Biography of Leila from Winx Club. Meaning of the female name Leila

In the second season, Winx joins the heroines (in the original - Aisha, Russian. Aisha), princess of Andros.

He first appears in the first episode of the second season, Shadow of the Phoenix. In the original, her name is Aisha, but we are more often known as Leila.

Leila's homeland is Andros, the planet of water, where she is the crown princess. The most physically trained fairy in the Winx Club.

Leila's childhood was not easy. Her father and mother, the king and queen of Andros, often went on long trips, and the girl spent all her days learning etiquette. Leila's only friend was a young dancer named Ann, who instilled in the baby a passion for dancing.

In addition to dancing, Leila is very fond of sports.

The girl was lucky with pixie Piff - the pixie of sweet dreams - because Piff is able to turn the nightmares that often torment Leila at night into good sweet dreams.

Layla's magic is a pink substance called Morfix that can take on any form.

Leila did not enter Alfea right away; she was on probation for one year. homeschooling in your kingdom. After unsuccessful attempt To save the pixie, the princess accidentally ends up in an unconscious state in Alfea, where the Winx girls help her, and then take Leila as the sixth fairy into their club.

She received her Charmix fourth when she overcame her inner fears after getting lost in a dark cave.

Layla was the first to achieve the power of the Enchantix on Andros, sacrificing herself for the sake of the dying Mermaid Queen - Lijea.

When the Winx went for the water stars, Leila discovered a guy named Nabu in the side compartment of the ship, posing as Ophir. Their first acquaintance was unsuccessful, because... The Winx mistook him for Valtor's spy. Leila believed him because he saved her from the evil centaurs. By the end of the trip, she began to sympathize with him, and later invited him to a disco. The girl was very surprised to learn that Ophir was the same Nabu whom she was to marry, and for some time she did not even understand why he did not tell her the truth.

Appearance of Layla Winx

Leila's appearance - bright blue eyes, dark brown curly long hair and very dark skin. The girl hardly uses makeup. Leila, like Flora, prefers a natural look.

Her main outfit is a light-colored hoodie, gray-blue breeches with pockets, and white high-heeled sneakers. Also a favorite outfit is a short light purple T-shirt with white straps and a blue wave-shaped logo, a skirt with patch pockets and a thick khaki belt, purple half-socks and green platform boots. In Season 4, Leila often wears a double top in green and purple with stars, voluminous green breeches, white socks and sneakers.

Leila's outfit as a fairy consists of a shiny green top, a green mini-overskirt, green mini-shorts and green ankle boots. At the same time, her skirt and top are connected by an elegant belt, and she herself is wearing several silver jewelry. Her wings are blue-gray with wavy tips. The hair is still curly, but it is styled more neatly, there are no locks, and the forehead is decorated with a headband.

Charmix Laylas are a small thing, shaped like a butterfly, and a round hip bag.

Enchantix Leila - short top Green colour with petals, a skirt tied with ribbons, yellow gloves on her hands, a sapphire tiara with precious stone in the middle, on the back of the head, there are two curly tails with blue hairpins, part of the hair is tied into long graceful braids, on the legs there are green ribbons with seven corals on each leg.

Wings - warm color scheme- yellow, green and pink colors. Fairy pollen - a bottle with a circle ornament, studded with pearls. Part of the pattern made by pollen resembles a circle.

Belivix Leila - blue top corset with sleeves on right hand, blue breeches with a frill, green-pink high-heeled boots on her feet, a long glove on one hand, a ribbon-bow on the other, her hair down, a blue headband on her head, paired blue wings with a curly flower.

Sofix: top with double sleeves, skirt with petals, half gloves, sandals with ribbons and frills, headband, paired yellow-pink wings.

Lubovics: blue top with long sleeves decorated with fur, blue skirt and breeches, boots with heels and a hidden platform, a pale blue hoop in her hair, sparkling wings in blue tones.

When future parents are expecting a baby, they are always faced with a difficult question: what to name their child? Many proposals and desires appear, and when there are only a few names left that will definitely suit the baby, it is worth finding out what they mean in order to finally decide on what name will accompany him all his life. Below we will tell you what the meaning of the name Leila is and the history of its appearance.

History of origin

The origin of the name Leila begins in distant history. Among the ancient Arabs it meant “night” or “darkness,” which is quite specific for the usual interpretation. The name was very common in all Arab countries Oh. Later, with divergences all over the world, Leila also became popular name in the countries of the New World and Asian countries.


The girl’s character largely collected the canonical features of women from Arab countries. Of course, she has both positive and negative emotions and habits.

