Mikhail Boyarsky: d'Artagnan's personal life, children and grandchildren. Elizaveta Boyarskaya actress: personal life, photos, husband, children Famous Russian actresses

For her first creative evening, 26-year-old actress Liza Boyarskaya, who recently became a mother, invited fans not to some pretentious hall, but to a rotunda in Komarovo, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. In the interview, she spoke, among other things, about her charitable activities.

Mikhail Sadchikov,

“Evening Petersburg” (St. Petersburg), No. 118, 07/03/2012

For her first creative evening, the 26-year-old actress, who recently became a mother, invited fans not to some pretentious hall, but to a rotunda in Komarovo, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland

The idea of ​​such a meeting came to the mind of Lisa’s longtime acquaintance, TV presenter Pyotr Fadeev, who became the curator of the “Art-Surf” project. A chamber hall with seating for two hundred, a stone's throw from the bay, gentle sun, the sound of pine trees and the surf... Nevertheless, Lisa was worried as if entrance exam to the Theater Academy, but gradually pulled herself together - she read poems by Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva, prose by Tolstoy and Chekhov, and responded to notes. Her beloved aunt, theater critic and writer Ekaterina Boyarskaya, came to support her, but famous parents We stayed at the dacha with two-month-old Andrei, and Lisa’s husband, actor Maxim Matveev, who had just returned from a month and a half of filming in Malta, was also there.

I was just eager to get on stage!

Lisa, once again on behalf of all the readers of "Evening" we congratulate you on the birth of your son! Please tell us about Andrei Maksimovich Matveev.

- (Smiles happily.) What to tell... This one young man Another very short biography, in two months he has learned a lot, he is already consciously looking at his parents and our entire family. I can tell he's surrounded incredible love from my side, my husband, two grandmothers, grandfather, uncle and aunt, two sisters, endless nannies in the person of friends, because now we live in the country, and Katya’s friend, my eldest niece, takes turns with pleasure to babysit him. In general, Andrei Maksimovich grows up in a sea of ​​love - this is the most important thing, because this is generally the most important thing for any child.

You surprised many by literally a month later returning to the stage of the MDT - Theater of Europe in the most complex play “Life and Fate”... Was this return easy for you?

To be honest, I was just eager to go on stage. Not because I felt bad at home - no, I feel very good at home, and I am now ready to take care of my son 24 hours a day. But just the stage is a drug, a good drug, without which I can no longer live. When I left the house, got into the car and drove to the theater, it was as if I had been injected with an incredible dose of oxygen, I was in a wonderful mood, I felt light, flying. I was very glad that I returned, and quite quickly. I really love the play based on Vasily Grossman’s novel “Life and Fate,” but in the new capacity everything was a little different. It was surprising that there was some kind of calm. Not peace, because Lev Abramovich always emphasizes these things: “Not peace, but inner peace". I tried to fill the role with some new meaning. It was so great, some new sensations arose, and I hope that I will continue to experience them in other performances. I’m looking forward to the September premiere of Lev Abramovich Dodin’s play “Intrigue and Love" based on Schiller's play, where I play the role of Louise. But I will act less often, because I don’t want and can’t be away from my son for a long time...

All summer in St. Petersburg Memorial Museum family of actors Samoilov opened the exhibition "Acting dynasties. Boyars". Personal belongings, old photographs, theater posters and costumes, newspaper clippings, letters from the front... Live roses stand near the portrait of Ekaterina Nikolaevna Boyanovskaya-Boyarskaya: an educated St. Petersburg girl from the Silver Age, a big theater goer, and then the wife of a priest who was repressed in Stalin's times , gave rise to an acting dynasty - the Boyarskys. After viewing this exhibition, you get the feeling that you, Lisa, were destined to be an actress!

Probably so - since it was fate to be born into such a family. My aunt, theater critic Ekaterina Boyarskaya, wrote the book “The Theater Dynasty of the Boyarskys.” From her, from my father’s stories, I learned many facts that amazed me.

Of course, I was aware that we big family, but I didn’t realize that the roots were so deep.

