Winx characters: biography of the main characters of the animated series. Winx: Biographies of Winx

Name: Bloom
Original name: Bloom
Birthday: December 10
Zodiac sign: Dragon
Planet: Domino (Sparks)
Guy: Sky
Pixie: Locket
Animal: Belle the Sheep
Powers: Fire Dragon
Bloom is translated from English as “bloom, bloom.” Probably, the creators of the cartoon wanted to say that simple girl She grew up and became so beautiful that she turned into both a fairy and a princess at once, and saved the world. Five times.
There are no problems with spelling this name in Russian - everyone spells it the same way.
But in native Italian, by the way, the first sound “L” is very soft, so the name sounds closer to “Blum”.
Until the age of 16, Bloom lived on Earth in Gardenia with her mom and dad, but only in the middle of the first season did she find out that Vanessa and Mike were hers adoptive parents. It turned out that when she was still very young, witches attacked her home planet Domino, but she older sister Daphne managed to save Bloom by throwing her through the portal to Earth. Daphne herself died fighting the witches, and posthumously became the nymph of Lake Rocolucci.
Bloom searches for his real parents throughout the first three seasons, but only learns that they are alive and located somewhere far away in another dimension.
And in the first full-length film, “The Secret of the Lost Kingdom,” Bloom learns that her parents are imprisoned in the Obsidian Dimension, and together with her friends she frees them.
In the fourth season, Bloom spends all his time in Gardenia, communicates with Mike and Vanessa and never mentions his real parents.
In the second full-length film, she again lives on Domino with her real parents and learns to be a princess.
In season two, the fake Avalon shows Bloom her family tree. It turns out that Bloom must still have an uncle or aunt on her mother's side. I wonder where he went?



Name: Flora.
Age: 17 years old.
Birthday: June 27
Zodiac sign: Dryad.
Home planet: Linphea.
Power: Nature's magic.
Interests: Romance, nature.
Favorite color: Pink, green.
Guy: Helia.
Best friend: Tecna.
Roommate: Bloom.
Pixie: Chatta.
Flora is the oldest of all the Wink Club girls. But not by age, but by state of mind. She loves peace, tranquility and simple happiness. Flora loves to grow plants and create floral scents. It is very difficult to anger her, and even in the most difficult and nervous situations she remains calm. Sometimes she doesn't express herself own opinion only because of reluctance to enter into an argument. Flora comes from the planet Linphea and her strength is nature. Flora's birthday is the first of March, and her magic sign-Dryad. Often, Flora does not attack head-on using all her strength, but rather uses a small number of well-thought-out strategic techniques. She is able to control not only flowers, but also the forest and even the earth itself.
Flora has long caramel-colored hair with two streaks of highlights in her bangs, emerald eyes and tanned skin. Her usual casual outfit consists of a green off-the-shoulder top, a pink miniskirt decorated with strawberries, two pairs of yellow bracelets on each hand, and platform sandals. She has appeared in other outfits more than once, but this outfit is her favorite. Her other favorite outfit consists of a pink crop top with puffy sleeves and polka dots, a scarlet skirt, pink knee socks and red platform boots. Fairy Flora's outfit consists of an elegant short shiny dress in fuchsia and delicate orchid, long pink sleeves, and pink platform boots.
Flora is a very kind and gentle girl who passionately loves life and nature. She is sweet, friendly and would never hurt any of her friends. Flora simply adores flowers, and this is why her room is more reminiscent of a greenhouse than the habitat of a young girl. Bloom was very surprised when she arrived at Alfea (Bloom is Flora's roommate). Her Pixie Chatta, pixie talk. Flora in the first parts was the only girl from the Winx Club who did not have a love attachment to a guy, but with or without love in her heart, she is always the sweetest. And in subsequent parts she meets her love, Helia, new to the Red Fountain. They are somewhat similar to him, both are partly dreamers and focused on their inner world. However, in this they are similar to her best friend Tekna.


