Why do you dream of a silver ring? Find a silver ring.

Silver jewelry, according to experts, has many symbolic meanings, for example: isolation, well-being, cyclicality, family ties. However, that’s not all, because in order to understand why you dream of finding silver ring, it is necessary to take into account the healing and magical properties noble metal.

What if you dream of finding a silver ring?

According to Nostradamus's dream book, finding a silver ring and putting it on your finger is a wonderful sign. This indicates that the authorities will notice the efforts of the sleeper and will appreciate him. The dreamer will probably receive a long-awaited promotion. It is worth noting that the new position will be paid at a higher rate, due to which financial situation the sleeper will improve and he will no longer experience financial difficulties.

A silver ring with a stone, which a person finds right under his feet in a dream, also promises honor, fame and promotion. However, in this case, it would be good to remember exactly which stone was present in the dream. If it was an emerald, it means that the dreamer is preparing for a wedding celebration, a sapphire promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire, and a diamond promises an acquaintance with an influential person who will help the dreamer advance up the career ladder.

The Housewife's Dream Book claims that a found silver ring is a warning sign that the dreamer's chosen one may be unfaithful to her.

If the silver jewelry was dirty or did not look very presentable, it means that the dreamer will soon receive news from distant relatives or friends, but, unfortunately, not very pleasant ones. A broken silver ring indicates problems in the dreamer's family; major scandals between loved ones are likely.

The modern dream book assures that if a silver ring was found by a man, it means that he will soon receive a large monetary reward. For a woman, the same situation promises troubles in the family, quarrels that will arise due to mistrust of her husband. This kind of dream is a warning that groundless suspicions can negatively affect the dreamer’s personal life - she will lose her loved one and for a long time will be left alone.

Zhou Gong's dream book believes that a dirty silver ring seen in a dream means that among the sleeper's colleagues there are people who are very envious of him. Ill-wishers will try to restore “justice” and will harm the dreamer in every possible way, denigrating him good name in front of the authorities. The interpreter advises the sleeper to be more careful and once again reconsider the attitude of the people around him. Perhaps the ill-wisher will give himself away and the dreamer will be able to deal with him before he carries out his planned dirty trick.

What does it portend?

Esoteric dream book I am sure that if the sleeper found an ugly silver ring and gave it to another person, it means that one of the strangers will take the dreamer’s blame. If the sleeper found a ring with a defect and put it on his finger, then this indicates problems at work, perhaps even dismissal from a good job.

A ring with a stone, according to the interpreter, also does not bode well. This image indicates failures that will haunt the sleeper for a long time. If the silver ring was broken, it means that the dreamer’s health is in great danger. A decoration lying in the dirt indicates the presence of envious people, through whose fault the sleeper may lose good place work.

The silver wedding ring that the sleeper found among the garbage, unfortunately, does not indicate an imminent marriage. More often, this vision, on the contrary, promises quarrels and separation for lovers. An antique silver ring that the sleeper found in his home indicates a fateful event that changed the dreamer’s life in a positive direction.

Since a found silver ring can reflect both positive and negative events, the dreamer, before interpreting what he saw, must remember the details of the dream. You can also turn to several dream books at once, which will help you more objectively evaluate the dreamed image.

Today we have prepared full description Topics: dream "silver ring": why do you dream and full interpretation from different points of view.

A silver ring, both in reality and in a dream, has many symbolic meanings: cyclicality and isolation, well-being and family ties. Interpreting what this piece of jewelry means in a dream, the dream book takes into account the healing and magical properties of silver. The plot of the dream also plays a role: if you happen to lose or drop a jewel into the mud, you won’t miss your chance for long in reality.

In most cases, interpretations open up positive prospects for the sleeper, and only some of them are warning in nature. Their main purpose is to prevent troubles from taking you by surprise and to help you avoid possible mistakes.

Everything that a silver ring represents in dreams is often associated with affection and fidelity. For a dreamer in love, what she saw in a dream means that she can have no doubt about her chosen one and own feelings to him.

When you see in a dream a silver ring that looks unattractive, for example, lying in the dirt, the dream is trying to warn about all sorts of intrigues on the part of envious people. Most likely, the stumbling block will be something that has a financial basis: a position or property.

Silver ring on your own and someone else's finger

The dream book explains why you dream of a silver ring on your finger based on whether it was on the dreamer’s finger or on someone else’s hand. The first option is much more preferable: the dream book promises the fulfillment of a wish, unexpected support, a romantic adventure, the start of a new business that will be successful. If you try unsuccessfully to remove it, the dream reflects crampedness and isolation.

