Effective and simple techniques for teaching reading.

Learning to read syllables - this stage in teaching children to read is one of the most important and difficult. Often parents simply don’t know how to teach their child to pronounce two letters together and get “stuck” on this for a long time. Tired of the endless repetition of “ME and A will be MA,” the child quickly loses interest, and learning to read turns into torture for the whole family. As a result, children, already from two three years those who know letters cannot read even by the age of five simple words, not to mention reading sentences and books.

What to do next when the child remembers the letters? Let’s immediately make a reservation that teaching a preschooler to read syllables can begin BEFORE he has mastered the entire alphabet (moreover, some teachers insist that you need to move on to syllables as quickly as possible, without waiting for all the letters to be learned). But the child must name the letters that we will combine into syllables without hesitation.

In order to begin learning to read syllables, a child only needs to know 3-4 vowels and several consonants. First of all, take those consonants that can be drawn out (S, Z, L, M, N, V, F), this will help teach the child how to pronounce the syllable together. And this is a fundamentally important point.

So, let's look at several, in our opinion, the most effective techniques that modern teachers offer for teaching a child to form letters into syllables.

1. Play "Trains"

(game from the manual by E. Baranova, O. Razumovskaya “How to teach your child to read”).

Instead of boring cramming, invite your child to “ride the train.” All the consonants are written on the rails on which our trailers will travel, and the vowels are written on the trailers themselves. We place the trailer on the rails so that a consonant appears in the window, and name what station we have (for example, BA). Next, we move the trailer down the rails until the next consonant and read the syllable that appears.

There is a similar guide in cards "Game "Steam Locomotive". We read the syllables." from E. Sataeva

This game is good because the child does not need to be specifically explained how to add syllables. It is enough to say: “Now we will ride the letter A, it will be our passenger, name all the stations where we will stop.” First, “take a ride” yourself - let the child move the trailer along the rails, and you loudly and clearly call the “stations”: BA, VA, GA, DA, ZHA, ZA, etc. Then invite your child to do this with you in turn. During the game, listening to you, children easily grasp how to pronounce two sounds together. The third time, the child can “ride” himself without much difficulty.

If the child does not know all the letters, stop only at those “stations” that are familiar to him. Next we change the trailer. Now we roll the letters O, U, Y. If the child copes with the task easily, we complicate the task. For example, we go for a speed ride, timing which of the trailers will get to the end of the journey first. Or another option: when stopping at a station, the child must name not only the syllable, but also the words starting with this syllable (BO - barrel, side, Borya; VO - wolf, air, eight; GO - city, golf, guests; DO - rain, daughter, boards, etc.).

Please note that with this game you can practice reading not only open syllables (with a vowel at the end), but also closed ones (with a consonant at the end).

To do this, we take the trailers where the vowels are written in front of the window, and proceed in the same way. Now we have a letter on the trailer, not the passenger, but the driver, she is the main one, she is in front. First, read the resulting “stations” with closed syllables yourself: AB, AB, AG, AD, AZ, AZ, etc., then offer the child a “ride.”

Remember that in this and other exercises we first practice adding syllables with vowels of the first row (A, O, E, U, Y), and then introduce vowels of the second row (Ya, Yo, E, Yu, I) - so-called “iotated” vowels, which make the sound preceding them soft.

When the child is good at reading individual tracks with syllables, alternate the carriages with passengers and drivers, without telling which carriage we will be rolling. This will help the child learn to clearly see where exactly the vowel is in a syllable (the syllable begins or ends with it). At the first stages of learning to read syllables, a child may have difficulties with this.

2. “Run” from one letter to another

(from “ABC for Kids” by O. Zhukova)

This is a visual exercise that will help your child learn to pronounce two letters together.

Before us is a path from one letter to another. To overcome it, you need to pull the first letter until the finger we move along the path reaches the second letter. The main thing we are working on in this exercise is so that there is no pause between the first and second sound. To make it more interesting to practice, replace your finger with a figurine of any animal/person - let it run along the path and connect two letters.

(“A Primer for Kids” by E. Bakhtina, “Russian ABC” by O. Zhukova, etc.).

Many authors of primers and alphabet books use animated images of letters that need to be put into a syllable - they are friends, walk together in pairs, pull each other through obstacles. The main thing in such tasks, as in the previous exercise, is to name two letters together so that the two companion letters remain together.

To use this technique, you don’t even need special manuals or primers. Print out several figures of boys and girls (animals, fairy-tale or fictional characters), write a letter on each of them. Let consonants be written on the boys' figures, and vowels on the girls' figures. Make friends with the children. Check with your child that boys and girls or two girls can be friends, but making two boys friends (saying two consonants together) is not possible. Change pairs, put girls first in them, and then boys.

Read the syllables first in one order, then in the reverse order.

These few techniques are quite enough to teach a child to add two letters into a syllable. And learning in the form of a game will allow you to avoid cramming and boring repetition of the same thing.

4. Games to strengthen the skill of adding letters

— Syllabic lotto

It’s very easy to make them yourself; to do this, you need to select several pictures - 6 for each card and print out the corresponding syllables.

