A conspiracy so that a man will never marry. Impact on the psyche

Marrying your loved one who is destined for you is a wonderful dream. But what about those whom wedding troubles haven't touched yet? Is there a marriage conspiracy that encourages a potential groom and brings the wedding closer? Yes, Vanga’s conspiracies for love and effective rituals Natalia Stepanova.

White magic will force the groom to quickly organize his marriage. Loving mother can cast a spell for his daughter’s marriage. And most importantly - strong conspiracy for marriage will help remove uncertainty and bind a man with unbreakable bonds. We hasten to reassure those who are afraid of the consequences - white conspiracies for marriage are absolutely safe.

The effectiveness of a conspiracy to marry the one you want depends on proper preparation. Witchcraft will help you achieve a marriage proposal, but you need to act very carefully. In order for a loved one to propose, certain conditions must be met:

  • words are pronounced clearly;
  • a secluded atmosphere promotes speedy results;
  • In order for your daughter to get married more successfully, put sincerity into your prayer;
  • concentrate on the image of your loved one;
  • sharing wedding conspiracies with strangers is prohibited;
  • Strengthen the required ritual by observing a three-day fast.

With the waxing moon, a marriage conspiracy will become the strongest argument in favor of buying a ring. February is ideal for such rituals. IN right moment the bride will meet the groom destined for her, and the darling will be yours forever.

Let's get married quickly

There is a known marriage conspiracy addressed to Saint Martha. Some witches recommend reading a prayer on the full moon for marriage. We will adhere to a different scheme - read the spell every Tuesday morning 9 times. The prayer can be read at home, paying attention to some nuances:

  • the one who follows the rule of nine readings will achieve results faster;
  • before the ceremony, formulate your desire as clearly as possible;
  • say your wish out loud without hesitation;
  • Visualize more strongly the image of the sweetheart you plan to marry.

Text for attracting the groom: “Miracle-working Martha, help me quickly fulfill my plans. Grant sinless achievement, bestow your favor, and in return I will spread this prayer. I want the guy (lover's name) to ask me to marry. Deliver me from defilement, ask our Lord for intercession in this matter. Let (name) give up single life and make right choice. Amen".

Strong ritual with a broom

This conspiracy on happy marriage involves the purchase of a new broom. A conspiracy for a successful marriage takes place on Women's Day (ideally, Wednesday or Friday). It is prohibited to take change when purchasing a broom. Further progress of the ritual:

  1. Leave the store and head home.
  2. On the way, think about quality cleaning and your new broom.
  3. Move the second part of the ritual to the days of the new moon.
  4. Now you need to sweep out the garbage that has accumulated in your entrance (or yard).
  5. This garbage is collected in a dustpan yellow color.
  6. Cast a spell on imminent marriage.
  7. Place the trash in a canvas bag.

The amulet made in this way is hidden in a secluded place until the next new moon. An additional strengthening is the prayer “Our Father,” which is whispered nine times. The better the floor is swept, the more confident you will be that the groom will show up. Spell text:

“I’m sweeping, I’m driving the good guys into the house. I don't need greedy people, traitors and quitters. Come, grooms, from other people's yards, from distant lands. It is impossible to interrupt my word. I lock it with a key and seal the lock. Amen".

We use a church candle

One effective conspiracy to get married is associated with the application church candle. Preliminary preparation takes three days - you need to fast intensely. For this powerful plot, only the new month is suitable, and you will also need a white cloth. Procedure:

  1. Wake up at dawn.
  2. Spread the cloth (it should be natural) and fill the cup with blessed water.
  3. Dissolve a little honey in water (a teaspoon is enough).
  4. Place a burning candle in the middle of the table.
  5. Bring the cup to your lips.
  6. Say the plot for a quick wedding twelve times.
  7. Sprinkle sweet water on the door frame.
  8. You need to drink the rest.

Spell text: “Mother of God, help me find my betrothed and unite with him on my wedding day. Whoever I give my heart to is destined to be with me forever. I will wear the ring without taking it off, I put my trust in you, Mother. Bless, Blessed Virgin, my marriage with (the name of the chosen one is called). Amen".

The power of the silver ring

This plot for a quick marriage is read late at night - with the sky overcast. Remember that you cannot see the moon, and the main place in the ritual is given to silver ring. If magic is performed on your lover’s birthday, the effectiveness will increase many times over. Procedure:

  1. Find an opaque glass in the kitchen (ceramics are allowed).
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Give it up silver ring into a glass.
  4. Fill the container with spring water.
  5. Start reading the words you learned in advance for marriage, crossing yourself three times.
  6. Pour some of the water over your head.
  7. Wear the ring as a talisman on your right hand (the ring finger should be).

Text of the prayer: “I throw the ring into clean water and pronounce the cherished word. Let God's servant (boyfriend's name) ask me to marry, he won't hesitate. The moon will not interfere with my happiness, it will take place in public big celebration. As I say, so it will be. Amen".

Catching a Rich Spouse

If you dream about financial well-being, you need to read the plot for a successful marriage. To do this, stock up a small amount millet and go to the nearest intersection. After pouring the millet at the intersection of roads, say the spell:

“Matchmaker fathers, hurry to my doorstep and quickly visit the upper room. Invite handsome, handsome, and rich suitors to come to me. The birds will begin to peck the millet, and I, God’s servant (your name), must wait for my betrothed. My husband will come from a rich house, shower me with yachts, and give me eternal happiness. My words are under lock and key, my thoughts are locked with a key. What is planned will come true, two destinies will grow together. Amen".

Simple honey spell

This ritual is required for girls who dream of a long and happy life with your lover. Fill a small bowl with bee honey and leave it on the windowsill until dawn. In the morning, say a honey spell:

“The bees collected honey without knowing fatigue. I have to work so hard, bring joy to my husband, clean up and have fun. Money will not be transferred into my home, the children will fill the rooms with their ringing laughter. God's servant (your name) will be deeply loved, respected and appreciated by her husband. Family life will become smooth and sweet, and love will remain until the grave. I am destined to drink honey, watch sunsets and feel the support of my husband in everything. As I wished, everything will come true. My words cannot be cut with an axe. Amen".

Easter ritual

White magic affecting the area family relations, extremely effective for major religious holidays. To find long-awaited happiness, try organizing a ritual for Easter. First of all, prepare nine easter eggs. Further algorithm of actions:

  1. On the eve of the holiday (in the evening), paint the eggs with red, blue and green paint.
  2. If you can get stickers with love pictures, it will enhance the magic.
  3. While sticking pictures, read the spell words.
  4. Place the eggs in a bowl and leave on the windowsill (overnight).
  5. In the morning, eat your favorite egg.

Text of the spell: “People honor Holy Easter, but men are running towards me from all sides. They value me deeply and want to woo me. I will choose the strongest, richest and most handsome - I will meet old age with him. Christ has risen, now he will help me, he will arrange my girlish destiny. Amen".