TO positive qualities relate:

  1. Affectionateness. The baby really loves attention to her person. Therefore, she tries to please everyone around her in order to evoke their love and kindness. In return, she will also have a great attitude towards all loved ones and relatives who will show warm feelings towards the girl. Growing up, these emotions will dull a little, but general attitude will remain unchanged.
  2. Emotionality. The lady is always ready to say a lot of pleasant words to the people who surround her, but at the same time, she will not hesitate to express other thoughts if she is prompted to do so by some actions and feelings of a person.
  3. Charm. The girl knows how to attract anyone she likes. It doesn't matter if it's a business partner or future husband. Her charms will be very difficult to resist.
  4. Commitment. A woman will always be ready to answer for her words and actions. If she promises something, she will do it at any cost. At work, she will be greatly appreciated for similar qualities of character, the will to win and perseverance.

Also, it is worth mentioning the negative features:

  1. Conflict. If a girl wants to prove that she is right, no arguments or arguments will stop her. She will defend her position to the end, even if this leads to quarrels and abuse.
  2. Moodiness. Attracting attention to herself, the lady is ready to resort to in various ways. Attracting everyone to her for any motive, she will rejoice at any manifestation of interest in her, even if it is not positive.

The name Leila has collected a lot of amazing character traits, which makes her image complete and fascinating. Relatives and friends will be interested in following her development as an excellent specialist and a brilliant woman.

Correct spelling of name. Declension

The name Leila refers to feminine, therefore, it declines as follows:

  1. Nominative – Leila.
  2. Genitive – Leyla.
  3. Dative - Leila.
  4. Accusative - Leila.
  5. Creative - Leila.
  6. Prepositional - Leila.

If you need to write your name on foreign language, for example in English, it will look correctly like this: Leila. Also, the girl has many different variations of the name. Basic word forms:

  1. Leili.
  2. Lily.
  3. Lilith.
  4. Layla.
  5. Leila.
  6. Lily.
  7. Lilya.

All these names appeared due to differences in the languages ​​of Muslims, who pronounced and wrote transcriptions in the style and sound of their national dialect.

Symbols and objects sacred to Leila

Any name has things and elements that most clearly reflect its character and serve as a source of strength and good luck. The girl's planet is Uranus. This means that Leila will always be a bright personality with sharp thinking and a desire to develop. It is best to give such a name to a child if he was born under the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius.

If a girl wears jewelry that contains amethyst, it will attract good luck and prosperity to her home. It is good when a woman is surrounded by alpine rose flowers or barberry bushes. A woman's totem animal is the electric stingray.


The girl will make great progress career ladder, thanks to her skills to interest and charm any client. At the same time, her hard work will have an impact positive influence leadership and conquering heights will be given to Leila without much difficulty.

The woman will be a wonderful housewife. Her house will always be clean and tidy. She treats all things very carefully and even surrounds them with care and attention. A lady will have many requirements for her life partner regarding intelligence and performance, but if she chooses a man for herself, then family life it will be easy and beautiful. The best union will work with the names:

  1. Alexander.
  2. Maksim.
  3. Dmitriy.
  4. Novel.
  5. Arseny.

Name in history

The meaning of the name Leila in history is quite wide. It was worn by many people who became famous in various fields:

  1. Leila Ali. Female boxer, daughter of Muhammad Ali.
  2. Leila El. Actress from Great Britain.
  3. Leila Gordeladze. Film director from Georgia.

If future parents want to name their baby Leila, a lot of warmth and affection awaits them. Also, the daughter will delight with her successes in school and career, and then will become a wonderful mother to their grandchildren.

The girl who will deal with her enemies with my own hands without using magic. She watches her closely physical fitness and in some disciplines he will be able to compete even with Olympic champions!

Leila studied remotely for her first year at the school for sorceresses and therefore did not have the opportunity to meet other students in Alfea. Everything changed when Lord Darkar kidnapped the pixies and the princess of Andros went to save them. The powers of the evil magician were many times greater than those of the young fairy. And when there seemed to be no hope, a Winx club appeared in in full force, helped overcome the darkness and rescue the little ones. And then the magical girls invited Leila to join them, and so her adventures began...


Surprising Information About the Princess of Andros

1) As a child, she was not happy despite belonging to royal family. She was tormented by loneliness and the constant absence of her parents.

2) Leila exercises for at least an hour a day. She also knows karate, boxing and some self-defense techniques.

3) The girl liked the Winx club from the first minute, and she was very afraid that she would not be accepted or would not be considered a real friend. It's good that this never happened.

4) There are no continents on her planet or big islands, everything, with rare exceptions, is covered with water. But this is not a problem, on the contrary, the inhabitants of Andros like life in the depths and none of them would exchange it for anything else.

5) Dancing became her favorite hobby. And the fairy still finds time to enjoy the music and learn new movements.

Pictures with Leila

As soon as Leila joined the Winx Club, she immediately adopted the habit of dressing in everything bright and shiny from other fairies. The first days it was unusual, but now she can’t imagine herself in any other way.