Name: Leila
Age: 17 years old.
Birthday: June 15th.
Zodiac sign: Chimera.
Home planet: Andros.
Power: Liquid magic, energy.
Interests: Sports, dancing.
Favorite color: Green, purple, blue.
Guy: Naboo.
Best friend: Muse.
Roommate: Lives alone.
Pixie: Piff.
Leila is the princess of Andros. She has a restless, rebellious and slightly wild character. Leila is an excellent athlete, dancer and fighter. She is also a feminist, as opposed to the chauvinist Riven. She has the ability to control a fluid substance called "Morfix" and give it any shape. In the future, she hopes to learn how to manage all possible substances. Layla becomes a member of the Winx Club in the second season and takes her pixie with her. Her pixie Piff is a sleep pixie, and is able to turn Leila's nightmares into sweet dreams.
Her birthday is June 15th and her magic sign is Chimera. Leila is very beautiful girl, with African-American features, long curly brown hair and sky-colored eyes. Her daily outfit consists of a T-shirt with gentle straps purple, with a small wave-shaped logo on it, khaki miniskirts, khaki boots and half-socks in a soft purple color. She also sometimes wears a hoodie in the same soft purple color and khaki jeans. Her Winx outfit consists of a shiny green top, a shiny green mini top, green mini shorts and green boots. At the same time, her skirt and top are connected by an elegant belt, and she herself is wearing several silver jewelry. Her wings are heavenly blue color with mauve tips. And Leila's Charmix is ​​a small thing shaped like a butterfly and a round hip bag.
Leila was the first of all the Winx to receive her Enchantix. Despite her sometimes wild and unbridled character, Leila is a very attentive and caring friend. When Muse was upset because of a conflict with her father, Leila supported her and calmed Flora when she was nervous because own relationships with Helia.
Layla, being a feminist, is capable of performing any task for both fairies and Specialists. She was raised quite strictly. Her parents believed that a real princess She must be very strict with herself and watch her every step and thought. And Leila’s childhood was spent alone, and isolated from ordinary people. She had practically no friends, and her only real friends for a long time there were only pixies. And her first experience of communicating with girls of her age was her first visit to Alfea. Having lived for such a long time in almost complete isolation, Leila closed herself off and was afraid that she would not be able to become a real friend. But time passed, and the girls from the Winx Club became real friends for her, just as she did for them.
Leila from the Winx Club Leila is very self-confident and open. She has the same good intuition as Stella and is always ready to give reasonable and pragmatic advice. Leila is a very talented dancer and speaks many languages. In the original version of the series, her name sounds like Aisha. Being a feminist, she strongly opposes what she considers unnecessary complex romantic relationships with the guys. This is mainly due to the compulsory marriage her parents insisted on. They wanted her to marry a guy named Nabu. Nabu, under the name Ophir, helped her out of trouble many times throughout the third season, and when Leila found out that his name was actually Nabu, she decided to date him.


Name: Muse.

