Happy birthday letters to print in a beautiful font. How to make letters on the entire A4 sheet in Word

Since you are interested in this article, the worst thing is behind you, namely, coming up with a nickname from scratch. But many people don’t like a “bare” name in Russian or English, since it doesn’t stand out too much from others, so various special characters will come to your aid, designed to diversify the familiar alphabet as much as possible and make your nickname unique. On this page you will find a large collection of various symbols, letters and emoticons.
Choose and decorate!

Letters for nicknames

Russian alphabet

А Ꭿ ₳ Ǻ ǻ α ά Ǡ ẫ Ắ ắ Ằ ằ ẳ Ẵ ẵ Ä ª ä Å À Á Â å ã â à á Ã ᗩ @ Ⱥ Ǟ

B Ҕ ҕ Ϭ ϭ চ ঢ় ƃ ɓ

In ℬ Ᏸ β ฿ ß ᗷ ᗽ ᗾ ᗿ Ɓ Ᏸ ᗸ ᗹ ᛔ

G ୮ ┍ ℾ

D ℊ ∂

E ℰ ℯ ໂ ६ Ē ℮ ē Ė ė Ę ě Ě ę Έ ê Ê È € É Ế Ề Ể Ễ é è عЄ є έ ε Ҿ ҿ

Ж ᛤ ♅ Җ җ Ӝ ӝ Ӂ ӂ

Z Յ ℨჳ

And น ự Ӥ ӥ Ũ ũ Ū ū Ŭ ŭ Ù ú Ú ù Ҋ ҋ

K ᛕ ₭ Ꮶ Ќ k ќ ķ Ķ Ҝ ҝ ᶄ Ҡ ҡ

L ለ ሉ ሊ ሌ ል ሎ Ꮧ Ꮑ


N ਮ ዘ ዙ ዚ ዛ ዜ ዝ ዞ ዟ ℍ ℋ ℎ ℌ ℏ ዙ Ꮵ Ĥ Ħ Ή Ḩ Ӈ ӈ

About ტ ó ό σ ǿ Ǿ Θ ò Ó Ò Ô ô Ö ö Õ õ ờ ớ ọ Ọ ợ Ợ ø Ø Ό Ở Ờ Ớ ​​Ổ Ợ Ō ō Ő

P Ո गກ ⋒ Ҧ ҧ

Р թ ℙ ℘ ρ Ꭾ Ꮅ 尸 Ҏ ҏ ᶈ ₱ ☧ ᖘ ק ₽ Ƿ Ҏ ҏ

With Ⴚ ☾ ℭ ℂ Ç ¢ ç Č ċ Ċ ĉ ς Ĉ ć Ć č Ḉ ḉ ⊂ Ꮸ ₡ ¢

T ⍑ ⍡ T t τ Ţ Ť Ŧ Ṫ ₮

У ע ɣ Ꭹ Ꮍ Ẏ ẏ ϒ ɤ ¥ ௶ Ⴘ

F Փ փ Ⴔ ቁ ቂ ቃ ቄ ቅ ቆ ቇ ቈ ᛄ

Х א χ × ✗ ✘ ᙭ ჯ Ẍ ẍ ᶍ

Ts Ա ų

Ch Կ կ ੫ Ⴁ Ӵ ӵ Ҹ ҹ

Ш ש ᗯ ᙡ ω

Shch պખ

Ъ Ѣ ѣ ৮