Plot for marriage read in the photo of the future groom and a white or yellow church candle (other candle colors are not suitable and the ritual will not be effective). For the ritual you need a new needle and red thread. Before reading the plot, a preparatory ritual is performed. Take a needle, red thread and a photo of a person and with a needle on each corner of the photo where the image is, scratch out a pictogram (a five-pointed star in a circle). Now the photo is rolled into a tube with the image facing inward and secured with a red thread making 3 circles around the photo and 7 knots. Now that the preparatory work has been completed, you can read a love spell for marriage and a quick wedding :

The moon rises, the sun descends, the sun rises, the moon leaves.
On the sea, on the ocean, on a heavenly platter, and on mother earth people walk.
The servant of God, the falcon (name), walks among them, his eyes sleep, his heart slumbers.
And you, hot needle, go to work, take care of God’s servant (name).
He can't sleep during the day, dark night he can’t sleep, think and suffer,
Keep God's servant (name) on your mind.
If it were not forbidden from God for him to affirm,

Take the Servant of God (name) as your eternal spouse.
You are strong, be even higher, sew the experience into his head,
There is torment and suffering in my heart, sadness in my forehead.
You can’t wash it with water, you can’t wash it away, you can’t dissuade it with words, you can’t turn it off with deeds:
Neither the first, nor the second, nor the youngest, nor the eldest, none.
Oh, you needle, you could help me sew and dry it.
Morning, day, night, no one can overcome forever and ever.
What I didn't say, what I didn't say.
I started sewing on Monday

On Tuesday I took his heart for the rest of my life.
Wear, servant of God (name), my sewing, do not take it off,
Age by age, do not forget me, the servant of God (name).
Key, lock, tongue.


You need to read the plot 1 time and immediately after that love spell to force your loved one to marry starts to take effect. Ritual for marriage It is considered completed after you burn the photo and scatter the ashes outside in the wind. If you do this correctly strongest conspiracy - love spell who makes your loved one propose to you and marry you, you will forever tie him to you with bonds of love and no one will ever be able to remove this love spell and separate you. There is a high probability that you will soon get married and start a family with your loved one.

The most Full description in all details - a love spell for a guy to get married with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Love spell to make your loved one marry

This active love spell, it's smarter to do it once.

It often happens that people live together, they can even raise children, but my dear one still doesn’t want to get married.

You need to make some kvass, which will help awaken the desire to lead you down the aisle:

Turn the servant of God (name) to the altar.

Blasius, Medosius, you tamed the evil snake in the cave,

So tame the heart of God’s servant (name).

So that he grabs his heart,

He sought the hand of God's servant (name),

She was drawn to the altar to get married

From this time, on my orders.

My word is strong.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Whether you want to use it or find another way to marry your loved one is up to you.

Love spell for the return of a loved one This love spell is read if the husband or beloved man left home and his wife did not turn him away. When bewitching a loved one, it is very important not to go to church or pray. In order for the love spell to be successful, take something from his things, preferably underwear or clothes, and place it under his pillow. You need to read the love spell every night at 12 o'clock for a week. “I took the thing off my beloved (man’s name), put the thing under his head for seven nights, and asked the sorcerer to help. My dear (man's name), turn over, my love (man's name) come back to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Love spell for the love of an unmarried man According to reviews wandering on the Internet, it works very well on men. The girl needs to bite her tongue and pronounce the words of the love spell: “As I bite my tongue, so I call my betrothed (name) to me, I attach it. So that he would not know rest, he (his name) would yearn for me (his name), on a quiet night, on a moonlit night, on a bright day and early in the morning. So that everyone thinks about me, both in the sun and in the moon. Amen. Amen. Amen.” There is an opinion that such a love spell can be cast on a relationship with a friend if you have quarreled. It is better to learn about the effectiveness and consequences from those who are professionally involved in this.

Love spell for husband’s love”How sad Holy Mother of God for us sinners, just as he grieves for his Son, so the servant of God (name of the man) would yearn for the servant of God (name of the woman). And he would fight about her, and grieve about her, yearn for her, grieve for her, he would not live without her, he would not eat and would not drink. And not an hour and half an hour and not a day, but a century from (the woman’s name) would last forever, and would not know sorrow or grief. Amen. Amen. Amen.” We read 7 times in the morning and 7 times in the evening.

Flower love spell. This is a fairly modern love spell that helps kind and energetically open people. If your soul is not pure, then there may simply be no improvement in relationships.

Love spell to call a man A very interesting and hopefully effective love spell. You need to write on a blank sheet of paper the name of the person you want to call, gender, date of birth, eye color, zodiac sign and each in its own line. Place the photo of the person you are calling on a piece of paper with the text and take them V left hand. Concentrate all your thoughts on this person, imagine him in your imagination. Light a candle and place your hand over it so as not to get burned. With your right hand open, move clockwise over your left, making seven turns and shake off right hand to the side. Repeat this three times.

Love spell for a husband who went on a spree. Take a very ordinary candle, not necessarily a church candle, but certainly a wax one. The candle should not be large, but it should not be thin either (otherwise it will burn out too quickly). Lighting a candle in the dark, place a glass of salt water in front of it and read the spell: Jesus Christ, son of God,

Love spell on a man An ordinary love spell on a man. Under no circumstances should you bewitch girls in this way. It works well on other people's husbands - after this love spell they leave their wives within a few days. For this love spell you need to take: – A stainless steel teaspoon; – Linen scarf (you can take a piece of linen fabric);

Love spell to bring back a loved one. If you want to return your loved one, you can use a love spell prayer. Whether it will work or not, it all depends on desire, faith in it and purity of thoughts. “The Lord is my God, my protection in whom I trust, the Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Saints. I offer my prayer to you, asking you for help in a bitter moment, in the return of God’s beloved servant (man’s name). Hear my sinful prayer, do not leave my request unattended to the servant of God (woman’s name). Lord, Mother of God and Saints, I ask you to return your beloved (name of the man), return his heart (name of the man) to me. Amen (3 times). And one more:

Love spell to return love to a man This love spell is recommended to be done if a middle-aged man and the family has not been well for a long time. You need to read this love spell at night, after midnight, 9 times within 9 days, breaking 9 branches one by one from any tree female(birch, alder, etc.) and 9 branches from a masculine tree (oak, maple, etc.): “In a dark thicket there is a lake, in the middle of the lake there is an island, on the island there is a tree growing. There are 99 birds sitting on that tree - they pinch the branches of the tree and throw them near the cemetery. The devil began to grab these branches, carry them away and hide them. I extinguish the black candles, I ask on all sides: the path will inflame the heart of the slave (name of the man) again to (name

A soft and safe love spell that is aimed at restoring relationships between loving people without using the potential of black magic. This love spell is performed in the spring at dawn somewhere far from busy places. It is better to do this on a field, which on one side faces the river (necessarily on the river, since the lake bordering the field will bring its Negative influence, which can make the result of a love spell unpredictable). Take with you a large onion, a knife and a photo of you together; in the photo you and your loved one should both be smiling or be in good mood, it is very important.