  • The guide will help you “Syllables. Choose a picture based on the first syllable BA-, BA-, MA-, SA-, TA-. Educational lotto games. Federal State Educational Standard of Education "E. V. Vasilyeva"— there are several more tutorials in this series
  • “Letters, syllables and words. Lotto with verification" by A. Anikushena
  • Similar exercises are in the book “Syllable tables. Federal State Educational Standard" N. Neshchaeva

— Shop game

Place toy products or pictures with their images on the counter (for example, FISH-ba, DY-nya, PI-horns, BU-lka, YAB-loki, MYA-so). Prepare “money” - pieces of paper with the name of the first syllables of these words. A child can buy goods only with those “bills” on which the correct syllable is written.

Make an album with your own hands with your child, in which a syllable will be written on one page of the spread, and on the other - objects whose names begin with this syllable. Periodically review and add to these albums. For more effective learning When reading, cover either one or the other half of the spread (so that the child does not have unnecessary clues when naming a syllable or selecting words for a certain syllable).

They will help you with this “Cards for sound and syllabic analysis of words.”

— Airfield game (garages)

We write the syllables large on sheets of paper and lay them out around the room. These will be different airfields (garages) in our game. The child takes a toy plane (car), and the adult commands which airfield (in which garage) the plane should be landed (the car parked).

Zaitsev's cubes or any cards with syllables (you can make them in the form of traces) are suitable for this exercise. We build a long path from them - from one end of the room to the other. We choose two figures/toys. You play one, the child plays the other. Roll the dice - take turns with your figures on the cards for as many moves as the number rolled on the dice. As you step on each card, say the syllable written on it.

For this game you can also use various “adventures” by writing syllables in circles on the playing field.

5. Reading simple words syllable by syllable

Simultaneously with practicing syllables, we begin to read simple words (of three or four letters). For clarity, so that the child understands what parts a word consists of, which letters need to be read together and which ones separately, we recommend that the first words be made up of cards with syllables / individual letters or graphically divide the word into parts.

Words of two syllables can be written on pictures consisting of two parts. Pictures are easier to understand (the child is more willing to read words written on them than just columns of words) plus it is clearly visible into what parts a word can be broken down when reading it syllable by syllable.

Increase the complexity gradually: start with words consisting of one syllable (UM, OH, EAT, UZH, HEDGEHOG) or two identical syllables: MOTHER, UNCLE, DAD, NANNY. Then move on to reading words from three letters(closed syllable + consonant): BAL, SON, LAK, SIDE, HOUSE.

You need to understand that even if a child pronounces all the syllables in a word correctly, this does not mean that he will immediately be able to meaningfully put them together into a word. Be patient. If a child has difficulty reading words of 3-4 letters, do not move on to reading longer words, much less sentences.

Be prepared for the fact that your child will begin to read words fluently only after he has automated the skill of adding letters into syllables. Until this happens, periodically return to practicing syllables.

And, most importantly, remember that any learning should be a joy – for both parents and children!

Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher preschool education
Svetlana Zyryanova

Among the huge selection of methods, teaching reading using Nadezhda Zhukova’s method is very popular. Her method is adapted for self-study by parents and children at home. N. Zhukova’s textbooks are affordable and can be purchased in almost all bookstores. Let's try to figure out what's special about this technique and why it's so popular.

From the biography

Nadezhda Zhukova is a well-known domestic teacher, candidate pedagogical sciences, has extensive speech therapy experience. She is the creator of a whole series of educational literature for children, which is published in multi-million copies. Lots of it scientific works published not only in Russian, but also in specialized publications in other countries.

Nadezhda Zhukova conducted a lot of research with preschool children, carefully studying the progressive processes of their speech development. She has created a unique technique with which children can quickly learn to read and easily move from it to writing. In her method, N. Zhukova teaches children to correctly add syllables, which she uses as a single part in reading and writing in the future.

Sales of her modern “Primer” exceeded 3 million copies. From these figures, according to statistics, we can conclude that every fourth child learns to read using it. In 2005, it was awarded the title of “Classical Textbook”.

In the 1960s, Nadezhda Zhukova was an active worker in an initiative group that dealt with the creation of specialized groups for children with problems and disorders speech activity. Now they are like this speech therapy groups and entire kindergartens with this bias are widespread not only in our country, but also in the CIS countries.

Features of the technique

In creating her own special method, N. Zhukova took advantage of her 30 years of speech therapy work experience. She was able to build a successful combination of teaching literacy with the ability to prevent mistakes made by children when writing. The textbook is based on a traditional approach to teaching reading, which is supplemented with unique features.

In speech activity, it is psychologically easier for a child to isolate a syllable than separate sound in the spoken word. This principle is used in N. Zhukova’s technique. Reading syllables is offered already in the third lesson. Due to the fact that at the very beginning of learning to read, this process for children is a mechanism for reproducing the letter model of a word into a sound one, the child should already be familiar with letters by the time he learns to read.