ы Ӹ ӹ

b Ѣ ѣ ৮

E ∋ ∌ ∍ ヨ Ӭ ӭ ℈

Yu ਠ

English alphabet

А Ꭿ ∀ ₳ Ǻ ǻ α ά Ǡ Ắ ắ Ằ ằ ẳ Ẵ ẵ Ä ª ä Å À Á Â å ã â à á Ã ᗩ @ Ⱥ Ǟ

B ℬ Ᏸ β ฿ ß Ђ ᗷ ᗽ ᗾ ᗿ Ɓ ƀ ხ ␢ Ᏸ ᗸ ᗹ ᛔ

C ☾ ℭ ℂ Ç ¢ ç Č ċ Ċ ĉ ς Ĉ ć Ć č Ḉ ḉ ⊂ Ꮸ ₡ ¢ Ⴚ

D ᗫ Ɗ Ď ď Đ đ ð ∂ ₫ ȡ ᚦ ᚧ

E ℰ ℯ ໂ ६ £ Ē ℮ ē Ė ė Ę ě Ě ę Έ ê ξ Ê È € É ∑ Ế Ề Ể Ễ é è عЄ є έ ε Ҿ ҿ


G Ꮹ Ꮆ ℊ Ǥ ǥ Ĝ ĝ Ğ ğ Ġ ġ Ģ ģ פ ᶃ ₲

H ℍ ℋ ℎ ℌ ℏ ዙ Ꮵ Ĥ Ħ ħ Ή 廾 Ћ ђ Ḩ Һ ḩ ♄ ਮ

I ℐ ί ι Ï Ί Î ì Ì í Í î ϊ ΐ Ĩ ĩ Ī ī Ĭ ĭ İ į Į Ꭵ

J ჟ Ĵ ĵ ᶖ ɉ ℑ

K ₭ Ꮶ Ќ k ќ ķ Ķ Ҝ ҝ ᶄ Ҡ ҡ

L ℒ ℓ Ŀ ŀ Ĺ ĺ Ļ ļ λ ₤ Ł ł ľ Ľ Ḽ ḽ ȴ Ꮭ


N ℕ η ñ ח Ñ ή ŋ Ŋ Ń ń Ņ ņ Ň ň ʼn ȵ ℵ ₦ ห ກ ⋒ Ӈ ӈ

O ტ ó ό σ ǿ Ǿ Θ ò Ó Ò Ô ô Ö ö Õ õ ờ ớ ọ Ọ ợ Ợ ø Ø Ό Ở Ờ Ớ ​​Ổ Ợ Ō ō Ő

P ℙ ℘ ρ Ꭾ Ꮅ 尸 Ҏ ҏ ᶈ ₱ ☧ ᖘ ק ₽ թ Ƿ Ҏ ҏ

Q ℚ q Q ᶐ Ǭ ǭ ჹ ૧

R ℝ ℜ ℛ ℟ ჩ ᖇ ř Ř ŗ Ŗ ŕ Ŕ ᶉ Ꮢ 尺 ᚱ

S Ꮥ Ṧ ṧ ȿ § Ś ś š Š ş Ş ŝ Ŝ ₰ ∫ $ ֆ Տ క

T ₸ † T t τ Ţ ţ Ť ť ŧ Ŧ 干 Ṫ ṫ ナ Ꮏ Ꮖ テ ₮ ⍡

U ∪ ᙀ Ũ Ủ Ừ Ử Ữ Ự ύ ϋ ú Ú ΰ ù Û û Ü ử ữ ự ü ừ Ũ ũ Ū ū Ŭ ŭ ų Ų ű Ű ů Ů น Ա

V ✔ ✓ ∨ √ Ꮙ Ṽ ṽ ᶌ \/ ℣

W ₩ ẃ Ẃ ẁ Ẁ ẅ ώ ω ŵ Ŵ Ꮤ Ꮃ ฬ ᗯ ᙡ Ẅ ѡ ಎ ಭ Ꮚ Ꮗ ผ ฝ พ ฟ

X χ × ✗ ✘ ᙭ ჯ Ẍ ẍ ᶍ א

Y ɣ Ꭹ Ꮍ Ẏ ẏ ϒ ɤ ¥ ע ௶ Ⴘ


Symbols for nicknames


♪ ♫ ♭ ♮ ♯ ° ø ☼ ⊙ ☉ ℃ ℉° ϟ √ ™ ℠ © ® ℗ ♀ ♂ Σ ♡ ★☻ ☼ ℃ ℉ ° ϟ ⚢ ⚣ ⚤ ⚥ ⚦ ⚧ ⚨ ⚩ ▲ ▼◆ ◎ Δ ◕ # ◔ Ω ʊ ღ ™ © ® ¿ ¡ ‼ ‽ ★ ☆ ✪ ✫ ✯ ✡ ⚝ ⚹ ✵ ❉ ❋ ✺ ✹ ✸ ✶ ✷ ✵ ✴ ✳ ✲ ✱ ✧ ✦ ⍟ ⊛ ❃ ❂ ✼ ✻ ✰ ⍣ ✭ ≛ * ٭ ❄ ❅ ❆ ⁂ ☭ ☢ ⚑ ☭ ☮ ☯ ⚠♨ ⚒ ⚔ ⚛ ☣☠✇ ∞ ✕ ✙ ✚ ✛ ✜ ✝ ♰ ♱ ✞ ✟ ✠ ☒ ☚ ☛ ☜ ☞ ☟ ✓ ✔ ✖ ✗ ✘ ☑ ☪ ☫ ☬ ☥ ⚳ ⚴ ⚵ ⚶ ⚷ ⚸ ♆ ⚕ ⚚ ☤

