How to determine how many children there will be by hand. Features of fortune telling by male and female hands

Most people are still in at a young age people begin to become interested in palmistry when they want to know how long they will live, how many times and when they will get married, or how to find out by reading their hand how many children they will have. To find out the number of children by hand, you need to consider the palm of the active hand, that is, for a right-hander - the right, for a left-hander - the left.

Main lines on the hand:

1. Life line - reflects strength and health.

2. Line of the mind – mental abilities and thinking.

3. Heart line – denotes the spiritual world.

4. Marriage line - suggests family life.

The marriage line reflects relationships, both real and strong feelings, emotions, experiences, suffering for another person that did not reach a real relationship. The marriage line is also called the marriage line, the relationship line, the love line. By the strength and duration of the marriage line, one can judge the strength and duration of the relationship (in the absence of violations, blocking and locking signs on the line). The lines also make it possible to establish the strength of concentration of libido in a person throughout his life. The completion of the line reflects the reason for the possible end of the relationship.
The beginning of the marriage line is usually simple, but sometimes allows one to draw a conclusion about the beginning of a relationship. In general, these lines reflect not so much the relationship itself as the program for the development of a person’s interaction with the opposite sex. There is fierce debate among researchers about what method to use to calculate the time of the beginning of a relationship. The essence of the method is that time can flow both above and below - therefore any approach only approximates the real results into the desired form, which is wrong. The most simple technique calculate the time of the beginning of a relationship along the love line - take the middle of the section from the base of the little finger to the heart line as 22 years, while time flows evenly, from the heart line up to the mercury line. This gives us an upper limit of 44 years, after which time flows down to 88 years, then back up, and so on. The method is quite accurate especially for people under 30 years old; after this age, this area begins to shrink and the lines lose their value.
There are marriage lines various types. For example, under the letter A in the figure there is a line rising upward; such a line indicates the impossibility of marriage. Appears in widows (widowers), as well as people who fundamentally do not want to lead family life(in certain cases to legitimize marriage). If, on the contrary, the marriage line goes down, as under the letter C, then you should pay attention to other indicators on the hand, since such a line indicates that its owner will outlive his relationship partner. A marriage line ending with a fork, as in the picture under the letter B, indicates a breakup or divorce; the relationship ends due to the fault of the owner of the sign.

Finding out the number of children by hand is very simple. The marriage lines are located on the edge of the palm, and the lines of children depart from the marriage lines, so you can easily determine when and from what relationship the child will be born. The long line is for the boy, the short line is for the girl. In addition, you can identify twins, they are designated special sign V. It is interesting to note that left hand(for right-handers) reflects the potential number of children, and the right one reflects their actual number. Meanwhile, for married partners, the number of lines may differ, for example, he has 3 lines, and she has 2 lines. This situation suggests that a man could potentially have three children, but he will only have two children. Or he will (had) another child from another woman.

Example: find out the number of children.

As an example, we will look at the drawing. As you can see, there are three marriage lines on it. Each line indicates a relationship that can develop into marriage. For convenience, we will make age markings: the first line of children refers to the age of 16 years. The second line refers to the age of 22 years, and the third line refers to the age of 31 years. As you can see, relationships at 16 years old do not have lines of children, so we can conclude that there are no children. Second relationship at 22 has a fork-shaped line of children, indicating twins. Since the line is short, we can conclude that these girls are twins. Third relationship at 31 has two lines of children. The first line of children is short and indicates a girl, therefore, in marriage a girl will be born first. The second line is long and indicates a boy. Consequently, there will be two children in the marriage, first a girl and then a boy. As you can see, determining the number of children along the line of children is very easy and simple; you yourself can easily determine the number of children and the duration of the relationship.