It’s not worth teaching your child all the letters of the alphabet at once. The baby's first acquaintance should be with vowels. Explain to your child that vowels are singing letters and can be sung. Start by studying the so-called hard vowels (A, U, O). After the baby has become acquainted with them, you need to start adding up: AU, AO, OU, UA, OU, OA, OU. Of course, these are not syllables, but it is with this combination of vowels that it is easiest to explain to the baby the principle of adding syllables. Let the child himself, helping himself with his finger, draw paths from letter to letter, singing them. This way he can read the combination of two vowels. Next, you can start memorizing consonants.

Then, when you start teaching your baby to read, explain to him how to determine by hearing how many sounds or letters you have pronounced, which sound in a word sounds first, last, second. Here N. Zhukova’s “Magnetic ABC” can help you in learning. With its help, you can ask your baby to lay out the syllables you pronounce.

You can also feel the letters and trace them with your finger, which will contribute to their tactile memorization. When the baby learns to merge syllables, you can invite him to read words with three letters or words with two syllables. (O-SA, MA-MA).

In Zhukova's "Bukvara" parents will be able to find mini-studies on learning each letter and recommendations for learning to add syllables. Everything is written accessible language. In order to use them, parents do not need to have a pedagogical education. Absolutely any adult can conduct the lesson.

A preschooler is able to perceive information only in game form. For him, playing is a calm environment where no one will scold or criticize him. Do not try to force your child to read syllables quickly and immediately. For him, reading is not easy work. Be patient, show affection and love to your baby during training. This is important to him now more than ever. Showing calm and confidence, learn to add syllables, simple words, and sentences. The child must master the technique of reading. This process is not fast and difficult for him. The game will diversify learning, relieve you from the boring task of studying, and help instill a love of reading.

Your patience and calmness will help your child master reading faster.

Starting age

You shouldn't rush things. It is quite normal that a 3-4 year old child is not yet capable of learning. This age period You can start classes only if the child shows great interest in reading activities and shows a desire to learn to read.

A 5-6 year old child will have a completely different attitude towards this. IN preschool institutions training programs are designed to teach children to read syllables. However, children are not always able to assimilate information received in a large group. Many guys need individual lessons, so that they understand the principles of adding syllables and words. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to work with your child at home. By coming to school well prepared, it will be easier for your child to endure the adaptation period.

It is important to take into account psychological readiness to learning to read. Children are ready to start reading only if they already speak well. correctly formulate sentences in their speech, phonemic hearing is developed at the proper level. Children should not have hearing or vision problems or speech therapy problems.

Learning to read should begin at the age when you see the baby's interest and feel that he is ready

Sounds or letters?

Getting to know letters should not begin with memorizing their names. Instead, the child must know the sound that is written with a particular letter. No EM, ER, TE, LE, etc. there shouldn't be. Instead of EM, we learn the sound “m”, instead of BE, we learn the sound “b”. This is done to facilitate the child’s understanding of the principle of adding syllables. If you learn the names of the letters, the child will not understand how the word DAD is obtained from PE-A-PE-A, and the word MOM from ME-A-ME-A. He will not add the sounds that are indicated by the letters, but the names of the letters as he has learned, and accordingly he will read PEAPEA, MEAMEA.

Learn vowels and consonants correctly

Don't start learning letters at alphabetical order A, B, C, D... Follow the sequence given in the Primer.

First of all, learn the vowels (A, O, U, Y, E). Next, you should introduce the student to the hard voiced consonants M, L.

Then we get acquainted with dull and hissing sounds (K, P, T, Sh, Ch, etc.)

In the “Primer” by N. Zhukova, the following order of studying letters is proposed: A, U, O, M, S, X, R, W, Y, L, N, K, T, I, P, Z, J, G, V , D, B, F, E, L, I, Yu, E, Ch, E, C, F, Shch, J.

The sequence of learning letters presented in Zhukova’s primer will help you easily adapt to school curriculum training

Reinforcing the material we have learned

Repetition of previously learned letters at each lesson will contribute to the faster development of the mechanism of competent reading in children.

Reading by syllables

Once you and your child have learned a few letters, it's time to learn how to form syllables. A cheerful boy helps with this in the “Bukvar”. It runs from one letter to another, forming a syllable. The first letter of the syllable must be pulled out until the baby traces the path along which the boy is running with his finger. For example, the syllable MA. The first letter is M. Place your finger at the beginning of the path near it. We make the sound M while we move our finger along the path, without stopping: M-M-M-M-M-A-A-A-A-A-A. The child must learn that the first letter stretches until the boy runs to the second; as a result, they are pronounced together, without breaking away from each other.

Let's start with simple syllables

The child must understand the algorithm for adding syllables from sounds. To do this, he needs training first on simple syllables, such as MA, PA, MO, PO, LA, LO. Only after the child understands this mechanism and learns to read simple syllables can he begin to work on more complex syllables - with hissing and voiceless consonants (ZHA, ZHU, SHU, HA).

Stage of learning to read closed syllables

When the child learns to add open syllables, it is necessary to begin learning to read closed syllables, i.e. those in which the vowel comes first. AB, US, UM, OM, AN. It is much more difficult for a child to read such syllables; do not forget about regular training.