Some of Leila’s pictures deserve special praise, because these images look no worse than the creations of artists of the 16-17th century!

Once the Muse advised her to wear something blue that matched the color of her blue eyes. As you can see, the fairy of harmony can’t be wrong; this outfit suits the future queen of Andros like no one else.

Tritannus defeated his father, brother and mother, but forgot about someone. Leila will remind him that she handles a sword no worse than a professional warrior, which means she will certainly win.

This is the uniform the girl usually wears to classes. Agree, it looks not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

How to have a great lunch? Grab some lemonade, some cake and go with your friends to the nearest park!

This is what Leila's room looks like before going to bed. Everything is cute, fluffy and warm :)

Even while cleaning, there is time for fun and a little madness... although there is still not a little, but a lot!

In season 5, she finally decided that she would be a clothing designer, and here is a picture of one of the nautical outfits she created. With this talent, the road is open to both Milan and Paris.

This look and sincere smile Probably every beauty on the planet would like to have it. You can drown in those eyes, and her sweet laugh is intoxicating and delightful.

And a bit more…

Leila is always ready for new adventures and does not hesitate to fly to the call of those in need. She did not close herself off and experienced depression due to the death of her beloved boyfriend. This girl, by example, proves to us that love, friendship and mercy are the three most important virtues in the life of every person.

Name: Leila
Original name: Aisha
Birthday: June 15
Zodiac sign: Chimera
Planet: Andros
Guy: Naboo
Pixie: Piff
Animal: Millie the rabbit
Silkies: Lemmy
Strengths: chewing gum viscosity
First appearance: Season 2 Episode 1 “Shadow of the Phoenix”

Leila: Name

In the Italian series this fairy is called Aisha, but in English, Russian and, it seems, all other translations, she became Leila. Both names are of Arabic origin. Aisha means “she who lives,” and Leila means “darkness, night.”

There is some discussion on how Aisha became Leila in my article about.

Leila's family

Leila's dad is the tall, broad-shouldered king of Andros, and her mom is the queen. It is known that she was forced to devote a lot of time to etiquette - to keep her back straight, speak politely and not interrupt her elders. In general, life was dreary until Leila had a friend, Ann, who taught her to dance.
Layla's parents are shown a lot in the third season, when the action takes place on Andros. It is clear that they care very much about their daughter, try to protect her from troubles, and, among other things, choose a suitable husband for her. However, they know how to admit their mistakes, and do not insist on their decisions to the last.

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The planet Andros has land and sea. Leila's dad rules on land, and in the sea there is a kingdom of mermaids. There is also a portal leading out there from the Omega dimension - a prison for criminals, and this portal is guarded by mermaids.
Despite the fact that Andros is a planet, at the beginning of the third season, Layla found her way home across the sea in the vicinity of Magix. There is probably a portal in the sea too. It seems that Andros is an ideal planet for creating portals there from the entire universe.
The sea on Andros shows some kind of yellow even before Valtor gets there. A Royal Palace looks more like a prison-type fortress. It is not surprising that little Leila felt uncomfortable there.
Of the inhabitants of land-based Andros, we saw only Layla's parents, Nabu and another magician - all of them had dark skin and dark hair. However, all the courtiers from Leila's childhood memories are fair-skinned.


Leila has dark skin, long wavy dark brown hair (which in Bilivix grows one and a half times longer than Leila herself), blue eyes and full lips.
The color green is often found in clothing.



Leila started studying a year later than her friends, so at first she was weaker than them academically, but then, apparently, she caught up with everyone. Either everyone studies at Alfea en masse, from beginners to old-timers, or Leila is so talented that she started right away in her second year.


At first, Leila was not very comfortable among them, because she felt like a stranger among them. But soon she became very friendly with. At first she supported her and helped her integrate into the team, then Leila supported her and helped improve her relationship with her father and Riven. It was about Leila who remembered in the cave in the Wild Lands, which allowed her to get Charmix.
The most tense, perhaps, were with each other - until the girls got to know each other better. Although in Cloud Tower as an unsuitable match, Leila got a woman with whom she had gotten along very well before (apparently, there was a waiting list).
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In the fourth season, Leila is no longer very close friends with anyone, not even with her - she is more busy with her personal life and preparing for upcoming wedding. Maybe it’s precisely because of this that after the death of Nabu she leaves her friends, only to return back after a couple of episodes.


In the third season, Leila's parents found her a suitable groom, but Leila liked the mysterious stranger more. Which, in fact, turned out to be this very groom. Read more about them in the article:.


All of Layla's transformations (regular, charmix, enchantix, pollen, bilivix, sofix, lavix-lubovix, as well as applications to bilivix) can be seen in this video clip:

Various differences

Leila was the first of all fairies to receive enchantix when she saved the queen of mermaids by sacrificing her eyesight.

Nickelodeon's website lists the names of Layla's parents as King Teredor and Queen Niobi.