My great-grandfather was Alexander Ivanovich - Father Alexander, father, professor of theology, Metropolitan of Ivanovo and Kineshma, Archbishop... His fate was tragic: after the revolution, persecution of clergy began, and from the beginning of the 20s, my great-grandfather was arrested many times, then released, but the Bolsheviks They took him away in 1936, and the whole family was scattered across the country. And from 1936 to 1956, twenty long years, my great-grandmother Ekaterina Nikolaevna, not wanting to consider herself a widow, waited for her husband. She prayed and hoped that a miracle would happen and he would return... She and Ekaterina Nikolaevna gave birth to four sons, four heroes! It is also surprising that in some unknown way, in the family of the clergyman, among his sons, arose irresistible craving to the theater! My Boyarsky grandfathers became wonderful theater actors, and only then passed on their art to my father. It’s breathtaking to realize how many stormy, dramatic, incredible events took place in the family where you were born... I first wanted to go to the University, to the PR department, but the decision to go to the Theater Academy came at the last moment and, no matter how strange, largely spontaneous. Something pushed me... And I decided that at the academy I should not just study, but also invent how to “rock” for myself. And this “fate” was the idea of ​​continuing the Boyarsky dynasty...

If Andrey, when he grows up, decides to become an actor, Maxim and I, of course, will be in favor, although only he will make the choice.

Woe-fathers, frightened by problems, flee the ship

Family, theater, filming... But, despite your busy schedule, you continue to actively participate in charitable projects of the St. Petersburg Sun Foundation, to help children... What kind of need is this - to do good deeds?

I try not to just study charitable projects from the “everything in a row” series, and focus on one problem - the fate of children born ahead of schedule. Our state has a rehabilitation program for such children. It lasts for a month or two, after which the child and mother return home and face a bunch of problems, especially if they are single mothers (and this is not uncommon, because unfortunate fathers, frightened by problems, jump ship!). Many mothers, completely at a loss, send their babies to orphanages, abandon them, and then bitterly regret it... So we, together with the Sun Foundation, decided to help mothers who were left alone after rehabilitation: find doctors, medicines, complete nutrition. There is no structure for subsequent rehabilitation yet. Last year at a meeting of representatives charitable funds with Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev in St. Petersburg, I raised this issue and received support, but things are still there. But we don’t give up, we’ve developed a whole assistance program, and we’re finding money. If we help ten to twenty mothers, then that’s a lot.

The idea of ​​such a meeting came to the mind of Lisa’s longtime acquaintance, TV presenter Pyotr Fadeev, who became the curator of the “Art-Surf” project. A chamber hall with two hundred seats a stone's throw from the bay, the gentle sun, the sound of pine trees and the surf... Nevertheless, Lisa was worried, as if she were taking the entrance exam to the Theater Academy, but gradually pulled herself together - she read poems by Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva, prose by Tolstoy and Chekhov , answered notes. Her beloved aunt, theater critic and writer Ekaterina Boyarskaya, came to support her, but the famous parents stayed at the dacha with two-month-old Andrei, and Lisa’s husband, actor Maxim Matveev, who had just returned from a month and a half of filming in Malta, was also there.

I was just eager to get on stage!

— Lisa, once again on behalf of all the readers of “Evening” we congratulate you on the birth of your son! Please tell us about Andrei Maksimovich Matveev.
- (Smiles happily.) What can I tell you... This young man still has a very short biography, in two months he has learned a lot, he is already consciously looking at his parents and our entire family. I can say that he is surrounded by incredible love from me, my husband, two grandmothers, grandfather, uncle and aunt, two sisters, endless nannies in the person of friends, because now we live in the country, and my friend Katya, my eldest niece, in turn It's a pleasure to babysit him. In general, Andrei Maksimovich grows up in a sea of ​​love - this is the most important thing, because this is generally the most important thing for any child.

— You surprised many by literally a month later returning to the stage of the MDT - Theater of Europe in the most complex play “Life and Fate”... Was this return easy for you?
— To be honest, I was just eager to go on stage. Not because I felt bad at home - no, I feel very good at home, and I am now ready to take care of my son 24 hours a day. But the stage is just a drug, a good drug, without which I can no longer live. When I left the house, got into the car and drove to the theater, it was as if I had been injected with an incredible dose of oxygen, I was in a wonderful mood, I felt light, flying. I was very glad that I returned, and quite quickly. I really love the play based on Vasily Grossman’s novel “Life and Fate,” but in the new capacity everything was a little different. It was surprising that there was some kind of calm. Not peace, because Lev Abramovich always emphasizes these things: “ Not peace, but inner peace" I tried to fill the role with some new meaning. It was so great, some new sensations arose, and I hope that I will continue to experience them in other performances. I’m looking forward to the September premiere of Lev Abramovich Dodin’s play “Cunning and Love” based on Schiller’s play, where I play the role of Louise. But I will act less often, because I don’t want and can’t be away from my son for a long time...

