Gorbachev's granddaughter Ksenia. Mikhail Gorbachev married off his youngest granddaughter

The horrors of repressions and executions, the Gulag and the Holodomor - it was all for the sake of a bright communist future.

Under the leadership of the Bolsheviks and Soviet leaders, the country took leaps and bounds towards a bright communist future - not for itself (they didn’t dream of it), for its children and grandchildren. But the descendants of these leaders, who proposed that everyone sacrifice themselves for the sake of future generations, prefer to live and live in the West (in “decaying” Europe and “damned” America).

The main figure in this epic, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, had no children. But look at the geography of settlement of the scions of the Bolshevik-communist elite, including also the contemporaries of the post-Soviet society, the families of current deputies and ministers.

After the collapse of the communist experiment, the descendants of its builders did not go to complete the implementation Great Dream to China, North Korea or Cuba. They all moved to normal countries, the EU and the USA.

Stalin's son Vasily died at the age of 40. Daughter Svetlana, in 1966 in friendly India, came to the American embassy and asked for political asylum. In 1970, she married an American and changed her name to Lana Peters. Chris Evans gave birth to a daughter.

In 1984, she came to the USSR and restored Soviet citizenship, but 2 years later she renounced it for the second time and returned to the USA. The older children, son and daughter, whom she abandoned in the USSR after her escape, never found a common language with their mother.

In 2008, in one of her rare television interviews with a Russian journalist, Svetlana refused to speak Russian, citing the fact that she is not Russian: her father is Georgian, and her mother is half German, half Gypsy. She died in 2011 in the USA, her body was cremated. It is unknown where the ashes of Stalin's only daughter are buried. Stalin's granddaughter Chris Evans lives in the USA, does not understand Russian and works in a clothing store.

Stalin's granddaughter - Chris Evans. She is 40 years old, lives in Portland, and owns a vintage store.

The son of Nikita Khrushchev, Sergei Khrushchev, was awarded the Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor and the title of Lenin Prize laureate, has lived in the USA since 1991, and received American citizenship.

America also became a home for Nina Khrushcheva, the great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev through his eldest son Leonid, the circumstances of whose death historians still argue about.

Son former first Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev - Sergei Nikitich Khrushchev went to Brown University (USA) in 1991 to lecture on history cold war, which he currently specializes in. Stayed on permanent residence in the USA, currently lives in Providence, Rhode Island, and has American citizenship. He is a professor at the Thomas Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University.

Great-granddaughter of Nikita Sergeevich - Nina Lvovna Khrushcheva, teaches at the faculty international relations at New School University in New York.

Choreography teacher in Miami, granddaughter of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR and the General Secretary of the CPSU Yuri Andropov - Tatyana Igorevna Andropova. Her brother, Konstantin Igorevich Andropov, lives there in the USA.

The great-grandsons of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev on his son’s side, Dmitry Andreevich and Leonid Andreevich, graduated from Oxford University.

The niece of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Lyubov Yakovlevna Brezhneva, lives in California.

The daughter of the main ideologist of late communism, the ascetic Mikhail Suslov, Maya Mikhailovna Sumarokova, has lived in Austria with her husband and two sons since 1990.

Gorbachev's daughter, Irina Virganskaya, lives mainly in San Francisco, where the main office of the Gorbachev Foundation, of which she is vice president, is located.

Irina Virganskaya admitted in an interview that she could easily imagine herself outside of Russia. She often travels around the world. The German press wrote that former president The USSR has a castle in the Bavarian Alps (he himself denies this). Mikhail Sergeevich’s eldest granddaughter, Ksenia Pyrchenko (Virganskaya), lives in Germany. “I have many friends in Berlin, and I feel free in Germany,” she told a German journalist.

As we see, all the children of the leaders of the USSR chose to live abroad. None of them lives in the house that they built (their fathers and grandfathers built it). Apparently they built this house for us, and not for themselves. This is such a “communist paradise” from which everyone is leaving.