Love spell for your loved one to marry and propose. A good plot to create a family

If your husband likes to take a walk from you or you have doubts about his fidelity, dispel them with the help of magic. Every time your loved one leaves the house, whisper after him about your husband’s fidelity, which will allow you to talk him out of betrayal: Go where you went, you will still come back. From me you will go as a gelding, In my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Amen.

Today I will tell you about several of the most powerful dry spells that can be used without harm to both of you. Prisushki (prisushki - whispers for love) about which we will tell the magician have been tested by me more than once and have always allowed me to quickly dry up a guy or not married man. Only here is a proven whisper - it will allow you to dry up on the man you love or the guy you like

A good way to bring a loved one home after a quarrel and awaken a feeling of love in him will be this powerful conspiracy - a prayer for return. This plot is usually read if your husband leaves you or your boyfriend leaves you. I read this conspiracy several times - a prayer for the return of love and feelings from someone who abandoned me. young man while studying at the institute and always

This is the most powerful love spell that cannot be removed and is done in a cemetery and is called a black wedding love spell. Having decided to perform a ritual of black magic for love and read a love spell in a cemetery, know that you are bewitching a person to you forever. This should only be done if you yourself are ready to live the rest of your life with him and accept him with all his

This conspiracy to meet your love and meet your betrothed will help you speed up your meeting with your future husband. This is a ritual of white magic and is completely safe, it will only help you speed up the time of meeting your soul mate, and it’s up to the two of you to decide whether to get married right away or wait a little. This ritual is a love spell for a meeting true love already helped my friend meet a guy and

The magician has a black conspiracy for melancholy, after reading which you can quickly make anyone feel melancholy about themselves. The conspiracy will make the person bored and sad and unable to sleep until he calls or writes. In general, force a person using a conspiracy black magic to remember himself and feel sad, having lost all peace until he gets in touch with you first. This one is strong and

New Year's rituals in Rus' and love spells that need to be read in New Year These are the most popular New Year's Eve rituals that are used by both old and young. Today Maginey has been collected completely and most interesting selection spells of rituals and rituals for love that need to be done for the New Year, namely in New Year's Eve. There is a belief that if on New Year's Day you

Love spell for your loved one to marry and propose


How to get married? Years go by and no one proposes marriage, which means it’s time for you to do something. If you already have a beloved boyfriend or adult man, make this easy but very strong and effective love spell to get your loved one to marry. A love spell guarantees that your loved one will not only reciprocate your feelings, but will also make him marry you in a very short time. To achieve your marriage, use this love spell recommended by a Siberian healer. Open the cellar or underground and read the marriage plot, it helps even a girl with a child get married. How to get married? Words of a love spell to speed up a wedding and get married quickly, forcing your loved one to marry you:

Match me, God's servant (name)

To be your husband (here give two names of whom you would like to marry)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

LOVE SPELLS TO SPELL YOUR FAVORITE PERSON BY YOURSELF By making a love spell on your own, you can easily bewitch your beloved guy and quickly marry the man you like. In love as in war, all ways are good and best weapon these are love spells; a loved one who does not pay attention to you will not be able to resist

LOVE SPELL ON YOUR BELOVED HUSBAND If the husband has begun to live his own separate life, albeit under one roof, a love spell to return the love of a husband whose heart has grown cold will help to bring him to reason. This ritual is recommended to be done if the man is already middle-aged - over 35 and the family has not been well for a long time. You need to read a love spell for your husband’s love at night, after midnight, 9 times for 9 days, breaking 9 branches each

HUSBAND'S LOVE SPELL FROM HUSBAND'S LOVER If the husband has been on a spree and does not show up at home or has left the family for another woman, a love spell on the husband from his mistress will help, it is done at home and, of course, on your own. There are many ways to independently bewitch your husband, and we have already told you how to make a lapel from your rival if this method not acceptable, do this love spell ritual on

Gypsy love spell cast on an onion A quick and safe gypsy love spell on an onion will help quickly restore the relationship between loving friend friend by people without the use of love spells. Gypsy love magic has always been one of the strongest and oldest witchcraft spells capable of instantly having a magical effect on the will and mind

Love spell to return your husband to the family from his mistress on your own If your husband went to live with his mistress, this strongest and most powerful love spell will help you get him back, capable of returning your husband to the family in the shortest possible time and stopping your mistress from loving him. You can independently perform this love spell between a husband and his wife from his mistress only once in a lifetime, and if the beloved husband leaves for his mistress not for the first time

LOYALTY CONSPIRACY The fidelity plot can be read, you can read it yourself if you suspect a loved one of treason, the fidelity plot is suitable for reading only on a loved one and it doesn’t matter if it’s a husband or wife, it can even be read on a guy or girl you’ve been dating for a long time and want to connect your life with family ties. This is a kind of love spell

HOW TO REMOVE A LOVE SPELL FROM YOUR HUSBAND Many are interested in how to remove a love spell from your husband made by your mistress or whether you bewitched him yourself. This lapel ritual, which is not complicated at first glance, requires precise execution, but involves removing the love spell from the husband to salt and earth. To independently remove a love spell from your beloved man, you need to take a little earth from a clean place in the evening,

HOW TO REMOVE THE CROWN OF CELABILITY INDEPENDENTLY How to find out that a person has been crowned with celibacy and is it possible to independently get rid of this damage that prevents people from getting married or getting married under magical name- “the crown of celibacy”, this article was written to answer these questions and solve the problem. Imposing the crown of celibacy is a very strong damage done by a rival,

MARRIAGE SPELL These two powerful love spells to get married - for a quick and successful marriage with your loved one, which you need to read yourself, top the list of rituals of the Russian people for a quick marriage and help to meet the groom in a very short time. Do you want to get married but have not met someone with whom you would like to connect your life or there is such a person, but

A money spell will help you attract a lot of money into your life. magical rituals Every detail is of great importance, and in money magic for gaining wealth, in order to attract money into your life, it is very important to read a special spell for money and use only yellow and red colors. This color symbolism comes from ancient times, when gold and copper had

Love spell on an apple strong way bewitch a girl or guy How to return a girl or guy who left you for another person, love magic has long found a solution to this problem and we will teach you how to return love and relationships and make them even better, and a love spell for love made on apple. Before you start a love spell

Here is Natalia's story:

“Two monks were walking along the road,

They carried the holy icon,

A thousand love spells

“Probably, after reading my letter, you will say: “Stupid woman, she herself already gave birth to a third child, and now she wants to get married.”