Playing card suits, chess pieces and crowns

♠ ♤ ♡ ♣ ♧ ♦ ♢ ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟

Money - Money

€ £ Ұ ₴ $ ₰¢ ₤ ¥ ₳ ₲ ₪ ₵ 元 ₣ ₱ ฿ ¤₡ ₮ ₭ ₩ 円 ₢ ₥ ₫ ₦ zł ﷼₠ ₧ ₯ ₨ Kč

Arrows, lists

← → ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↚ ↛ ↜ ↝ ↞ ↟ ↠ ↡ ↢ ↣ ↤ ↥ ↦ ↧ ↨ ↩ ↪ ↫ ↬ ↭ ↮ ↯ ↰ ↱ ↲ ↳ ↴ ↵ ↶ ↷ ↸ ↹ ↺ ↻ ↼ ↽ ↾ ↿ ⇀ ⇁ ⇂ ⇃ ⇄ ⇅ ⇆ ⇇ ⇈ ⇉ ⇊ ⇋ ⇌ ⇍ ⇎ ⇏ ⇐ ⇑ ⇒ ⇓ ⇔ ⇕ ⇖ ⇗ ⇘ ⇙ ⇚ ⇛ ⇜ ⇝ ⇞ ⇟ ⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇣ ⇤ ⇥ ⇦ ⇧ ⇨ ⇩ ⇪

Geometric shapes (squares, circles, etc.)

■ □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ▪ ▫ ▬ ▭ ▮ ▯ ▰ ▱ ◆ ◇ ◈ ◉ ◊ ○ ◌ ◍ ◎ ● ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◖ ◗ ◘ ◙ ◚ ◛ ◜ ◝ ◞ ◟ ◠ ◡ ◢ ◣ ◤ ◥ ◦ ◧ ◨ ◩ ◪ ◫ ◬ ◭ ◮ ◯ ░ ▒ ▓ █ ❏ ❐ ❑ ❒ ⊕ ⊖ ⊗ ⊘ ⊙ ⊚ ⊛ ⊜⊝ ⊞ ⊟ ⊠ ⊠ □ ▪ ▫ ▸ ▹ ◂ ◃ ∅ ⊜ ∟ ∠ ∡ ∢ ∆ ∇ ⊲ ⊳ ⊴ ⊵ ⋈ ⋉ ⋊ ⋋ ⋌ ⍢ ▲ △ ▴ ▵ ▷ ▸ ▹ ▻ ▼ ▽ ▾ ▿ ◀ ◁ ◂ ◃ ◄ ◅ ✖ ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▉ ▊ ▋ ▌ ▍ ▎ ▏▐ ░ ▒ ▓ ▀ ▔ ▕


‖ ∣ ∤ ∥ ∦ ‗ ▔ ▕ ─ ━ │ ┃ ┄ ┅ ┆ ┇ ┈ ┉ ┊ ┋ ╌ ╍ ╎ ╏ ╱ ╲ ╳ ╴ ╵ ╶ ╷ ╸ ╹ ╺ ╻ ╼ | ‑ ‒ – - ― † ‡


┌ ┍ ┎ ┏ ┐ ┑ ┒ ┓ └ ┕ ┖ ┗ ┘ ┙ ┚ ┛ ├ ┝ ┞ ┟ ┠ ┡ ┢ ┣ ┤ ┥ ┦ ┧ ┨ ┩ ┪ ┫ ┬ ┭ ┮ ┯ ┰ ┱ ┲ ┳ ┴ ┵ ┶ ┷ ┸ ┹ ┺ ┻ ┼ ┽ ┾ ┿ ╀ ╁ ╂ ╃ ╄ ╅ ╆ ╇ ╈ ╉ ╊ ╋ ═ ║ ╒ ╓ ╔ ╕ ╖ ╗ ╘ ╙ ╚ ╛ ╜ ╝ ╞ ╟ ╠ ╡ ╢ ╣ ╤ ╥ ╦ ╧ ╨ ╩ ╪ ╫ ╬