Decoration on someone else's hand foreshadows lost opportunities. Due to excessive caution and suspicion, the dreamer risks actually missing his chance.

If you received the jewelry as a gift, you should take into account the identity of the giver to find out what the dream means. A silver ring given by a man portends gratitude from a superior. Moreover, the matter will not be limited to verbal praise: the dreamer expects a large material reward.

Such an unexpected gift from a woman promises nothing but family quarrels. If you yourself act as a giver in a dream, the dream book claims that in the future you will have a lot in common with the person to whom you gave the gift.

If you happen to see a silver ring with a stone in a dream, the Mayan dream book explains this symbol with your feeling vicious circle, from which you cannot find a way out: you return to the starting point over and over again.

However, wise Indians claim that there is a way out: if you see something like this in a dream, wrap it around the next night index finger right hand long black hair. The next morning the situation will certainly clear up, the dream book promises.

Why you dream of finding a silver ring, the dream book explains with new promising connections. One or more people who are very significant to you will appear in your environment. Perhaps you will be lucky enough to meet true love or find good friends who are pleasant to you in all respects.

It so happened historically and practically that silver is primarily associated with wealth and money. But this metal also has powerful energy and medicinal properties. The same applies to jewelry, which can serve as both decoration and amulets. Therefore, in order to correctly interpret what a silver ring means in a dream, you should remember all the details and circumstances of the dream.

General value

Silver is a symbol of good luck, foreshadowing happiness in your personal life and financial well-being. In addition, this metal is associated with the moon, which is responsible for spiritual strength.

The ring is a symbol of fidelity, family ties and completeness, promising happiness and stability.

Thus, different interpretations If you dream of a silver ring, they answer that it is a very auspicious dream. However, to complete the picture, the nuances and plot of night dreams are important, since the accuracy of interpretation depends on its development. And the dream symbol itself is not always decisive. Actions and events associated with it may play a more significant role.

Why do you dream of a silver ring on your finger?

Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Much matters: the type of ring, its owner, the condition of the fingers, the feelings experienced and the environment.

Appearance of the ring

  • When asked why a silver ring is dirty or defective in a dream, the dream book gives a disappointing answer. What you see warns of deceit. It's worth paying attention to your surroundings. Someone in him is playing a double game, smiling in the face, but behind his back he is trying to do harm by spreading bad rumors.
  • To dream of your dirty hand decorated with a beautiful silver ring - good sign. Which is a symbol of good change. Failures and disappointments will be replaced by well-deserved success.
  • If a sleeper sees an old silver ring on his finger, it means that he has a very strong spiritual connection with his ancestors. Such a dream can be interpreted as a message that the ancestors are pleased with the dreamer and are protecting him.


The dream book's answer to the question of why you dream of a silver ring with a stone is also ambiguous. The interpretation depends on the above circumstances and on the stone adorning the ring. If it is precious, then it is a symbol of power, influence, prestige and wealth.

  • Thus, seeing a silver ring with a diamond speaks of the dreamer’s desire for perfection and high living standards, which will soon be achieved.
  • A ring with chrysolite or beryl promises the security of family ties and the support of loved ones.
  • With carnelian - improved financial situation.
  • With turquoise - success in business, prosperity.
  • With ruby ​​- career growth, goal achievement, power.
  • A ring decorated with sapphire prophesies the acquisition of knowledge and reaching a new intellectual level.
  • Why do you dream of a silver ring with many stones? The interpretation does not disappoint, since it foreshadows the receipt of a mass of benefits, including high social position, recognition and material well-being.
  • A dream in which a silver ring is decorated with a cheap bead speaks of weak positions in life and disappointed hopes.

Lots of rings

A dream in which many different rings are present has the same variety of interpretations. Therefore, in this case, the combination of the factors already listed and the plot of the dream should be taken into account.

Why do you dream about a silver ring: putting it on or taking it off

Other activities related to the ring

Miller's Dream Book

why do you dream of a silver ring

A dream about a silver ring that was given by a loved one is a sign of buying some useful thing. The purchase will cost quite a bit of money. Do not regret the money spent, because the thing will have meaning and will be useful. It's bad if you purchased the ring from a jeweler. This is a sign of sudden illness.