The question that worries women the most is how many children they are destined to have. And it is by the hand that women perform fortune telling. In men, these lines show those close to him. For example, a man has had two marriages or is raising a child that is not his own (godson, nephew). The same V-shaped line says that a man can have two children from another woman (perhaps there will be more than one family). Fortune telling tells a woman how many offspring she can have. But, given the current rhythm of life, modern means from an unwanted pregnancy, the response may be neutralized. We ourselves can regulate our birth rate. Everything is in our hands! Sometimes, this is quite unfair: Providence sends an armful of babies to one woman, but she does not want to give birth to even one. The other, on the contrary, wants to have a child, but does not succeed.

In addition to the clearly visible childish lines, there may be others on the palm that are barely visible; You'll need a magnifying glass to see them all. Total children's lines will tell you about the potentially possible number of children over the entire period of life.

The marriage line and the lines of children are better visible if you bend your palm slightly. In some people they may be absent altogether. This does not mean that a person will live his whole life without love or will not have children.

You can use another way to determine the number of children if the necessary lines on the hand are not visible. To do this you will need a needle with a long thread. Take the end of the thread in right hand and release the needle. Spread your left palm, sticking your thumb out slightly. “Tune” the needle by placing it in the space between your thumb and the rest. Raise and lower the needle several times in this gap so that it does not rise or fall beyond the plane of the palm. “Hang” the needle over the middle of your palm. If she starts moving in a circle, there will be a girl, if she swings, it will be a boy. The changeable nature of the movement may mean twins. “Tune” the needle again. If you have more than one child, the needle will start moving again. Repeat the action until the needle suspended above the center of the palm immediately stops.

We must also remember that the lines on the hand can change quite noticeably throughout life! Several factors influence events in a person's life. The main thing depends on individual characteristics a person (fate or predestination, or karma - can be called differently). There is the influence of external circumstances - the fate of loved ones, the country, etc. But there is also something that you cannot directly see in a person’s horoscope - free will. Every person is endowed with it, to a greater or lesser extent, but everyone! And when a person realizes this right, he enters into combat with fate. And if he has enough strength and perseverance, the “changeable world” bends! This means that it changes further fate, and with it the lines on the palms... Of course, not many people manage to change their lives radically, but you can change something! The stronger the changes, the more the lines change. Sometimes this happens quickly - literally in a few days...

Using lines on the palms, they determine how many children a person will have. Experienced palmists perform complete hand fortune telling on children; they are able to predict the gender of the unborn child, and his probable future: long and happy life or difficult fate.

How to “look” for children in the palm of your hand

The lines reflecting the birth of children are hardly noticeable. Have a magnifying glass to accurately examine all the lines.

By general rule It is believed that the left palm reflects the possible future, and the right palm reflects what has happened in fate. For left-handers this rule works the other way around.

The lines of children are only a probability, an opportunity to have a child. Advances in modern medicine allow women to plan the birth of children. Therefore, the baby planned by fate may well not come to life.

On the lines of the palm, an abortion is reflected in the same way as a born baby.

The number of “children’s” lines between spouses may differ. In this case, there are 2 options:

  • the presence of illegitimate children of one of the spouses;
  • fate suggested the presence of “probable” children who were not born.

Fortune telling along relationship lines (marriage lines)

The most common fortune telling by hand, how many children there will be, is carried out according to the lines of relationships. The “pad” below the little finger is called the Mount of Mercury; on its outer side - at the edge of the palm - there are transverse lines. Palmists call them relationship lines (or marriage lines). They will tell you how many times fate prepares a serious long-term relationship.

There are small vertical strokes on the relationship lines. They talk about whether baby is born(children) in this marriage.

How are the lines of children interpreted:

  • long – boy;
  • short – girl;
  • V-shaped - twins.

Different schools of palmistry have developed their own ways of telling by hand how many children there will be, which give very accurate results.

