Dream interpretation of a silver ring being worn. What does a dream with a silver ring promise? Maly Velesov dream book

As in real life, seen silver ring in a dream can have several meanings, so when interpreting it is important to take into account other details of the plot. Try to remember what the decoration looked like, what you did with it, etc. In addition, it is necessary to draw an analogy between events that occur in reality and the information received.

Why do you dream of a silver ring?

Most often, such decoration in a dream has to do with fidelity and sincerity. For people, such a dream represents the fidelity of a partner. If you see a dirty silver ring in a dream, it means you should be on your guard, as your enemies are plotting intrigues and preparing traps for you. Receiving jewelry as a gift from a man is a harbinger of receiving gratitude from an influential person. If a woman presented the ring, then expect family scandals. I dreamed of a silver ring on my finger - this good sign, which promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire, a romantic dream, as well as a new successful business. If the jewelry was on another person’s hand, it means that in reality you will lose an excellent chance to improve your life. Excessive caution will be to blame.

Finding a silver ring in a dream is an omen of a new promising relationship. Soon there will be people in your close circle with whom you will become friends, or you will find new love. Seeing silver in a dream means you can count on being strong and prosperous family relationships. Night vision, where a large number of similar decorations appeared, indicates that there are people in your close circle who you can count on in difficult times. If you dreamed of a blackened silver ring, it means that there are enemies in life who can do harm at any opportune moment. Dream about a silver ring with precious stones is a symbol material well-being and welfare.

A silver ring is one of those items that has many symbolic meanings. Isolation, well-being or family ties- this is not all that a silver ring means in dreams, according to the dream book.

What does it portend?

Silver metal always carries with it purity and nobility. It is not for nothing that all Christian attributes are made from this material. At the same time, a ring made of silver is a symbol of purity and reliability. However, a dream in which a silver jewelry is seen does not always have positive interpretation. If the ring suddenly turns black or dirty, is lost or broken in a dream, you should treat such visions with caution.

  • Silver has acquired a dark tint - misfortunes will soon occur. These could be illnesses of relatives or problems with alcohol;
  • The ring is bent or broken - a break in relations with the husband, family quarrels;
  • Losing a silver ring in a dream is a painful search for yourself, which will lead to depression and the realization that all the most interesting things are passing you by;
  • The ring fell to the ground or was thrown away - betrayal of a loved one. This can lead to scandals and quarrels, and possibly divorce;
  • Many silver rings on the fingers - the dreamer has many love affairs. However, he had not yet made his decision;
  • Decoration with a large stone - power, power and great wealth;
  • The ring turned out to be small - a symbol of greed and stinginess;
  • Trying to remove a ring from your finger is a life of captivity. Some circumstances are holding you back, preventing you from living a calm and happy life;
  • Trying on someone else's ring is a forbidden thought. You probably subconsciously want something new in your relationship.

A silver ring seen in a dream shows what position the sleeping person occupies in the family, what relationships connect him with family and friends, as well as what changes await him in the near future.

What does a ring on a finger mean?

In many dream books, the interpretation of what a silver ring means in a dream depends on whether the decoration was for the dreamer or a complete stranger. The first option promises a lot of positive changes: fulfillment of desires and unexpected support from close friends, a romantic adventure and the start of a new business that will bring success to the dreamer. Unsuccessful attempts to remove the jewelry indicate isolation and cramped conditions in the sleeper’s life.

Less optimistic is the interpretation of the dream book about a silver ring on someone else’s finger. In this case, the interpreter warns about missed opportunities in reality. Due to excessive caution and suspicion, you risk missing out on almost the main chance of your life. If you received the jewelry you dreamed of as a gift, when interpreting the dream it is worth taking into account the identity of the giver.

Accepting a silver ring from a man in reality means receiving gratitude from a male representative. Moreover, she will not limit herself to verbal praise: it is quite possible that you will be rewarded financially. A gift in the form of jewelry from a woman is a symbol of family discord. If the dreamer himself is the donor, then in the future you will have a close connection with the person to whom the gift was intended.