Reading simple words

When the child understands the mechanism of folding syllables and begins to read them with ease, the time comes to read simple words: MA-MA, PA-PA, SA-MA, KO-RO-VA.

Watch your pronunciation and pauses

In the process of learning to read, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s pronunciation. Pay attention to the correct reading of the endings of words; the child should not guess what is written, but read the word to the end.

If at the initial stage of training you taught your child to sing syllables, now the time has come to do without it. Make sure your child pauses between words. Explain to him what punctuation marks mean: commas, periods, exclamation and question marks. Let the pauses between words and sentences that the baby makes be quite long at first. Over time, he will understand and shorten them.

By following these simple rules, you can teach your child to read quite quickly.

Popular books for children by N. Zhukova

In order for parents to be able to teach their child to read and write using her methodology, Nadezhda Zhukova offers a whole series of books and manuals for children and parents.

This includes:

"Primer" and "Copybook" for children 6-7 years old in 3 parts

The copybooks are a practical application to the Primer. The syllabic principle of graphics is adopted as the basis. A syllable acts as a separate unit of not only reading, but also writing. The recording of a vowel and a consonant acts as a single graphic element.

"Magnetic ABC"

Suitable for both home use and for classes in child care institutions. A large set of letters allows you to compose not only individual words, but also sentences. Attached to the "ABC" methodological recommendations for work, they are supplemented with exercises for teaching children.

"I write correctly - from the Primer to the ability to write beautifully and competently"

The textbook is suitable for children who have already learned to read syllables together. It is also necessary that children can identify the first and last sounds in a word, can name words based on the sound that was named to them, and indicate the place of a given sound in a word - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. The book is designed to demonstrate the creativity of the teacher who studies it. The proposed sections can be expanded or narrowed; the number of oral and written exercises is varied by the teacher. At the bottom of some pages you can see guidelines for conducting classes. A variety of story-based pictures, offered as illustrations for the textbook, will help the child not only easily learn the basic principles of grammar, but also develop oral speech.

"Lessons on correct speech and correct thinking"

The book is suitable for children who already read well. Here you can read texts of the classical genre. For parents, there is a detailed methodological description of classes based on the book. A system for working on the text is attached to each work for its analysis. With its help, children learn to think, understand hidden subtext, explain, and discuss. You can also see the meaning of words unknown to the child that are in the children's dictionary. Also The author introduces children to famous poets and writers, teaches them how to read this or that work correctly.

"Lessons in penmanship and literacy" (educational copybooks)

A manual that complements the other elements of N. Zhukova’s system. With its help, the child will be able to learn how to navigate on a sheet, work according to a model, trace and write independently. various elements letters and their compounds. Tasks are offered for sound-letter analysis of words, adding missing letters in a word, writing uppercase and lowercase letters, etc.

"Speech therapist lessons"

This textbook is characterized by a system of lessons that is understandable not only for teachers and speech therapists, but also for parents, with the help of which it is possible to achieve clear speech in children. The proposed exercises focus on developing only one specific sound. Thanks to this, classes are held with great effect. The level of speech development of the child with whom they begin to study is not so important. For all children, classes will have a positive result. Perfect for activities with children of any age.

"The first book to read after the Primer"

For children who have completed studying the Primer, it is recommended as the first book - “The first book to read after the Primer.” It will soften the transition from the Primer to ordinary literature. The main goal of this teaching aid is to develop curiosity in children, the desire to learn new things, develop intelligence and perseverance.

Part 1- these are fables and stories. They continue the texts given in the Primer, only a more complex version is proposed.

part 2- information for the young naturalist. It offers information from encyclopedias about the main characters of stories or fables.

Part 3 represents fragments of poems by great poets. In each passage there is a relationship with any fragment of part 1 of the book. This could be a poem about the seasons of one of the stories, about the animals of one of the fables, the weather, etc.

Thus, with the help of Nadezhda Zhukova’s teaching methods, parents themselves will be able to perfectly prepare their child for school. Using its methodological and teaching aids You can not only teach a child to read well and correctly, but also teach him to write, introduce him to the basics of competent written speech, and avoid many speech therapy problems.

For a review of Nadezhda Zhukova's primer, watch the following video.

  1. The child speaks fluently in sentences and understands the meaning of what is said.
  2. The child distinguishes sounds (what speech therapists call developed phonemic hearing). Simply put, the baby will easily understand by ear where house And onion, and where - volume And Luke.
  3. Your child pronounces all sounds and has no speech therapy problems.
  4. The child understands directions: left-right, up-down. Let's skip the point that adults often confuse right and left. To learn to read, it is important that the baby can follow the text from left to right and from top to bottom.

8 rules to help teach your child to read

Lead by example

In a family where there is a culture and tradition of reading, children themselves will be drawn to books. Read not because it is necessary or useful, but because it is a pleasure for you.

Read together and discuss

You read aloud, and then look at the picture together, encouraging your child to interact with the book: “Who is that drawn? Can you show me the cat's ears? And who is this standing next to her? Older children can be asked more complex questions: “Why did he do that? What do you think will happen next?