  1. Marriage lines - this method is described above.
  2. Lines on the little finger and middle finger. If you examine the central phalanges on the little and middle fingers, you can see longitudinal lines. Eastern palmists perform hand fortune telling for children along these lines, but they only count the number of sons. For divination, study the lines drawn on the left palm (for a left-handed person - on the right palm).
  3. Family ring. The thumb at the very base is, as it were, surrounded by a family ring. This line is complex, as if made up of islands. Each of them foreshadows the arrival of a baby. The large island is interpreted as the birth of a boy, the small one - a girl. It has long been noted that the number of rings on the right and left palms rarely coincides.
  4. Grooves on the Mount of Venus. When you move your thumb, the Mount of Venus located below moves simultaneously. On this hill along the edge of the palm there are lines parallel to the family ring. Based on their number, the probability of having a child is determined quite accurately.
  5. Grooves on the Mount of Mars. Indian palmists perform hand fortune telling for children using lines drawn on the Mount of Mars. It is located under the heart line below the Mount of Mercury (the latter is adjacent to the little finger). It is believed that horizontal lines running on the Mount of Mars along the edge of the palm indicate the possibility of having children.
  6. “Herringbone” on the heart line. The heart line originates under the pad of the little finger. Along the edge of the palm there is a “herringbone” - small strokes extending at an angle from the line of the heart. Each of them predicts the birth of a baby.
  7. Lines of joy. Life line traced along the Mount of Venus, starting below index finger. At the beginning of the life line, the lines of joy extend upward. Each stroke foreshadows some exceptionally joyful event, which could be the appearance of a baby.
  8. Influence grooves. The lines of influence are similar to a mirror image of the lines of joy - they branch from the line of life down the palm. Lines of influence drawn by fate can warn of an event that will significantly affect a woman’s life. Fortune tellers attribute the appearance of a baby to such an event.

Fortune telling with a clenched fist

It is possible to determine how many children there will be: fortune telling is carried out by clenching your fist left palm. Clear folds form at the base of the little finger: one of them is at the base of the finger, the second is under the Mount of Mercury along the line of the heart. We are interested in the lines that form between these two obvious folds. Each of them depicts the birth of a child.

  1. If the line is deep, clear, and directed towards the center of the palm, the descendant will have a long and happy life.
  2. A line located almost parallel to the edge of the palm predicts a complex and ambiguous fate for the child.
  3. The line is deep, but intermittent - a complex life.
  4. Barely visible lines indicate the tiny possibility of having a baby.

Also, the length of the line determines the gender of the baby:

  • long - son;
  • short – daughter;
  • V-shaped - twins.

Fortune telling for men

Using the same lines, palmists predict the number of children for men. But... the lines on a man’s palm reflect all the kids he will care for and raise in his life. These could be adopted children, nephews, grandchildren - anyone who will be in his care. It is extremely difficult to determine a man’s natural children based on the lines of his palm.

It is important to remember that any lines promising the birth of a child only indicate the likelihood of having a baby.

One of the most popular ways to determine the number of children is. This is a science that examines a person’s palm and finds the relationship between the lines on it and fate. And the most frequently asked question among palmistry specialists is the question of the number of future children. But to find out the answer to this question, you don’t have to spend a lot of money, but try to figure out the intricacies of the lines on your hands yourself.

The number of children a woman has is determined by her line of children. They are located under the little finger, on the edge of the palm. These are short horizontal lines and they also define love relationship. It is from these lines that the lines of the children depart.

The children's line comes in two versions, both long and short. Usually short line talks about how the woman will become the mother of a daughter, and the long one - that she will become the mother of a son. Love lines extend from bottom to top, so the bottom line should be considered first. The lower border is marked by the line of the heart, and the upper border ends at the base of the little finger. Based on marriage or love, it is easy to understand from which relationships children will be born.

The line of children speaks not only about born children, but also about miscarriages. But with such options, the line may not go straight, but with violations. But the twins on the woman’s hand are marked with a special sign, it looks like a V sign.

It is interesting that the left hand of those who own the right hand reflects the possible number of children, and their real number is reflected on the right hand. It happens that in a marriage, a woman has one number of lines, and a man has another, for example, the husband has three lines, and the wife only two. This may indicate that a man has the potential to have three children, but it is possible that he will only have two. Or the husband has a child outside of this marriage, from another woman. If this bothers a woman, then it is better to turn to a good palmist so that he can dispel all doubts.