Vanga's Dream Book

dreamed of a silver ring

A dream about a silver ring is a symbol of unfinished problems. The ring is associated with the following life themes: – affection; – oath; - fidelity in relationships. If you put a silver ring on the hand of your beloved, you remain faithful to him. Otherwise, wait for help (they will help you with a long-standing problem). Not good sign– falling of the ring (from the hand). This indicates a violation of fidelity and soon you will have to go through life's difficulties.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

dream interpretation silver ring

Buy a silver ring - you will receive an interesting offer. If you lose a ring in a dream, you will get divorced soon.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

silver ring according to the dream book

A silver ring in a dream means greatness, glory, power. A positive sign is finding a ring. Also, such a dream can mean marriage, the birth of a child. Accepting a ring means good luck and gaining useful knowledge.

Freud's Dream Book

silver ring in a dream what is it for

Receive a silver ring as a gift - perhaps they want to propose marriage to you. Otherwise, the initiative will come from you. If the ring breaks in a dream, separation is possible.

Loff's Dream Book

A silver ring is a bad sign that prophesies imminent trouble. The reason for this is greed. If in a dream the ring turns out to be in a puddle, then your loved one will betray you. A ring thrown into the trash can means a break with relatives (for a long time).

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

what does it mean if a silver ring is in a dream

Finding a silver ring means disagreement with someone. To lose does not mean success (honor). Receive as a gift - they want to convince you of something. Give as a gift - for matchmaking. Buying a ring means falling in love. Besides, the ring is an opportunity imminent marriage(unless you are in a marital relationship).

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

what does it mean if a silver ring is in a dream

The silver ring represents cyclicity (circle), the continuation of the cycle of life. Plus, this may mean the end of some business. The ring touches on unity, wholeness, friendship, marriage.

Silver - noble metal, it is used not only for decoration, but also to create church utensils and objects of worship. Astrologers believe that silver is associated with the Moon, which is why it is called the lunar metal.

Esotericists believe in the power of silver to drive away

That's why amulets are made from it. Doctors confirm the antiseptic properties of silver. So what does the dream in which you saw a silver ring portend?

Silver ring on a finger

The dream promises situations in which you will have to show worldly wisdom and not succumb to temptations and temptations.

Antique silver ring - try it a feeling of light sadness for the past, by the time when you were happy, you realize the transience of time.

Silver ring with a large stone

For married people, a dream in which they saw a silver ring with a stone is a harbinger long happy marriage.

Ring with a large stone - you will experience it feeling of superiority and triumph, satisfaction from the fact that circumstances are exactly the way you want them to be.

A warning about blows and losses is a dream in which you see a ring with a fallen stone.

A cracked, cloudy stone in a ring - to a false, insincere relationship.

With pearls

For a person who is away from home or family or loved ones, such a dream serves as a warning that one needs to be extremely careful so as not to make a fatal mistake.

IN ancient dream books The dream of a ring with a pearl has several interpretations:

  • to pleasant meetings, interesting acquaintances, improving the situation in society;
  • to tears, resentment, minor grief and vain promises.

With scattered stones

Seeing a luxurious silver ring with a scattering of sparkling diamonds in a dream means major success, triumphant victory, a sense of superiority over defeated enemies. But it's worth remembering that success can be temporary, and the situation can change quickly (this is the interpretation of the ephemeral shine of precious stones).

Silver ring with blood red stones – to envy and betrayal people from close circles, well acquainted.

Silver ring with emeralds or sapphires (blue or green stone) - such a dream promises good luck, success in solving important matters.

Seeing a ring with beautifully iridescent stones - to the speedy fulfillment of your cherished desire.

A ring with turquoise - to small fleeting joys.

Silver ring on the ring finger

For married people, such a dream foreshadows family joys, the joy of being parents, well-being and prosperity in the home.

For lonely and unmarried people, this dream foreshadows a meeting with a person who may well become your faithful life partner.

Dropping a ring from your ring finger in a dream - to quarrels and squabbles in the family, mutual grievances.

Seeing one like this after a quarrel with your spouse - to a quick reconciliation.

See it on the finger of an unmarried girl

Such a dream for an unmarried, lonely girl promises a meeting with the person destined for her to marry.

To have such a dream unmarried girl, who already has a chosen one - for an imminent wedding or change in marital status.

A dream about a cracked (crumpled, dirty or rusty) ring on the ring finger warns of a spontaneous disagreement, a major quarrel, or loss of trust between lovers.