Go from simple to complex

Start with sounds, then move on to syllables. Let the first words be words consisting of repeated syllables: ma-ma, pa-pa, dyad-dya, nya-nya. After them, move on to more complex combinations: cat, bug, do-m.

Show that letters are everywhere

Play the game. Let the child find the letters that surround him on the street and at home. These include the names of stores, reminders on information boards, and even traffic light messages: sometimes the sign “Go” lights up on green, and “Wait for so many seconds” on red.


And play again. Place cubes with letters and syllables, make up words, ask your child to read you some sign or inscription on a package in a store.

Take advantage of every opportunity to exercise

Whether you are sitting in line at the clinic or on your way somewhere, take out a book with pictures and short stories to go with them and invite your child to read it together.

Consolidate your success

Repeat familiar texts, look for already known heroes in new stories. The Runaway Bunny is found in both “Teremka” and “Kolobok”.

Don't force

This is perhaps the most important thing. Don't rob a child of his childhood. Learning should not happen through tears.

6 time-tested techniques

ABCs and primers


Traditional, but the most long haul. The difference between these books is that the alphabet reinforces each letter with a mnemonic picture: on the page with B a drum will be drawn, and next to Yu- spinning top. The alphabet helps you remember letters and - often - interesting rhymes, but it does not teach you how to read.

The primer consistently teaches the child to combine sounds into syllables, and syllables into words. This process is not easy and requires perseverance.

Parents agree that one of the most understandable methods for teaching preschoolers is Nadezhda Zhukova’s primer. The author simply explains the most difficult thing for a child: how to turn letters into syllables, how to read Mother, rather than start naming individual letters me-a-me-a.


If, when learning from an ABC book, a child consistently masters letters and syllables, then in Zaitsev’s 52 cubes he is given access to everything at once: a single letter or combinations of a consonant and a vowel, a consonant and a hard or soft sign.

The child playfully learns the differences between deaf and deaf people. ringing sounds, because the cubes with voiceless consonants are filled with wood, and the cubes with voiced consonants are filled with metal.

The cubes also differ in size. The large ones depict hard warehouses, the small ones - soft ones. The author of the technique explains this by saying that when we say on(hard warehouse), mouth opens wide, neither(soft fold) - lips in a half smile.

The set includes tables with warehouses that the parent sings (yes, he doesn’t speak, but actually sings) to his child.

The child quickly masters vocabulary reading with the help of cubes, but may begin to swallow endings and will encounter difficulties already at school when parsing words according to their composition.

“Wardhouses” and “Towers” ​​by Vyacheslav Voskobovich


In “Skladushki,” Vyacheslav Voskobovich reworked Zaitsev’s idea: 21 cards present all the warehouses of the Russian language with cute thematic pictures. The set includes a disc with songs, the texts of which appear under each picture.

Foldables are good for children who like to look at pictures. Each of them is a reason to discuss with the child where the kitten is, what the puppy is doing, where the beetle has flown.

You can teach your child using these cards from the age of three. It is worth noting that the author of the methodology himself does not consider it necessary Vyacheslav Voskobovich: “How to keep the child inside you? Play!" speed up early development.


Voskobovich’s “teremki” consist of 12 wooden tower cubes with consonants and 12 cardboard chest cubes with vowels. First, the child gets acquainted with the alphabet and tries, with the help of his parents, to come up with words that begin with each of the letters.

Then it's time to study the syllables. In the mansion with the letter M is invested A- and the first syllable is obtained ma. From several towers you can lay out words. Learning is based on play. So, when replacing a vowel house will turn into smoke.

You can start playing in the towers from the age of two. At the same time, parents will not be left alone with the blocks: the kit includes a manual with detailed description methods and game options.


The manual by Evgeny Chaplygin includes 10 cubes and 10 moving blocks. Each dynamic block consists of a pair - a consonant and a vowel. The child's task is to spin the cubes and find a pair.

At the initial stage, as with any other method of teaching reading by word order, the child composes the simplest words from repeated syllables: ma-ma, pa-pa, ba-ba. Engaged motor skills help you quickly remember the shape of letters, and the search for already familiar syllables turns into an exciting game. The cubes come with a manual describing the technique and words that can be formed.

The optimal age for classes is 4–5 years. You can start earlier, but only in the game format.


American doctor Glenn Doman suggests teaching children not individual letters or even syllables, but entire words. Parents name and show the child the words on the cards for 1–2 seconds. In this case, the baby is not required to repeat what he heard.

Classes start with 15 cards with the simplest concepts like moms And dads. Gradually, the number of words increases, those already learned leave the set, and the child begins to learn word combinations: for example, color + object, size + object.

How can you understand that a child has understood and remembered the visual image of a word if the author of the method recommends starting classes from birth? It is worth paying attention to an important detail that parents miss in an attempt to make their child the smartest, most developed, the best.

Glenn Doman in " Harmonious development child” strongly emphasizes that there is no need to give your child tests and checks: kids don’t like this and lose interest in classes.