Additional lines of children

Not only from the above lines you can find out the number of children. This can also be done using other signs on the palm. The thing is that there are a lot of schools of palmistry and each has its own methods of counting future children. So, which lines on the hand are the most popular in identifying children, look at the figure.

  1. The classic line of children is the lines that are located on the Mount of Mercury. They are used to determine the number of children most often.
  2. Vertical lines - these lines are located on the phalanx of the middle finger and little finger. Using them, some experts determine the number of children in general, others - only boys. This method is popular in Eastern teachings.
  3. The family ring is an Indian interpretation of children; it suggests counting the number of islands on the family ring. But it should be noted that the data may be very different on the right and left palms.
  4. Mount of Venus - in this case you need to look at vertical lines, which are located slightly below the base thumb. This method is considered very informative.
  5. The lines on the mount of positive Mars are these horizontal lines that, according to Indian palmists, indicate how many children a person will have.
  6. The herringbone at the base of the heart line is small lines that extend from the base of the heart line, and each of them shows one child.
  7. The joy line is a shallow line that rises from the life line. It not only indicates the birth of a child, but in general, every joyful event for a person.
  8. The line of influence extends downwards from the life line. It is usually used to determine the presence small child up to three years of age, because such children require personal care, change the usual way of life of their parents and thereby influence a person’s life. And all this is reflected in the palm of your hand.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to determine the number of children using lines on the hand, but everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in these interpretations.

Needle and thread help

You can determine the number of children using a popular girl's fortune-telling, which requires a needle, thread and faith that all this is true. So, you need to take a thread, it's best white. Thread it through a needle. The hand should be suspended, the palm should be parallel to the floor, the thumb should be set aside, and all the rest should be brought together. Next, you need to lower the needle three times into the space between your palm and thumb, then bring the needle to your palm. Now you can determine the gender and number of children, starting from the first. If the needle behaves like a pendulum, then the first child can be expected to be a boy, but if it spins, then there will be a girl. If the needle stops and does not move, then you are not destined to become parents any time soon. Repeat the procedure until the needle stops moving. The number of times she spins, the number of children you will have.

The needle always shows the number of children, starting with the first child, that is, if you already have a child, you can check whether his gender is determined correctly and whether he will have a brother or sister. Some fortune tellers advise tying a knot when you put a thread on a needle; some are inclined to read a prayer while doing this, others are against it. It should also be noted that the needle shows only living children; miscarriages and abortions are not counted. The needle can also show twins, it will do it this way: first it will show the gender of one child and then show the other child.

Fortune telling by stones

One of the most simple ways Determining the number of children is fortune telling by stones. Method one - you need to take a marker and stones, write the numbers on the stones in order. If the marker does not write on the stone, write on a piece of paper and wrap it around the stone. After that, put the stones in the water and see what happens to the inscriptions. Gradually, the ink will have to disappear, and the last number you can read will indicate the number of children.

The second method is to write the names you like on the stones with ink, put the stones in water, and see which of them the ink does not wash out. You will have that many children, and according to the names you can determine whether a boy or a girl will be born.

Fortune telling with cards and ring

It is recommended to do this either on Fridays or the thirteenth. The deck of cards must be new. Hold the deck in your hands, then shuffle and with your left hand remove some of the cards towards you. Fan out the cards and select any nine of them. If there is a seven of diamonds among them, then your wish for children will come true; the seven of spades and a queen together mean that the children will have good health, and the jack of spades will indicate illness. If four sevens fall in a row, then you need to be very careful with children, and the six of spades is a bad card and brings bad news. If it falls out, then you need to very carefully monitor the health of the children.

And the last generally accepted option for determining the number of children is fortune telling, which is carried out on or on one’s birthday. You need to take a glass of water and a ring without a stone, hang it on a thin thread. There should be half a glass of water. Ask the ring a question and place it in a glass, one centimeter above the water. The number of times the ring hits the wall of the glass, the number of children you will have.