I ask you, do not judge me too harshly, I myself know that I am to blame, but my children are not responsible for their mother.

For Christ's sake, help me in my trouble. The fact is that many years ago I got together with a guy, there was no wedding, no registration.

At first he told me that while there was no money for the wedding, we would live, save up, and then register the relationship. My mother is a disabled person of the first group and could not help us with money. But she immediately told me that if he doesn’t register with me now, then he’s unlikely to propose to me later.

She cried and warned, but I loved him and believed him. Then I became pregnant and began to ask him to formalize our relationship before the birth, but he was not in any way. He said that he didn’t want shame - what is this, a bride with a belly! Once I give birth, then, they say, we’ll get married. Our child was born weak. And I suffered with him...

She didn’t leave her crib for whole days. And my husband is the kind of person who only serves everything fresh on the table. He won't eat yesterday's food. In the morning he leaves at six o'clock, and I have to get up at five in the morning so that I have time to prepare breakfast for him. He doesn’t eat dairy, and it takes a long time to cook meat, so she jumped up before dark.

Our baby was restless: he woke up every twenty minutes. I had to keep up with everything: change diapers, iron undershirts, wash diapers, prepare fresh food for my husband three times (my husband came home for lunch), get water, clean the house. I’ve already reached the end of my rope – skin and bones. I wanted to sleep all the time. In addition, she became pregnant again.

My husband told me to have an abortion, and I had already made an appointment with the doctor, but then my husband fell ill with bilateral pneumonia. I nursed him and delayed the abortion. A daughter was born, he doted on her, but still he didn’t go to the registry office with me. Then Tanya was born - the third child.

As time passed, I became a good, caring wife and mother. I thought little about myself, as long as they felt good. And she didn’t ask him for anything else. Deep down, it was insulting and embarrassing to constantly beg him to marry me.

I consoled myself with the fact that we have children, he won’t want to leave them, they are so smart and handsome, and they look like two peas in a pod. We seemed to live quite well. Our family was the way it should be, at least that’s what I thought then. I completely trusted my husband. When my mother died, I sold her house and gave every penny to my husband, he invested this money in his business.

He became a farmer, and my children and I helped him as best we could. One day my neighbor told me: “You’re a fool, Nyurka.”

He made you a servant, and dresses his mistress in furs. So I sat down. On this day, I learned that my Nikolai had a mistress for a long time and that she was much younger than me. He brought her from the sanatorium and bought her a house in our village.

This is what I came to: I saw nothing around me except my family and endless work. I started to sort things out with him in the evening, and he said to me: “Who are you to make claims against me?” You are not my wife, and even the children are registered in your name, not in my name. And in general, look at yourself, what you have become. Skin and bones. Look how many wrinkles you have on your face! What about your hands? Look at your paws, is this female hands? My Verochka’s hands are white and soft, like a child’s.

I tell him: “It’s because of work that I became like this, and she’s fifteen years younger than me.” He didn’t even listen to me, got ready and left the house, saying on the threshold: “Well, that’s it!” Go wherever you want, and I’ll bring my young wife here, you have three days. I knelt down in front of him, cried and said: “I believed you, I ask you, let’s register, you and I have children.” Do you know what he answered me? “These are your children, you gave birth to them, I didn’t ask you for this.” Don’t hope for registration, leave the village in an amicable way, and the young woman will give birth to children for me. I have nowhere to go, I didn’t tell the children anything about that conversation, so as not to turn them against their father. I beg you, give me advice, and if possible, help!”

Indeed, there is such a sign: if people get together without registration, then they will not be together. Every woman should know about this sign and try not to make mistakes. You need to be able to defend your rights, at least for the sake of your future children. I am sincerely glad that I was able to help Anna Pavlovna. Her husband returned to her, they finally registered and now live happily. Ways to reason with a man who loves free life, a lot of. I will teach you the simplest, but very powerful.

Buy nine nails for Christmas, bring them home and drive them into the threshold of your house, saying the following love spell:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Two monks are walking, carrying an icon,

On that icon there are three holy faces,

Jesus Christ was born

God's world has changed.

Change you too, servant of God (name),

To me, to God's servant (name).

Your spirit and your soul,

Love me more than yourself.

Don't sleep at night, don't find peace anywhere:

At night with the moon, in the evening with the star,

When the sun is clear, when the sunset is red.

Everything for you to think and wonder,

On my mind, on my mind.

To be crowned with a crown, to be betrothed with a ring.


If a guy walks with you for a long time, but does not call you down the aisle, use this spell from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will become a servant of God, blessed,

And I will leave the house, crossing myself.

I will go out into the open field and pray to the two winds:

You, wind Moses, fly,

Take the winds of brother Yevsey with you.

And you, Yevsey, call me with you,

If he doesn’t, then bring him by the hand

Servant of God (such and such). Amen.

Bring him together with my soul,

So that my dear one could not live and be without me.

He came to me with matchmakers,

He brought the wedding ring.

He would call me (so-and-so) to get married,

Didn't want to part with me.

Missed me, grieved,

I didn’t know peace and rest.

He walked in the field - he suffered, he swam through the water - he groaned,

I approached the fire and froze,

It would dry up for me, it would dry up.

How the ant grass dries,

Let his heart hurt and his head

For me, for God's servant,

For his future wife.

Red girls, run away from him,

Guys, faithful friends, leave him,

The winds are violent, drive him to me,

Put an unquenchable fire into his soul

For me, for God’s servant, for (name)’s future wife.

love spell to make a man want to get married.

In the old days, there was such a sign that if a woman and a man began to live together without registration, they would never get married.

The heroine of this article, Natalya, also once made a mistake by agreeing to live with her chosen one without registration. Now all her hope is in magic, so she is looking for a love spell to make a man want to get married.

Here is Natalia's story:

“Natalya was born into a poor family, she was raised by one mother, who could give her daughter practically nothing. That is why, when Natalya’s lover invited them to live together, she happily agreed, because she dreamed of escaping hopeless poverty. True, Oleg did not promise to marry, he said that they would live a little and then sign.

And in fact, in the first year the young people talked about marriage, but then Natalya became pregnant. Oleg didn’t even want to hear of the bride walking down the aisle with a belly, so the wedding was postponed.

After this, Oleg for several years found new reasons and reasons not to formalize the legal marriage. Although during this time Natalya gave birth to three children.

Soon Oleg organized a farm, became rich, and stopped talking about marriage altogether.

One day, a neighbor came to Natalya, who worked day and night for Oleg, and told her that while she was busy here, Oleg was dressing his mistress in furs and gold. It turned out that he even bought her a new house.

Natalya was shocked and told Oleg everything she found out.

The man just laughed in response and said that she was completely free, let her take the children and go to all four directions, for example, to her poor mother.