™ © ® ¢ $ € ¥ £ ₴

Mathematical signs

‰ ‱ ∀ ∁ ∂ ∃ ∄ ∅ ∆ ∇ ∈ ∉ ∊ ∋ ∌ ∍ ∎ % ∏ ∐ ∑ − ∓ ∔ ∕ ∖ ∗ ∘ ∙ √ ∛ ∜ ∝ ∞ ∟ ∠ ∡ ∢ ∣ ∤ ∥ ∦ ∧ ∨ ∩ ∪ ƒ ∫ ∬ ∭ ∮ ∯ ∰ ∱ ∲ ∳ ∴ ∵ ∶ ∷ ∸ ∹ ∺ ∻ ∼ ∽ ∾ ∿ ≀ ≁ ≂ ≃ ≄ ≅ ≆ ≇ ≈ ≉ ≊ ≋ ≌ ≍ ≎ ≏ ≐ ≑ ≒ ≓ ≔ ≕ ≖ ≗ ≘ ≙ ≚ ≛ ≜ ≝ ≞ ≟ ≠ ≡ ≢ ≣ ≤ ≥ ≦ ≧ ≨ ≩ ≪ ≫ ≬ ≭ ≮ ≯ ≰ ≱ ≲ ≳ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊀ ⊁ ⊂ ⊃ ⊄ ⊅ ⊆ ⊇ ⊈ ⊉ ⊊ ⊋ ⊌ ⊍ ⊎ ⊏ ⊐ ⊑ ⊒ ⊓ ⊔ ⊕ ⊖ ⊗ ⊘ ⊙ ⊚ ⊛ ⊜ ⊝ ⊞ ⊟ ⊠ ⊡ ⊢ ⊣ ⊤ ⊥ ⊦ ⊧ ⊨ ⊩ ⊪ ⊫ ⊬ ⊭ ⊮ ⊯ ⊰ ⊱ ⊲ ⊳ ⊴ ⊵ ⊶ ⊷ ⊸ ⊹ ⊺ ⊼ ⊽ ⊾ ⊿ ⋀ ⋁ ⋂ ⋃ ⋄ ⋅ ⋆ ⋇ ⋈ ⋉ ⋊ ⋋ ⋌ ⋍ ⋎ ⋏ ⋐ ⋑ ⋒ ⋓ ⋔ ⋖ ⋗ ⋘ ⋙ ⋚ ⋛ ⋜ ⋝ ⋞ ⋟ ⋠ ⋡ ⋢ ⋣ ⋤ ⋥ ⋦ ⋧ ⋨ ⋩ ⋪ ⋫ ⋬ ⋭ ⋮ ⋯ ⋰ ⋱

Spelling signs

‹ ˆ › ʹ ʺ ʻ ʼ ʽ ʾ ʿ ˀ ˁ ˂ ˃ ˄ ˅ ˆ ˇ ˈ ˉ ˊ ˋ ˌ ˍ ˎ ˏ ː ˑ ˒ ˓ ˔ ˕ ˖ ˗ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˝ ˞ ˟ ˠ ˡ ˢ ˣ ˤ ˥ ˦ ˧ ˨ ˩ ־ֿ ׀ׂ ׃ ‚ „ … ‘ ’ " ” § ¨ « » ¬ ¶ · ¸ – - ˜ ! " & " () * , - . / ‐ ‑ ‒ – - ― ‖ ‗ ‘ ’ ‚ ‛ " ” „ ‟ † ‡ ‣ ․ ‥ … ‧   ′ ″ ‴ ‵ ‶ ‷ ‸ ‹ › ※ ‼ ‽ ‾ ⁀ ⁁ ⁂ ⁃ ⁄ ˫ ˬ ˭ ˮ ˯ ˰ ˱ ˲ ˳ ˴ ˵ ˶ ˷ ˸ ˹ ˺ ˻ ˼ ˽ ˾ ˿ ︰ ︱ ︲ ︳ ︴ ︵ ︶ ︷ ︸ ︹ ︺ ︻ ︼ ︽ ︾ ︿ ﹀ ﹁ ﹂ ﹃ ﹄ ﹉ ﹊ ﹋ ﹌ ﹍ ﹎ ﹏

Numbers - Numerals

❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳
½ ¼ ⅕ ¾ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ ⅓ ⅔ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ ⅙ ⅚
Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ Ⅻ Ⅼ Ⅽ Ⅾ Ⅿ ↀ ↁ ↂ

Emoticons for nicknames

Emoticons with emotions

😊 😉 😋 😀 😄 😅 😂 😃 😆 😝 😜 😛 😇 😒 😐 😕 😏 😑 😍 😘 😚 😗 😙 😳 😁 😬 😓 😔 😌 😞 😥 😩 😫 😣 😖 😢 😭 😪 😴 😷 😎 😰 😨 😱 😠 😡 😤 😵 😲 😟 😦 😧 😮 😯 😶 😈 👿 😺 😸 😹 😻 😽 😼 🙀 😿 😾 🙁 🙂 🙃 🙄 ッ ツ ヅ ツ ゾ シ ジ㋛ ☹