If something didn’t work out for you and these methods don’t want to give away all the secrets, don’t be upset, perhaps a much better future awaits you better than that than the means at hand can predict.

Professional palmists can see on the hand key events in life and predict them with great accuracy. For example, a specialist can easily determine the date of death or the next difficult period. In addition to personal practice, palmists rely on basic knowledge, which are available for everyone to study. Having carefully examined your palm, even a common person will be able to “read” fateful signs. According to practitioners, information about the number of children and possible marriages is hidden in the patterns and lines.

How to define family life by marriage

It is customary to guess by using the leading hand (right-handers look at the right hand, left-handers look at the left). The marriage line is very easy to find. It is located on the edge of the palm directly above the heart line.

One trait foretells a happy family life. A person with such a sign on his hand is focused on strong, stable relationships. There may be several strokes, they may be different lengths and depth. Many weakly expressed features mean frequent attachments that do not end in anything serious. Pronounced lines indicate a long-term relationship that leads to official marriage. This is what practitioners focus on:

Higher power are kind to people. Look at your hands and see the clues of fate.

Thousands of lines - reflection human life. They disappear and appear due to decisions made, as well as after illnesses and accidents. You can predict how life and the lives of your descendants will turn out if you are interested in palmistry.

To find out if you will have children, look at the lines between the base of your little finger and the line of your heart. On the edge of your palm, find horizontal lines that will show a long-term relationship with your loved one and the number of potential children.

In this article

Approaches to reading children's lines

Indian palmists believe that women's hands, unlike men's, contain more information about children. Take a look at a woman's palm. We are interested in the inner side of the Mount of Venus. Based on the vertical lines, an experienced palmist will determine:

  • the exact date of birth of the babies;
  • how the birth of children will affect the mother;
  • the inevitability of having a child.

In addition, there is a family belt here, which will show the relationship with parents.

Looking at the family belt, a woman is able to predict a lot about the character of her future chosen one. In the photo above you see a belt that is formed by a dense, unbroken line. This is evidence that a person grew up in a full family or from relatives. This is a sign of strength and independent person, which with early years accustomed to independence.

If the family belt bifurcates, then the person grew up in a complete family. Interweaving between lines is a sign of conflicts between parents.

Another area where potential children are shown is the lower part of the Mount of the Moon. Here, look for horizontal lines - these are your descendants. If you are right-handed, your left hand is used to judge children who are predetermined by fate, and your right hand is used to judge children who will appear depending on the decisions made in life.

If the mount of the Moon is clear on the left hand, and distinct marks are visible on the right hand, this is a sign that the right-handed person will overcome fate and become a parent. For a left-hander, this is evidence of a childless life.

The European school of palmistry teaches that the lines of children are a continuation of the lines of marriage, which are located on the edge of the palm. If a gap is visible between the features, then the baby will not be born due to illness, abortion or the reluctance of the parents to have offspring.

To know the character of a child, look at the upper mount of Mars.

Small marks on the hill are evidence that fidgets will be born. In infancy, such children will cause a lot of trouble due to their capricious nature. With age, innocent pranks will develop into hooliganism.

How many children will there be

Sometimes spouses different quantities lines of children. Most often - in men. This is evidence that children will be born from another woman. If the wife has more lines, then children will be born from another man. The marks show the number of children born and the number of abortions.

If the lines of the children are weak and inexpressive, then the children will be born sickly or will not be born at all. The owner of such lines is waiting life trials. Only by overcoming them will a person gain offspring.

To get a complete picture of the birth of future offspring, pay attention to additional signs:

  1. Take a look at the second phalanx of the middle finger and little finger. Asian palmists believe that vertical lines represent children.
  2. The lines that stretch from the beginning of the heart line are babies that will definitely be born.
  3. Thin lines that extend down from the life line are a trace of the influence of the offspring on the parents.