Birthday: May 30th.
Zodiac sign: Fairy.
Home planet: Melody.
Power: The magic of music.
Interests: Music, dancing.
Favorite color: Red, blue, white.
Guy: Riven.
Best friend: Leila.
Roommate: Tecna.
Pixie: Tune (Melody).
Muse is the princess of the planet Harmonic Nebula. When Muse was very young, her mother died, and now she lives with her father. Although her mother had a fantastic voice and her father was a pianist, after the death of his wife he gave up music and demanded it from his daughter. Once he even threatened to take Muse away from Alfea for appearing at a concert in the Red Fountain. At the beginning of the series, the muse is 16 years old, her birthday is May 30th, and her magic sign is Elf.
The muse loves music, dancing, singing, she loves to play all kinds of instruments, but her favorite is the flute. The muse always plays very well, but she does best when she plays for herself alone. The muse does not like simple songs, she loves songs that have deep meaning, and whose lyrics are written with soul.
Of all the girls in the Winx Club, the muse has the best grades in Alfea, with the exception of Tecna. Outwardly, Muse is very beautiful: she has fair skin, an oriental face type and Blue eyes. Her strength is music and she in turn draws her energy from music. Pixie Muse-Tune, pixie of manners, and they quarrel very often, because they are almost complete opposites.
In terms of behavior, Muse is sometimes very similar to a tomboy, but at the same time she is the most vulnerable of all the girls in the Winx Club. And in life she is more of a loner, and her relationship with Raven was very problematic. In the third season, she even decided to break up with Raven, but they soon began dating again.
Muse's daily outfit consists of a red top, lilac armband, which is placed on both hands, but more often on the right, baggy jeans and red sneakers. Her outfit from Season 2 looks different. It consists of a turquoise checkered top, a red belt worn over the top and trousers, and half gloves.
In the first two seasons, Muse appears with an unchanged hairstyle - two short ponytails, and in the third she grew them out with the help of a spell and now wears long ponytails. This happened in the first episode of the third season, in which Muse agreed to changes in her appearance. Her Winx outfit consists of a red sparkly top and a matching miniskirt, connected by a sheer pink fabric. The Winx outfit also includes high red boots and lilac headphones. The wings of the Muse are transparent blue with lilac wings in the middle. Charmix Muse is a musical key and a hip bag in the form of a CD player. Muse earned her Charmix for telling Raven her feelings despite Darcy's presence.


Name: Tekna.
Age: 17 years old. Season 1 is 16 years old.
Birthday: December 16th.
Zodiac sign: Triton.
Home planet: Zenith.
Power: The magic of technology.
Interests: Science, technology.
Favorite color: Purple, black.
Guy: Timmy.
Best friend: Flora.
Roommate: Muse.
Pixie: Digit.
Tecna is a member of the Winx Club. Tekna was born on December 16 on the planet Zenith. Her magic sign is Triton and she has the power of technology. Tecna is a very smart and very inquisitive girl. She always takes a practical and logical approach to solving any problems, but sometimes her practicality turns into a negative. Despite this, she is selfless and sweet. IN free time likes to stage scientific experiments. Tecna loves computers and computer games. It is always very difficult for her to express her feelings, and almost all her actions are based on pure logic. True, in the second and third seasons she was able to overcome herself and became more open in many ways. Tecna also loves sports and an active lifestyle.
Her boyfriend is Timmy, a specialist from Red Fountain. Outwardly, Tecna differs from her friends in the Winx Club. She has a short, boyish hairstyle, greenish-blue eyes, and pale skin. Her daily outfit consists of a soft purple and lime green vest, matching sweatpants and colored sneakers. In the second season, Tecna's daily outfit changed to a lavender sleeveless polo, a miniskirt of the same color and platform boots.
Her fairy outfit is significantly different from all those presented in the series. It covers the entire body, and consists of a lilac glittery jumpsuit, the sleeves are made of translucent blue fabric, tall boots and a pointed headdress complete the outfit. Her wings are green, with a clear geometric shape. These wings do not move, but help Tekna fly using energy. Her Charmix is ​​shaped like a triangle, and her hip pouch is a lock.
Tecna 5 earned her Enchantix in the third season, when she sacrificed herself to close the portal to the Omega dimension, Layla's homeland. At the same time, Tecna herself remains the only one from the Winx Club whose homeland was never shown in the series. Tecna's powers are related to technology and digital technology, she is also able to control energy flows and create green energy shields. She can also use similar techniques to trap enemies in the form of energy balls or ribbons. Tecna is also capable of throwing bolts of energy that temporarily immobilize opponents. She can also create digital holograms or illusions. She hasn't shown much offensive ability for a long time, but in season three her friends saw a lot of new things.