Japanese text emoticons Kaomoji

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) つ ◕_◕ ༽つ (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง (͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ) ʕ ᴥ ʔ (ᵔᴥᵔ) (ಥ﹏ಥ) (ง°ل͜°)ง
(ಠ_ಠ) (ಥ_ಥ) ◘_◘ ب_ب ಠoಠ (⊙ヮ⊙) (✿。✿) ⊙﹏⊙ ◉◡◉ ◉_◉
(・_・)♡ (◕‿◕) (◑‿◐) ╘[◉﹃◉]╕ o(╥﹏╥)o \ ( ◡ ) / (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ (́ ◕◞ε◟◕`) (●´ω`●) (;一_一)
(o・ω・o) ヽ(*・ω・)ノ (^人^) (´ ω `) (⌒ω⌒) (─‿‿─) (*^‿^*) ヽ(o^―^o)ノ (✯◡✯) (☆▽☆)
ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ (´。 ᵕ 。`) ╰(*´︶`*)╯ (☆ω☆) (っ˘ω˘ς) \( ̄▽ ̄)/ (*¯︶¯*) \(^▽^)/ ٩(◕‿◕)۶ (o˘◡˘o)
ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ (─‿‿─)♡ (¬_¬;) (〃>_<;〃) (︶︹︺) ( ̄︿ ̄) (>﹏<) (--_--) ( ̄ヘ ̄) (눈_눈)
(×_×) (x_x) (×_×)⌒☆ (x_x)⌒☆ (×﹏×) 〜(><)〜 {{ (>_ 〣(ºΔº)〣 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ╮(︶︿︶)╭
(づ ◕‿◕)づ (⊃。 ́‿ ̀。)⊃ (^ω~) (>ω^) (~人^) (^_-) (-_・) (^_ (^人 ☆⌒(≧▽​°)
(^_−)☆ (=⌒‿‿⌒=) (=^-ω-^=) ヾ(=`ω´=)ノ” (^ ω ^) ฅ( ɪ )ฅ (/-(エ)-\) (/°(エ)°)/ ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ ʕ ᴥ ʔ
/(^ x ^)\ /(=・ x ・=)\ /(^ × ^)\ /(>×<)\ /(˃ᆺ˂)\ ☆⌒(ゝ。∂) (^_ /(・ × ・)\ /(=´x`=)\
ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ┌(ಠ_ಠ)┘ ⊙︿⊙ ಠ▃ಠ (/) (°,°) (/) ☜(˚▽˚)☞ (´。 ω 。`) ( ̄ω ̄) (⌒‿⌒) ٩(。 ́‿ ̀。)۶
\(★ω★)/ o(>ω (` ω ´) ヽ(`д´*)ノ (μ_μ) (ノD`) o(〒﹏〒)o (。 ́︿ ̀。) ┐(˘_˘)┌ ╮(˘_˘)╭

Faces, people and silhouettes

🎅 👶 👧 👦 👨 👩 👴 👵 👮 👷 👱 👰 👲 👳 👸 💂 💁 💆 💇 🙅 🙆 🙋 🙎 🙍 🙇 👼 💏 💑 👫 👪 👬 👭 👯 💃 🚶 🏃 👤 👥

Gestures and body parts

👂 👃 👀 👅 👄 👍 👎 👌 👊 ✊ ✌ 👐 👋 ✋ 👆 👇 👉 👈 🙌 🙏 ☝ 👏 💪 💋

Hearts and holiday emoticons

💛 💙 💜 💚 ❤ 💔 💗 💓 💕 💖 💞 💘 💌 💟 💝 🎁 🎀 🎈 🎉 🎊 🎭

Numbers in squares

0⃣ 1⃣ 2⃣ 3⃣ 4⃣ 5⃣ 6⃣ 7⃣ 8⃣ 9⃣ 🔟


👑 🎩 🎓 👒 🎽 👔 👕 👗 👚 👖 👙 👘 👟 👞 👠 👡 👢 👣 👛 👜 👝 💼 👓 🕶


✂ 📌 📍 📎 ✏ ✒ 📏 📐 📕 📘 📗 📙 📖 📚 📔 📓 📒 📝 🎒 📁 📂 📆 📅 📋

Sports symbols/emoticons

⚽ ⚾ 🏈 🏉 🎾 🏀 🎱 🎮 🎯 🎲 🎳 🏂 🏆 🏇 🏄 🏊 🚴 🚵 🎿 ⛷ ⛹ ⛸

Musical symbols/emoticons

📯 🎹 🎸 🎻 🎺 🎷 🎼 🎵 🎶


⛲ 🌅 🌄 🌃 🌆 🌇 🌁 🌉 🌊 🌈 🌋 🌌 🌠 🎇 🎆 🎢 🎡 🎠 🗻 🗽 🗾 🗼 🎑 🎏 🎐

Weather, Earth and moon

☀ ☁ ⛅ ☔ ❄ ⛄ 🌎 🌍 🌏 🌐 🌞 🌝 🌚 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌙 🌛 🌜