It’s better to remember 50 cards out of 100 than 10 out of 10.

Glenn Doman

But given that parents cannot help but check, he advises, if the child is willing and ready, to play the game. For example, you can put several cards and ask them to bring one or point to it.

Today psychologists, neurophysiologists Steven Novella, MD, Psychomotor Patterning and pediatricians American Academy of Pediatrics "The Doman-Delacato Treatment of Neurologically Handicapped Children" They agree that the Doman method is not aimed at teaching reading, but at mechanical memorization of visual images of words. The child turns out to be an object of learning and is almost deprived of the opportunity to learn something on his own.

It is also worth adding: in order to move on to the reading stage according to Doman, parents need to prepare cards with all (!) words that appear in a particular book.


Reading according to Montessori comes from the opposite: first we write and only then we read. Letters are the same as pictures, so first you need to learn how to draw them and only then practice pronunciation and reading. Children begin by tracing and shading the letters and thanks to this they remember their outline. When several vowels and consonants have been studied, they move on to the first simple words.

Much attention is paid to the tactile component, so children can literally touch the alphabet cut out of rough or velvety paper.

The value of the method lies in learning through play. So, you can put a rough letter and a plate of semolina in front of the child and ask him to first trace the sign with his finger, and then repeat this on the semolina.

The difficulty for parents is purchasing or preparing a significant amount of handouts.


On the Internet and on posters advertising “developmental programs”, you will be offered cutting-edge methods for teaching a child to read at three, two years old, or even from birth. But let's be realistic: per year you need happy mom rather than developmental activities.

The myth that after three already late, is firmly embedded in the minds and hearts of tired parents and is actively fed by marketers.

The authors of the methods unanimously insist that the most natural process of learning for a child is through play, and not through classes in which the parent plays the role of a strict controller. Your main assistant in learning is the curiosity of the child himself.

Some children will study for six months and start reading at three, others need to wait a couple of years to learn in just a month. Focus on the child's interests. If he likes books and pictures, then primers and Folders will come to the rescue. If he is fidgety, then cubes and the Montessori system will help.

In learning to read, everything is simple and complex at the same time. If your child often sees you with a book, and you have a tradition of reading before bed, your chances will increase significantly.

  • Does your baby absolutely not want to look at the letters in the alphabet?
  • Is your child about to start first grade, but can he be forced to read only under pain of being “excommunicated” from the computer?
  • Don’t know how to organize classes with a preschooler in such a way as to save your nerves and not completely discourage his interest in reading?

These and other problems in teaching preschoolers to read can be solved by organizing classes in a playful way. For children preschool age play is the leading form of activity. Therefore, engaging with a preschooler by playing different games is the easiest and most effective way teach him to read.

Before we talk about what games are best to play with your child when learning to read, we will give some general tips on organizing classes.

  1. Exercise regularly! Let the classes be short (5-10 minutes), but daily. This is much more effective for preschoolers than 45-minute lessons once a week.
  2. Exercise everywhere. To learn to read, you don't necessarily have to sit your child at a table with books. You can learn letters in the park while taking a walk, drawing them with chalk on the asphalt or looking at signs, helping mom make cookies in the shape of letters, or studying license plates of cars in the parking lot, etc.
  3. Exercise when your child feels well: he has slept, is active and is ready for new games and activities.
  4. Constantly create situations of success for your child, praise him more often, focus his attention on what he has accomplished, and do not dwell on failures. Classes should be a joy for the child!

And one more thing you definitely need to know when starting to learn to read is in the article on.

What games can you play on different stages teaching preschoolers to read?

1. Studying letters.

If a child has trouble remembering letters, best way to learn them is to “revive” them, to create a vivid association with each letter. You and your child can figure out what a particular letter looks like, or use a variety of materials from the Internet and modern alphabet books.

For example, bright, memorable images of letters for children can be found in Elena Bakhtina’s primer (this book contains not only colorful pictures and recommendations on how to tell a child about each letter, but also colorful templates - letters from this primer can be cut out and played with) .

On the Internet, you can find a lot of coloring pages for children with letters similar to this or that object.

It is also useful in the process of learning letters to repeat short verses that help you remember each letter:

Do you see the tail at the end?
So this is the letter C.

The letter B is like a hippopotamus –
She has a big belly!

G looks like a goose -
The entire letter was bent.

D - a tall house with a roof!
This is the house we live in.

And the poor letter Y
He walks with a cane, alas!

In my work, I use various “reminders” that children associate with one or another letter. You can actively use them in home lessons or come up with your own.

It is very useful to have a special notebook or album in which the letter you have learned will “live” on each page. In this album you can also teach your child to write, paste pictures with words on the desired letter, add poems and coloring pages, creating a selection of materials for each letter. Children are very fascinated by the process of joint creativity, so actively involve them in creating such an album.

Another option is to make a letter house. Choose any size: it can be very small, made from a couple of cardboard sheets, or huge, as tall as a child. The main thing about it is the special pocket windows for letters. In each “apartment” of the letter house, place a letter with your child. To do this, you will need cardboard letters slightly smaller than each window. Mark in any way which apartments already have “residents” and which ones are still empty.