Name: Roxy
Age: 17 years
Birthday: March 20
Zodiac sign: Dryad
Home planet: Earth
Hometown: Gardenia
Power: Animal Magic (Fauna Power)
Favorite color: green, pink and lilac.
interests: animals.
character: brave, shy (uncommunicative), impulsive.
best friend: bloom.
Pets: many pets, but the most favorite is the dog Arthur

Appearance: Medium height, girl with blue-gray eyes and long pink hair. Roxy has long straight pink hair with long bangs that lighten and turn yellow towards the ends of her hair. Skin color is white.

clothes: Casual clothes Roxy is a pink-green and lilac short blouse, shoulders green, green sleeves. green and pink
separates the lilac stripes. the rest is all pink. beautiful green breeches with a purple belt, pink boots with studs, white soles.

BIO: Roxy is the last fairy of the Earth, very charming girl. Roxy has the power of animals. Roxy appears in season 4 of the first episode - when Faragonda gives the Winx the task of finding the last fairy of the Earth (love and animals). Roxy could not believe in fairies for quite a long time, only by using force did she understand and make her decision that she was a fairy. Roxy's father is the director of a small bar-cafe (frutti music bar and Roxy works there as a waitress) on the beach. Her father often doesn’t understand how it’s possible to love animals SO much that he would drag all the little animals into the house! However, deep down he is proud of his daughter. Roxy is a very powerful fairy, although her powers are just beginning to awaken. She was able to leave the Black Circle and fight off the enemies alone. Roxy never knew that she had a mother, but then she found out that her mother was the queen of earthly fairies.
Almost all of her power is tied to the white circle.
Roxy became very attached to the Winx Club, although before she could easily do without friends.

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Icy: The young witch is known as the "Heart of Ice". As the oldest and most powerful sister, she is the ruthless leader of the Trix and would like to rule the universe. The name "Icy" suits her perfectly, describing her abilities and skills. She is cruel to people and she doesn't approve of them. Icy hates the fairies from Alfea. Icy studies in the cloud tower, whose director is Professor Griffin. She also used some kind of spell, such as "Army of Decay" (Army of Darkness)


Stormy: A young witch and the youngest of the Trix. She is known as the "Queen of Storms". Her temperament matches her name. Stormi's hair looks like rain clouds. She secretly believes herself to be stronger than Icy, but this is unlikely. In her standard form She wears maroons with a top metal loop decorative attachment to the costume and loops around her neck. Stormy wears a dress with the letter "S" embossed in the middle of her costume matching Maroon gloves, tights and thigh-high boots. Like her older sisters, she wears eye makeup that matches the color of her suit.


Darkar is an evil wizard who first appeared in the second season. His name is derived from English word Dark is dark, and he himself has the power of darkness. Darkar wanted to take possession of the power of the relix - a very powerful force, which, according to him, was stronger than Dragon Fire. To get it, you had to collect four parts of the codex. He freed the Trix from the Lightstone prison and said that he would share this power with them if they helped him. The Trix obtained for Darkar all the parts of the code that were located in three Magix schools and the Pixie settlement. Besides them, the phoenix also needed Dragon Fire. In order to get him, he sent a spy to Alfea, who kidnapped Bloom and turned her into the Dark One. When Bloom was enchanted, she did not understand what she was doing, so she almost helped Darkar take possession of the relix. But Sky was able to save her from this witchcraft, and thanks to him, the Winx were able to defeat the phoenix. As for the Trix, Darkar did not keep his promise, and they were sent to the Omega Dimension to serve their sentence.


Valtor is an evil magician who first appeared in the third season. It is the creation of the Three Ancient Witches, created from Dragon Fire in order to destroy. Many years ago, a team of Light, under the leadership of Oritel and Marion, Bloom's parents, imprisoned him in the Omega dimension. When the Trix were sent to this dimension, they freed him from the ice and merged with him. Together they opened a portal from the Omega dimension to Andros and nearly destroyed Layla's planet. Valtor stole Ogador's casket from the Museum of Magic in Magix and put spells stolen from it there. different worlds. The most powerful of them was the “Four Elements” spell, which he directed at Magix and his three schools. He deceived Bloom for a long time, telling her that he defeated her parents and sent her to eternal imprisonment. But thanks to the water stars and Enchantix, the Winx were able to defeat Valtor. Since he and Bloom are connected by Dragon Fire, she could feel his presence, and this helped the Winx a lot. Valtor can exist both in the form of a man and in the form of a monster, which serves as his real appearance.