— All summer, the exhibition “Acting Dynasties. Boyarskie". Personal belongings, old photographs, theater posters and costumes, newspaper clippings, letters from the front... Living roses stand near the portrait of Ekaterina Nikolaevna Boyanovskaya-Boyarskaya: an educated St. Petersburg girl from the Silver Age, a big theater goer, and then the wife of a priest, repressed in Stalin’s times, gave the beginning of the acting dynasty - the Boyarskys. After viewing this exhibition, you get the feeling that you, Lisa, were destined to be an actress!
“Probably so, since I was destined to be born into such a family.” My aunt theater critic Ekaterina Boyarskaya wrote a book “ Theater dynasty of the Boyarskys" From her, from my father’s stories, I learned many facts that amazed me.

Of course, I was aware that we have a large family, but I didn’t realize that the roots were so deep.

My great-grandfather was Alexander Ivanovich - Father Alexander, father, professor of theology, Metropolitan of Ivanovo and Kineshma, Archbishop... His fate was tragic: after the revolution, persecution of clergy began, and from the beginning of the 20s, my great-grandfather was arrested many times, then released, but the Bolsheviks took him away in 1936, and the whole family was scattered across the country. And from 1936 to 1956, twenty long years, my great-grandmother Ekaterina Nikolaevna, not wanting to consider herself a widow, waited for her husband. She prayed and hoped that a miracle would happen and he would return... She and Ekaterina Nikolaevna gave birth to four sons, four heroes! It is also surprising that in some unknown way, in the family of the clergyman, his sons, an irresistible craving for the theater arose! My Boyarsky grandfathers became wonderful theater actors, and only then passed on their art to my father. It’s breathtaking to realize how many stormy, dramatic, incredible events took place in the family where you were born... I first wanted to go to the University, to the PR department, but the decision to go to the Theater Academy came at the last moment and, oddly enough, largely spontaneously. Something pushed me... And I decided that at the academy I should not just study, but also invent how to “rock” for myself. And this “fate” was the idea of ​​continuing the Boyarsky dynasty...

If Andrey, when he grows up, decides to become an actor, Maxim and I, of course, will be in favor, although only he will make the choice.

After a creative evening in Komarov, Liza Boyarskaya planted a Christmas tree on the Avenue of Stars “ Art surf».

Woe-fathers, frightened by problems, flee the ship

- Family, theater, filming... But, despite your busy schedule, you continue to actively participate in charitable projects of the St. Petersburg Sun Foundation, helping children... What kind of need is this - to do good deeds?
— I try not to just study charitable projects from the “everything in a row” series, and focus on one problem - the fate of children born prematurely. Our state has a rehabilitation program for such children. It lasts for a month or two, after which the child and mother return home and face a bunch of problems, especially if they are single mothers (and this is not uncommon, because unfortunate fathers, frightened by problems, jump ship!). Many mothers, completely at a loss, send their babies to orphanages, abandon them, and then bitterly regret it... So we, together with the Sun Foundation, decided to help mothers who were left alone after rehabilitation: find doctors, medicines, nutritious food . There is no structure for subsequent rehabilitation yet. Last year at a meeting of representatives charitable foundations I raised this issue with Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev in St. Petersburg and received support, but the situation is still there. But we don’t give up, we’ve developed a whole assistance program, and we’re finding money. If we help ten to twenty mothers, then that’s a lot.

Photo by Mikhail Sadchikov Jr. Star of "Hipsters", "Anna Karenina", "MosGaz" and "Demons", an irreplaceable member of the Moscow Art Theater troupe. Chekhov, actor Maxim Matveev passed long haul, before he began to be called “the star of the young generation” by both loyal viewers and demanding critics.

Childhood and family of Maxim Matveev

Maxim Aleksandrovich Matveev was born on July 28, 1982 in the city of Svetly Kaliningrad region. His relatives, simple Soviet workers, were far from the world of art.

Mom Lyudmila Vladimirovna is a philologist and worked as a librarian. The boy did not know his own father. The boy was mainly raised by his grandfather, who, according to the actor’s recollections, had golden hands. “He asked me to draw whatever I wanted. I drew, and three hours later my grandfather made a toy based on my sketch,” said Maxim.

Maxim’s grandmother worked as a usher at a local cinema and, of course, allowed her grandson to attend all screenings for free. There the boy met many masterpieces of the Hollywood film industry, but the strongest impression on him was made by “ Star wars" For a long time, in his fantasies, he imagined himself as a Jedi with a laser sword at the ready.

