Resh in chemistry 9. GDZ - three letters that will solve problems at school

In chemistry lessons, we progressed to studying important topics in greater detail - breakdowns, chemical reactions, organic compounds, carbohydrates, alcohols, acids. Along with the right tasks, you will complete laboratory studies, and write robots based on their results. Finding the correct skin type from chemistry provides a lot of knowledge. And the stench is formed from the process of wasted learning and repetition of lessons. Ask yourself for homework assignments for the ninth grade in chemistry. This is your special consultant for emergencies, if there is no teacher in charge, and the fathers can’t do their homework.

Find hints for chemistry problems

If it is difficult for you to understand, for example, the interconnections between speeches and mutual transformations, and to reinforce the steps of different movements, then look at the ready-made homework with chemistry for the 9th grade. Everything that you did not fully understand or missed in class, explain in the worksheet. Moreover, it’s so simple and affordable that you’ll definitely get 12 points for your homework. Don’t forget to share the secrets of high grades with other ninth-graders. Even for some of them, the ninth grade will be graduation, and the grades in all subjects will inevitably be garnished.

Read chemistry online - the best solution for current students

If household chores with chemicals have become a necessity for you, hurry up and change the situation. Try GDZ with chemistry for 9th grade with satisfaction, it’s so simple! From your phone or computer, go to the GDZ4YOU website, where there are skin symptoms. Use them freely and without registration. If you can find a number of handbooks for different authors, then on the site you can find versions of the required handbook. Regardless of what you know, the portal is available forever. One mind - connecting to the Internet.

Be a prodigy with a solution book

A leather item, which is typical for 9th graders at school, can be read with a textbook for 9th graders. Including geography, which is rich and always knowledgeable. This is an object that allows you to learn a lot about the whole world - land, oceans. With it, students can spend a lesson going from day to day, visiting different places on earth. With the help of contour maps, students begin to apply and recognize different meanings. And the smell of the atlas and maps of the stench may reveal a lot about the skin of the continent.

Images of textbook covers are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1, part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)


  • Gabrielyan, Sladkov Bustard
  • Notebook for assessing the quality of knowledge in chemistry, grade 9. Federal State Educational Standard Gabrielyan, Kuptsova Bustard
  • Workbook on chemistry 9th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Gabruseva Enlightenment
  • Exercise book for chemistry 9th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Gara Enlightenment
  • Exam notebook for chemistry grade 9. Federal State Educational Standard Bobyleva, Biryulina Education
  • Workbook on chemistry 9th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Borovskikh. To the Rudzitis textbook Exam
  • Workbook on chemistry 9th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Mikityuk. To Gabrielyan's textbook Exam


GDZ - three letters that will solve problems at school

  • Chemistry is a rather specific subject and with each academic year it becomes not as easy to understand as before. Understand some topics in a few minutes school lessons It doesn’t always work out; hiring a tutor is sometimes not financially accessible, so the solution books have created a real sensation.
  • If you are an ordinary schoolchild and chemistry is not the most understandable subject for you - GDZ your salvation. If you are an excellent student, but want to know additional solution algorithms, analyze a difficult problem in detail, or want to test yourself, this workbook is for you. If you are a parent and have completely forgotten that there is valence and chemical formulas, and check homework your student needs - this workbook is the perfect assistant. If you are a chemistry teacher who wants to strictly control educational process and, without solving the problem yourself, quickly find out the answer - this book is a hint that will help you too.
  • Nowadays you can buy a chemistry textbook in almost every bookstore, but is it worth giving away your money forever if you only need one? academic year. It is much easier to download the electronic version GDZ on the Internet or look up the answers online. One small file will contain the entire chemistry program for grade 9. Thanks to GDZ chemistry will become more accessible and studying more enjoyable.
  • Many ninth-graders choose chemistry as a discipline that they plan to take for the OGE. First of all, these are those graduates who plan to enter medical and agricultural colleges, where this subject is the leading and basic one. A competent attitude towards intensive work, responsibility, and scrupulousness will help ninth-graders prepare effectively. To help - a high-quality set of teaching aids and workbooks for them. It is enough to allocate a certain amount of time regularly for preparation, and the result will not be long in coming.
  • By using GDZ You can not only prepare for VPR, diagnostic and final tests. The collections will allow independent work for subject Olympiads in the discipline. For ninth-graders, winning it may mean the opportunity to enter universities at the end of the eleventh grade without internal exams or with other privileges. For winners in 9th grade, the advantage remains for the next two years. Schoolchildren can create the set of educational, methodological and informational literature necessary for preparation on their own or by turning to specialists for help - school teachers, tutors, heads of clubs and courses.
  • The following sections of the chemistry discipline in grade 9 are recognized as the most difficult for students to study and understand:
    - chemical elements and their characteristics;
    - periodic table D.I. Mendeleev and the periodic law;
    - reactions and their catalysts;
    - concepts and properties of metals and non-metals from the point of view of chemistry;
    - inorganic substances and their main properties.
  • A number of textbooks suggest preparation for the final certification during the last school quarter. You can also create your own educational complex, focusing on your tasks and goals. In such a kit, in addition to the standard teaching aid According to theory, you should include:
    - workbook in chemistry;
    - notebook for practical and laboratory experiments;
    - verification and control work;
    - tests, tasks and exercises in chemistry.
  • For those studying independently and those in family education, you can include in the kit work programs and lesson plans in chemistry for grade 9, methodological developments teachers and experts, notebooks and collections for assessing the quality of knowledge.