Then Natalya realized that she had made a huge mistake, and now only an official marriage could save her.”

Here’s a story, although it ended happily, because the woman used this love spell:

You need to take nine nails bought on the eve of some great holiday (for example, Christmas), drive them into the threshold of your house and say:

“Two monks were walking along the road,

They carried the holy icon,

On that icon there are three faces of saints - three Miracles of God,

How Jesus Christ was born and the whole world changed,

So let the servant of God (name) change,

And God’s servant (name) will marry me!

Let his soul love me more than himself,

Let him have no peace either day or night,

Let him want to get engaged with a ring, get married with a crown,

Rituals to make a guy propose marriage sooner

When a relationship begins at the age of 15–16, it is clear that neither party is yet thinking about starting a family and marriage. When already we're talking about When she gets older, the girl always takes her future husband as her boyfriend. Regardless of material wealth, work, number of friends, every girl dreams of marriage, children, and family.

If a guy doesn't want to get married, magic can help

Magic and personal relationships

And there are times when everything is fine in a relationship, there are no complaints against each other, people agree both in sex and in everyday life, but for unknown reasons the guy does not propose marriage to the girl.

In desperation, the beautiful half is ready to do anything, even use magic to achieve their goals, especially if the man is also married, and you need to not only push him to get married, but first also take him away from his family.

Magic in love affairs

Before turning to magicians for help, you can always try to perform the ritual yourself so that the man proposes.

The simplest, but very powerful and effective ritual you can use is one that should be performed around Christmas.

Love spell

No matter how much a man loves freedom and tries to avoid marriage, with the help of this love spell he can be persuaded to direct his thoughts towards marriage.

To perform the ritual you need:

To carry out a love spell, you need to stock up on a hammer

How to perform a ritual

  1. To perform the ritual, you need to buy 9 nails before Christmas.
  2. Come home and immediately drive them into the threshold of the house.
  3. Cast a love spell:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Two monks are walking, carrying an icon, On that icon there are three holy faces, Three miracles of God. Jesus Christ was born, God's world changed. Change too, you, servant of God (name), To me, to God’s servant (name). Your spirit and your soul, love me more than yourself. Don’t sleep at night, don’t find peace anywhere: At night with the moon, in the evening with a star, With a clear sun, with a red sunset. Everything for you to think and wonder, On your mind, on your mind. To be crowned with a crown, to be betrothed with a ring. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

To marry your loved one

A ritual for a guy to propose marriage as soon as possible.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual you must have the following:

How to perform a ritual

To carry out the ritual, the following sequences must be followed:

Stage one: Card selection

Among the Tarot cards, select cards with the following content:

  • Lovers card (means abandonment old life and an irrevocable turn to a new life plot, creating love and making specific decisions);
  • Strength card (means courageous and decisive resistance to changes in fate);
  • card of the Page of Cups (means a joyful message about a wedding, engagement, birth of a child);
  • Ten of Cups card (means a feeling of satisfaction, gratitude, highest harmony, complete compensation of desire).
Stage two: Candles

Place a golden and red candle on the table.

  1. Light a red candle.
  2. Say the following:

“I light this candle to strengthen our love, removing all obstacles along the way.”

  • Light a golden candle.
  • Say the following:

    “I light this candle for the success of our union”

    Stage Three: Card Spread

    On the table so that the candles are in a circle, clockwise, be sure to lay out the cards starting from the east in the following order:

    As soon as the Page of Cups lands on the table, you need to focus all your thoughts on the relationship between you and your loved one, who have already been united by marriage.

    “The power of love will overcome everything, our wedding will take place soon. With the forces of all four elements and the ancient power of the Tarot, our love will be crowned with marriage. Let it be as I want."

    After the ritual, the cards must be left in the same order until the red and golden candles burn out. Be sure to perform the ritual only before bedtime and only during the full moon.

    To speed up marriage

    In order for your loved one to marry you faster, a ritual to speed up marriage will help.

    What will be needed for the ceremony

    To carry out this ritual, you must prepare in advance:

    Cinnamon is one of the main attributes for performing a ritual to speed up marriage.

    How to perform a ritual

    To perform the ceremony you need to take two dolls, no matter what size.

    1. Dress them as the bride and groom.
    2. Write the names of the newlyweds on the back of each doll.
    3. Take long white tape and write the same names on it.
    4. Tie three knots on the ribbon, be sure to take into account the number of knots. Exactly 3, in this way the Holy Trinity is called upon for help.
    5. Take two dolls and tie them facing each other. You need to tie it at the waist.
    6. Mix valerian, cinnamon, add a little frankincense, a couple of drops of myrrh oil. The result was herbal tea.
    7. Take the dolls and put them in tea, saying:

    "Three times for the Holy Virgin, three times for our Father."

  • Wait until the dolls dry and put them in a box, sprinkle the dolls with holy water.
  • Mix holy water with honey and wash the magnet in this water. After that, put it in the box with the dolls.
  • Take a long shoot from a hop or vine and place it in a box that already contains dolls and a magnet.
  • Close the box and hide it in a secret place.
  • Ritual for a happy marriage

    The ritual is great for those girls who live with their loved ones, but in an unofficial marriage. The ritual will help the marriage take place earlier.

    What is needed for the ritual

    To perform the ritual you need:

    For the ritual you will need a wedding card

    • insole from the chosen one's shoes;
    • paper Pink colour or wedding card;
    • pen;
    • 5 needles;
    • red silk fabric;
    • yellow or golden thread;
    • white candle;
    • yellow candle.

    How to perform the ceremony

    There are no difficulties in carrying out the ritual; just do it according to the instructions:

    1. You can take insoles from any shoes of your chosen one, even if the shoes have not been put on for a long time.
    2. Take pink paper or a wedding card and cut out two heart shapes.
    3. Write a name on each heart. One is the name of the chosen one. The second is yours.
    4. You can fold the hearts in such a way that the names are opposite each other, this can be done with the help of five needles.
    5. The needles must be new.
    6. Take red silk fabric and wrap the hearts attached to each other in it.
    7. Place the finished package between the insoles of your chosen one.
    8. Using a yellow or golden thread, tie the insoles so that the bundle is still between them.
    9. Place the finished product under the mattress of the bed on which you sleep with your chosen one.
    10. For 5, 10 or 25 days, it all depends on how strong the desire is to speed up the marriage, you need to light a white and yellow candle for one hour.

    Conspiracy "Power over a man"

    It is carried out so that the man shares the thoughts and lifestyle of the chosen one, and also takes into account her desires.