Women's desires, women's interests... Is there a list of what a woman wants, what is interesting to her? The French, apparently having had a lot of trouble searching for answers, came to a decisive conclusion: What a woman wants, God wants!

A lot of questions and answers, advice and clever experiences, fashionable new products and stylish things - all this is on the pages of the “Women's Interest” section

Such a relationship developed between Ksenia Gorbacheva’s parents, Irina and Anatoly Virgansky. Ksenia was then fourteen years old. And now she remembers that everyone was happy when her father was not at home, calm. She still doesn’t communicate with her father and doesn’t want to. Maybe she didn’t forgive, being offended by her mother? For her, the authority and man in the house was always her grandfather, Mikhail Sergeevich. It was he who tried to replace Ksenia and Nastya ( youngest daughter Irina Gorbacheva, sister of Ksenia’s father.

- No matter how busy my grandfather was, he always adhered to the iron rule - to spend weekends at home, with his family. These days, our family went to the forest to pick mushrooms,” Ksenia recalls, “playing tennis, walking through the forest are my grandparents’ favorite activities. They went quite long distances and I was constantly called upon to join them. But I tried to shirk because I preferred a bicycle or roller skates.

And in the Gorbachev house there was a tradition of everyone getting together for the New Year. They dressed up a huge live Christmas tree. Raisa Maksimovna from different countries always brought beautiful ones Christmas decorations. Under the tree lay a large sack of Santa Claus. And the grandmother, like all grandmothers, made concessions to Ksenia. She followed Ksenia’s lead when she wanted to do ballet. And, despite the fact that this type of art prefers skinny girls, she did not exhaust her granddaughter with a diet. Ksenia studied at the ballet school for ten years. But she realized that this was “not her” sport and left. On top of that, she began to have health problems: leg injuries, menisci, back. Yes, and she didn’t come out as a complexion. Not skinny Giselle! Rather, she was plump. Of course, not a barrel with legs, but she was considered fat for ballet. And Raisa Maksimovna supported Ksenino’s decision.

Ksenia graduated from MGIMO and became a journalist. But in her last year she managed to get married...

Kirill was also a student at MGIMO: handsome, torso, biceps, eyes. For a twenty-year-old girl, these parameters are decisive. It is then that you begin to look at the “picture” differently. Ksenia's wedding was exactly what she dreamed of. In principle, she got married, imagining a fairy-tale dress with a train and a multi-tiered cake. And the status of a wife.

When asked why she got married so early, Ksenia now answers with a laugh:

“Of course, my mother tried to have an explanatory conversation: wait, don’t rush, think, live like this,” Kirill and I had already lived for a year in his apartment. But mom spoke her words to nowhere. I didn't hear anything. True, they didn’t put much pressure on me: a decent boy from a decent family, what’s wrong? I wanted status: all my girlfriends are single, and I am a wife!

Both Ksenia’s mother, Irina, and Ksenia herself admit that when they fell in love, they thought that the chosen one was like Mikhail Sergeevich. This is where grandpa ruined his personal life...

- My grandparents are unique example. It is impossible to repeat it, - says Ksenia, - in addition to the fact that grandfather loved grandmother, he also respected her as a person. He was not a domestic tyrant, at the sight of whom everyone trembled. They might argue, but they never quarreled. These are different things. They were interested in each other. Grandma was emotional person and when it started up, she got angry. But the grandfather never answered her, he simply went into the bedroom and went to bed. And she followed behind and still did not let him fall asleep. Mom said that when she was young, she believed that all men were like her dad. But I was wrong. Of course, marriage to her father was a great disappointment for her.

And Kirill Solod, Ksenia’s first husband, was not ready for family life. The situation was not saved wedding dress from Yudashkin, neither a three-meter veil, nor the coveted cake. The stamp in the passport did not change anything in the relationship. It was simply a cohabitation of two young, carefree people, not burdened with responsibilities or any obligations. Although, Ksenia, having become a wife, bought cookbooks and began to learn to cook. She believed that a wife should build a nest. But when it was necessary to make compromises, no one wanted to do it. Quarrels and scratching began. And finally, the young couple came to a decision: we are getting a divorce! It turned out that “living together killed the most delightful feelings.”

