. Here's one option: “Water, water, earthly resin! Don’t let any dirt get to me and send me God’s grace. Amen". After washing, they usually did not wipe their hands, but exposed them to the wind or sun, being sure that the right hand would also right hand, and shuytsa - left hand will absorb the power of the wind and the warmth of the sun. Another option: the hands will receive a piece of the power of such omnipotent gods as Stribog and Yarila.

Through water, through water, in water, people purified themselves from diseases, the consequences of witchcraft, and even from sins. It’s unlikely that the ancestors knew about the energy channels running from the tips of the fingers to internal organs and regulating their work, but one thing is certain - they knew something like that. It is no coincidence that when performing a ritual washing of hands, designed to remove witchcraft spells (damage, the evil eye, illness, mortal melancholy, or even death itself), a person turned to water with the request: “Spring water, blessed seven times seven times by the powers of heaven! Wash my hands, remove through my fingers bodily illness (evil damage, black evil eye, fierce death, etc.). It was taken from the fingers, removed by water, crucified by the forces of heaven. Amen". Without wiping his hands, the man touched his forehead, chest and knees with his fingertips. Then he went home. If a disabled or sick person could not come to the water himself, relatives performed the ritual at home over a tub of clean water.

Washing is not just a hygienic procedure, but a magic that gives youth and beauty. So, washing your face and neck in the morning, unmarried girls said: “Whiteness - from a swan feather, blush - from the clear sun, from silk - smoothness, from pure water - a long youth, so that my girlfriends will marvel at me, and the guys will admire me. Amen". The older women whispered their own: “Water-bell, take the old age off your face. From time to time I will be a white-faced, ruddy young woman. Amen". They dried themselves with a clean towel with a short sentence: “I drain the water and restore beauty.” Water has long been revered as a talisman. To this day, when pouring clean water over small children after bathing, mothers say: “Water is off a duck’s back, but (name is given) is all thinness.”

Swimming before dawn on Maundy Thursday is an important ritual for every believer. In addition, on Maundy Thursday you need to clean up your home and enter a new happy life cycle with cleanliness!