See it on your hand

If in a dream the silver ring fit, then in real life A successful period, prosperity and prosperity awaits you.

Seeing an obviously large ring that is barely holding on - in reality you will have to fulfill other people’s duties, you will experience the feeling that living someone else's life.

A dirty, bent ring on your hand means troubles, a showdown and vain accusatory words addressed to you.

Ring “Save and Preserve”

To see such a dream for a churchgoer - to temptations and enticements. It is possible that against your will you will be drawn into risky affairs and enterprises, and only faith and fortitude will help you avoid great trouble.

Seeing such a dream for a non-religious person means shock and trials. As a result, fatal, fateful changes in life await you. It is possible that after these vicissitudes your outlook on life will change, including religion and spirituality.

To see such a dream for a sick person - to recovery.

If a person who is in a difficult life situation in reality sees a dream about such a ring, then things will go smoothly, the situation will improve and one can count on a favorable outcome of events.

Vanga's Dream Book

Receiving a ring as a gift is good news, calm the heart.

Give a ring to a loved one to a loved one- such a dream promises meetings, unexpected guests.

Seeing silver in a dream

wedding ring

- for a long time, strong marriage, in which husband and wife will understand each other well and live by the same interests.

Seeing a silver ring for an unmarried girl in a dream - to the appearance of attachment in her life, which will not bring her much happiness.

Miller's Dream Book

Trying on a silver ring in a dream means that in reality you will have new obligations and financial burdens.

Losing a ring - such a dream foretells that soon you're going to be unpleasantly surprised and be confused for a while.

Accepting a ring as a gift - you should not count on people who make too loud promises.

Give a ring - to good news from afar, in the news about those people for whom you have warm feelings.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Wearing a silver ring on your hand - for a fun time, interesting conversations.

Hiding the ring - you will hear it addressed to you groundless grievances and claims.

Buying a ring means good luck will accompany you in financial matters; you will try to make up for lost time.

Wearing a tight ring means that resentment, squabbles, and squabbles await you in reality, and a vision from the world of dreams warns you about this in an allegorical form.

In many dream books, a silver ring is a good sign. The only bad thing is to lose or break it in your dream.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Seeing a silver ring in a dream means joy and success in life. All failures, difficulties and problems will not concern you and your loved ones for a long time.

If the ring was on your finger, your dreams will come true, even if there are currently no possibilities for this.

If in a dream you tried to remove a ring from your finger, it means that deep down in your soul you lack freedom.

A precious stone on jewelry is not good. Your endeavors fail. To succeed, you need to make every effort and change your tactics.

Finding a silver ring on the road means a pleasant acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex. Perhaps he will become your soulmate.

French dream book

A silver ring in a dream means a happy family life. You will have many children, but everyone will be friendly and kind.

If someone gave you a ring in a dream, it means that they have sincere love and affection for you. Take a closer look at the people around you.

Vanga's Dream Book

If in a dream you cannot find the right ring for your finger, this means that your heart is cold and you are not attached to anyone.

Seeing a silver ring in a dream, according to the Wanderer’s dream book, is positive sign. So, if it was corrugated, then you will need to prepare for the fact that you will soon have to organize a large-scale celebration. It will be successful and magnificent. There you will be able to meet important and useful people who will later help you in business.

According to Miller's dream book, a silver ring that was given by a loved one portends the purchase of useful things. However, you will have to spend a serious amount of money on them. But you shouldn’t regret it, because the purchased items will become faithful assistants. If the silver jewelry was bought at a jewelry store, then this is a bad sign.

Seeing a silver ring being given to a child signifies the arrival of a soul mate in your life. You can build strong bonds with her. If you gave a child a dirty ring, then this is a betrayal on the part of loved one. Seeing in a dream how someone has lost a silver ring and is in search of it, signifies the emergence of new acquaintances. Finding jewelry means meeting friends you haven’t been able to see for a long time.

According to Modern dream book to see in a dream a silver ring that a person gives as a gift - before receiving a bonus from his superiors. It will amount to a significant amount. If a woman gave the ring, then this is a sign of seminal problems. They arise out of jealousy and distrust of your partner. Having seen such a dream, it is important to be wary and do everything possible to prevent discord in the relationship.

As in real life, so in dreams, silver ring has large number symbolic definitions. So, for example, the very image of a beautiful and clean decoration can promise the dreamer family well-being, good health, success in business. Many dream books interpreting the meaning of this dream, be sure to take into account the fact that silver has magical and healing properties. The plot of the dream is also important: losing a silver item or accidentally dropping it into a dirty puddle means failure.