Attach the already learned letters to the outside of the windows (using paper clips) and invite the child to arrange pictures with words into the studied letters in the windows. For example, “treat” the letters: give the child images of products that he must distribute to the desired “apartments”: put a watermelon/apricot in the window with the letter A, a loaf, an eggplant - in the window with the letter B, waffles / grapes - with the letter B and etc.

Similarly, you can visit letters with fairy-tale characters(Pinocchio - to the letter B, Thumbelina - to the letter D, Mowgli - to the letter M, etc.), “dress” the letters (attribute the T-shirt to the letter F, jeans to the letter D, pants to the letter W, etc.) .

The main goal of this game is to teach the child to identify the first letter in a word and easily recognize letters already completed.

Various lotto and domino games are also great for learning letters. It is better to use lotto without picture prompts, this way learning will be much more effective. You can easily make such a lotto yourself. To do this, prepare sheets with 6-8 pictures on each and cardboard cards with in the right letters. Let the child draw cards, read the letters and show which player has the picture for the dropped letter.

2. Add the syllables.

Teaching your child to form syllables may take a little longer than learning letters. The child will have to repeat various syllables many, many times before he masters this skill. So that learning is not a burden for him, but a joy, we continue to play with him. Only now we are playing games with syllables. The main task of this stage is to teach the child to pronounce two letters together.

Apart from syllable lotto, which can be made using the same principle as letter lotto, you can use other homemade games for children to teach them how to add syllables.

— Adventure games (“tracks”).

Adventure games have been and remain one of the most exciting games for children. To make such a game with syllables, take a playing field from any board game. Write various syllables in the empty cells/circles (write in more of those that are difficult for the child). Then play according to the usual rules: roll the dice and go through the squares, reading what is written on them. This way, the child will be able to read fairly long passages with syllables that he would “overcome” in a regular primer with great difficulty.

By analogy with adventure games, you can make various tracks with syllables on which different vehicles: whoever completes the track without making mistakes and as quickly as possible. To do this, you will need cardboard / whatman paper on which a route with syllables will be drawn, and toy cars / trucks / trains / airplanes. Remember that it is very easy to captivate children by adding a competitive aspect to the lessons.

— Games “Shop” and “Mail”.

Prepare coins - circles with written syllables, as well as goods - pictures with products / things that begin with these syllables. You play first as a seller: invite your child to buy something from you on the condition that he will offer the correct coin for the selected product (for example, he can buy cabbage for a coin with the syllable KA, kiwi for a coin with the syllable KI, corn for a coin with the syllable KU, etc.).

Then you can switch roles: you are the buyer, the child is the seller. He must carefully monitor whether you are giving the correct coins for the selected product. Sometimes make a mistake, let your child correct you. The buyer can also be any toy; invite your child to teach her how to correctly name coins with syllables.

Very similar game- “Mail”, only instead of coins you prepare envelopes with syllables, and instead of goods - pictures with animals or fairy-tale characters. The child will be a postman, he must guess from the first syllable written on the envelope who the letter needs to be delivered to. In this game, it is best to read syllables that begin with the same consonant so that the child does not guess the addressee by the first letter.

— Houses with syllables.

Draw several houses, write one syllable on each. Place the houses in front of the child. After that, take several figures of people and, calling the name of each of them, invite the child to guess who lives in which house (Vasya needs to be placed in the house with the syllable VA, Natasha - with the syllable NA, Lisa - with the syllable LI, etc.) .

Another option for this task: let the child come up with names for the little men, place them in houses and write the first syllable of the name on each of them.

Prepare cardboard cards with syllables, cut them into two equal halves horizontally. The child must put these “puzzles” together and name the resulting syllables.

Take several cards with two-syllable words (for example, FEATHER, VASE, CLOCK, FISH). To the left of the picture, place the first syllable of the word. You need to read it clearly, and the child must choose the last syllable correctly. 3-4 possible endings are laid out in front of the child.

More games for learning to read by syllables are in the article on.

3. Read words and sentences.

Learning to read words (and then sentences) presupposes that preschoolers are already actively working with books, but this does not mean that we stop playing in class. On the contrary, “dilute” learning with games as often as possible, switch from one type of activity to another so that the child gets less tired and learning goes more efficiently. Remember: it is not enough to teach a child to read, it is important to instill in him a love of reading.
What games can be offered to parents of preschoolers at this stage of learning to read?

Lay out a trail of words in front of your child. Invite him to choose only “edible” words (or what is green / what is round in shape / only “live” words, etc.). If the track is long, you can take turns reading the words with your child.

Place cut out traces with words around the room (you can use ordinary sheets). Invite your child to walk from one end of the room to the other following these tracks: you can move further only by reading the word you are standing on. The child walks on them himself or with his favorite toy.

— Game “Airport” or “Parking”.