Ksenia returned to her mother’s house with a suitcase, a cactus and a dog. Irina reacted to this philosophically:

- If so, then so! It's OK.

And Ksenia quickly changed her surname Solod to her grandfather’s - Gorbachev. Of course, this made her more responsible for her actions - her grandfather’s name cannot be dishonored. And most importantly, she formulated for herself the parameters of what her future husband should be like:

  • the main thing is not to be an asshole!
  • should not be president;
  • must not be married;
  • First of all, he must be interesting and cheerful in life, work enthusiastically and not forget about his beloved.

Ksenia Gorbacheva often travels abroad and many predicted a high-ranking “prince” for her. But she has her own opinion on this matter:

- IN high society Europe has nothing to catch your eye on. The general dominance of chicks of indeterminate sex. And if suddenly it appears normal man, clearly not blue, then drags behind him such a “Dolly fish” that you’re simply amazed. Lips like a carp, nails that curl like Baba Yaga’s, and as much “tuning” as on a New Year’s tree. So, not only here, but also in the West, there are plenty of such “goodies” in gilded shoes and pink bows, stuffed with silicone everywhere! I don't want to be in this company!

More than once Ksenia received marriage proposals. But real romance did not happen for a long time. Of course, Ksenia’s pedigree is not simple, causing tetanus in some men. And she loves sincerity and touching in relationships that are not expressed in diamonds and carats. She is not interested in oligarchs.

- Where oil rigs“As a rule, there is nothing else,” says Ksenia, “and I can easily do without a yacht, and without a villa, and without shiny cobblestones of a hundred carats.” But Vasya, who drinks beer and snacks on herring, discussing how bad life is, will not be my future husband either.

Ksenia worked in show business for several years. And she was credited with an affair with Viktor Drobysh. She - general manager his production center. Ksenia believes that his manner of communicating with women in public places provokes conversations about their “warm” relationships. They met at a party with mutual friends shortly before they started working together. But first, he invited her to work for Valeria as a PR specialist. Ksenia agreed. He appreciated her business qualities and invited me to his center. What haven’t they written! And she took Drobysh away from two children, and broke up the family, and lost all shame. Ksenia just laughed in response...

And in 2009, quietly, without loud festivities and fireworks, Ksenia Gorbacheva registered her marriage with Dmitry Pyrchenkov for the second time. He is a venerable producer, former concert director of singer Abraham Russo. Now their daughter Alexandra is growing up. And Ksenia is in demand more than ever in show business, on fashion catwalks, and in the Mikhail Gorbachev Foundation. Beautiful, smart, fluent in the art of communication and PR, she goes through life with a smile, without snobbery or pretentiousness.

Prepared by Yulia Smolina

Katya Mukhina met with Ksenia Gorbacheva, editor-in-chief of L’Officiel magazine, granddaughter of Mikhail Gorbachev and mother of a charming 5-year-old daughter Sasha, to ask her about life between Berlin and Moscow, views on raising children and family traditions.

What is your first childhood memory?

I don’t have one specific memory, there are many and they are very different. I remember our family trips to the sea in Crimea and Yalta. As a child, I really loved going to the sea and I remember my first impressions very well. I remember very clearly how my mother took me to the first grade and she picked me up after the ceremonial assembly already in the 11th grade.

Why did you decide to give birth in Germany?

It was calmer for me to give birth here. I didn’t choose a specific maternity hospital, I went to a specific doctor who was recommended to me and I was very pleased with the birth. In any case, the second time I would give birth here again. When my mother told me about her experience of pregnancy and childbirth, naturally, in a Soviet maternity hospital, I understood that if I were in her place, I would have died without giving birth, right at the very beginning of the process (laughs).