Most often, a dream about a silver ring tells a person that his chosen one remains faithful and loving. This is a sure sign that your relationship with your loved one is developing harmoniously and stably. Your union cannot be destroyed by any difficulties or trials. If similar dream dreamed of a woman in love, this means that her chosen one also has feelings for her. In addition, there is no doubt about this person: he will be extremely loyal and romantic.

Receiving as a gift or finding a silver ring symbolizes happiness in love relationships. Treason and betrayal - this will not affect you. After such a dream, expect more romantic moments, warm conversations, and pleasant surprises.

Unmarried people may have such a dream on the eve of a marriage proposal. If agreed, the marriage promises to be long and happy. For more mature ladies, finding silver jewelry means finding a suitor who, in all likelihood, will be a little younger than you.

If you received the jewelry as a gift, you should take into account the identity of the giver to find out what the dream means. A silver ring given by the husband foreshadows gratitude from a higher person. Moreover, the matter will not be limited to verbal praise: the dreamer expects a large material reward.

Why you dream of finding a silver ring, the films explain with new promising connections. One or more people who are very significant to you will appear in your environment. Perhaps you will be lucky to meet true love or find good friends who are pleasant to you in all respects.

In most cases, interpretations open up positive prospects for the sleeper, and only some of them are warning in nature. Their main purpose is to prevent troubles from taking you by surprise and to help avoid possible mistakes.

According to the dream book, the Ring is a symbol denoting power, the social super-ego (political, religious and even emotional). This image denotes recognition of a role or LOYALTY to position, status, rules. regulations. In some cases, this image may simply be indifferent and simply denote a certain personality. In some cases. although not often, this image can symbolize a rather negative psychology that passes from generation to generation as mental semantics, as the dream book says about this dream.

The ring is a symbol of marriage and power. Of course, the ring is dreamed of either to the formation of strong alliances between people (not necessarily love ones, it can be friendly or business relationships), or to rising in one’s community, gaining fame or respect. If the ring is put on your finger, it means that soon you will have to bind yourself to some kind of promise, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Seeing a ring in a dream - Symbolizes strong friendship or happy family. Also a symbol of integrity of character, sometimes a confirmation of power. Losing a ring means ruining a friendship or marriage. The ring falls from your finger - the loss of a loved one. Find a ring, receive it as a gift - for new connections. A ring with a stone (ring) is a sign of honor, power, respect.

What does a ring mean in a dream - with a stone in sadness. See Stone. Engagement sign for divorce, failure to fulfill marital hopes. An ancient partner is destined for you, with whom you are connected karmically. Fate will bring you together! Other (large or ring-shaped object, such as a hoop) “walk in a circle”, do not look forward.

Losing a ring and finding it is interpreted in the dream book as the end of one period of life and the beginning of a new one. This may include parting with one life partner and meeting another, leaving an old job and then finding a more interesting position, etc.

Choosing a ring - according to the dream book, means doubts about some circumstances in your life. You are not sure what you want to do or what person you want to connect with. In general, such a dream brings good luck, which means you will make the right choice.

According to the dream book, a ring with a diamond foretells meaning and bright success in life, which will completely change the course of your life. If in a dream you receive such a gift from your loved one, it means that in reality he wants to be in first place for you.

In a dream, giving a ring to a loved one means in reality giving up your happiness, destroying a love union with quarrels and whims. If the ring is NOT a ring or the person is not your loved one, this indicates a desire to shift your problems onto someone else’s shoulders, to get rid of responsibility for mistakes made.

Parting awaits the one who saw the ring being removed from his finger. Soon you will have to worry and cry a lot, since your loved one will not want to continue any relationship with you. If you yourself have lost the ring, then the separation will occur by mutual consent.

Elena, this is a wonderful dream. Often a girl dreams of a pleasant surprise that you no longer expect or even have no idea will happen to you. The ring is also positive, I think that there will soon be clear progress in terms of relationships. In general, the sleep is definitely good. You got like this good dreams, I hope that this is also somehow reflected in life and worldview.

Elena, in general, such a dream refers to a new relationship, although they will be more friendly, since there are two more rings on the finger, which symbolize either this one or a relationship from the past. One way or another, a dream with a gold ring is often favorable for a woman.