Chemistry workbook for grade 9 Gabrielyan is a collection of solutions and answers, a set of ready-made homework assignments based on a textbook compiled for grade 9 by an authoritative Russian teacher and scientist - Gabrielyan O.S. It is designed to help schoolchildren in studying chemistry - practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge.

Chemistry solution book 9th grade Gabrielyan - white textbook 2014-2017

Chemistry is a rather complex subject. That is why, according to statistics, 60-65% of schoolchildren make mistakes in solving homework problems. How to solve this problem? It is not at all necessary to look for an expensive tutor - a student is able to independently understand the reaction equations and determine the mass of a complex solution if he uses the Gabrielyan GDZ in chemistry for grade 9.

Our website is an advanced system for using online answers to problems and examples in 9th grade chemistry. Schoolchildren or their parents can access the site using a tablet or phone and use the number to find the answer they need.

The advantages of our site over other RuNet resources are:

  • regular updating of the database of solvers;
  • offering several solutions for each task.

By turning to the solutions on our site, ninth-graders will be able to understand the scheme for solving chemistry problems and composing reaction equations. this knowledge will help them in completing tests and passing exams. Parents, on the basis of ready-made answers, will be able to check the correctness of their children’s homework.

GDZ in Chemistry 9th grade Gabrielyan O.S. - answers to textbook questions

Currently, in secondary schools in Russia they use a textbook for grade 9 by Gabrielyan O.S., which was released in 2014 in its 2nd edition by the Drofa publishing house.

The textbook consists of 42 paragraphs, which cover the main issues not organic chemistry:

  1. table patterns chemical elements Mendeleeva D.I. and its structure;
  2. types of metals, their physical and chemical properties;
  3. non-metals, their properties and areas of use.

Textbook by Gabrielyan O.S. also contains questions, examples and assignments for reviewing chemistry in grades 8-9. Test tasks sections allow you to test and consolidate theoretical knowledge.

Such a comprehensive structure allows schoolchildren to successfully complete homework, solve test papers, pass exams and even use the knowledge gained when entering universities.

Ready-made Homework (HH) for the textbook by Rudzitis G.E. "Chemistry. 9th grade" is a book that includes solved examples and problems. Will ready-made answers be a “disservice” to a ninth-grader? Many teachers say that such a manual is a lifeline for schoolchildren who do poorly in chemistry. And all those who are interested in chemistry and want to continue their studies will be able to check their answers and solutions.

What kind of chemistry help does a student need?

Not every academic subject schoolchildren learn without problems. Some people, from the 8th grade, begin to view chemistry as a very complex and incomprehensible science. Problems begin when you need to remember chemical symbols, valency, be able to determine coefficients in equations and perform calculations. Difficulties may be temporary and the student just needs to be more confident in understanding the material that is incomprehensible to him.

Using the GDZ, the child will begin to understand the essence of the questions and tasks proposed in Rudzitis’s textbook. In addition to reaction equations and answers to problems, the workbook provides reasoned explanations and action algorithms. These samples will help a ninth grader better complete academic assignments in class and at home.

How to use GDZ?

The workbook is suitable for consolidating and self-testing topics studied in class. The first chapter that is studied from Rudzitis's textbook is “Electrolytic dissociation” - one of the most complex sections of chemistry. The author also included several topics from organic chemistry, basics chemical production. Thanks to the GDZ, a ninth-grader will be able to check the completion of the teacher’s most difficult tasks in class and homework. Many people use it to find errors in calculations or reaction equations, due to which the answer does not converge.

The manual gives parents of schoolchildren the opportunity to see what their child’s progress is in mastering chemistry. The book allows you to control academic work and help in learning difficult course. The manual can be used online on our website. Each re-edition of Rudzitis's textbook offers its own version of the GDZ.