In this game we train the attentiveness of preschoolers. Prepare several cards with very similar words so that the child does not guess the words, but carefully reads them to the end (for example, MOUTH, HORN, GROWTH, HORNS, ROSE, MOUTH, DEW). Place the cards around the room. These will be different airports/parking spaces. The child picks up an airplane (if you play airports) or a car (if you have a parking lot), after which you loudly and clearly call out exactly where he needs to land/park.

— Chains of words in which only one letter changes.

Prepare sheets of paper or an easel. Start writing a chain of words one at a time - change only one letter for each subsequent word, this will train your child to attentive, “tenacious” reading.

Examples of such chains:


Games with a ball, with your favorite toys, to school, hospital or kindergarten- include all this in the process of learning to read. Actively come up with games yourself. Consider what your child is interested in and use that when you sit down to read with your child. Does your daughter love princesses? Ride a carriage along paths with letters/syllables/words. Does your son love superheroes? Make a training track for his favorite character. Invite your child to play school and teach his teddy bear to form two letters into a syllable.

Change the games, carefully monitor what your child likes and what he gets tired of quickly, and then learning will be a joy for you and him! Remember that it is not at all difficult to interest preschoolers; they love to play and will be happy to help you come up with new games during the learning process.

Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, preschool teacher
Svetlana Zyryanova

) is the first book with which one begins to learn to read and write. IN modern life Computer training programs are being introduced everywhere. We have developed a well illustrated online option Primer for children. When developing the Primer, time-tested developments from the Adaline psychological center were used.

Let's turn to history. The first Russian Primer was printed by pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov in Lvov in 1574. The primer contained the alphabet, a section for teaching the letter-subjunctive method, grammar rules, spelling, and reading material. The first Moscow manual for teaching literacy is Vasily Burtsov’s Primer. Published by the Moscow Printing House in 1634. This primer was distinguished by its special elegance and simplicity. The book had a small, convenient format. Unlike Ivan Fedorov, Burtsov highlighted letters, syllables and names of sections of the primer in red. Used in the primer beautiful fonts and graphic design, the construction of each page is clear and well thought out. The primer was compiled according to the model of Fedorov's alphabet. Additionally, we recommend the NEW ABC BOOK (works on all types of computers, adapted to mobile devices).

New video- ABC book on YouTube. Dear parents and teachers! We present to you a new product - a unique VIDEO BOOKER. What is it? These are fascinating video lessons that will allow your child to learn letters in a playful way, learn to read syllables and simple words. Much attention in the video primer is paid to the development of phonemic hearing. The sequence of letters completely coincides with the presentation of material in N.S. Zhukova’s primer. Your child will remember all the letters and easily learn to read simple words and sentences.

Letters. Games with letters. Exercises for repeating and memorizing letters. The exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to remember the image (writing) of printed letters of the Russian alphabet, teach them to identify sounds in words by ear and select words that begin with a given letter. Exercises and games for repeating and memorizing letters have different levels of difficulty. Some children cannot complete all tasks the first time. You can skip the task that caused difficulty and return to...

Syllables. Lessons on reading syllables. On the pages of our website you will find large number materials for teaching children to read syllables and syllable-by-syllable reading of words. Unfortunately, most alphabets and primers that are sold in stores do not have guidelines on how to teach reading syllables. The first pages of such publications introduce children to letters, and then exercises are given for reading syllables and reading words syllable by syllable. Often exercises for reading syllables and syllable reading do not have any explanations. But how can a child read a syllable? In our Primer there is a video with methodological instructions on composing and reading syllables. There are several types of tasks and exercises in the lessons on reading syllables. They are used well in assignments and exercises for lessons. known to the child...

Learning to read words It is recommended to move on to lessons on learning to read words after studying our Primer and following the tasks of the subsections “Games with letters”, “Lessons in reading syllables”. The ability to read words correctly is not enough for a child. He must understand the meaning of what he read. In the previous exercises in the “Teaching to Read” section, much attention was paid to the sound analysis of words and syllables and the development of phonemic hearing. The tasks in the subsection “Learning to read words” are based on six types different methods: linking a word to a visual image; linking a visual image to a word; correlation of individual words with groups of visual images united together by meaning; studying the concepts of part and whole; search for hidden words in the letter table; replacing a letter in a word in order to change the meaning of the word.

If your little student already reads two- and three-syllable words more or less well, then you can move on to reading simple sentences. But, you must admit that it is very boring to read banal phrases like “Mom washes the frame.” How can you make the process of learning to read more fun? What kind of reading game can you come up with so that the child himself is interested in learning to read? We suggest you make a special game for him to teach reading. Making a book - a toy for reading - is not at all difficult. You will need a spring notebook or a regular sketchbook. Notepad (album) pages using...

Teaching reading to preschoolers Learn to read online with entertaining games from the “Teaching reading to preschoolers” section of our website. Here you will find 120 games that teach reading online, divided into 20 lessons for convenience. Online games for learning to read are presented in order of increasing difficulty: first games with letters, then games with syllables, then games with words and games with sentences. Lessons on learning to read also include exercises aimed at developing the skills necessary for learning to read: phonemic awareness, spatial thinking, attention, memory, visual perception. All training is conducted in a fun way.

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