Mages of the Black Circle

The Mages of the Black Circle are the main enemies of the Winx in season 4. They were called "Fairy Hunters". The magicians of the Black Circle were able to imprison Queen Morgana and other fairies on the island of Tir Nan Ok. To save them, the Winx had to activate the White Circle, which Roxy found on the old farm. When Queen Morgana and the other fairies became free, they looked for magicians for a long time in order to take revenge. Despite the fact that they wanted to drag Roxy into the Black Circle portal and gain her power, the Winx agreed to save them from Morgana. They decided to judge them with all justice. But the magicians deceived them and fled to the Omega Dimension. There they wanted to attack the fairies. They were eventually frozen by the ice snake and remained in this dimension.
Ogron is the leader of the Black Circle mages, cunning and merciless. He can absorb the power of his opponent and reflect it with the same blow, but stronger. Moreover, it will not have any effect on him.
Gantlos is the most cruel of the magicians of the Black Circle. Has enormous physical strength, can create sound and energy waves, create earthquakes.
Anagan is the quietest of the magicians of the Black Circle. He has the power of speed and can move very quickly.
Dumon is the fourth magician of the Black Circle. Has the power of transformation and can become either an animal or a liquid. He was killed before the rest of the magicians in the battle with Nabu.

History and origin

Leila appeared in this cartoon not in the first, but in the second season; she was not in the first. The girl's real name is Aisha. The fairy's homeland is the planet of water, and the fairy is the crown princess. The fairy was born on June 15th. Fairy Leila’s childhood cannot be envied, because her parents were constantly traveling, and this deprived the girl of parental attention.


The character of the young girl is restless and rebellious, one might even say that she has a slightly wild character. Leila is a feminist, she is an excellent athlete and a wonderful dancer, and a real fighter.


Speaking about the appearance of this girl, one cannot fail to note her expressive and bright blue eyes. Dark skin and long dark hair give it a certain charm. Leila does not recognize cosmetics in her image, because she has natural beauty from nature. Despite the fact that the girl is a princess, she has quite sporty look. The girl's clothes are light in color, but they include a hooded sweatshirt, sports-type breeches that have large pockets, and low-heeled sneakers. As the cartoon progresses, the girl’s outfits regularly change, but it’s always a sporty style.


It is worth noting Leila’s abilities; she is a rather unusual magician. This is a rather strange and unstudied substance called Morfix, it can take any form if necessary. Also, the girl is often tormented by nightmares, and her pixie Piff can help her, who can turn even the worst nightmare into a fairly peaceful dream or even a fairy tale.


The girl is truly passionate about dancing, and at the same time she pays great attention to her favorite sport, thanks to which she is considered the strongest of their entire team. The girl is smart and quick-witted, educated and quite intelligent, but at the same time the girl is not confident in her abilities. It can be noted that Leila is shy and one can even say that she is a little lonely.

Pictures of Winx Leila

Only on our website is a complete selection of Winx fairies, all characters with names, their biography, description, bright pictures and photo. The Winx Club has recently, but quite firmly, taken the place of the idols of many modern girls. On our website you can familiarize yourself with any of them in more detail.

Bloom, Stella, Tecna, Leila, Muse, Flora, Pixie – main heroines animated series, as well as fairies of the White and Black Circle, Specialists and dark witches Trix - you can find all of them on this site.

Main characters

Bloom was born on the planet Domino. Her father was the almighty King Oritel, and her mother was the beautiful Marion. Not long after she was born, evil witches attacked their planet, they wanted to master the power of Fire.