Silver ring in a women's dream book

Silver metal ring in women's dream book represents a circle of events or unresolved problems, affection and loyalty to a loved one. Almost all interpretations from this source have a positive meaning:

  • Wearing a silver ring on your hand is the beginning of new things that will turn out to be very successful;
  • Seeing rings on the hands of other people means new acquaintances and improved well-being;
  • A stranger puts a silver wedding ring on your hand - unexpected help in solving an old problem;
  • Difficulty choosing a suitable ring in a dream means a lack of heartfelt affection for someone at the present time.

A broken ring in a woman’s dream book, as in the vast majority of other interpreters, means endless quarrels and misfortunes in the family, a quick break in relations between loving friend friend people. A piece of jewelry that falls from your hand means a violation of a promise or oath of allegiance, and therefore you have to overcome ordeal, which fate has prepared for you.

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Seeing silver in any form in a dream is an extremely happy dream. Silver coins collected in large quantities, portend respect from colleagues and good luck in any endeavor. See a chest filled silver coins, - get a profitable position. To pay for purchases in silver - your word will be the main thing in solving a complex financial problem. Receiving silver as change means unexpected luck. Perhaps you will win the lottery or receive an unplanned bonus. Using silver utensils at dinner - such a dream promises family well-being and prosperity in the house. Clean silverware - influential friends will help solve your problems. Silver jewelry - upon arrival long-awaited guests who will bring you many amazing gifts. Putting on a silver belt or something that has silver parts (buttons, buckles) - you will soon receive a gift that you have long dreamed of. Silver bars dream of a long and strong friendship with a rich and generous person.

Imagine that you have a lot of silver - silver dishes, jewelry, coins, and bars.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreaming about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, engagement.

Receiving a ring in a dream means that someone believes you or loves you, or will propose to you.

Seeing gold rings and signet rings in your dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity.

Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in a relationship and the loss of a loved one.

Receiving a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a sign of disappointment, which you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends.

Seeing rings on others in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in the company of wealthy people and make new acquaintances.

Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

Receiving an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life.

Seeing two wedding rings in a dream means engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or will not take place at all.

Hearing a conversation about the size of wedding rings in a dream is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love.

The size of a ring in a dream signifies how great your love is.

Wearing a wedding ring in a dream is a sign of happiness family life or imminent engagement. Losing it is a shame; to receive is the fidelity of a lover.

If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in your family life. If the ring suddenly tarnishes, then your happiness will unexpectedly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal.

See interpretation: jewelry.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Ring

Seeing a ring on your hand in a dream from Monday to Tuesday means the joy that children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the worries and showdowns with the person you love are behind you.

A dream from Friday to Saturday in which you saw a broken ring means quarrels and discord in marital affairs.

Dreaming of rings on the fingers of other people suggests that your new acquaintance risks dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

By the way, the ring has always been considered a symbol of love. It is the rings that are used for the betrothal of young people, being a talisman new family.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreaming about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, engagement.

Receiving a ring in a dream means that someone believes you or loves you, or will propose to you.

Seeing gold rings and signet rings in your dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity.

Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in a relationship and the loss of a loved one.

Receiving a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a sign of disappointment, which you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends.

Seeing rings on others in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in the company of wealthy people and make new acquaintances.

Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

Receiving an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life.

Seeing two wedding rings in a dream means engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or will not take place at all.

Hearing a conversation about the size of wedding rings in a dream is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love.

The size of a ring in a dream signifies how great your love is.

Wearing a wedding ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or imminent engagement. Losing it is a shame; to receive is the fidelity of a lover.

If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in your family life. If the ring suddenly tarnishes, then your happiness will unexpectedly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal.

See interpretation: jewelry.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Ring

Seeing a ring on your hand in a dream from Monday to Tuesday means the joy that children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the worries and showdowns with the person you love are behind you.

A dream from Friday to Saturday in which you saw a broken ring means quarrels and discord in marital affairs.

Dreaming of rings on the fingers of other people suggests that your new acquaintance risks dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

By the way, the ring has always been considered a symbol of love. It is the rings that are used for the betrothal of newlyweds, serving as a talisman for the new family.

Interpretation of dreams from