Emoticons with animals, fish, birds and insects

🐋 🐙 🐚 🐟 🎣 🐠 🐡 🐢 🐬 🐳 🐸 🐊 🐲 🐉 🐔 🐓 🐤 🐥 🐣 🐦 🐧 🐂 🐄 🐃 🐮 🐆 🐇 🐰 🐈 🐎 🐏 🐐 🐑 🐕 🐖 🐱 🐷 🐽 🐶 🐴 🐀 🐭 🐁 🐅 🐍 🐒 🐗 🐘 🐨 🐪 🐫 🐯 🐵 🙈 🙊 🙉 🐹 🐻 🐼 🐺 🐾 🐩 🐝 🐜 🐞 🐛 🐌


💐 🌸 🌷 🌹 🌻 🌼 💮 🌺 🍀 🍁 🍃 🍂 🌿 🌾 🌵 🌱 🌴 🌳 🎍 🌲 🎄 🎋 🌽 🍄 🍅 🍆 🍇 🍈 🍉 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍍 🍎 🍏 🍑 🍓 🍒 🍐 🌰 🎃

Symbols for nicknames

The very first idea that comes to the mind of any player is to add to your nickname beautiful symbols. They can be all sorts of hieroglyphs, icons and even small pictures. The same cs go provides for the use of tens of thousands of additional characters, which are contained in special tables. A complete list of them can be found in the Unicode content, which is constantly updated with more and more new characters.

They resort to decorating a nickname with the help of symbols in cases where they specifically want to attract attention to themselves, or simply make a cool nickname. The most important thing in this matter is not to overdo it. One or two symbols will be enough, it’s just that some particularly strange individuals like to fill their nicknames to capacity with icons, so that they become difficult to perceive.

Now let's look at the specific symbols and the appropriate cases for their use. In general, the symbols in a nickname should emphasize it, and not hang like a dead weight. Now, if your name is “Thunderbolt,” then take it and add a lightning symbol to your nickname. It will immediately look more alive and beautiful. For unusual nicknames associated with death, corpses and the like, you can use the symbols of a cross, even a wing, if angels (or birds) appear somewhere in the name.

If you still found the old version of VKontakte from the end of the 2000s, you can remember how everyone who was not too lazy filled their names and information on the page with a ton of characters. In rare cases it looked cool, but for the most part, at that time there were so many people with badges that it quickly became mainstream and an attribute of a person not too close to the Internet. This moment still takes place in Odnoklassniki.

Some symbols may be displayed in colors other than those specified by the game, but the ability to create a colored nickname is not present everywhere. For example, in Unicode you can find an orange fire icon.

Letters for nicknames

There are also a great variety of letters for nicknames; letters from alphabets other than English and Russian are especially popular. Some Arabic/Chinese text in the nickname would look nice. Even if your nickname consists entirely of Arabic letters, this will already make you stand out on the Russian server.

There is still a fashion for using nicknames with all sorts of signs around the letters in Steam and Counter-Strike. You've probably seen people with a common nickname like Emperor, but each letter of the word was framed with squiggles, circles, and other elements. Those who want to seem cool and different from everyone else like to use this nickname.

By the way, with the help of these squiggles you can “break” the game, since the system allows you to set an unlimited number of strokes on one letter, this gesture is ugly, but you can have fun. Yes, each individual letter can be modernized with a dash or a small line, and this can be done in at least three levels. But you should not get too carried away so that your nickname is at least visible to others.

Emoticons for nicknames

A separate category of symbols for nicknames is emoticons. With the popularization of emoji, their symbolic counterparts began to be introduced into Unicode. They can be seen in some messengers, when someone inserted a regular emoticon into the title of a conversation, and in the messenger on the phone it was reflected as a symbol. It is these emoticon symbols that you can use for your nickname.

They are rarely used in games due to their cumbersomeness and inappropriateness, but in the same Skype you can mark your mood with an emoticon every day in your name. You won’t have to answer questions about your mood every day; all you need to do is write a smile in your nickname and you’re good to go.

Using symbols and emoticons, you can create entire stories in your name. Let's say you draw a couple of trees, stars and two smiley faces there. And the New Year's story is already ready with you and someone else. Again, you shouldn’t overdo it with this, since the abundance of emoticons in your nickname already looks ugly.

In general, the use of emoticons is only suitable for a certain atmosphere. They will only get in the way in the game, so write them only when necessary.

Our life is full of events, many of which are real holidays. And on such days you want something special, this also applies to the design of the celebration itself. And some designs are directly related to writing beautiful texts that attract attention. In this regard, today we want to show you how original you can make holiday inscriptions using beautiful letters V Russian language, and also how you can design the inscription so that it stands out. This and much more is below in the article.