How to find out the gender of a child

Long and thick lines are the sign of a son. Thin and short - a sign of a daughter. If the daughter's line is long, then the girl will grow up in love and care. Beginning palmists often confuse this sign with the sign of the son, misinterpreting the length.

Straight marks indicate boys, angled marks indicate girls.

If two lines intersect and form a V sign, then twins will be born. To determine gender, look at the length and thickness of the side lines of the V sign.

Features of the meaning of the line of children

Remember that lines only show potential determined by fate. A child whose birth is predetermined by fate is a rarity. Such children will definitely be born, but if the parents die, the Higher powers will delay the appearance. There will be a change in place of birth, but the conditions for personality formation will remain the same.

This is important for people who will remain in the memory of humanity as:

  • reformers;
  • famous scientists;
  • major military leaders;
  • founders of religions.

But in most cases, it depends only on the parents whether the baby will be born or not.

If the marriage breaks down or the mother has an abortion, the opportunity is canceled. Therefore, frequent abortions lead to infertility. People simply do not use the potential given by fate.

Clarity and depth of children's lines

From the marks it is easy to understand the birth sequence. The baby whose line is located closer to the base of the little finger will be born first. The gaps between the lines are the time between the births of children. The closer the marks are to each other, the smaller the age difference.

The sign of children born in the same year is similar to the sign of twins, but without the intersection at the base.

A straight, clear line is a sign of good luck and health. A wavy mark, on the contrary, symbolizes illness and the difficult life of the offspring.

Signs on the children's line

An island at the beginning of the line is a sign of illness. The appearance of an island warns that the baby will get sick or be born sick. Experienced palmists will determine from the signs that move towards the bracelets on the wrist:

  • age when the child gets sick;
  • the organ that will be affected by the disease;
  • severity of the disease.

If the children's lines deviate from the same marriage line, then the children will be born in happy family at true friend parents' friend.

Other signs that predict the fate of descendants:

  1. A square is a sign of protection. The baby will be saved from injury.
  2. A star is a symbol of change in life. The star on the line of the mind is painful childbirth. The dot in the center of the star is a sign of childlessness. If a star appears on the line of Mercury, the child will die.
  3. A line of dotted lines and islands indicates an interrupted pregnancy.
  4. Breaks and breaks are unfavorable signs. Evidence of health problems or conflicts with parents.
  5. The reversed sign of Gemini is a sign of fate. A descendant will appear who will have twins.

Methods of fortune telling for children

The opinions of palmists about offspring differ according to the cardinal directions where palm readers were born. If you are a beginner palm reader, study several schools of fortune telling to supplement your predictions with details and facts from different sources.

Method No. 1

The Eastern school teaches that, in addition to the generally accepted lines on the edge of the palm and the base of the thumb, fate leaves a mark on the descendants on the middle phalanges of two fingers: the middle and little fingers.

In addition, Indians pay attention to the family belt. The number of children is determined by large islands on the belt. Fortune telling is carried out using the active hand.

Method number 2

If the lines are difficult to distinguish, use fortune telling with a needle and a long thread. This is an ancient gypsy method that has been passed down from generation to generation.


  1. Take the end of the thread in your right hand and release the needle.
  2. Open your left palm.
  3. Bring the needle to the base of your left thumb.
  4. Raise and lower the needle, holding it near the palm of your hand.
  5. Bring the needle to the center of your palm and observe. Rotation is a sign of the birth of a girl, swaying is a sign of a boy.
  6. If the needle swings and swings, twins will be born.

Video instruction:

Variability of fate

Human life depends on the choice: to live for oneself or for someone else. Sometimes people forget about this and get used to living by inertia, without thinking about responsibility for their actions.

Depending on a person’s actions, Higher powers:

  • lengthen or shorten life;
  • remind of purpose if a person lives aimlessly;
  • change the number of potential children.

Remember that the heavy karma of parents will affect their descendants. You will see evidence of this on the palms of your hands. own hands, if you take the time to study the ancient science of interpreting fate.

See more details here:

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. During your lifetime, step into the fire that opens the gates of immortality and find true freedom.