When Maxim turned 10 years old, his mother found new love, and the young man had a stepfather, a sailor by profession. In 1992, the family moved to Saratov, to her husband’s homeland, where Maxim had a half-brother, Volodya.

Maxim Matveev. White studio

Maxim studied well at school and graduated with a silver medal. He was a rather withdrawn child: he hardly communicated with anyone, during recess he preferred not to play with his peers, but to cook homework. But by the time he was in high school, a rebellious spirit awoke in him: he grew long hair and started listening to heavy metal.

As a child, Maxim Matveev wanted to become a surgeon, then he got the idea of ​​becoming a fencer. However, creativity has always remained an important part of his life. In his youth he visited art school, later for lessons fine arts added extracurricular activities acting skills. Despite this, after graduating from school, Maxim did not think about becoming an actor. He couldn’t decide what he wanted to do in his adult life, and his parents simply presented him with a fait accompli: “You’re going to become a lawyer.” But then the course of his fate was changed by Mr. Chance.

Start of a career

In his senior year, Matveev decided to take part in a couples competition at the theater department of the Saratov Conservatory. It was there that theater teacher Vladimir Smirnov drew attention to him, and suggested that the guy try his hand at acting. Heeding the advice, he submitted documents and immediately became a second-year student at the theater department of the Saratov Conservatory. Thanks to the efforts of his teacher Valentina Ermakova, Maxim quickly improved his skills, rejecting numerous offers to appear in advertising, a photo shoot, or even a film for adults (he was offered that too!). As a result, for his graduation performances “God’s Clown” and “Don Juan” Maxim received the highest marks from the commission members.

Having received a diploma from the Saratov Conservatory, Maxim tried his luck at the Moscow Art Theater School. He, a modest boy from Saratov, went to the capital without much preparation; in his own words, the audition material was one-sided. When the examiners asked whether he had prepared anything else, Maxim replied: “No, but soon!” The morning after sleepless night he came fully armed and was asked to dance. He was sure that he had failed, but the talented young man found a place on the course of Igor Zolotovitsky and Sergei Zemtsov.

In parallel with his studies, Maxim Matveev began to often perform on stage. Thus, he played the role of the knight Jorpheus in the famous play “The Beast of Piedmont”, and then also appeared in the production of “The Last Victim”. Although the actor recalled his first appearance on the Moscow Art Theater stage with shame: “I played in the same play with Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina. And I couldn't be heard. At all. After the performance, Oleg Pavlovich told me: “Well, old man, we have to work and work.”

As a result, having successfully graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, in 2006 Maxim Matveev got a job at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. In subsequent years, the actor played a huge number of wonderful roles on the local stage. Among his best works are the performances “The Cabal of the Holy One,” “King Lear,” and “The Artist.” According to famous theater critics, best job young actor is the role of Goring in the production of " Ideal husband"by Oscar Wilde.

Maxim Matveev in the cinema

While still studying, Matveev was offered a role in the series “Poor Nastya” with Elena Korikova. The character was important for the plot, and the fee for filming would have been enough for a four-room apartment in Moscow. But Maxim heeded the words of Zolotovitsky, who convinced his ward not to rush, but to study diligently. The actor himself understood this, for whom a place at the Moscow Art Theater even then meant more than the fleeting fame of a handsome serial actor.

Maxim’s first film role was Valery Todorovsky’s “Vise,” and a year later viewers saw him in “Hipsters,” a motley musical by the same director with Anton Shagin and Oksana Akinshina.

“Hipsters”: Maxim Matveev – “My little baby”

This was followed by roles in the films “New Year’s Tariff”, “I Won’t Tell”, “On the Hook”, “Exchange Wedding”. All these films were commercial success, so the name of Maxim Matveev did not disappear from the radars of directors and producers

Ordinary spectators also loved Maxim Matveev. His performances were always sold out. And during various film festivals, the queue for his autographs was always especially impressive.

In the second half of the 2000s, Maxim Matveev began to appear frequently not only on big screens, but also on television. He again stepped into the world of Russian TV series very confidently, playing main role in the TV project " Tula Tokarev" After that, there were filming in the TV series “Yalta-45”, “Diamond Hunters”, “Military Hospital”, as well as roles in the television films “Captains”, “Santa Claus Always Calls Three Times” and many others.

In 2012, Maxim Matveev’s filmography was replenished with several successful projects: the series “MosGaz” with Andrei Smolyakov (operetta artist Vlad Vikhrov), and the military drama “August. Eighth" (peacekeeper commander Alexey).