The main thing in the article

Beautiful Russian letters for designing posters: templates with photos for cutting and printing

Posters reflect the essence of the event; most of them depict some symbolic things, names, inscriptions. If the poster is made in a bright style, then it will definitely attract the eye and interest. It is important not only to create a poster with colorful pictures and high-quality images, but also to make inscriptions to suit a specific style. Here are some examples that you can save, print and cut out.

Beautiful capital letters of the Russian alphabet for cutting: templates

Capital letters can set the tone for the beginning of a sentence. They should be big and beautiful. With the help of such techniques, a person’s attention is attracted, since the beginning of the text immediately intrigues.

If you want to use for your text uppercase capital letters, you will find the file for downloading them in one archive below.

Beautiful printed letters of the Russian alphabet for design: templates

You can use block letters to design comic posters or those written in an informative style.

  • You can make all the printed letters yourself using large sheets paper and pencil.
  • If it doesn’t work out the first time, you can always correct it and erase the excess.
  • You can also use stencils, which you just need to trace, decorate, and your inscriptions will be ready.
  • If you are good at redrawing, you can use our examples below.

Capital letters of the Russian alphabet in a beautiful font: templates for cutting and printing

Capital letters are more delicate and airy. Easy to write in cursive love letter, beautiful congratulations or a note for a loved one.

Beautiful Russian letters for nicknames: samples

Most people have a nickname, that is, a pseudonym under which they are recorded in social networks or other structures. A nickname often reflects what its wearer is like. And handwriting will give your nickname character, make it voluminous, characteristic of you.

Beautiful Russian letters for tattoos: photos

IN lately tattoos are gaining wild popularity, especially text ones. A tattoo is a reflection of a person’s soul, expresses something that cannot be expressed in words, which in general is not necessary. Some people write the name of the one they love, others write their values ​​and priorities. And the more beautiful it is written, the more it attracts attention. For tattoo in the best possible way Capital letters are suitable - light, airy letters with “squiggles”.

Beautiful Russian graffiti letters: stencils

Graffiti is another type of painting that is typical for the design of streets and buildings. Inscriptions of this kind existed long before the appearance of those that are present on the local streets. Street painting often reflects the artist’s view of a particular position. There are a lot of fonts for this style, since each avant-garde artist sees the situation in his own way and uses his own unique style.

Beautiful letters of the Russian alphabet with curls: samples

Letters with various kinds of curls look interesting and unusual; they can be used in writing magical and fairy-tale texts. Or any others you want to apply them to.

Beautiful letters of the Russian alphabet with monograms: pictures

Who doesn't love monograms? There are probably very few of them. Monograms are used everywhere: in the interior, in decoration, in paintings, in design, and even in text design.

Beautiful curly letters of the Russian alphabet: pictures

Curly letters, just like other letters, can be used to design interesting texts. They happen different types and size. And the design of the illustrations will help set the tone for your idea.

Beautiful carved letters of the Russian alphabet: pictures

Carved letters will look best in the “composition” of fairy-tale, magical texts, especially if you do them on thick paper and quite large.

Beautiful letters of the Russian alphabet in A4 format: print and cut out

Here you can view the letters in large format, as well as download and print.

New Year's letters of the Russian alphabet

New Year - why not create a winter-themed poster? The letters below are suitable for design.

Calligraphic letters of the Russian alphabet: photo

Some people cannot boast of calligraphic handwriting, so a stencil or printed version of the text comes to their aid. Below are the calligraphic type alphabet options.

Beautiful letters of the Russian alphabet for children: pictures

Video: Three-dimensional beautiful letters of the Russian alphabet

The Russian alphabet is large and rich, it has 33 letters, each of which is beautiful in its own way. Therefore, before using foreign words, pay attention to how beautiful Russian letters are. With their help, you can design thousands of posters, and none of those written foreign language, can't compare with them.

Many well-known practical teachers, such as Zaitsev, Doman, recommend starting to study letters and the alphabet with your child from 1.5 to 2 years old. To help you, we offer cards prepared by us with large large Russian letters. You can print the Russian alphabet, print it out, cut it out and use it as a tool for learning sounds and syllables.

Currently, there are many methods for teaching a child to read. But without knowing the letters of the alphabet, it is naturally impossible to teach a child to read. Using available material, in the form of cards with letters for children, will come in handy.

How to start learning letters with your child

First, you can print out alphabet cards for children in one copy. This will be enough to learn just the letters.

