Alena Khmelnitskaya spoke about her friendship with Tigran Keosayan’s new wife, Margarita Simonyan. Tigran Keosayan - biography, photo, personal life of director Tigran Keosayan personal biography

Celebrities always attract attention. Their weddings, separations, additions to their families are discussed and supplemented with various details. The divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was no exception. Couples, family life which lasted twenty years.

The reason for the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan

The couple did not seek to make their breakup public. And only after the excitement caused by it subsided, it turned out that the couple separated in 2012. The reason for what happened turned out to be so banal and common that neither colleagues nor closest friends were surprised. The fact is that Tigran began to visit all kinds of social events with a new companion. She turned out to be the editor Russia TV channel Today Margarita Simonyan. At first, no one simply paid attention to it. But one fine day, a note appeared on the blog of journalist Bozhena Rynska that she had met a couple in Jurmala. This means that already at that time, the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was inevitable.

Bozhena developed this topic further and even announced that the father of this girl’s child is none other than Tigran. Readers and subscribers began to ask questions. In 2013, Margarita’s daughter Maryana was born. Who is her real father, the girl was mysteriously silent. It is known for sure that at that time her common-law husband was Andrey Blagodyrenko. To confirm her status, Maryana wore a ring on her ring finger.

While in Jurmala, the girl was already expecting her second child. His father, according to Bozhena, is Keosayan. The journalist did not hide her sincere surprise that the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was a secret for those around her. Bagrat - this is the name Simonyan and Keosayan gave to their son, born in 2014.

Last appearance together

The last time the couple was seen together was at the premiere screening of the film “Two Days” (2011). No one could have guessed then how close the separation of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was. Apparently, their union was considered so strong and unshakable. After all, just a year ago before this event, they had a second child - daughter Ksenia. And therefore, the reason for Alena’s constant absence from her husband was considered to be caring for the newborn. From time to time she still appeared at social parties. But at the same time she was either alone or accompanied by friends.

How it all began

The wedding of Keosayan and Khmelnitskaya took place in 1993. By that time he already had experience directing the film “Katka and Shiz”. Alena was a young actress, a student. They met at the Lenkomov buffet. After marriage, the careers of both spouses began to take off. In 1994, there was an addition to the young family - a daughter, Sasha, was born. The newly-made husband energetically took up directing. Since 2007, he has been the host and producer of various television programs. At the end of maternity leave, Alena begins to actively replenish the baggage of her film roles; several times she hosted joint programs with her husband.

She also played leading roles in her husband’s films; usually she got the “strong and independent” bitches. The actress would gladly try on a different role, a kind and sincere heroine, but the directors do not strive for this.

The first alarm bells

Why did Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan divorce and when did the first omissions appear between them? The relationship of these people for a long time considered a real standard among the creative elite. It seemed that this was the very case when love, if not to the grave, then certainly to old age. 2009 turned out to be a turning point for the couple. It was then, for a reason unknown to anyone, that it occurred to the outrageous actor Nikita Dzhigurda to let slip about his long-standing affair with the actress. They starred in the same film, and their relationship grew into a closer one. And although this mutual passion was short-lived, I did not forget about it. It so happened that this happened just before Alena’s wedding. What prompted Dzhigurda to bring his memories to light was unclear. But Tigran’s colleagues saw very well how difficult it was for the director at that time. He walked gloomily and tried to minimize communication with anyone. Probably, not wanting to bring the matter to a divorce and trying to save the marriage, Alena decided to have a second child. Unfortunately, this did not help the marital relationship; it was not possible to revive it.

Press about the couple's separation

The divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan, of course, provoked a lot of rumors. One of Khmelnitskaya’s frequently repeated statements in the press was the phrase that, having separated, she and her husband became better friend treat a friend. They are, as before, close and dear people. For this reason, their separation passed quietly, without violent hysterics and scandals. In her interviews, the actress also emphasizes that she does not interfere with her daughters’ communication with their father. The younger Ksenia often visits him and communicates with her brother. Children are not deprived of affection or attention from both parents. The media did not ignore the actress’s personal life, attributing to her a close relationship with one Russian businessman. Alena is grateful to those journalists who are in no hurry to attribute to her romance novels, the main character which she is not.

Spouses after divorce

Alena Khmelnitskaya continues her acting career and understands the choice ex-husband. To him and him new lover She is quite reserved. This surprises many. After all, it’s common for celebrities to turn their breakups into a show and vent all the accumulated grievances on their exes’ heads. Alena Khmelnitskaya is not one of these people.