I have been living in Berlin for quite a long time, my daughter went to kindergarten here, and this year she will go to school. I have been and lived in many places - a little in Spain, a little in London, but it turned out that Germany is the perfect balance of all the most important components of life for me. I live very close to the center of Berlin, and yet our house is in the forest, and the road to school takes 10 minutes.

Do you remember your first feelings when you found out you were pregnant?

My pregnancy was not planned and was a complete surprise for me, although very pleasant. I remember the feeling of internal panic when I found out I was pregnant - What should I do? How to live further? What will happen to my job? - but it was some kind of “good panic”.

When did you first see Sasha?

I had a caesarean section, I heard Sasha cry for the first time and while they were stitching me up and taking some sensor readings - pulse, blood pressure, they put her on my chest and then I started sobbing. The doctors had to calm me down to stitch me up.

Sasha: Galliano jumpsuit (Daniel); shirt H glasses, Oliver Peoples

What was her first sentence?

Give it! Give it to me!

How did you manage to get back into shape so quickly?

The strangest thing is that now I weigh 6 kg less than before pregnancy. But I didn’t get back into shape quickly; it took about 2 years. During pregnancy I gained 26 kg - an incredible amount. A year later, I managed to throw off 15 of them, and the rest “hung on me” and froze. I managed to get them off with titanic efforts. Everyone loses weight differently, but for me there is only one option - not to eat. As Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya said: “If you want to lose weight, sit and don’t eat,” this is definitely about me. I used supplements, some kind of drainage, teas - everything. When for 2 years you cannot get out of the “plush” state, you are ready to eat and drink anything just to get the weight off the ground. I did massages and did sports, the real effect appeared when I stopped eating.

How many children would you like to have?

Maximum of two and you know I absolutely don’t care who it is - a boy or a girl.

Sasha: Galliano jumpsuit (Daniel); shirt H hat Scervino (Daniel Boutique); Fendi bag (Daniel Boutique) Jacadi sneakers; Ksenia: trousers H shirt Abercrombie & Fitch;

What was your relationship with your sister like as a child?

When Nastya was born I was 7 years old and as soon as she grew to a more or less conscious age, we started fighting. And we became friends at a much older age. Now she and her husband also live in Berlin and, thanks to this, we communicate quite a lot.

Does your mother live in Germany too?

Yes, but not in Berlin, but in Munich.

What languages ​​does Sasha speak?

Now she speaks Russian perfectly, and German a little worse, but they say that over time everything will be the other way around. German will become better, but Russian, on the contrary, will be forgotten. Therefore, in the future we will definitely study Russian with a teacher. In Berlin this is not a problem; here you can easily find Russian-speaking teachers.

What languages ​​do you speak?

A few years ago I had to learn German and now I “live” in it; I communicate and correspond a lot in English at work. Once at the institute I studied Spanish, even took the state exam in political translation in it, but since then I have not spoken a word in Spanish.

Sasha: Wheat shirt (Daniel Boutique); skirt H Jacadi sneakers; Ksenia: Citizens of Humanity skirt; shirt H

Will Sasha play any sports?

I want her to take up dancing - ballroom or even classical ballet. Of course, not professional, amateur. Yes, she herself loves to dance, she begins to move to any music. We are now vacationing with her in Sardinia, 50 km from Corsica, and the day before yesterday we went to some small, local disco and suddenly, yesterday she told me: “Mom, you know, I’m so drawn to dancing!” I say: “Well, if it’s time, then let’s go today.”

In September, Sasha goes to first grade - this will be a rather difficult period, because she is not even 6 years old, so first we will get used to school and the new rhythm of life a little, and then we will definitely enroll in some dance school.

Why does she go to school so early?

Well, this is German practice.

Does Sasha know what family she is from and who her great-grandfather is?