    1. Before carrying out, you need to pay attention that the moon must be growing.
    2. To carry out a conspiracy, you need to take the chosen one’s underwear, soak it in cold water, squeeze out.
    3. After this, place it on a hot battery, saying:

    “As this linen dries, so let the servant of God (name of the betrothed) dry for the servant of God (your name) from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

  • Every ritual intended to speed up marriage, to cast a love spell on a loved one, must be done only if the girl herself is confident in her chosen one.
  • Because magic is not a toy and every action has consequences. You need to be confident in your goals and desires.
  • First of all, you need to know for sure that the person on whom the love spell or conspiracy is being cast is exactly the chosen one with whom you are ready to start a family. Magic is not always bad, but before you use it, you need to try on our own push your loved one to make changes in the relationship. Because a man who loves and who is planning a family with you specifically will not need any magical rituals.

    Starting a family

    How to get married sooner

    In order to get married faster, if you are impatient or want to consolidate your status, read this plot. The plot is read as smoke and mirrors. While reading the spell, you need to light three incense sticks and hold your mirror over the smoke coming from them

    My brother, smoke, dear relative. I ask you to help in my matter. Decorate me with your decorations. Dress up in your colored dresses. Endowed with your eloquence. Give my image to my beloved (name). Make me a magic fairy for him. So that I could float above him in his fantasies. So that I can be with him in his reality. So that I could live with him in his life. For this I swear to honor your elder brother, God Vizardas. Serve Him and extol Him among other gods with all your heart.

    Let my conspiracy work shortest time, and I will become (name)’s wife for life.

    Take my wish to the sky, smoke.

    Khantaa ular.

    Conspiracy to create a family

    I will leave the body and go to visit the Fire. I will ask Fire to kindle (name)’s heart. I will ask you to take him to your fiery house and keep him there until he marries me. When he gets married, I will ask Fire to release (name) from his fiery house and let him into my house. And the family has its own fireplace!

    Time for passion, time for peace, time for love, time to start a family.

    Khantaa ular.

    So that your potential spouse takes care of you

    Big new nail tied with red wool thread and talk:

    I collected my cute bouquet of flowers from five fields, from five forests. He brought this bouquet to me and knelt down.

    “Take this bouquet, my dear,” he says. - Accept it with all your heart. And my heart belongs to you alone. I love you madly. I want you tirelessly. I wish us happiness together!

    I took a bouquet from five fields, from five forests, kissed my dear and answered:

    - I love you, my dear darling. I can not live without you. I love only you. My thoughts and desires are about you. I'll be there for you faithful wife. I'll be a good friend to you. I will be the mother of your children!

    My darling took me in his arms. Spun in a joyful dance. I shouted to the whole world: “I love you”!

    We rose with him to the pink sky. Angels married us in the pink sky. I gave them my word to love and cherish my beloved, and he gave them his word to love me and take care of me.

    The angels gave us a letter to live together.

    The smell of flowers is so pleasant.

    Khantaa ular.

    For a man to get married

    Sometimes it happens that a man and a woman live together, as one family, without registering their marriage. A man can be happy with everything, but a woman needs confidence in the future. She wants to consider herself the mistress of the house, she wants to become a mother, she wants to legitimize her relationship with her loved one. It makes her feel safer, but the man is married; doesn't call. He is personally happy with everything. He is free in such relationships. He feels his independence. This, of course, is not entirely correct. Since God said to get married, that means you have to.

    This conspiracy helps transform simple relationships into official status, with rings and stamps in passports

    For some, a stamp in a passport is nonsense, but for (name) it’s salvation. Enough already (name) just walking around and meeting. It’s time to live together, not just, but officially, as husband and wife. It’s time for (name) to enter into a legal marriage with (name) and have children.

    Let (name) and (name)’s family be strong, let them live well, smoothly, soul to soul, and love each other with strong love, real and sincere love.

    So the spirits at the wedding agree to take a walk and rejoice. The spirit of love came to (name) and (name), and brought with it the spirit of the family, and also good helping spirits.

    Everyone is waiting for you to get married. Be happy.

    Khantaa ular.

    Spell for a wedding gift

    I read a spell on (name)’s wedding day and (name) for a wedding gift to them. In front of me lies (name an object) that will bring them joy and happiness, health and prosperity. The power concentrated in him is aimed at creating peace and goodness in their family. In my desire, I am supported by the spirits of my ancestors and God - the Great Vizardas. (The object) burns with His grace and Light.

    I am a mediator bringing love to (name) and (name) through my gift, as I sincerely want them to be happy with each other.

    Bless me for my deeds, Lord. Sanctify my path.

    Khantaa ular.

    Conspiracy for serious love

    This plot is read only when you want a serious, stable, long-term relationship. It is advisable to read it for food that you would wholeheartedly treat to your, from your point of view, soul mate

    Your soul will fly like a bird when you fall asleep. She will fly to me and sit on my pillow. She will peck bread from my palms and drink water from my lips. Your soul (name) knows me and is not afraid of me. For me it is tame. So you (name), when you wake up, become tame and not fearful. Lay your head on my shoulder and smile with your eyes at the happiness that has come.

    Khantaa ular.

    A conspiracy to prevent the wedding from being disrupted

    There are rare cases when a wedding has already been scheduled, guests have been invited, a restaurant has been booked, and the bride or groom at the last moment decides to remain “free.” To prevent such incidents from happening, the conspiracy is read:

    I pick up a book about love, read it, read it.

    A woman in white emerges from a book. He looks at me and smiles. He invites you to visit him. I go to her boldly, I listen to my heart. She and I sit down at the table in the blue palace. We drink tea and talk. The woman in white tells me her story: “Many years ago I was a bride. Many young men wooed that bride. I didn’t like anyone, I refused everyone. And they fought for me, and competed, and tried to marry me by force and by affection. No one succeeded. And one day I met my happiness when I was picking mushrooms in the forest, the King of Grass, and I married him. Since then I have lived in joy and have not known grief. And my name is Your Great-Grandmother – Polyana Lesnaya. I'm glad you're getting married. You have found your happiness under your feet. Be you the Queen of the River.

    Now you know everything about yourself. Now the time has come."

    She left the Lesnaya Polyana palace and returned to her home. She closed the book and burst into tears. My beloved took me by the hand and led me down the aisle. And we lived like in the books.

    Khantaa ular.

    Blessing at the wedding

    Read by the mother of the bride

    Be happy, my daughter (name), always be young, cheerful, may your years have no end. May God protect you. Rise in honor and wealth. Hug your husband (name), raise your children to be good, and let the love between you be long and like the warmth of fire.

    Khantaa ular.

    To ensure peace in the home and family

    This spell is for peace and harmony in the family of (man's name) and (woman's name).

    When pronounced, it takes the form of a cloud and rushes towards the house of (man’s name) and (woman’s name).

    The spell penetrates their home and fills the space of the home. It displaces everything that was done and said before its appearance.

    The spell is aimed at solving problems in the family of (man's name) and (woman's name) and normalizing their relationships with each other.