If we talk about the director’s new relationship, then, according to his colleagues, he is quite happy. According to actor Anton Presnov, who spoke about them, this couple is a real personification of how a director works with his muse. His beloved inspires him with her thoughts. There was an excellent understanding between them. From Margarita to film set a warmth emanates from which the work is filled with calm.

By the way, the people around them do not dare to condemn the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan (photos of the former spouses in this article), this couple enjoyed such respect.

Tigran Keosayan- Russian film director, screenwriter and TV presenter. Born in Moscow on January 4, 1966, in the family of the director of “The Elusive Avengers” Edmond Keosayan and actress Laura Gevorkyan.

When the boy grew up, he firmly decided to follow in his father's footsteps. After school, Tigran entered VGIK, where he studied on the same course with and. With the latter, they went into business together and filmed video clips.

Keosayan’s first serious directorial work was the film “Poor Sasha” with Alexander Zbruev, which tells about the security thief Volodya Berezkin, who decided to help the girl Sasha rob her mother’s bank so that she would return home for the New Year. Surely many of you remember this touching comedy.

Then followed no less successful works, the films “The President and His Granddaughter” and “Silver Lily of the Valley”.

With his first wife Alena Khmelnitskaya

Tigran divorced his wife, an actress, in 2014. This came as a real shock to fans, who could not believe how an exemplary family man could leave his wife after 20 years of marriage. U ex-spouses have two daughters Sr. Alexandra(born 1994) and younger Ksenia(born 2010).

Keosayan began dating a journalist, who in 2014 gave the director a son, Bagrat.

Name: Tigran Keosayan

Age: 53 years old

Place of birth: Moscow

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Activity: actor, director

Marital status: married

Tigran Keosayan - biography

The world of cinema is busy talented actors, directors. And Tigran Edmondovich Keosayan is one of them. Talent is given from God, skill is multiplied by work. An incredible hard worker, he has been accustomed to working since childhood.

Childhood, family

A boy was born in the capital of Russia. It’s rare that in families of actors and directors, a child can become a simple worker. The biography of a child is formed in such a way that from childhood he sees the work of his mother and father from the inside. He begins to love her the way his parents do. Director, actor and screenwriter Edmond Keosayan is a father. Actress Laura Gevorgyan, successful actress- Tigran's mother.

The boy has an older brother, who also chose a profession similar to what most of his relatives did. In his childhood, Tigran was often on the stage next to his father. And it would be unnatural if the boy were not tried in the filming of Soviet films. One of these films in which Tigran played was called “The Crown of the Russian Empire...”.

The boy began to study piano at a music school. Still classical music Tigran loves to listen in his spare time. After passing the last final exam, the young man dreamed of entering the All-Russian University of Cinematography. Tigran did not pass the exams. But Keosayan Jr. did not give up. He tried again, and he was lucky: Igor Talankin began teaching him how to direct.

Tigran learned the art of filmmaking at the university with Fyodor Bondarchuk. They became friends, a friend starred in the first film of the aspiring director Keosayan. But Tigran’s biography was not so simple and ordinary, his studies were interrupted, and the young man went to serve in the ranks Soviet army. After service, he returned to the university of his dreams and ended up with master Yuri Ozerov.

Career, films

Keosayan and Bondarchuk started their careers together. They shot videos and commercials for advertising. Success accompanied them, as they became almost the pioneers of this field of cinema. They were ordered videos by Irina Allegrova, Igor Sarukhanov and other famous performers. These were the nineties, but they became decisive in Tigran’s life. Then for the first time the actor starred in a full-fledged comedy film.

Was in "Joker" main role, and then he began to invite himself famous actors for filming in their films. The artists were happy to help the aspiring director, as they were good friends of their father young man. The debut film was praised by leading film critics.

Brothers working together

The Keosayan brothers founded a studio that produced commercials, videos and television series. The director is attracted to the comedy genre, and his choice was made correctly. The life of thieves always interested him, but he managed to talk about it with humor; the film comedy “Poor Sasha” was destined to glorify the name of its creator. TEFI recognized the film as the best.

The director successfully found his niche in which he succeeded. He stays in shape and plays supporting and episodic roles. Tigran makes half of his success from the actors he invites to the shooting of his films. Always a star cast means always a success for the film.


One of the popular television channels (“REN-TV”) invited Tigran Keosayan as a presenter. He managed to win the recognition of silver screen viewers. The program in which he was the host was closed, but Tigran soon created its continuation. Later, the TV show “You and Me” appeared, in which Tigran worked together with Alena Khmelnitskaya. Then an invitation came from the talk show “Stop being silent!”

Tigran Keosayan - Biography of personal life

Actress Alena Khmelnitskaya was an aspiring actress. Director Keosayan was looking for a female face unfamiliar to the public for his next commercial. He made a business proposal to the actress, but they began to develop romantic relationship. First they moved in with Alena, and very soon registered their relationship.