Children aged 1.5 -2 years should be dealt with exclusively in game form, a few minutes a day. With children aged 3 - 4 years, the lesson time increases to 15 minutes a day.

If you decide to make the letters of the alphabet yourself and teach your child yourself, then do not load your child with letters alone. A child needs variety; you can literally spend a couple of minutes paying attention to the colors and shapes of objects. Then the child will be more interested.

And most importantly, there is no need to grieve if the child does not immediately begin to “declare poetry” to you. Even if over the course of several lessons he seems to you to understand nothing and refuses to tell you letters and numbers, this is not at all true. The child simply remembers everything, analyzes it, time will pass, and you will be simply amazed by his abilities. Your job is to continue learning diligently.

When the child masters the letters, you can print out the Russian alphabet in one more or even in 2 copies. Then you can study syllables with your child and form small words.

Read more on our website in the section education and training .

Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, printable Russian alphabet

Before starting to learn the Russian language, any student must know its basis - the alphabet. You need to learn it in the very first lesson and you need to master this knowledge properly.

Any word in the Russian language consists of sounds, which are the basis of the shell of any word. Each word consists of a different sound design. The combination of letters in a word, as well as the stress, is of great importance.

In any language, including Russian, transcription is used to distinguish letters in words. It is transcription that helps to understand how a word sounds, giving it a generally accepted written form. The transcription will show the softness of the consonants, which syllables are in the word, as well as where the stress is located and which letters fall under it.

The letters of the alphabet can be divided into groups such as vowels and consonants. In addition, vowels can be stressed; this is only six letters. Shocked vowels are those vowels that, when pronouncing a sound, do not encounter any obstacles in the oral cavity. You can put your hand to your throat and feel how the ligaments vibrate. Any vowel can be shouted and sung. It is vowels that are the basis of any word, but stressed syllables sound distinct, while unstressed ones sound more colorless.

Consonant sounds usually encounter an obstacle in their path during pronunciation. Usually such sounds are quite difficult to pronounce if they are in a row. The Russian language does not have words that consist only of consonants. Consonants can also be divided into voiced and voiceless, as well as paired and unpaired sounds.

Capital letters

When studying the alphabet, you must also study the writing of letters, as well as punctuation marks. Large capital letters will be very important and needed in all further education of children. To develop handwriting, you will need to show your child different fonts that are used to write a particular capital letter.

For correct design letters while writing, you can make reminders for children. You just need to take sheets of paper that are in A4 format, on which to print suitable and various stencils with capital letters. Use a wide variety of fonts so that children can best remember how to write one or another letter of the Russian language. Such pictures can be colored, you can draw small elements of decoration on them, but in such a way that they do not distract from the information that the stencils contain.

You can use classic combed fonts, original writing, floral and festive designs, the main thing is to show your imagination and involve children in creating such an alphabet; they will be interested in decorating and coloring capital letters on paper that is in A4 format.

Lowercase letters

Learning the rules of how to write lowercase letters is just as important as uppercase ones. Therefore, in order to learn the entire alphabet this way, it would also be a good idea to use similar stencils and different fonts that can be printed on paper that is in A4 format.

Then lowercase letters will be learned much easier by children, and if printed pictures are hung up as an example, then children will better remember the Russian alphabet and learn to write different fonts using printed stencils as an example. It is the stencils that will become the basis for children to quickly memorize certain lowercase letters.

Russian alphabet

Letter stencils – useful material for creating a variety of crafts. We have selected several convenient templates for you, with the help of which you can do a lot of interesting things with your own hands. Some of them can also be used for children's creativity, as they look very funny. Others are more strict and classic. There are also many original stencils in the selection.

All letter templates are suitable for cutting out - just print them on paper. If you don’t have this opportunity, try to draw them yourself. Some stencils can simply be used as interesting idea. Most of the letters are collected in the alphabet (Russian or English) - you can select from the collection and print only those that you need.

All images are clickable and available in good quality. In addition, they can be opened in a graphic editor to combine them with something. So, for example, if you need letters to cut out Russian and English alphabets at the same time, you can easily collect them on one sheet and print them together. Templates can also be enlarged or stretched to achieve the right size blanks

In the selection you will find Russian letters that are perfect for cutting out to decorate children's blocks or home alphabet. Some of them are accompanied by silhouettes of animals, others by funny faces. The same can be done with stencils of letters of the English alphabet.

All the templates presented are suitable for designing postcards or album covers, voluminous crafts (like soap or candles), creating patches on clothes, etc. Many of them would be wise to print on paper and use for scrapbooking. If you want to spray or write with paints, print the entire stencil and cut out the letters themselves with a stationery knife (you won't need them), without touching the paper.