This heroine is also the same. Flora's homeland is considered to be Linphea and she loves and admires her more than anything in the world. The fairy has ideal parents, but her relationship with them is not entirely smooth.

Leila appeared in this cartoon not in the first, but in the second season; she was not in the first. The girl's real name is Aisha. The fairy's homeland is the planet of water, and the fairy is the crown princess. The fairy was born on June 15th.

This heroine first appeared, like the others, in the first season of the series in the second episode. Muse's birthday is May 30th. And she was born on the planet Melody. The girl’s mother is a great singer who died when her daughter was still a baby.

Many young fans of the Winx series are interested in the names of the main characters. This article contains the names and biography of the main characters of the cartoon. We hope that a sufficient number of girls will stop being tormented by the question of what Winx’s name is.

Winx Bloom

The sorceress Winx Bloom was born on December 10 on the planet Domino, and is its princess. She is 17 years old and her zodiac sign is dragon. Her magical abilities manifested themselves when she was saving another fairy, Stella. He is strong and caring, and is ready to help the Winx friends at any time. My magical power she draws from the Flame of the ancient Dragon. You might be interested to know the names of Winx pets. Bloom has a pet - a sheep, whose name is Belle, and she also has a pixie fairy who has knowledge of portals and labyrinths, and her name is Lockett. Bloom's best friend is the fairy Stella.

Winx Muse

The next Winx sorceress is called Muse, who was born on May 30 on the planet Melody. She is 17 years old and her zodiac sign is elf (goblin). The sorceress's favorite colors are red and purple. She just loves music. Muse treats her friends very carefully. She has good ones sporting achievements– she takes second place in the Winx Club. It is not at all surprising that she magical power based on music, because she loves it so much. She has a bear named Pepe, and a pixie named Tune. She is the pixie of etiquette that Muse butts with quite often.

Winx Stella

The next Winx sorceress is Stella, a very emotional and energetic girl. She was born on the planet Solaria on August 25, and is now 18 years old. Stella's zodiac sign is siren, and her favorite colors are gold, orange and yellow. She has a best friend - Winx Bloom. She doesn't show off her knowledge, loves to chat and gets bad grades, but her friends help her stay afloat. There was even a time when she destroyed the entire laboratory in an attempt to create a new shade of pink. She is the owner of the powers of the moon and the sun. Her pixie is a love pixie named Cupid. She also has pet- Ginger the dog.

Winx Flora

The Winx sorceress Flora is 17 years old, and she was born on March 1 on the planet Linphea. According to her zodiac sign, she is a dryad, and of course she loves plants and animals very much. Flora is very kind, sensitive, calm, sweet, and is a very helpful member of the Winx team. The entire room of the sorceress is overflowing with dozens of pots with plants, and it looks more like a greenhouse than a home. The magic of Flora is the magic of nature and earth. She, like all fairies, has a pixie called Chatta, and she is a communication pixie. Of course, Flora could not help but have a pet. She has a kitten named Coco. Tecna is her best friend.

Winx Tecna

Tecna is the brains of the Winx team. She is 17 years old, and she was born on June 28 on the planet Zenith. Tecna's zodiac sign is Triton, and her favorite colors are purple and black. Her most positive qualities– logic and rationality. She is very smart and knows sciences such as technology and mathematics very well. She likes to play various computer games and disassemble mechanisms. She always tries to accept the right decision in a difficult situation. The sorceress Tecna is the owner of techno-magical powers that allow her to control any mechanical objects. Her pixie's name is Digit, whose abilities closely resemble those of her owner. She also has a duckling named Chico.

Winx Leila

The last sorceress on this list was born on June 15 on the planet Andros, and her name is Leila. She is 17 years old, her zodiac sign is chimera. She is quite headstrong and wild, but she is excellent at driving an air scooter and also has excellent physical characteristics. Leila considers herself a feminist. She got into the Winx club later than the others, but managed to make good friends with Muse. Her magical ability is to manipulate liquids, including a special pink liquid called Morfix, which can take any shape. She sometimes suffers from nightmares, but this problem is quite easily solved by her pixie Piff, who can control dreams. Leila's pet is a rabbit named Millie.