A year later, a daughter, Sasha, was born into the family. Initially, the young couple's family life experienced financial difficulties. Tigran's fees were practically not enough for anything. Alena left the theater and got a job as director of a fashion store. More funds appeared in the house, and life began to improve.

Alena starred in all her husband’s films. A daughter, Ksenia, was born, and at the same time that Tigran was giving birth, he was treated for a heart attack. Everything was great, and in the fortress family happiness No one doubted the Keosayan family. But the press began to notice that at all events famous director his wife stopped accompanying him, and he is often in the company of the editor-in-chief of the Russia Today TV channel, Margarita Simonyan.

As HELLO! found out, Alena and Margarita met precisely at this holiday. At a country picnic on the occasion of the girl’s 6th birthday, her father Tigran was present along with new family - common-law wife and with two children, Maryana and Bagrat, Alena also appeared there. The public reaction to a joint photo of Tigran’s two wives - former and current - is quite understandable. Two years ago, the divorce of Khmelnitskaya and Keosayan came as a real shock to many, and now two smiling women pose hugging each other, with glasses in their hands.

Time has passed and time has passed main character in such stories,” said Alena, answering the question HELLO! about what's behind this photo. - We lived with Tigran for 21 years, we are family, and I don’t see any point in crossing out all this. Yes, we separated, but we have children, Tigran also had children in his new family, and it seems completely natural to me that they communicate and grow together - after all, they are siblings. My Ksyusha is six years old, Maryasha, the daughter of Tigran and Margarita, is almost three. And their son Bagrat is not yet two years old. They are all still very small. And our task is to make sure that they live in happiness and joy. They feel good when they feel parental love from all sides, they do not see any quarrels and scandals.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her 6-year-old daughter Ksenia at her birthday She talks about how Alena decided to take a step towards the beloved woman of her ex-husband:

It was the first time Margarita and I communicated in the same company. I thought that children's party- the best reason to finally meet everyone together. Support good relationship- this is absolutely normal in my situation. Everything happened very organically. My eldest daughter, Sasha, is already big, she will soon be 22 years old, so we discussed everything with her in advance. And for little children... They don't care by and large doesn't matter. They simply take the situation for granted. We have not yet figured out how we will comment on all this in the future. When they become adults, then we'll talk.

48-year-old director Tigran Keosayan broke up with his wife, actress Alena Khmelnitskaya. According to the press, Tigran lives with journalist Margarita Simonyan.

Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan are expecting their second child together.The blogger and journalist Bozhena Rynska was the first to report to LJ about the affair between Keosayan and Simonyan.

She wrote: “Today I saw Margarita Simonyan with the father of her child Tigran Keosayan in Jurmala.”

Almost a year ago editor-in-chief Russia Today TV channel, ex-talk show host" Iron ladies"journalist Margarita Simonyan gave birth to a daughter, Maryana. Less than a year later, it turned out that she was pregnant again.

According to secular chroniclers, the father of both Simonyan’s children is director Tigran Keosayan.

IN last time Keosayan came out with his wife, actress Alena Khmelnitskaya at the end of the summer of 2011. It happened at the premiere of the film "Two Days". At that time, the couple had two daughters growing up: the eldest, Alexandra, and the little Ksenia, who was born a little more than a year earlier.

Everyone took Khmelnitskaya’s further absence from her husband’s side as her being busy raising her youngest child.

But time passed, and Khmelnitskaya began to go out either alone or with friends. Without a soulmate, Keosayan also flashed here and there.

And suddenly, in 2012, the eminent director twice came to events organized by the Russian Pioneer magazine, together with Margarita Simonyan. Moreover, Margarita at that time agreed to star in a small role in Keosayan’s series “Three Comrades”.

The actor of the film, Anton Presnov, commented on the information about the romance between Keosayan and Simonyan: “Margarita supported with her presence not only Tigran Edmondovich, but also all of us. A beautiful and common story when a director works with his muse: they feel each other, understand and speak the same language language.

Keosayan clearly understood what he was doing. And what achieves a specific result. From an artistic point of view, I don’t see anything wrong with the fact that he and Margarita are collaborating. In addition, when working on the script, Simonyan had many consultants and assistants.

When she appeared on the set, the atmosphere changed. Still, a pregnant woman is miraculously beautiful! Everyone started smiling, it became very emotional. And she herself was happy with her position.

Tigran courted Margarita as a real man. I heard that they later had a daughter, but that they would have a son soon - not yet, but I’m very happy for this beautiful couple.”

Margarita Simonyan and Tigran Keosayan have not yet commented on this news.