    A person is defenseless against the forces of nature and the fight against my magic stops immediately.

    My spell fills all thoughts and feelings of those for whom it is intended.

    Love is that feeling that was at the beginning of the relationship between (man’s name) and (woman’s name), but over time it changed into resentment and mutual reproaches.

    The love for each other remains. She hasn’t gone anywhere, but the dust of mutual insults and reproaches made her gray before bright colors.

    The cloud I sent to (man’s name) and (woman’s name) gives them the opportunity to remember themselves and their feelings, get rid of the dark veil of fears, losses and help them start over, if possible.

    For this I will have good luck in business and finances.

    Khantaa ular.

    Create good family prospects

    Readable on passport

    I left my body to sleep on the sofa, and I went to the old wooden house. In that ancient house, the old saintly grandmother dies. No one approaches that grandmother, no one wants to take her Power for themselves. I approached that one old grandma, took that grandmother by the hand. The grandmother smiled, cried, and gave me her holy strength. That old woman flew up into the sky and is now watching me from there. And I live with that Holy Power. I wave my hand - money appears to me, I wave another - love comes to me.

    I met beautiful woman. I fell in love with her, and she dotes on me. They began to live and create a family. God helps her, and angels serve me. This is how we live and celebrate Wizard’s Day, and decorate our love with flowers.

    This is what happens...

    Khantaa ular.

    On relationships with relatives

    The plot is read when it is necessary to normalize relations with the relatives of the wife or husband, to unite, strengthen family bonds

    Send, Lord, peace to the family of (name). Give him peace of mind and joy of body. Give him happiness and health. Give him the ability to enjoy life and find mutual language with household members. Spread a Persian carpet in front of (name)’s family, and let there be mutual understanding and respect among all his relatives.

    To me, who read this conspiracy, God granted me various blessings. And may my dreams come true.

    Khantaa ular.

    Spell for wedding rings

    The plot is read at wedding rings by candlelight. While reading the plot, there should be a bowl of water, a pinch of salt or a handful of earth, lit incense, or a knife in front of you:

    I conjure with my heart, in the name of God Vizardas, the wedding rings of (name) and (name) for love, affection and mutual respect. May they be sweet to each other all their lives and may they live joyfully until their graves. Let failures pass them by, and there will always be plenty of happiness. May their children be born healthy and beautiful, and may the family be strong and friendly until their last breath. Let (name) and (name) see support in each other, and trust each other with the most intimate things. Let them have a common household, and none of them will be deficient in love and property.

    Let them wear these rings as a symbol eternal love, and may they bring (name) and (name) prosperity and joint happiness!

    My witnesses when reading the conspiracy were: fire, water, air and the spirit of the earth. They consolidated my words, put them into action, strengthened and sanctified.

    Peace and love to you, loving hearts.

    Khantaa ular.

    Force change

    This conspiracy is purely applied, I would even say punitive in nature and is aimed at forcing spouses to cheat on each other. This conspiracywitchcraft revenge on their offenders, since the betrayal of the spouses will certainly be revealed, and these people will have corresponding problems. The conspiracy can be applied to those people, to those married couples who once “annoyed” you greatly, and you want to take revenge on them

    Take an apple, pierce it with three toothpicks and read:

    When the apple dries, it dries up, and (name) (name) changes. He cheats to the right, he cheats to the left, and (name) knows about it. At first (name) tolerates it, then he makes trouble, but he doesn’t know what to do next. Either make peace, or get a divorce, or open the veins, or change your walk yourself. It's hot in the groin, and you want more. Happiness fell apart, trouble happened. The family broke up. What's left?

    Revenge has come. Now I laugh, and you will cry.

    Khantaa ular.

    The apple must be placed in the sun to dry, or in a plastic bag to rot.

    Conspiracy for marital fidelity

    On a distant mountain lies a gray boulder. The volume of the boulder is many meters, the height of the boulder is many meters, the boulder weighs many tons. No one touches that boulder, no one disturbs that boulder, no one can move that boulder from its place.

    Mother Earth put him in his place, and so he is in his place.

    Just as that boulder never moves from its place, so (name) will always be in one place. With me! I'm putting it here.

    Khantaa ular.

    To draw up a marriage contract

    Far behind the cottage village there is a dense forest. In that forest live Leshy and Kikimora, and their neighbors are Jesus and Mary.

    Leshy and Kikimora and Jesus and Mary go to visit each other, drink tea, and talk about life. Everyone discovers their own destiny, everyone gives advice and shares their impressions.

    Jesus and Mary say that people lived before, they did not value gold, they put love above it. Leshy and Kikimora don’t believe them, they laugh.

    Leshy and Kikimora say that even earlier there were other people who valued love and believed in money. Jesus and Mary don’t believe them and laugh.

    This is how they talk and live like neighbors. And in cottage village only money is valued, but love is not there last place. Is it now? Is it far in the past? Unknown. And where, what time is correct? Unknown.

    Khantaa ular.

    To avoid drawing up a prenuptial agreement

    God Vizardas opened my eyes to the world: he explained that there is love in the world and that people need to be trusted; explained to me that a person creates his grace with his heart, and those who do not have a heart will not receive grace. What has been acquired by deceit will not be used for future use, but what has been done in the name of my Lord will multiply.

    The soul of a wife is equal to the soul of her husband both before people and before God.

    Everything will be decided in favor of the two if something happens.

    Glory to the Great and Eternal.

    Khantaa ular.

    Family Blessing

    Read to bless the family, strengthen relationships, protect against evil and family quarrels

    Infallible and Indestructible Vizardas, Source of all blessings and approvals, turn Your majestic gaze on the people praying to You and bless us in our aspirations.

    All living beings in the Universes are subject to You, and we ask You for Your help. Bless the spouses (names). Let them go through life holding hands. Let them help each other and support each other in difficult times. Let them have fun together and rejoice together, let them marvel at the sun and admire the moon together. May they be happy and loved by each other. And they remain faithful and respectful to each other.

    Place Your seal of protection on the spouses (names), and let no one be able to interfere with evil intentions in their happiness.

    Khantaa ular.

    Sign Spell

    When a relationship begins at the age of 15–16, it is clear that neither party is yet thinking about starting a family and marriage. When we are talking about older age, the girl always takes her future husband as her boyfriend. Regardless of material wealth, work, number of friends, every girl dreams of marriage, children, and family.

    If a guy doesn't want to get married, magic can help

    For most representatives of the fair sex, it is important that the marriage is not civil, but officially registered. Some people don’t have any problems with this at all, they met, met, got married a year or two later and that’s it - family life has begun.

    Magic and personal relationships

    And there are times when everything is fine in a relationship, there are no complaints against each other, people agree both in sex and in everyday life, but for unknown reasons the guy does not propose marriage to the girl.