We didn't really draw her attention to this. They said something, of course. She loves looking at photos and can spend hours sorting through them family photos albums. My mother, who is to a greater extent The teacher, rather than me, looks at all this with her and answers her questions, so Sasha knows quite a lot about the history of the family. But since she is still small enough for her grandfather, first of all, grandfather Misha.

Do they see each other often?

Unfortunately no. Usually once a year, during the New Year holidays. I rarely take her to Moscow so that she doesn’t miss classes. Now this is very important for her because of the language and preparation for school. It’s also hard for my grandfather to fly; he practically doesn’t fly anywhere. So they always see each other new year holidays when we are in Moscow.

If Sasha grows up and wants to live in Russia, will you object?

I don’t want to think about it in advance, but I don’t think she will want it - after all, she grew up in Germany and German will be her main language, I’m not sure that she will write in Russian. Don't know. I try not to think about it.

Sasha: Wheat shirt (Daniel Boutique); skirt H jacket Quis Quis (Daniel Boutique); Jacadi sneakers; Ksenia: Citizens of Humanity skirt; Louis Vuitton jacket; Jimmy Choo H Pump Shirt;

What traditions do you have in your large family?

When we all lived in Moscow, we always tried to meet on weekends for lunch or dinner. Now, unfortunately, this is not easy. But I, my sister, and my parents always gather in Moscow for the New Year holidays, and spend the winter holidays there together. First we meet New Year, and then - January 6th - we celebrate my mother’s birthday.

Has your mother changed a lot since becoming a grandmother?

Yes. She always devoted a lot of time to us and was ready to explain and tell us something for hours, but loyalty and connivance are, of course, incomparable. Sasha can do almost anything. Mom was much stricter with us. But they say that this is a normal situation for a grandmother.

Is there something that you didn’t receive as a child that you would now like to give to Sasha?

Due to my childhood stubbornness, I did not compare my desires with my capabilities and health, and for 10 years I studied ballet professionally at school Bolshoi Theater. Now I really regret this, because I didn’t have a childhood at all, and I didn’t turn out to be a ballerina either. My joints are not made for ballet, I had constant injuries and problems with my knees. I had to chronically diet, exercise more. And all this instead of playing, living life normal child. Therefore, any professional sport and ballet are taboo for me. And for your own pleasure and figure, let him do as much as he wants.

What is most important to you in raising a child?

Mom's attention. For example, during the Easter holidays we went to Europa-Park - this is an analogue of Disneyland, the second largest after it in Europe, it is located in Germany. A real city of attractions. Sasha and I spent 4 days there and I have never seen my daughter so happy in her life!

Interaction, attention... Even if the mother is tired, if she does not have the strength or mood, we must look for ways to pay attention to the child.

What do you think about the child’s degree of freedom? For example, I had a terrible fight with my mother when she wouldn’t let me go somewhere, and now my Masha asks me to let her go to the movies alone and I can’t...

We live in Germany. It is absolutely normal practice here for children to leave with their teachers. kindergarten for a week in the mountains. My child has never traveled with them. I can’t imagine how you can send a 5-year-old child somewhere without parents. I cannot trust teachers to that extent. I think that she won’t even go to the movies alone this summer until she’s 20.

And who does Sasha want to become?

At first she wanted to become a hairdresser, and now she wants to be a teacher.

You - editor-in-chief magazine, the position is very responsible, how do you manage to combine family and work? Doesn't one interfere with the other?

It's very annoying! It's not easy at all. Traveling is becoming more and more difficult, and I am thinking about what to do next. I'll probably have to change something, I'll think about it.

Far from politics: what do Gorbachev’s granddaughters do?

Not everyone was ready to accept the change in the usual way of life that took place in the early 90s

As The Wall writes, recent years The existence of the USSR is remembered not only by its rapid changes, but also by the rule of a rather young politician by those standards - Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev. How are you doing now? former leader countries and what do his descendants do?

The daughter and granddaughters of Mikhail Gorbachev have always attracted the attention of the press. And this is absolutely normal, because descendants famous politicians, and even more so, presidents are always forced to reflect the rays of glory of their high-ranking relatives.