It is very good in terms of love if the ring had a large, luxurious stone. In this case, unforgettable romantic dates await you that will cause a storm positive emotions. A diamond ring promises luxurious surprises and extremely successful deals.

If it is beautiful and made of platinum, then in the coming days you will have to make a responsible decision. The loss of a stone indicates the loss of a patron. The presence of a proposal speaks of preparations for the wedding in reality. Seeing that the ring is small or small in size (small size) is a symbol of celibacy.

Trying on other people's wedding rings means having an interest in the appearance of other partners. The ring symbolizes respect from those around you, and the loss of the ring will indicate separation from loved ones. A broken ring does not bode well for you.

If you dream about Alexandrite, there will be dramatic changes in your personal life. Receiving a diamond ring as a gift or simply wearing it symbolizes the desire to find a loved one. See basketball hoop, means the implementation of planned activities.

Seeing a ring on your finger means that the wedding is just around the corner, but in another situation it speaks of new and profitable acquaintances. A ring with a purple stone will speak of moral stress and the need for rest.

Basically, of course, such dreams can occur in young people preparing for an upcoming event in reality. For unmarried women, a ring on the finger means a strong, reliable relationship and engagement in the future. For wealthy ladies, this means an even greater rapprochement with a person, the presence of some kind of situation that will unite already long ago loving friend people's friend.

What does the ring seen in a dream mean? different situations? After all, such an event cannot just happen in a dream. Below you will find out what a ring on a finger means, choosing and buying a ring, broken or blackened wedding rings, as well as other moments seen in a dream.

You should also consider what exactly you do with the black ring in your dream. If you remove it or try to clean it, then things are looking up. If it is put on or given to you by someone else who will help you in your business. If you find one and put it on, most likely you are creating problems for yourself.

In addition to such superficial interpretations, wedding rings guarantee quick success in business, new interesting acquaintances and certain life turns. It all depends on the situation in which the ring is present in your dream.

Dream interpretation of a silver ring, why do you dream of a silver ring in a dream?

A silver ring, both in reality and in a dream, has many symbolic meanings: cyclicality and isolation, well-being and family ties. Interpreting what this piece of jewelry means in a dream, the dream book takes into account the healing and magical properties of silver. The plot of the dream also plays a role: if you happen to lose or drop a jewel into the mud, you won’t miss your chance for long in reality.

Silverring both in reality and indream has many symbolic meanings: cyclicality and isolation, well-being and family ties. Interpreting what this piece of jewelry means in a dream, the dream book takes into account the healing and magical properties silver.When you have to see indreamsilverring, which looks unattractive, for example, lies in the mud, the dream is trying to warn about all sorts of intrigues on the part of envious people.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

I dreamed about black Ring, But necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what black means in dreams Ringindream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if indream saw this symbol. dreamed of my hands. I have 2 on each hand rings. silver and gold. I see that they turn black. and at this moment indream I think that silverturns black when your heart hurts.

Dream Interpretation "womanadvice"

See indreamsilver engagement ring, which means you can count on being strong and prosperous family relationships. Night vision, where a large number of similar decorations appeared, indicates that there are people in your close circle who you can count on in difficult times. If you dreamed blackenedsilverring This means that there are enemies in life who can do harm at any opportune moment.

Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

Dream Interpretation Mayan. IndreamseeRing. Good meaning If you dreamed of a wedding ring(worn by someone or in a box, on a display window, you looked at it), there will be a wedding soon (yours or one of your friends, you’ll figure it out). Ringindream silver or engagement ring, - Yours dream promises you a happy family life and a lot of nice kids.

Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

Silverring- imperceptibly but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave. Rings With precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with interesting man. Seeindream curled up ring snake - means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are.

Dream book "sny-sonnik"

Dream InterpretationRing(decoration) RING(decoration) - ringindream- symbolizes friendship or love. If you dreamed of gold, silver or engagement ring, - Yours dream promises you a happy family life and many nice children. Admire indreamring: to separation or quarrel to receive it as a gift: means a warning about something to give it yourself: means to make an offer to buy ring: symbol of love. Seeindream damaged ring: to ingratiation.

Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

Seenindream gold ring- portends an increase in prosperity and new useful acquaintances. Silverring- means that you will imperceptibly but steadily achieve that you will gain power over your lover, while calling yourself his slave. Ring same Withstone or ring promises that the Mendelssohn march will be performed in your honor.

Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

SeeindreamringWithstone or with diamonds, See on the finger ringWithstone, Find ring or two ringsindream- patronage; profitable acquaintance. Precious RingWithStones means that you will acquire some powerful patron. Indreamsaw a boss who asks me questions about work and writes down the answers in a journal. On his left ring finger silverringWith very large square obsidian (from not worn rings), on the other hand is small silver ring.

Dream Interpretation "fb"

Dream Interpretation "otebe"

The appearance of gold in a dream rings associated with the famous phrase: All that glitters is not gold. Any jewelry made of yellow metal... Dream Interpretations, interpretation dreams- If you seeindreamring, then what does this mean?...If in your dream fell out stone from rings, you will lose the support or affection of a person you could count on in difficult times. Silverringindream.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Canonite

Ring - if the ring is simple, it portends a cold; if it’s expensive, you have a lot good health, may also portend an imminent wedding.

Gypsy dream book

If a married woman drops a ring from her finger in a dream, this foreshadows her husband’s infidelity, who is carried away by an unworthy woman who is capable of completely destroying his life. If a woman sees in a dream that her wedding ring breaks, this foreshadows the illness or death of her husband. And if the ring presses on the finger or cuts into it, then this is a warning about someone’s illness. Putting a ring on your finger is a harbinger of a union with the person you love.

An old English dream book

Turquoise ring - news of a loved one.

They will weave intrigues and intrigues. Because of this, a person’s reputation will be damaged. Seeing a broken silver ring means receiving money. They will come from an unexpected source. You will be able to get a substantial amount. If a silver ring had some kind of engraving in a dream, then this means that one of the close people is not telling something.

If you see a silver ring in a dream, you should not immediately despair. After all, such a symbol is in some cases a positive sign. Therefore, here we should immediately begin to study the interpretations.

Why do you dream about a ring – Wedding

Vanga's Dream Book

What does it mean if you dream about the Ring:

  • Ring - the appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.
  • In a dream, you put a ring on the hand of your loved one - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.
  • A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand foreshadows unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.
  • If in a dream you just can’t choose the right ring size for yourself, this means that in real life you don’t feel heartfelt affection for anyone.
  • In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign.
  • In real life, you broke your promise and oath of fidelity, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

Esoteric dream book

If you dream about the Ring:

What does a ring mean in a dream – With a stone means sadness. See what stone. Engagement sign for divorce, failure to fulfill marital hopes. Anciently, you are destined for a partner with whom you are connected karmically. Fate will bring you together! Other (large or ring-shaped object, such as a hoop) “walk in a circle”, do not look forward.

French dream book

Seeing the Ring in a dream

Ring (circle) – If you dreamed of a ring, your dream foreshadows new friendship or marriage. If you break a ring in a dream, this is a sign of impending disagreements with friends, their insincerity; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ring (decoration) – A ring in a dream symbolizes friendship or love. If you dreamed of a gold, silver or wedding ring, your dream promises you a happy family life and many nice children. If in a dream you give someone a ring, your dream tells you: trust your heart, which is full of tenderness for you. If you are given a ring, it is a sign of sincere love.

It’s one thing to see such jewelry in a dream, but it’s another to find it, lose it, receive it as a gift, or see it on own hand. Such dreams, where you take the ring in your hands and do something with it, have different meanings. And this is where actions are important.

1. Finding a ring in your dreams is a lucky sign. You will probably find new love, to find a faithful companion and partner in love, in general, a very significant meeting awaits you. Don't miss such a gift from fate!

2. If, on the contrary, you happen to lose a ring in a dream, you will decide in reality to destroy or interrupt past connections (not only love ones, but also, possibly, friendly ones).

This will be followed by a new page in life, new acquaintances, new friends that you are destined to find, new prospects. So if you feel the need to end old connections, don't be afraid to do so.

3. If in your dreams you were given a ring, then Miller’s dream book confidently predicts love for you. Such a gift in dreams is unambiguous - you can expect a bright feeling, you will soon experience it!

In our online dream book You can find out not only what a silver ring means in a dream, but also look at the interpretations of other dreams. In addition, we suggest looking at the dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus, downloading Miller’s dream book - perhaps it is in it that you will find the meaning of the dream “silver ring”.

You should not be afraid of the troubles that the dream predicts. This is just a hint. You can always find a way out of the most difficult situation. But how nice it is when a happy dream is in your hand. Dreaming of a silver ring usually brings good luck.