When copying this article or part of it, be sure to write that it was taken from and include a link to. Otherwise it will be considered theft.

Collage with Leila from the official Winx website:

The cartoon "Winx Club" appeared on screens 13 years ago, but has not yet lost its popularity. The main characters of the animated series are ordinary, at first glance, girl friends. But these girls have a peculiarity - they turn into fairies and end up in the most amazing stories! Today we will talk about the main characters of the Winx Club. You will find photos and names of fairies in our article. Have a nice adventure!


The plot of "Winx Club" centers on a fairy named Bloom. She is the founder of the Club! Bloom was born in royal family in December, her homeland is the planet Domino. One day, three Ancient Witches attacked the planet. Elder sister A fairy named Daphne sent her to Earth to save baby Bloom. Firefighter Mike found the girl: he found her in a fire, which, by the way, did not harm her. Since the girl had no relatives, Mike and his wife Vanessa adopted Bloom. Magic abilities the girl's eyes opened when she was barely 16 years old - Bloom tried to save a girl named Stella. It was Stella who suggested Bloom go to a school for young fairies. At school, Bloom found three more friends, with whom she founded the Winx Club. the main objective Club - defense of good.

The Winx heroine named Bloom is distinguished by her generosity and sincerity, she is a true leader. In addition, Bloom can be called noble, independent and at the same time stubborn and impatient.


The Winx character named Stella is one of the central characters. Stella was born in August on the planet Solaria. The little princess was considered not particularly beautiful, but the matured Stella took her appearance seriously, so she often won various beauty contests. From her parents, the girl inherited the power of the stars, the Sun and the Moon.

Stella is cheerful and has a gentle character. She is generous, sincere and funny. Sometimes a girl allows herself to be lazy. The authors of the animated series say that Stella can be called a little selfish. This fairy's favorite pastime is shopping, and Stella's wardrobe holds the title of the largest wardrobe in the entire Universe!


This name of the heroine of the Winx Club speaks for itself - the fairy was born on a planet called Linphea, where all magic is somehow connected with nature. One of the first members of the Club was born in March. At the very beginning of the animated series, shyness prevented Flora from communicating with other students at school, but everything changed after meeting Bloom.

Those who have watched the cartoon know that the fairy grows the most different plants and takes care of them, and therefore Flora’s entire room is filled with flowers. Flora is a diligent student, but not at all ambitious. She gives herself completely to what she does. It is also important that she does not hesitate to rush to the aid of those who need it. At the same time, the Winx Club fairy Flora is distinguished by her prudence and wisdom. Flora is also patient and very sweet. Her only drawback is her lack of confidence. It is because of this quality that it is difficult for a girl to achieve her goals.


Among the main characters is the Winx Club fairy named Muse. Her home planet is Melody, and her parents are a great singer and professional pianist. It was from her parents that the girl inherited her love of music. The baby was not even five years old when her mother died. At the same time, Muse’s father made a difficult decision - he left music forever, and forbade his daughter to develop her natural musical talents. This became the cause of a long quarrel. Once at a concert, Muse performed a song that her mother once sang. That same day, she was finally able to establish a relationship with her father, who could no longer forbid his daughter to study music.

Quite a lot is known about the character of the Muse. For example, the fact that she is energetic and ironic. In addition, this fairy has enormous inner strength. The girl does not trust the people around her. The exception is her faithful friends. By the way, the creators of the cartoon assure: Muse is a real tomboy, prone to regular mood swings. Darling musical instrument fairies - flute.


The Winx Club fairy named Tecna comes from a planet called Zenith. Magic on this planet is inextricably linked with technology. Since childhood, Tekna has not let go of gadgets, the main one of which is a pocket computer. Perhaps this is what allowed the fairy to become one of the best students of the magic school. Since Tecna is a technology fairy, she often invents extremely useful things. In addition, she is a real genius in drawing up detailed action plans.

To understand what kind of fairy Tecna she is, just watch a couple of episodes of “Winx Club”. It is immediately clear that this fairy is neat and rational approach to all. Find a way out difficult situations Logic helps the girl. It may seem that Tecna is aloof and even cold towards others. This is not entirely true - next to loved ones, the fairy is always affectionate and open. Tecna has tender feelings not only for science, but also for sports. She doesn't mind playing video games either.


The homeland of the Winx Club fairy named Leila is the water planet Andros. Due to the fact that little Leila’s parents were on the road almost all the time, the girl was often left alone; usually her days were spent learning the rules of etiquette. The girl had practically no friends. Leila's only friend is the young dancer Anne. Most likely, it was thanks to Ann that Leila got real passion to dancing.

This fairy was the latest to join the Winx Club. Leila's main qualities are pride, energy, and readiness to face danger at any moment. Thanks to regular exercise, Leila is in excellent physical shape.