Mikhail Gorbachev’s only daughter, Irina Virganskaya, is already 60 years old. She married a second time and lives a measured married life with businessman Andrei Trukhachev.

Irina no longer appears at social events, because she spends most of her free time working at the Gorbachev Foundation, of which she is vice president. That’s why the daughter of the last president of the USSR has to live in two cities. She spends a lot of time in both Moscow and Munich, dealing with the affairs of her father’s foundation.

The press pays much more attention to Irina’s daughters, Ksenia (born in 1980) and Anastasia (born in 1987). The girls grew up spectacular, even tried themselves on the catwalk, although their eminent grandfather and mother saw them in a different field.

Over time, the fashion world has ceased to attract girls. Both granddaughters of Mikhail Gorbachev got married, and now devote all their time to the family hearth, avoiding social events.

Ksenia Virganskaya married classmate Kirill Solod back in 2003, but the marriage to the businessman’s son lasted only two years. Then Dmitry Pyrchenkov, the former concert director of Abraham Russo, became Ksenia’s companion.

Regarding labor activity Ksenia, then it is worth noting the post of editor-in-chief of the Russian version of L’Officiel magazine, in which Gorbachev’s granddaughter was once replaced by Ksenia Sobchak.

Anastasia Virganskaya married a successful PR manager Dmitry Zangiev in 2010. According to close friends of the couple, the wedding cost about 1 million rubles.

Considering Dmitry’s own small salary, the banquet was probably paid for by Anastasia’s loving grandfather. The event was attended only by close friends and relatives. Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev himself was also present.

It is worth noting that Anastasia managed to work for the Grazia magazine, as well as the editor-in-chief of the trendspace.ru portal. She also travels a lot around the world and actively helps her mother work with the Gorbachev Foundation.

Now both Gorbachev’s granddaughters regularly attend only events related to the work of their grandfather’s personal funds, as well as their mother, Irina Virganskaya.

Therefore, you can most often see the granddaughters of the ex-president in the USA, where the office of the Gorbachev Foundation is located, or in Germany, where Irina Virganskaya lives. By the way, Ksenia, the eldest of the granddaughters, also lives in Germany now.

Daughter of Mikhail Gorbachev, last President The USSR and its granddaughters have always been in the spotlight of the press. And children in general high-ranking officials, and especially presidents, bear us a heavy cross for themselves, a heavy cross for the glory of their fathers.

Attention has always been focused on the only daughter of Mikhail Gorbachev. In one of her interviews, she admitted that she could easily live outside of Russia, since she often travels around the world. She periodically visits the USA, where the office of the Gorbachev Foundation is located.

Irina Virganskaya, who will turn 60 in a couple of years, after her second marriage to businessman Andrey, moved away from the bright social life and lives in two houses - in Moscow and Munich. But much more than about Irina, the press wrote about her daughters, Gorbachev’s granddaughters - Ksenia and Anastasia.

Both of them grew up to be bright girls, both tried themselves on the podium, although both grandfather and mother dreamed of a different profession for them.

But then the girls settled down, got married and now live rather secluded by the interests of their families.

Ksenia 12 years ago married her MGIMO classmate Kirill Solod, but the marriage did not last long. Gorbacheva’s second husband was the former concert director of Abraham Russo, Dmitry Pyrchenkov.

Ksenia Gorbacheva's most notable post was the position of editor-in-chief of the Russian version of L'Officiel magazine, but she was recently replaced by Ksenia Sobchak.

Her sister married five years ago to a PR manager for a large company, Dmitry Zangiev. Both sisters live in Moscow and do not visit social events, except those organized by the grandfather’s foundation. Ksenia is now 35, Nastya is 28.

Gorbachev’s granddaughters do not appear on the pages of Russian gossip columns, but they do not miss foreign events related to honoring their grandfather or the work of the Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev personal funds.