    In desperation, the beautiful half is ready to do anything, even use magic to achieve their goals, especially if the man is also married, and you need to not only push him to get married, but first also take him away from his family.

    Magic in love affairs

    Before turning to magicians for help, you can always try to perform the ritual yourself so that the man proposes.

    The simplest, but very powerful and effective ritual you can use is one that should be performed around Christmas.

    Love spell

    No matter how much a man loves freedom and tries to avoid marriage, with the help of this love spell he can be persuaded to direct his thoughts towards marriage.

    To perform the ritual you need:

    • 9 nails;
    • hammer.

    To carry out a love spell, you need to stock up on a hammer

    How to perform a ritual

    1. To perform the ritual, you need to buy 9 nails before Christmas.
    2. Come home and immediately drive them into the threshold of the house.
    3. Cast a love spell:

      “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Two monks are walking, carrying an icon, On that icon there are three holy faces, Three miracles of God. Jesus Christ was born, God's world changed. Change too, you, servant of God (name), To me, to God’s servant (name). Your spirit and your soul, love me more than yourself. Don’t sleep at night, don’t find peace anywhere: At night with the moon, in the evening with a star, With a clear sun, with a red sunset. Everything for you to think and wonder, On your mind, on your mind. To be crowned with a crown, to be betrothed with a ring. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    To marry your loved one

    A ritual for a guy to propose marriage as soon as possible.

    What is needed for the ritual

    To perform the ritual you must have the following:

    • tarot cards;
    • red candle;
    • golden colored candle.

    How to perform a ritual

    To carry out the ritual, the following sequences must be followed:

    Stage one: Card selection

    Among the Tarot cards, select cards with the following content:

    • The Lovers card (means the abandonment of the old life and an irrevocable turn to a new life plot, the creation of love and the adoption of specific decisions);
    • Strength card (means courageous and decisive resistance to changes in fate);
    • card of the Page of Cups (means a joyful message about a wedding, engagement, birth of a child);
    • Ten of Cups card (means a feeling of satisfaction, gratitude, highest harmony, complete compensation of desire).
    Stage two: Candles

    Place a golden and red candle on the table.

    1. Light a red candle.
    2. Say the following:

      “I light this candle to strengthen our love, removing all obstacles along the way.”

    3. Light a golden candle.
    4. Say the following:

      “I light this candle for the success of our union”

    Stage Three: Card Spread

    On the table so that the candles are in a circle, clockwise, be sure to lay out the cards starting from the east in the following order:

    1. Force.
    2. Lovers.
    3. Ten Cups.
    4. Page of Cups.

    As soon as the Page of Cups lands on the table, you need to focus all your thoughts on the relationship between you and your loved one, who have already been united by marriage.

    Cast a spell:

    “The power of love will overcome everything, our wedding will take place soon. With the forces of all four elements and the ancient power of the Tarot, our love will be crowned with marriage. Let it be as I want."

    After the ritual, the cards must be left in the same order until the red and golden candles burn out. Be sure to perform the ritual only before bedtime and only during the full moon.

    To speed up marriage

    In order for your loved one to marry you faster, a ritual to speed up marriage will help.

    What will be needed for the ceremony

    To carry out this ritual, you must prepare in advance:

    Cinnamon is one of the main attributes for performing a ritual to speed up marriage.

    • two dolls;
    • white ribbon;
    • pen;
    • valerian;
    • cinnamon;
    • incense;
    • myrrh oil;
    • box;
    • hops or grapevine;
    • Holy water;
    • magnet;

    How to perform a ritual

    To perform the ceremony you need to take two dolls, no matter what size.

    1. Dress them as the bride and groom.
    2. Write the names of the newlyweds on the back of each doll.
    3. Take a long white ribbon and write the same names on it.
    4. Tie three knots on the ribbon, be sure to take into account the number of knots. Exactly 3, in this way the Holy Trinity is called upon for help.
    5. Take two dolls and tie them facing each other. You need to tie it at the waist.
    6. Mix valerian, cinnamon, add a little frankincense, a couple of drops of myrrh oil. The result was herbal tea.
    7. Take the dolls and put them in tea, saying:

      "Three times for the Holy Virgin, three times for our Father."

    8. Wait until the dolls dry and put them in a box, sprinkle the dolls with holy water.
    9. Mix holy water with honey and wash the magnet in this water. After that, put it in the box with the dolls.
    10. Take a long shoot from a hop or vine and place it in a box that already contains dolls and a magnet.
    11. Close the box and hide it in a secret place.

    Ritual for a happy marriage

    The ritual is great for those girls who live with their loved ones, but in an unofficial marriage. The ritual will help the marriage take place earlier.

    What is needed for the ritual

    To perform the ritual you need:

    For the ritual you will need a wedding card

    • insole from the chosen one's shoes;
    • pink paper or wedding card;
    • pen;
    • 5 needles;
    • red silk fabric;
    • yellow or golden thread;
    • white candle;
    • yellow candle.

    How to perform the ceremony

    There are no difficulties in carrying out the ritual; just do it according to the instructions:

    1. You can take insoles from any shoes of your chosen one, even if the shoes have not been put on for a long time.
    2. Take pink paper or a wedding card and cut out two heart shapes.
    3. Write a name on each heart. One is the name of the chosen one. The second is yours.
    4. You can fold the hearts in such a way that the names are opposite each other, this can be done with the help of five needles.
    5. The needles must be new.
    6. Take red silk fabric and wrap the hearts attached to each other in it.
    7. Place the finished package between the insoles of your chosen one.
    8. Using a yellow or golden thread, tie the insoles so that the bundle is still between them.
    9. Place the finished product under the mattress of the bed on which you sleep with your chosen one.
    10. For 5, 10 or 25 days, it all depends on how strong the desire is to speed up the marriage, you need to light a white and yellow candle for one hour.

    Conspiracy "Power over a man"

    It is carried out so that the man shares the thoughts and lifestyle of the chosen one, and also takes into account her desires.

    1. Before carrying out, you need to pay attention that the moon must be growing.
    2. To carry out a conspiracy, you need to take the chosen one’s underwear, soak it in cold water, and squeeze it out.
    3. After this, place it on a hot battery, saying:

      “As this linen dries, so let the servant of God (name of the betrothed) dry for the servant of God (your name) from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

    4. Every ritual intended to speed up marriage, to cast a love spell on a loved one, must be done only if the girl herself is confident in her chosen one.
    5. Because magic is not a toy and every action has consequences. You need to be confident in your goals and desires.

    First of all, you need to know for sure that the person on whom the love spell or conspiracy is being cast is exactly the chosen one with whom you are ready to start a family. Magic is not always bad, but before you use it, you need to try on your own to push your loved one to change in the relationship. Because a man who loves and who is planning a family with you specifically will not need any magical rituals.