In 2013, the actor’s popularity was bolstered by his participation in Stanislav Govorukhin’s detective story “Weekend”, the romantic comedy “Loves Not Loves” with Svetlana Khodchenkova and Lyubov Aksenova, and the adventure “Fort Ross”, where Anna Starshenbaum became Maxim’s partner.

And after 2014, Maxim Matveev began to be recognized on the street as Nikolai Stavrogin from Vladimir Khotinenko’s mini-series “Demons,” a film adaptation of Dostoevsky’s work of the same name, on which the actor worked together with the already well-known Anton Shagin, Sergei Makovetsky and Maria Lugova.

In the same year, he played the main role in the film adaptation of Sergei Minaev’s novel “The Heifers,” and also appeared in the sports drama “They Played for the Motherland.”

At the beginning of 2017, viewers could enjoy the performance of Maxim Matveev in two major projects at once. The first is a multi-part film adaptation of the biography of the spy-dancer Mata Hari, played by the Frenchwoman Vaina Giocante. Maxim Matveev himself appeared in the image of captain Vladimir Maslov, in love with a beautiful girl.

A month after the premiere of the series “Mata Hari,” Karen Shakhnazarov’s series “Anna Karenina” was presented to the public (although its filming ended earlier). Maxim Matveev played Alexei Vronsky, and the role of his lover, Anna Karenina, was played by Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

The actor's main competitor was Konstantin Kryukov, but since Lisa was approved for the role of Anna before casting for the role of Vronsky, Maxim had an advantage - he and his wife did not have to “play off” and play passion. “Playing love with your wife is much easier than with any other actress,” Maxim shared in an interview.

Actor Mikhail Boyarsky celebrates his 65th birthday today. The day before, the birthday boy’s colleague Kira Kreylis-Petrova revealed an unexpected truth about Boyarsky and his personal life.

It turns out that the country's most famous d'Artagnan has illegitimate child. “Mishka is a womanizer, and he doesn’t hide it. He always had a lot of ladies who adored him and hung around his neck,” she told Express Newspaper.

The actress admitted that once, even before her marriage to Larisa Luppian, Mikhail began an affair with her friend. It was short-lived, but after it the woman had a child from Boyarsky, whom she gave birth to “for herself.”

Now Mikhail Boyarsky does not communicate with anyone illegitimate son, nor with his ex-lover.

Let us recall that Boyarsky is married, his wife is actress Larisa Reginaldovna Luppian (January 26, 1953). The marriage produced two children.

Daughter - actress Elizaveta Mikhailovna Boyarskaya (December 20, 1985). In 2007 she graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts (course of Lev Dodin).

Lisa's husband and Boyarsky's son-in-law is actor Maxim Aleksandrovich Matveev (July 28, 1982). Grandson - Andrey Maksimovich Matveev (April 7, 2012), son of Elizaveta Boyarskaya and her husband Maxim Matveev.

Son - Sergei Mikhailovich Boyarsky (January 24, 1980), played in two films as a child: 1984 - “Bouquet of Mimosa and Other Flowers” ​​(Nikita, Maryana’s son) and 1992 - “The Musketeers Twenty Years Later” (Charles II in childhood).

In the mid-1980s, Viktor Reznikov and Mikhail Boyarsky created a musical quartet, which also included their sons, Andrei Reznikov and Sergei Boyarsky. In 1986, the quartet became famous with the song Dinosaurs, Sergei appeared on stage for the first time.

Having matured, Sergei Boyarsky created a group and released a music album. There he became a businessman. The guy graduated from the Northwestern Academy of Public Service under the President Russian Federation, Faculty of Economics and Finance.

Got a second one higher education at the Faculty of State and municipal government Northwestern Academy of Public Service.

He was a candidate for deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, a member of the party " United Russia", but lost the elections. In 2012 he headed the St. Petersburg TV channel "St. Petersburg" (Channel Five).

The eldest granddaughter is Ekaterina Sergeevna Boyarskaya (born November 28, 1998), eldest daughter Sergei Boyarsky and his wife Ekaterina Sergeevna Boyarskaya.

Youngest granddaughter - Alexandra Sergeevna Boyarskaya (born May 27, 2008), youngest daughter Sergei Boyarsky and his wife Ekaterina Boyarskaya.

In his youth, Mikhail Boyarsky was heavily addicted to alcohol, which led to pancreatitis when Boyarsky was thirty-five years old.

And in 1994, the actor’s diabetes mellitus. Currently, the actor is forced to give himself four to five insulin injections every day.