Now you know the name of the Winx fairies.

Name: Leila
Original name: Aisha
Birthday: June 15
Zodiac sign: Chimera
Planet: Andros
Guy: Naboo
Pixie: Piff
Animal: Millie the rabbit
Silkies: Lemmy
Strengths: gum chewiness
First appearance: Season 2 Episode 1 “Shadow of the Phoenix”

Leila: Name

In the Italian series this fairy is called Aisha, but in English, Russian and, it seems, all other translations, she became Leila. Both names are of Arabic origin. Aisha means “she who lives,” and Leila means “darkness, night.”

There is some discussion on how Aisha became Leila in my article about.

Leila's family

Leila's dad is the tall, broad-shouldered king of Andros, and her mom is the queen. It is known that she was forced to devote a lot of time to etiquette - to keep her back straight, speak politely and not interrupt her elders. In general, life was dreary until Leila had a friend, Ann, who taught her to dance.
Layla's parents are shown a lot in the third season, when the action takes place on Andros. It is clear that they care very much about their daughter, try to protect her from troubles, and, among other things, choose a suitable husband for her. However, they know how to admit their mistakes, and do not insist on their decisions to the last.

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The planet Andros has land and sea. Leila's dad rules on land, and in the sea there is a kingdom of mermaids. There is also a portal leading out there from the Omega dimension - a prison for criminals, and this portal is guarded by mermaids.
Despite the fact that Andros is a planet, at the beginning of the third season, Layla found her way home across the sea in the vicinity of Magix. There is probably a portal in the sea too. It seems that Andros is an ideal planet for creating portals there from the entire universe.
The sea on Andros shows some kind of yellow even before Valtor gets there. A royal palace looks more like a prison-type fortress. It is not surprising that little Leila felt uncomfortable there.
Of the inhabitants of land-based Andros, we saw only Layla's parents, Nabu and another magician - all of them had dark skin and dark hair. However, all the courtiers from Leila's childhood memories are fair-skinned.


Leila has dark skin, long wavy dark brown hair (which in Bilivix grows one and a half times longer than Leila herself), blue eyes and full lips.
The color green is often found in clothing.



Leila started studying a year later than her friends, so at first she was weaker than them academically, but then, apparently, she caught up with everyone. Either everyone studies at Alfea en masse, from beginners to old-timers, or Leila is so talented that she started right away in her second year.


At first, Leila was not very comfortable among them, because she felt like a stranger among them. But soon she became very friendly with. At first she supported her and helped her integrate into the team, then Leila supported her and helped improve her relationship with her father and Riven. It was about Leila who remembered in the cave in the Wild Lands, which allowed her to get Charmix.
The most tense, perhaps, were with each other - until the girls got to know each other better. Although in Cloud Tower as an unsuitable match, Leila got a woman with whom she had gotten along very well before (apparently, there was a waiting list).
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In the fourth season, Leila is no longer very close friends with anyone, not even with her - she is more busy with her personal life and preparing for upcoming wedding. Maybe it’s precisely because of this that after the death of Nabu she leaves her friends, only to return back after a couple of episodes.


In the third season, Leila's parents found her a suitable groom, but Leila liked the mysterious stranger more. Which, in fact, turned out to be this very groom. Read more about them in the article:.


All of Layla's transformations (regular, charmix, enchantix, pollen, bilivix, sofix, lavix-lubovix, as well as applications to bilivix) can be seen in this video clip:

Various differences

Leila was the first of all fairies to receive enchantix when she saved the queen of mermaids by sacrificing her eyesight.

Nickelodeon's website lists the names of Layla's parents as King Teredor and Queen Niobi.

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Collage with Leila from the official Winx website: